Minutes TC 06/20/1989MINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in regular session on Tuesday, June 20, 1989. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Mayor George Doran Mayor Pro Tem Marilyn Hallgren Council Member Marshal Engelbeck Council Member Bob Sylvia Council Member Absent was: Council Member Vance Also present were members of the Town staff: John Hill Jack Jacobs Marion Jenkins Cindy Kelly Diane Anderson Jill FIAS conaro Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council Member Sylvia gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Jenkins led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Mayor Pro Tem Doran made a motion to approve the minutes of CHH: June 6, 1989 meeting as written, Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Hallgren made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 15, 1989 meeting as written, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. Page 2 PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Mayor Pro Tem Doran suggested a meeting between the various entities of Trophy Club in order to create a more positive image. Mayor Pro Tem Doran suggested having the Town Council, M.U.D. Boards and the C.I.A. Board meet first and then at a subsequent meeting invite the Realtors and the School Board. Mayor Pro Tem Doran will keep the Council informed on this. TOWN COUNCIL TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER A NEW PRELIMINARY PLAT/SITE PLAN OF CASTLEGLEN ESTATES OWNED BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PHASE II. Mr. Craig Curry of the Nelson Corporation review the plan with the Council. Mr. Curry stated that the smallest of the three lots in the revised plan was over 25,000 square feet. Council Member Hallgren made a motion to approve the plan as submitted and recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, Mayor Pro Tem Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS The Staff Reports are filed with the minutes of this meeting. Council Member Sylvia made a motion to approve the financial report as presented, Mayor Pro Tem Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. WORKSHOP: TOWN CQUNCIL AND STAFF MEMBERS The Town Council and staff members reviewed several ordinances. No action is required at a workshop meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION: TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Pro Tem Doran made a motion to appoint Julia Luellen and Blake Irwin to the Public Works Committee as recommended by the committee, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Engelbeck stated that Doug Glaspell had agreed to serve as Chairman of the Public Safety Committee. Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to appoint Pat Nash to the Public Safety Committee, Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously.