Minutes TC 07/18/1989MINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in regular session on Tuesday, July 18, 1989. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carter George Doran Marilyn Hallgren Marshal Engelbeck Bob Sylvia Terry Vance Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town staff: John Hill Jack Jacobs Marion Jenkins Cindy Kelly Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney Treasurer Marshal Bookkeeper Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. INVOCATION Sheriff Kirby Robinson gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Captain Fletcher led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carter introduced Sheriff Robinson and Captain Fletcher of Denton County Sheriff's Department. Sheriff Robinson reported they had just come from a meeting with the Mayor and Marshal Jenkins. Sheriff Robinson stated that the Denton County Sheriff's Department hopes to continue providing police protection for Trophy Club for another year. He has submitted a contract for the Council's consideration. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 20th meeting as written. Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried with Council Member Vance abstaining. He was not in attendance. Page 2 PRESENTATION: NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Mayor Carter introduced Mrs. Eileen Standridge, Directional of Instructional Services for Northwest I.S.D. Mrs. Standridge review the changes for the upcoming school year and answered questions for the Council regarding the school system. Mrs. Standridge also introduced President of the School District Phoebe Dill, Dr. Ammons, School Board Superintendent and Ed Tweedie, School Board Member. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS Ms. Kathy Groh, President of the Garden Club, stated that the club would like to implement a plan to plant trees in the Town medians. The club is asking for donations and would like for the residents to participate. Council Member Sylvia made a motion to approve the Garden Club's program for planting trees in the medians, Mayor Pro Tem Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. Ms. Groh will provide more information concerning the plan at a later meeting. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Council Member Vance congratulated everyone involved in the 4th of July festivities. He stated that every year the celebration gets better. Mayor Pro Tem Doran reported that the ordinance violations are still a problem. He asked the Council to assist the staff by reporting any violations they might be aware of. Mayor Pro Tem Doran stated that several residents have asked questions concerning the status of the Trophy Club/Southlake Merger Committee. He pointed out that several articles have come out in the newspapers and the Council has not been kept informed. Council Member Doran stated that some residents are more informed than the Council. Mayor Carter stated the reason the Council unanimously agreed to maintain a "hands-off" policy in the beginning was to let the various sub -committees compile the material necessary to make a recommendation to the Council. He stated that any information presented now would be incomplete since the sub- committees have not finished compiling their findings. Mayor Pro Tem Doran made a motion to reverse the Councils "hands-off" position with the Trophy Club/Southlake Merger Committee, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried with Council Members Vance and Engelbeck opposing. Page 3 Council Member Hallgren made a motion to have the merger committee report to the Council at each Council meeting, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Carter suggested passing a resolution or setting aside a day to honor the employees of the Country Club. He pointed out that the Country Club is the focal point of the community and the employees should be commended. The general consensus of the Council was in favor of the idea and suggested discussing this at a later meeting. Tracy Kunkel, District Court Clerk for Denton County, reported to the Council that on October 6th a "Denton County Economic Development Day" would be held. Ms. Kunkel asked the Council to consider participating by appointing a representative to work on the committee. STAFF REPORTS The staff reports are filed with the minutes of this meeting. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the financial statements as presented, Mayor Pro Tem Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to bill ambulance fees for four months and turn all delinquent bills after that over to a collection agency. Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS The committee reports are filed with the minutes of this meeting. Council Member Vance stated that an additional $986.37 was needed for irrigation repairs at the park. He pointed out that the money was available in the park budget. The general consensus of the Council was to have the repairs done. Council Member Vance made a motion to use $750.00 out of the park budget for wiring and equipment needed to move the overhead light poles in the park. Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO. 87-24 DEALING WITH RESTRICTIONS ON BOATS, TRAILERS AND MOBILE HOMES. PAGE 4 Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to approve the amendment as presented, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO. 85-17 DEALING WITH JUNKED VEHICLES. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance as amended, Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO. 87-06 RELATING TO FLOOD HAZARD REGULATIONS. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance as written, Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried unanimouslv. ADJOURN Council Member Vance made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried unanimously. _ MAYOR