Minutes TC 09/28/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETI�G TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, September 28th, 1987. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Aldo Martignago Terry Vance Tracy Kunkel. Beverly Foley Dick Venetoff Mayol rlayor Pro Teo/ Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town staff: �ohn HilI Attorney David Nolte Marshal Jack Jacobs Treasurer Cindy Kelly Financial S20retary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. INVOCATIQN Council Member Vance gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Nolte Ied in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF �INUTES Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 14th oeeting with an amendment, Mayar Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. PRESEMTATIONS BY CITIZENS None. PRESENT�lTIONS BY COUNCIL Page 2 TOWN COUMCIL TO ADOPT THE 1987 TAX RATE Mayor Pro Tem Martignago made a motion to adopt the 1987 tax rate at 17.5 cents to support the 1987-88 Town property budget, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried with Council Member Foley opposing. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN 8F TROPHY CLUB AND DENTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. Council Member Venetoff made a motion to approve the agreement with the Attorney's modifications, Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS -Marstial Nolte asked Mr. Hill what the Town could do to alleviate the number of real-estate signs being placed on the side of Hwy. 114 in front of Trophy Club. Nr. Hill will report back to the Council at the next meeting. -Mr. Hill reviewed his status report with the Council. A copy of the report is filed with the minutes of this meeting. -Ms. Kelly reviewed the financial report with the Council. A copy of the report is filed with the minutes of this meeting. CQUMCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING DN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS OF 7­11- Two HE Tem Martignago made a motion to approve the Resolution` Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CO&�CIL TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING MATTERS: 1.) Committee Appointments: Board of Adjustments. 2.> PepsonneI: Slapy Adjustments. 87E5! SESSIOM 1.) The Council will ask for peupIe to submit applications tc serve on the Board of Adjustments. TabIed.