Minutes TC 06/08/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Troohy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, June 8, 1987 at the Municipal Utility District Building. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Aldo Martignago Terry Vance Tracy Kunkel Dick Venetoff Beverly Foley Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town Staff: John Hill Mark Mendez David Nolte Jack Jacobs, Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney Planner Marshal Treasurer Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION Council Member Vance gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Nolte led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Ver -setoff made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 11, 1987 meeting as written" Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago abstained because he was not in attendance. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 18, 1987 meeting as written, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried. Mayor Pro Tem Martignaqo abstained because he was not in attendance. page 2 PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS -Mr. Jim Mueller, 2 Monterrey Drive, reported to the Council that in recent months, cars on Monterrey Drive have been vandalized. The Methodist Church bus was also stolen. Mr. Mueller stated that Durango and Monterrey were being used as short ruts to Roanoke and Marshal Creek. The people are also speeding and using the roads at all hours of the night. Mayor Carter stated that the land being used as an unauthorized road belongs to Bass Corporation. He will contact them and get permission to post no tnespassing signs in the area. The police can then issue citations for trespassing. -Mr. Lou Opipare, Chairman of the 4th of July Celebration, presented the Council with a letter sent to him by Independent American. The letter stated that in order to use the grounds at the entrance for the celebration, a letter of indemnification from the Town would be required. Independent American also repuested a copy of the Town's liability policy with the appropriate rider indicating Independent American as a named insured for the duration of the event. The CounciI agreed to grant this request for the three days of events~ This action will be ratified at the June 22, 1987 meeting. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNClL -Council Member Venetoff stated that at a workshop meeting on the Master Plan, the general consensus was to eliminate the bridge in the northeast corner of Trophy Club. There were concerns over the cost and if it would be asthetically pleasing to the area. Council Member Venetoff suggested a 100 year flood road for that area. He felt that Marshal Nolte made a good point about providing Quick access for fire and Police protection. Mayor Carter stated that the discussions at that meeting were Just ideas to be considered in the future. Council Member Venetoff suggested a monthly report from the building inspector. Chairman Mike Hamper stated that he could include the report in his presentation to the Council every month. Council Member Kunkel stated that her committee was not pleased with the Freese and Nichols proposal on the streets. The committee will review the issue and report back to the Council. Pape 3 Council Member Kunkel stated that one of1her committee members offered to repair the guard The committee may come to the Council to use funds ckJof the street budget for repairs. -Council Member Vance pointed out that there seems to be an increase in air traffic over Trophy Club. The Council will ask the P.A.L.E. committee to see if the traffic can be directed over Lake Grapevine. -Mayor Carter stated that he attended a M.U.D. meeting last week to discuss drainage. There seems to be a question as to who should take responsibility in orainage matters. The Council instructed Mr. Hill to formalize a policy outlining the Town's responsibility in this area. COMMITTEE/COMMISSION REPORTS -Planning and Zoning Commission: Commissioner Mike Hamper stated that the next meeting of the P & Z will be June 15th. The Commission ,s working on the Cumorehensive Zonino Ordinance and should send it to the Council for review soon. Commissioner Hamoer also stated that Tim Fleming, the new building inspector is doing a fine Job. ROANOKE/WESTLAKE/TROPHY CLUB METHODIST CHURCH COMMl7TEE -Council Member Vance stated that he has been trying to contact Reverend Adams. He will talk to the Church about olacing barriers to orevent flow-through traffic and fint out what plans they have for the traffic flow. PARK DEDICATION COMMITTEE -Council Member Vance stated that the lowest bids for the park proposal were $1,500 and $1,750. Before the aporaisals can be done a survey might have to be made that would cost approximately two to four hundred dollars. STAFF REPORTS -Marshal Nolte reoorted that Lt. MauIden had been assipned to Denton due to personal reasons. He introduced Sgt. Gene Gardner who will be replacing Lt. Mau1den. Marshal Nolte reported that the officers who are assigned to Trophy Club are also being used in Roanoke. Trophy Club's contract calls for 24 hour coverage. Roanoke is contracting for partial coverage. Marsha] Nolte met with Sheriff Kaisner and was told this would stop immediately. pave 4 Marshal Nolte reported that the police are watching the Indian Creek and Trophy Wood intersection. Several complaints have been made concerning people runninp the stop sign. FINANCE REPORT Ms. Kelly was unable to attend the meeting to review the report with the Council. Council Member Venetoff stated that enpineering fees for the review of plats should be billed directly to the developers. He suggested having Freese and Nichols bill the developers directly. ATTORNEYS REPORT Mr. Hill presented his report to the Council. A copy is filed with the minutes of this meeting. TOI"N PLANNER Mr. Marx Mendez of Freese and Nichols, stated that he and Mr. Boutwell are working on three assignments for the Town. They are the Subdivision Regulations, Comprehensive Zoning Map and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE Mr. Steve Kimble reviewed a report with the Council that outlined the calls the E.M.G. has made since January 1st. He stated that a heart monitor and defibulation unit had been donated to the E.M.S. by a local hospital. Mr. Kimble stated that the E.M.S. has made the following recommendations for the E.M.S. Advisory Board. They are: 1. Dr. Key 2. Dr. Laughlin 3. Dr. Matchett Council Member Vance wade a motion to approve the appointments to the Board as recommended, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Foley will be the Council reoresentative to the Board. CONS3DERATION OF ORDINANCES: SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR A RESIDENTIAL -7,500 SQUARE FEET ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING USE, HEIGHT, AREA, BUILDING AND PARKING REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR PLATTING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE. Pape 5 Council Member Venetoff made a motion to aoorove the ordinance with mccifications, Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried with Council Member's Foley and Vance opposing. ( Changes are filed with the minutes of this meeting). COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 0 85-22 AND AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO. 0 86-14 RELATlNG TO NO PARKING OW CERTAIN STREETS. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance with modifications, Council Member Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING AND ZW-4lNG COMMISSION. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago made a motion to aoprove the ordinance with modifications and subject to Mr. Hill's review. Council Member Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. (List of changes filed with the minutes). Council Member Kunkel made a motion to approve the Planning and Zoning modifications to the Subdivision Regulations, Council Member Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council adjourned into Executive Session to discuss committee appointments. OPEN SESSION Council Member Vance made a motion to appoint Mike Hamper as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Council Member Kunkel seconded` motion carried unanimously. Council Member Kunkle made a motion to appoint Mr. Dale Heistand as a member of the P & Z, Council Member Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to have Planning and Zoning select a Co -Chairman, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to extend an opportunity to Independent American to satisfy the requirements of the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval of Section 13 o]at, Council Member Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. O U R N E D �`c�'------------------~------ lie. cretary