Minutes TC 01/12/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, January 12, 1986 at the Municipal Utility District Building. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Mayor Bettye Dayton Council Member Aldo Martignago Council Member Terry Vance Council Member Tracy Kunkel Council Member Absents Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff Also present were members of the Town staffs John Hill Attorney Dan Boutwell Town Planner Jill Fiasconaro Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7205PM. r�N Council Member Vance gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Kunkel led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Martignago made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 15th Public Hearing with modifications. Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Dayton made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 30th meeting, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. page 2 STAFF REPORTS: -Town Marshal: Marshal Nolte was unable to attend the meeting. Mayor Carter stated that Denton County Commissioners Court approved the Inter -local Agreement for the period of January 1, 1987 to September 30, 1987. Lieutinant Malden reviewed his monthly report. A copy is filed with the minutes. -Financial Report: Mayor Carter reviewed em new financial report prepared by Ms. Kelly. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the report with modifications, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. -Attorney Report: Mr. Hill reviewed his report for the month documenting several projects he is addressing for the Town. A copy is filed with the minutes~ During Mr. Hill's report, the question of the guard house at the entrance was brought up. It has broken glass and is very unsightly as well as a health hazard. Council Member Vance made a motion to have Mr. Hill take the necessary steps to ascertain who owns the guard house. The Town will have the broken glass removed, clean it up and file a lien on the property. Council Member Martignagm seconded, motion carried unanimously~ COMMITTEE REPORTS -Planning and Zoning Commission: Mr~ Tynes asked Mr. Hill for some direction in how the Town will secure park land or cash in lieu of land dedication during the plat approval process. Mr. Tynes also asked Mr. Hill to review the Subdivision Regulations. In reference to the ordinance on the agenda for this meeting concerning the dead ending of Monterrey and Durango, Mr. Tynes had the following remarks: At the last P & Z meeting, residents expressed concerns over the amount of traffic in the area from the church. The church, although not within the Town boundaries, would be in violation of the Master Plan as well as the commercial and thoroughfare goals and objectives. It is not located on a major collector road, and would have a direct impact on a residential street. Mr. Tynes stated that if the streets were to remain open to Trophy Club, it could be setting a precedence for future areas around the perimeter of Trophy Club. page 3 -Town Organization: Council Member Dayton stated that the Council held a meeting last week to set up various committees for the Town. Each Council Member will oversee a committee. The Council Members are contacting residents who have volunteered to serve for each specific committee. -Parks and Recreation Committee: Council Member Vance stated that the committee is working on securing a site for the park. Two possible areas for dedication are the land between the elementary school and the Baptist Church and the area in Section 12 currently being used as soccer fields. The committee has contacted Independent American and Bass Associates and will continue to try to secure a parcel of land for the park. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS -Dr. James Loftlin, Chairman of the building committee for the Methodist Church addressed the Council. Dr. Loftlin apologized to the Council for not approaching the Town prior to starting construction on the Church. The Church is concerned with the proposed ordinance dead ending Monterrey and Durango streets in Village West. Monterrey provides the only access to the church parking lot on the east side. The Planning and Zoning Commission received information regarding the construction after their meeting where they voted to send the ordinance to the Council. Dr. Loftlin stated that the Church would like to work with the Town to resolve the ingress -egress issue. Dr. Loftlin read the following prepared statement: "There are serious statutory points of law as well as other legal issues that you are not aware of that will dramatically impact this proposed ordinance. We respectfully request that the matter be discussed in closed session with both parties and their attorney's". Council Member Vance made a motion to have the Planning and Zoning Commission meet with the Methodist Church and review the additional information. Council Member Martignagu seconded, motion carried with Council Member Kunkel opposing. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL. -Council Member Vance suggested moving the workshop on the Master Plan from the Club back to the Municipal Utility District Building. Several people have expressed interest in the workshop and space could be a problem. The Council agreed to move the meeting place. page 4 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: FIRST READING A) AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS~ ADOPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PREPARED BY FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC~; DETERMINING THAT IT IS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE TO ADOPT THE NEW PLAN. B> AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR OVERWEIGHT VEHICLES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE WEIGHING OF LOADED VEHICLES BY POLICE OFFICERS; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF READY MIXED CONCRETE; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SOLID WASTE" C> AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB~ TEXAS DESIGNATING AND DECLARING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS WITHIN THE TOWN, MONTERREY DRIVE AND DURANGO DRIVE, AS NO OUTLET OR DEAD END STREETS. Council Member Vance made a motion to table the first reading on the ordinance to dead end Monterrey and Durango until the next meeting. Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RECOGNIZING THE VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE; REQUIRING WRITTEN PROCEDURES FOR THE OPERATION OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIESV PROVIDING FOR THE ALLOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND SPACE; PROVIDING FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES; OUTLINING FINANCIAL PROCEDURES, USE OF TOWN SUPPLIES, ISSUANCE OF DIRECTIVES AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS IN THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BADGES; PROVIDING THE TOWN COUNCIL WITH DISCRETION REGARDING DISABILITY RELIEF; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING) AN EMERGENCY. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance as written, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed into Executive Session to discuss Committee Appointments. OPEN SESSION No action was taken in Executive Session. Council Member Dayton made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayor ____ Recording Secretary