Minutes TC 02/09/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, February 91 1987. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Bettye Dayton Terry Vance Tracy Kunkel Aldo Martignago Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town staffg John Hill Dan Boutwell David Nolte Jack Jacobs Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney Planner Marshal Treasurer Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. The Invocation was given by Council Member Vance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Nolte led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Vance made* a motion to approve the minutes of the January 12th meeting with modifications, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Martignago made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 20th meeting with modifications, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 26th meeting, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried with Council Member Dayton abstaining. She was not in attendance at the meeting. page 2 STAFF REPORTS -Marshal presented the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TWO MEMBERS TO THE INITIAL BOARD OF MANAGERS FOR THE PROPOSED EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISTRICT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Resolution was to appoint Mr. David Purifoy and Ms. Olive Stephens to the Board of Managers. A copy of the Resolution is filed with these minutes. Council Member Dayton made a motion to approve the Resolution, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. Marshal Nolte also reported on the following items: 1. The new right hand turn lane was/ installed at Hwy~ 114 and the West entrance of Trophy Club. 2. Marshal Nolte stated that Tri -County Electric would install a light to illuminate the main entrance at the cost of $650.00 and approximately $18.00 per month operating charges. The Council noted that the new traffic light to be installed this summer would have a light on it. No action was taken. 3. Marshal Nolte commended Officer 8*ye on his work with the youth in the community. He pointed out cases where Officer Gee helped two children with situations that could have resulted in unfortunate circumstances. Welsh presented the financial report for the month. She pointed out that Ms. Kelly has been working on the reports and would like any input from the Council as to what format they would like to see. Mr. Jacobs, Town Treasurer, stated that he would like to see a revenue schedule comparing it to the budget. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the report as presented, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. -Mr. Hill, Town Attorney, presented the Council with a monthly report documenting several projects he is addressing for the Town. A copy is filed with the minutes. COMMITTEE REPORTS PARK DEDICATION COMMITTEE: Mr. Sheller stated that he spoke with Mr. Boszak concerning the park grant. Mr. Boszak expressed frustration with the number of calls and misinterpretations concerning the grant. He asked for the Town to designate a person or persons to interact with the State on the grant. Mr. Boszak also requested a meeting in Austin to discuss changes in the original proposal. The meeting will take place on or before March 5th~ Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff suggested a Council person attend the meeting as well. He suggested Council Member Kunkel and Vance attend the meeting. Mayor Carter will draft a letter to the State concerning the committee. TOWN ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Council Member Dayton stated that she hoped the Council could confirm the committee appointments at the next meeting and get the committees started on their projects. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE Commissioner Tynes stated that the P & Z would like to address the R-7.5 Ordinance as soon as possible. He stated the Commission is giving the Plan Review Committee more responsibility such as granting variances. The Commission is also addressing the Commercial Ordinance. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL -Council Member Vance stated that he is concerned with the new Denton -Tarrant County line and the effects it might have on Trophy Club. The Council agreed to have Mr. Hill draft a Resolution requesting that Trophy Club be allowed to remain in Denton County~ -Council Member Kunkel stated that sand and mud from the construction on Salida and Monterrey is unsightly and is going into the storm sewers. She asked that the builder be notified to clean up the construction area. - Council Member Kunkel pointed out that when it rains, there is a problem with standing water on Village Trail near the school. The Town will contact the M.U.D. to see if there are any plans to put a storm sewer in that area. PAGE 4 -Council Member Marti nago stated that when the Emergency Medical Service insurance policy was separated from the Fire Department policy, it resulted in increased premiums. The premium for the E.M.S. would be approximately $4,600.00. The fire insurance which is paid by the M.U.D. would also increase. --Council Member Dayton stated that she felt the steeple on the Baptist Church was beautiful and added character to the Town. AN ORDINANCE OF `THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR OVERWEIGHT VEHICLES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE WEIGHING OF LOADED VEHICLES BY POLICE OFFICERS; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SOLID WASTE. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the Ordinance with the permit fee of $50.00, Mayer Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PREPARED BY FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC.; DETERMINING THAT IT IS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE TO ADOPT THE NEW PLAN. -Mr. Thomas Gaubert, of Independent American, urged the Council not to adopt the plan. He stated that it was not in the best interest of the Town. Independent American feels that the plan, as it stands now, does not give them the economic lines they need to develop. He stated that as far as the park site, they were willing to negotiate. They would like to see a minimum of three units per acre with some special residential areas. Mr. Gaubert stated that he feels there will be a market for special residential. -Mr. pat Atkins, Mr. Bruce Pr i ne and Mr. Jim Schell spoke on behalf of Bass -Sunbelt. They would like to see three types of housi-ng on 200 acres in Village West. G, 000 t o 9, 000 sq. ft . l of s on a 29 acre t Tact. 8,400 to 12,000 sq. ft. lots on a 55 acre tract. 7,200 to 12,000 sq. ft. lots on a 74 acre tract. The gentlemen representing Bass -Sunbelt offered a 21 acre site for a park located between the Lakeview Elementary and the Baptist Church if they could obtain this zoning. page 5 The Council thanked the developers for their offer but pointed out that the Town has a procedure for review and this would have to be reviewed by the P & Z. -Mr. Bill Nelson asked the Council to designate his 6.9 acre tract as special residential to construct 36 zero -lot line homes. He stated that this land buffers the golf course on one side and would lend itself to this type of housing. -Mr. Sheller asked the Council to leave the park site back in Section 12. Mr. Don PIekenpol, Mr. Jack Peters, Mr~ John Boller and Mr. Greg Ryback also requested the park site stay in Section 12. The Council discussed the requests from the developers concerning the density. The Council would like to maintain low density and also allow the developer flexibility in developing their property. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to send the R-12,000 back to the P & Z to review with the developers for clarification and recommendations. The Council would also like for the P & Z to address the R-7.5 in the same areas. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. The Council also instructed Mr. Hill to draft a Planned Development Ordinance for the Planning and Zoning to review. The Council took action on the following items conoenring the Master Plan Map. i.) 150ft buffer around the sewer treatment plant: Council Member Vance made a motion to maintain the buffer of natural vegetation and if a street is designed in this area, the 150ft buffer would be preserved. Council Member Dayton seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. 2.) Location for future elevated water tank: Council Member Vance made a motion to place the future tank in the park area site at the northwest corner of the map. Mayor Aro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. 3.) A suggestion was made to move schools and parks away from the perimeter of Trophy Club. The Council and P & Z stated that Northwest Independent School District had input as to the location of schools. Mr. Bmutwell, Town Planner, also pointed out that this is good planning to group schools, churches, parks, etc. to share facilities. The areas will remain as they are shown on the map. page 6 4.) The request was made to remove the entrances to Trophy Club from Marshal Creek Rd. and T. W. King Road. The consensus of the Council was to leave the entrances as shown on the râ–ºrap. 5.) Independent American suggested the concept of the loop road to provide a northern access to Trophy Club. The Council agreed with this concept. Mr. boutwell had changed the map to reflect this concept. The general consensus was to approve the loop as shown on the map. 6.) Independent American asked for the "4th nine" of the golf course to be removed and shown as residential. The general consensus of the Council was to leave the golf course as shown. 7.) Independent American requested present use designation on the plan to list the Sales and Development Office's, (which also houses the Selwyn School), as existing commercial uses instead of school and governmental. The Council stated that these two buildings would be designated commerical under a special use permit. 8.) Mr. Kirk Breitenwischer asked for Gibraltars land at the entrance to be designated commercial as well as the small five acre parcel on Hwy. 114. The Council decided to leave the entrance designated as open space until a specific plan is presented. Mr. 8reitenwischer agreed to leave the five acre parcel as residential for now. 9. ) Mr. B. L. Nelson had previously submitted a plan for 36 zero lot line homes on a 6.9892 acre parcel located at the corner of Indian Creek and Trophy Club Drive. Council Member 'dance made a motion to color the area "yellow" on the map to allow for zero lot line homes. Council Member Martingago seconded, motion carried unanimously. 10.) Mr. Jim Schell, Bruce Prine and Pat Atkins, representing Sass -Sunbelt, had stated at the previous meeting that their clients had bought several tracts under the assumption the zoning was based on the Gibraltar plan. The Council decided to leave the tracts as shown with the exception of Tract 11. Council Member Vance made a motion to color Tract 11 as "yellow" on the map, Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously. page 7 11.) The request was made to move the park site back in Section 12. Council Member Vance made a motion to move the park back in Section 12. He also added that the Town would work with the developer to minimize the impact on surrounding areas and there was no intent on the part of the Town Council to purchase the park land at this point. Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried with Council Members Kunkel and Dayton voting against. Motion carries. Council Member Martignago made e motion to adopt the Comprehensive Master Plan Map and Text as amended, including a statement that would show the Council's intent to work with the developers and show s degree of flexibility in the development of Trophy Club. Mayor Pro Tem Veneetoff seconded the motion. Council Members Vance, Venetoff and Martignago voted for the motion, Council Members Dayton and Kunkel voted against. Motion carries~ EXECUTIVE SESSION At this point in the meeting, the Council adjourned into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation~ OPEN SESSION Council Member Dayton made a motion to continue litigation concerning Mr. Klutts of K.& W. Construction. The litigation would for the next step only, which would be District Court. Council Member Vance seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. _ ____ TOWN SECRETARY