Minutes TC 04/27/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday April 27th, 1987. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carte-;,- Aldo arterA}do Martignago Tracy Kunkel Terry Vance Dick Venetoff Beverly Foley Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present Were members of the Town staff: John Hill Jim Buxton Dan Boutwell David Nolte Jack Jacobs Cindy Kelly Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney Auditor Planner Marshal Treasurer Financial Secretary Town Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. INVOCATION Council Member Vance gave the Invoration. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MI'arshal Nolte led in the Pledge of Allegiance, At this point in the meeting Mayor Carter called Ms' Bettye Dayton to come forward. Mayor Carter rec'ognized Ms. Dayton for her hard work riuring the two years she served on the Council. The Council Ms. Dayton with , desk Ms. Dayton stated that it had beer an honor and a rewarding experience to serve on the first Town Council for Trophy Club. She wished the Council well and askoj them to keep in mind the reasons for incorporation. page 2 RESOLUTION: COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND COWSTRUCTI8N OF AN AIRPORT LOCATED BETWEEN FM. RD. 156 AND INTERSTATE 35W, ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF HASLET` TX. Mr. Charles Shelby and Mr. Chuck Willis reviewed the plans for the proposed airport and answered question's from the audience. Mr. Pete Reuss and Mr. Ralph Kemp, representing the Planning and Zoning Commission, urged the Council to wait for a Federal Administration Association report before passing the Resolution. Several residents spoke in favor of the airport. Mr. Chuck Doedecker stated that he had talked with Mr. Perot and was told that in order to get good businesses in an area, quality education was a must. The airport will be in the Northwest School District. CcmrxciI Member Vance made a motion to approve the Resolution as written, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION- MR. JIM. BUXTON, C.P.A., TO REVIEW THE AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER _�O, 1986. Mr. Buxton reviewed the audit with the Council. Mr. Buxton°s only recommendation was to computerize the accounting system. The Council asked Mr. Buxton to recommend software packages for their review. A copy of the audit is filed with the minutes of this meeting. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 13th meeting with modifications, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS -Mr. Jack Jacobs stated that the Women's Club sign at the entrance was being used occasionally for advertising of outside businesses instead of community functions. The Council will review the agreement with the Women's Club as to what the sign will be used for. Mr. Jacobs- also stated that at the April 13th meeting the Council charged the P & Z with looking into an entrance to the back of Trophy Club. Mr. Jacobs was concerned with the ,.oise from the amount of traffic and the soeedinq. page 3 -Ms. Pearl Ford stated that she had come toa previous Council meeting and voiced concerns over the Planned Cable System not burying their cable. She said that since then the cable near her home has been buried and the lots around her home have been maintained. She thanked the Council and staff for their actions. -Mr. Ralph Kemp reported to the Council that the Quorum had flags and a banner on their buildings. The staff will contact the Quorum on the violation. -Mr. Bill Richardson reported to the Council that the situation with the beavers is getting worse. He presented pictures showing several trees that had been taken down. Marshal Nolte told the Council that he had talked with Scott Johnson and they felt the situation was under control and no new damage had been done. -Mr. Pete Reinke asked the Council if anything had been decided on the Methodist Church egress and ingress situation. Council Member Kunkel stated that the attorney for Roanoke had advised them not to get involved. Council Members Kunkel and Vance will try and meet with the Church. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL -Council Member Venetoff stated that the entrance off of Dorman road to the Church was adequate for emergency vehicles. He had also heard a tape of a M.U.D. #2 meeting where Reverend Adams had stated that there would be no entrance to the Church from Trophy Club. Council Member Venetoff reported to the Council that the Bass -Sunbelt group had already approached M.U.D. 42 for water -sewer hook-ups. They are also planning a presentation to the M.U.D. of their plat. -Council Member Vance asked if anything could be done concerning pools draining on another homeowner's property. Mr. Hill will look into what recourse could be taken. Council Member Vance stated that he is still looking for appraisers for the park land. -Mayor Carter stated there have been a number of lost and found signs in the medians lately. He suggested having a "clearing house" through the Town offices for people to call in these situations. He also suggested authorizing the Council, P & Z and staff to pick up signs that are not in compliance with the sign ordinance. Mr. Hill will amend the ordinance. page 4 Mayor Carter asked Mr. Hill to look into the $7.50 liquor fee charged by the club each month. Mayor Carter wanted to know if the State required the fee and if the Town could eliminate it. -Council Member Kunkel stated that the Public Works Committee is working on bids and contracts for repair of the streets. When they are completed Mr. Hill will review them. The Council had received a letter from the 4th of July Committee recently asking the Town to support the festivities again this year. This is the largest celebration in Trophy Club each year. The Womers Club, Volunteer Fire Department, Sports Association and other groups work hard each year to make the 4th of July celebration a success. Council Member Venetoff made a motion to sponsor the celebration with a donation of 52,00N.00. Council Member Vance seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS -Ms. Cindy Kelly reviewed the financial report with the Council. Council Member Venetoff suggested various changes in the report such as listing contingency items in a separate category. Council Member Venetoff made a motion to approve the report with changes, Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to allocate $11200.00 out of contingency for mosquito control. Council Member Venetoff seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. -Donna Welsh reported to the Council that $411000.00 in taxes was collected in the month of April. She pointed out that the multi -family units have not paid but delinquent statements have been sent out. -Mr. Boutwell, Town Planr*y~, reviewed his monthly report with the Council. He stated that the printing of the comprehensive Plan map was completed. Mr. Boutwell pointed out that the general consulting contract he has with the Town has expired. The Council asked him to present another general consulting contract to cover the period from present to September 30th, 1987. Mr. Boutwell told the Council that the P & Z had asked him to page 5 Council Member Vance made a motion to allow payment for up to 10 hours of Mr. BoutwelI's time to review the ordinance and pay for the work out of the contingency account. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boutwell pointed out that in order to complete the legal descriptions of the text he needed the golf course property legal descriptions. Mr. Roger Brown and Mr. Nelson stated that they would ask Mr. Gaubert if they could provide them to the Town. -Nr. Hill reviewed his report with the Council. A ropy of the report is filed with the minutes. -Marshal Nolte presented his report to the Council. Marshal Nolte had presented a resolution on drug abuse for the Council's review at this meeting. He urged the Council to pass the resolution. Marshal Nolte reported that he had met with the M.U.D. Board concerning leasing some land for a police station. The Board asked him to get more information on the building and present it at their next meeting. -Donna Welsh reviewed the Trophy Club Emergency Medical Service report with the Council. The report outlined the expenditures since January. Fire Chief Roger Unger will have a report at next months meeting on the number of runs the department made in the month. COUNCIL TOREVIEW FINAL PLAT SUBMITTED BY MR. B.L. NELSON FOR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL. The Nelson plat was turned unanimously by the Planning and Zoning Commission in April. He told the Council that he would like to withdraw the final plat and asked that it not be considered. Mr. Nelson stated that he was going to make changes in the plat and re -submit to the P & Z. RESOLUTION: COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF URGING THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CONGRESS TO CREATE A SPECIAL CATEGORY OF CRIME PROHIBITING THE SALE OF DANGEROUS DRUGS TO MINORS. The Resolution was a draft from the City of Hurst. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago made a motion to table the Resolution until the attorney could draft the resolution for Trophy Club. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: SECOND READING A} AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB REGUIRING THE FILING OF A SURETY BOND IN THE MOUNT OF TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS WITHIN THE TOWN PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING WITHIN FIFTEEN FEET OF A UTILITY EASEMENT OR OTHER PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE PROTECTION OF UNDERGROUND CABLE TELEVISION WIRES AND CABLES. Council Member Vance made a motion to table the ordinance until a representative of the Planned Cable Systems could be in attendance. Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. B} AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR A RESIDENTIAL -7,500 SQUARE FEET ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING USE, HEIGHT, AREA, BUILDING AND PARKING REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR PLATTING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to table the ordinance until the next meeting, Council Member Foley seconded, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Council adjourned into Executive Session to consider personnel matters. OPEN SESSION: The Council approved changes in the salary structure for town Council Member Vance made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Foley seconded, motion carried unanjmously. _ _ SECRETARY MAYO Y, r-