Minutes TC 11/24/1986��%MUTES OF REGULAR MEETIWG T0WM COU��CI� AND PLA�NI��G A��D ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > > COUWTY OF I}ENTOM ) The Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club met in Joint session on Monday, November 24, 1986. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Aldo Martigmago Bettye Dayton Tracy Kunkel Terry Vance Bill Tynes Jan Clinkenbeard Mike Hamper Peter Reuss Vance Booker Ralph Kemp Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Chairman P & Z Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also nresent were members of the Town staff: john Hill Dan Boutwell Jack Jacobs David Nolte Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney Town Planner Treasurer Marshal Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:10PM. TNVOCATIOM -Ke Invocation was led by Dr. Jimmy McLeod. PLEDBE QF ALLEGIA�CE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Marshal Nolte, page 2 =RESENTATION BY MR. TOM DYER Mr. Dyer; representing the Trophy Club Emergency Medical Service Association, addressed the Council concerning a contract between the Town and Methodist Hospital. Mr. Dyer oointed out that at the last Council meetino Fire Chief Unmer gave a presentation concerning the services Methodist offered and how the Town could benefit from the program. Mr. Dyer and other members of the association felt the presentation at the last meeting was not clear enough as tm what the association wanted from the Town in the way of suonort. Mr. Dyer oointed out three reasons for contracting with Methodist: 1.) The service allows the ambulance attendant to contact a oualified physician, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The physician can advise the attendant as to what 3rocedures should be implemented. 2.> Methodist Hospital insists that the volunteers or employees involved with the program stay current with their training. They will also aid in the training process. 3.> The liability situation is improved by subscribing to t4e service because the department will be following the standard aporoved procedure for emergency service. Also, written into the contract is the requirement that Trophy Club Emergency Medical Service have errors and omissions coverage as well as Methodist Hospital. Mr. Dyer stated that this service costs approximately $408.00 per month. Trophy Club Emergency Medical Service can sumport the prmgram for the next 12 to 24 months without any heIM. The members of the T.C.E.M.S. felt the Town should su000rt them by signing the contract. Council Member Martignago made a motion for the Town of Trophy Club to assume the responsibility of the Emergency Medical Services and in so doing provide a Resolution to that affect and include the acquisition of orooer additional. professional liability insurance in the Town~s policy. There will also be no further expense to the Town at this time. Council Member Venetoff seconded, motion carried unanimously., page 3 MASTE� PLAN WQR�SHOP� TOWN COUNCIL AND AND ZONI1,\�G C0MMISSICW Mr. Dan Boutwell, Town Planner with Freese and Nichols Engineering firm, gave a list of events that led up to the presentation of the Vaster plan at tonight's meeting. Mr. Boutwell pointed out that this is the result of thirteen months work. P community survey was sent to everyone in Trophy Club, and from those results the goals and objectives were developed. These goals and objectives were fashioned into a comprehensive plan For the Town of Troohy Club. Mr. Boutwell reviewed the thoroughfare plan, land use plan and population figures. Accordinip to the plan now being presented, the oopuIation of Troohy Club in the year 2005 would be 12,300. Mr. John Sheller, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee recommended the Council adopt the comprehensive map as presented with one exception. At Present, the sports association is using a parceI of land in Section 12 for soccer fields. They have constructed lighting and a concession stand in the area. The Planning and Zoning 7ommissior and Or. Boutwell placed the park north of that area in the vicinity of a pr000sed school and church site. Mr. Boutwell pointed out that this would be a better place For a park because combined recreational facilities and parking could be used for the school, park and church. This location also buffers corp land and would not impose on residential areas. Mr. Sheller pointed out that the grant given to Trophy Club for a mark from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was based on using this land. The Parks and Recreation Committee asked the Council to reinstate the park at its current site for the following reasons: 1.> Redure exposure to losing the grant by changing location. 2.) Eliminate the potential of closing down the youth soccer proD.ram. 3.} Minimize the expense for park develooment by having to move the lights, etc. page 4 Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission pointed out that this is a residential area with inadequate parking and the current location is not the highest and best use for the land. It is also privately owned and the owner has specified that the use of the land by the sDorts association is only temporary. Mr. Ed Snider, President of independent American Development Corooration stated that independent American would like to spend more time reviewing the map. He stated that Indeoendent American would come nearer supporting the park area to the north because he liked Mr. BoutweIl~s land use plan for that area and the reasons for it. Mr. Snider stated that Independent American does not have any plans in the short term to ask the Sports Pssociation to move from the area they are using now, but if the Master Plan dictates a better park use by putting the park somewhere else Independent American would support that transition. During the meeting several requests and suggestions were made concerning the Master Plan. The Council and Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the items, solicited input from the audience and voted on the changes and suggestions. They are as follows: 1. Mr. Cotton Skaggs su2gested placing a commercial area at the Northwest corner of Trophy Club. Commissioner Hamper made a notion to deny the suggestion, Commissioner Reuss seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Martignago made e =otiom to deny the request, Council Member Vance seconded~ motion carried unanimously. 2. Mr. Cotton Skaggs noted an area on the map that was designated open space. He pointed out that this is actually a residential lot. He asked for the correction to be made on the map. The PIanmino and Zoning Commission and Council instructed Mr. Bmutwell to note this area on the mao as a residential lot. 3. Mr. John Sheller reooested for the current oark area in Section 12 to be designated as a park site on the Master Plan instead of the area to the north. The planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to ceny the recuest. Council `4ember'n Vance and Martignago voted to aomrove the reguest, Iayor Pro Tem Venetoff and Council Mewer's Dayton and Kunkel vcted to denytha request. 4. Commissioner Reuss pointed out that the private school site located north on the map should be moved across the road adjacent to some nerimeter of the Town. Commissioner Reuss stated that golf course land is too valuable for a school to Suffer. He stated that he wobld defer to Mr. BoutweIl in selecting a more appropriate location. The Council and P & Z agreed. Mr. BmutweIl will relocate the school. 5. Commissioner Hamper recommended changing the 6.6 acre tract adjacent to Hwy. 114 as mark area instead of moderate density. The new overpass for Precinct Line Road will be in this approximate area and it was decided the tract would not be appropriate for residential. S. Commissioner Climkenbeard requested Mr. BomtwelI to recalculate low and moderate residential areas based on unit density percentage instead of acreage density oercentage. 7. Nr. Bob West, representing the McMackin property, requested commercial or residential zoning for the prmoerty which buffers Hwy. 114 and the main entrance of Trophy Club. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to leave the area designated as open space and address this issue when official zoning is applied for. The Council unanimously agreed. 8. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff pointed out that the special residential areas seemed to be grouped together in certain areas of the map. The Council instructed Mr. Boutwell to review this. 9. Council Member Vance suggested moving the special residential, (moderate density), located at the northeast corner of the mau to the opposite side of the road. The Council and Commissioners decided to leave this section as is CM the map. 10. Council Member Vance reouested Mr. Boutwell to recalculate the neo uired park areas omitting the berm areas and unuseable open soace. He cointed out that when the par� committee worked on the goals and objectives, the berms and unuseable ooem space were not counted in as part of the nark allocation in the Town. 11, The Council and P & Z unanimously agreed to change t4e designation of "park" area at the South-eastern entrance back to "commercial% 12. marshal Nolte reouested having an access to the "northwest loop" for emergency vehicles. Currently the map shows a greenbelt path entering the loop from the south and an access road from the east side of the loon. The Council. and Commission dewidFd to leave tne oath as it is on the mao. page G Mr. BoutwelI will address the chamges and suggestions and submit a revised copy of the map at the December 15, 1986 Public Hearing, LAW EWFORCEMENT UPDATE FR8�4 MA�SHAL NOLTE Marshal Nolte reported that he had met with Sheriff Kaisner concerning negotiations on the new contract. The figures Sheriff Kaisner gave Marshal Nolte were the auditors figures oreviously submitted to the Commissioners Court. Some of the figures had been modified but Sheriff Kaisner had not submitted the adjusted figures to the auditor for approval. Sheriff Kaisner was to contact the auditor and report back. Marshal Nolte stated that he had still waiting for some word from the Sheriff. Marshal Nolte statet that he had contacted Commissioner Lee Walker to request the Commissioner's Court to extend the law enforcement contract for one month. Commissioner Walker presented the request to the Commission and they agreed to extend the contract for one month but onIy at the new rate. Marshal Nolte told Commissioner Walker that Trophy Club would accept that at the present time but we would discuss those figures when it came time to pay them. The Council Wiscussed the issue and decided to proceed on the basis an the original cmmtract until the Town receives some notification in writing. Pt the last council meeting he and Lt. Malden had made a suggestion concerning no -parking on Summit Cove, Fairway Village Drive and the alley -way behind the duplexes. He stated that he and Lt. Malden felt these streets were too narrow to permit parking on the street. Marshal Nolte stated that t4ey would go along with the residents request and allow oarkimg on one side of the street in Summit Cove and Fairway Village Drive,, The Council agreed to parking on one side of the street on theme two streets and asked the attorney to amend the no - parking ordinance to include the alley -way behind the duplexes, Council Member Vance mad a Mart seconded, moAso n -r--��-----=~�,_,�-r���------ TOWN SECRETARY otion t JCounciI Member MAYOR