Minutes TC 11/10/1986MINiJ`TES [)F REGLJLAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > } COUNTY The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, November 10th at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Bettye Dayton Tracy Kunkel Terry Vance Mayor Council Membe� Council Member Council Member Absent were: Council Member's Venetoff and Martignago. Also present were members of the Town Staff� John Dan Boutwel] David Nolte Jack Jacobs Donna Welsh CALL TO BRDE� Attorney Planner Marshal Treasurer Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:109M. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mr. John Carter. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Marshal Nolte. CONSIDERATIOW 8F MINIUTES Council lember Dayton made a motion to amorove the minutes of the October 13th meeting with an amendment, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 27th meeting as written, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously. 0 a g e 2 StafF Reports: -Marshal Nolte stated that Sheriff Kaisner is supposed to contact him Wednesday to start negotiations on a new contract for oolize protection. -Lieutenant Maiden and Marshal Nolte reviewed the overnight parking ordinance and recommended no changes be made. Lieutenant Malden and Marshal Nolte recommended drafting a no parking ordinance to apply to Fairway Village Drive, Summit Cove Drive and the alley way between the Plantation and Townhomes. He pointed out that these roads are narrow and emergency vehicles would have a difficult time getting through if there were any cars parked on these roads. The Council felt there were other areas that might apply to this ordinance. Several questions were brought up concerning posting no parking signs and possibly designating one side of the street for parking. The Council asked Marshal Nolte to meet with Lieutenant Malden and re -think the recommendation. -Town Secretary, Donna Welsh, presented the financial report for the month of October. A copy of the report is filed with the minutes. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the reocrt as Presented, Council Member Dayton seconded, motion carried unanimously,, -Treasurer jack Jacobs stated that the accounts will be put an the computer- within the next couple of months. He stated that bids are coming in for the audit and as soon as they are all in he and Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff will review the bids and make a recommendation to the Council, Mr. Jacobs told the Council that the money due from the club on the late hours/catering ordinance for 1985 had been paid. He stated that the bill for 1986 had been sent as well. -john will, Town Attorney, presented the council with his report for the month outlining several projects he is addressing. He pointed out that in reviewing the plats, mart of Trophy Club Drive has not been dedicated to the Town. The council asked Mr. Hill to draft a letter to the developer asking them to dedicate this portion to the Town. Council Member Kunkel asked Mr. Hill to draft a noise ordinance for the Council to review. She also asked Mr. Hill to check into the possibilities of dedicating land for school sites like the Town requires for park land. page 3 Mayor Carter asked Mr. Hill to look into the issue of weight limits for vehicles entering the Town. Council Member Vance asked for a clarification on the ownership o� the berms and common areas. He stated that the Town is going to be assuming the maintenance of certain areas the C.I.A. currently maintains and the Town needs to know what they are undertaking. -Town Plamner, Dan Bootwell, presented the Council with his monthly report. Mr. BoutweIl reported that he is working on five ongoing projects. At a workshop on November 24th, the Comprehensive Plan Map will be presented and reviewed. NO. BuutweIl is also working on the Comprehensive Plan Text. At a previous meeting~ the Council had authorized two hours work to determine what work had been done in the past to determine the condition of the streets. Council Member Vance asked Mr. Boutwell to document his findings. Mayor Carter asked Mr. Bcutwell to submit a proposal outlining what steps should be taken to repair the streets as well as preventative maintenance. Mr. BoutwelI stated that the Streets and Storm Drainage Project was still on hold. He asked the Council for their direction on this project. Mayor Carter stated that Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff was going to check the budget to see if this project was accounted for in the new fiscal year budget. COMMITTEE REPORTS: -Mr. Peter Reuss, Commission Member, reoorted to the Council on several projects: 1.) Mr. Reuss stated that the P & Z had unanimously denied a request for variance on the sign ordinance made by John M. Brown Co. Mr. Brown's comoanv reouested Placinq three two sided 4 x 8 ft. signs a various places in Trophy Club. 2.) Mr. Reuss reported that the Sports Association was instructed to arovide the Commission with sealed engineerir drawimqs or a certificate from a licensed enoineer on the building they erected at the soccer fields. The Commission also wanted verification that the water utilities at the building had been approved by the M.U.D. The Sports Association was also instructed to obtain a letter from Independent American, the land owner who initially brought the complaint to the Town that someone had erected a building on their property, stating whether they allowed or disallowed the building. They were also asked to have the building inspected as required by Town ordinance. page 4 3.> Mr. Reuss stated that the Commission was still reviewing Section 13 for final plat approval. The plat still needs to reviewed with respect to the R-12,000 Ordinance, underground utility ordinance and the oark dedication ordinance. 4.) The Commission was very pleased with the preliminary comprehensive plan map provided by Freese and Nichols. Mr. Reuss stated that he is an engineer by education and in his opinion Mr. Boutwell's work on the map was excellent. -Ms. Jan Clinkembeard, of the Plan Review Committee, stated she was pleased to report that the review arocess was going nicely. The Committee averages one dozen plans a meeting and meets twice a month. The builders have complied with the deed restrictions by going through this process. Council Member Kunkel thanked Ms. Clinkenbeard and her committee for all of their hard work and the success of this committee -Mr. john Sheller, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committeer reported that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has been quite impressed with the way Trophy Club has worked to try and receive park land for the project. In turn, they have extended the December 16th deadline. The next progress report from Trophy Club is due on the 16th of December. Mr. Sheller reported that the Parks and Recreation Committee has spent a considerable amount of time developing a comprehensive parks and recreation proposal for the master plan. Mr. Sheller stated that he had seen the map Mr. Bout,velI will be presenting on the 24th and feels it is in keeping with what the citizens felt was necessary for parks in Trophy CIub,, Mr. Sheller nointed out that the Parks and Recreation Cmmmittee was very anxious to see the Park Land Dedication Ordinance implemented. Section 13, which is now before the P & Z for final platting will be the first section to be affected by the Ordinance. The Committee will draft a letter of recommendation for that particular plat. RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DALLAS/FT. WORTH AIRPORT TO AGREE TO CERTAIN LIMITATIONS IN REGARDS TO RUNWAY 13R/31L WHICH IS TO OPEN lN LATE �Ni8VEMBER. Mayor Carter directed the Council's attention to a letter from Mayor Lloyd Latta of Southlake. The letter asked Trophy Club for their suoport in reouesting the DFW Airport to agree to limitations is the use of the new runway. Mr. Dean Henry, a member of the People Against Low Elevations committee~ stated that although he did not feel Trophy Club would be adversely affected, the committee recommended supporting Southlake by passing the Resolution. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the Resolution, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. Developer Relation Committee- Mayor Carter stated that he had met with Ed Snider of independent American. Mayor Carter told Mr. Snider that if Independent American had anything to tell the Town on the Master Plan they better hurry un. Mayor Carter stated that they have not attendeo any of the meetings lately and so the Town does not want any complaints after the plan is completed. Town Organization Committee- Town Secretary Donna Welsh stated that she had a few people who have called to volunteer- for oIunteerfor various committees. The Council decited that December 80, would tie the deadline for volunteers. pRESEMTATIONS BY C1 T! Mr. Stu Herigmt stated that Denton County is raising the taxes 59.8% this year. He stated that he and several other Denton County residents were seeking signatures on a petition to initiate a rollback of County taxes. Mayor Carter stated that the Town does not have a facility to hold a hearing. He suggested Mr. Herigot contact the M.U.D. or the Women's Club and see if they could assist him. Mr. Pete Reuss stated that when the Women;S Club first approached the P & Z concerning the sigr, at the front entrance it was to be used for civic matters only. Mr. Reuss Felt that the Tax Seminar that was advertised lately was for advertising purposes only. Tr. Reuss also asked the Council to consider adopting an ordinance prohibiting the parking of oars on grass. He stated that several peoole are usinp their yards as oarkinq lots to ;et their cars off of the stree varshal Nolte will check into the matter. PRESENTATION BY COUNCIL Council Memoer Kunkel asked for a clarification on the $20,000.00 contingency in the budget for parks and recreation department. She stated that the original proposal was for some lights and two tot parks. This was contingent upon the committee being able to lease the land from Indeoendent American. Council Member Kunkel stated that since Independent page 6 Independent American was not going to lease any land the tot parks are out of the question at this particular time. Council Member Kunkel asked what happens with the $20,000.00 now if they are not going to use it for this specific purpose. Mayor Carter stated that there will not be any giving of money to anybody without Council approval. The agreement was also that this would be a 50/50 split, with the Park Committee providing their half. Mayor Carter stated that since the land is not leased the Town cannot do this anyway. Council Member Kunkel stated that she wanted to make sure that the Committee understood the terms and the Town was not going to blanketly hand them $20,000.{)0. Treasurer Jack Jacobs stated that the original proposal was; The cost of the lights was to be $25,000.00. The Town would pay $12,500 (or half) of that. The cost of the two parks was $151000.00 or $7,500.00 each. The first park was to be paid for by the park committee. The second park would be the $7,500.00 from the Town. All of this was contingent on the leasing of the land and the approval of the Council. Council Member Kunkel stated that a lot of people seem to think that they are getting the $20,000.00 to do with what they please and she wanted this matter clarified for the records. Council Member Dayton stated that she was concerned with the debris by the Planned Cable Building. They were supposed to clean the area but have failed to do so. John Hill will draft a letter asking them to clean the area by the building. MW JOHN HILZ TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL CONCERNING A TO THE SIMG ORDINANCE. Mr. Hilz was not in attendance to make the presentation for his variance. Council Member Vance made a motion to table the agenda item until Mr. Hilz makes another requests to appear before the Council. Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. -XECUTIVE SESSION: The CounciI a�Journed into Executive session in accordance with Article 6252-17 V.A.T.C.S. to discuss the foIIowing matters: 1.> Council to consider contemoIated litigation. OPEW SESSION" 1.} �o action was taken in Exerutive Bession. ��DJOURN Council Member Dayton rj-�ade a motion ta adJourn� Coun�il �emb�*r Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. ' / \ --7—��T��------ ----------- _ ... .... .... TQWN SECRETARY