Minutes TC 06/23/1986MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF DENTQN ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday June 23, 1986 at 7:00PM at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was ooen to the Public and was held within the boundaries of the Town. Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Bettye Dayton Aldo Martignago Tracy Kunkel Terry Vance Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town staff: John Hill Attorney Jack Jacobs Treasurer David Nolte Marshal Donna Welsh Secretary CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:03PM. INVOCATION Dr. Jimmy McLeod led the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Martignago led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes mf the May 27th meeting as modified, Council Member Kunkel seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 9th Public Hearing as written, Council Member Vance seconded: motion carried unanimously. During the discussion of the minutes, the subject of the street conditions was brought up. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that since the residents pay Denton County taxes, he felt there were some areas in which the county could help page 2 in the repairing of the streets. He suggested one way would be to help in sealing the cracks that need to be dome on several areas of the streets. Another way would be when it was required to break out areas of concrete to replace entire panels, the county could provide the Jack hammers and labor. COMMITTEE REPORTS Marshal Nolte: Marshal Nolte reported that on June 9th, he and Mayor Carter appeared in Denton County Commissioners Court to discuss the law enforcement contract. The Commissioners pointed out a State law which requires the cost of the service provided has to be 100% reimbursed. Marshal Nolte reported to the Council that the Denton County Auditor has used the 1986-1987 figures to compute the present cost and not the 1984-1985 actual cost figures used by he and Sheriff Kaisner to negotiate the contract. Marshal Nolte stated that the Commissioners would like to terminate the contract on September 30th although no action has been taken formally on this. He pointed out that Sheriff. Kaisner had met with the auditor to show him the figures that showed Trophy Club was meeting 100% of the cost. Marshal Nolte will keep the town informed on the proceedings. Marshal Nolte asked the Council to re-initiate the Security Committee with Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff as chairman. He felt the committee should start immediately looking into the feasibility of the town's own law enforcement department or continuing to contract with Denton County. Council Member Dayton made a motion to re-initiate the committee with the new title "Law Enforcement Committee", with Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff as chairman. Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. Marshal Nolte will contact the original members of the committee to serve. Marshal Nolte reviewed Lt. Maidens report for the month. A copy is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The council pointed out that they would like to see the officers start issuing citations on boats and recreational vehicles in driveways. Another problem lately has been false alarm calls in the area with burglar and fire alarms. Lt. Malden will bring in a sample ordinance that would allow the town to �ite people who have several false alarms during the month. City Secretary: Donna Welsh gave a financial report for the month of May. The disbursements for the month totaled $3,987.88. Mayor Carter pointed out that the mixed beverage tax the town receives on a quarterly basis seems extremely low. He asked Mr. Jacobs, town treasurer, to check this. page 3 Council Member Vance stated that with the amount of the town budget and the contingency fund, he would like to make a motion to set an official limit of $1,000.00 which city council would need to approve a purchase prior to a commitment, Council Member Kunkel seconded. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff offered an amendment which would require bids for purchases over $1,000.00, Council Member Vance and Kunkel accepted the amendment. Council approved unanimously. Council Member Dayton made a motion to approve the financial report as presented, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. City Treasurer: Mr. Jacobs stated that he had met with Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff and Council Member Martignagm for a budget workshop. They also have a meeting scheduled for the end of the week. City Attorney: Mr. Hill presented the Council with a recap of the various projects he is addressing for the town. One of the major items being addressed is securing the cable company franchise. Mayor Carter pointed that the company has yet to follow up on promises such as burying its cables. He stated that the town should set the franchise fee such as the other utilities pay and require them to bury their cables or they will be cited. City Engineer: Mayor Carter stated that Mr. Bootwell would not be in attendance tonight. Mayor Carter reviewed the breakdown on projects requested by the Council at a previous meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that the report showed a breakdown by skill and this method of reporting would help the Council track the cost of each project. The Council asked to have Freese and Nichols provide the same breakdown on the Comprehensive Plan Map and Comprehensive Plan Text. They would also like to see an example of a Comprehensive Plan Text that Freese and Nichols has developed for other cities. Planning and Zoning Commission: Chairman Tynes reported that the Commission is addressing several ordinances, such as a tree preservation and landscape ordinance, fence ordinance, sign ordinance and swimming pool ordinance. The commission is also looking at other cities commercial ordinances. They hope to have a workshop in the next few weeks to discuss redrafting the commercial ordinance for the council's review. page 4 Parks and Recreation: Mayor Carter stated that the City had sent a letter to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department letting them know where the city stands on the dedication of the land and informing them that the land is also going to be appraised. Mayor Carter pointed out that the Park Department requires a report to be filed quarterly on the progress being made concerning the park. C.I.A./Town Merger Update: Council Member Vance stated that the C.I.A. meeting would be held on Thursday at 3:00. He asked the reporters in the audience to remind the residents of the upcoming merger of C.I.A.'s 1, 2, and 3. M.U.D. Relations: Council Member Kunkel stated that she had several items she is addressing and would report on them later. She asked Mr. Hill what the city's authority is concerning drainage easements. Mr. Hill stated that be did not see any potential liability on the part of the city. He stated that the city does not approve plans, has not done any construction in the easements to cause drainage problems and did not approve any plats that have been filed. Council Member Kunkel stated that Mr. Svore, President of M.U.D. 41 Board, wanted to remind the Council that he had asked the city not to allow any fences to be constructed. Developer Relations Committee: Council Member Martignago stated that he had wanted to meet with Roger Brown of Independent American to discuss the conditions of the streets but Mr. Brown is on vacation and unavailable. Town Organization Committee: Council Member Dayton stated that she and Council Member Kunkel had met and discussed the fact that a workshop is needed to address the organization. The council set the meeting for July 23: 1986 at 6:00PM at the Country Club. Goals and Objectives Committee: Mayor Carter suggested Council Member Kunkel chair this committee. The direction for this committee will be discussed at the workshop on the 23rd. Youth Committee: Mayor Carter stated that the youth swim party and dance was a success. He stated that he and Reverend Adams had discussed taking this committee out of the city Jurisdiction. The organization would operate as a club like the women's club and would be totally separate from the city. The general consensus of the Council was to disband the youth committee. page 5 PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS: NONE PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that the budget committee had reviewed the calendar for the budget. There will be a public hearing on the budget in August which must be published 15 days before hand in the paper. The budget must be filed with the city secretary by September 1st. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff stated that the committee should have a pretty final version of the budget by August. Mayor Pro Tem Venetoff gave the Council a brochure on am epoxy that has been used successfully on runways and highways for repairs. He had reviewed Freese and Nichols report ort street conditions and suggested a product like this might be used in Trophy Club. The Council formed a committee to review the Freese and Nichols report and address the problems of street conditions as well as specifications for future streets. The committee consists of R.O. Evans, Chairman, Joe Kurtz and Ed Decker. Each of these gentlemen have expertise in the field and can advise the city on these matters. Council Member Dayton stated that she had been observing the construction of the power poles and was of the opinion there would be fewer ooles than previously required. Mayor Carter will contact Mike McKinney on this. Council Member Dayton thanked the Council for allowing her to attend the T.M.L. Seminar recently. She stated that it was very informative. One of the things she reported to the Council was that every time Council members gather together to discuss city business, the meeting must be posted. This also pertains to all of the committees. RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF TROPHY CLUB AS THE FIRST RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION TO BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TOWN. Mayor Carter stated that the ground breaking services had been held on Sunday June 22, 1986. He read the Resolution at the ground breaking ceremony. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the Resolution as written, Council Member Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. page 6 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES: FIRST READING The City Secretary read the captions of the following ordinances: A.> AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A MAXIMUM SPEED OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR IN DESIGNATED SCHOOL ZONES. B.) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EVERY OFFICER, AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF THE TOWN, WHILE RESPONDING TO EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, TO ACT IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MOST EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH THE EMERGENCY. C.) AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SATELLITE RECEIVERS AND OTHER TRANSMISSION AND ANTENNAS WITHIN THE TOWN. (The Council chose to remove this ordinance from the agenda to have the attorney address the issue of prohibiting them within the town). D.) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE WO. 0 85-22 RELATING TO PROHIBITING PARKING VEHICLES ON AND WITHIN CERTAIN DEFINED STREETS WITHIN THE TOWN. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed into Executive Session in accordance with Article 6252-17 V.A.T.C.S., to discuss the following items: 1. Council to consider action regarding employee requirements. 2. Council to consider action regarding committee appointments. OPEN SESSION 1. The Council took no action on employee requirements. 2. The Council made the following appointments to committees: 1. Dr. Vance Booker to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. 2. Mr. John Shellar as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee. 3. Mr. Len Lavine to serve on the Parks and Recreation Committee. page 7 ADJOURN: Council Member Dayton made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. _ C ii"ecret ary Ma cor- a cl�