Minutes TC 09/25/1985MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on September 23, 1985 at the Municipal Utility District Building, within the boundaries of the Town. The following officers and members were present: Jim Carter Terry Vance Bettye Dayton George Doran Ted Neidenberger Absent was: Aldo Martignago Also present were: John Boyle John Jacobs Donna Welsh David Nolte Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member City Attorney City Treasurer City Secretary Town Marshal constituting a quorum, the meeting was called to order. Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Mayor Pro Tem Vance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Vance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Doran made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1985 Meeting with an addition, Mayor Pro Tem Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF DISBURSEMENTS Council Member Doran made a motion to approve the Disbursements for the month of August, Council Member Dayton PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL -Council Member Doran recognized a group of students from the Northwest Independent School District. The students are studying Northwest Business Law and are currently attending meetings to observe local government proceedings. The students will be attending meetings through December. The Council welcomed them to the Council Meetings. -Mayor Carter stated that the City Organization Committee should have a Chairmen. Mayor Carter recommended Council Member Dayton for Chairman and recommended adding Donna Welsh, City Secretary. Council Member Dayton made a motion to add Mrs. Welsh to the Committee, Council Member Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. -Mayor Carter stated that he had received material from Texas Municipal League concerning services they offer to City's. Mayor Carter pointed out that the organization offers legal support, Iiteratore, etc. that would be beneficial to the City~ The cost for a Town the size of Trophy Club would be $295.00. Council Member Neidenberger made a motion to Join the organization, Council Member Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. -Council Member Doran stated that several residents had been asking questions pertaining to the C.I.A. and the City. Council Member Doran pointed out that a meeting between the two entities was scheduled for September 26. Council Member Doran stated that this would be the first of many meetings to determine the functions of the C.I.A. and how the City will eventually take over some of these functions. -Council Member Dayton stated that it has been brought to her attention that some residents have been dumping rubbish near the soccer fields. Mayor Carter stated that the Attorney is currently working on a litter ordinance for the Council to review. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS Patrick McCombs, 227 Oak Hill, stated that he has attended some of the Planning and Zoning Meetings and was dissappointed at the slow pace in which they are moving, especially on the Master Plan Mayor Carter pointed out that these people have been meeting almost every week and have worked very hard in addressing the numerous charges they have been given. Mayor Carter also pointed out that the Council wanted the Commission to be very careful in making their recommendations. Mayor Carter asked Mr. Reuss, a member of the Commission, to relay Mr. McCombs comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. -Peter Reuss, 4 Straight Creek Court, stated that he had attended the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. Mr. Reuss pointed out that the Council, P & Z, and the Developer has agreed on a priority list for the Commission to address. Mr. Reuss reviewed several items that have come before the Commission in the past few weeks and stated that the Commission would not be rushed in matters so important to the Community. Presentation: JUDGE CUNNINGHAM Judge Cunningham, Justice of the Peace, stated that since January 1, 1984, his office has served 21,926 citations on Hwy. 114. These citations produced $557,282.55 which goes partly to the State and the Road and Bridge Department for the County. Judge Cunningham passed out forms that can be a formal complaint against speeding on Hwy. 114 and traffic violations. Judge Cunningham told the Council that his office would follow up the complaint with a warning stating that a fine could be assessed for up to $200.00 per day for violations. Mayor Carter asked the press in the audiance to make note of this in their articles to inform the residents. Mayor Carter thanked Judge Cunningham for the fine Job he has done and for his presentation to the Council. PRESENTATION: COMMISSIONER LEE WALKER Commissioner Walker, of Precinct 3 in Denton County, presented the Council with information on how County funds are budgeted. Mrs. Walker also listed some of her responsibilities as a Commissioner. They include: 1. Housing Finance Committee for the County~ 2. Attends Commissioners Court every week. 3. Works with Flow Hospital which is a County Hospital. 4. Each Commissioner is responsible for their Precinct's Road and Bridge needs. 5. Denton County Transportation Committee. 6. Currently working on the Texas Water Plan. Mrs~ Walker pointed out that these are Just a few of the issues a County Commissioner deals with. She is in the second year of a four year term. Council Member Doran asked Commissioner Walker what her responsibilities were to Trophy Club as a Commissioner. Commissioner Walker recognized Mrs. Blackaby in the audiance. Mrs. BIackaby has had a problem with drainage on the road in front of her house and had previously contacted Commissioner Walker's office for help. Commissioner Walker stated that her office does not have anyone working for the County who does concrete work. Mrs. Walker stated that she and her Foreman had been out to see the problem and were currently talking to a contractor to see what would be needed to correct the problem. Some of the services the County offers are: Sherriff's Office, Health Department, Probation Department, Court Services, County Clerk, District Clerk, District Attorney's Office, etc. Commissioner Walker pointed out that these services as well as others are funded by County taxes and are available to Trophy Club. The County will also, through an Inter -local Agreement, bring men and equipment into the City to work according to Commissioner Walker. Mayor Carter thanked Commissioner for the work she has done representing Precinct #3 and for her presentation to the Council. PRESENTATION: MIKE MCKINNEY« TEXAS POWER & LIGHT Mr. McKinney has appeared at previous Council Meetings to request that the City allow Texas Power and Light to upgrade an existing line in Trophy Club. This would involve replacing the existing line and replacing several of the poles as well as adding some for spacing. Mr. McKinney stated that this was critical because the winter months are almost here and there would definateIy be an overload on the existing line. Council Member Dayton asked Mr. McKinney why the Power Company did not prepare earlier if this was so critical. Mr. McKinney stated that at the time the line was built, the development was speculative within that portion of Trophy Club. Mr. McKinney stated that his Company wanted to provide the residents of Trophy Club with good service and did not want to be "accross the table from one another argueing about transmission lines and other things". Mr. McKinney stated that he wanted to assure the Council this was not his Company's intent. Mayor Carter stated that he did not feel that the relationship had been an advesary one. Mayor Carter stated that the Council had obligations to protect Trophy Club and were carrying out the wishes of the residents. He pointed out that Trophy Club wants to keep a good relationship with Texas Power and Light. Council Member Dayton made a motion to abide by Ordinance No. O 85-20, and deny the request, Mayor Pro Tem Vance second, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor Carter stated there would not be a report from the Planning and Zoning Commission. He reported that the Commission had made a recommendation to hire Mr. Bill LeGrand as Building Inspector for Trophy Club. Mr. LeGrand has been in the inspection field for many years and is currently working for SouthIake. He has also served on the Planning and Zoning Commission for ColleyvilIe for 15 years. Mr. LeGrand stated that he would enforce the Uniform Building Codes in order to issue a Certificate of Occupancy, making sure that the home meets the standards of the Ordinances for Trophy Club. Mr. LeGrand submitted a proposal to the Council that had been reviewed ans recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (A copy is filed with the minutes.) Council Member Neidenberger made a motion to accept Mr. LeGrand`s proposal, Mayor Pro Tem Vance seconded~ motion carried unanimously. SECURITY STUDY COMMITTEE Marshal Nolte stated that the traffic lanes at the entrance had been marked to help control traffic at the entrance. Council Member Dayton stated that she would like to see the lines extended further in on Trophy Club Drive to keep people in the lanes in which they entered on Trophy Club Drive. Marshal Nolte will look into this. Mayor Carter reported to Mr. Nolte that the Council had received a letter from Independent American in response to a letter from the Council asking for warning signs where golf carts are required to cross streets. Mr. Lout, from Independent American acknowledged the request and also asked the City to address the problem with warming signs as well. Mayor Carter also received a letter from Mr. John P. Carter, a resident of Village West, who requested the City to look in to the possibility of putting lighting at the entrance of Village West. This is a hazardous turn at night off of Hwy. 114. Mayor Carter asked Marshal Nolte to address this problem. Marshal Nolte stated that he had received additional information from Sherriff Kaisner as requested by the Council. He has not had time to meet with his Committee to update them with the proposal. Mayor Carter suggested extending the tenure of the Committee to December 31. He stated that the Committee had done a good Job and they may be a nucleus for a future committee such as a "Law Enforcement Committee". Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to extend the Committee's tenure to December 31, 1985, Council Member Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE TO OPPOSE HWY. 114 POWER POLES Mr. Reuss, Chairman of the Committee, reported to the Council on the hearing in Austin. Mr. Reuss stated that representatives from Trophy Club submitted some 380 pages of testimony. Mr. Reuss stated that the ability of the Public Utility Commission to rule on Trophy Club's underground Ordinance is to determine whether or not the City was exercising its legal police powers, or if it was an attempt to regulate the Public Utility Commission. Mr. Reuss reported that there was no ruling on this at the hearing, but the testimony offered by the Committee from Trophy Club will deal with that. Mr. Reuss stated that the 2401 line was interjected into the matter by Texas Power and Light. Mr. Reuss applauded the Council for standing firm on the undergroundimg ordinance earlier in the meeting. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES The Ordinance caption reads: AM ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO LOCATE OR MAINTAIN ANY MOBILE HOME WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB OTHER THAN IN A MOBILE HOME PARK; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO REPLACE A MOBILE HOME, AS DEFINED BY ARTICLE 5221F OF THE TEXAS REVISED CIVIL STATUTES, WITH ANOTHER MOBILE HOME; PROVIDING FOR REPLACEMENT WITH A HUD -CODE MANUFACTURED HOME; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO LOCATE OR MAINTAIN A BOAT, TRAILER OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE 04IT8IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB WHICH IS CONNECTED TO A UTILITY SERVICE EXCEPT THAT CONSTRUCTION TRAILERS SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO SUCH PROHIBITION; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO LOCATE ANY BOAT, TRAILER OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE WINTIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FOR A PERIOD IN EXCESS OF SEVEN (7) CONSECUTIVE DAYS EXCEPT THAT SUCH PROHIBITION SHALL NOT APPLY TO BOATS, TRAILERS OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ENCLOSED BY A FENCE, BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) AND EACH DAY SHALL CONSTITUTE A SEPARATE OFFENSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Council discussed the Ordinance at length. Council Member Dayton was concerned about Section 6 which allows boats, trailers, or recreational vehicles to be kept at a residence as long as they are enclosed by a fence. Council Member Dayton stated that this "defeats the purpose of the Ordinance". Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to adopt the Ordinance as written, Council Member Neidenberger seconded, motion carried with Council Member Dayton voting against. Mayor Carter stated that he would be sending the Ordinance back to the Council with changes in the wording that he felt would change the "spirit" of the Ordinance and change the order of enforcement. At this point in the meeting, the Council adjourned into Executive Session. Open Session. These being no further business to discuss, Mayor Pro Tem Vance made the motion to adjourn, Council Member Neidenberger seconded, motion carried unanimously. TY SECRETARY