Minutes TC 11/05/1985 - Special SessionMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Special Session on November
5, 1985 at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water Plant Road, Trophy
Club, Texas, within the boundaries of the Town. The following officers and members
were present:
Jim Carter
Terry Vance
Bettye Dayton
George Doran
Aldo Martignago
Ted Neidenberger
Also Present were:
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Planning and Zoning Commission Representatives
Dan Boutwell, Freese and Nichols Engineering Firm
Independent American Representatives
constituting a quorum, the meeting was called to order.
Mayor Pro Tem Vance delivered the Invocation.
Mr. Loren Alexander, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, reviewed
why the Commission was formed and stated they were trying to follow a priority
list that was presented earlier in the year. Mr. Alexander stated that the R-10,
Commercial Planned Development, and an Ordinance for specific use for a Church
would be discussed at this meeting.
Mr. Alexander explained the reasons for hiring Freese and Nichols Engineering
Firm to advise on the Master Plan. He stated that upon hiring them on October
21, 1985, within eight days they had the first advisories done. At that point
Mr. Alexander and Barry Knight, an Attorney for Independent American, conferred
by phone, and drafted the Ordinances from them. Mr. Alexander distributed the
R-10 Ordinance that deals with single family dwellings. Section 1.3 was discussed
and explained, also Sections 1.4 and 1.6 (h). Reserves were discussed and it was
decided to eliminate that part.
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Easements were discussed as not being addressed in the Ordinance. Mr Alexander
suggested they be adopted as part of the Master Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Vance
pointed out later that they were provided for.
Section 1.2 (2)- Accessory Buildings were discussed as to whether they should be
"Permitted Use".
Mr. Alexander explained that Churches will come under the R-10 Ordinance but
will require Site Plan Review.
Mr. Gene Aerstin suggested that there be, an Ordinance for drainage that would
encompass all areas of R-10, Special Residential and any other zoning Ordinances.
Mr. Boutwell of Freese and Nichols, stated that before plats are approved, it might
be well to have final engineering designs submitted with final plat designs. This
would cut down problems with drainage and is a procedure used in other cities.
Mr. Barry Knight asked that the hearing procedures on the Ordinances be set aside
if at all possible for the Ordinances. Independent American has to meet with their
lenders in December with concrete evidence that some land has been zoned for
certain building.
Mr. Kemp noticed no mention of a flood plain in the Ordinance. Mr. Boutwell explained
that it would address the issue when it was pertinent. He stated that most of these
problems would be addressed in site plan review. It was also pointed out that flood
plain land could not be insured which would stop building.
Fees in 1.6 were discussed and Freese and Nichols will check with other cities
to see how they are handled.
Mr. Kemp asked about dedication of park land. Mr. Alexander explained that this
would be included in the Master Plan.
Mr. Reuss suggested that a park fee to Independent American could be incorporated
to help secure areas. Mr. Alexander felt criteria could be used at site design
review. After much discussion about the park area, Lattie Woods of Independent
American stated that they were very aware of the need for parks and were not
trying to dodge the issue. They had helped on the feasibility study in Austin
for 15 acres. Mayor Pro Tem Vance pointed out that parks are covered in Section
1.6 (c) (3) of the R-10 Ordinance.
Council Member Doran expressed concern over the feelings in the meeting and
felt that maybe the Council and Developer should meet privately and get down
to basics.
Mr. John Hill, Attorney for the City, was asked to review all changes made to
the R-10 Ordinance. These include deleting Section 1.6 (h), an addition to
Section 1.6 (i) and approval of final plat plans only with engineering plans
to be approved.
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Mr. Alexander introduced the Commerical Planned Development Ordinance. He ex-
plained how the Ordinance was formed and meetings that were held. Freese and
Nichols submitted advisories last week and these along with recommendations
from the City Council when the Ordinance was first presented were incorporated
in to the present Ordinance.
It was suggested that fire lanes be part of the building codes thereby making
the developer, not the City, responsible for maintaining them. The developer
was agreeable to using concrete for parking lots but would like specifics
Mr. Aerstin brought up the handicapped parking. The concensus was that it should
be in the Ordinance. The Attorney was asked to check and see if it was a State
Mr. Boutwell said that all engineering plans submitted should include plans
regarding water, sewer, drainage and grading.
Mr. Lou Parsons asked that the 55 acres be co-ordinated so that it reflects the
area properly.
Mr. Alexander presented the Public Facilities Land -Use paper and recommended
that the proposed fire station be under the R=10 Ordinance and referred to site
review to expedite matters. He pointed out that several cities have specific
use permits for public buildings.
Roger Unger asked about parking for the fire station and was asked by Mayor
Pro Tem Vance if he could start procedures with the information in the
Public Facilities Land -Use papers. Mr. Unger was also asked to provide
water, sewer, drainage and grading plans.
Ordinance for Specific Use Permit #1 for the Church was presented to the Council
to study.
Council Member Dayton made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Council Member
Martignago se nded, motion carried unanimously.
o Council Member Dayton
(Recording Meeting)