12.05.2024 ZBA Agenda Packet
1 Trophy Wood Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
December 5, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board/Commission on any matter pursuant
to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.007. The Board/Commission is not permitted to
discuss or take action on any presentations made concerning matters that are not listed on
the agenda. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Board/Commission has
authority. Speakers have up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the
Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing
the Speaker’s Form or may email asantos@trophyclub.org.
1. Board Training. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary)
1. Introduction of members.
2. Board Training and Zoning Board of Adjustment Board's Roles and
2. Consider the election of a Vice-Chairperson.
3. Case ZBA-24-002 2517 Aspen Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by Drees
Custom Homes, LLP for a variance to allow for a fence to be extended along the side of
the property to the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to a side
street, at 2517 Aspen Drive, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. (Matt Cox, Community
Development Director)
4. Case ZBA-24-005 2517 Iris Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by Drees
Custom Homes, LLP for a variance to allow for a fence to be extended along the side of
the property to the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to a side
street, at 2848 Iris Drive, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. (Matt Cox, Community
Development Director)
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5. Case ZBA-24-003 213 Inverness Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by Nova Quality
Builds, LLC on behalf of the homeowners, Mike and Tonya Gough, for a variance to
Zoning Regulations to allow for the garage to face the street at 213 Inverness Dr, Trophy
Club, Denton County, Texas. (Matt Cox, Community Development Director)
6. Case ZBA-24-004 8 Pin Oak Court
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by Kelly and
Amy Nolan for a variance to allow the existing encroachment in the rear yard setback and
request for a proposed addition to the residential structure located at 8 Pin Oak Court,
Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. (Matt Cox, Community Development Director)
7. Consider approval of the January 11, 2024, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting minutes.
(A. Santos)
The Board/Commission may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as
allowed by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 through 551.076 and Section
Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town of Trophy Club Town Council may be in
attendance at this meeting. The Town Council will not deliberate or take any action.
I do hereby certify that the Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Town Hall
for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, in a place convenient and readily accessible to the general
public at all times on the following date and time: December 2, 2024, at 5:00 PM, and said
Notice of Meeting was also posted concurrently on the Town’s website in accordance with
Texas Government Code Ch. 551 at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting.
Matt Cox
Director of Community Development
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs,
please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682.237.2900, 48 hours in advance, and
reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
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MEETING DATE: December 5, 2024
FROM: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary
AGENDA ITEM: Board Training. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary)
1. Introduction of members.
2. Board Training and Zoning Board of Adjustment Board's Roles and
BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Zoning Board of Adjustment serves as an appeal body for
individuals seeking variances or special exemptions to the zoning ordinance or to a decision
made by an administrative official enforcing the ordinance.
1. TC Board Training 2024
2. ZBA Training 12.05.2024
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Board & Commission
FY 2024-2025
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To provide new and existing members with information to
help them perform professionally and effectively.
Conflict of Interest
General Session Topics to be Covered:
(Some information may not be applicable to the board you serve on)
External Training
Medial Relations
Town Email
Boards & Commissions
Page 5 of 64
Staff Liaison
Town Manager assigns staff liaisons
Prepare and distribute meeting calendars, agendas, etc.
Ensure board activities adhere to Texas Open Meetings
Support staff takes meeting minutes
Board Members may not direct or manage staff
Boards may request staff assistance, but significant work
must be approved by the Town Manager
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Chair/Vice Chair
The Town Council appoints chair and in some instances
vice chair for certain boards.
All other chair/vice chair elected by the board.
Appointed/Elected each October for one year.
Chair presides over meetings and may vote.
Vice Chair presides in the absence of chair.
If both chair and vice chair are absent, the board shall
appoint one of its members to act as the presiding officer.
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Alternates serve as voting members when a regular
member is absent.
The selection of an alternate is based on their place
If alternate member #1 is unable to serve, alternate
member #2 will take their place, and so on.
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Avoidance of Contacts & Individual Discussions
Authority of Board Members
Being an Effective Board Member
Page 9 of 64
Be prepared
Ask Questions
Know the law
Maintain focus
Be courteous
Be punctual
Active participation
Being an Effective Board Member
Page 10 of 64
•Meeting: The Texas Open Meetings act defines a “meeting” as any
deliberation between a quorum of members of a governmental body at
which any public business or public policy is discussed.
•Notice of Meeting
•Notice of each meeting must be posted 72 hours prior to the
•Each agenda must state time, place and provide “full and adequate
notice” of the subjects to be considered
•Call to Order
•Public Comment (required on all agendas)
•Law only allows Board to make a factual comment, recite an
existing policy, or advise that subject will be placed on agenda
at a later date.
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•Regular Items
•Executive Session
•All boards, commissions, committees and corporations must
consult with the Town Attorney’s Office prior to scheduling a
closed session.
•Closed meetings are authorized under the Texas Open
Meetings Act only under certain cases
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Rules/ Parliamentary Procedure
Point of privilegeParliamentary Procedure is a set of rules for conduct at meetings, that allows
everyone to be heard & to make decisions without confusion. The Town
uses Robert’s Rules as a “guide”.
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Your attendance at meetings is
very important and is documented
by your staff liaison. A report is
provided to Town Council during
the annual appointment/
reappointment process for review
& consideration.
Applicable to all members – regular or alternate positions.
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Conflict of Interest
Members must carefully review the City Code of Ethics upon appointment. If a
Member has a conflict of interest regarding any item that is presented or
required to be presented to the body for discussion or approval, the Member
(1)file a written statement to disclose the conflict of interest to the Chair and
remaining Members;
(2)abstain from any discussion on the matter with City staff or any other
Members; and
(3)recuse themselves from the meeting when the item is being discussed or
considered by the body
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External Training
North Central Texas Council of Governments (COG)
•Planning & Zoning Series
•Making Meetings Matter: Effective Meeting Strategies
Texas Municipal Clerks Association
•Parliamentary Procedure
Other local opportunities throughout the year
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Media Relations
& Social Media Postings
Word of Caution:
Be cautious when communicating with the media or
posting information on social media sites using your
title so it doesn’t give the impression you are making
a statement or opinion that is representative of the
entire board or commission you serve on.
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All board members receive a town e-mail.
•Use of Town Email for Official Business
•Compliance with Texas Public Information
•Texas Open Meetings Act Considerations
•Requests for Information
Town Email
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A new manual has been drafted
and will be distributed to each
board member following Town
Council approval.
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Zoning Board of Adjustment
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General Roles and
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What is a Zoning Board of Adjustment
A Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) is a quasi-judicial body established
under Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code. It is authorized
to make special exceptions to the terms of the city’s zoning ordinance,
consistent with its general purpose and intent.
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Composition of the ZBA
•Consists of 5 regular members and 2 alternates.
•Appointed by the town council for 2-year terms.
•Chairperson selected by the Town Council
•Vice Chair selected by the board.
•Presiding officer may administer oaths and compel attendance of
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Authority of the ZBA
•Hear and decide appeals alleging errors in administrative decisions.
•Authorize variances from zoning ordinances in specific cases
•Hear and decide special exceptions as outlined in zoning ordinances.
•Address other matters as authorized by city ordinances.
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Special Exceptions and Variances
•Special Exception: Site-specific permission outlined in a zoning
•Variance: Approval to deviate from zoning requirements due to
'unnecessary hardship.’
•Conditions for variances include financial cost of compliance, property
loss, and unreasonable encroachments.
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Meetings and Voting
•Meetings are held on an as-need basis.
•All meetings are subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act
•Quorum: At least 75% of members must be present (4 members)
•Decisions require a supermajority vote of 75% of members.(4
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Appeals and limitations
•Decisions can be appealed to a state district court, county court, or
county court at law.
•The petition must state that the decision was illegal and specify the
•ZBA decisions must be within the authority granted by law and cannot
amend ordinances.
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Responsibilities & Records
•Maintain minutes and records of proceedings.
•Decisions must be documented with clear findings and conclusions.
•Records must be filed and are subject to the Public Information Act.
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MEETING DATE: December 5, 2024
FROM: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
AGENDA ITEM: Consider the election of a Vice-Chairperson.
BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: Membership consists of five regular members and four alternate
members. The chair is selected by the Town Council. The Board selects the vice-chair.
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MEETING DATE: December 5, 2024
FROM: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
AGENDA ITEM: Case ZBA-24-002 2517 Aspen Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by
Drees Custom Homes, LLP for a variance to allow for a fence to be extended
along the side of the property to the building line/at the property line of the
side yard adjacent to a side street, at 2517 Aspen Drive, Trophy Club, Denton
County, Texas. (Matt Cox, Community Development Director)
The owner of the subject property is requesting approval of a variance through a special exception
to construct a fence beyond the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to a side
street. Reference Exhibit B.
Section 14.02.351, Fencing retaining walls and screening of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance provides
the following for fences adjacent to side streets:
“(2) Side yard adjacent to side street. Side yard fences shall be located within
the side yard building setback and shall not extend beyond the building line of the
side yard adjacent to a side street.”
The applicant has noted other homes within the surrounding area have installed fences within the
building setbacks. Staff researched various properties and found two (2) to have received ZBA
approval and two (2) others were permitted at the time of initial building.
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The application is included in this report as Exhibit A. Exhibit B is the property survey for the
variance/special exception request. Exhibit C and D illustrates the public hearing letter and the area
map of notification.
Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and notices mailed to
property owners within 200 feet of the request.
Section 14.02.405, Zoning Board of Adjustment, (f) meetings states that all matters before the
board of adjustment on matters of appeal, variance, special exception, or other matter as specified
by ordinance, shall be held as a public hearing in accordance with the provisions of section
14.02.406, Public Hearings. Contradicting requirements for a public hearing will be processed with
the most restrictive regulations.
Section 14.02.351(P) of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances authorizes the Zoning Board of
Adjustment to consider and allow waivers to the fence requirements as a Special Exception. The
language from the ordinance reads:
“The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the power to grant a Special Exception waiving or
modifying these regulations where the literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result in
practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and the relief granted would not be contrary to the
public interest but would do substantial justice and would be in accordance with the spirit of this
A public hearing is not required for Zoning Board of Adjustment consideration of a Special
Exception under this Section.
1. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following are established as general conditions, all of
which are to be met upon the granting of any special exception.
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a. No diminution in value of surrounding properties would be suffered; and
b. Granting the permit would be of benefit to the public interest or surrounding properties;
c. Denial of the permit would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner seeking it; and
d. A zoning restriction as applied to the owner’s property interferes with the reasonable use
of the property, considering the unique setting of the property in its environment; and
e. By granting the permit, substantial justice would be done; and
f. The use must not be contrary to the spirit of the Ordinance.
2. The burden of demonstrating that all general conditions have been met and that a Special
Exception is appropriate is upon the person requesting the Special Exception. The Zoning Board of
Adjustment may require a person requesting a Special Exception to provide proof as the Board
determines necessary and appropriate for the Board to evaluate the application for Special
BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: At the time of staff report and agenda packet
preparation, no responses in favor or in opposition have been received.
1. Exhibit A - Application
2. Exhibit B - Survey
3. Exhibit C - Letter
4. Exhibit D - Map
A concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board of Adjustment is necessary for approval of
the variance request.
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Iron Fence
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November 22, 2024
Re: Requested variance to extend fence beyond building line of side yard.
Dear Property Owner:
You are receiving this notice because you own property within 200 feet of, or within, the
boundaries of the subject property that is affected by the proposed change, which is described
below and shown on a location map on the reverse side.
A request made by Drees Custom Homes to allow for a fence to be extended along the
side of the property to the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to
a side street at Aspen Drive, at 2517 Aspen Drive, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas.
A Public Hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Thursday, December 5, 2024,
at 6:00 PM at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in Trophy Club regarding the above request, and
action may be taken on the request at the public hearing.
The Public Hearing is scheduled for the purpose of receiving public comments. Feel free to
contact me at (682) 237-2916 if you need further information.
Matt Cox,
Director of Community Development
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MEETING DATE: December 5, 2024
FROM: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
AGENDA ITEM: Case ZBA-24-005 2517 Iris Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by
Drees Custom Homes, LLP for a variance to allow for a fence to be extended
along the side of the property to the building line/at the property line of the
side yard adjacent to a side street, at 2848 Iris Drive, Trophy Club, Denton
County, Texas. (Matt Cox, Community Development Director)
The owner of the subject property is requesting approval of a variance through a special exception
to construct a fence beyond the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to a side
street. Reference Exhibit B.
Section 14.02.351, Fencing retaining walls and screening of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance provides
the following for fences adjacent to side streets:
“(2) Side yard adjacent to side street. Side yard fences shall be located within the
side yard building setback and shall not extend beyond the building line of the side
yard adjacent to a side street.”
The applicant has noted other homes within the surrounding area that have installed fences within
the building setbacks. Staff researched various properties and found two (2) to have received ZBA
approval and two (2) others were permitted at the time of initial building.
Page 39 of 64
The applicant is included in this report as Exhibit A. Exhibit B is the property survey for the
variance/special exception request. Exhibit C and D illustrates the public hearing letter and the area
map of notification.
Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and notices mailed to
property owners within 200 feet of the request.
Section 14.02.405, Zoning board of adjustment, (f) meetings states that all matters before the
board of adjustment on matters of appeal, variance, special exception, or other matter as specified
by ordinance, shall be held as a public hearing in accordance with the provisions of section
14.02.406, Public Hearings. Contradicting requirements for a public hearing will be processed with
the most restrictive regulations.
Section 14.02.351(P) of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances authorizes the Zoning Board of
Adjustment to consider and allow waivers to the fence requirements as a Special Exception. The
language from the ordinance reads:
“The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the power to grant a Special Exception waiving or
modifying these regulations where the literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result in
practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and the relief granted would not be contrary to the
public interest but would do substantial justice and would be in accordance with the spirit of this
A public hearing is not required for Zoning Board of Adjustment consideration of a Special
Exception under this Section.
1. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following are established as general conditions, all of
which are to be met upon the granting of any special exception.
a. No diminution in value of surrounding properties would be suffered; and
b. Granting the permit would be of benefit to the public interest or surrounding properties;
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c. Denial of the permit would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner seeking it; and
d. A zoning restriction as applied to the owner’s property interferes with the reasonable use
of the property, considering the unique setting of the property in its environment; and
e. By granting the permit, substantial justice would be done; and
f. The use must not be contrary to the spirit of the Ordinance.
2. The burden of demonstrating that all general conditions have been met and that a Special
Exception is appropriate is upon the person requesting the Special Exception. The Zoning
Board of Adjustment may require a person requesting a Special Exception to provide proof
as the Board determines necessary and appropriate for the Board to evaluate the application
for Special Exception.”
BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: At the time of staff report and agenda packet
preparation, no responses in favor or in opposition have been received.
1. Exhibit A - Application
2. Exhibit B - Survey
3. Exhibit C - Notice Letter
4. Exhibit D - Notice Map
A concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board of Adjustment is necessary for approval of
the variance request.
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November 22, 2024
Re: Requested variance to extend fence beyond building line of side yard.
Dear Property Owner:
You are receiving this notice because you own property within 200 feet of, or within, the
boundaries of the subject property that is affected by the proposed change, which is described
below and shown on a location map on the reverse side.
A request made by Drees Custom Homes to allow for a fence to be extended along the
side of the property to the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to
a side street at Nottingham, at 2848 Iris Drive, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. ZBA-
A Public Hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Thursday, December 5, 2024,
at 6:00 PM at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in Trophy Club regarding the above request, and
action may be taken on the request at the public hearing.
The Public Hearing is scheduled for the purpose of receiving public comments. Feel free to
contact me at (682) 237-2916 if you need further information.
Matt Cox,
Director of Community Development
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Page 46 of 64
MEETING DATE: December 5, 2024
FROM: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
AGENDA ITEM: Case ZBA-24-003 213 Inverness Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by
Nova Quality Builds, LLC on behalf of the homeowners, Mike and Tonya
Gough, for a variance to Zoning Regulations to allow for the garage to face the
street at 213 Inverness Dr, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. (Matt Cox,
Community Development Director)
BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The builder, Nova Quality Builds, LLC, on behalf of the owners
Mike & Tonya Gough, is requesting approval of a variance to allow the garage to face the
street, located at 213 Inverness Dr, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas.
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Sec. 14.02.153, R-11 Single-Family District regulations of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance states:
(i) Garages. Attached garages shall not face any public dedicated right-of-way or golf course.
Detached garages shall comply with section 14.02.253, Accessory Structures and Uses.
The Gough's are requesting to construct a garage facing the public right of way to allow head in
parking and remodel the existing garage for additional living space. The hardship stated is a
zoning requirement for home and driveway access in the R-11 District.
Existing Floorplan
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Proposed Floorplan
Rendering of Proposed Addition
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Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and notices were
mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the request.
Section 14.02.405, Zoning Board of Adjustment, (f) meetings states that all matters before the
board of adjustment on matters of appeal, variance, special exception, or other matter as
specified by ordinance, shall be held as a public hearing in accordance with the provisions of
section 14.02.406, Public Hearings. Contradicting requirements for a public hearing will be
processed with the most restrictive regulations.
BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: At the time of staff report and agenda packet
preparation, no responses in favor or in opposition have been received.
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1. 213 Inverness Dr Application
2. 213 Inverness Dr Notification Map
A concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board of Adjustment is necessary for approval of
the variance request.
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MEETING DATE: December 5, 2024
FROM: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
AGENDA ITEM: Case ZBA-24-004 8 Pin Oak Court
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by
Kelly and Amy Nolan for a variance to allow the existing encroachment in the
rear yard setback and request for a proposed addition to the residential
structure located at 8 Pin Oak Court, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas.
(Matt Cox, Community Development Director)
BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The homeowner of the subject property at 8 Pin Oak Court, Lot
698, Trophy Club, Section Nine - Residential 9 (R-9), is requesting approval of a variance to
allow a proposed addition to encroach into the rear setback. The subject property is 10,450
square feet in area and approximately 110 feet wide at the rear of the lot.
The proposed project involves removing the existing wood deck located at the rear of the
home and replacing it with an enclosed, structurally integrated living space. The new proposed
attached room will measure 24 feet by 27 feet (648 square feet) and will be incorporated into
the roofline of the existing house. Because the proposed addition is attached, it would be
considered part of the primary structure, requiring compliance with the 25-foot rear setback
for primary residential structures in the R-9 zoning district.
The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the proposed structure to extend 4' into the
setback. The existing residential structure and garage is non-conforming due to being built
prior to the adoption of R-9 regulations. The existing attached garage is located 16 feet from
the rear property line.
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The applicant states the proposed addition will:
1. Increase value and provide additional living space to improve accessibility and mobility.
2. Offer adequate seating capacity for family visits.
3. Accommodate mobility aids to ensure safety and comfort.
The existing attached garage is located approximately 16' from the rear property line, within
the 25' setback. The proposed addition will be designed to blend with the existing structure,
minimizing visual or structural disruption to neighboring properties.
BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: At the time of staff report and agenda packet
preparation, no responses in favor or in opposition have been received.
1. 8 Pin Oak Court - Application
2. 8 Pin Oak Court - Survey
A concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board of Adjustment is necessary for approval of
the variance request.
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Town of Trophy Club
Meeting Minutes
Zoning Board of Adjustment
1 Trophy Wood Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
January 11, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers
Chairperson Bowman called the January 11, 2024, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting to order at 6:06 PM and
announced a quorum.
Board Members Present:
Steve Bowman Chairperson
Doug Harper Board Member
Nick Sanders Board Member – Alt.
Reid Burley Board Member
Garrett Wallace Board Member – Alt.
Board Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Matt Cox Director of Community Development
Tammy Dixon Town Secretary
Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or
oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order.
Chairperson Bowman asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were submitted.
1. Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairperson
Chairperson Bowman motioned for nomination and election of Vice-Chairperson. Board Member Burley
nominated himself, with a second by Board Member Harper. Chairperson Bowman called for a vote. The
motion was passed 5-0
2. Nomination and Election of Secretary
Chairperson Bowman motioned for nomination and election of Secretary. Board Member Harper
nominated himself, with a second by Board Member Burley. Chairperson Bowman called for a vote. The
motion was passed 5-0
3. Case ZBA-24-001 303 Skyline Drive
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request made by Justin Davis for a variance to
Section 14.02.351, Fencing, retaining walls and screening of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance to allow for a
fence in the building line/at the property line of the side yard adjacent to a side street at 303 Skyline Drive,
Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. (M. Cox).
Chairperson Bowman opened the public hearing at 6:09 PM
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Page 2 of 2
Matt Cox presented the staff report and was available for questions. The applicant is present and available for
Chairperson Bowman asked if there were any public requests to speak.
Daniel Quetuca – 203 Rio Vista Drive – was for the approval of the fence.
George Roberson – 306 Skyline Drive – was for the approval of the fence.
Chairperson Bowman closed the public hearing at 6:18 PM
Chairperson Bowman motioned for discussion and/or concern. ZBA members discussed procedural questions.
Board Member Burley moved to recommend approval, with a second by Board Member Wallace. Chairperson
Bowman called for a vote. The motion passed 5-0.
4. Case ZBA-24-002 The Falcon Estates
Conduct a Public Hearing and consider action regarding a request A request made by Dean & Co. Custom
Homes, L.P. on behalf of the landowner, Ward New Horizons LLC, for a variance to Zoning Regulations to
allow for third and/or fourth car garages to face the street for The Falcon Estates at Trophy Club, Lots 1-8,
Block A. The properties are located south of Kent Street between Trophy Club Drive and Mona Vale Road,
Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. (M. Cox).
Chairperson Bowman opened the public hearing at 6:20 PM.
Matt Cox presented the staff report and was available for questions.
Chairperson Bowman closed the public hearing at 6:25 PM.
Chairperson Bowman motioned for discussion and/or concern. ZBA members discussed procedural questions.
Board Member Burley moved to recommend approval, with a second by Board Member Wallace. Chairperson
Bowman called for a vote. The motion passed 5-0.
Chairperson Bowman asked if there were any public requests to speak. There were none.
5. Take appropriate action regarding the October 12, 2023, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting
minutes (A. Santos).
Chairperson Bowman motioned for discussion and/or concern. ZBA members discussed procedural questions.
Chairperson Bowman called for a vote. The motion passed 5-0.
6. Receive updates on previous cases heard by the Board and active development in Town.
Director Matt Cox advised the members
Chairperson Bowman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 PM.
___________________________ ___________________________
Chairperson Bowman Tammy Dixon
Zoning Board of Adjustment Town Secretary
Town of Trophy Club, TX Town of Trophy Club, TX
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