Strategic Plan 10.14.2024PLAN 1 Trophy Wood Drive 2024 FY 2025 - 2030 www.trophyclub.org/strategicplan STRATEGIC Approved by TC 10/14/2024 INTRODUCTION VISION & MISSION CORE VALUES FOCUS AREAS OBJECTIVES INITIATIVES TASKS STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 5 7 9 14 18 25 94 Dear Residents of Trophy Club, I am pleased to share with you the significant progress we have made with the Town of Trophy Club's Strategic Plan. This comprehensive plan serves as a vital tool for prioritization, communication, and accountability. It reflects the vision of our Mayor and Council, charting a clear path to achieve our long-term community goals. Our strategic plan sets the stage for the next five to twenty years, driven by a mission to enrich the lives of residents, businesses, visitors, and organizations. This plan focuses on delivering exceptional services that foster a thriving community. To achieve this vision, we have identified seven high-level priorities: public safety, quality of life, infrastructure, service excellence, community engagement, housing standards, and business support. By aligning our resources with these priorities, we ensure that both long-term aspirations and immediate needs are met. The strategic plan was developed with extensive community input through surveys, focus groups, and town council meetings. This collaborative effort is essential for making informed decisions that benefit everyone in our town. Together, we can continue to build a connected and vibrant community that continues to be a great place to call home. S i n c e r e l y , B r a n d o n W r i g h t T o w n M a n a g e r T r o p h y C l u b T e x a s INTRODUCTION STRATEGY MAP AND MISSION VISION The Vision and Mission are Trophy Club's purpose and long-term aspirations. VISION & MISSION VISION MISSION Trophy Club will be a connected and vibrant town that provides an engaged and active community experience. The Town of Trophy Club focuses on enriching the lives of our residents, businesses, visitors, and organizations by leading in exceptional services that cultivate a thriving community. VALUESCORE Core Values are guiding principles that shape the culture, behaviors, and decision-making within an organization. Innovation: We strive to make significant improvements to public administration and/or the services provided to the community. Integrity: We work towards the consistent alignment of, and adherence to, shared ethical values, principles and norms for upholding and prioritizing the public interest over private interests for the Town of Trophy Club. Service: We work hard with dedication and respect for our residents and strive for excellence in the service of others. Stewardship: We exercise integrity in upholding the highest ethical standards and promote trust and confidence in those we serve and serve with. Teamwork: We treat one another with respect and dignity, fostering a harmonious and cohesive environment that promotes well-being and happiness for all. CORE VALUES AREASFOCUS A Focus Area is the key area or priorities that an organization intends to concentrate on to achieve the mission and vision of the organization. FOCUS AREAS DESCRIPTIONS Safeguard lives and protect property by actively engaging with the community. Cultivate vibrant spaces and inclusive amenities to foster a thriving community. DESCRIPTIONS Strengthen infrastructure with proactive maintenance, improved connectivity, and utility coordination. Enhance neighborhood desirability and uphold housing standards through partnerships and enforcement. DESCRIPTIONS Create a thriving business environment through partnerships to support business enterprises. OBJECTIVES Objectives are what we aim to accomplish within the Focus Area. These Objectives align with the organization's Mission and overall strategic goals. OBJECTIVES PRIORITIZE PUBLICSAFETY S a f e g u a r d l i v e s a n d p r o t e c t p r o p e r t y b y a c t i v e l y e n g a g i n g w i t h t h e c o m m u n i t y . PROMOTE QUALITY OF LIFE C u l t i v a t e v i b r a n t s p a c e s a n d a m e n i t i e s f o r a l l a g e s t o f o s t e r a t h r i v i n g c o m m u n i t y . E n h a n c e c o m m u n i t y p o l i c i n g a n d p u b l i c s a f e t y e n g a g e m e n t . S t r e n g t h e n e m e r g e n c y m a n a g e m e n t p r e p a r e d n e s s a n d e d u c a t i o n . C r e a t e s t r a t e g i e s t o a d d r e s s s a f e t y n e e d s . E n h a n c e t r a n s p a r e n c y , a c c o u n t a b i l i t y , a n d e n g a g e m e n t t h r o u g h c o m m u n i c a t i o n c h a n n e l s . C r e a t e a c o m p r e h e n s i v e r e c r e a t i o n p r o g r a m p l a n . C r e a t e , i m p l e m e n t , a n d m a i n t a i n a c o m p r e h e n s i v e m a s t e r p l a n f o r T r o p h y C l u b ’s p u b l i c p a r k s a n d s p a c e s w i t h f u n d i n g s t r a t e g i e s . B e a u t i f y c o m m u n i t y n e i g h b o r h o o d a r e a s a n d m e d i a n s t h r o u g h s u s t a i n a b l e p l a n t i n g s , t r e e u p k e e p , a n d d e s i g n e l e m e n t s . O B J E C T I V E S :O B J E C T I V E S : OBJECTIVES PRIORITIZE PUBLICSAFETY S a f e g u a r d l i v e s a n d p r o t e c t p r o p e r t y b y a c t i v e l y e n g a g i n g w i t h t h e c o m m u n i t y . E n h a n c e c o m m u n i t y p o l i c i n g a n d p u b l i c s a f e t y e n g a g e m e n t . S t r e n g t h e n e m e r g e n c y m a n a g e m e n t p r e p a r e d n e s s a n d e d u c a t i o n . C r e a t e s t r a t e g i e s t o a d d r e s s s a f e t y n e e d s . E n h a n c e t r a n s p a r e n c y , a c c o u n t a b i l i t y , a n d e n g a g e m e n t t h r o u g h c o m m u n i c a t i o n c h a n n e l s . O B J E C T I V E S : STRENGTHENINFRASTRUCTURE UPHOLD HOUSINGSTANDARDS S t r e n g t h e n i n f r a s t r u c t u r e w i t h p r o a c t i v e m a i n t e n a n c e , i m p r o v e d m o b i l i t y , a n d u t i l i t y c o o r d i n a t i o n . E n h a n c e n e i g h b o r h o o d d e s i r a b i l i t y a n d u p h o l d h o u s i n g s t a n d a r d s t h r o u g h c o o p e r a t i v e p o l i c i e s a n d e n f o r c e m e n t w h i l e p r e s e r v i n g p r i v a t e p r o p e r t y r i g h t s . D e v e l o p c o m p r e h e n s i v e m a i n t e n a n c e p l a n s a n d f u n d i n g s t r a t e g i e s t o s u p p o r t l o n g -t e r m i n f r a s t r u c t u r e n e e d s . P a r t n e r w i t h t h e T C M U D N o . 1 , N I S D , a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s t a k e h o l d e r s t o c o o r d i n a t e c a p i t a l p r o j e c t s . C o o r d i n a t e u t i l i t y i m p r o v e m e n t s . P r o t e c t n e i g h b o r h o o d s w i t h t a r g e t e d r e n t a l m a n a g e m e n t . I m p r o v e a g i n g i n p l a c e o p t i o n s f o r r e s i d e n t s . C r e a t e i n n o v a t i v e r e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d e n f o r c e m e n t s t r a t e g i e s . O B J E C T I V E S :O B J E C T I V E S : OBJECTIVES SUPPORTBUSINESS C r e a t e a t h r i v i n g b u s i n e s s e n v i r o n m e n t t h r o u g h p o l i c i e s a n d p a r t n e r s h i p s t h a t s u p p o r t b u s i n e s s e n t e r p r i s e s . D e v e l o p p o l i c i e s t h a t s u p p o r t a p o s i t i v e b u s i n e s s e n v i r o n m e n t a n d e n h a n c e T r o p h y C l u b ’s b u s i n e s s a e s t h e t i c s a n d c o h e s i o n . R e d e v e l o p a n d c r e a t e s u c c e s s f u l b u s i n e s s a r e a s f o s t e r i n g a u n i q u e s e n s e o f p l a c e . B o o s t T r o p h y C l u b ’s b r a n d v i s i b i l i t y t h r o u g h s t r a t e g i c m a r k e t i n g e f f o r t s . O B J E C T I V E S : INITIATIVES Initiatives are specific actions, projects, or programs undertaken to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the plan. They are designed to address the Focus Areas identified in the Strategic Plan and are often accompanied by clear timelines, responsibilities, and resource allocations. INITIATIVES OBJECTIVE INITIATIVE Enhance community policing and public safety engagement. Establish community safety ambassadors to educate and engage residents in police and fire department safety and prevention programs, fostering trust and accessibility. Create a unified voluntary database for elderly, homebound, and special needs residents to enhance fire and police assistance, while promoting community connections and proactive outreach to address public safety needs. Create policies for consistent safety enforcement and implement a two-way communication process with the community for feedback and complaints, ensuring operational consistency. Strengthen emergency management preparedness and education. Introduce a emergency management coordinator position to enhance community preparedness. Craft a comprehensive crisis communication handbook and emergency management plan, define the Mayor's emergency communication responsibilities, and formulate an emergency management strategy. INITIATIVES OBJECTIVE INITIATIVE Create strategies to address safety needs. Enhance public safety on Town property by assessing and addressing traffic, mobility, and pedestrian concerns, with a focus on golf cart and biking safety in crosswalks and sidewalks. Develop a transportation safety plan to address speeding. Enhance transparency, accountability, and engagement through communication channels. Initiate transparent and accountable public safety communication via the Town’s multimedia strategy for education and alerts. Engage residents through two-way public safety communication. Develop public safety transparency pages showcasing statistics and policies, and explore integration of transparency tools with public safety departments. INITIATIVES OBJECTIVE INITIATIVE Create a comprehensive recreation program plan. Develop a comprehensive recreation program with a focus on cost recovery. Establish space for all ages and abilities for educational and recreational activities. Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive master plan for Trophy Club’s public parks and spaces with funding strategies. Finalize a comprehensive master plan for parks and conduct a thorough inventory of the Town's park assets. Evaluate Town parks and trails to prioritize inclusive play areas for all ages and abilities. Seek grant opportunities. Beautify community neighborhood areas and medians through sustainable plantings, tree upkeep, and design elements. Establish a uniformed sustainable design standards for Town medians. Develop a wayfinding directional signage package to enhance the Town’s brand image, monumentation, and street signage. Promote and educate the community on the use of drought-tolerant plantings and native flora and fauna. INITIATIVES OBJECTIVE INITIATIVE Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Identify and establish an asset management plan for all of Trophy Club’s real and personal property. Develop a 10-year maintenance and replacement plan for the Town’s physical assets, setting funding targets, and actively pursue grant opportunities. Implement a drainage/watershed analysis plan for Town-owned creeks and drainage areas. Develop an ADA Transition Plan. Partner with the TC MUD No. 1., NISD, and surrounding stakeholders to coordinate capital projects. Plan and coordinate integrated projects with partner organizations. Streamline the MUD and Town relationship for improved efficiency. Coordinate utility improvements. Strengthen notification and communication capabilities with the ROW permit process. Coordinate utility partner upgrades, safeguarding resident interests, while reviewing and maintaining franchise agreements. INITIATIVES OBJECTIVE INITIATIVE Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Analyze the long-term rental registration program and recommend program improvements. Initiate a short-term rental registration program to include the collection of hotel occupancy tax revenue. Analyze and strengthen the rental property code enforcement program to ensure compliance to community standards. Improve aging in place options for residents. Develop senior oriented services and resources. Create policies for the development of senior active living communities. Establish best practices for permitting senior group homes and boarding homes. Create innovative redevelopment and enforcement strategies. Assess existing residential zoning classifications and propose improvements. Develop policies to enhance and enforce property upkeep standards. INITIATIVES OBJECTIVE INITIATIVE Develop policies that support a positive business environment and enhance Trophy Club’s business aesthetics and cohesion. Collaborate with the EDC to promote state- compliant incentive programs for commercial projects and establish clear business area standards. Prioritize and enhance business code enforcement programs for commercial areas. Review business policies on renovation, signage, parking, and drainage to bolster business support. Redevelop successful business areas fostering a unique sense of place. Continue redevelopment strategies and themes for the SH 114 corridor and other commercial areas. Incorporate commercial areas into the wayfinding and signage plan. Boost Trophy Club’s brand visibility through strategic marketing efforts. Reevaluate the Explore Trophy Club program for potential enhancements and recommendations. Identify local business groups and explore shared goals between the Town and businesses. TASKS Tasks offer a structured plan of action for staff to follow in order to meet the initiatives and objectives outlined by the Town Council. Each task will include a timeline to track progress and ensure that short-term and long-term goals are achieved. HOW TO READ THE TASK SECTION Task The task sequence will outline the order in which the department(s) will complete the initiative. This will serve as the work plan for the department. Timeline The timeline will highlight the start date and potential completion date in red. Funding Funding information will be listed at the bottom of the task sheet. Each task is labeled sequentially from first to last, with any tasks that have funding obligations will be noted at the bottom, along with the funding source. TASK SECTION LEGEND The tasks will be color-coded according to the department responsible for each task. Some colors will be combined to show multiple departments working on that task. Fire Dept Police Dept Finance Dept Communications Dept Parks & Rec Dept Town Manager’s Dept Community Development Dept HR Dept Town Attorney A star signifies the initiative is prioritized in FY 2025 by the Town Council. TASKS Objective Enhance community policing and public safety engagement. Initiative Establish community safety ambassadors to educate and engage residents in police and fire department safety and prevention programs, fostering trust and accessibility. Task Enhance fire prevention efforts, improve public safety awareness, and bolster relationships with the community by implementing a certified Fire and Life Safety Educator within the fire department. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Enroll a firefighter in the Fire and Life Safety Educator course. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Conduct a community-wide church safety training event dealing with crime deterrence and community safety during church gatherings. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 Task #3 will cost $300 and will be funded by the Crime Control & Prevention Fund. Objective Enhance community policing and public safety engagement. Initiative Establish community safety ambassadors to educate and engage residents in police and fire department safety and prevention programs, fostering trust and accessibility. Task Develop LAFFS program to enhance fire and life safety intitiatives via community engagement, education, and support. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS TASKS Objective Enhance community policing and public safety engagement. Initiative Create a unified voluntary database for elderly, homebound, and special needs residents to enhance fire and police assistance, while promoting community connections and proactive outreach to address public safety needs. Task Create a communication strategy to solicit participation from elderly, homebound, and special needs residents. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 Update police department and fire department residents list to ensure accurate information when responding to calls for assistance. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 Explore options for improved synchronization of data housed by the police and fire departments. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 1 2 3 Task #1 will cost $500 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Enhance community policing and public safety engagement. Initiative Create policies for consistent safety enforcement and implement a two-way communication process with the community for feedback and complaints, ensuring operational consistency. Task Initiate a plan to update with the community and Town Council when major Police Department policies change (Use of Force, Vehicle Pursuits, Racial Profiling). If the department makes a change to the polices, the Police Department will make a presentation during a public council meet informing the community of the change. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Strengthen emergency management preparedness and education. Initiative Introduce a emergency management coordinator position to enhance community preparedness. Task Draft an interlocal agreement with Roanoke for emergency management coordinator services. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop a work plan for emergency management services provided by the shared coordinator with Roanoke. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 Task #1 will cost $10,000 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Strengthen emergency management preparedness and education. Initiative Craft a comprehensive crisis communication handbook and emergency management plan, define the Mayor's emergency communication responsibilities, and formulate an emergency management strategy. Task Research best practices in crisis communication and emergency management from other municipalities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Draft an interlocal agreement with Roanoke for emergency management coordinator services. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Review emergency management plans for Roanoke and Denton County. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 Task #2 will cost $10,000 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Strengthen emergency management preparedness and education. Initiative Craft a comprehensive crisis communication handbook and emergency management plan, define the Mayor's emergency communication responsibilities, and formulate an emergency management strategy. Task Review best practices in park and recreation facility and outdoor area emergency management plans and provide recommendations for inclusion in the emergency management plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Organize a meeting with key stakeholders to define communication roles and responsibilities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop a draft outline, structure, and content for emergency operating procedures. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 4 5 6 Task #5 will be $100 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Strengthen emergency management preparedness and education. Initiative Craft a comprehensive crisis communication handbook and emergency management plan, define the Mayor's emergency communication responsibilities, and formulate an emergency management strategy. Task Develop facility recommendations for park and recreation facilities and outdoor areas to identity opportunities for customer service improvement during emergency situations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Review and finalize a Town emergency operating procedures manual. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Develop a draft outline, structure, and content for a crisis communication handbook. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 7 8 9 Task #8 will cost $500 and will be funded out of the General Fund. TASKS Objective Strengthen emergency management preparedness and education. Initiative Craft a comprehensive crisis communication handbook and emergency management plan, define the Mayor's emergency communication responsibilities, and formulate an emergency management strategy. Task Review and finalize the crisis communication handbook and emergency communication strategy. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop and conduct training sessions and simulations for town officials and staff on emergency management and communications protocols. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 10 11 Task #10 will cost $500 and Task #11 will cost $2,000 both will be funded out of the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create strategies to address safety needs. Initiative Enhance public safety on Town property by assessing and addressing traffic, mobility, and pedestrian concerns, with a focus on golf cart and biking safety in crosswalks and sidewalks. Task Create a traffic safety specialist team of specialists, community representatives, law enforcement offcials, and street department personnel. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Identify specific locations and areas for traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety concerns. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Conduct a traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety audit for identified locations and areas with review and input from the traffic safety team. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 Task #3 will cost $5,000 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create strategies to address safety needs. Initiative Enhance public safety on Town property by assessing and addressing traffic, mobility, and pedestrian concerns, with a focus on golf cart and biking safety in crosswalks and sidewalks. Task Identify officer and street department training needs based on the traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety audit. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop specialized enforcement plans to address traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety areas identified during the safety audit. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Review existing infrastructure including current pedestrian crosswalk flasher technology and replace flasher cabinets. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 4 5 6 Task #4 will cost $10,000 and #6 will cost $110,000 both will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create strategies to address safety needs. Initiative Enhance public safety on Town property by assessing and addressing traffic, mobility, and pedestrian concerns, with a focus on golf cart and biking safety in crosswalks and sidewalks. Task Develop a media campaign to create awareness around traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety areas identified during the safety audit. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 7 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create a traffic safety specialist team of specialists, community representatives, law enforcement officials, and street department personnel. Initiative Develop a transportation safety plan to address speeding. Task Create a traffic safety specialist team of specialists, community representatives, law enforcement offcials, and street department personnel. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Identify specific locations and areas for traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety concerns. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Create a standard process for reviewing and analyzing speeding complaints. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create a traffic safety specialist team of specialists, community representatives, law enforcement officials, and street department personnel. Initiative Develop a transportation safety plan to address speeding. Task Develop specialized enforcement and infrastructure plans to address speeding in areas identified by the traffic safety specialist team. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop a media campaign to create awareness around traffic, golf cart, and pedestrian safety areas identified during the safety audit. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 4 5 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Enhance transparency, accountability, and engagement through communication channels. Initiative Initiate transparent and accountable public safety communication via the Town’s multimedia strategy for education and alerts. Task Develop a comprehensive multimedia strategy and plan by identifying key messages, determining appropriate channels (social media, website, newsletter, etc.), and creating a content calendar for regular updates. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Review communication effectiveness by using analytics tools to measure reach and engagement and collecting feedback from the community to improve communication strategies. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Enhance transparency, accountability, and engagement through communication channels. Initiative Engage residents through two-way public safety communication. Task Develop a resident participation and engagement plan by identifying key stakeholders and community leaders to involve and planning outreach activities to ensure diverse community participation (i.e. National Night Out, Citizen's Academy, TCEVA, etc.) FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 Create and provide a broad digital presence to promote public safety engagement activities that are accessible and convenient using website, social media, TC Alerts and digital marquees. FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Enhance transparency, accountability, and engagement through communication channels. Initiative Develop public safety transparency pages showcasing statistics and policies, and explore integration of transparency tools with public safety departments. Task Research and implement new software or tools such as dashboards and interactive maps to provide a smooth website experience for transparency. FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 Assist Public Safety Departments by displaying their collection statistics on crime rates, response times, and other key metrics including establishing a schedule for regular updates. FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 Work with the Communications Department to identify key department statistics such as incident types, response times, and public safety trends via the Town's public safety transparency site. FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. 3 TASKS Objective Create a comprehensive recreation program plan. Initiative Develop a comprehensive recreation program with a focus on cost recovery. Task Perform a detailed assessment of current fees, programs, and revenues and expenses associated with current recreation programs. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Conduct a request for qualifications procurement process to obtain a consultant to complete a comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan to include a recreation program plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Develop the recreation program plan to implement desired recreation programs at Town parks and facilities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 Task #2 will cost $250,000 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create a comprehensive recreation program plan. Initiative Develop a comprehensive recreation program with a focus on cost recovery. Task Obtain Council approval on the comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan to include project priorities and funding options. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create a comprehensive recreation program plan. Initiative Establish space for all ages and abilities for educational and recreational activities. Task Identify locations, spaces, and partners to provide recreational programs and services as outlined in the recreation program plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Establish space for all ages and abilities for educational and recreational activities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 Task #1 will have funding requirements, which will be established at a later date. It will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive master plan for Trophy Club's public parks and spaces with funding strategies. Initiative Finalize a comprehensive master plan for parks and conduct a thorough inventory of the Town's park assets. Task Conduct a request for qualifications procurement process to obtain a consultant to complete a comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Conduct an assessment and inventory of all existing park assets in Trophy Club including facilities, equipment, and natural areas. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Create a communication strategy for public meetings and surveys to support public input into the master plan process. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 Task #1 will cost $250,000 and Task #3 will cost $500. Both will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive master plan for Trophy Club's public parks and spaces with funding strategies. Initiative Finalize a comprehensive master plan for parks and conduct a thorough inventory of the Town's park assets. Task Finalize a detailed master plan for the development, maintenance, and funding of Trophy Club's public parks and spaces. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Obtain Parks & Recreation Board and Town Council approval of the final Parks & Recreation Master Plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 4 5 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive master plan for Trophy Club's public parks and spaces with funding strategies. Initiative Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive master plan for Trophy Club's public parks and spaces with funding strategies. Task Develop a prioritized list of park capital projects to increase the use of inclusive play areas for all ages and abilities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Complete an inclusive play area review as part of the Parks Master Plan process to inventory the Town's park system. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 Task #2 will have funding requirements, which will be established at a later date. It will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive master plan for Trophy Club's public parks and spaces with funding strategies. Initiative Seek grant opportunities. Task Research potential funding sources for federal, state, and local government grants related to parks and recreation. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 Explore partnerships with businesses that have a vested interest in community development or corporate social responsibility programs. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 Submit appropriate grant proposals. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. 3 TASKS Objective Beautify community neighborhood areas and medians through sustainable plantings, tree upkeep, and design elements. Initiative Establish a uniformed sustainable design standards for Town medians. Task Complete a median design standard plan as part of the Parks Master Plan process. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop a prioritized list of median capital projects to ensure compliance with the median design standard plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Beautify community neighborhood areas and medians through sustainable plantings, tree upkeep, and design elements. Initiative Develop a wayfinding directional signage package to enhance the Town’s brand image, monumentation, and street signage. Task Hire a consultant to conduct a needs assessment by studying key locations for wayfinding signage and gathering input from residents, businesses, and visitors on signage needs. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Work with consultant to design concepts that reflect the town's brand image, creating visually appealing signage, and ensuring consistency in color, font, and style with existing town branding. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Assist consultant with drafting of a comprehensive signage plan with maps and installation locations, presenting it to town officials and relevant committees for approval, and securing necessary permits and funding for the project. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Beautify community neighborhood areas and medians through sustainable plantings, tree upkeep, and design elements. Initiative Develop a wayfinding directional signage package to enhance the Town’s brand image, monumentation, and street signage. Task Contract with a signage manufacturer, coordinating with public works for installation, and ensuring compliance with local regulations and standards. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Launch a public awareness campaign to introduce the new signage system, creating informational materials explaining its purpose and benefits. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 4 5 Task #5 will have funding requirements, which will be established at a later date. It will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Beautify community neighborhood areas and medians through sustainable plantings, tree upkeep, and design elements. Initiative Promote and educate the community on the use of drought-tolerant plantings and native flora and fauna. Task Explore partnerships to provide community education sessions for Texas native plantings. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Create annual programming supporting Texas native plantings and education. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Develop educational campaigns by creating materials such as brochures, guides, and videos on drought-tolerant plants and native species, organizing workshops and webinars on sustainable landscaping practices, and promotion on Town communication channels. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Initiative Identify and establish an asset management plan for all of Trophy Club’s real and personal property. Task Investigate asset management software systems to house property information within GIS. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 Engage a survey company to develop survey records, including meets and bounds, for Trophy Club properties. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 Integrate survey records into the Town's asset management software system. FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 1 2 3 Task #1 will cost $35,000, Task #2 will cost $20,000, and Task #3 will cost $15,000. All tasks will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Initiative Develop a 10-year maintenance and replacement plan for the Town’s physical assets, setting funding targets, and actively pursue grant opportunities. Task Develop GIS mapping layers and assessment report to include location, age, and condition of the Town's physical assets to include roadways, sidewalks, drainage infrastructure, signs, streetlights, park lighting, facilities, fences, sound walls, and irrigation lines. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop standard maintenance and replacement schedules for identified physical assets. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Utilizing the assessment report and maintenance/replacement schedules, develop a 10-year maintenance and replacement plan for the Town's physical assets. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Initiative Develop a 10-year maintenance and replacement plan for the Town’s physical assets, setting funding targets, and actively pursue grant opportunities. Task Prepare funding strategies and schedule the 10-year maintenance and replacement plan within the Town's Capital Improvement Plan and long-term debt financing schedule. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Finalize a 10-year maintenance and replacement plan schedule for posting on the Town's website. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. 5 TASKS Objective Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Initiative Implement a drainage/watershed analysis plan for Town-owned creeks and drainage areas Task Issue an RFP for a drainage study consultant. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Conduct a comprehensive drainage assessment report to include mapping and infrastructure reports for Trophy Club's drainage areas. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop a drainage infrastructure prioritized project list based on the assessment report. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 Task #1 will cost $200,000 and will be funded by the Storm Drainage Utility Fund. TASKS Objective Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Initiative Implement a drainage/watershed analysis plan for Town-owned creeks and drainage areas Task Create maintenance plan recommendations for inclusion in the Town's budget process. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Prioritize drainage improvement projects into the Town's Capital Improvement Plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 5 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Develop comprehensive maintenance plans and funding strategies to support long-term infrastructure needs. Initiative Develop an ADA Transition Plan. Task Conduct a request for qualifications procurement process to obtain a consultant to complete a ADA transition plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Complete an ADA transition plan for the Town's infrastructure to include projects to comply with Federal law. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Prioritize ADA transition capital projects into the Town's Capital Improvement Plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 Task #2 will cost $100,000 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Partner with the TC MUD No. 1., NISD, and surrounding stakeholders to coordinate capital projects. Initiative Plan and coordinate integrated projects with partner organizations. Task Identify potential partner organizations we can partner with on upcoming projects. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Establish clear communication channels, project goals, and address mutual interests and project needs. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 If needed create a formal MOU or partnership agreement outlining roles, responsibilitities, and expectations for each organization. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Partner with the TC MUD No. 1., NISD, and surrounding stakeholders to coordinate capital projects. Initiative Plan and coordinate integrated projects with partner organizations. Task Develop a detailed project plan that integrates contributions from all partners, including tasks, timelines, and resources allocations. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Partner with the TC MUD No. 1., NISD, and surrounding stakeholders to coordinate capital projects. Initiative Streamline the MUD and Town relationship for improved efficiency. Task Establish regular team meetings to create clear communication channels between MUD representative and the town to discuss ongoing issues, upcoming projects, future needs, and concerns. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Collaborate on long-term planning efforts to align the MUD and town goals, such as proactive infrastructure plans. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Work with the MUD to develop communication coordination opportunities for water-related content, such as articles, videos, infographics, and FAQs, that address the community's needs and interest. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. 3 TASKS Objective Coordinate utility improvements. Initiative Strengthen notification and communication capabilities with the ROW permit process. Task Investigate ArcGIS software systems to embed in the Town's website to house ROW permit information. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Review the Town's ROW permit communication and notification processes and compare against best practices in other communities. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Develop ROW permit materials that outlines public communication requirements and examples for applications. Identify key milestones and determine the key stages in the ROW permit process that require notifications. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 Task #1 will cost $35,000 and will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Coordinate utility improvements. Initiative Strengthen notification and communication capabilities with the ROW permit process. Task Create a website dedicated to providing ROW permit information to residents. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Coordinate utility improvements. Initiative Coordinate utility partner upgrades, safeguarding resident interests, while reviewing and maintaining franchise agreements. Task Conduct a thorough evaluation of the town’s existing permitting procedures by examining all relevant documentation, workflows, and stakeholder interactions to identify areas for improvement, ensure compliance with current regulations, and enhance efficiency in processing applications. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Revise and enhance the language of town permitting policies, guidelines, and contractual documents to ensure they clearly articulate the town's standards and expectations. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Create a detailed list for pre-con meetings. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Coordinate utility improvements. Initiative Coordinate utility partner upgrades, safeguarding resident interests, while reviewing and maintaining franchise agreements. Task Create a website dedicated to providing utility partner permit information to residents. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Analyze the long-term rental registration program and recommend program improvements. Task Define the objectives and scope by clearly defining and determining boundaries of the analysis. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Gather data on current program performance, and examine existing policies, procedures, and program guidelines related to the long-term rental registration. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Analyze current program performance. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Analyze the long-term rental registration program and recommend program improvements. Task Benchmark against other organizations best practices and other program innovations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop recommendations that comply with state and local regulations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Create an action plan with details and recommendation improvements including timeline, key employees, and resources required. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 5 6 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Initiate a short-term rental registration program to include the collection of hotel occupancy tax revenue. Task Establish the primary goals of the program, such as compliance with state law and hotel occupancy revenue compliance and collection steps, FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Investigate how other municipalities have implemented short-term rental programs and collected hotel occupancy tax revenue. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Examine relevant local and state regulations regarding short-term rentals and ensure the program complies. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Initiate a short-term rental registration program to include the collection of hotel occupancy tax revenue. Task Design the registration program by defining registration requirements, including necessary documentation, fees, and eligibility criteria. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Develop a method for collecting hotel occupancy taxes, including the calculation, reporting, and payment processes. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Create detailed procedures for property owners to register their rentals. Online form, in-person application, etc. Maybe look into online portal capabilities. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 4 5 6 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Initiate a short-term rental registration program to include the collection of hotel occupancy tax revenue. Task Launch the program through communication channels, community meetings, newsletters, to ensure property owners are aware of the new requirements. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 7 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Analyze and strengthen the rental property code enforcement program to ensure compliance to community standards. Task Review existing program and ordinance to determine inefficiencies, discrepancies, and compliance requirements. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Gather data from the MUD, Denton County, and Tarrant County to determine addresses that could potentially be rental properties. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Benchmark against best practices of other municipalities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. 1 TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Analyze and strengthen the rental property code enforcement program to ensure compliance to community standards. Task Make recommendations for potential changes to the rental program and/or ordinance to create consistency. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Coordinate with the Police Department to establish a way to track and report ordinance violations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 Develop clear and thorough inspection protocols to ensure and streamline the process for reporting and documenting violations, ensuring that reports are accurate and complete. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 4 5 6 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Protect neighborhoods with targeted rental management. Initiative Analyze and strengthen the rental property code enforcement program to ensure compliance to community standards. Task Roll out new program and increase public awareness through communication channels. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q1 7 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Improve aging in place options for residents. Initiative Develop senior oriented services and resources. Task Create an RFP for senior social service providers to be featured by the Town of Trophy Club. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Create and design branded materials centered around senior oriented services and activities and communicate it across board platforms. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Improve aging in place options for residents. Initiative Create policies for the development of senior active living communities. Task Review and update current zoning map to address potential areas for future senior living communities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 Task #1 will cost $1,000 and be funded out of the General Fund. TASKS Objective Improve aging in place options for residents. Initiative Establish best practices for permitting senior group homes and boarding homes. Task Conduct a review of ordinances and best practices in municipal governments for regulating and permitting senior group homes and boarding homes, to include legal cases and frameworks. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Organize a community input group to review neighborhood concerns with senior group homes and boarding homes in Trophy Club neighborhoods. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop recommendations and conduct a Town Council Workshop to review potential ordinance improvements for regulating and permitting senior group homes and boarding homes. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Improve aging in place options for residents. Initiative Establish best practices for permitting senior group homes and boarding homes. Task Finalize ordinance change recommendations for submission to the Town Council. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Obtain Town Council approval for recommended ordinance changes to improve regulation and permitting of senior group homes and boarding homes. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 5 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create innovative redevelopment and enforcement strategies. Initiative Assess existing residential zoning classifications and propose improvements. Task Analyze existing zoning effectiveness by assessing current issues, evaluating current zoning outcomes, and benchmarking against best practices. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Develop improvement proposals by formulating recommendations, drafting zoning code amendments, and assess impacts. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Implement and monitor changes by developing an implementation plan, organizing public hearings to review and approve zoning code amendments. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create innovative redevelopment and enforcement strategies. Initiative Develop policies to enhance and enforce property upkeep standards. Task Assess current standards and practices by gathering and reviewing current property regulations and standards. Evaluate the enforcement of those regulations and find any gaps or challenges. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Engage stakeholders to collect input about current issues, challenges, and desired improvements. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop policy proposals for property upkeep, develop clear procedures for monitoring, reporting, and enforcing property upkeep standards, propose incentives for compliance and penalties for violations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Create innovative redevelopment and enforcement strategies. Initiative Develop policies to enhance and enforce property upkeep standards. Task Develop an implementation plan, and launch public awareness campaign. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 Task #4 will have funding requirements, which will be established at a later date. It will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Develop policies that support a positive business environment and enhance Trophy Club’s business aesthetics and cohesion. Initiative Collaborate with the EDC to promote state-compliant incentive programs for commercial projects and establish clear business area standards. Task Identify business incentive programs that comply with state laws and could enhance Trophy Club's business areas. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Arrange meetings with the EDC to present potential incentive programs FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Develop policies that support a positive business environment and enhance Trophy Club’s business aesthetics and cohesion. Initiative Prioritize and enhance business code enforcement programs for commercial areas. Task Review existing codes and regulations and evaluate enforcement practices. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Identify Key Issues in current enforcement programs that need addressing, and develop recommendations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Engage business community for feedback on recommendations. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Develop policies that support a positive business environment and enhance Trophy Club’s business aesthetics and cohesion. Initiative Prioritize and enhance business code enforcement programs for commercial areas. Task Implement changes and train enforcement staff on new procedures. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 Task #4 will have funding requirements, which will be established at a later date. It will be funded by the General Fund. TASKS Objective Develop policies that support a positive business environment and enhance Trophy Club’s business aesthetics and cohesion. Initiative Review business policies on renovation, signage, parking, and drainage to bolster business support. Task Review and analyze policies that streamline renovation, encourage best practices in signage regulations, maintain efficient parking regulations, and regulate drainage practices. Identify any problem areas needing improvement. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Design a survey and host focus groups with stakeholders to gether feedback on exisitng policies. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Review best practices for surrounding municipalities. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Develop policies that support a positive business environment and enhance Trophy Club’s business aesthetics and cohesion. Initiative Review business policies on renovation, signage, parking, and drainage to bolster business support. Task Implement policy, and create a plan for rolling out new or revised policy to responsible parties. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Redevelop and create successful business areas fostering a unique sense of place. Initiative Continue redevelopment strategies and themes for the SH 114 corridor and other commercial areas. Task Engage a consultant to develop a small area plan for area surrounding Town- owned property near SH 114 and Trophy Wood Drive. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop a project webpage and video to explain the small area plan project. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Conduct a community open house forum and online surveys for public input into desired uses for the small area plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 Task #1 will cost $90,000, Task #2 will cost $5,000, and Task #3 will cost $250. All tasks will be funded out of the Economic Development Corporation Fund. TASKS Objective Redevelop and create successful business areas fostering a unique sense of place. Initiative Continue redevelopment strategies and themes for the SH 114 corridor and other commercial areas. Task Create a draft small area plan document based on community input to include concept plans and implementation strategies to incentivize redevelopment of the small area plan location. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Conduct a joint workshop of the Economic Development Corporation and Town Council to review the draft small area plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Finalize the small area plan report and obtain approval from the Economic Development Corporation Board and the Town Council FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 5 6 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Redevelop and create successful business areas fostering a unique sense of place. Initiative Continue redevelopment strategies and themes for the SH 114 corridor and other commercial areas. Task Develop a website to house information about the finalized small area plan report. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Develop incentive plans for the development of projects contained in the final small area plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to reflect changes recommended by the small area plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 7 8 9 Task #7 will cost $5,000 and be funded out of the Economic Development Corporation Fund. TASKS Objective Redevelop and create successful business areas fostering a unique sense of place. Initiative Incorporate commercial areas into the wayfinding and signage plan. Task Incorporate commercial area directional signage into the Town's wayfinding and signage plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Contract with vendors to construct and install appropriate commercial signage as depicted in the wayfinding and signage plan. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Boost Trophy Club’s brand visibility through strategic marketing efforts. Initiative Reevaluate the Explore Trophy Club program for potential enhancements and recommendations. Task Review the Explore Trophy Club tourism program by defining its goals, strategies, and outcomes, gathering feedback from residents, visitors, and local businesses, and analyzing performance metrics and visitor data to identify strengths and weaknesses. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Solicit feedback from key stakeholders, including local business owners, community leaders, and tourism experts to gather additional feedback and foster community involvement. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Identify potential enhancements based on data and stakeholder input and creating a budget for implementing these recommendations, including potential funding sources. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Boost Trophy Club’s brand visibility through strategic marketing efforts. Initiative Reevaluate the Explore Trophy Club program for potential enhancements and recommendations. Task Work with agency to provide a broad digital presence to enhance Explore Trophy Club program using website, social media, TC Alerts and digital marquees. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Set clear success metrics and implementing a regular review process to assess performance and make adjustments as needed. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 Provide regular progress reports to the Town Council, stakeholders, and the community about the enhancements and their impact, while maintaining an open feedback loop for continuous input and adjustments. FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY25 Q3 FY25 Q4 FY26 Q1 FY26 Q2 FY26 Q3 FY26 Q4 FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 4 5 6 No funding has been allocated for this task. TASKS Objective Boost Trophy Club’s brand visibility through strategic marketing efforts. Initiative Identify local business groups and explore shared goals between the Town and businesses. Task Develop collaborative strategies such as establishing goals and creating an action plan for specific steps to achieving shared goals. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Identify local business groups. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 Explore shared goals such as surveys and business sessions to gather insights on the needs of the businesses and identify their priorities and concerns. FY27 Q1 FY27 Q2 FY27 Q3 FY27 Q4 FY28 Q1 FY28 Q2 FY28 Q3 FY28 Q4 FY29 Q1 FY29 Q2 1 2 3 No funding has been allocated for this task. PLANSTRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Trophy Club's Strategic Development Plan outlines the steps and processes we took to create, develop, implement, and monitor our Strategic Plan. Mayor and Council Input and Prioritization: The Mayor and Council provided valuable insights of the town's overarching vision. Executive Team Development of Focus Areas and Objectives: Subsequently, the Executive Team spearheaded the development of focus areas and objectives, leveraging their expertise to craft strategic directions that align with organizational capabilities and aspirations. Community Outreach for Input on Focus Areas and Objectives: Recognizing the importance of community engagement, the town actively sought input from residents, businesses, board and commissions, and stakeholders to ensure that the plan reflects the diverse needs and aspirations of the community. Mayor and Council Prioritization: The Mayor and Council prioritized key initiatives, aligning the plan with the town's goals. Implementation and Tracking of Key Initiatives: The final phase, Phase 5, focused on the implementation and tracking of key initiatives outlined in the strategic plan. Trophy Club’s Strategic Plan was collaboratively developed with input from the community, the Mayor, Town Council, and the Executive Team, ensuring comprehensive engagement and alignment with our town's Vision and Mission. The Strategic Plan's development commenced in January 2024 and received final approval in October of the same year. This process unfolded through five pivotal phases: PLAN DEVELOPMENT This structured approach to strategic planning underscores Trophy Club’s commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and accountability, setting the stage for effective implementation and long-term success. PHASE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL INPUT PLAN DEVELOPMENT Per charter requirements section 9.05, the Town Council is to provide goals for the next fiscal year in January. During the Council Retreat on January 11 & 12, 2024, the Council directed the Town Manager to draft Focus Areas and Objectives for approval at a later date, in preparation for the upcoming fiscal year. PHASE EXECUTIVE TEAM DEVELOPMENT OF MISSION & VISION, FOCUS AREAS & OBJECTIVES PLAN DEVELOPMENT During the Director Retreat in March 21 & 22 of 2024, Directors brainstormed the current Vision. Prior Vision: Trophy Club will be a safe and vibrant town defined by our investment into a life centered around community. New Vision: Trophy Club will be a connected and vibrant town that provides an engaged and active community experience. Connectivity is a core feeling of our citizens Family friendly Experiences Safety Mind-Set PHASE EXECUTIVE TEAM DEVELOPMENT OF MISSION & VISION PLAN DEVELOPMENT During the Director Retreat in March 21 & 22 of 2024, Directors brainstormed the current Mission. Prior Mission: The Town of Trophy Club focuses on enriching the lives of our residents, businesses, visitors, and organizations by creating a welcoming environment and providing exceptional services that enable our community to thrive. New Mission: The Town of Trophy Club focuses on enriching the lives of our residents, businesses, visitors, and organizations by leading in exceptional services that cultivate a thriving community. Sense of belonging Excellent Quality By leading in Exceptional Service Mind-Set PHASE EXECUTIVE TEAM DEVELOPMENT OF FOCUS AREA & OBJECTIVES PLAN DEVELOPMENT During the Director Retreat on March 21 & 22 of 2024, Directors brainstormed the current Focus Areas. Developing the Town’s focus areas for a Strategic plan involved a process aimed at aligning organizational goals with its Mission and Vision. These Focus Areas are broad enough to encompass multiple related objectives but specific enough to provide clear direction. Once identified, each area was refined, ensuring it is actionable, measurable, and aligned with the organization's strategic direction. Safety Recreational Amenities Expand Quality of Life Business Health Economic Vitality Mind-Set PHASE EXECUTIVE TEAM DEVELOPMENT OF FOCUS AREA & OBJECTIVES PLAN DEVELOPMENT During the Director Retreat on March 21 & 22 of 2024, Directors brainstormed the current Objectives. Developing objectives for a Strategic Plan involves a process geared towards translating overarching goals into specific, actionable targets. It begins with a thorough examination of the organization's Mission, Vision, and identified Focus Areas. Then Objectives are designed to address the strategic priorities outlined in the focus areas that also contribute to the overall fulfillment of the organization's mission. Community policing and Public Safety engagement Emergency management preparedness Education Partnerships Variety of businesses Customer Service Multi- generational (all abilities) Mind-Set PHASE COMMUNITY OUTREACH FOR INPUT ON FOCUS AREAS AND OBJECTIVES PLAN DEVELOPMENT On April 19, 2024, the Town distributed a community survey to collect feedback on the Focus Areas and Objectives developed during the previous Director’s Retreat. The survey received an excellent response rate, with 127 participants. PHASE COMMUNITY OUTREACH FOR INPUT ON FOCUS AREAS AND OBJECTIVES PLAN DEVELOPMENT On April 29th, May 1st-4th, and May 6th, the Town conducted focus groups to facilitate more in-depth conversations regarding the Focus Areas and Objectives. Our focus groups included 22 board and commission members, two school district principals, three MUD Directors, and 21 residents, for a total of 48 participants. PHASE MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRIORITIZATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT On June 7th and 8th, the Town Council held a retreat to formulate initiatives for each objective and establish priorities for Fiscal Year 2025. The Town Council and Directors refined their objectives to 16 and devised 45 initiatives to achieve them. On day two, both Town Council and the Directors collectively identified and prioritized six initiatives to concentrate on throughout the Fiscal Year 2024-2025. PHASE IMPLEMENTATION AND TRACKING OF KEY INITIATIVES PLAN DEVELOPMENT In September 2024, the Executive Team developed a tracking report form and an online reporting website to monitor key initiatives and enhance transparency in their efforts to achieve the Objectives. The final strategic plan document was approved by the Town Council on October 14, 2024. The Town of Trophy Club team would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the community for its invaluable support and input throughout this process. We appreciate the leadership demonstrated by the Town Council and their steadfast guidance as we chart our path forward. Additionally, we wish to express our gratitude to our Town Manager and staff for their dedication to formulating a transparent plan aimed at fulfilling our future objectives. THANK YOU Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 www.trophyclub.org/strategicplan