08.12.2024 TC Agenda Packet TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB MEETING AGENDA TOWN COUNCIL 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 August 12, 2024 5:00 PM Council Chambers CALL WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM WORK SESSION ITEM 1. Presentation and discussion of the FY 2025 Proposed Budget. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) ADJOURN WORK SESSION CALL REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER (immediately following Work Session or 7:00 p.m., whichever is later) INVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quilé, Bara Church PLEDGES led by Council Member Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag PUBLIC COMMENT(S) This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.007. The Council is not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made concerning matters that are not listed on the agenda. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or may email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT 2. Proclamation - Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. 3. Receive Annual Update from Metroport Chamber (Sally Aldridge, President & CEO) 4. Working for You... Trophy Club Page 1 of 281 a) Update from Town Council Members b) Update from Town Manager (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) c) Quick Civic Tip (Alicia Kreh, Town Attorney's Office) CONSENT AGENDA This part of the agenda consists of non-controversial, or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from Consent by any council member by making such request prior to a motion and vote. 5. Consider approval of the July 22, 2024, Town Council Work Session and Regular Meeting Minutes. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) 6. Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute employee health and welfare benefits agreements with Blue Cross Blue Shield including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, and disability insurance. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) 7. Consider setting a public hearing for the FY 2025 Proposed Budget on August 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm. (April Duvall, Finance Director) 8. Consider a resolution of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas accepting the 2024 appraisal rolls from Denton and Tarrant Counties. (April Duvall, Finance Director) PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. Conduct a public hearing and consider approval of the FY 2025 Crime Control & Prevention District Budget. (Patrick Arata, Chief of Police) INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 10. Consider approval of the location of dedicated pickleball courts in the Town of Trophy Club and directing staff to initiate the construction design phase for the selected location. (Chase Ellis, Parks & Recreation Director) 11. Consider an ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club amending Chapter 2 “Animal Control,” Article 2.02 “Impoundment,” Section 2.02.001 “Generally,” Subsection (c) “Disposition of Unclaimed Animals” to provide for forfeiture; and amending Appendix A “Fee Schedule,” Article A1.000 “General Provisions,” Section A1.006 “Animal Control,” Subsection (a) “Impound Fee,” of the Code of Ordinances. (Patrick Arata, Chief of Police) 12. Consider adding Veterans Day to the list of Town-recognized holidays for a total of 12 Town holidays. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) 13. Discuss potential membership changes to the Parks & Recreation Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment Board, Building Standards Commission, and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) Page 2 of 281 14. Consider accepting the submission of the notice of a no-new-revenue tax rate of $0.395728 per $100 taxable valuation and a voter-approval tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 taxable valuation for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025, setting a not-to-exceed ad valorem tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 taxable valuation (equal to the voter-approval tax rate) for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025, and setting a tax rate public hearing for Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm. (April Duvall, Finance Director) 15. Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute an amended interlocal agreement with the City of Roanoke, TX for the administration of municipal court services on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will recess into executive session to discuss the following: Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1) Town Secretary 2) Municipal Judge RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Consider an ordinance providing for the appointment of a Municipal Court Judge and Alternate Judges for the Town of Trophy Club. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) ADJOURN The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 through 551.076 and Section 551.087. CERTIFICATION: I do hereby certify that the Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Town Hall for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, in a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times on the following date and time: August 7, 2024, at 6:45 p.m., and said Notice of Meeting was also posted concurrently on the Town’s website in accordance with Texas Government Code Ch. 551 at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting. /s/ Tammy Dixon Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 6822372900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Page 3 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Brandon Wright, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM: Presentation and discussion of the FY 2025 Proposed Budget. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The FY 2025 Proposed Budget for the Town of Trophy Club reflects the Town's commitment to fiscal responsibility, community priorities, and strategic planning for the future. The budget is designed to support the continued growth and prosperity of Trophy Club while aligning with the goals and priorities set by the Town Council. Below are some of the key accomplishments and highlights for the FY 2025 Proposed Budget: • Reorganization of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): The six-year CIP includes $22.5 million in replacement and maintenance dollars to address critical infrastructure projects, ensuring that Trophy Club remains well maintained and prepared for future growth. • Implementation of the Trophy Club Pay Plan Policy: The FY 2025 Proposed Budget fully implements the pay plan policy as approved by the Town Council in FY 2024. This plan ensures competitive compensation for Town employees, helping to attract and retain top talent to provide exceptional services to the community. • Alignment with Council Goals: This budget aligns with the Town Council's goals and priorities in the FY 2025 Business Plan. It reflects focus and dedication to addressing the priorities set by the Town Council, ensuring that staff meets community expectations. • Enhanced Community Events: Funding for Christmas in the Park has been increased to allow for this event to be expanded. This enhancement will provide more activities and entertainment to make the event even more enjoyable for everyone. • Inclusion of the Parks Master Plan: The budget includes funding for the Parks Master Plan, which is a critical component of the FY 2025 Business Plan as well as a long-term strategy to ensure that ongoing investment in Trophy Club parks is made to meet the needs of current and future residents. • Pickleball Courts: As planning continues to ensure that the design and placement of pickleball courts in Trophy Club will benefit the overall community, funding is set aside in the FY 2025 CIP to provide funding for a quality amenity for residents. • Significant Investment in Street Improvements: The six-year CIP dedicates $14.6 million to street maintenance and replacement. This substantial investment will improve road conditions, reduce maintenance costs in the long-run, and enhance the overall safety and accessibility of Trophy Club streets. • Thrive Business Grant for Revitalization: The FY 2025 Proposed Budget includes funding for the Thrive Business Grant program aimed at revitalizing local businesses. Page 4 of 281 This grant, which provides up to $20,000 in business support, provides essential funding to help businesses grow, innovate, and contribute to the economic vitality of Trophy Club. The FY 2025 Proposed Budget embodies the Town's commitment to a conservative fiscal philosophy to manage municipal operations. The proposed tax rate of $0.415469 is equal to the voter-approval rate. This rate maintains the quality of services residents depend on while fostering a stable economic environment. This approach underscores the Town's dedication to responsible stewardship of public funds, balancing the need for essential services with the goal of minimizing the financial burden taxpayers. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: Consistent with the Town Charter, the council subcommittee for the purpose of providing fiduciary oversight of the budget participated in committee meetings on July 24, July 26, and August 6. During those meetings, revenues and expenditures were reviewed in detail along with the six-year capital improvement plan. Staff received their input and provided responses to questions throughout the process. The subcommittee is prepared to offer their feedback to the full Town Council during the work shop. FISCAL IMPACT: This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year's budget by an amount of $628,512, which is a 6.12 percent increase from last year's budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $134,787. FY 2025 General Fund revenues are anticipated to be $16,316,611 with anticipated expenditures of $16,493,691. Expenditures across all funds is expected to be approximately $37.6 million. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY 25 Proposed Budget & Capital Improvement Plan - 8.7.24 2. Presentation ACTIONS/OPTIONS: This work shop agenda item is being presented for discussion and feedback purposes. No action will be taken by the Town Council during the work shop. Based on input received, the FY 2025 Proposed Budget and tax rate will be presented and voted on during a future meeting. Page 5 of 281 44 TH ANNIVERSARY P R E P A R E D B Y F I N A N C E D E P A R T M E N T P R O P O S E D A N N U A L B U D G E T T O W N O F T R O P H Y C L U B 2 0 2 F I S C A L Y E A R5 FY2025 Proposed Budget 1 8/7/2024 Page 6 of 281 I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget for the Town of Trophy Club. This budget reflects our commitment to fiscal responsibility, community priorities, and strategic planning for the future. This budget is designed to support the continued growth and prosperity of Trophy Club while aligning with the goals and priorities set by the Town Council. Key Accomplishments and Highlights Reorganization of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): This budget includes a comprehensive reorganization of the Capital Improvement Plan, ensuring long- term replacement and maintenance needs are met. The six-year plan includes $22.5 million in replacement and maintenance dollars to address critical infrastructure projects, ensuring our Town remains well-maintained and prepared for future growth. Implementation of the Trophy Club Pay Plan Policy : The budget fully implements the Trophy Club Pay Plan policy as approved by the Town Council in FY 2024. This ensures competitive compensation for our employees, helping us attract and retain top talent to provide exceptional services to our community. Alignment with Council Goals : This budget aligns with the Town Council’s goals and prioritizes the FY 2025 Business Plan. It reflects focus and dedication to addressing the priorities set by the Town Council, ensuring that staff meets community expectations. Enhanced Community Events : To improve gathering and celebration events for our residents and visitors, funding for Christmas in the Park has been increased to allow for this event to be expanded. This enhancement will provide more activities and entertainment to make the event even more enjoyable for everyone. M A N A G E R ' S M E S S A G E budget overview from town manager brandon wright QUOTE Honorable Mayor, Members of Town Council, and Citizens of Trophy Club, FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET 44 TH ANNIVERSARY FY2025 Proposed Budget 2 8/7/2024 Page 7 of 281 M A N A G E R ' S M E S S A G E budget overview from town manager brandon wright FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET I nclusion of the Parks Master Plan : This budget includes funding for the Parks Master Plan, which is a critical component of the FY 2025 Business Plan as well as a long-term strategy to ensure that ongoing investment in Trophy Club parks is made to meet the needs of our current and future residents. Pickleball Courts : As planning continues to ensure that the design and placement of pickleball courts in Trophy Club will benefit the overall community, funding is set aside in the FY 2025 Capital Improvement Plan to provide funding for a quality amenity for our residents. This addition will provide a popular and growing recreational activity for our residents, promoting health, wellness, and community engagement. Significant Investment in Street Improvements : The six-year Capital Improvement Plan dedicates $14.6 million to street maintenance/replacement. This substantial investment will improve road conditions, reduce maintenance costs in the long run, and enhance the overall safety and accessibility of our streets. Thrive Grant for Business Revitalization : In FY 2024, Trophy Club announced the Thrive Grant Program aimed at revitalizing local businesses. This grant provides essential funding to help businesses grow, innovate, and contribute to the economic vitality of Trophy Club. Funding is secured for this important program in the FY 2025 Budget as applications are accepted from Trophy Club businesses. 44 TH ANNIVERSARY FY2025 Proposed Budget 3 8/7/2024 Page 8 of 281 Tax Rate The FY 2025 Budget embodies our commitment to a conservative fiscal philosophy in managing municipal operations. By proposing a tax rate of $0.415469, which is the voter approval rate, we ensure that financial planning is both prudent and responsive to the community's expectations. This rate maintains the quality of services residents depend on while fostering a stable economic environment. This approach underscores the Town’s dedication to responsible stewardship of public funds, balancing the need for essential services with the goal of minimizing the financial burden on taxpayers. In conclusion, the FY 2025 Budget is a reflection of Trophy Club’s ongoing commitment to prudent financial management, community engagement, and strategic planning. It is designed to meet the current needs of residents while preparing for the future. Working together with the Town Council and our residents, staff remains focused on achieving goals to make Trophy Club a great place to call home. M A N A G E R ' S M E S S A G E budget overview from town manager brandon wright FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET Respectfully submitted, Brandon Wright Town Manager Trophy Club Texas 44 TH ANNIVERSARY FY2025 Proposed Budget 4 8/7/2024 Page 9 of 281 44 TH ANNIVERSARY B U D G E T C A L E N D A R important dates as executed in the planning of the FY 2025 budget FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGETFY2025 Proposed Budget 5 8/7/2024 Page 10 of 281 44 TH ANNIVERSARY QUOTE C U R R E N T S T A T E proposed budget FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year's budget by $628,512 or 6.1%, and of that amount, $134,787 is the tax revenue raised from new property added to the roll this year. FY2025 Proposed Budget 6 8/7/2024 Page 11 of 281 FY25 Tax RateCOMPONENT UNITS0.415469General FundDebt Service FundCapital Projects FundCapital Equipment Replacement FundHotel Occupancy FundStreet Maintenance Sales Tax FundCourt Technology FundCourt Security FundCCPD FundRecreation Program FundParkland Dedication FundTIRZ #1 Grants FundTrophy Club Park FundStormwater Drainage Utility FundEDC 4B Fund TotalBeginning Fund Balance ‐ FY23 ACFR less FY24 Exp6,954,899$     1,779,396$    10,771,422$    2,359,096$     3,046,977$    496,177$        7,520$            74,994$          217,888$        29,491$          546,457$        (111,065)$      9,886$            630,736$        3,294,643$    3,018,237$         13,471,805$   RevenueProperty Tax 9,268,316           2,951,335          61,272                12,280,923         Licenses and Permits193,000               193,000              Franchise Fees951,200               951,200              Sales/Occupancy Tax1,625,000           750,000             357,000             360,500             83,779                650,000 3,826,279           Fines and Fees355,608               100 14,100                6,000 204,000             438,600             1,018,408           Intergovernmental (MUD)1,356,797           1,356,797           Grants‐ 2,000,000            4,000 2,004,000           Charges for Service1,986,190           1,986,190           Investment Income400,000               10,000 50,000                1,530 1,030 1,750 1,224 40,000                505,534              Miscellaneous Income180,500               2,575 10,000                25,000 218,075              Contributions3,250,000            923,873               4,173,873           Total Revenue16,316,611$   2,953,910$    5,260,000$      923,873$         810,000$        358,530$        100$                14,100$          365,530$        6,000$            1,750$            145,051$        ‐$ 205,224$        478,600$        675,000$            28,514,279$   ExpendituresGeneral Government‐ 62,657                653,565 716,221              Manager's Office634,477               634,477              Town Secretary's Office285,693               285,693              Mayor & Council34,750                 34,750                 Legal 225,330               225,330              Police4,194,291            ‐ 377,373               358,888             4,930,551           Emergency Medical Services1,830,364            ‐ 120,250               1,950,614           Fire1,800,450           74,500 120,250               1,995,200           Streets321,553               11,550,000          171,000               378,225             486,453             12,907,232         Parks2,033,189           3,720,000            85,000                 128,930             5,967,119           Recreation 530,116               6,000 536,116              Pool418,766               418,766              Community Events94,686                 808,301             902,987              Community Development495,533               495,533              Finance680,622               680,622              Municipal Court114,500               ‐ ‐ 114,500              Human Resources466,086               466,086              Communications179,154               179,154              Information Services686,125               50,000                 736,125              Facility Maintenance1,323,968           1,323,968           Debt Service‐ 2,944,640          400 2,945,040           Capital ‐ Projects‐ ‐ 20,000                ‐ 20,000                 Total Expenditures16,349,653$   2,944,640$    15,344,500$    923,873$         828,301$        378,225$        ‐$ ‐$ 358,888$        6,000$            ‐$ 62,657$          ‐$ 128,930$        486,453$        653,965$            38,466,084$   Current Revenues to Expenditures(33,042)$          9,270$            (10,084,500)$   ‐$ (18,301)$        (19,695)$        100$                14,100$          6,642$            ‐$ 1,750$            82,394$          ‐$ 76,294$          (7,853)$           21,036$              (9,951,805)$    Other Sources (Uses):Debt Issuance‐ Transfers In80,752 202,463             ‐ 283,215              Excess Current Revenue(33,042)                Transfers Out‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 202,463 (202,463)             Total Other Sources (Uses)47,710$           202,463$        ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ (202,463)$           47,710$           Net Increase (Decrease)47,710$           211,733$        (10,084,500)$   ‐$ (18,301)$        (19,695)$        100$                14,100$          6,642$            ‐$ 1,750$            82,394$          ‐$ 76,294$          (7,853)$           223,498$            (9,466,128)$    Ending Fund balance7,002,609$     1,991,129$    686,922$          2,359,096$     3,028,676$    476,481$        7,620$            89,094$          224,530$        29,491$          548,207$        (28,671)$        9,886$            707,030$        3,286,790$    3,241,735$         23,660,625$   GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSAll Funds Summary ‐ Fiscal Year 2025PROPRIETARY FUNDSFY2025 Proposed Budget 7 8/7/2024Page 12 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services REVENUE DETAIL FY 2021    ACTUAL FY 2022    ACTUAL FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO  DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED PROPERTY TAXES  Property Taxes 7,374,797$         7,714,064$         8,569,050$      8,933,445$       8,933,445$       8,982,660$         9,246,116$         9,523,499$           Property Taxes/Prior Year 12,583 (8,322)               22,362                  10,000                  10,000 8,591 10,200 10,506   Property Taxes/P & I 9,095 20,293                 39,374                  10,000                  10,000 18,649 12,000 12,360  TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES 7,396,475$        7,726,035$        8,630,786$      8,953,445$       8,953,445$       9,009,901$         9,268,316$         9,546,365$          SALES TAXES  Sales Tax ‐ General 1,314,983$         1,471,763$         1,509,342$      1,500,000$       1,500,000$       1,342,012$         1,530,000$         1,575,900$           Mixed Beverage Tax 69,011 92,036              104,404                  95,000                  95,000 73,040 95,000 97,850  TOTAL SALES TAXES 1,383,994$        1,563,799$        1,613,746$      1,595,000$       1,595,000$       1,415,051$         1,625,000$         1,673,750$          FRANCHISE FEES  Electric 481,898$            500,777$            568,985$         515,000$          515,000$          590,973$             550,000$             566,500$               Gas                138,490                 165,883              200,478               160,000               160,000                  167,205                  163,200                  168,096   Telecommunications 24,469 21,113                 16,975                  37,500                  37,500 25,362 30,000 30,900   Cable 64,612 66,056                 61,173                  55,000                  55,000 34,228 55,000 56,650   Refuse                159,744                 154,204              168,611               150,000               150,000                  135,080                  153,000                  157,590  TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 869,212$            908,033$            1,016,222$      917,500$          917,500$          952,847$            951,200$            979,736$             LICENSES AND PERMITS Commercial Building Permits 64,156$              80,659$              76,075$            50,000$             50,000$             35,264$               5,000$                 5,150$                  Residential Building Permits ‐   15,280                 29,138               100,000               100,000 69,078 60,000 61,800  Swimming Pool Permits ‐   26,443                 47,005                  30,000                  30,000 17,503 25,000 25,750  MEP Permits 6,045 26,144                 17,030                  10,000                  10,000 12,600 15,000 15,450  Fire Permits/Sprinkler 4,226 6,596 6,418 5,000 5,000 12,171 3,000 3,090  CD for Health Inspection Fees ‐   3,290                 12,790                  10,000                  10,000 10,675 5,000 5,150  Construction Inspections ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐            49,285 30,000 30,900  Miscellaneous Permits                210,073                 121,810                 64,571                  50,000                  50,000 78,481 50,000 51,500  TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 284,500$            280,222$            253,025$         255,000$          255,000$          285,058$            193,000$            198,790$             INTERGOVERNMENTAL  Intergov Trans In MUD                820,027 898,700$            955,788$         1,195,440$       1,195,440$       996,200$             1,356,797$         1,397,501$          TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 820,027$            898,700$            955,788$         1,195,440$       1,195,440$       996,200$            1,356,797$         1,397,501$          GRANT REVENUE Grant Revenue 6,403$                173,116$            70,504$             ‐$ ‐$ 146,662$             ‐$ ‐$  TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 6,403$                173,116$            70,504$            ‐$ ‐$ 146,662$            ‐$ ‐$  FINES AND FEES Cty Veh Reg Fees/Child Safety 10,262$              12,665$              12,699$            10,000$             10,000$             13,012$               12,000$               12,360$                Restitution 790 1,635 1,519 ‐   ‐                    5,464 1,000 1,030  Records Management Revenu 1,960 1,492 1,716 1,010 1,010 1,378 1,000 1,030  Municipal Court Fines/Fees 85,719                 344,679              173,076                  75,000                  75,000                  144,673                  100,000                  103,000  Municipal Court Child Safety F 2,912 5,684                 10,329 580 580 9,444 10,000 10,300  Zoning Fees 5,630 5,065 4,105 1,500 1,500 4,715 4,500 4,635  Platting Fees 3,170 1,570 4,070 500 500 460 600 618  Developer Fees 870 850 500 750 750 ‐   1,000 1,030  P & Z Administrative Fees 1,535 1,775 1,705 500 500 1,900 1,500 1,545  Recreation Programs ‐   ‐   820 ‐   ‐    Day Camp Programs 80,228                 106,825                 97,145                  80,000                  80,000                  114,271 90,000 92,700  Community Events Revenue 240 4,565 4,100 3,000 3,000 7,750 ‐   ‐    Gingerbread House Decorating ‐   ‐                  1,770 1,500 1,500 2,420 1,500 1,545  Run 4 Kindness ‐   ‐   993 993 993 ‐   ‐   ‐    Pool Entry Fees 54,798 50,941                 43,173                  60,000                  60,000 35,168 50,000 51,500  Daily Passes ‐   ‐                  8,721 6,347 6,347 5,659 6,463 6,657  Pool Rentals 13,567 8,755 3,685                  10,000                  10,000 3,350 10,000 10,300  Facility Rentals ‐   ‐                  2,738 1,875 1,875 3,962 1,800 1,854  Swim Team Program Fees 25,194 18,757                 18,425                  25,000                  25,000 14,756 25,000 25,750  Aquatic Programs 13,785 13,407                 12,433                  11,000                  11,000 11,671 11,000 11,330  Pool Concessions 10,410 9,469 1,380                  11,221                  11,221 14,373 11,445 11,789  FY2025 Proposed Budget 8 8/7/2024 Page 13 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services REVENUE DETAIL FY 2021    ACTUAL FY 2022    ACTUAL FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO  DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Denton/Tarrant Cty Pledge ‐ F                  17,072                   16,420                 17,089                  17,000                  17,000                    16,619                    16,500                    16,995  Animal Control                           ‐                           100                         50                       100                       100                          150                          100                          103  Misc Police Revenue                          74                           30                   5,000                       100                       100                             ‐                           100                          103  Convenience Fees                            4                           18                          ‐                         500                       500                             ‐                           100                          103  TOTAL FINES AND FEES 328,220$            604,702$            426,421$         318,476$          318,476$          412,014$            355,608$            366,277$             CHARGES FOR SERVICES  EMS Runs 143,381$            215,785$            191,825$         153,015$          153,015$          141,841$             175,000$             180,250$               NISD Contribution                123,868                 127,035              137,470               164,000               164,000                  161,706                  178,500                  183,855   PID Reimbursement                     2,195                            ‐                   13,865                  60,000                  60,000                      6,916                    60,000                    61,800   PID Fire Assessment                507,446                 529,357              519,246               532,139               532,139                  507,446                  572,690                  589,871  Refuse Charges for Service             1,059,841           1,091,667                           ‐                             ‐                               ‐               1,000,000              1,030,000  TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 776,890$            1,932,018$        1,954,073$      909,154$          909,154$          817,909$            1,986,190$         2,045,776$          #REF!#REF!#REF!INVESTMENT INCOME Interest Income 29,353$              86,193$              639,154$         160,000$          160,000$          638,859$             400,000$             412,000$              TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 29,353$              86,193$              639,154$         160,000$          160,000$          638,859$            400,000$            412,000$             MISCELLANEOUS Recreation Rentals 82,663$              63,240$              72,925$            65,000$             65,000$             94,824$               58,000$               59,740$                Recreation Concession                  14,260                         709                          ‐                   20,000                  20,000                             ‐                               ‐                               ‐    Cell Tower Revenue                  90,856                            ‐                107,834                  65,000                  65,000                  111,898                  100,000                  103,000  Small Cell Tower Lease                           ‐                              ‐                            ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        1,500                      1,500                      1,545  Cell Tower Revenue ‐ GASB 87                           ‐                     83,834                          ‐                             ‐                             ‐                               ‐                               ‐                               ‐    Lease Interest Revenue ‐ GASB                           ‐                     24,288                 20,188                           ‐                             ‐                               ‐                               ‐                               ‐    Donations                          95                         200                   1,500                           ‐                             ‐                               ‐                               ‐                               ‐    Assets Sold                           ‐                     60,142                 44,208                           ‐                             ‐                               ‐                      10,000                    10,300  Vending Revenue                     1,119                      1,080                   1,195                    1,000                    1,000                          788                      1,000                      1,030  Miscellaneous Revenue                (63,390)                    3,892                 14,122                  10,000                  10,000                    32,968                    10,000                    10,300  TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 125,603$            237,385$            261,972$         161,000$          161,000$          241,978$            180,500$            185,915$             TOTAL REVENUES  $      12,020,677  $      14,410,203  $   15,821,691  $    14,465,015  $    14,465,015  $       14,916,479 16,316,611$       16,806,110$        FY2025 Proposed Budget 9 8/7/2024 Page 14 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Revenues FY 2021  ACTUAL FY 2022    ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED  BUDGET FY 2024  AMENDED  BUDGET FY 2024 YEAR TO  DATE FY 2025  PROPOSED $ CHANGE FY25  Proposed to  FY24 Budget % CHANGE % OF TOTAL Property Tax 7,396,475$    7,726,035$         8,630,786$           8,953,445$           8,953,445$           9,009,901$           9,268,316$           314,871$            3.5% 56.8% Licenses and Permits 284,500          280,222               253,025                 255,000                 255,000                 285,058                 193,000                 (62,000)               ‐21.7%1.2% Franchise Fees 869,212          908,033               1,016,222             917,500                 917,500                 952,847                 951,200                 33,700                 3.5% 5.8% Sales Tax 1,383,994      1,563,799           1,613,746             1,595,000             1,595,000             1,415,051             1,625,000             30,000                 2.1% 10.0% Fines and Fees 328,220          604,702               426,421                 318,476                 318,476                 412,014                 355,608                 37,132                 9.0% 2.2% Intergovernmental (MUD)820,027          898,700               955,788                 1,195,440             1,195,440             996,200                 1,356,797             161,357               16.2% 8.3% Charges for Service 776,890          1,932,018           1,954,073             909,154                 909,154                 817,909                 1,986,190             1,077,036           131.7%12.2% Investment Income 29,353            86,193                 639,154                 160,000                 160,000                 638,859                 400,000                 240,000               37.6% 2.5% Miscellaneous Income 125,603          237,385               261,972                 161,000                 161,000                 241,978                 180,500                 19,500                 8.1% 1.1% Grant Revenue 6,403              173,116               70,504                   ‐                              ‐                              146,662                 ‐                              ‐                            0.0% 0.0% Total Revenues 12,020,677$  14,410,203$      15,821,691$        14,465,015$        14,465,015$        14,916,479$        16,316,611$        1,851,596$         100.0% Expenditures FY 2021  ACTUAL FY 2022    ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED  BUDGET FY 2024  AMENDED  BUDGET FY 2024 YEAR TO  DATE FY 2025  PROPOSED $ CHANGE FY25  Proposed to  FY24 Budget % CHANGE % OF TOTAL Manager's Office 973,431$        620,285$            758,658$              549,874$              418,112$              418,112$              634,477$              84,603                 15.4% 5.2% Town Secretary's Office ‐                       ‐                            ‐                              262,275                 250,275                 159,604                 285,693                 23,418                 8.9%2.5% Mayor & Council ‐                       ‐                            ‐                              ‐                              16,000                   5,083                     34,750                   34,750                 #DIV/0! 0.0% Legal 189,141          189,141               159,807                 225,430                 225,430                 101,964                 225,330                 (100)                     0.0% 2.1% Police 2,846,302      3,065,112           3,374,068             3,870,180             3,870,180             3,130,965             4,194,291             324,111               8.4% 36.7% Emergency Medical Services 1,334,388      1,551,193           1,476,937             1,625,886             1,671,671             1,348,418             1,830,364             204,478               12.6% 15.4% Fire 1,357,985      1,446,682           1,571,940             1,761,165             1,800,450             1,127,402             1,800,450             39,285                 2.2% 16.7% Streets 197,113          241,109               256,976                 305,492                 305,492                 227,660                 321,553                 16,061                 5.3%2.9% Parks 1,334,106      1,385,986           1,419,563             1,644,559             1,644,559             1,171,034             2,033,189             388,630               23.6% 15.6% Recreation 565,396          679,600               820,019                 927,948                 927,948                 659,021                 530,116                 (397,832)             ‐42.9% 8.8% Pool ‐                       ‐                            ‐                              ‐                              ‐                              ‐                              418,766                 418,766               0.0% 0.0% Community Events 18,995            64,359                 63,265                   56,300                   56,300                   25,859                   94,686                   38,386                 68.2% 0.5% Community Development 526,177          447,728               483,392                 459,070                 459,070                 367,920                 495,533                 36,463                 7.9%4.4% Finance 528,002          583,302               504,727                 591,265                 591,265                 514,292                 680,622                 89,357                 15.1% 5.6% Municipal Court 47,930            253,548               90,063                   109,240                 109,240                 2,850                     114,500                 5,260                   4.8% 1.0% Human Resources 287,521          216,057               268,104                 487,281                 487,281                 290,311                 466,086                 (21,195)               ‐4.3% 4.6% Communications & Marketing 153,257          208,687               212,955                 217,575                 217,575                 124,321                 179,154                 (38,421)               ‐17.7% 2.1% Information Services 595,432          492,924               651,952                 941,297                 941,297                 513,848                 686,125                 (255,172)             ‐27.1% 8.9% Facilities Maintenance 328,159          1,422,443           1,402,138             308,724                 308,724                 359,374                 1,323,968             1,015,244           328.9% 2.9% Total Expenditures  $ 11,283,336  $      12,868,154  $        13,514,565  $        14,343,561  $        14,300,869  $        10,548,038  $        16,349,653  $        2,006,092 136.0% FY2025 Proposed Budget 10 8/7/2024 Page 15 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Town Manager's Office FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 654,831$ 165,550$ 394,450$ 258,216$ 258,216$ 215,215$ 311,536$ 320,882$ Salaries - Merits - - - - - - - - Salaries - Overtime - 140 - - - - - - Longevity 1,195 1,745 983 - - - - - Certification Pay 4,692 1,962 1,981 2,160 2,160 11,148 2,340 2,410 Cell Phone Stipend 2,257 2,375 2,000 1,860 1,860 1,635 2,040 2,101 Retirement 98,329 68,799 55,710 46,694 46,694 42,069 71,774 73,927 Medical Insurance 41,879 33,195 32,401 20,713 20,713 21,512 25,051 25,803 Dental Insurance 2,979 1,813 1,899 1,390 1,390 1,628 2,076 2,138 Vision Insurance 300 271 273 280 280 500 429 442 Life Insurance & Other 3,157 1,315 1,164 1,765 1,765 1,043 1,328 1,368 Social Security Taxes 28,490 19,842 14,700 16,009 16,009 14,935 21,248 21,885 Medicare Taxes 7,648 5,715 4,162 3,744 3,744 3,429 4,969 5,118 Unemployment Taxes 1,753 35 54 454 454 23 491 506 Workers Compensation 849 1,199 1,032 1,059 1,059 194 1,405 1,447 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - - Auto/Housing Allowance 11,831 8,401 4,750 8,400 8,400 7,613 26,790 27,594 Employee Relations - - - - - - - - Total Personnel $ 860,194 $ 312,360 $ 515,557 $ 362,744 $ 362,744 $ 320,943 $ 471,477 $ 485,621 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 6,989 47,090 110,569 15,000 15,000 28,417 40,000 41,200 Software & Support - - - - (31) Records Management 1,843 1,883 2,931 - - - - - Elections 15,929 24,013 19,439 - - - - - Lobbying 2,659 - - - - - - - Advertising 308 832 - 1,000 1,000 - 200 206 Legal Notices - - 535 - - 538 1,500 1,545 Printing 125 - 64 200 200 120 200 206 Schools & Training 2,820 2,462 5,680 5,000 5,000 1,775 5,000 5,150 Service Charges & Fees - - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,500 - 417 500 500 265 100 103 Equipment Maintenance 441 - - - - - - - Dues & Membership 18,777 17,416 21,244 20,000 20,000 24,412 25,000 25,750 Travel & Per Diem 2,426 1,827 8,476 10,000 10,000 4,162 18,000 18,540 Meetings 3,618 593 2,202 5,000 5,000 1,539 - - Meals - - - - - - 5,000 5,150 Office Supplies 2,019 1,880 2,768 2,000 2,000 1,464 1,000 1,030 Postage 1,074 1,055 1,144 500 500 1,212 500 515 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - 7,102 124 430 430 514 - - Mayor/Council Expense 22,984 34,405 18,990 - - - - - Small Equipment 58 - - - - - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - 690 2,831 1,500 1,500 - 500 515 Contingency Expense 24,950 164,171 39,963 125,000 125,000 20,596 65,000 66,950 Miscellaneous Expense 2,717 2,507 5,726 1,000 1,000 12,185 1,000 1,030 Total Services/Supplies 113,237$ 307,925$ 243,101$ 187,130$ 187,130$ 97,169$ 163,000$ 167,890$ Total Expenditures $ 973,431 $ 620,285 $ 758,658 $ 549,874 $ 549,874 $ 418,112 $ 634,477 $ 653,511 FY2025 Proposed Budget 11 8/7/2024 Page 16 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Town Manager's Office FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 TOWN MANAGER 1.00 1.00 0.95 TOWN SECRETARY 1.00 1.00 0.00 RECORDS ANALYST 1.00 1.00 0.00 ASST TO TOWN MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FTEs 4.00 4.00 1.95 5% Funded by Hotel Occupancy Fund PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 12 8/7/2024 Page 17 of 281 Town Secretary's Office FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries -$ -$ -$ 147,904$ 147,904$ 97,578$ 167,293$ 172,312$ Overtime - - - - - - - - Longevity - - - - - - - - Certification Pay - - - 2,400 2,400 1,600 2,400 2,472 Cell Phone Stipend - - - 900 900 600 900 927 Retirement - - - 19,538 19,538 13,076 23,747 24,459 Medical Insurance - - - 31,495 31,495 15,214 23,802 24,516 Dental Insurance - - - 2,469 2,469 1,221 1,975 2,034 Vision Insurance - - - 516 516 275 433 446 Life Insurance & Other - - - 993 993 651 975 1,004 Social Security Taxes - - - 9,170 9,170 5,976 10,577 10,894 Medicare Taxes - - - 2,145 2,145 1,398 2,474 2,548 Unemployment Taxes - - - 504 504 18 504 519 Workers Compensation - - - 606 606 111 699 720 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - - Auto Allowance - - - - - - - - Employee Relations - - - - - - - - Total Personnel $ - $ - $ - $ 218,640 $ 218,640 $ 137,719 $ 235,778 $ 242,852 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,755$ 20,000$ 20,600 Records Management - - - 3,750 3,750 2,258 4,825 4,970$ Elections - - - 21,500 21,500 7,657 7,810 8,044 Lobbying - - - - - - - - Advertising - - - - - - - - Legal Notices - - - - - 4,542 5,000 5,150 Printing - - - 100 100 120 150 155 Schools & Training - - - 3,250 3,250 1,210 4,000 4,120 Service Charges & Fees - - - - - 8 8 8 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - - 100 100 228 480 494 Equipment Maintenance - - - - - - - - Dues & Membership - - - 385 385 760 800 824 Travel & Per Diem - - - 1,000 1,000 1,349 1,500 1,545 Meetings - - - 200 200 180 500 515 Meals - - - - - - 100 103 Office Supplies - - - 1,300 1,300 1,567 1,599 1,647 Postage - - - 50 50 42 43 44 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - - - 210 3,100 3,193 Mayor/Council Expense - - Small Equipment - - - - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - - - - - - - - Contingency Expense - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense - - - 12,000 - - - - Total Services/Supplies -$ -$ -$ 43,635$ 31,635$ 21,886$ 49,915$ 51,412$ Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ 262,275 $ 250,275 $ 159,604 $ 285,693 $ 294,264 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 TOWN SECRETARY 0.00 1.00 1.00 RECORDS ANALYST 0.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FTEs 0.00 2.00 2.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 13 8/7/2024 Page 18 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services done done done Mayor & Council FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Longevity - - - - - - - - Stipend - - - - - - - - Retirement - - - - - - - - Medical Insurance - - - - - - - - Dental Insurance - - - - - - - - Vision Insurance - - - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other - - - - - - - - Social Security Taxes - - - - - - - - Medicare Taxes - - - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes - - - - - - - - Workers' Compensation - - - - - - - - Total Personnel -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Legal Notices - - - - - - - - Printing - - - - - 282 - - Schools & Training - - - - 12,250 455 21,000 21,630 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - - - - - - - Dues & Membership - - - - - 1,518 - - Travel & Per Diem - - - - - 545 - - Meetings - - - - 2,000 1,282 12,000 12,360 Meals - - - - - - - - Office Supplies - - - - 1,750 1,001 1,750 1,803 Postage - - - - - - - - Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies -$ -$ -$ -$ 16,000$ 5,083$ 34,750$ 35,793$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ 16,000$ 5,083$ 34,750$ 35,793$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 14 8/7/2024 Page 19 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services done done done Legal FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Longevity - - - - - - - - Stipend - - - - - - - - Retirement - - - - - - - - Medical Insurance - - - - - - - - Dental Insurance - - - - - - - - Vision Insurance - - - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other - - - - - - - - Social Security Taxes - - - - - - - - Medicare Taxes - - - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes - - - - - - - - Workers' Compensation - - - - - - - - Total Personnel -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 188,874$ 188,874$ 159,806$ 225,000$ 225,000$ 101,862$ 225,000$ 231,750$ Legal Notices - - - - - - - - Schools & Training - - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - - - - - - - Dues & Membership - - - - - - - - Travel & Per Diem - - - - - - - - Office Supplies - - - 100 100 - - - Postage - - 1 30 30 - 30 31 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 267 267 - 300 300 102 300 309 Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 189,141$ 189,141$ 159,807$ 225,430$ 225,430$ 101,964$ 225,330$ 232,090$ Total Expenditures 189,141$ 189,141$ 159,807$ 225,430$ 225,430$ 101,964$ 225,330$ 232,090$ POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 TOWN ATTORNEY 0.00 0.00 TOTAL FTEs 0.00 0.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 15 8/7/2024 Page 20 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Police FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 1,769,400$ 1,882,532$ 2,125,776$ 2,367,547$ 2,367,547$ 1,933,927$ 2,518,397$ 2,593,949$ Seasonal 72,758 71,426 84,347 129,000 129,000 72,938 152,744 157,326 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime 137,033 214,283 238,146 150,040 150,040 195,293 200,000 206,000 Longevity 6,373 8,053 9,148 9,813 9,813 9,040 11,155 11,490 Annual Stipend 6,000 1,500 - - - - - - Certification 22,996 21,947 24,250 29,100 29,100 17,851 23,400 24,102 Cell Phone Stipend - 5,219 5,169 4,500 4,500 3,938 4,500 4,635 Retirement 263,059 273,812 301,302 332,573 332,573 284,102 383,899 395,416 Medical Insurance 153,968 124,152 141,769 196,051 196,051 144,096 183,905 189,422 Dental Insurance 11,105 7,383 8,770 16,984 16,984 13,279 17,277 17,795 Vision Insurance 1,342 997 1,352 3,693 3,693 3,051 3,760 3,873 Life Insurance & Other 11,024 8,562 9,238 10,359 10,359 11,382 15,424 15,887 Social Security Taxes 120,678 131,129 99,506 164,088 164,088 135,620 180,459 185,873 Medicare Taxes 28,404 30,903 23,545 38,376 38,376 32,386 42,298 43,567 Unemployment Taxes 11,385 754 302 7,056 7,056 737 8,806 9,070 Workers' Compensation 30,308 34,345 58,404 128,045 128,045 23,556 140,857 145,083 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 750 2,083 300 1,500 1,500 600 1,500 1,545 Total Personnel $ 2,646,583 $ 2,819,080 $ 3,131,324 $ 3,588,725 $ 3,588,725 $ 2,881,794 $ 3,888,381 $ 4,005,033 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services 4,313$ 1,000$ 1,378$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Advertising - 286 115 1,500 1,500 139 1,575 1,622 Legal Notices - 7 - - - 469 - - Printing 195 565 - - - 965 - - Abatements - - 217 - - - - - Schools & Training 888 790 2,497 - - 3,300 - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 18,953 18,198 16,170 17,621 17,621 9,998 18,502 19,057 Building Maintenance - 889 - - - - - - Vehicle Maintenance 27,427 42,110 51,942 50,000 50,000 125,841 60,000 61,800 Equipment Maintenance - - - - - 726 - - Dispatch - Denton County 47,489 42,439 40,484 40,484 40,484 - 46,365 47,756 Dues & Membership 2,481 3,588 3,103 4,100 4,100 1,403 4,305 4,434 Travel & Per Diem 7,248 8,977 6,413 10,500 10,500 20,785 15,500 15,965 Meetings 422 783 162 - - 198 - - Office Supplies 3,426 174 1,428 - - 748 2,400 2,472 Postage 1,151 130 482 - - 59 400 412 Publications/Books/Subscription 417 - - - - - 2,000 2,060 Fuel 44,032 67,745 68,492 95,000 95,000 48,465 90,000 92,700 Uniforms 22,375 23,237 15,967 26,000 26,000 18,823 27,300 28,119 Protective Clothing - 85 - - - - - - Investigative Materials 3,123 8,921 6,276 6,000 6,000 1,850 6,300 6,489 Animal Control 3,241 1,790 4,283 4,750 4,750 1,054 4,988 5,137 Small Equipment 5,242 5,620 3,746 2,500 2,500 3,700 2,625 2,704 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - - 1,085 2,500 2,500 519 2,625 2,704 Hardware - - 2,580 Maintenance Supplies - 37 330 - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 1,706 2,350 1,776 2,000 2,000 2,889 2,100 2,163 Vehcile Expense - - - - - 588 Capital Outlay 2,585 6,215 - - - - - - Programs & Special Projects 3,005 10,096 13,819 18,500 18,500 6,653 18,925 19,493 Total Services/Supplies $ 199,719 $ 246,032 $ 242,744 $ 281,455 $ 281,455 $ 249,171 $ 305,910 $ 315,087 Total Expenditures $ 2,846,302 $ 3,065,112 $ 3,374,068 $ 3,870,180 $ 3,870,180 $ 3,130,965 $ 4,194,291 $ 4,320,120 FY2025 Proposed Budget 16 8/7/2024 Page 21 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Police FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 POLICE CHIEF 1.0 1.0 1.0 POLICE CAPTAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 LIEUTENANT 1.0 1.0 1.0 CID SERGEANT 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLICE SERGEANT 3.0 4.0 4.0 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 1.0 1.0 1.0 DETECTIVE/JUVENILE INVESTIGATOR 2.0 2.0 2.0 SRO 2.0 2.0 2.0 POLICE OFFICER 11.0 11.0 11.0 POLICE CADET 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLICE INVESTIGATIVE ASST.1.0 1.0 1.0 EVIDENCE CUSTODIAN/PATROL ASST 1.0 1.0 1.0 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1.0 1.0 1.0 CROSSING GUARDS 3.37 3.37 3.95 TOTAL FTEs 29.37 30.37 30.95 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 17 8/7/2024 Page 22 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Emergency Medical  Services FY 2021  ACTUAL FY 2022  ACTUAL FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024  YEAR TO  DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel   Salaries 695,169$     727,016$     853,558$     950,494$     950,494$     788,814$     1,001,354$   1,031,394$     Part‐Time 49,275          37,954          23,177          50,000          50,000          29,096          50,000           51,500               Merits ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                         Overtime 116,040        128,568        147,329        40,303          86,088          112,914        125,008        128,759           Longevity 7,343$          7,574$          6,916$          7,441$          7,441$          8,002$          8,515$           8,770$              Annual Stipend 1,875               Certification   10,177$        8,278$          10,185$        11,250$        11,250$        9,030$          11,250$        11,588$           Cell Phone Stipend ‐                    1,082            1,374            1,350            1,350            1,181            1,350             1,391                 Retirement 111,244        113,615        132,628        130,884        130,884        123,047        148,657        153,117            Medical Insurance 74,926          64,889          76,638          79,022          79,022          73,008          87,481           90,106              Dental Insurance 5,436$          3,968$          4,812$          4,472$          4,472$          6,805$          8,400$           8,652$              Vision Insurance 507               506               691               594               594               1,511            1,760             1,813                 Life Insurance & Others 4,511            3,213            3,918            3,921            3,921            4,813            4,116             4,240                 Social Security Taxes 51,644          53,569          37,964          61,194          61,194          57,444          69,312           71,392               Medicare Taxes 12,082          12,560          8,881            14,311          14,311          13,465          16,210           16,696               Unemployment Taxes 4,847            209               118               2,520            2,520            177               2,520             2,596                Workers' Compensation 17,868$        20,249$        25,980$        58,584$        58,584$        10,752$        67,300$        69,319$           Pre‐Employment Physicals/Testing 3,938            5,939            5,315            ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                      Total Personnel  $  1,166,882  $  1,189,189  $  1,339,484  $  1,416,340  $  1,462,125  $  1,240,059  $   1,603,235  $   1,651,332  Services/Supplies    Professional Outside Services 3,314$          187,170$     100$             1,750$          1,750$          39$               1,750$           1,803$               Physicals & Testing ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    7,000            7,000            5,175            7,000             7,210                 Software & Support ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    11,085          11,085          11,783          12,100           12,463               Collection Fees 11,841          2,532            ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                         Hazmat Disposal 51                 154               51                 240               240               ‐                    250                258                    Radios 1,339            2,138            212               1,500            1,500            ‐                    1,500             1,545                 Schools & Training 1,249            2,135            1,645            9,205            9,205            995               9,000             9,270                 Electricity 5,530            5,853            5,928            8,400            8,400            6,489            8,820             9,085                 Water 3,734            3,318            4,312            4,000            4,000            2,759            4,000             4,120                 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 5,033            6,032            6,278            4,510            4,510            2,585            4,510             4,645                 Building Maintenance 2,373            4,093            9,776            3,000            3,000            229               1,500             1,545                 Vehicle Maintenance 8,091            10,659          3,831            12,335          12,335          14,085          12,335           12,705               Equipment Maintenance 6,019            12,943          9,250            12,919          12,919          ‐                    12,919           13,307               Kitchen‐Janitorial Supplies ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    1,500             1,545                 Emergency Management 1,000            11,392          ‐                    4,582            4,582            9,448            14,582           15,019               Dispatch ‐ Denton County 3,946            4,020            5,061            5,622            5,622            ‐                    5,224             5,381                 Dues & Membership 1,135            1,780            1,234            3,406            3,406            1,711            3,400             3,502                 Flags & Repairs ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    11,000          11,000          ‐                    19,000           11,000               Travel & Per Diem 2,819            4,224            7,624            5,326            5,326            3,108            7,500             7,725                 Meetings 434               735               486               750               750               822               750                773                    Safety Programs ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    1,500            1,500            ‐                    1,000             1,030                 Office Supplies 411               312               353               600               600               1,065            600                618                    Postage 3                   49                 55                 100               100               61                 100                103                    Publications/Books/Subscriptions 297               ‐                    ‐                    300               300               ‐                    300                309                    Fuel 3,620            6,287            4,471            13,265          13,265          2,850            11,265           11,603               Uniforms 7,623            9,082            9,479            9,645            9,645            4,707            9,133             9,407                 Medical Control 19,755          20,535          20,348          21,598          21,598          20,658          21,600           22,248            FY2025 Proposed Budget 18 8/7/2024 Page 23 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Emergency Medical  Services FY 2021  ACTUAL FY 2022  ACTUAL FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024  YEAR TO  DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED    Pharmacy 4,429            4,815            2,291            7,030            7,030            1,579            7,400             7,622                 Oxygen 1,381            1,114            1,148            2,060            2,060            1,054            2,163             2,228                 Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing ‐                    ‐                    14,731          20,000          20,000          7,090            20,000           20,600               Disposable Supplies 10,160          10,943          12,716          12,518          12,518          8,154            12,762           13,145               Small Equipment 5,474            8,263            12,671          10,800          10,800          254               10,233           10,540               Maintenance Supplies ‐                    64                 1,446            1,500            1,500            1,182            1,500             1,545                 Miscellaneous Expense 55,814          1,654            1,956            2,000            2,000            475               1,433             1,476              Total Services/Supplies  $     166,875  $     322,297  $     137,453  $     209,546  $     209,546  $     108,359  $      227,129  $      225,373  Capital    Equipment 1,262$          ‐$              ‐$              ‐$              ‐$              ‐$              ‐$               ‐$                   Capital Expenses (631)              39,706          ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                      Total Capital  $             631  $       39,706  $                  ‐  $                  ‐   $                  ‐   $                  ‐   $                   ‐   $                   ‐  Total Expenditures  $  1,334,388  $  1,551,193  $  1,476,937  $  1,625,886  $  1,671,671  $  1,348,418  $   1,830,364  $   1,876,705  POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FIRE CHIEF 0.50 0.50 0.50 FIRE MARSHAL/DEPUTY CHIEF 0.50 0.50 0.50 FIRE CAPTAIN 1.50 1.50 1.50 FIREFIGHTER‐PARAMEDIC 4.50 4.50 4.50 FIREFIGHTER‐EMT 0.50 0.50 0.50 DRIVER/ENGINEER 1.50 1.50 1.50 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0.50 0.50 0.50 PT‐FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC/EMT 1.08 1.08 0.55 TOTAL FTEs 10.58 10.58 10.05 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 19 8/7/2024 Page 24 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Done done done done done done Fire FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 697,489 $ 693,010 $ 853,876 $ 950,494 $ 950,494 $ 788,830 $ 1,001,354 $ 1,031,394 Part-Time 49,275 37,954 23,176 50,000 50,000 29,095 50,000 51,500 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime 115,592 128,564 126,709 40,303 86,088 112,961 125,008 128,759 Longevity $ 7,343 $ 7,574 $ 6,916 $ 7,441 $ 7,441 $ 7,503 $ 8,515 $ 8,770 Annual Stipend 1,875 Certification $ 10,176 $ 8,277 $ 10,183 $ 11,250 $ 11,250 $ 9,018 $ 11,250 $ 11,588 Cell Phone Stipend - 1,082 1,374 1,350 1,350 1,181 1,350 1,391 Salaries - Payout/Separations - - - - - - 4,258 4,386 Retirement 113,794 109,271 130,174 130,884 130,884 123,038 148,657 153,117 Medical Insurance $ 76,715 $ 64,881 $ 75,815 $ 82,322 $ 82,322 $ 73,045 $ 87,481 $ 90,106 Dental Insurance 5,559 3,959 4,762 8,808 8,808 6,798 8,400 8,652 Vision Insurance $ 513 $ 498 $ 676 $ 1,980 $ 1,980 $ 1,503 $ 1,760 $ 1,813 Life Insurance & Others 4,633 3,195 3,869 3,921 3,921 4,797 4,116 4,240 Social Security Taxes 52,773 51,451 37,956 61,194 61,194 57,781 69,312 71,392 Medicare Taxes 12,338 12,057 8,874 14,311 14,311 13,507 16,210 16,696 Unemployment Taxes $ 4,993 $ 207 $ 116 $ 2,520 $ 2,520 $ 175 $ 2,520 $ 2,596 Workers' Compensation 17,868 20,249 25,980 58,584 58,584 10,747 67,300 69,319 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing $ 4,078 $ 4,342 $ 5,875 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,030 Tuition Reimbursement 5,074 4,043 2,828 7,000 7,000 3,668 5,000 5,150 Total Personnel $ 1,180,088 $ 1,150,615 $ 1,319,158 $ 1,432,362 $ 1,478,147 $ 1,243,646 $ 1,613,492 $ 1,661,898 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 1,567 $ 40,504 $ 196 $ 1,750 $ 1,750 $ - $ 1,750 $ 1,803 Physicals/Testing - - - 7,000 7,000 5,210 7,000 7,210 Recruitment - - - - - - 5,000 5,000 Software & Support 12,354 14,564 15,323 11,085 11,085 11,283 10,197 10,503 Tax Administration 1,521 1,542 1,579 1,600 1,600 1,520 1,600 1,648 Advertising - - - 200 200 - 200 206 Printing 280 266 249 1,100 1,100 1,311 1,100 1,133 Schools & Training 9,478 11,449 7,889 19,900 19,900 7,704 19,900 20,497 Electricity 5,530 5,853 5,928 8,400 8,400 6,489 8,820 9,085 Water 3,734 3,318 4,312 4,000 4,000 2,759 4,000 4,120 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 14,692 18,816 18,447 16,691 16,691 12,022 16,691 17,192 Building Maintenance 25,176 55,628 43,592 37,200 37,200 19,219 30,000 30,900 Vehicle Maintenance 17,136 24,128 19,588 49,029 49,029 27,343 51,500 53,045 Equipment Maintenance 10,241 11,155 14,537 18,715 18,715 8,465 19,500 20,085 Kitchen/Janitorial Supplies - - - - - - 7,200 7,416 Emergency Management 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,030 Dispatch - Denton County 3,946 4,021 5,061 5,622 5,622 - 5,224 5,381 Copier Rental/Lease - - - - - 1,385 3,693 3,804 Dues & Membership 20,417 19,154 18,791 27,242 27,242 26,636 30,000 30,900 Flags & Repairs 215 - - - - - - - Travel & Per Diem 8,236 17,410 17,461 14,510 14,510 10,728 14,510 14,945 Office Supplies 327 267 449 500 500 321 500 515 Printer Supplies 1,007 1,371 1,429 2,600 2,600 120 1,000 1,030 Postage 73 65 31 100 100 182 100 103 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 297 - - 350 350 105 350 361 Fuel 8,997 12,141 11,978 12,225 12,225 6,556 12,225 12,592 Uniforms 7,850 9,129 9,491 9,645 9,645 4,440 9,133 9,407 FY2025 Proposed Budget 20 8/7/2024 Page 25 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Fire FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing 8,970 16,026 36,947 40,000 40,000 37,912 40,000 41,200 Disposable Supplies - 46 35 - - - - - Small Equipment 161 4,705 6,981 4,950 4,950 2,072 4,000 4,120 Hardware 1,106 2,504 1,283 4,458 4,458 54 4,000 4,120 Maintenance Supplies 375 1,648 1,274 1,500 1,500 1,075 1,500 1,545 Miscellaneous Expense 3,562 3,954 2,580 4,000 4,000 292 3,303 3,402 Vehicles - - Programs & Special Projects 9,649 16,402 7,354 16,931 16,931 8,290 16,000 16,480 Total Services/Supplies $ 177,897 $ 296,068 $ 252,782 $ 322,303 $ 322,303 $ 204,492 $ 330,996 $ 340,776 Capital Capital Replacement $ - $ - $ - $ 6,500 $ - $ 6,332 $ - $ - Capital Expenses - - - - - - - - Total Capital $ - $ - $ - $ 6,500 $ - $ 6,332 $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 1,357,985 $ 1,446,682 $ 1,571,940 $ 1,761,165 $ 1,800,450 $ 1,454,470 $ 1,944,488 $ 2,002,673 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FIRE CHIEF 0.50 0.50 0.50 FIRE MARSHAL/DEPUTY CHIEF 0.50 0.50 0.50 FIRE CAPTAIN 1.50 1.50 1.50 FIREFIGHTER-PARAMEDIC 4.50 4.50 4.50 FIREFIGHTER-EMT 0.50 0.50 0.50 DRIVER/ENGINEER 1.50 1.50 1.50 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0.50 0.50 0.50 PT-FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC/EMT 1.08 1.08 0.55 TOTAL FTEs 10.58 10.58 10.05 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 21 8/7/2024 Page 26 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Streets FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 35,641 $ 45,648 $ 84,937 $ 79,076 $ 79,076 $ 66,387 $ 83,139 $ 85,634 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime 2,338 2,712 276 2,000 2,000 525 2,000 2,060 Longevity 159 293 804 815 815 815 941 969 Annual Stipend $ 450 Certification - - - - - - - - Cell Phone Stipend - 514 498 360 360 323 360 371 Retirement 5,225 5,836 10,897 10,446 10,446 8,987 12,032 12,393 Medical Insurance $ 24 $ 177 $ 8,814 $ 9,174 $ 9,174 $ 14,581 $ 17,412 $ 17,935 Dental Insurance 480 383 1,035 1,728 1,728 1,492 1,814 1,869 Vision Insurance 42 50 146 361 361 312 369 380 Life Insurance & Other 207 232 486 447 447 455 543 560 Social Security Taxes $ 2,344 $ 2,748 $ 3,571 $ 5,027 $ 5,027 $ 3,919 $ 5,318 $ 5,478 Medicare Taxes 548 642 835 1,176 1,176 950 1,244 1,281 Unemployment Taxes 241 57 14 353 353 13 353 363 Workers' Compensation 1,347 1,526 4,966 6,178 6,178 1,134 6,587 6,784 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - - Total Personnel 49,046$ 60,818$ 117,280$ 117,141$ 117,141$ 99,891$ 132,112$ 136,076$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 73 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ - Schools & Training 575 - - 3,000 3,000 1,080 3,000 3,090 Electricity 141,656 142,768 130,452 176,000 176,000 121,294 150,000 154,500 Water 1,569 1,624 2,773 1,400 1,400 1,428 2,000 2,060 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,879 1,158 1,158 1,750 1,750 841 1,838 1,893 Property Maintenance 56 23,600 - - - - - - Building Maintenance 293 5,402 33 400 400 - 5,000 5,150 Vehicle Maintenance 55 459 823 601 601 323 1,000 1,030 Equipment Maintenance 580 813 2,088 500 500 581 2,625 2,704 Street Maintenance 44 1,606 461 1,500 1,500 5 - - Dues & Membership 111 186 310 1,000 1,000 111 1,000 1,030 Travel & Per Diem - 645 - 300 300 - 300 309 Meetings - - 143 150 150 - 350 361 Office Supplies 25 - - 250 250 822 263 271 Postage 65 24 89 100 100 - 105 108 Uniforms 1,076 2,005 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,284 1,750 1,803 Small Tools 10 - 166 200 200 - 210 216 Total Services/Supplies 148,067$ 180,291$ 139,695$ 188,351$ 188,351$ 127,769$ 189,441$ 174,524$ Total Expenditures $ 197,113 $ 241,109 $ 256,976 $ 305,492 $ 305,492 $ 227,660 $ 321,553 $ 310,600 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 STREETS MAINTENANCE WORKER 1.00 1.00 1.00 STREETS SUPERINTENDENT 0.60 0.40 0.40 TOTAL FTEs 1.60 1.40 1.40 40% Funded by Street Maintenance - 10% Funded by Drainage PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 22 8/7/2024 Page 27 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Parks FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 584,621 $ 584,295 $ 506,968 $ 617,479 $ 617,479 $ 475,664 $ 636,585 $ 655,682 Part-Time 19,758 17,456 36,931 18,824 18,824 28,887 43,015 44,305 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime 11,460 20,950 15,426 15,000 15,000 12,692 15,000 15,450 Longevity 6,541 7,654 7,384 7,230 7,230 7,230 8,165 8,410 Annual Stipend 8,250 Certification 2,762 900 - - - 490 945 973 Cell Phone Stipend - 482 905 1,800 1,800 998 1,305 1,344 Retirement 84,041 78,782 66,806 80,664 80,664 66,010 97,139 100,053 Medical Insurance 87,620 72,155 71,080 103,030 103,030 94,353 116,251 119,739 Dental Insurance 6,054 4,409 4,618 9,085 9,085 8,765 11,012 11,343 Vision Insurance 698 674 637 1,574 1,574 1,901 2,319 2,389 Life Insurance & Other 4,266 3,268 2,797 3,309 3,309 3,087 3,624 3,733 Social Security Taxes 38,429 37,720 21,650 39,158 39,158 32,133 43,266 44,564 Medicare Taxes 8,988 8,822 5,064 9,158 9,158 7,415 10,119 10,422 Unemployment Taxes 5,164 225 106 3,125 3,125 148 3,389 3,491 Workers' Compensation 19,100 14,037 17,736 22,197 22,197 4,074 24,582 25,320 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 81 378 - 150 150 - 150 155 Auto Allowance - - - - - 980 1,890 1,947 Total Personnel $ 887,833 $ 852,207 $ 758,108 $ 931,783 $ 931,783 $ 744,826 $ 1,018,757 $ 1,049,320 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 1,312 $ - $ - $ 14,400 $ 14,400 $ 3,900 $ 264,400 $ 14,400 Advertising 50 528 432 500 500 - 500 515 Schools & Training 2,867 2,990 1,442 3,980 3,980 271 4,179 4,304 Electricity 41,562 46,711 48,896 52,000 52,000 45,220 54,600 56,238 Water 118,299 166,986 234,782 200,000 200,000 76,496 240,000 247,200 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 5,955 5,414 5,225 8,634 8,634 3,247 8,634 8,893 Property Maintenance 153,503 183,923 194,346 218,515 218,515 152,685 222,758 229,440 Building Maintenance 2,375 100 2,742 5,000 5,000 458 5,000 5,150 Vehicle Maintenance 9,753 11,615 10,394 11,915 11,915 47,287 11,915 12,272 Equipment Maintenance 18,970 7,815 11,325 15,000 15,000 13,693 15,000 15,450 Kitchen Supplies - - - - - 593 1,200 1,236 Independent Labor 38,500 49,272 84,159 110,000 110,000 48,141 115,500 118,965 Storage Rental 1,335 - - - - - - - Portable Toilets 5,445 3,440 3,985 4,160 4,160 3,100 4,368 4,499 Dues & Membership 361 443 916 1,475 1,475 82 1,549 1,595 Travel & Per Diem 998 3,692 88 2,586 2,586 56 2,715 2,797 Meetings 526 906 730 750 750 495 750 773 Tree City 4,601 7,657 8,450 10,000 10,000 4,000 10,000 10,300 Office Supplies 1,510 456 430 500 500 1,192 525 541 Postage 68 51 5 25 25 - 26 27 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 156 582 34 700 700 399 735 757 Fuel 16,858 23,530 17,411 19,776 19,776 13,943 20,765 21,388 Uniforms 7,191 6,376 7,978 8,640 8,640 5,189 8,757 9,020 Small Tools 10,343 7,327 12,786 13,000 13,000 2,381 13,650 14,060 Safety Equipment 3,579 3,533 3,792 4,220 4,220 3,381 3,231 3,328 Small Equipment - - 900 3,500 3,500 - 3,675 3,785 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - 215 10,207 3,500 3,500 - - - Miscellaneous Expense 156 217 - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 446,273 $ 533,779 $ 661,455 $ 712,776 $ 712,776 $ 426,209 $ 1,014,432 $ 786,933 Total Expenditures $ 1,334,106 $ 1,385,986 $ 1,419,563 $ 1,644,559 $ 1,644,559 $ 1,171,034 $ 2,033,189 $ 1,836,252 FY2025 Proposed Budget 23 8/7/2024 Page 28 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Parks FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 0.4 0.4 0.45 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 1.0 1.0 PARKS CREW LEADER 2.0 2.0 2.0 ATHLETICS CREW LEADER 1.0 1.0 1.0 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1.0 0.0 0.0 PARKS MAINTENANCE WORKER 7.0 7.0 7.00 PARKS IRRIGATOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL FTEs 13.4 12.4 12.45 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 45% Funded by Recreation, 10% Funded by Community Pool FY2025 Proposed Budget 24 8/7/2024 Page 29 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Recreation FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 139,086 $ 207,352 $ 267,285 $ 283,078 $ 283,078 $ 178,028 $ 228,946 $ 235,815 Part Time - 470 21,405 - - 12,172 - - Seasonal 166,783 170,619 197,895 261,359 261,359 178,285 67,708 69,739 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime - 973 9,666 9,750 9,750 5,452 6,500 6,695 Longevity 814 739 784 - - - 213 219 Annual Stipend 1,613 Certification 1,691 1,906 1,751 1,740 1,740 2,019 2,385 2,457 Cell Phone Stipend - 1,372 2,450 3,510 3,510 2,168 1,935 1,993 Retirement 19,353 27,173 34,480 37,395 37,395 24,806 32,763 33,746 Medical Insurance 15,558 22,260 25,212 24,785 24,785 18,506 24,524 25,260 Dental Insurance 1,073 1,364 1,420 2,251 2,251 1,107 1,830 1,884 Vision Insurance 103 181 222 511 511 266 392 404 Life Insurance & Other 984 1,038 1,304 1,595 1,595 1,149 1,031 1,062 Social Security Taxes 18,768 22,920 11,355 33,755 33,755 23,711 19,194 19,770 Medicare Taxes 4,389 5,360 2,656 7,894 7,894 5,574 4,489 4,624 Unemployment Taxes 7,443 628 232 3,856 3,856 2,439 1,694 1,745 Workers' Compensation 6,272 8,050 5,957 19,600 19,600 3,597 10,920 11,248 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 3,265 3,856 - - - - - - Auto Allowance - - - - - 980 1,890 1,947 Total Personnel $ 387,195 $ 476,259 $ 584,072 $ 691,079 $ 691,079 $ 460,259 $ 406,414 $ 418,606 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 3,880 $ 5,362 $ 2,361 $ 2,750 $ 2,750 $ 693 $ 2,888 $ 2,974 Software & Support 1,658 3,958 5,540 6,000 6,000 6,686 1,575 1,622 Health Inspections 300 - - 500 500 100 - - Advertising 894 1,142 1,464 1,200 1,200 485 340 350 Legal Notices - - - - - 308 - - Printing 829 384 562 600 600 2,509 1,260 1,298 Schools & Training 2,991 3,729 6,093 6,000 6,000 4,386 4,421 4,553 Service Charges & Fees 8,547 3,000 2,649 3,000 3,000 2,250 3,000 3,000 Electricity 21,488 29,359 37,598 30,000 30,000 23,279 7,500 7,725 Water 17,239 25,952 31,138 30,000 30,000 9,700 7,500 7,725 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,416 7,804 2,204 2,000 2,000 2,449 6,350 6,541 Property Maintenance 25,748 19,016 17,586 27,000 27,000 26,936 18,350 18,901 Equipment Rental/Lease 7,306 16,683 8,680 17,000 17,000 8,997 17,850 18,386 Storage Rental 4,215 5,618 13,797 12,000 12,000 663 - - Dues & Membership 5,176 5,084 5,631 7,500 7,500 6,972 5,875 6,051 Travel & Per Diem 2,846 3,590 1,857 1,650 1,650 1,791 1,733 1,784 Meetings 857 903 1,385 500 500 171 525 541 Field Trips 15,500 17,772 16,915 20,000 20,000 10,471 21,000 21,630 Office Supplies 1,174 3,381 2,233 1,500 1,500 2,043 1,075 1,107 Postage 106 102 631 1,000 1,000 251 1,050 1,082 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 84 164 322 200 200 71 210 216 Fuel 611 639 446 1,719 1,719 68 1,805 1,859 Uniforms 8,623 5,635 6,907 9,750 9,750 14,908 6,737 6,939 Chemicals & Pool Supplies 21,569 20,727 23,015 27,000 27,000 9,991 - - Concessions 11,419 8,808 576 9,500 9,500 7,930 - - Program Supplies 2,333 4,232 14,999 5,000 5,000 11,073 5,000 5,150 Community Events - 3,266 810 - - - - - Safety Equipment 1,653 1,920 3,713 4,000 4,000 4,911 - - Small Equipment 539 36 151 - - 182 - - FY2025 Proposed Budget 25 8/7/2024 Page 30 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Recreation FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 3,137 1,228 24,603 5,200 5,200 7,212 4,460 4,594 Hardware 3,207 484 18 2,000 2,000 2,939 1,100 1,133 Maintenance Supplies 856 834 471 2,000 2,000 1,792 2,100 2,163 Miscellaneous Expenses - 2,529 1,592 300 300 231 - - Capital Expenses - - - - - 26,315 - - Total Services/Supplies 178,201$ 203,340$ 235,947$ 236,869$ 236,869$ 198,762$ 123,702$ 127,324$ Total Expenditures $ 565,396 $ 679,600 $ 820,019 $ 927,948 $ 927,948 $ 659,021 $ 530,116 $ 545,930 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 0.4 0.4 0.45 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 0.0 1.0 0.70 RECREATION COORDINATOR 3.0 1.0 1.0 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1.0 1.0 1.0 RECREATION AIDE 0.0 0.0 1.92 RECREATION LEADER 0.0 0.0 0.51 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 45% Funded by Parks, 10% Funded by Community Pool 30% Funded by Community Pool 50% Funded by HOT Fund FY2025 Proposed Budget 26 8/7/2024 Page 31 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Community Pool FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 36,771 $ 37,874 Part Time - - - - - - - - Seasonal - - - - - - 206,932 213,140 Overtime - - - - - - - - Longevity - - - - - - - - Certification - - - - - - 570 587 Cell Phone Stipend - - - - - - 360 371 Retirement - - - - - - 5,306 5,466 Medical Insurance - - - - - - 6,155 6,340 Dental Insurance - - - - - - 518 534 Vision Insurance - - - - - - 105 108 Life Insurance & Other - - - - - - 138 143 Social Security Taxes - - - - - - 15,193 15,649 Medicare Taxes - - - - - - 3,553 3,660 Unemployment Taxes - - - - - - 1,361 1,402 Workers' Compensation - - - - - - 8,822 9,087 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - - Auto Allowance - - - - - - 420 433 Total Personnel $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 286,206 $ 294,792 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Software & Support - - - - - - 3,000 3,090 Health Inspections - - - - - - 500 515 Advertising - - - - - - 860 886 Printing - - - - - - 1,200 1,236 Schools & Training - - - - - - 2,000 2,060 Electricity - - - - - - 30,000 30,900 Water - - - - - - 30,000 30,900 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - - - - - 1,000 1,030 Property Maintenance - - - - - - 10,000 10,300 Dues & Membership - - - - - - 2,000 2,060 Travel & Per Diem - - - - - - 1,000 1,030 Meetings - - - - - - 500 515 Office Supplies - - - - - - 1,000 1,030 Uniforms - - - - - - 3,500 3,605 Chemicals - - - - - - 27,000 27,810 Concessions - - - - - - 9,500 9,785 Program Supplies - - - - - - 1,500 1,545 Safety Equipment - - - - - - 4,000 4,120 Small Equipment - - - - - - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - - - - - - 1,000 1,030 FY2025 Proposed Budget 27 8/7/2024 Page 32 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Community Pool FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Hardware - - - - - - 1,000 1,030 Maintenance Supplies - - - - - - 2,000 2,060 Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 132,560$ 136,537$ Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 418,766 $ 431,329 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 0.0 0.0 0.10 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 0.0 0.0 0.3 RECREATION AIDE 0.0 0.0 0.85 POOL MANAGER 0.0 0.0 0.75 ASST. SWIM COACH 0.0 0.0 0.27 SWIM COACH 0.0 0.0 0.15 LIFEGUARDS 0.0 0.0 5.18 TOTAL FTEs 0 0 7.6 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 70% Funded by Recreation 45% Funded by Parks, 45% Funded by Recreation FY2025 Proposed Budget 28 8/7/2024 Page 33 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Community Events FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Services/Supplies Advertising $ 417 $ 736 $ 428 $ 1,300 $ 1,300 $ 816 $ 1,326 $ 1,366 Legal Notices - - - - - - - - Printing - - - - - - - - Schools & Training - - - - - - - - Event Rentals 10,049 33,213 38,322 40,000 40,000 12,759 40,800 42,024 Dues & Membership - - - - - - - - Travel & Per Diem - - - - - - - - Uniforms - - - - - - - - Program Supplies 8,529 16,578 24,515 15,000 15,000 12,284 17,560 18,087 40th Anniversary Event 35,000 Miscellaneous Expense - 13,832 - - - - - - Prompt Payment Interest - - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 18,995$ 64,359$ 63,265$ 56,300$ 56,300$ 25,859$ 94,686$ 61,477$ Total Expenditures 18,995$ 64,359$ 63,265$ 56,300$ 56,300$ 25,859$ 94,686$ 61,477$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 29 8/7/2024 Page 34 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Community Development FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 280,257 $ 254,178 $ 279,993 $ 231,890 $ 231,890 $ 184,673 $ 233,012 $ 240,002 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime 2,547 - 781 5,000 5,000 311 5,000 5,150 Longevity 1,928 963 1,275 1,746 1,746 1,639 1,897 1,954 Stipend 1,875 Certification 1,450 1,412 2,806 3,000 3,000 2,341 2,760 2,843 Cell Phone Stipend - 1,715 1,811 1,350 1,350 1,125 1,350 1,391 Retirement 38,878 32,839 35,971 31,260 31,260 24,978 33,131 34,125 Medical Insurance 21,503 18,010 14,531 9,880 9,880 16,321 18,858 19,424 Dental Insurance 1,372 1,607 1,737 1,554 1,554 2,295 2,826 2,911 Vision Insurance 178 266 310 383 383 519 621 639 Life Insurance & Other 1,498 1,349 1,417 1,185 1,185 1,204 1,413 1,455 Social Security Taxes 17,607 15,390 11,382 14,672 14,672 11,758 14,757 15,199 Medicare Taxes 4,118 3,600 2,662 3,431 3,431 2,750 3,451 3,555 Unemployment Taxes 1,557 158 36 882 882 30 832 857 Workers' Compensation 3,028 3,886 2,753 1,742 1,742 320 955 984 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 45 45 - - - - - - Total Personnel 377,841$ 335,417$ 357,464$ 307,975$ 307,975$ 250,265$ 320,863$ 330,489$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ 40,990 $ 32,000 $ 32,000 $ 34,483 $ 30,000 $ 30,900 Engineering 79,211 59,747 33,834 42,000 42,000 42,549 65,000 66,950 Plan Review Services 10,173 - 3,229 4,000 4,000 650 4,200 4,326 Health Inspections 7,255 11,664 14,000 18,000 18,000 15,185 20,000 20,600 Inspection Services 36,890 19,210 15,404 24,000 24,000 7,990 20,000 20,600 Advertising 1,296 2,219 523 1,500 1,500 - - - Legal Notices 147 946 3,097 - - 1,285 1,500 1,545 Printing 35 102 85 600 600 - 630 649 Abatements 765 935 130 2,000 2,000 1,015 2,100 2,163 Schools & Training 1,575 1,456 1,063 4,000 4,000 907 9,065 9,337 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,793 1,368 1,629 2,000 2,000 690 2,000 2,060 Vehicle Maintenance 1,774 4,824 690 3,000 3,000 3,923 4,000 4,120 Dues & Membership 1,664 170 456 1,500 1,500 576 1,600 1,648 Travel & Per Diem 84 1,701 2,343 2,000 2,000 1,144 2,100 2,163 Meetings 23 142 151 500 500 178 500 515 Plat Filing Fees - - - 850 850 375 400 412 Inspection Fees - 145 - 145 145 - - - Office Supplies 1,046 1,107 986 1,000 1,000 2,104 1,050 1,082 Postage 445 451 117 500 500 47 525 541 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 1,031 1,525 - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,090 Fuel 1,215 2,850 3,599 4,000 4,000 3,949 4,500 4,635 Uniforms 914 1,558 1,203 2,000 2,000 366 2,000 2,060 Miscellaneous Expense - 182 2,400 500 500 189 500 515 Vehicles - 10 - 2,000 2,000 50 - - Total Services/Supplies $ 148,336 $ 112,311 $ 125,928 $ 151,095 $ 151,095 $ 117,655 $ 174,670 $ 179,910 Total Expenditures $ 526,177 $ 447,728 $ 483,392 $ 459,070 $ 459,070 $ 367,920 $ 495,533 $ 510,399 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIR.1.00 0.50 0.50 BUILDING & CODE SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORD.1.00 1.00 1.00 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASST.1.00 0.80 0.80 TOTAL FTEs 4.00 3.30 3.30 10% Funded by Street Maintenance - 10% Funded by Drainage 25% Funded by Street Maintenance - 25% Funded by Drainage PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 30 8/7/2024 Page 35 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Community Development FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED FY2025 Proposed Budget 31 8/7/2024 Page 36 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Finance FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 303,474 $ 337,264 $ 248,392 $ 316,265 $ 316,265 $ 248,401 $ 336,033 $ 346,114 Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime - - - - - - 1,000 1,000 Longevity 970 1,295 1,270 1,705 1,705 1,705 1,945 2,003 Stipend 1,500 Certification 2,704 2,715 2,040 3,000 3,000 1,094 1,500 1,545 Cell Phone Stipend - 2,647 2,003 1,800 1,800 1,575 1,800 1,854 Retirement 41,697 43,943 31,590 41,779 41,779 33,070 47,506 48,931 Medical Insurance 24,872 18,183 18,523 25,054 25,054 23,605 30,243 31,150 Dental Insurance 1,681 1,252 1,143 2,097 2,097 1,877 2,541 2,617 Vision Insurance 202 161 159 518 518 461 609 627 Life Insurance & Other 2,550 1,393 1,078 1,348 1,348 1,632 1,579 1,626 Social Security Taxes 18,700 20,710 9,483 19,608 19,608 15,553 21,159 21,794 Medicare Taxes 4,373 4,844 2,218 4,586 4,586 3,637 4,949 5,097 Unemployment Taxes 1,402 34 30 1,008 1,008 36 1,008 1,038 Workers' Compensation 464 619 960 1,297 1,297 238 1,399 1,441 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - - Total Personnel 404,589$ 435,059$ 318,889$ 420,065$ 420,065$ 332,886$ 453,272$ 466,840$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 16,662 $ 18,810 $ 36,162 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 30,331 $ 40,350 $ 41,561 Auditing 20,870 44,000 50,690 55,000 55,000 46,805 55,700 57,371 Appraisal 56,014 59,189 66,106 72,000 72,000 77,806 93,000 95,790 Tax Administration 5,071 5,089 5,266 7,000 7,000 5,140 6,000 6,180 Advertising 6,707 Legal Notices - 2,194 4,933 4,500 4,500 103 5,000 5,150 Printing - 59 254 400 400 60 100 103 Schools & Training 2,924 1,340 1,239 4,000 4,000 4,730 5,000 5,150 Service Charges & Fees 7,770 10,296 14,255 10,000 10,000 10,520 12,000 12,360 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,097 456 456 500 500 342 500 515 Dues & Membership 1,676 1,583 1,131 2,000 2,000 1,082 2,000 2,060 Travel & Per Diem 600 1,535 992 3,000 3,000 2,728 4,500 4,635 Meetings - 58 133 200 200 - - - Meals - - - - - - 100 103 Office Supplies 2,474 3,109 3,415 2,000 2,000 1,422 2,500 2,575 Postage 502 421 573 500 500 293 500 515 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - 83 - - 45 - - Miscellaneous Expense 46 105 150 100 100 - 100 103 Total Services/Supplies 123,413$ 148,243$ 185,837$ 171,200$ 171,200$ 181,407$ 227,350$ 234,171$ Total Expenditures 528,002$ 583,302$ 504,727$ 591,265$ 591,265$ 514,292$ 680,622$ 701,010$ POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 CHIEF FINANCIAL ANALYST 1.00 1.00 1.00 ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 ACCOUNTANT 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FTEs 4.00 4.00 4.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 32 8/7/2024 Page 37 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Municipal Court FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 28,118 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Longevity 125 - - - - - - - Stipend 750 Certifications 473 - - - - - - - Retirement 3,971 - - - - - - - Medical Insurance 3,106 - - - - - - - Dental Insurance 193 - - - - - - - Vision Insurance 24 - - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 321 - - - - - - - Social Security Taxes 1,794 - - - - - - - Medicare Taxes 419 - - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes 280 - - - - - - - Workers' Compensation 76 - - - - - - - Pre-Employment Physicals & Testing - - - - - - - - Total Personnel 39,650$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 106 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Municipal Court - Remittance to Roano - 236,926 86,538 102,000 102,000 - 110,000 113,300 Judge's Compensation 6,950 3,000 3,525 5,000 5,000 2,850 4,000 4,120 Printing 438 3,540 - 1,500 1,500 500 515 Schools & Training 50 - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - 30 - - - - - - Dues & Membership 221 - - 260 260 - - - Office Supplies 137 51 - 330 330 - - - Postage 378 2 - 100 100 - - - Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - 50 50 - - - Miscellaneous Expenses - 10,000 - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 8,280$ 253,548$ 90,063$ 109,240$ 109,240$ 2,850$ 114,500$ 117,935$ Total Expenditures 47,930$ 253,548$ 90,063$ 109,240$ 109,240$ 2,850$ 114,500$ 117,935$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 33 8/7/2024 Page 38 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Human Resources FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 134,016 $ 101,263 $ 115,435 $ 182,979 $ 182,979 $ 137,694 $ 199,316 $ 205,295 Salaries - Part Time - - - 75,000 75,000 2,120 20,000 20,600 Merits - - - - - - - - Salaries - Overtime - - - - - 72 2,000 2,060 Longevity 205 - - - - - 135 139 Salaries - Stipend 750 - Certifications 800 2,200 1,276 1,200 1,200 1,346 1,800 1,854 Cell Phone Stipend - 825 863 900 900 (38) 900 927 Salaries - Payouts/Separations - - - - - - 17,840 18,375 Retirement 19,390 14,177 23,785 32,560 32,560 23,101 28,139 28,984 Medical Insurance 19,380 7,418 10,075 23,910 23,910 9,238 6,390 6,581 Dental Insurance 1,129 419 464 1,881 1,881 1,204 1,975 2,034 Vision Insurance 109 40 56 425 425 279 433 446 Life Insurance & Other 1,063 421 350 480 480 843 1,161 1,196 Social Security Taxes 8,366 6,184 4,558 11,345 11,345 8,738 12,533 12,909 Medicare Taxes 1,957 1,446 1,066 2,653 2,653 2,044 2,931 3,019 Unemployment Taxes 901 9 18 504 504 46 504 519 Workers' Compensation 221 275 239 750 750 7,610 829 854 Total Personnel 188,287$ 134,677$ 158,184$ 334,587$ 334,587$ 194,297$ 296,886$ 305,793$ Services/Supplies Gym Reimbursement $ - $ - $ - $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,017 $ 9,000 $ 9,270 Recruitment - - - 5,000 5,000 278 11,200 11,536 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 214 3,624 9,607 10,000 10,000 7,405 10,000 10,300 Employee Relations 35,823 21,147 46,289 30,000 30,000 24,819 28,000 28,840 Employee Recognition - - - 5,000 5,000 6,845 17,000 17,510 Tuition Reimbursement 5,066 5,112 2,167 15,000 15,000 3,668 15,000 15,450 Employee Assistance Program 2,105 2,013 2,546 2,500 2,500 2,713 3,000 3,090 Flexible Benefits Administration - 2,018 2,488 2,400 2,400 2,325 2,760 2,843 Professional Outside Services 38,104 44,269 32,123 32,181 32,181 26,204 28,000 28,840 Physicals/Testing 4,044 953 - 500 500 70 500 515 Software & Support - - 318 - - 270 - - Advertising 371 300 1,736 2,040 2,040 2,041 2,390 2,462 Legal Notices - - - 800 800 - 700 721 Printing 51 - 952 200 200 624 200 206 Schools & Training 810 315 199 1,500 1,500 954 2,000 2,060 Organizational Employee Training 7,725 - 5,650 30,600 30,600 5,673 30,500 31,415 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,106 - - - - - - - Dues & Membership 125 862 91 750 750 461 750 773 Travel & Per Diem 869 34 1,355 3,754 3,754 1,426 5,000 5,150 Meetings 26 - 1,323 765 765 - 500 515 Office Supplies 1,604 732 2,434 2,000 2,000 2,026 2,000 2,060 Postage 16 2 147 204 204 7 200 206 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 - - 497 500 500 1,187 500 515 Miscellaneous Expenses 175 - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 99,235$ 81,379$ 109,920$ 152,694$ 152,694$ 96,014$ 169,200$ 174,276$ Total Expenditures 287,521$ 216,057$ 268,104$ 487,281$ 487,281$ 290,311$ 466,086$ 480,069$ POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 0.00 1.00 1.00 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE 0.00 0.50 0.50 TOTAL FTEs 1.00 2.00 2.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 34 8/7/2024 Page 39 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Communications & Marketing FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 79,434 $ 100,042 $ 105,083 $ 111,116 $ 111,116 $ 72,536 $ 93,201 $ 95,997 Salaries Part-time - 13,614 6,233 - - - - - Merits - - - - - - - - Longevity 165 225 285 217 217 217 304 313 Salaries - Stipend 750 Certifications 1,500 1,429 1,594 630 630 899 1,650 1,700 Cell Phone Stipend - 857 1,179 378 378 856 900 927 Retirement 10,960 13,090 13,488 14,678 14,678 9,729 13,371 13,772 Medical Insurance 3,100 13,200 13,200 2,610 3,195 3,291 Dental Insurance 733 617 594 1,018 1,018 576 818 842 Vision Insurance 64 79 92 149 149 129 176 182 Life Insurance & Other 398 429 356 425 425 457 596 614 Social Security Taxes 4,879 6,994 5,247 6,889 6,889 4,607 5,955 6,134 Medicare Taxes 1,141 1,636 1,227 1,611 1,611 1,077 1,393 1,435 Unemployment Taxes 351 18 15 358 358 13 252 260 Workers' Compensation 135 173 310 456 456 84 394 406 Total Personnel 100,509$ 139,203$ 138,804$ 151,125$ 151,125$ 93,791$ 122,204$ 125,870$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 38,289$ 52,673$ 59,202$ $ 48,000 $ 48,000 $ 15,659 $ 30,000 $ 30,900 Software & Support - - - - - 615 - - Advertising 6,593 5,871 6,315 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 10,300 Printing - - - 300 300 310 300 309 Schools & Training - 1,528 2,107 2,450 2,450 6,103 7,000 7,210 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 900 456 1,296 - - 580 750 773 Dues & Membership 920 1,145 395 500 500 660 500 515 Travel & Per Diem 912 1,051 1,633 2,500 2,500 3,065 4,000 4,120 Meetings 99 285 93 100 100 183 200 206 Office Supplies 1,066 1,103 1,381 500 500 1,972 2,000 2,060 Postage - 1 25 100 100 - - - Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - - - 79 Uniforms - - - - - - 100 100 Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - 2,619 - - - - - - Hardware 3,968 2,752 1,704 2,000 2,000 529 2,000 2,060 Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - 775 100 103 Total Services/Supplies 52,748$ 69,484$ 74,151$ 66,450$ 66,450$ 30,530$ 56,950$ 58,656$ Total Expenditures 153,257$ 208,687$ 212,955$ 217,575$ 217,575$ 124,321$ 179,154$ 184,526$ POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING 0.42 0.42 0.50 COMM. & MARKETING SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 0.50 TOTAL FTEs 1.42 1.42 1.00 50% Funded by Hotel Occupancy Fund PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 50% Funded by Hotel Occupancy Fund FY2025 Proposed Budget 35 8/7/2024 Page 40 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Information Services FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Longevity - - - - - - - - Annual Stipend - - - - - - - - Certification - - - - - - - - Retirement - - - - - - - - Medical Insurance - - - - - - - - Dental Insurance - - - - - - - - Vision Insurance - - - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other - - - - - - - - Social Security Taxes - - - - - - - - Medicare Taxes - - - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes - - - - - - - - Workers' Compensation - - - - - - - - Total Personnel -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies Professional Services 202,157$ 163,867$ 192,696$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 174,211$ 200,000$ $ 206,000 Software & Support 292,580 210,200 336,430 577,750 577,750 280,448 400,000 412,000 Security 985 - - - - - - - Legal Notices - - 470 - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 48,109 55,493 50,410 51,000 51,000 32,917 52,500 54,075 Building Maintenance 1,435 1,310 - - - - - - Independent Labor - - - - - - - - Copier Rental/Leases 11,136 671 11,357 12,072 12,072 10,448 13,125 13,519 Dues & Membership 150 150 450 - - 50 500 515 Office Supplies 227 - - 300 300 - - - Printer Supplies 66 - - 125 125 - - - Postage 56 - - 50 50 - - - Hardware 38,531 50,156 60,139 100,000 100,000 15,774 20,000 20,600 Principle - Lease Pmt - 10,926 Interest - Lease Payment - 150 Total Services/Supplies 595,432$ 492,924$ 651,952$ 941,297$ 941,297$ 513,848$ 686,125$ 706,709$ Total Expenditures 595,432$ 492,924$ 651,952$ 941,297$ 941,297$ 513,848$ 686,125$ 706,709$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer to IS Capital Replacement $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 36 8/7/2024 Page 41 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Facilities Maintenance FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 41,966 $ 45,017 $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Merits - - - - - - - - Overtime 414 1,792 96 - - - - - Longevity 185 245 - - - - - - Salaries - Stipend 750 Cell Phone Stipend - - - - - - - - Retirement 6,087 6,697 140 - - - - - Medical Insurance 8,957 8,021 193 - - - - - Dental Insurance 802 626 15 - - - - - Vision Insurance 70 81 2 - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 226 299 7 - - - - - Social Security Taxes 2,602 3,061 64 - - - - - Medicare Taxes 609 716 15 - - - - - Unemployment Taxes 351 9 - - - - - - Workers' Compensation 1,667 2,139 210 - - - - - Total Personnel 64,685$ 68,701$ 1,743$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 92 $ 1,058,029 $ 1,102,016 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,030,000 Schools & Training - - - 250 250 - 300 309 Electricity 52,542 70,004 44,463 62,000 62,000 59,893 55,000 56,650 Water 7,495 11,091 14,867 17,000 17,000 7,580 17,850 18,386 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - 43 - 674 674 - 708 729 Insurance 101,714 102,230 107,422 105,000 105,000 126,684 110,250 113,558 Building Maintenance 33,819 46,263 52,422 60,000 60,000 50,209 60,000 61,800 Equipment Maintenance - - - - - 151 - - Cleaning Services 52,095 54,764 58,305 42,600 42,600 44,004 60,000 61,800 Kitchen/Janitorial Supplies 4,155 3,699 4,618 5,400 5,400 4,462 5,700 5,871 Flags and Repairs - 2,936 8,956 - - 6,163 - - Travel & Per Diem - - 60 200 200 - 250 258 Office Supplies 1,603 338 3,455 3,500 3,500 1,320 4,000 4,120 Fuel - 2,639 111 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,090 Uniforms 22 408 175 500 500 - - - Vending Machine Supplies 485 663 1,075 900 900 675 1,200 1,236 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 9,139 245 735 2,500 2,500 3,612 3,000 3,090 Maintenance Supplies 112 245 1,632 5,000 5,000 32 2,500 2,575 Miscellaneous Expense 201 145 83 200 200 54,590 210 216 Total Services/Supplies 263,474$ 1,353,742$ 1,400,395$ 308,724$ 308,724$ 359,374$ 1,323,968$ 1,363,687$ Total Expenditures 328,159$ 1,422,443$ 1,402,138$ 308,724$ 308,724$ 359,374$ 1,323,968$ 1,363,687$ POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 TOTAL FTEs 0.00 0.00 0.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 37 8/7/2024 Page 42 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services OTHER FUNDS FY2025 Proposed Budget 38 8/7/2024 Page 43 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services CCPD Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 222,811$ 274,127$ 280,480$ 196,044$ 196,044$ 257,573$ 217,888$ 224,530$ Revenue Sales Tax $ 328,432 $ 365,464 $ 373,794 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 317,109 $ 360,500 $ 371,315 Grant Revenue 1,448 483 21,525 - - 12,700 4,000 4,120 Interest Income - - 971 1,000 1,000 387 1,030 1,061 Assets Sold - - 10,000 - - - - - Total Revenue 329,880$ 365,947$ 406,290$ 351,000$ 351,000$ 330,196$ 365,530$ 376,496$ Expenditures Personnel Salaries -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Overtime 2,527 - 13,700 20,000 20,000 14,662 20,400 21,012 Retirement - - 1,644 2,657 2,657 1,935 2,840 2,925 Medical 685 895 Dental 41 71 Vision 4 12 Life 33 61 Social Security Taxes - - - 1,242 1,242 957 1,265 1,303 Medicare Taxes -$ -$ - 291 291 214 296 305 Unemployment Taxes - - - - - 2 - - Workers' Compensation 394$ -$ 585 446 446 82 1,087 1,120 Total Personnel $ 2,921 $ - $ 16,692 $ 24,636 $ 24,636 $ 18,892 $ 25,888 $ 26,664 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services 26,766$ 47,913$ 40,468$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 40,305$ 45,000$ 46,350$ Schools & Training 17,086 23,571 16,408 18,500 18,500 18,955 21,500 22,145 Equipment Maintenance -$ -$ - - - 830 Qualifying Expenses 10,290 16,813 7,294 18,500 18,500 19,716 21,500 22,145 Meetings -$ -$ 272 800 800 1,250 800 824 Office Supplies - 1,932 3,135 3,000 3,000 4,961 600 618 Postage -$ 245$ - 500 500 48 100 103 Publications/Books/Subscription - 51 3,952 2,500 2,500 283 500 515 Uniforms 905$ 4,920$ 19,372 6,000 6,000 10,501 8,000 8,240 Protective Clothing - - - - - 855 - - Small Equipment 72,241$ 48,198$ 73,111 75,000 75,000 39,737 75,000 77,250 Principle - Lease Payment - 33,273 Interest - Lease Payment -$ 157$ Total Services & Supplies 127,288$ 177,073$ 164,013$ 179,800$ 179,800$ 137,442$ 173,000$ 178,190$ Capital Capital Outlay $ 148,356 $ 273,098 $ 248,492 $ 245,000 $ 245,000 $ 213,548 $ 160,000 $ 164,800 Total Capital 148,356$ 273,098$ 248,492$ 245,000$ 245,000$ 213,548$ 160,000$ 164,800$ Total Expenditures 278,565$ 450,171$ 429,197$ 449,436$ 449,436$ 369,882$ 358,888$ 369,654$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Lease Proceeds - 90,577 - - - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ 90,577$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)51,315$ 6,353$ (22,907)$ (98,436)$ (98,436)$ (39,685)$ 6,642$ 6,842$ Ending Fund Balance $ 274,126 $ 280,480 $ 257,573 $ 97,608 $ 97,608 $ 217,888 $ 224,530 $ 231,372 FY2025 Proposed Budget 39 8/7/2024 Page 44 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Trophy Club Park FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Working Capital 95,700$ 140,159$ 370,306$ 355,332$ 355,332$ 585,196$ 630,736$ 707,030$ Revenue Grant Revenue $ 4,170 $ 125,268 $ 31,750 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Park Revenue 185,981 289,336 268,703 200,000 200,000 152,800 204,000 210,120 Interest Income - - 1,484 1,200 1,200 615 1,224 1,261 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - - Total Revenue 190,151$ 414,604$ 301,937$ 201,200$ 201,200$ 153,415$ 205,224$ 211,381$ Expenses Personnel Salaries $ 21,846 $ 27,781 $ 8,290 $ 30,001 $ 30,001 $ 22,683 $ - $ - Part Time 16,774 18,822 13,267 25,000 25,000 1,647 28,479 29,333 Merits - - - - - - - - Longevity 65 - - - - - - - Stipend 263 Certification Pay -$ -$ - 60 60 385 - - Cell Phone Stipend $ - $ 300 41 90 90 210 - - Retirement 2,996 3,587 786 3,963 3,963 3,112 - - Medical Insurance 2,776 3,914 786 3,968 3,968 4,060 - - Dental Insurance 224 215 42 370 370 288 - - Vision Insurance 19 28 5 77 77 60 - - Life Insurance & Other 149$ 140$ 27 132 132 151 - - Social Security Taxes 2,349 2,907 1,014 3,410 3,410 1,486 1,766 1,819 Medicare Taxes 549$ 680$ 237 798 798 347 413 425 Unemployment taxes 601 137 14 328 328 43 252 260 Workers' Compensation 878$ 1,130$ 1,393 1,705 1,705 313 712 733 Auto Allowance - - - - - 490 - - Total Personnel 49,489$ 59,641$ 25,902$ 69,902$ 69,902$ 35,276$ 31,622$ 32,570$ Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Software & Support 3,860 4,880 3,860 4,000 4,000 3,860 4,080 4,202 Advertising 100 (47) - 1,900 1,900 - 1,938 1,996 Printing 1,397 53 1,541 612 612 - 624 643 Service Charges & Fees 11,339 9,689 9,870 10,000 10,000 8,782 10,200 10,506 Electricity 1,061 3,006 1,521 2,280 2,280 920 2,325 2,395 Water 2,745 3,598 7,620 6,000 6,000 1,137 6,120 6,304 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 5,634 4,817 622 650 650 342 663 683 Insurance 1,200 1,224 1,248 1,273 1,273 1,273 1,298 1,337 Property Maintenance 11,194 40,769 15,115 15,000 15,000 1,874 15,300 15,759 Equipment Maintenance 6,118 1,413 2,553 3,825 3,825 2,864 3,902 4,019 Independent Labor 14,141 13,704 11,000 40,000 40,000 2,200 40,800 42,024 Portable toilets 5,580 5,910 5,280 5,760 5,760 4,320 5,875 6,051 Dues & Membership - - - - - - - - Office Supplies 1,535 1,323 1,001 1,300 1,300 673 1,326 1,366 Postage 10 32 - 100 100 77 102 105 Fuel 1,054 51 113 1,051 1,051 38 1,072 1,104 Uniforms - 586 142 450 450 - 459 473 Community Events 3,095 - - 5,000 5,000 - - - Small Tools - 59 506 500 500 46 510 525 Maintenance Supplies - 303 599 400 400 155 408 420 Miscellaneous Expense - 2,581 120 300 300 - 306 315 Depreciation Expense - Machinery - - 5,200 - - - - - Depreciation Expense 6,140 8,867 4,586 - - - - - Total Services & Supplies 76,203$ 102,816$ 72,496$ 100,401$ 100,401$ 28,560$ 97,308$ 100,228$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 40 8/7/2024 Page 45 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Trophy Club Park FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Capital Capital Expenses $ - $ 7,000 $ (26,351) $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 29,039 $ - $ - Total Capital -$ 7,000$ (26,351)$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 29,039$ -$ -$ Total Expenses 125,692$ 169,457$ 72,048$ 270,303$ 270,303$ 92,875$ 128,930$ 132,798$ Other Sources (Uses) Park Administration Transfer $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ - Police and EMS Service Transfer - - - - - --- Total Other Sources (Uses)20,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)44,459$ 230,147$ 214,890$ (84,103)$ (84,103)$ 45,540$ 76,294$ 78,583$ Ending Working Capital $ 140,159 $ 370,306 $ 585,196 $ 271,229 $ 271,229 $ 630,736 $ 707,030 $ 785,613 POSITION TITLE FY 2024 FY 2024 FY 2025 RECREATION AIDE 1.00 1.00 1.05 PARKS MAINTENANCE WORKER 0.00 0.00 0.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 41 8/7/2024 Page 46 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Street Maintenance Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 184,556$ 302,900$ 436,698$ 259,253$ 259,253$ 426,985$ 496,177$ 476,481$ Revenue Sales Tax $ 322,978 $ 361,485 $ 370,715 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 353,736 $ 357,000 $ 367,710 Interest Income - - 2,038 1,500 1,500 677 1,530 1,576 Total Revenue 322,978$ 361,485$ 372,753$ 351,500$ 351,500$ 354,412$ 358,530$ 369,286$ Expenditures Personnel Salaries $ 63,461 $ 73,413 $ 80,449 $ 115,609 $ 115,609 $ 98,194 $ 126,817 $ 130,621 Merits - - - - - - - - Salaries - Overtime - 791 2,702 - - 1,400 2,500 2,575 Longevity 1,344 1,523 1,649 1,815 1,815 1,828 1,975 2,034 Annual Stipend 1,050 Certification Pay - - - - - 100 120 124 Cell Phone Stipend - 343 332 585 585 503 585 603 Retirement 8,895 10,090 10,573 15,272 15,272 13,460 18,026 18,567 Medical Insurance 5,514 4,514 5,034 6,011 6,011 8,702 10,707 11,028 Dental Insurance 648 531 591 976 976 1,404 1,755 1,807 Vision Insurance 70 87 104 211 211 303 367 378 Life Insurance & Other 365 420 426 561 561 647 688 709 Social Security Taxes 4,044 4,766 3,568 7,168 7,168 6,233 8,029 8,270 Medicare Taxes 946 1,115 834 1,676 1,676 1,490 1,878 1,934 Unemployment Taxes 331 (39) 13 416 416 16 441 454 Workers' Compensation 2,564 3,301 4,553 6,760 6,760 1,241 7,156 7,371 Total Personnel 89,232$ 100,855$ 110,827$ 157,060$ 157,060$ 135,519$ 181,043$ 186,474$ Services & Supplies Water $ - $ - $ - $ 2,081 $ 2,081 $ - $ 2,123 $ 2,186 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 180 - - - - - - - Vehicle Maintenance 5,950 2,615 3,151 7,210 7,210 795 7,500 7,725 Equipment Maintenance 1,916 1,420 1,322 3,000 3,000 2,767 3,060 3,152 Street Maintenance 52,861 77,207 88,526 125,000 125,000 97,485 127,500 131,325 Signs & Markings 47,835 17,073 20,603 40,000 40,000 20,976 47,000 48,410 Fuel 5,055 5,653 6,347 6,763 6,763 5,589 7,000 7,210 Small Tools 1,014 2,322 302 2,081 2,081 2,090 3,000 3,090 Miscellaneous Expense 591 542 359 - - - - - Total Service & Supplies 115,402$ 106,832$ 120,610$ 186,135$ 186,135$ 129,702$ 197,183$ 203,098$ Capital Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Replacement - - 51,529 - - - - - Capital Outlay - - 79,500 2,123 2,123 - - - Total Capital -$ -$ 131,029$ 2,123$ 2,123$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures 204,634$ 207,687$ 362,466$ 345,318$ 345,318$ 265,221$ 378,225$ 389,572$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer to General Fund $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ - Transfer To Debt Service - - - - - - - - Transfer Out - - - - - - - - Transfer To Storm Drainage - - - - - - - - Total Sources Other (Uses)-$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decreases)118,344$ 133,798$ (9,713)$ (13,818)$ (13,818)$ 69,191$ (19,695)$ (20,286)$ Ending Fund Balance $ 302,900 $ 436,698 $ 426,985 $ 245,435 $ 245,435 $ 496,177 $ 476,481 $ 456,195 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 STREETS CREW LEADER 1.00 1.00 1.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIR.0.00 0.25 0.25 STREETS SUPERINTENDENT 0.40 0.40 0.40 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0.00 0.10 0.10 TOTAL FTEs 1.40 1.75 1.75 50% Funded by General Fund - 25% Funded by Drainage 80% Funded by General Fund - 10% Funded by Drainage 40% Funded by General Fund - 20% Funded by Drainage PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 42 8/7/2024 Page 47 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Storm Drainage Utility FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Working Capital 1,731,975$ 2,178,395$ 2,635,282$ 872,424$ 872,424$ 3,074,607$ 3,294,643$ 3,286,790$ Revenue Storm Drainage Fee $ 435,798 $ 435,559 $ 437,219 $ 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 361,348 $ 438,600 $ 451,758 Hazardous Waste Stipend - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - - Interest Income 325 8,264 62,757 5,000 5,000 60,459 40,000 41,200 Total Revenue 436,123$ 443,823$ 499,977$ 435,000$ 435,000$ 421,806$ 478,600$ 492,958$ Expenses Personnel Salaries -$ -$ -$ 50,213$ 50,213$ 38,703$ $ 52,793 $ 54,377 Overtime - - - - - - - - Longevity - - - 187 187 187 226 232 Certification Pay - - - - - 100 120 120 Cell Phone Stipend - - - 405 405 338 405 417 Retirement - - - 6,633 6,633 5,133 7,453 7,677 Medical Insurance - - - 2,037 2,037 3,351 4,317 4,447 Dental Insurance - - - 267 267 490 651 671 Vision Insurance - - - 45 45 105 135 140 Life Insurance & Other - - - 225 225 246 302 311 Social Security Taxes - - - 3,113 3,113 2,353 3,320 3,419 Medicare Taxes - - - 728 728 550 776 800 Unemployment Taxes - - - 139 139 5 139 143 Workers' Compensation - - - 1,416 1,416 260 1,369 1,410 Total Personnel -$ -$ -$ 65,408$ 65,408$ 51,819$ 72,006$ 74,163$ Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 19,175 $ 19,175 $ 27,722 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 35,904 $ 30,600 $ 31,518 Engineering/Construction 14,597 9,018 14,088 30,000 30,000 100 230,600 237,518 Legal Notices - - - - - 181 185 191 Trash Removal/Recycling 5,900 2,950 1,700 5,202 5,202 5,545 5,306 5,465 Street Sweeping 6,121 7,100 6,660 15,606 15,606 8,350 20,000 20,600 Independent Labor 17,395 47,005 72,156 125,000 125,000 79,850 127,500 131,325 Dues & Membership 105 - - 250 250 - 255 263 Postage 21 Depreciation Expense 51,084 51,083 51,083 - - - - - Total Services & Supplies 114,377$ 136,331$ 173,409$ 206,058$ 206,058$ 129,951$ 414,446$ 426,880$ Capital Capital Replacement -$ -$ 41,261$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ - Capital Expense - - - - - - - - Capital Projects - - - 150,000 150,000 - - - Transfer to Drainage Capital Projects - - - - - - - - Total Capital -$ -$ 41,261$ 150,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ Debt Service Principal (160,000)$ -$ $ - -$ $ - -$ $ - $ - Interest 11,789 - (4,018) - - - - - Total Debt Service (148,211)$ -$ (4,018)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenses (33,834)$ 136,331$ 210,652$ 421,466$ 421,466$ 181,770$ 486,453$ 501,043$ Other Sources (Uses) Cumulative effect on change in account -$ -$ $ - -$ $ - -$ $ - $ - Transfer In 16,463 177,194 170,000 - - - - - Transfer to General Fund (40,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) - - Transfer To Debt Service - (7,799) - - - - - - Total Other Sources (23,537)$ 149,395$ 150,000$ (20,000)$ (20,000)$ (20,000)$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)446,420$ 456,887$ 439,325$ (6,466)$ (6,466)$ 220,036$ (7,853)$ (8,085)$ Ending Working Capital $ 2,178,395 $ 2,635,282 $ 3,074,607 $ 865,958 $ 865,958 $ 3,294,643 $ 3,286,790 $ 3,278,705 FY2025 Proposed Budget 43 8/7/2024 Page 48 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Storm Drainage Utility FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIR.0.00 0.25 0.25 STREETS SUPERINTENDENT 0.00 0.20 0.20 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0.00 0.10 0.10 TOTAL FTEs 0.00 0.55 0.55 50% Funded by General Fund - 25% Funded by Street 80% Funded by General Fund - 10% Funded by Street 40% Funded by General Fund - 40% Funded by Street PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 44 8/7/2024 Page 49 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Court Technology Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 13,232$ 10,268$ 7,554$ 8,514$ 8,514$ 7,465$ 7,520$ 7,620$ Revenue Municipal Court Technology Fee $ 224 $ 226 $ 161 $ 1,000 1,000$ $ 55 100$ $ 103 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - - Total Revenue 224$ 226$ 161$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 55$ 100$ 103$ Expenditures Software & Support $ 3,188 $ 2,940 $ 250 $ 2,105 $ 2,105 $ - $ - $ - Hardware - - - 650 650 - - - Total Expenditures 3,188$ 2,940$ 250$ 2,755$ 2,755$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ - Total Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures 3,188$ 2,940$ 250$ 2,755$ 2,755$ -$ -$ -$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ - Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)(2,964)$ (2,714)$ (89)$ (1,755)$ (1,755)$ 55$ 100$ 103$ Ending Fund Balance $ 10,268 $ 7,554 $ 7,465 $ 6,759 $ 6,759 $ 7,520 7,620$ $ 7,723 FY2025 Proposed Budget 45 8/7/2024 Page 50 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Court Security Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED FY 2027 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 19,606$ 26,555$ 37,083$ 50,015$ 50,015$ 53,728$ 74,994$ 89,094$ $ 103,617 Revenue Municipal Court Security Fee $ 5,580 $ 8,980 $ 12,852 $ 3,000 3,000$ $ 13,852 $ 9,000 $ 9,270 $ 9,548 Truancy Prevention & Diversion Fees 3,037 4,949 7,147 2,000 2,000 7,759 5,000 5,150 5,305 Municipal Jury Fees 61 100 146 - - 156 100 103 106 Total Revenue 8,678$ 14,029$ 20,144$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 21,767$ 14,100$ 14,523$ 14,959$ Expenditures Schools and Training $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 2,000$ $ 2,000 $ - $ - $ - Travel and Per Diem 200 - - 500 500 - - - - Small Equipment 30 - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 230$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 2,500$ 2,000$ -$ -$ -$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ - $ - Transfer Out (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) 1,500 - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)(1,500)$ (1,500)$ (1,500)$ (1,500)$ (1,500)$ 1,500$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)6,948$ 10,529$ 16,644$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 21,267$ 14,100$ 14,523$ 14,959$ Ending Fund Balance $ 26,554 $ 37,083 $ 53,728 $ 51,015 $ 51,015 $ 74,994 $ 89,094 $ 103,617 $ 118,576 FY2025 Proposed Budget 46 8/7/2024 Page 51 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services EDC FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Starting Net Position 885,002$ 1,285,396$ 1,901,850$ 1,719,735$ 1,719,735$ 2,466,867$ 3,018,237$ 3,039,272$ Revenue Sales Tax - General $ 669,026 $ 748,791 $ 767,911 $ 700,000 $ 700,000 $ 707,471 $ 650,000 $ 669,500 Interest Income 22 4,831 43,606 500 500 56,319 25,000 25,750 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - 52,625 52,625 - - - Total Revenue 669,048$ 753,622$ 811,517$ 753,125$ 753,125$ 763,791$ 675,000$ 695,250$ Expenses Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ 33,707 $ 33,707 $ 20,058 $ - $ - Overtime - - - - - - - - Longevity - - - - - - - - Certification Pay - - - 180 180 1,783 - - Cell Phone Stipend - - - 180 180 105 - - Retirement - - - 4,453 4,453 3,053 - - Medical Insurance - - - 2,164 2,164 1,167 - - Dental Insurance - - - 185 185 103 - - Vision Insurance - - - 39 39 22 - - Life Insurance & Other - - - 248 248 65 - - Social Security Taxes - - - 2,090 2,090 1,318 - - Medicare Taxes - - - 489 489 327 - - Unemployment Taxes - - - 38 38 - - - Workers' Compensation - - - 138 138 25 - - Auto/Housing Allowance - - - - - 2 - - Total Personnel -$ -$ -$ 43,911$ 43,911$ 28,028$ -$ -$ Professional Outside Services $ 4,500 $ - $ 5,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 1,000 $ 80,000 $ 82,400 Legal Services - - - - - 20,000 20,600 Auditing 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,269 5,100 5,253 Advertising 10,904 12,895 5,658 25,000 25,000 4,322 8,000 8,240 Legal Notices - - - - - - 1,000 1,030 Printing - - - 500 500 - 250 258 Schools & Training - - - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,090 Dues & Membership - - - 2,500 2,500 - - - Travel & Per Diem - - - 2,000 2,000 912 3,000 3,090 Office Supplies - - - 500 500 - - - Miscellaneous Expense - 2,500 2,500 4,000 4,000 - - - Incentive Programs 100,000 - - 300,000 300,000 - 100,000 103,000 Thrive Business Grant - - - - - - 150,000 154,500 Depreciation Expense - EDC 24,531 24,693 24,691 - - - - - Bond Interest 452 91,280 1,333 - - - - - Paying Agent Fees 600 800 800 408 408 400 400 412 Transfer to General Fund 30,000 - - 40,000 40,000 - 80,752 83,175 Transfer to General Fund/DSR - - - - - - - - Transfer to Debt Service 93,668 - 201,518 201,518 201,518 201,518 202,463 208,536 Total Expenses 268,655$ 137,168$ 246,500$ 634,426$ 634,426$ 212,421$ 653,965$ 673,583$ Net Increase (Decrease)400,393$ 616,454$ 565,016$ 118,699$ 118,699$ 551,370$ 21,036$ 21,667$ Ending Net Position $ 1,285,396 $ 1,901,850 $ 2,466,867 $ 1,838,435 $ 1,838,435 $ 3,018,237 $ 3,039,272 $ 3,060,940 POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 TOWN MANAGER 1.00 0.15 0.00 TOTAL FTEs 1.00 0.15 0.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FY2025 Proposed Budget 47 8/7/2024 Page 52 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Hotel Occupancy Tax  Fund FY 2021  ACTUAL FY 2022  ACTUAL FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR  TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 1,530,643$     1,726,744$     2,275,552$      2,638,723$        2,638,723$        2,677,913$     3,046,977$    3,028,676$       Revenue    Hotel Occupancy Tax  $        392,659  $        781,831  $          822,484  $           600,000  $           600,000  $         760,307  $       750,000  $        772,500     July 4th Revenue 19,934             21,442             14,272              7,500                  7,500                  19,635              10,000            10,300                 Interest Income 919                   12,140             99,941              5,000                  5,000                  97,575              50,000            51,500                 Miscellaneous Revenue ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           2,081                ‐                       ‐                         Total Revenue 413,512$         815,413$         936,697$          612,500$            612,500$            877,517$         810,000$       834,300$           Expenditures  Personnel    Salaries  $           20,046  $           12,264  $            89,135  $              77,681  $              77,681  $           82,810  $       163,580  $        168,487     Overtime ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         ‐                       ‐                            Longevity ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          300                      300                      300                   376                  388                       Salaries ‐ Certification ‐                        ‐                        563                    930                      930                      1,353                2,310              2,379                   Salaries ‐ Cell Phone Stipend ‐                        ‐                        326                    582                      582                      492                   1,860              1,916                   Retirement 2,501               1,032               9,986                 9,765                  9,765                  8,513                24,550            25,287                 Medical insurance 1,641               795                   2,549                 721                      721                      426                   10,367            10,678                 Dental Insurance 125                   48                     433                    778                      778                      650                   1,222              1,258                   Vision Insurance 14                     7                       63                      163                      163                      136                   279                  287                       Life Insurance & Other 102                   38                     308                    339                      339                      363                   1,005              1,035                   Social Security Taxes 1,208               744                   1,280                 4,583                  4,583                  4,070                10,713            11,034                 Medicare Taxes 283                   174                   299                    1,072                  1,072                  952                   2,505              2,581                   Unemployment Taxes 55                     5                       9                         159                      159                      12                     517                  532                       Workers Compensation ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          303                      303                      56                     2,723              2,804                   Auto/Housing Allowance ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         1,410              1,452                Total Personnel 25,975$           15,107$           104,951$          97,376$              97,376$              100,132$         223,417$       230,119$          Services & Supplies    Professional Outside Services ‐$                 5,484$             121,500$          20,000$              20,000$              24,050$           190,000$         $        195,700     Auditing                 3,000                  4,000                    4,000                     4,000                     4,000                   3,286                 3,384                  3,486     Software & Support                 4,961                18,284                 21,434                   31,434                   31,434                22,506               47,000                48,410     Advertising                 4,031                19,292                 18,780                   61,500                   61,500                42,669              61,500                63,345     Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,368               1,368               1,368                 ‐                           ‐                           1,026                ‐‐                            Event Rentals 1,500               1,968               ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         ‐                                               ‐     Dues & Membership ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          4,000                  4,000                  ‐                         4,000                               4,120     July 4 Celebration 81,992             95,602             115,677            160,000              160,000              124,784           160,000                       164,800     Taste of Trophy Club ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         39,000            40,170                 Christmas in the Park ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         80,000            82,400                 Bad Debt Expense ‐                        10,500             ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         ‐                       ‐                         Total Services & Supplies 96,852$           156,498$         282,760$          280,934$            280,934$            218,320$         584,884$       602,431$          Capital Outlay    Capital Outlay  $                      ‐   $                      ‐   $              7,200  $           100,000  $           100,000  $           95,000  $         20,000  $           20,600    Total Capital ‐$                      ‐$                      7,200$              100,000$            100,000$            95,000$           20,000$          20,600$            Total Expenditures 122,827$         171,605$         394,911$          478,310$            478,310$            413,453$         828,301$       853,150$          Other Sources (Uses)  Transfer To General Fund (94,582)$          (95,000)$          (95,000)$           (95,000)$            (95,000)$            (95,000)$          ‐$                  $                    ‐    Total Other Sources (Uses)(94,582)$         (95,000)$         (95,000)$           (95,000)$            (95,000)$            (95,000)$          ‐$                ‐$                  Net Increase (Decrease)196,103$         548,808$         446,786$          39,190$              39,190$              369,064$         (18,301)$        (18,850)$          Ending Fund Balance 1,726,746$     2,275,552$     2,722,338$      2,677,913$        2,677,913$        3,046,977$     3,028,676$    3,009,826$      POSITION TITLE FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 TOWN MANAGER 0.00 0.00 0.05 COMM & MARKETING DIRECTOR 0.58 0.58 0.50 COMM & MARKETING SPECIALIST 0.00 0.00 0.50 RECREATION COORDINATOR 0.00 0.00 1.00 CROSSING GUARDS 0.00 0.00 0.04 TOTAL FTEs 0.58 0.58 1.05 80% Funded by General Fund 50% Funded by General Fund PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 50% Funded by General Fund 50% of 2 positions Funded by General Fund FY2025 Proposed Budget 48 8/7/2024 Page 53 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Recreation Program Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 5,062$ 7,710$ 21,550$ 21,550$ 21,550$ 21,175$ 29,491$ 29,491$ Revenue Recreation Programs $ 6,763 $ 17,940 $ 4,825 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 8,316 $ 6,000 $ 6,180 Total Revenue 6,763$ 17,940$ 4,825$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 8,316$ 6,000$ 6,180$ Expenditures Recreation Programs $ 4,115 $ 4,100 $ 5,200 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ - $ 6,000 $ 6,180 Total Expenditures 4,115$ 4,100$ 5,200$ 6,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ 6,180$ Net Increase (Decrease)2,648$ 13,840$ (375)$ -$ -$ 8,316$ -$ -$ Ending Fund Balance 7,710$ 21,550$ 21,175$ 21,550$ 21,550$ 29,491$ 29,491$ 29,491$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 49 8/7/2024 Page 54 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Parkland Dedication Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 385,727$ 536,001$ 350,554$ 177,650$ 177,650$ 407,935$ 546,457$ 548,207$ Revenue Park Revenues $ 150,000 $ 26,410 $ 85,268 $ - $ - $ 123,034 $ - $ - Interest Income 274 2,890 18,259 1,750 1,750 15,488 1,750 1,803 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - -- Total Revenue 150,274$ 29,300$ 103,527$ 1,750$ 1,750$ 138,522$ 1,750$ 1,803$ Expenditures Program/Event Supplies 4,204 4,204 - - - - - $ - Capital Expenditures 210,543 210,543 46,146 97,000 97,000 - - - Total Expenditures 214,747$ 214,747$ 46,146$ 97,000$ 97,000$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)(64,473)$ (185,447)$ 57,381$ (95,250)$ (95,250)$ 138,522$ 1,750$ 1,803$ Ending Fund Balance 321,254$ 350,554$ 407,935$ 82,400$ 82,400$ 546,457$ 548,207$ 550,009$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 50 8/7/2024 Page 55 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services TIRZ#1 Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance (354,812)$ (327,716)$ (266,168)$ (98,737)$ (98,737)$ (192,360)$ (111,065)$ (28,671)$ Revenue Property Tax $ 124,872 $ - $ 6,648 $ 79,744 $ 79,744 $ 49,646 $ 61,272 $ 63,110 Sales Tax - - - 81,339 81,339 72,931 83,779 86,293 Miscellaneous Revenue - 13,190 13,189 - - Total Revenue 124,872$ 13,190$ 19,837$ 161,083$ 161,083$ 122,577$ 145,051$ 149,402$ Expenses Professional Outside Services $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 1,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Incentive Programs 127,929 41,935 40,283 56,379 56,379 40,282 58,657 59,830 Total Expenditures 127,929$ 42,935$ 41,283$ 59,379$ 59,379$ 41,282$ 62,657$ 63,830$ Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In 30,153 91,293 95,254 - - - - - Net Increase (Decrease)27,096$ 61,548$ 73,808$ 101,704$ 101,704$ 81,295$ 82,394$ 85,572$ Ending Fund Balance (327,716)$ (266,168)$ (192,360)$ 2,967$ 2,967$ (111,065)$ (28,671)$ 56,901$ FY2025 Proposed Budget 51 8/7/2024 Page 56 of 281 Debt Service Fund FY 2021  ACTUAL FY 2022  ACTUAL FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  APPROVED FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR  TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 706,640$        423,426$      107,971$        165,869$       165,869$        206,255$          1,779,396$       1,991,129$       Revenue    Property Taxes  $     2,411,195  $   2,532,976  $    2,552,784  $    2,619,482 2,619,482$       $       2,846,250 2,944,640$         $     3,032,979     Property Taxes/Delinquent 4,078               (2,738)            6,172              2,000              2,000               1,980 2,060 2,122     Property Taxes/Penalty & Interest 4,699               6,641             11,463            4,500              4,500               (5,786)               4,635 4,774     Intergovernmental Transfer EDC ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐‐     Interest Income 740 8,756             77,233            2,500              2,500               52,827              2,575 2,652     Miscellaneous Revenue 14,292             227                (5) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐  Total Revenue 2,435,004$     2,545,862$   2,647,648$     2,628,482$    2,628,482$     2,895,270$       2,953,910$       3,042,527$       Expenditures   Principal Payments  $     2,068,000  $   2,138,000  $    2,014,413  $    2,140,000 2,140,000$       $          890,000  $       2,285,000  $     2,353,550    Interest Payments 473,755           540,897         564,269          745,220          745,220           430,205            656,140            675,824              Paying Agent Fees ‐ 5,226             2,200              7,500              7,500               1,925 3,500 3,605    Bond/CO Issuance cost ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐‐  Total Expenditures 2,541,755$     2,684,123$   2,580,882$     2,892,720$    2,892,720$     1,322,130$       2,944,640$       3,032,979$       Other Sources (Uses)    Bond Proceeds  $‐   $‐   $‐   $‐   $‐   $‐   $‐   $‐       Bond Proceeds‐ Premium ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐     Refund Cost ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐        Transfer In‐ General Fund ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐        Transfer In‐EDC 4B ‐ ‐ 201,518          201,518          201,518           ‐ 202,463            208,537                  Transfer  In‐ Street Main.   Sales Tax ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐‐        Transfer In‐ Storm Drainage ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐        Transfer In ‐ Capital Projects ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐‐        Transfer In ‐ CCPD ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐          Transfer In ‐ sub‐total ‐ ‐ 201,518          201,518          201,518           ‐ 202,463            208,537               Transfer Out 176,463           177,194         170,000          ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐  Total Other Sources (Uses)176,463$        177,194$      371,518$        201,518$       201,518$        ‐$ 202,463$          208,537$          Net Increase (Decrease)(283,214)$       (315,455)$     98,284$          (62,720)$        (62,720)$         1,573,141$       211,733$          218,085$          Ending Fund Balance  $        423,426  $      107,971  $        206,255  $       103,149  $        103,149  $       1,779,396 1,991,129$       2,209,215$       FY2025 Proposed Budget 52 8/7/2024 Page 57 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Capital Projects Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 1,984,646$ 6,199,646$ 4,952,458$ 10,606,606$ 10,606,606$ 10,606,606$ 10,771,422$ 686,922$ Revenue Contributions/Grants $ - $ - $ - $ - -$ $ - $ 2,000,000 $ 165,000 Interest Income 7,015 62,538 274,355 20,000 20,000 448,124 10,000 10,300 Bond Proceeds 4,305,000 - 6,925,000 - - - 3,250,000 3,840,000 Bond Premium 297,691 - 257,608 - - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - - 84,424 20,400 20,400 - - - Total Revenue 4,609,706$ 62,538$ 7,541,387$ 40,400$ 40,400$ 448,124$ 5,260,000$ 4,015,300$ Expenditures Professional Outside Services $ 13,343 $ 3,521 $ 6,925 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Expenses 759,527 929,535 382,622 6,525,000 6,525,000 43,215 15,344,500 4,280,000 Engineering - 125,794 23,636 200,000 200,000 - - - Engineering/Construction - - 16,000 - - 20,124 - Capital Expenses - - - - - - - - Capital Expenses 23,450 227,060 1,282,373 - - 219,969 - - Bond Issuance Costs 98,386 - 175,683 - - - - - Total Expenditures 894,706$ 1,285,910$ 1,887,239$ 6,725,000$ 6,725,000$ 283,308$ 15,344,500$ 4,280,000$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In 500,000 - - - - - - - Transfer Out - (23,816) - - - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)500,000$ (23,816)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)4,215,000$ (1,247,188)$ 5,654,147$ (6,684,600)$ (6,684,600)$ 164,817$ (10,084,500)$ (264,700)$ Ending Fund Balance $ 6,199,646 $ 4,952,458 $ 10,606,606 $ 3,922,006 $ 3,922,006 $ 10,771,422 $ 686,922 $ 422,222 FY2025 Proposed Budget 53 8/7/2024 Page 58 of 281 Capital Equipment/Fleet Replacement Fund FY 2021 ACTUAL FY 2022 ACTUAL FY 2023 ACTUAL FY 2024 APPROVED FY 2024 AMENDED FY 2024 YEAR TO DATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ 2,359,096 $ 2,359,096 Revenue Department Capital Projects Fund 684,873$ 268,000$ MUD Funding 79,000 16,000 Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund - - Storm Drainage Utility Fund - - Parkland Dedication Fund - - Hotel Occupancy Fund - - Crime Control Prevention District Fund 160,000 160,000 Economic Development Corporation Fund - - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Fund - - Grant Funding - - Future Bonds - - Total Revenue -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 923,873$ 444,000$ Expenditures General Governemnt Capital Replacement -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Police Capital Replacement - - - - - - 60,000 - Police Fleet Replacement - - - - - - 317,373 240,000 Fire/EMS Capital Replacement - - - - - - 165,500 106,000 Fire/EMS Fleet Replacement - - - - - - 75,000 - Community Development Capital Replacement - - - - - - 93,000 - Community Development Fleet Replacement - - - - - - 78,000 - Parks/Recreation Capital Replacement - - - - - - 85,000 48,000 Parks/Recreation Fleet Replacement - - - - - - - - IS Capital Replacement - - - - - - 50,000 50,000 Facilities Capital Replacement - - - - - - - - Facilities Fleet Replacement - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 923,873$ 444,000$ Other Sources (Uses) Debt Proceeds $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer from Tax Notes - - - - - - - - Transfer In - - - - - - - 444,000 Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 444,000$ Net Increase (Decrease)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 444,000$ Ending Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,359,096 $ 2,803,096 FY2025 Proposed Budget 54 8/7/2024 Page 59 of 281 F Y 2 0 2 5 budgetC A P I T A L I M P R O V E M E N T P R O G R A M FY2025 Proposed Budget 55 8/7/2024 Page 60 of 281 Town of Trophy Club Capital Improvement Program (CIP) OVERVIEW A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a crucial public infrastructure and planning tool for municipalities, reflecting the Town’s core policies and financial capabilities in managing the community’s physical development. The Town of Trophy Club’s five- year infrastructure and equipment funding plan is reviewed annually to accommodate shifting priorities. This plan provides a structured approach for identifying capital requirements and assessing the impact of capital projects on operating budgets. Typically, the CIP includes costly, non-recurring improvements with a multi-year useful life, resulting in fixed assets. These encompass the construction and acquisition of new buildings, additions or renovations to existing buildings, street construction, drainage improvements, land purchases, and water and wastewater utility infrastructure. Every year, the Town of Trophy Club updates its Capital Improvement Program for a five-year period. The program is shaped by input from citizens, Boards & Commissions, the school district, and Homeowner’s Associations. Proposed projects are evaluated based on several factors, including compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Town’s growth and safety needs. These projects are then presented to the Town Council for consideration and final approval. CIP Goals Develop objectives that encompass all capital projects over a five-year period. Identify funding sources while maintaining fiscal constraints. Align projects with the Comprehensive Plan. Base project selection on citizen input. Ensure project objectives are realistic, relevant, and easy to understand. Provide realistic assessments of the scope and cost of projects. FY2025 Proposed Budget 56 8/7/2024 Page 61 of 281 Summary The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) summary outlines the proposed investments and expenditures across various departments for the upcoming fiscal period. This plan includes detailed department totals, ensuring transparency and strategic allocation of resources to enhance infrastructure, facilities, and services. The CIP aims to address current and future community needs by prioritizing projects that promote sustainable growth, efficiency, and public benefit. Each department's budget is carefully evaluated to align with overall organizational goals, demonstrating a commitment to responsible financial management and long-term planning. The Town of Trophy Club's Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for this budget year will encompass several key developments. These include the construction of new pickleball courts and the implementation of Phase II of the community pool renovation, which will also feature splash pad resurfacing. Additionally, street infrastructure enhancements will involve concrete and asphalt repairs, along with storm drainage improvements on Inverness Drive and Wilshire Drive. Sidewalk construction projects are planned for Durango Drive/Parkview Drive and Turnberry/Highlands Drive. FY2025 Proposed Budget 57 8/7/2024 Page 62 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Capital Improvement Projects FY 2025  PROPOSED FY 2026  PROPOSED FY 2027  PROPOSED FY 2028  PROPOSED FY 2029  PROPOSED FY 2030  PROPOSED Beginning Fund Balance ‐$                  ‐$               ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$              ‐$                Revenue  Department Capital Projects Fund  $           20,000  $      275,000  $               20,000  $                 ‐    $     440,000  $     235,000  MUD Funding 74,500              82,000          50,000                   Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund 115,000         Storm Drainage Utility Fund 1,500,000         Parkland Dedication Fund Hotel Occupancy Fund Crime Control Prevention District Fund Economic Development Corporation Fund Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Fund ARPA Funding 2,300,000         Grant Funding 2,000,000         2021 CO Bonds 2023 CO Bonds 6,200,000         2025 CO Bonds 3,240,000        4,910,000      2027 CO Bonds 2,282,000            3,300,000$   2029 CO Bonds 2,942,000$   Future Bonds  Total Revenue 15,334,500$    5,382,000$   2,352,000$          ‐$               3,740,000$  3,177,000$   Projects: 2025 Streets Projects 2,990,000$      ‐$               ‐$                      ‐$               ‐$              ‐$               Forest Hill Drive Street Replacement - $1.7M 1,770,000         Paint Rock Ct. Street Replacement - $410,000 410,000             Palmetto Ct Street Replacement - $810,000 810,000             2025 Sidewalk Projects 250,000            Parkview Drive - $ 80,000 80,000               Durango Drive - $45,000 45,000               Various Sidewalk Repairs - $125,000 125,000             Inverness Drive Storm Drainage Improvements 2,300,000         TC Pool Renovation 2,400,000         Pickleball Courts 1,300,000         Splashpad Resurface 20,000              20,000                  20,000           Bobcat Traffic Improvements 4,500,000         Fire Station Dumpster Enclosure 25,000               Fire Station Plumbing Repair 9,500                 Fire Station HVAC Replacement ‐ Qty 2 40,000               Wilshire Storm Drainage Improvements 1,500,000         2026 Streets Projects 4,010,000      Oakmont Dr. Street Replacement - $ 4M 4,010,000      2026 Sidewalk Projects 200,000         Skyline Drive - $ 98,000 98,000            Creekside Dr. - $ 102,000 102,000         Fire Station Lighting Project 27,000           Fire Station Paint Interior/Apparatus Bay 35,000           Fire Station Carpet Replacement 20,000           Street Light Improvements ‐ Bobcat & Parkview 200,000         Streets & Parks Shop Remodel 500,000         Police Covered Parking ‐ Town Fleet 275,000         FY2025 Proposed Budget 58 8/7/2024 Page 63 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Capital Improvement Projects FY 2025  PROPOSED FY 2026  PROPOSED FY 2027  PROPOSED FY 2028  PROPOSED FY 2029  PROPOSED FY 2030  PROPOSED Crosswalk Flashers ‐ Upgrade to RTC 115,000         2027 Streets Projects 2,080,000             Creekmere Dr. Street Replacement - $1.5M 1,510,000             Creekmere Ct. Street Replacement - $570,000 570,000                 2027 Sidewalk Projects 202,000                Park Lane - $ 64,000 64,000                   Durango Dr. - $ 138,000 138,000                 Fire Station Apparatus Flooring ‐                 50,000                   2029 Streets Projects 3,150,000     Alamosa Drive Street Replacement - $2.6M 2,640,000     Greenbriar Ct. Street Replacement - $510,000 510,000         2029 Sidewalk Projects 150,000        Rolling Rock - $ 150,000 150,000         Town Hall HVAC Replacement ‐ Qty 3 235,000        Town Hall & PD Flooring/Carpet 175,000        Town Hall Paint Interior/Exterior 120,000        Town Hall/PD Water Heater Replacements 125,000        2030 Streets Projects 2,760,000     Roaring Creek Ct. Street Replacement$420,000 420,000         Oak Village Ct. & Lane - $790,000 790,000         Timberline Dr. - $1.5M 1,550,000     2030 Sidewalk Projects 182,000        Silver Rock Drive - $ 60,000 60,000           Sonora Drive - $ 138,000 122,000         Total Expenditures 15,334,500$    5,382,000$   2,352,000$          ‐$               3,740,000$  3,177,000$   FY2025 Proposed Budget 59 8/7/2024 Page 64 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FY 2024-2029 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FY2025 Street Improvement Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Forest Hill Dr, $1,770,000 Concrete Street Replacement on Forest Hill Drive from Fresh Meadow to Indian Creek Drive, approximately 40,000 sq ft. 2. Paint Rock Ct, $410,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Paint Rock Ct, from Llano Dr to the end of Paint Rock Ct, approximately 7,500 sqft. 3. Palmetto Ct, $810,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Palmetto Ct, from DESCRIPTION Based on the 2022 Trophy Club Streets/Pavement Study and using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Structural Strength Index (SSI), and Overall Condition Index (OCI) ratings. 1. Forest Hill Dr- PCI 40, SSI 87.97, OCI 40 2. Paint Rock- PCI 27, SSI 100, OCI 37 3. Palmetto - PCI 37,SSI 95.74, OCI 47 JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$2,990,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$2,990,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$2,990,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO All three (3) above locations IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2025 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $2,990,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 60 8/7/2024 Page 65 of 281 2025 Sidewalk Improvement Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Parkview Dr. $80,000 Concrete sidewalk replacement on East side of Parkview Dr. from Durango to 424 Parkview Dr. Approximately 7200 sq ft. 2. Durango Dr. $45,000 Concrete sidewalk replacement on south side of Durango from Lakeshore Dr. to 207 Durango. Approximately 4000 sq ft. 3. Various locations: $125,000 DESCRIPTION Correcting deficiencies and tripping hazards, and restabilizing sunken areas holding water. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$250,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$250,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$250,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO DURANGO/PARKVIEW IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2025 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $250,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 61 8/7/2024 Page 66 of 281 Inverness Stormwater/Drainage Project PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX Inverness Drive Stormwater and Drainage Improvement Project DESCRIPTION Engineering reports and studies show existing stormwater infrastucture to be undersized and inadequate during heavy rainfall affecting 5 residential properties between Indian Creek Dr and the golf course. Multiple floodings have occurred inside of homes on Inverness Dr resulting in private property damage. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STORM DRAINAGE FUND PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$2,300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$2,300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$2,300,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Inverness IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 ARPA FUNDING PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $2,300,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 62 8/7/2024 Page 67 of 281 TC Pool Renovation PROJECT MANAGER:CHASE ELLIS This project focuses on updating and adding new  amenities to the TC Community Pool. Recent  enhancements included upgrading pump room  equipment and renovating the office and restroom  areas. Future improvements will incorporate new  amenities based on community feedback. DESCRIPTION The current pool facility, now 20 years old, needs updates to maintain its status as a high-quality community resource. Over the years, wear and tear have impacted the infrastructure, necessitating improvements to ensure safety, functionality, and an enjoyable experience for all residents. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:PARKS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$2,400,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$2,400,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$1,600,000.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$2,400,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TC POOL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2023 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $4,000,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 63 8/7/2024 Page 68 of 281 Pickleball Courts PROJECT MANAGER:CHASE ELLIS The community needs dedicated Pickleball courts to serve its residents. This project will add 6 Pickleball courts to Harmony Park. DESCRIPTION This project is being reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Board to ensure that the resulting project provides quality Picklball courts for Trophy Club residents. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:PARKS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$1,300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$1,300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$1,300,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO N/A IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2023 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $1,300,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 64 8/7/2024 Page 69 of 281 Splash Pad Resurfacing PROJECT MANAGER:CHASE ELLIS This project updates the splashpad surface by removing the old material, addressing any underlying issues, and installing a new, slip- resistant surface. The upgrade will enhance safety, appearance, and durability, improving the overall user experience. DESCRIPTION The splashpad requires resurfacing to improve safety, prevent slips, and address wear and tear. A new surface will enhance user experience, ensure better water flow, and extend the splashpad's lifespan, reducing future maintenance costs. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:PARKS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$60,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TC POOL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $60,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 65 8/7/2024 Page 70 of 281 Bobcat Traffic Improvements PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX This project involves enhancing traffic conditions on Bobcat Boulevard, potentially including the installation of crosswalks, 1-3 roundabouts, and/or a traffic light. These improvements aim to increase safety, improve traffic flow, and enhance overall road functionality. DESCRIPTION The proposed traffic improvements on Bobcat Boulevard, including crosswalks, 1-3 roundabouts, and/or a traffic light, are crucial for enhancing road safety and traffic flow. These upgrades will reduce congestion, improve pedestrian safety, and increase visibility, addressing current traffic challenges and supporting a safer, more efficient road network. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$2,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$2,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$4,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$0.00 PROJECT LOCATIO IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2023 GRANT FUND PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $0.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 66 8/7/2024 Page 71 of 281 Fire Department Dumpster / Enclosure PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Addition of a fire department dumpster and enclosure on the West side of the station. DESCRIPTION Employees are disposing of trash in the same method as the residential community. Trash cans take up space in the fire bay and are subject to weather and animals when put on the curb for pick up. The station is considered a commercial property and the investment in a commercial dumpster and enclosure would prove beneficial. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$25,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD FUNDING PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $25,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 67 8/7/2024 Page 72 of 281 Fire Station Plumbing Repair PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Backfall repair in 3 inch sewer pipe. Pipe backs up every 3-4 months and leaks in the kitchen. DESCRIPTION Continious back up and jetting is necessary. Plumbing company recommends exposure and repair of 15-20 LF of 3 inch PVC pipe to repair backfall. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$9,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$9,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$9,500.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION KITCHEN IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD FUNDING PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $9,500.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 68 8/7/2024 Page 73 of 281 Fire Station HVAC Units PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Replacement of 2 HVAC units at Fire Station. DESCRIPTION The Fire Station HVAC units end of life is twelve years. The Fire Station was built in 2012. Two unit systems and thermostats are required to be replaced in FY25. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$40,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$40,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$40,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD FUNDING PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $40,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 69 8/7/2024 Page 74 of 281 Wilshire Stormwater/Drainage Project PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX Wilshire Stormwater and Drainage Improvement Project- $1,500,000.00 DESCRIPTION Engineering reports and studies show current existing stormwater infrastucture to be undersized and inadequate during heavy rainfall affecting 4 residential properties between Wilshire Dr and Trophy Club Dr. Mulitple floodings have occurred inside of homes on Wilshire Dr resulting in private property damage. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STORM DRAINAGE FUND PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$1,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$1,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$1,500,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Wilshire IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $0.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 70 8/7/2024 Page 75 of 281 FY2026 Street Improvement Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Oakmont Dr., $4,010,000 Concrete Street Replacement on Oakmont Drive, from Trophy Club Dr to Palmetto Ct., approximately 78,400 sq ft. DESCRIPTION Based on the 2022 Trophy Club Streets/Pavement Study and using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Structural Strength Index (SSI), and Overall Condition Index (OCI) ratings. 1.Oakmont Dr.- PCI 31, SSI 86.85, OCI 31 JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $4,010,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $4,010,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$4,010,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Oakmont Drive IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2027 PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $4,010,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 71 8/7/2024 Page 76 of 281 2026 Sidewalk Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Skyline Dr. $98,000 New concrete sidewalk installation that will connect 2 existing sections of sidewalk on the east side of Skyline Dr starting at Panorama Cir to 32 Skyline Dr. Approximately 4,000 sq ft. 2. Creekside Dr. $102,000 New concrete sidewalk installation that will wrap around on Creekside Dr from the east side of Parkview at Durango, move south toward Creekside DESCRIPTION Resident safety for walking and exercising. Also allows for children to stay out of the street when walking to bus stop locations for school JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$0.00 PROJECT LOCATIO IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2025 PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $0.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 72 8/7/2024 Page 77 of 281 Fire Station Lighting Project PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Replace 84 4-pin fluorescent and miscolored lamps with new LED day light-colored lamps, Bodine 10C Emergency Pack, 2x4' LED Flat Panel Light Fixture, and Fan Switches. DESCRIPTION Reduce energy usage and cost of bulb replacement. LED installation will improve lighting hardware, visual environment, and safety. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $27,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $27,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$27,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $27,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 73 8/7/2024 Page 78 of 281 Fire Department Paint Project PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Update paint colors and repair sheet rock on the interior and apparatus bay. DESCRIPTION The fire station was built in 2011. Paint is faded and sheet rock is damaged from roof leaks. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$35,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD FUNDING PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $35,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 74 8/7/2024 Page 79 of 281 Fire Station Carpet Replacement PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Carpet removal and installation for all offices, training room, bedrooms, and storage areas. DESCRIPTION Original carpet from 2011. Stains, tears, and discoloration are present. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$20,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD FUNDING PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $20,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 75 8/7/2024 Page 80 of 281 Street Lights at Bobcat and Parkview PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX Upgrade street lighting on Bobcat Blvd. and Parkview Dr. to meet Town's minimum standards on distances between light poles. Proposal will include an additional 29 decorative light poles on Bobcat and Parkview. Waiting on final proposal from Oncor. DESCRIPTION The existing lighting on Bobcat and appoximately 1,500 ft on Parkview do not meet the Town's minimum standards on distances between light poles. The inadequate lighting presents safety concerns at night for pedestrians and drivers. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$200,000.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$0.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Bobcat and Parkview IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2025 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $200,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 76 8/7/2024 Page 81 of 281 Streets and Parks Shop Remodel PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX This project involves remodeling the Streets and Parks shop to include a new second-floor storage area, adding over 900 square feet of space. The expansion will enhance storage capacity, improve organization, and better support the operational needs of the departments. DESCRIPTION The addition of a second-floor storage area is essential for expanding storage capacity and improving organization. This remodel will allow for better management of equipment and supplies, streamline operations, and support the growing needs of the Streets and Parks department, ultimately enhancing overall efficiency. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FACILITY MAINTENANCE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$500,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Street and Parks Shop IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2025 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $500,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 77 8/7/2024 Page 82 of 281 Town Hall: Police Parking Lot PROJECT MANAGER:PATRICK ARATA Covered parking for patrol units and the police lock- up area will be provided, including 16 parking spaces and a sheltered area adjacent to the holding cell door. This will protect town-owned assets from hail and sun damage. DESCRIPTION Covered parking is essential to protect patrol units and equipment from hail and sun damage. This will extend the lifespan of town-owned vehicles, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure that patrol units are always ready for immediate use. This investment safeguards valuable assets and supports effective law enforcement operations. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:POLICE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $275,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $275,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$275,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TOWN HALL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $275,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 78 8/7/2024 Page 83 of 281 Upgrade Crosswalk Flashers to RTC PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX Upgrading the crosswalk software and hardware is essential for improving communication and synchronization across the Town's crosswalks. DESCRIPTION Upgrading the crosswalk software and hardware will enhance communication and synchronization between crosswalks, improving pedestrian safety and traffic flow throughout the Town. This update will ensure more reliable operation, reduce delays, and better manage crosswalk activity, benefiting both pedestrians and drivers. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $115,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $115,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$115,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TOWN CROSSWALKS IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 STREET MAINTENANCE FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $115,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 79 8/7/2024 Page 84 of 281 FY2027 Street Improvement Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Creekmere Dr, $1,510,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Creekmere Dr, from Indian Creek Dr to Indian Creek Dr, approximately 40,000 sq ft. 2. Creekmere Ct, $570,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Creekmere Ct approximately 12,500 sq ft. DESCRIPTION Based on the 2022 Trophy Club Streets/Pavement Study and using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Structural Strength Index (SSI), and Overall Condition Index (OCI) ratings. 1. Creekmere Dr- PCI 33, SSI 93.61, OCI 43 2. Creekmere Ct- PCI 56, SSI 100, OCI 66 JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $2,080,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $2,080,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$2,080,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Two (2) locations above IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2027 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $2,080,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 80 8/7/2024 Page 85 of 281 2027 Sidewalk Project PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Park Ln. $64,000 New concrete sidewalk installation that will connect 2 existing sections of sidewalk from the west side of Park Ln moving north from Durango Dr, then turning east to Parkview Dr. Approximately 4,800 sq ft. 2. Durango Dr. $138,000 New concrete sidewalk installation that will start at the far west end of Durango on both sides of the DESCRIPTION Resident safety for walking and exercising. Also allows for children to stay out of the street when walking to bus stop locations for school JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$0.00 PROJECT LOCATIO IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2027 PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $0.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 81 8/7/2024 Page 86 of 281 Fire Station Apparatus Floor PROJECT MANAGER:JASON WISE Installation of Polycrete and Primer for the apparatus bay and connected rooms. DESCRIPTION Cracked flooring, discoloration and chipped striping. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FIRE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$50,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO FIRE STATION BAY IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 MUD FUNDING PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $50,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 82 8/7/2024 Page 87 of 281 FY2029 Street Improvement Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Alamosa Dr, $2,640,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Alamosa Dr approximately 57,000 sq ft. 2. Greenbriar Ct, $510,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Greenbriar approximately 12,000 sq ft. DESCRIPTION Based on the 2022 Trophy Club Streets/Pavement Study and using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Structural Strength Index (SSI), and Overall Condition Index (OCI) ratings. 1.Alamosa Dr- PCI 55, SSI 82.83, OCI 55 2.Greenbriar Ct- PCI 43, SSI 100, OCI 53 JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,150,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,150,000.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$3,150,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO Alamosa and Greenbriar IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2027 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $3,150,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 83 8/7/2024 Page 88 of 281 2029 Sidewalk Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Rolling Rock to Village Trl. $150,000 New concrete sidewalk installation that will begin on the  west side of Rolling Rock Dr at Durango Dr moving  north. The sidewalk will follow all the way around onto  Village Trl and connect back into Durango Dr.  Approximately 11,200 sq ft. DESCRIPTION Resident safety for walking and exercising. Also allows for children safer routes to walk to school and stay out of the roadway. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$0.00 PROJECT LOCATIO IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2027 PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $0.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 84 8/7/2024 Page 89 of 281 Town Hall Roof Top Units (HVAC) PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX This project will replace 3 roof top HVAC units at Town Hall. DESCRIPTION General Fund-Fund Balance-Typical life expectancy +15 years, with routine annual maintenance The three rooftop HVAC units are aging and costly to maintain. Replacing them will improve energy efficiency, lower repair costs, and ensure reliable climate control. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FACILITY MAINTENANCE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $235,000.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $235,000.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$235,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TOWN HALL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $235,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 85 8/7/2024 Page 90 of 281 Town Hall & PD Flooring/Carpet PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX This project involves installing new flooring at both Town Hall and the Police Department. The upgrade will enhance durability, improve aesthetics, and ensure a safer and more functional environment for staff and visitors. DESCRIPTION The existing flooring at Town Hall and the Police Department is worn and damaged, impacting both safety and appearance. New flooring will provide a more durable, attractive, and easy-to-maintain surface, improving overall functionality and reducing long-term maintenance costs. Typical life expectancy of flooring is 8-12 years. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FACILITY MAINTENANCE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$175,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TOWN HALL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $175,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 86 8/7/2024 Page 91 of 281 Town Hall Paint Interior/Exterior PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX This project involves repainting both the interior and exterior of Town Hall. The update will refresh the appearance, protect surfaces, and enhance the overall aesthetic and longevity of the building DESCRIPTION Repainting is necessary to protect and maintain the buildings' surfaces, prevent deterioration, and improve visual appeal. The update will enhance the overall aesthetics, extend the lifespan of the facilities, and create a more welcoming environment for residents and staff. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FACILITY MAINTENANCE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120,000.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$120,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TOWN HALL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $120,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 87 8/7/2024 Page 92 of 281 Town Hall/PD add new Water Heaters PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX This project involves replacing the existing electric water heaters at Town Hall with new tankless gas water heaters. The upgrade will improve energy efficiency, provide on-demand hot water, and reduce overall energy costs, enhancing the facility's operational effectiveness and sustainability. DESCRIPTION Switching to tankless gas water heaters will increase energy efficiency and lower operating costs by providing on-demand hot water without the need for a large storage tank. This upgrade will reduce energy consumption, minimize space usage, and improve overall performance compared to the existing electric water heaters. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:FACILITY MAINTENANCE PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$125,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO TOWN HALL IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $125,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 88 8/7/2024 Page 93 of 281 FY2030 Street Improvement Project PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1. Roaring Creek Ct, $420,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Roaring Cree Ct, from Creek Courts Dr to end of Roaring Creet Ct, approvimately 6,500 sq ft. 2. Oak Village Ct & Ln, $790,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Oak Village Ct & Ln, approximately 18,000 sq ft. 3. Timberline Dr, $1,550,000 Concrete Street Replacement of Timberline Dr. from Indian Creek and 1 Timberline Dr to 39 DESCRIPTION Based on the 2022 Trophy Club Streets/Pavement Study and using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Structural Strength Index (SSI), and Overall Condition Index (OCI) ratings. 1.Roaring Creek Ct- PCI 34, SSI 82.83, OCI 34 2.Oak Village Ct & Ln- PCI 55, SSI 91.49, OCI 65 3.Timberline- PCI 36, SSI 100, OCI 46 JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $2,760,000.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,760,000.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$2,760,000.00 PROJECT LOCATIO All three (3) locations above IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2030 PROJECT # PROJECT TOTAL $2,760,000.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 89 8/7/2024 Page 94 of 281 2030 Sidewalk Projects PROJECT MANAGER:MATT COX 1.Silver Rock Dr. $60,000 New concrete sidewalk installation on the north side of Silver Rock Dr starting at Village Trl moving east to Durango Dr. Approximately 4400 sq ft. 2.Sonora Dr. $122,000 New concrete sidewalk installation on the east side of Sonora Dr starting at Monterey Dr moving south to connect to the existing sidewalk on Village Trl. Approximately 9200 sq ft. DESCRIPTION Resident safety for walking and exercising. Also allows for children safer routes to walk to school and stay out of the roadway. JUSTIFICATION FUNDING TIMELINE PROGRAM:STREETS PROJECT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $200,000.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: PROJECT COST: PROJECT LOCATION: IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET: PREVIOUS APPROVED ALLOCATION:$0.00 CAPITAL REMAINING:$0.00 PROJECT LOCATIO IMPACT ON BUDGET:$0.00 BOND SERIES 2029 PROJECT #0 PROJECT TOTAL $0.00 IMPACT: FY2025 Proposed Budget 90 8/7/2024 Page 95 of 281 F Y 2 0 2 5 C A P I T A L E Q U I P M E N T R E P L A C E M E N T FY2025 Proposed Budget 91 8/7/2024 Page 96 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Capital Equipment Replacement FY 2025  PROPOSED FY 2026  PROPOSED FY 2027  PROPOSED FY 2028  PROPOSED FY 2029  PROPOSED FY 2030  PROPOSED Beginning Fund Balance 2,359,096$      2,359,096$   2,359,096$  2,359,096$  2,359,096$  2,359,096$    Revenue  Department Capital Projects Fund  $         412,000  $      188,000  $     154,000  $     140,000  $     140,000  $       90,000  MUD Funding 41,500              16,000           Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund ‐                  Storm Drainage Utility Fund Parkland Dedication Fund ‐                     Hotel Occupancy Fund Crime Control Prevention District Fund Economic Development Corporation Fund Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Fund Grant Funding ‐                     Future Bonds  Total Revenue 453,500$         204,000$      154,000$     140,000$     140,000$     90,000$        Equipment Replacement: 2025 Police Equipment Replacement  $           60,000  $                 ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐              Rugged Laptops 60,000               ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 2025 Fire/EMS Equipment Replacement 165,500           ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           EMS+ Asset Replacement Program 90,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           Mobile Radios ‐ In Vehicle 68,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           Bullard LDX Thermal Imager 7,500                ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 2025 Parks & Rec Equipment Replacement 85,000              48,000          14,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                         Kubota Utility Tractor 85,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Sand Pro Infield Spreader ‐                    28,000           ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Toro Z Master 5000 ‐                    20,000           ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Lesco HPS Ride On Spreader ‐ Qty 2 ‐                    ‐                 14,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                 2025 Community Development Equipment Replacement 93,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Graco LineLazer 15,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Graco LineDriver 9,000                ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Hotsy Pressure Washer 30,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                         Husqvarna Street Saw 39,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 2025 IS Equipment Replacement 50,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                          Capital Replacements 50,000              ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 2026 Fire/EMS Equipment Replacement ‐                    106,000        ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           EMS+ Asset Replacement Program ‐                    90,000           ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           Unimac Hardmount Washer Extractor ‐                    16,000           ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 2026 IS Equipment Replacement ‐                    50,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                          Capital Replacements ‐                    50,000           ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                 2027 Fire/EMS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 90,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                           EMS+ Asset Replacement Program ‐                    ‐                 90,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                 2027 IS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 50,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                          Capital Replacements ‐                    ‐                 50,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                 2028 Fire/EMS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 ‐                90,000          ‐                ‐                           EMS+ Asset Replacement Program ‐                    ‐                 ‐                90,000          ‐                ‐                 2028 IS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 ‐                50,000          ‐                ‐                          Capital Replacements ‐                    ‐                 ‐                50,000          ‐                ‐                 2029 Fire/EMS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐                90,000          ‐                           EMS+ Asset Replacement Program ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐                90,000          ‐                 2029 IS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐                50,000          ‐                          Capital Replacements ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐                50,000          ‐                 2030 Fire/EMS Equipment Replacement ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                90,000                     EMS+ Asset Replacement Program ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐                ‐                90,000           Total Equipment Replacement 453,500$         204,000$      154,000$     140,000$     140,000$     90,000$        Ending Fund Balance 2,359,096$      2,359,096$   2,359,096$  2,359,096$  2,359,096$  2,359,096$   FY2025 Proposed Budget 92 8/7/2024 Page 97 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Replacement Police Laptop Compu CATEGORY VEHICLE VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Dell MODEL:Dell Latitude 7330 Rugged Laptop PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $60,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 9/30/2029 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 5 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $1,800.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $13,800.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70,000.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION The Current laptop computers are outdated and are at the  end of there useful life. IT Budget funding DESCRIPTION Replacement 15 Patrol Laptop Computers. IT Budget plan. DIVISIONDEPARTMENTPOLICE POLICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 93 8/7/2024 Page 98 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM EMS+ Program (6‐year Contract) CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER: MODEL: PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $538,096.02 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2030 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 6 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $16,142.88 YEARLY TRANSFER $105,825.55 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $89,682.67 $89,682.67 $89,682.67 $89,682.67 $89,682.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $89,682.67 $89,682.67 $89,682.67 $89,682.67$89,682.67 New Request JUSTIFICATION The EMS+ Program offers predictable financial planning,  simplifying budgeting and procurement by consolidating costs  into a single invoice. It also allows for future technology  upgrades, ensuring adaptability without major contractual  issues. DESCRIPTION TCFD is requesting to participate in the EMS+ Program  offered by Stryker. This is a financed structured program  that is tailored to streamlining our Stryker equipment and  service plans into one consistent payment. DIVISION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESDEPARTMENTFIRE FIRE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 94 8/7/2024 Page 99 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Fire Department Mobile Radios CATEGORY RADIOS VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER: MODEL: PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $68,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2029 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 5 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $2,040.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $15,640.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $68,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $68,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION The department aims to replace ten APX 7500 mobile radios  due to Motorola discontinuing the series, which limits future  repair services. Timely updates are needed to avoid service  issues. DESCRIPTION TCFD requests 10 APX 8500 mobile radios for emergency  vehicles. Motorola Solutions is the preferred provider to  ensure compatibility with the existing system, and their  hardware/software is crucial for managing emergency  incidents. DIVISION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESDEPARTMENTFIRE FIRE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 95 8/7/2024 Page 100 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Bullard LDX Thermal Imager CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Bullard MODEL:LDX PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $7,500.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2029 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 5 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $225.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $1,725.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Thermal imaging cameras can detect heat signatures that  indicate hidden fires, overheating electrical components, or  other potential hazards that are not visible to the naked eye.  Early detection allows firefighters to intervene before these  hazards escalate, preventing further damage or injury. The  current device has been in service for 9 years and due for a  DESCRIPTION TCFD is requesting a replacement for the 2015 Bullard LDX  Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). This device is used in rescue  and fire attack scenarios with limited visibility. DIVISION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESDEPARTMENTFIRE FIRE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 96 8/7/2024 Page 101 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Kubota MX6000HSTC Utility Tracto CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Kubota MODEL:MX6000HSTC PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2025 PURCHASE PRICE $85,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/3034 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 10 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $2,550.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $11,050.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $85,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATIONDESCRIPTION This Tractor is for the replacement of the current 2008 John  Deer Utility Tractor that is 6 years past its 10 year useful  life. We would purchase new  10/1 and then start the  yearly transfer breakdown for the next 10 years. DIVISION PARKSDEPARTMENTPARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 97 8/7/2024 Page 102 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Graco LineLazer CATEGORY OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPTMENT VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Graco MODEL:17U805 PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $15,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2029 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 3 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $450.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $5,450.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Replacing current LineLazer 3400 with new heavy duty paint  striper that has the ability to put down double stripes. Current  striper is having issues with pressure build‐up and is outside  of warranty. DESCRIPTION DIVISIONDEPARTMENTCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT REPALCEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 98 8/7/2024 Page 103 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Graco LineDriver CATEGORY OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPTMENT VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Graco MODEL:LineDriver PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $9,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2027 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 3 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $270.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $3,270.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION New piece of equipment used to provide straighter, accurate  and more stable lines. This also helps with taking fatigue off of  staff when striping long sections and on hills. Annual striping  allows for brighter lines for drivers to see and for vehicles that  have the line detection be able to better see the lines with  their sensors DESCRIPTION DIVISIONDEPARTMENTCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT REPALCEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 99 8/7/2024 Page 104 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Hotsy Pressure Washer CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Hotsy MODEL:HSS‐503069E PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $30,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2031 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 7 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $900.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $5,185.71 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Replacing the current pressure washer, which is 11 years old  and 4 years past warranty, as it is starting to have issues. DESCRIPTION DIVISIONDEPARTMENTCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT REPALCEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 100 8/7/2024 Page 105 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Husqvarna Street Saw CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Husqvarna MODEL: FS5000D Concrete Saw PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $39,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2026 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 8 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $1,170.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $6,045.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $39,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Believed to be purchased around 2008 timeframe. New saw  has capabilities to assist in straight cuts, give more power to  the blade to prevent stopping, and a tier 4 engine for EPA  compliance DESCRIPTION Husqvarna FS5000D Concrete Saw DIVISIONDEPARTMENTCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT REPALCEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 101 8/7/2024 Page 106 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM UniMac Hardmount Washer Extrac CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER: MODEL: PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2025 PURCHASE PRICE $16,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 15 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $480.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $1,546.67 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$16,000.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Replacing the 2011 PPE extractor ensures compliance with  safety standards, enhances efficiency, improves firefighter  health, and offers long‐term cost savings. This investment  addresses obsolescence and reliability, supporting the  department's high safety and readiness standards. DESCRIPTION TCFD is requesting the replacement of a 2011 PPE  Extractor. This machinery is used to clean bunker gear after  exposure to carcinogens, toxins, and pathogens. The  current extractor is the original machine with some  modifications and maintenance over the years. DIVISION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESDEPARTMENTFIRE FIRE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 102 8/7/2024 Page 107 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Sand Pro Infield Spreader CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Toro MODEL:Sand Pro Infield Spreader 5040 PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2025 PURCHASE PRICE $28,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2031 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 7 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $840.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $4,840.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $28,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$28,000.00 New Request JUSTIFICATIONDESCRIPTION This is to replace our current 2017 model that we use for all  of our ballfields. DIVISION PARKSDEPARTMENTPARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 103 8/7/2024 Page 108 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Zero Turn Mower CATEGORY LAWNMOWER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Toro MODEL:Z Master 5000 PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2025 PURCHASE PRICE $20,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2030 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 6 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $600.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $3,933.33 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$20,000.00 New Request JUSTIFICATIONDESCRIPTION This Toro Zero Turn Mower is to replace our current 2018  model. This mower is used for field and median mowing. DIVISION PARKSDEPARTMENTPARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 104 8/7/2024 Page 109 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM LESCO Spreaders (2) CATEGORY OTHER VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:LESCO MODEL:HPS Ride on Spreader 125 lb PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2026 PURCHASE PRICE $14,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2034 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 10 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $420.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $1,820.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATIONDESCRIPTION The 2 spreaders would replace our current 2013 spreaders   that have reached the end of their years. We used these for  spreading of fertilizer multiple times a year on all turf areas. DIVISION PARKSDEPARTMENTPARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 105 8/7/2024 Page 110 of 281 FY2025 Proposed Budget 106 8/7/2024 Page 111 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services Fleet Replacement FY 2025  PROPOSED FY 2026  PROPOSED FY 2027  PROPOSED FY 2028  PROPOSED FY 2029  PROPOSED FY 2030  PROPOSED Beginning Fund Balance ‐$                  ‐$                ‐$              ‐$              ‐$              ‐$                Revenue  Department Capital Projects Fund  $         272,873  $          80,000  $       90,000  $       90,000  $       90,000  $                ‐  MUD Funding 37,500              ‐  Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund ‐ ‐  Storm Drainage Utility Fund Parkland Dedication Fund ‐  Hotel Occupancy Fund Crime Control Prevention District Fund 160,000            160,000          180,000        180,000        180,000         Economic Development Corporation Fund Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Fund Grant Funding ‐  Future Bonds  Total Revenue 470,373$          240,000$        270,000$     270,000$     270,000$     ‐$               Projects: 2025 Police Fleet Replacement  $         317,373  $‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐              Ford Explorer ‐ Qty 3 240,000                       Lenco BearCat Armored Vehicle 77,373               2025 Fire/EMS Fleet Replacement 75,000              ‐ ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           2024 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 75,000               2025 Community Development Fleet Replacement 78,000              ‐ ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           Chevrolet 3500 78,000              ‐  2026 Police Fleet Replacement ‐ 240,000          ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                           Ford Explorer ‐ Qty 3 240,000           2027 Police Fleet Replacement ‐ ‐ 270,000        ‐                ‐                ‐                           Ford Explorer ‐ Qty 3 270,000         2028 Police Fleet Replacement ‐ ‐ ‐                270,000        ‐                ‐                           Ford Explorer ‐ Qty 3 270,000         2029 Police Fleet Replacement ‐ ‐ ‐                ‐                270,000        ‐                           Ford Explorer ‐ Qty 3 270,000         Total Expenditures 470,373$          240,000$        270,000$     270,000$     270,000$     ‐$               Total Capital ‐$                  ‐$                ‐$              ‐$              ‐$              ‐$               FY2025 Proposed Budget 107 8/7/2024 Page 112 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Police Vehicle ‐ Qty 3 CATEGORY VEHICLE VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Ford MODEL:2024/25 Explorer PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $80,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 9/30/2028 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 4 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $2,400.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $22,400.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 $0.00 $160,000.00 $160,000.00 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 $0.00 $240,000.00 $270,000.00 $270,000.00 #########$240,000.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Police vehicles will be replaced on a new one in service an  older police unit sold or traded. DESCRIPTION Police Patrol vehicle with full police equipment. To replace  an older unit. The cost includes adding police lights,siren,  radio, camera system and the prisoner transport  compartment.  The Police Department will replace 3  vehicles per year. CCPD will fund two of the vehicles and GF  will fund one. DIVISIONDEPARTMENTPOLICE POLICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND CCPD FUNDING Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 108 8/7/2024 Page 113 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM Regional SWAT vehicle CATEGORY VEHICLE VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Lenco Armored Vehicles MODEL:2025 BearCat PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $77,373.00 END OF LIFE DATE 9/30/2034 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 10 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $2,321.19 YEARLY TRANSFER $10,058.49 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $77,373.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $77,373.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Trophy Club will provide 1/5 of the total cost. This is a new  armored vehicle for the regoinal SWAT team. The team includes the following neighboring agencies: Trophy Club, Southlake, Roanoke, Keller & Colleyville. DESCRIPTION Replace the old armored Regional SWAT truck with a  new  smaller vehicle. DIVISIONDEPARTMENTPOLICE POLICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 109 8/7/2024 Page 114 of 281        CAPITAL EQUIPMENT/FLEET REPLACEMENT CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM 2024 Chevrolet Silverado CATEGORY VEHICLE VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Chevrolet MODEL:Silverado 1500 Trail Boss PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $75,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 7/1/2030 FLEET #0 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 6 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $2,250.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $14,750.00 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $75,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION The 2017 Ford Explorer exceeds town replacement guidelines  and is nearing 80,000 miles. Replacing it with a 2024  Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Trail Boss is justified due to its  superior capabilities. A trade‐in option for the Explorer will  help reduce costs. DESCRIPTION TCFD is requesting to replace the 2017 Ford Explorer  emergency vehicle. Once the 2024 Chevrolet is purchased,  it will need reflective striping, emergency lighting, a radio,  and other hardware installed. DIVISION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESDEPARTMENTFIRE FIRE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 110 8/7/2024 Page 115 of 281 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ITEM 2024 Chevy 3500 CATEGORY VEHICLE VEHICLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Chevrolet MODEL:3500 PURCHASE INFORMATION ACQUIRED DATE 10/1/2024 PURCHASE PRICE $78,000.00 END OF LIFE DATE 10/1/2031 FLEET #474 BUDGET INFORMATION YEARS  OF LIFE 7 YEARLY INFLATIONARY FACTOR $2,340.00 YEARLY TRANSFER $13,482.86 FUNDING TIMELINE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 TOTAL $0.00 $78,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $78,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 New Request JUSTIFICATION Replacing our only 1‐ton vehicle, which often goes in for  repairs due to age and mileage. This limits our capabilities and  forces us to use a smaller truck. Extra funds are included for  outfitting the new truck with a rack and lights. DESCRIPTION 2024 Chevrolet 3500 DIVISIONDEPARTMENTCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT REPALCEMENT FUND Investment Decision Approved By Finance FY2025 Proposed Budget 111 8/7/2024 Page 116 of 281 FY24-25 Proposed Budget August 12, 2024 Page 117 of 281 Senate Bill 2, also known as the Texas Property Tax Reform and Transparency Act of 2019, was passed by the Texas Legislature in 2019. At its most fundamental level, S.B. 2 reforms the system of property taxation in three primary ways: (1) lowering the tax rate a taxing unit can adopt without voter approval and requiring a mandatory election to go above the lowered rate; (2) making numerous changes to the procedure by which a city adopts a tax rate; and (3) making several changes to the property tax appraisal process. Revenue Cap: Under Senate Bill 2, also known as the Texas Property Tax Reform and Transparency Act of 2019, the M&O tax revenue growth is capped at 3.5% for most local governments without requiring voter approval. This cap is intended to limit the rate at which property taxes (dollar amount) can increase annually. Senate Bill 2 - Explained Page 118 of 281 SB2 Calculation Example Pre-Senate Bill 2 M&O Tax Rate x 1.08 (8%) + I&S tax rate = Total Tax Rate allowable without going to voters Based on FY24 adopted tax rates: 0.31567 x 1.08 + 0.099799 = 0.440723 Total Tax Rate allowable before vote Post-Senate Bill 2 M&O Tax Rate x 1.035 (3.5%) + I&S tax rate = Total Tax Rate allowable without going to voters Based on FY24 adopted tax rates: 0.31567 x 1.035 + 0.099799 = 0.426517 Total Tax Rate allowable before vote Reduction of almost 1.5 cents to the tax rate or about $ 400,000 in revenue dollars. Page 119 of 281 Homestead Exemption Adopted May 2019 The greater of 1% or $5,000 per household Currently 3,643 residence utilize this exemption – Average homestead exemption $76,286 of a reduction in their total home value. Average of about $1,154,612 in reduced property tax revenue associated with homestead exemptions. Page 120 of 281 Property taxes in Texas are divided into two main components: •Maintenance and Operations (M&O) and •Interest and Sinking (I&S) Each serves distinct purposes in the budgeting and financial management of local governments. Property Tax Rates - Explained Page 121 of 281 Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Rate Purpose: The M&O rate funds the day-to-day operations of local government entities, including municipalities, counties, and school districts. Uses: •Salaries and Wages: Paying employees, including administrative staff, police, firefighters, etc. •Utilities: Covering the costs of water, electricity, heating, and other essential services for government buildings and facilities. •Supplies and Materials: Procuring office supplies, maintenance materials, and other necessary items for daily operations. •General Maintenance: Routine upkeep of public buildings, parks, roads, and other infrastructure. •Services: Funding contracted services such as waste management, legal counsel, and other professional services. Maintenance and Operations Rate (M&O) Page 122 of 281 Interest and Sinking (I&S) Rate Purpose: The I&S rate, also known as the debt service rate, is used to repay debt incurred from issuing bonds and other long-term financial obligations. Uses: •Debt Repayment: Servicing the principal and interest payments on bonds issued for large capital projects. •Capital Improvements: Funding significant infrastructure projects such as building schools, roads, bridges, and public facilities. •Equipment Purchases: Acquiring major equipment and vehicles that require substantial upfront investment. Flexibility: The I&S rate provides flexibility for financing substantial investments over time, rather than requiring immediate full funding through the M&O budget. Interest & Sinking Rate (I&S) Page 123 of 281 Key Differences and Interrelationship Budget Scope: The M&O rate covers everyday operational costs, while the I&S rate is focused on long-term capital expenses and debt repayment. Funding Mechanism: M&O funds come directly from property tax revenues, whereas I&S funds are raised through debt issuance and repaid over time. Growth Limitation: M&O revenue growth is capped by law (3.5% without voter approval), whereas the I&S rate is more flexible, allowing local governments to finance large projects by issuing bonds. Voter Involvement: Voter approval is more commonly required, although not always for I&S-related expenditures (e.g., bond issuance) than for M&O expenses. Property Tax Rate Differences Page 124 of 281 Establishing a consistent I&S tax rate goal is an important component of effectively managing debt and maximizing infrastructure investment in the community. The FY 2025 Proposed Budget establishes a long-term, stable Interest and Sinking (I&S) rate of approximately $0.105. •Stability essential for managing long-term debt payments and borrowing schedules. •Capital projects requires long-term planning. •As M&O rate is limited by the 3.5% growth cap, eligible equipment and infrastructure costs can be shifted to a more flexible source. •Town has a responsibility to maintain, build, and replace infrastructure and equipment to maintain a high quality of life. •Manages debt obligations responsibly without imposing additional burdens on taxpayers. I&S Tax Rate Goal Page 125 of 281 Proposed Debt Schedule Page 126 of 281 Certified Taxable Values FY23-24 (Certified) $ 2,544,472,275 FY24-25 (Certified) $ 2,616,368,183 3% Increase Page 127 of 281 Tax Rate History Page 128 of 281 Financial Reserves Policy Adopted April 2024 General Fund (Primary fund for all Town expenditures) •30-50% unassigned reserves compared to operating expenses with the target being 45% Governmental Funds (General Fund, CCPD, Capital Replacement, Street Maintenance Sales Tax, Court Technology, Court Security, Hotel Occupancy, Rec Programs, Parkland Dedication, IS Capital Equipment Replacement, TIRZ #1, Grants Fund) •Current assets in excess of current liabilities •Unrestricted cash and short-term investments of at least 100% of current liabilities Business Type Funds/Proprietary Funds (Trophy Club Park & Storm Drainage Utility) •Current assets of at least 75% of current liabilities •Unrestricted cash and short-term investments of at least 50% of current liabilities Page 129 of 281 Anticipated Reserve Level Beginning General Fund Reserves 10/1/23: $10 million Anticipated Ending General Fund Reserves 9/30/24: $11 million Targeted Unassigned Fund Balance per Policy: Approx. $ 7 million Page 130 of 281 Revenue History Page 131 of 281 Public Safety Overtime – Primary Contributors •Fair Labor Standards Act •24/7 Operations Built-In Overtime •Fire 48/96 Work Schedule •156 hours per employee •2,496 per year •Police Panama Work Schedule •104 hours per employee •1,560 per year •Minimum Staffing •Training & Special Assignments Fire Captain Driver/Engineer Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Police Police Sergeant Police Officer Police Officer •3 Shifts •4 Shifts •2 Days •2 Nights Minimum Staffing recommendations for Public Safety Departments Page 132 of 281 Overtime History by Department Page 133 of 281 Overtime History by Department Page 134 of 281 Expense History Page 135 of 281 Supplies & Services History Page 136 of 281 Personnel Percent of Overall Budget – By Department Page 137 of 281 Personnel Costs by Department Page 138 of 281 Revenue History Page 139 of 281 Expense History Page 140 of 281 Revenue History Page 141 of 281 Expense History Page 142 of 281 Revenue History Page 143 of 281 Expense History Page 144 of 281 Revenue History Page 145 of 281 Expense History Page 146 of 281 Revenue History Page 147 of 281 Expense History Page 148 of 281 Revenue History Page 149 of 281 Expense History Page 150 of 281 Revenue History Page 151 of 281 Expense History Page 152 of 281 Revenue History Page 153 of 281 Expense History Page 154 of 281 Revenue History Page 155 of 281 Expense History Page 156 of 281 Revenue History Page 157 of 281 Expense History Page 158 of 281 Revenue History Page 159 of 281 Expense History Page 160 of 281 Revenue History Page 161 of 281 Expense History Page 162 of 281 Personnel – 3% COLA and up to 2% Merit based on performance. 50% of Rec Coordinator & Rec Superintendent funded from HOT, also Communications & Marketing employees. 1 seasonal Crossing Guard added to PD for traffic control. 1 part time parks staff member added. Community Pool – Separated from Recreation as its own department to better track expenses. HOT – “Taste of TC” and “Christmas in the Park” funding moved from General Fund to HOT Fund. Parks & Rec – Parks Master Plan allocated in Parks general fund budget – $ 250,000. Fire/EMS – Replacement of 1 vehicle Community Development – Replacement of 1 vehicle Police Department – Replacement of 3 vehicles (2 funded by CCPD and 1 funded by PD Equipment Replacement Fund), SWAT vehicle 1/5 of the cost of the shared asset. Major Budget Changes Page 163 of 281 Major Budget Savings •Town Manager’s Office – Reduction of $56K in Contingency funding - $121K to 65K •Parks & Recreation – Reduction of $12K related to offsite storage costs - $12K to 0 •IT – Software & Support reduced from $577K to $400K and Hardware costs reduced from $100K to $20K •Electricity across several departments – Reduced by over $50K Page 164 of 281 Questions? Page 165 of 281 social media | email | website Page 166 of 281 Office of the Mayor Proclamation WHEREAS: Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. has dedicated itself to raising much-needed funds in support of wounded military personnel by conducting benefit events that unite the community of North Texas and the Nation for this specific common goal; and WHEREAS: This organization has made significant contributions to the wounded military community, donating over $2.1 million to various charities since its inception eleven years ago – a remarkable achievement for a 100% volunteer-run charity; and WHEREAS: Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to supporting wounded military personnel, positively impacting many lives and fostering positive change; and WHEREAS: The efforts of Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. align with the values of our town and enhance the well-being of all residents; and WHEREAS: It is appropriate to recognize and honor the dedication and hard work of all those involved with Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc., who have selflessly given their time and resources. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and on behalf of the Trophy Club Town Council, do hereby proclaim, August 17, 2024, as, “Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. Day” in the Town of Trophy Club, Texas; and urge all citizens to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. to our community. PROCLAIMED AND SIGNED on this the 12th day of August 2024. ________________________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, MAYOR Page 167 of 281 7/15/2024 1 MetroportChamber.org State of the Chamber August 12, 2024 MetroportChamber.org We are YOUR Business Community! Connecting the Alliance Region Since 1988 1 2 Page 168 of 281 7/15/2024 2 MetroportChamber.orgNon-Profit Organization We are a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. MISSION – Create, promote and enhance opportunity and growth for the business community VISION – To positively impact leadership, stewardship and business relationships through collaboration of all communities in our Metroport region VALUE – Through leadership and integrity we promote unity and excellence Chamber Facts The Metroport Region 3 4 Page 169 of 281 7/15/2024 3 Chamber Facts •Fortune 500 / Global 500 •Mid-sized companies •Small businesses, start-ups, entrepreneurs •Non-profit members MetroportChamber.org EDUCATION NETWORKING PROMOTION ADVOCACY We Connect YOU to the Region! 5 6 Page 170 of 281 7/15/2024 4 MetroportChamber.orgPrograms | Networking • Ambassadors – Currently 40 Ambassadors •MORNING: Business Builder Networking Coffees (FREE Admission) •NOON: Networking@Noon (FREE Admission) •AFTER HOURS: Metroport Mixers (FREE Admission) • Membership Luncheons • New Member Mixers (Invitation Only) • Ribbon Cuttings • Annual International Group Trip • Signature Events: MBA, ADF, The Taste, LSLR, Golf Classic MetroportChamber.org Programs | Education •Advanced Leadership: Regional Advantage Leadership Program •Leadership & Professional Development: Emerging Leaders of Metroport •Personal & Professional Development: Women In Business •Small Biz Training: B.E.T. on Your Future! Business | Education | Training 7 8 Page 171 of 281 7/15/2024 5 MetroportChamber.orgPrograms | Promotion •Ribbon Cuttings •Online Directory •Market Tables •Marketplace Ads •Facebook Group Posts •Exhibit Tables at Signature Events •Hot Deals | Member to Member Deals •Sponsorships •Publications MetroportChamber.orgPrograms | Advocacy •State of the Communities Address •Lone Star Legislative Report •Regional Advantage Leadership Class •Denton & Tarrant County Days - Returns in 2025 9 10 Page 172 of 281 7/15/2024 6 MetroportChamber.org ED Initiatives • Strategic Plan • ED meetings with communities • Economic Development Brochure • Business & Residential Relocation Guide • Website –MetroportChamber.org • Regional Video • Regional Comprehensive Plan MetroportChamber.org Commons Area/Meeting Rooms Conference / Meeting Rooms • Rentable space available for group meetings • Includes A/V equipment or capabilities • Small- $25/hour or $100/full day • Medium- $50/hour or $200/full day • Boardroom- $250/half a day or $500/full day Included with membership! Available for use, exclusively for our chamber members. • Designed for our members to utilize for organic networking, a brief workplace, a brief workplace, in between meetings, quick 1-on-1's • Open to members 8am to 5pm Monday - Thursday 11 12 Page 173 of 281 7/15/2024 7 MetroportChamber.org Building Amenities • Prime Location on Business 114, just off State Hwy 114 • On-site Chamber team • Place to meet for organic networking • Multiple meeting rooms with audio & visual • Refrigerator, microwave, coffee bar • On-site parking • Secure Wi-fi • Access to Chamber programs, workshops and social events • Samsung Variable Refrigerant flow (VRF) Air-heating system •For Metroport Chamber Members Only! -Learn more about the benefits of becoming a member at MetroportChamber.org • Network and grow alongside other forward-thinking businesses. Our Chamber is more than just a place to meet people – we are a community that unites to promote local growth and success. Office Lease Space MetroportChamber.org 2023 Overview 13 14 Page 174 of 281 7/15/2024 8 Chamber Facts Members by Community Regional Chamber:Made up of local businesses in our communities & those wanting to do business in our communities. Chamber Facts 15 16 Page 175 of 281 7/15/2024 9 MetroportChamber.org 2023 Member Partners MetroportChamber.org Member Partners | President’s Circle 17 18 Page 176 of 281 7/15/2024 10 MetroportChamber.org Member Partners | Chairman’s Circle MetroportChamber.org Community Partners 19 20 Page 177 of 281 7/15/2024 11 MetroportChamber.org 2023 Events and Program Highlights Regional Advantage leadership Program ‐Graduating class 6 ‐Started class 7 Four Women in Business   Four Business Education Training  Four Emerging Leaders Metroport  Four Mixers  Four Noon Networking Ten Business Builders MetroportChamber.org 2023 Event Partners 21 22 Page 178 of 281 7/15/2024 12 MetroportChamber.org 2023 Event Partners | Bronze City of Justin Classic Fleet & Commercial Comfort Suites Roanoke Frost Bank Republic Services Smalley Consulting Town of Argyle Town of Northlake Town of Trophy Club Town of Westlake MetroportChamber.org 2023 Event Partners | Silver American National Bank & Trust Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Grapevine City of Roanoke Integrity Land Title, LLC Lucky Spur Ranch Retreat Peloton Land Solutions, Inc. RGA Architects, Inc. Scratch Catering & Fine Foods, LLC Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southlake 23 24 Page 179 of 281 7/15/2024 13 MetroportChamber.org 2023 Event Partners | Gold MetroportChamber.org 2023 Event Partners | Platinum 25 26 Page 180 of 281 7/15/2024 14 MetroportChamber.org 2024 Midyear Recap MetroportChamber.org Memberships: 531 9% Growth As of June 30, 2024 2024 Membership Stats 27 28 Page 181 of 281 7/15/2024 15 MetroportChamber.org2024 Membership Luncheons MetroportChamber.org Alliance Development Forum 29 30 Page 182 of 281 7/15/2024 16 MetroportChamber.orgThe Taste MetroportChamber.org Women In Business 31 32 Page 183 of 281 7/15/2024 17 MetroportChamber.orgEmerging Leaders of Metroport MetroportChamber.org Business Education Training 33 34 Page 184 of 281 7/15/2024 18 MetroportChamber.orgMetroport Mixers MetroportChamber.org Networking at Noon 35 36 Page 185 of 281 7/15/2024 19 MetroportChamber.orgBusiness Builder MetroportChamber.org Regional Advantage Leadership Program Leadership Class 7 (2023‐2024) 37 38 Page 186 of 281 7/15/2024 20 MetroportChamber.org What’s Happening LOOK FOR US HERE: •Weekly Member Newsletter | Event E-blasts •MetroportInfo@MetroportChamber.org •MetroportEvents@MetroportChamber.org •Facebook.com/MetroportChamber •Facebook Group •Linkedin.com/company/metroport-chamber •MemberPlus App •MetroportChamber.org MetroportChamber.org Chamber Connect Calendar Directory JoinMembers Only FB Group Stay Connected! 39 40 Page 187 of 281 7/15/2024 21 MetroportChamber.org Chamber Connect MetroportChamber.org 817.837.1000 MetroportInfo@MetroportChamber.org Contact Us Stay Connected! MetroportChamber.org What's coming up? •July 31st •August 1st 14th 21st 23th •September   6th  Class 8 Kicks off 10th  13th 18th 25th 41 42 Page 188 of 281 7/15/2024 22 MetroportChamber.org What's coming up? •October 3rd 7th 16th   30th  •November   5th 6th 8th   20th   •December    13th MetroportChamber.org Trophy Club and the Chamber 43 44 Page 189 of 281 7/15/2024 23 MetroportChamber.org State of the Chamber Thank You! 45 Page 190 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consider approval of the July 22, 2024, Town Council Work Session and Regular Meeting Minutes. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town Council held a work session and regular meeting on July 22, 2024. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. 07.22.2024 draft minutes ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Move to approve the July 22, 2024, Town Council work session and regular meeting minutes. Page 191 of 281 Town of Trophy Club Town Council Meeting Minutes July 22, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Work Session and Regular Meeting 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 CALL WORK SESSION TO ORDER Mayor Tiffany called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Stacey Bauer, Council Member Place 1 Jeff Beach, Council Member Place 2 Dennis Sheridan, Council Member Place 3 Rhylan Rowe, Council Member Place 4 LuAnne Oldham, Council Member Place 5 With the following member absent: Steve Flynn, Mayor Pro Tem STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Brandon Wright, Town Manager Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Jason Wise, Fire Chief Patrick Arata, Chief of Police April Duvall, Director of Finance Matt Cox, Director of Community Development Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources Chase Ellis, Director of Parks and Recreation Jill Lind, Director of Communications and Marketing WORK SESSION ITEM 1. Presentation and discussion on traffic improvements for Bobcat Boulevard. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) Town Manager Wright gave a presentation on the traffic improvements for Bobcat Boulevard, highlighting and noting the following, and also answered questions from the Town Council: • Background: In January 2024, the Town Council and Town Manager began evaluating traffic improvement options for Bobcat Boulevard between Trophy Club Drive and Marshall Creek Drive due to high traffic volumes from nearby schools. Page 192 of 281 Town Council Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2024 Page 2 • Comprehensive Review: o Address traffic issues by gathering information and resident input for informed decision-making. o Six-phase plan over eight months, involving traffic review, objective identification, solution development, Town Council debriefs, community input, and final presentation. • Progress and Objectives: o Phases 1 and 2 (traffic review and objective identification) were completed by February 2024. o February 12, 2024, Work Session: Reviewed objectives including traffic flow enhancement, pedestrian safety, intersection improvements, and vehicle compliance at crosswalks. o Phase 3: Solution development with Lee Engineering. o Phase 4: Current Town Council Workshop to review solutions. • Lee Engineering Report: o Intersection Analysis: Assessed level of service (LOS) scores during peak hours, highlighting failing scores (E or F) at key intersections. o Control Mechanism Impact: Proposed improvements (traffic guards, lights, roundabouts) to achieve passing LOS scores. o Intersection Recommendations: ▪ Marshall Creek at Bobcat: Single-lane roundabout. ▪ Mid-Block between Marshall Creek and Parkview: Pedestrian hybrid beacon. ▪ Parkview at Bobcat: Continue current crossing guards. ▪ High School Driveway #4 at Bobcat: Crossing guard, new turn lane, crosswalk reconfiguration. ▪ Bobcat at Trophy Club: Traffic signal control. • Community Input and Final Steps: o Resident feedback sessions and surveys starting the week of July 29. o Final recommendations and community input to be presented at the Town Council Workshop on September 9, 2024. Following the discussion, the Town Council provided the following feedback: • Clarify the duration of the AM Peak and PM Peak hours. • Ensure that the control solutions are adequately explained for community feedback purposes. • Provide the time difference for traveling to an intersection with different score levels. Page 193 of 281 Town Council Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2024 Page 3 • Collaborate with NISD to clarify any potential differences to the safety storm shelter building at Byron Nelson High School due to the construction of the athletic field. Also, determine if there will be any changes to the entrance/exit areas or traffic patterns within the school district grounds. • Include examples of attractive traffic lights for the group input sessions. ADJOURN Mayor Tiffany adjourned the work session at 6:54 p.m. CALL REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Tiffany called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION Rev. Bill Eason, Fellowship United Methodist Church, led the invocation. PLEDGES Council Member Beach led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were none. COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT 2. Working for You . . . Trophy Club a) Update from Town Council Members Mayor Tiffany highlighted the unique spirit and sense of community in Trophy Club, emphasizing the "unseen bridges" of trust, respect, compassion, encouragement, love, and shared memories that define the town. She expressed gratitude to residents for their engagement and contributions, thanked the council members for their dedication and advocacy, and praised the town staff and leadership for their commitment to the community's best interests. Noting positive feedback about the town's atmosphere, Mayor Tiffany reaffirmed her commitment to maintaining Trophy Club as a great place to call home and thanked everyone for their continued efforts and dedication. Council Member Rowe expressed his gratitude to the staff for their hard work in organizing the 4th of July event. He recognized that it is a long day with a lot of work for everyone involved. He feels this event is the biggest community day in Trophy Club, and every year he is grateful for all the efforts put in. He thanked everyone for their long hours and dedication. Page 194 of 281 Town Council Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2024 Page 4 b) Update from Town Manager Town Manager Wright provided the following updates: • Community Pool Complex Public Engagement Event: The Town will host three Community Pool Public Engagement Events to gather citizen input on desired amenities and features for the community pool. Citizens can interact with Town officials and ParkHill consultants to share their vision. The events are scheduled for: July 29th, 8:45 am - 10:45 am; July 30th, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm; and August 3rd, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (free swim day for residents). • Bobcat Boulevard Project: As discussed in the Work Session, the Bobcat Boulevard Project is now in Phase V: Community Input and Surveys. Starting July 29th, a community survey will be distributed to gather feedback on the proposed solutions by Lee Engineering. Two public input sess ions are scheduled at Town Hall to collect in-person feedback on July 30th, 3:00 pm and on July 31st, 6:00 pm. • Upcoming Boards and Commissions Meetings o July 29, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting o August 1, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting • Upcoming Events o August 9-11, 2024, Tax-Free Weekend c) Quick Civic Tip Town Attorney Dean Roggia provided an overview of franchise utility work located in rights-of-way. CONSENT AGENDA 3. Consider approval of the June 24, 2024, Town Council work session and regular meeting minutes. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) 4. Consider a consolidated radio communications interlocal agreement between the Denton County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Trophy Club for the use of a radio communication system for FY 2025. (Patrick Arata, Police Chief) 5. Consider an ordinance amending the FY 2024 Budget to increase construction inspection fee revenue and professional engineering services in the Community Development Department by $68,000 for additional construction inspection services related to Trophy Club residential developments. (Matt Cox, Community Development Director). The caption of the ordinance reads as follows: Page 195 of 281 Town Council Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2024 Page 5 ORDINANCE 2024-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AMENDING THE TOWN’S ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON OCTOBER 1, 2023, AND ENDING ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2024, AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2023-15, AND AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2024-11, BY PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE GENERAL FUND; PROVIDING THAT EXPENDITURES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ANNUAL BUDGET, AS AMENDED; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Sheridan moved to approve Consent Items 3-5. Council Member Beach seconded the motion. VOTE ON MOTION AYES: Bauer, Beach, Sheridan, Tiffany, Rowe, Oldham NAYES: None ABSENT: Flynn VOTE: 6-0-1 INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 6. Presentation and discussion regarding an update from the arts commission ad hoc committee on the development of an arts commission in Trophy Club. (Tamara Smith, Assistant to the Town Manager) Tamara Smith, Assistant to the Town Manager, provided an overview of the Arts and Culture Ad Hoc Committee, which was tasked with researching the creation of an Arts and Culture Commission within the town. This item was to provide an update to the Town Council. Ms. Smith introduced Margie Reese; the consultant hired earlier this year to assist in facilitating this project. Ms. Reese has 45 years of experience in arts management. Ms. Reese shared highlights of her work with the ad hoc committee over several months. She acknowledged committee members and discussed their focus on creating a local arts agency, defining it as a nonprofit/government agency supporting arts in the community. In May, the committee conducted interviews with various stakeholders, including local artists and parks department staff, and toured town facilities to assess potential arts venues. They also examined funding opportunities and are crafting an inclusive mission statement. Ms. Reese emphasized the town’s potential for a local arts agency and detailed plans for integrating arts with public schools and community programs, especially during summer. The Committee will continue to finalize its report and recommendations, which will be brought back to the Town Council at a future date. Page 196 of 281 Town Council Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2024 Page 6 Feedback from the council included clarifications on the committee's authority and the potential for using hotel tax funds for arts programming. The council appreciated the cultural focus and the historical documentation of the town's heritage, noting the importance of connecting the community through arts and preserving historical elements. ADJOUNMENT Mayor Tiffany adjourned the Town Council meeting 7:38 p.m. ____________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Page 197 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources AGENDA ITEM: Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute employee health and welfare benefits agreements with Blue Cross Blue Shield including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, and disability insurance. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town of Trophy Club offers a comprehensive health and welfare benefit package to all full-time benefit eligible employees. The Town contracts with HUB International for benefit consulting services, which conducts an annual review of all Town health and welfare benefits. The Town’s benefit plan year runs from October 1 through September 30, and the current medical and dental plan agreements are set to expire on September 30, 2024. As directed by the Town’s employee benefits trustees, HUB International solicited rate quotes for medical and dental plans. The initial medical quote from the Town’s current medical provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield, was a 14.4% increase. HUB International negotiated the medical rate down to a 0% increase. Blue Cross Blue Shield dental rates increased 5%, and the Town maintains a 1% bundle discount towards the medical rate. Employee contributions will remain unchanged. In addition to the medical and dental plan review, Town staff requested information regarding improving the disability plan. Currently, the Town offers employer-paid long-term disability and employee-paid short-term disability insurance to all full-time benefit eligible employees. Although there is a need for long-term disability insurance for employees who are unable to work due to a non-industrial illness or injury that extends beyond 90 days, the Town recognizes most leave of absence requests are durations less than 90 days, and employees utilize short- term disability insurance far more often than long-term disability insurance. To enhance the employee benefit package to include useful benefits, staff recommends providing employer- paid short-term disability insurance to all full-time benefit eligible employees. The annual cost to include the Town-paid short term disability insurance to the health and welfare benefit package is $4,248 per year. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for health and welfare benefits is included in the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget. Based on current enrollment, the estimated costs for the Town and employees are outlined below. Actual costs are dependent upon employee enrollment. Town Cost Employee Cost Total Cost Page 198 of 281 Medical $652,531 $102,654 $755,185 Dental $63,966 $0 $63,966 Vision $13,829 $0 $13,829 Short-term Disability $4,248 $0 $4,248 Long-Term Disability $14,618 $0 $14,618 Life Insurance $14,831 $0 $14,831 Teladoc $2,544 $0 $2,544 Total $766,567 $102,654 $869,221 LEGAL REVIEW: Town Attorney Roggia will review all agreements to ensure compliance with legal requirements and standards. ATTACHMENTS: None ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate and execute employee health and welfare benefits agreements with Blue Cross Blue Shield including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, and disability insurance. Page 199 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: April Duvall, Director of Finance AGENDA ITEM: Consider setting a public hearing for the FY 2025 Proposed Budget on August 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm. (April Duvall, Finance Director) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The proposed FY 2025 Budget includes $16,493,691 in General Fund expenditures with $16,316,611 in anticipated revenues. Total expenditures across all funds is approximately $37.6 million. This budget is supported by maintaining the existing tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 of valuation. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year's budget by an amount of $628,512, which is a 6.12 percent increase from last year's budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $134,787. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: None ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends setting the FY 2025 Proposed Budget hearing for Monday, August 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm. Page 200 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Brandon Wright, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM: Consider a resolution of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas accepting the 2024 appraisal rolls from Denton and Tarrant Counties. (April Duvall, Finance Director) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Dental Central Appraisal District (DCAD) and the Tarrant Appraisal District (TCAD) has submitted the appraisal roll to the Town of Trophy Club for the 2024 tax year. This appraisal roll is used for the calculation of the projected tax collections for the Town and should be formally accepted by the Town Council. The total taxable value on the 2024 appraisal roll including estimated values under protest is $3,210,299,358. Once the tax rate is approved, the Town will be able to calculate its 2024 tax levy (i.e., property tax revenue). These funds will be used to cover operating and maintenance expenses as well as debt service. The certified estimate of taxable value in those portions of Trophy Club within Denton County is estimated at $3,076,711,199. The estimated net taxable value of Trophy Club properties within Tarrant County is estimated at $162,768,432. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A LEGAL REVIEW: The Town Attorney's office has reviewed the resolution as to form and legality. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve the resolution of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas accepting the 2024 appraisal rolls from Denton and Tarrant Counties. Page 201 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE 2024 APPRAISAL ROLL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVIDE DATE. WHEREAS, the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) and the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) prepare the certified appraisal rolls and rolls under protest of the taxable property in the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (Town); and WHEREAS, the Town uses the certified appraisal rolls and rolls under protest received from the DCAD and TAD to calculate the tax rate and voter-approval tax rate applicable to taxable property in the Town; and WHEREAS, the certification of the 2024 Appraisal Rolls by the DACD and TAD Chief Appraisers are attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and “B”; and WHEREAS, upon review of the Certified Appraisal Rolls of DCAD and TAD and all matters attendant and related thereto, the Tow Council finds that the Certified Appraisal Rolls of DCAD and TAD should be approved and adopted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The facts and recitals set forth in the preamble of this resolution are hereby found to be true and correct. SECTION 2. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby approves the 2024 appraisal roll of the Town based on the certified appraisal rolls and rolls under protest as approved by the Appraisal Review Boards of the DACD and the TAD. SECTION 3. That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 12th DAY OF AUGUST 2024. Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor ATTEST: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary APPROVED TO AS FORM: Town Attorney Page 202 of 281 RE: Certification of the 2024 Appraisal Roll for Denton Central Appraisal District July 22, 2024 "I, Don Spencer, Chief Appraiser for the Denton Central Appraisal District, solemnly swear that I have made, or caused to be made, a diligent inquiry to ascertain all property in the district subject to appraisal by me, and that I have included in the records all property that I am aware of at an appraised value determined as required by law. Furthermore, in accordance with Section 26.01 (a) of the Texas Property Tax Code, "I am submitting the appraisal roll to the taxing units served by Denton Central Appraisal District." NOTARY PUBLIC EXPIRES: 11-30-2024 ,,,,,��•ti,,,, MISTY F. BAPTISTE �-sl>',,,.,\9,, P bl" S fT s :.?:·:..A:•:1>� Notary u 1c, tate o exa �0,: .. �/# Comm. Expires 11-30-2024 �7,;'i"or-(<-,�,::-Notary ID 132802467 '''"'' DON SPENCER, F APPRAISER DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT Exhibit "A" Page 203 of 281 DENTON County As of Certification2024 CERTIFIED TOTALS C28 - TROPHY CLUB TOWN OF Grand TotalsProperty Count: 4,883 9:10:54AM7/20/2024 Land Value Homesite:790,963,608 Non Homesite:124,686,215 Ag Market:1,705,113 Timber Market:917,354,936Total Land (+)0 Improvement Value Homesite:2,412,291,643 Non Homesite:202,012,024 Total Improvements (+)2,614,303,667 Non Real ValueCount Personal Property:250 32,074,104 Mineral Property:00 Autos:00Total Non Real (+)32,074,104 Market Value =3,563,732,707 ExemptAg Non Exempt 1,705,113 0 Total Productivity Market: Ag Use:357 0 1,704,756 (-)Productivity Loss Timber Use:00 =Appraised Value 3,562,027,951 Productivity Loss:01,704,756 250,474,365(-)Homestead Cap 23.231 Cap (-)3,756,918 =Assessed Value 3,307,796,668 (-)Total Exemptions Amount (Breakdown on Next Page) 230,181,814 =Net Taxable 3,077,614,854 Freeze Assessed Taxable Actual Tax Ceiling Count 9,824,539 9,709,565 30,110.77 30,110.77 17DP 621,611,756 569,043,446 1,594,523.69 1,608,298.80 1,003OV65 Total 631,436,295 578,753,011 1,638,409.57 Freeze Taxable (-)1,624,634.46 1,020 578,753,011 Tax Rate 0.4154690 Transfer Assessed Taxable Post % Taxable Adjustment Count OV65 1,437,000 1,352,630 1,005,007 347,623 2 Total 1,437,000 1,352,630 1,005,007 Transfer Adjustment (-)347,623 347,6232 =2,498,514,220Freeze Adjusted Taxable APPROXIMATE LEVY = (FREEZE ADJUSTED TAXABLE * (TAX RATE / 100)) + ACTUAL TAX 12,005,186.50 = 2,498,514,220 * (0.4154690 / 100) + 1,624,634.46 3,562,770,744Certified Estimate of Market Value: 3,076,711,199Certified Estimate of Taxable Value: Tax Increment Finance Value:0 Tax Increment Finance Levy:0.00 Page 353 of 2843C28/652983 Page 204 of 281 Page 205 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Patrick Arata, Chief of Police April Duvall, Director of Finance Patrick Arata, Chief of Police April Duvall, Director of Finance AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing and consider approval of the FY 2025 Crime Control & Prevention District Budget. (Patrick Arata, Chief of Police) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town of Trophy Club has a Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) that is funded by a quarter cent sales tax. In FY 2025, the estimated revenue from this dedicated sales tax in the upcoming fiscal year (FY 2025) is $360,500. Below is a list of services that are funded from this sales tax, which services enhance the level of public safety and provide a safe environment for Trophy Club residents. Bicycle Safety Citizen Police Academy Golf Cart Safety and Inspection Identifying Theft Strategies and Training Safety Fairs Business Security and Inspections Crime Prevention and Education Home Security and Inspection National Night Out School Resource Officer/ School Safety Citizen on Patrol Crime Prevention and Safety through Environmental Design Home Vacation Watch Neighborhood Watch Take Home/Silver Alert The CCPD budget also provides funding for the replacement of police patrol vehicles. The Police Department's annual goal is to replace three patrol vehicles to ensure that its fleet is able to meet the demands of daily patrol. During budget discussions with the CCPD Board in June 2025, three replacement vehicles were placed in the FY 2025 Budget for the CCPD Fund. However, the Board was notified that the Town's intent was to find a different funding source for the third vehicle since the inclusion of three vehicles within the CCPD Fund was depleting CCPD Fund reserves. The Board was notified that if the Town was able to find a different funding source, the budget would be reduced to only include funding two patrol vehicle replacements with the third funded by another fund. Staff has identified funding within the Police Department Equipment Replacement Fund to fund the third vehicle, and the FY 2025 Page 206 of 281 CCPD Fund Budget was reduced by $80,000. The removal of the third vehicle returned the CCPD Fund to a balanced state where anticipated revenues are expected to meet anticipated expenditures. This adjustment reflects our commitment to fiscal responsibility while ensuring the necessary resources for public safety. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: The FY 2025 Proposed CCPD Budget was presented during the CCPD Board's regularly scheduled meeting on June 5, 2024, and the Board approved the budget as presented. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY 2025 CCPD Budget projects $365,530 in revenue and $358,888 in expenditures. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY 2025 Proposed CCPD Budget 2. Public Hearing Newspaper Notice ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council conduct the public hearing and move to approve the FY 2025 Crime Control & Prevention District Budget. Page 207 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Annual Program of Services CCPD Fund FY 2022  ACTUAL FY 2023  AMENDED FY 2023  ACTUAL FY 2024  AMENDED FY 2024  ESTIMATE FY 2025 PROPOSED FY 2026 PROJECTED FY 2027 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 274,127$     244,053$     280,480$     196,044$     257,573$     225,183$     231,826$       $     238,668  Revenue    Sales Tax  $     365,464  $     350,000  $     373,794  $     350,000  $     403,137  $     360,500  $     371,315  $     382,454     Grant Revenue 483                ‐                     21,525           ‐                     12,700          4,000            4,120            4,244                Interest Income ‐                     1,900            971               1,000            929               1,030            1,061            1,093                Assets Sold ‐                      ‐                     10,000           ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      Total Revenue 365,947$     351,900$     406,290$     351,000$     416,766$     365,530$     376,496$     387,791$       Expenditures Personnel   Salaries ‐$               ‐$               ‐$                $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐       Overtime ‐                     20,000          13,700          20,000          20,000          20,400          21,012          21,642              Retirement ‐                     2,657            1,644            2,657            2,657            2,840            2,925            3,013                Medical 685                   Dental 41$                    Vision 4                        Life 33$                    Social Security Taxes ‐                     1,242             ‐                     1,242            1,242            1,265            1,303            1,342                Medicare Taxes ‐$              291$              ‐$                $             291  $             291  $             296  $             305  $             314      Unemployment Taxes ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     2                     ‐                      ‐                      ‐                         Workers' Compensation ‐$              446$             585$              $             446  $             164  $         1,087  $         1,120  $         1,154  Total Personnel  $                  ‐   $       24,636  $       16,692  $       24,636  $       24,356  $       25,888  $       26,664  $       27,464  Services & Supplies    Professional Outside Services 47,913$       61,120$       40,468$         $       55,000  $       55,000  $       45,000  $       46,350  $       47,741     Schools & Training 23,571          18,500          16,408          18,500          18,500          21,500          22,145          22,809              Qualifying Expenses 16,813          18,500          7,294            18,500          18,500          21,500          22,145          22,809              Meetings ‐                     800               272               800               800               800               824               849                   Office Supplies 1,932            3,000            3,135            3,000            3,000            600               618               637                   Postage 245               500                ‐                     500               500               100               103               106                   Publications/Books/Subscription 51                  2,500            3,952            2,500            2,500            500               515               530                   Uniforms 4,920            6,000            19,372          6,000            6,000            8,000            8,240            8,487                Protective Clothing ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                         Small Equipment 48,198          57,654          73,111          75,000          75,000          75,000          77,250          79,568              Principle ‐ Lease Payment 33,273              Interest ‐ Lease Payment 157                  Total Services & Supplies 177,073$     168,574$     164,013$     179,800$     179,800$     173,000$     178,190$     183,536$      Capital    Capital Outlay  $     273,098  $     214,997  $     248,492  $     245,000  $     245,000  $     160,000  $     164,800  $     169,744    Total Capital 273,098$     214,997$     248,492$     245,000$     245,000$     160,000$     164,800$     169,744$      Total Expenditures 450,171$     408,207$     429,197$     449,436$     449,156$     358,888$     369,654$     380,744$      Other Sources (Uses)    Transfer Out  $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐     $                ‐    $                ‐     $                ‐       Lease Proceeds 90,577           ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      Total Other Sources (Uses) 90,577$        ‐$                   ‐$                   ‐$                   ‐$                   ‐$                   ‐$                   ‐$                   Net Increase (Decrease) 6,353$         (56,307)$      (22,907)$      (98,436)$      (32,390)$      6,642$         6,842$         7,047$          Ending Fund Balance  $     280,480  $     187,746  $     257,573  $       97,608  $     225,183  $     231,826  $     238,668  $     245,714  Page 208 of 281 TO: Star Telegram/Classifieds Department DATE: July 17, 2024 FROM: April Duvall PAGES: 1 RUN DATE: July 26, 2024 SUBJECT: Notice of Public Hearing TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Monday, August 12, 2024 Notice is hereby given that the Trophy Club Town Council will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed FY 2024-2025 budget for the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District on August 12, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. The meeting will be held at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Dr, Trophy Club All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Page 209 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Chase Ellis, Director of Parks & Recreation AGENDA ITEM: Consider approval of the location of dedicated pickleball courts in the Town of Trophy Club and directing staff to initiate the construction design phase for the selected location. (Chase Ellis, Parks & Recreation Director) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: Over the past few years, the Trophy Club community has engaged in discussions and preliminary designs for the development of dedicated pickleball courts. This initiative aims to meet the growing demand for recreational facilities tailored to residents' needs. On April 22, 2024, after contracting with McAdams for the design, construction bid, and construction administration, McAdams began analyzing past information and current sites while engaging the community in discussions to develop three options to be presented to the Parks and Recreation Board. After public input events, McAdams finalized three options for consideration. Option 1 provides pickleball courts at both Harmony Park (4 courts) and Independence Park (4 courts). Option 2 provides pickleball courts next to Town Hall (6 courts). Option 3 provides pickleball courts at Harmony Park (6 courts). The attached McAdams report provides site layout details as well as cost estimates for each of the options. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: The Town hosted two public engagement events to solicit input from the public regarding potential pickleball locations. The first event, which was held at Harmony Park on June 22, 2024, received approximately 45 attendees. The second event, which was held at Independence Park on June 29, 2024, received approximately 15 attendees. On Wednesday, July 17, the Parks & Recreation Board Park Improvement Subcommittee met with Town staff to review community input and the three recommended options. At that meeting, the subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend Option 3, which constructs six pickleball courts being constructed at Harmony Park, to the full Parks & Recreation Board. At a Special Parks and Recreation Board meeting held on Monday, July 29, the full board was presented the information for all options. The full Parks and Recreation Board voted on and approved to bring the recommendation of Option 1 (courts at Harmony and Independence) forward for Council consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: The total amount previously dedicated to the pickleball project in FY 2024 is $1.3 million, which is included in the Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Below are the estimated design and construction amounts for each of the three options. Option Construction Cost Design Cost Total Cost Page 210 of 281 Option 1 (4 courts Harmony / 4 courts Independence) $1,312,960 $147,000 $1,459,960 Option 2 (6 courts Town Hall) $1,506,230 $147,000 + additional fee $1,653,230 + additional design fee Option 3 (6 courts Harmony) $1,005,240 $147,000 $1,152,240 Additional funding is available from the 2023 bond issuance for the total costs for all three options. Updated amounts based on Council direction will be provided in the FY 2025 Proposed Budget. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. Pickleball Options Report ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council review pickleball court options presented by McAdams and move to select a preferred option and direct staff to move forward with construction design for the construction of dedicated pickleball courts in the Town of Trophy Club. Page 211 of 281 Dedicated Pickleball Courts Town of Trophy Club Page 212 of 281 McAdams Overview Agenda Schedule + Timeline Public Engagement Conceptual Designs Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 2 Questions + Deliberation Page 213 of 281 About Us Cultivating planning, design and engineering expertise since 1979. McAdams is a full-service civil engineering, land planning, landscape architecture, transportation and geomatics firm. Our Services І Civil Engineering І Stormwater І Stream + Wetland Design І Geomatics І Land Planning І Urban Planning + Design І Landscape Architecture І Transportation І Construction Administration І Grant Funding Advisory Services І Visualizations 45 Years in Business 450+ Team Members 5 Office Locations Meaningful Experiences Through Inspired Design. Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 3 Page 214 of 281 Schedule Month 3 Process input from stakeholders, develop concept designs, prelim. engineering, conceptual cost estimates Listen + Learn Evaluate Design Execute Deliver Months 6 -14 Months 4 -5 Month 2 Month 1 Kick -off; site walk with Town staff, understanding Town expectations; public engagement plan + implementation Site investigation; site visits; due diligence; site opportunities + constraints SD, DD + CD drawings + specifications, refined cost estimating, value engineering as needed, permitting Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 4 Bid Phase Services, Construction, RFI + Submittal Reviews and Approvals Page 215 of 281 І Held (2) public engagement events at both parks І Participants voted on preferred location + gave their input І Minimum 4-6 courts is ideal for community play І Shade, lighting, and gathering areas are key components І Harmony Park location is preferred - equality across Town is important Public Engagement Harmony + Independence Parks Public Engagement Events Harmony + Independence Parks Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 5 13 6 19 37 9 46 11 0 11 0 10 20 30 40 50 Event 1 Event 2 Total Location Preferences Independence Park Harmony Park Town Center Site Page 216 of 281 І Independence Park – 4 courts І Harmony Park – 4 courts Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 6 Concept Design: Option 1 Harmony Park + Independence Park І (4) Dedicated Courts at Harmony Park І (4) Dedicated Courts at Independence Park І Total Budget for both Options = $1,312,960 + $147,000 design fee = $1,459,960 Page 217 of 281 Concept Design: Option 1A Harmony Park – 4 courts І 4 Dedicated Pickleball Courts І Approx. Budget = $780,883 І Additions to blend with existing facilities І Community gathering area with seating and shade І Retaining walls required along east edge of additions І Sidewalks to be re-routed І Removing (5) Bradford Pear trees along southern tennis court fence Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 7 Page 218 of 281 Concept Design: Option 1B Independence Park – 4 courts І 4 Dedicated Pickleball Courts І Approx. Budget = $532,077 І Additions to blend with existing facilities І Community gathering area with seating and shade І Existing storm sewer infrastructure І Additional sidewalk connections to pickleball courts Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 8 Page 219 of 281 Concept Design: Option 2 Town Center Site – 6 courts І 6 Dedicated Pickleball Courts І Approx. Budget = $1,506,230 + $147,000 design fee* = $1,653,230 І * Additional design and construction fees would be required to complete the design and construction plans for Option 2 І Community gathering area and shaded seating І Park infrastructure improvements include full parking requirements, restroom facility, extension of water and sewer connections, electrical drop and connection, stormwater calculations, and full site plan submittal. І Existing Oncor electrical and 20’ water line easements require abandonment and relocation І Site will be maintained as a new park through Parks + Rec Dept. requiring additional manhours Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 9 Page 220 of 281 Concept Design: Option 3 Harmony Park – 6 courts І 4 Dedicated Pickleball Courts І Approx. Budget = $1,005,240 + $147,000 design fee = $1,152,240 І Additions to blend with existing facilities І Basketball court and bocce ball courts to be relocated І Community gathering area І Seating and shade incorporated with pickleball courts І Retaining walls required along east edge of additions І Sidewalks to be re-routed Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 10 Page 221 of 281 Summary of Conceptual DesignsOption 1 І Harmony Park – 4 courts І Harmony Park – 6 courts І Town Center Site – 6 courts І Independence Park – 4 courts Town of Trophy Club | Dedicated Pickleball Courts 11 Option 2 Option 3 Approx. Total Budget = $1,459,960 Approx. Total Budget = $1,653,230 Approx. Total Budget = $1,152,240 Page 222 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience FACILITIES PROGRAMMING PRESENTATION PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT Two public engagement events were held at Harmony Park on June 22nd from 10am-12pm and at Independence Park on June 29th from 4-6pm. Participants were invited to discuss the dedicated pickleball courts and share their input. A vote on location preference for the courts was taken using sticker dots – total votes are listed below. Participants were also able to leave comments and recommendations on sticky notes for the Town staff and consultant team. VOTES ON PREFERRED LOCATION FOR COURTS FROM BOTH EVENTS > Independence Park = 19 > Harmony Park = 46 > Town Hall Site = 11 PARTICIPANT COMMENTS Harmony Park Event Comments: > Minimum 6 courts because pickleball is a community activity for those who play in TC > Shade, benches, bathroom, water/ice, 6 courts to have all levels, HP – 6 less busy side of neighborhood > 4 or more divided courts at Harmony > Good lighting is important for evening play > “4 and 4” to spread out > Put courts in one location, Harmony is where we all play currently, bathrooms at Harmony now, shade at Harmony, parking at Harmony is best > 4 courts is good to start, space with covered area to wait, water dispenser > Clear rules on usage, sign-up and priorities (leagues, etc.) > Control access to courts ($) to offset maintenance cost, like pool pass > HG Supply land > Divide courts between 2 locations, approach club corp for tennis courts > Use current courts – Harmony, 6 courts, TC residents, usually less $ > Harmony, 6 courts, 3’ fence on west side with benches outside > 4 or more courts, charge a per use fee or require a permit > Dedicated pickleball courts at Harmony, 6 courts > Easy, cheap, Harmony re-surface, 6 courts > Lights you can turn on anytime past midnight! > Water fountain please! Or bottle fill up station > There are tennis courts in TC already, need pickleball courts!! We are way behind all the surrounding towns which already have pickleball courts. > Pickleball started at Harmony! Please keep it here. > All other activities are other side, east side only has pickleball, keep it here Page 223 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience > Fewer babies being born – fewer soccer, etc. – more pickleball courts > Players have been driving over to Harmony even though there are pickleball courts over there, because more players in one area make better play. > More courts in one place is better for better games! A’s vs A’s and B’s vs B’s > Open play scheduled, reservation capability for other times > Please do not split up the courts. Put all in one spot. Pickleball is made for drop-in – mix it up > Plenty of space, additional facilities already here, heart of TC (Harmony Park) > No through traffic at harmony so it would be just the community using them, utilized more on this side, more courts on the other side already > Seems easiest to build at Harmony > At least 4-6 courts al in one place for better play, mixing up more players > Indoor courts would be ideal so you could use year-round. I would pay membership fee. > I had given up hope + faith on town leadership trying the last 5 years. Please RESTORE my faith + trust. > 1) We need courts on both sides of town > 2) We need to keep current tennis courts > 3) Can we please actually do it!! > Indoor courts would be amazing! > Benches with shade, water, restrooms, queuing station, minimum 4 courts, maybe 4 at each Indy/Harmony > All full shade – Ditto > How are we charging a fee? > Harmony is best place, 2 miles into Trophy Club, less traffic, would be just for TC residents > Benches with shades please > Not by the street, make it flow, move the bocce courts, don’t take over soccer fields > Dedicated pickleball courts > 1. Shade/benches, water, 2. Room for expansion, 3. League play need minimum 4 courts so will need more for future > Shaded full court, sun sail, indoor > Is there room by TC Park by the dog park? > Get ‘er done! Plenty of space at Harmony, leave room for expansion, separate tennis courts without pickleball stripes > Remove court reservation for private instructor, it is wrong! Lessons should be registered through town if it is provided by town. > *Revenue idea: build enough to host tournament so town can charge or take in revenue > Want competitive plan conditions: facilities, space, parking > 3-4’ mesh fence with benches nearby > If @ Indy… think about replacing baseball practice field with pickleball stadium > What about INDOOR? Could charge fee or membership > Bocce Ball never used – reduce to one court Page 224 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience > Would like 1. Dividers between courts, 2. Only rest area for people waiting to play, 3. Water machine with ice option > Good lighting, full coverage > Traffic will be issue @ Independence > Get courts built with bathroom and can add to later – room for expansion later > Parking/traffic by Indy > Indoor courts would be ideal! Thx > 4. Beginners – intermediate – advance divisions Independence Park Event Comments: > 1st choice Harmony Park, existing infrastructure; 2nd choice Independence > Indoor courts at some point would be nice. Could play all year round. Maybe get someone to start a business – membership opportunity. > Preference order: 1. Independence Park, 2. Town Hall, 3. Harmony Park > Convert 2 tennis courts at Ind. Park to 4 or 6 courts – look at Unity Park in Highland Village > Needs: seating area, shade structure, water fountain > I feel that the Independence Park area has plenty of opportunity on this side of town. I’d like to see more recreational opportunities at Harmony. > Could build 6 courts on existing Medlin tennis courts but would likely need to redo corners for concrete + fencing > Traffic congestion is already apparent at Independence Park side of town. > 1st choice is the Ind. Park. > Add shade structure for rentals/parties or pavilion; possibly cover the courts at Ind. Park > Change Harmony Park tennis courts: to 4 temp. pickleball courts w/ temp nets that can move and roll so people can still play tennis (look at Bicentennial Park in Southlake) > Have designated open play times where people put stacks of paddles + wait for the next court after game is finished. (look at Keller Bear Creek Park) > 4 in each place is a possibility but really may be better to have all in one place – with separate could have too few people in each place > Indoor courts would be ideal! > Prefer Harmony Park with Town Hall as secondary location > Way to know if courts available, perhaps reserve, also specified open play times > Independence Park is my first choice. Town Hall 2nd. Please if possible minimum 6 courts. You will get more players at Independence Park > Include expected maintenance cost for 10 years > Possible profit for league play or tournaments or a key card system, membership for residents to keep courts locked (like Timarron in Southlake) > HP: PB next to tennis courts. Bocce move east/west, BBall to New soccer corner and move over HP1 and HP2 > “Could we build a sport court when relocating basketball court at Harmony?” Page 225 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience > “Would rather sacrifice league play and split 3-4 between the parks. Save the drive to elsewhere.” > Indoor pickleball courts > Prefer Independence 1st, Harmony 2nd, and Town Hall 3rd. Concern with Town Hall is easy access to non- residents. Need bleachers for those waiting to get on court. Need lights for night play. Consultant Notes from Conversations during Harmony Park Event: > Keeping proposed courts in 1 spot ideal > Indy seems to have a larger population of kids and students present using park amenities > 25-30 players coming to play pickleball at Harmony as part of the league, like to play with rotating King and Queen > Location is more secluded at Harmony > For league play = 4 courts minimum, 6 is ideal > Start at Harmony/Town Hall – Expand the facilities at Town Hall later > Previous proposal at Indy included stadium seating layout – located at practice baseball field. Another resident informed that the field is still used regularly for baseball practice. > 8 courts would be too many and cause interference, 6 courts are ideal > Seating/rest area for between play is desired > What about the Indy Dog Park? Trophy Club Park = lake bottom and flooding may be an issue > Traffic on school days close to Indy Park – Council has been tasked with how to address > Lighting = want even light coverage for evening play > Fee for entry – Is the pool going to be free? > Don’t want the park and facilities to look piece milled if courts placed at Harmony Consultant Notes from Conversations during Independence Park Event: > Bicentennial has portable nets to view. Hurst court nets are not ideal, they are flimsy. > Review Unity Park in Highland Village (12 courts) > Remove tennis courts at Indy, replace with 6 pickleball courts. There are now tennis courts at Medlin that are public. Consultant mentioned that the courts are owned by the school district and the Town can’t claim them and promote them as an option for people to play on. > Stripe the tennis courts at Harmony Park for 4 courts (noted that the clipped corners may not allow for 4 courts to fit) Page 226 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience Letter from the Stolley’s Page 227 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OPTIONS Town staff and the consultant team collaborated to identify 3 design options to present to Town Council for review based on historical knowledge, public engagement, site opportunities and constraints. Below are summaries for each concept that includes the location, number of courts, approximate construction budget, and design description. The concept design option graphics are included at the end of this section. The budget amounts listed are conceptual and may change through the construction documentation and bidding phases. OPTION 1 The first option pursues a theme of equality as residents from across the Town of Trophy Club expressed a desire to have dedicated pickleball courts close to their residence. To achieve this, the conceptual design places 4 courts at both Harmony and Independence Park. The design is divided into Option 1A and 1B. OPTION 1A > Location: Harmony Park > Courts: 4 courts > Budget: Approx. $780,883 > Design Description: This conceptual design proposes 4 dedicated pickleball courts directly to the south and east of the existing tennis courts to create a cohesive playing facility. A primary goal of this site configuration is to have the additions blend seamlessly with the existing facilities. Community gathering space is important to residents and has been provided with the addition to allow waiting pickleball and tennis players to congregate. Said gathering areas may include a variety of seating options for park visitors. Shade components have been incorporated to provide relief from direct sunlight. Retaining walls will be required along the east and south end of the addition to allow for construction of even play surfaces between the existing and proposed courts. Due to the location of the proposed courts, sidewalks will be rerouted to provide a similar level of access that is currently provided to the facilities and the remainder of the park. OPTION 1B > Location: Independence Park > Courts: 4 courts > Budget: Approx. $532,077 > Design Description: This conceptual design proposes 4 dedicated pickleball courts directly to the south of the existing tennis courts to create a cohesive playing facility. Similar to Option 1A, primary goal of this site configuration is to have the additions blend seamlessly with the existing facilities. Again, community gathering space is important to residents and has been provided with the addition to allow waiting pickleball and tennis players to congregate. Said gathering areas may include a variety of seating options for park visitors. Shade components have been identified to refuge from direct sunlight. Existing storm sewer infrastructure may be required to be relocated to construct the courts. Additional sidewalks will be provided to allow for adequate access to the proposed courts. Existing storm sewer infrastructure may be required to be relocated to construct the courts. Page 228 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB > DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS 4400 State Hwy 121, Suite 800, Lewisville, TX 75056 / 972. 436. 9712 creating experiences through experience OPTION 1 Total Budget: Approx. $1,312,960 OPTION 2 > Location: Town Center Site > Courts: 6 courts > Budget: Approx. $1,506,230 > Design Description: This conceptual design proposes 6 dedicated pickleball courts on the property directly to the east of Town Hall. This site does not have existing infrastructure, including parking, restrooms, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and electricity. These items would be required to support dedicated pickleball courts on this site. There is an Oncor easement and existing utility lines with easements that would need to be abandoned and relocated to allow for the construction of the proposed courts and facilities. In addition to the dedicated pickleball courts, this design includes parking, restrooms, shade structures, and seating options. The Town Parks + Rec staff anticipates additional man-hours needed to properly maintain and care for this site as it will be a new park for the Town. OPTION 3 > Location: Harmony Park > Courts: 6 courts > Budget: Approx. $1,005,240 > Design Description: This conceptual design proposed 6 dedicated pickleball courts to the south of the existing tennis courts, where the bocce and basketball court are currently. This site configuration would require the demolition, salvage, and reconstruction of the bocce and basketball court. Retaining walls will be required along the proposed location of the bocce and basketball court. A community gathering space is provided between the existing tennis court and pickleball courts for visitors to congregate while waiting to play. Shade components have been incorporated to provide relief from direct sunlight in the gathering area and within the pickleball court play area. Sidewalks will be rerouted to provide a similar level of access that is currently provided to the facilities and the remainder of the park. Page 229 of 281 PROPOSED PICKLEBALL COURTS FABRIC SHADE STRUCTURE RE-ROUTED SIDEWALK ADDITIONAL ENTRY TO TENNIS COURTS SMALL BLEACHERS EXISTING TREES EXISTING TREES EXISTING TENNIS COURTS PICNIC TABLES PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 07. 12. 2024TTC24001SCALE: 1” = 40’ 0’40’MAH01ADEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS HARMONY PARK - 4 COURTS TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Page 230 of 281 FABRIC SHADE STRUCTURE PROPOSED PICKLEBALL COURTS EXISTING TENNIS COURTS PICNIC TABLES EXISTING BASKETBALL COURT SMALL BLEACHERS PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 07. 15. 2024TTC24001SCALE: 1” = 40’ 0’40’MAH01BDEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS INDEPENDENCE PARK - 4 COURTS TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Page 231 of 281 SMALL BLEACHERS FABRIC SHADE STRUCTURE PROPOSED PICKLEBALL COURTS EXISTING TREE SHADE STRUCTURE RESTROOM FACILITY PROPOSED PARKING SPACES PROPOSED PARKING TREE PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 07. 15. 2024TTC24001SCALE: 1” = 40’ 0’40’MAH02DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS TOWN CENTER - 6 COURTS TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Page 232 of 281 RELOCATED BASKETBALL COURT FABRIC SHADE STRUCTURE PICNIC TABLES RE-ROUTED SIDEWALK SMALL BLEACHERS EXISTING TREES EXISTING TREES EXISTING TENNIS COURTS RELOCATED BOCCE BALL COURTS PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 07. 12. 2024TTC24001SCALE: 1” = 40’ 0’40’MAH03DEDICATED PICKLEBALL COURTS HARMONY PARK - 6 COURTS TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Page 233 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Patrick Arata, Chief of Police AGENDA ITEM: Consider an ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club amending Chapter 2 “Animal Control,” Article 2.02 “Impoundment,” Section 2.02.001 “Generally,” Subsection (c) “Disposition of Unclaimed Animals” to provide for forfeiture; and amending Appendix A “Fee Schedule,” Article A1.000 “General Provisions,” Section A1.006 “Animal Control,” Subsection (a) “Impound Fee,” of the Code of Ordinances. (Patrick Arata, Chief of Police) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: For many years, the Trophy Club's impound fee for pet owners to reclaim their pets has been set at $10. The Animal Shelter Advisory Board reviewed the need to increase this fee, particularly for repeat offenders, to enhance the animal control officer's ability to enforce regulations and engage with pet owners more effectively. After reviewing models from both Keller and Flower Mound, the Animal Shelter Advisory Board unanimously voted to recommend adoption of the Flower Mound model. Under this model, fees to redeem an impounded animal begin at $25 for the first offense and increase by $10 for subsequent offenses within a 12-month period with a maximum fee amount of $65 per occurrence. An additional $8 per day boarding fee will be added to redeem the animal as well as a $10 per day fee if the animal has not been vaccinated for rabies. The current ordinance, established many years ago, also mandates that after a three-day holding period, unclaimed strays are either adopted or euthanized. In alignment with the shelter’s goal of becoming a "no-kill" entity, the Animal Shelter Advisory Board Board proposed adding verbiage to the ordinance to allow for the transfer of strays to rescue entities after the holding period. The amendment also specifies criteria for euthanasia based on the animal’s behavior, health, and other factors. The Animal Shelter Advisory Board unanimously approved the recommendation of these changes in March 2023. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: The Animal Shelter Advisory Board unanimously recommends that the fees be increased as presented as well as the ordinance be amended to include language allowing for the transfer of an unclaimed animal to a rescue entity. FISCAL IMPACT: The animal shelter has taken in 19 dogs over the past year, with five of these being repeat animals. The current fee is $10.00 per incident. The proposed fee adjustment aims to align the animal shelter's fees with current standards and introduce a deterrent for repeat animals. This change will not only ensure consistency with prevailing rates but also help reduce the recurrence of incidents, ultimately benefiting both the shelter and the community. Page 234 of 281 LEGAL REVIEW: Town Attorney, Dean Roggia, has reviewed the ordinance as to form and legality. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance 2. Redline Changes to Chapter 2.02 3. Redline Changes Appendix A Impound Fees ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve the ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club amending Chapter 2 “Animal Control,” Article 2.02 “Impoundment,” Section 2.02.001 “Generally,” Subsection (c) “Disposition of Unclaimed Animals” to provide for forfeiture; and amending Appendix A “Fee Schedule,” Article A1.000 “General Provisions,” Section A1.006 “Animal Control,” Subsection (a) “Impound Fee,” of the Code of Ordinances. Page 235 of 281 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2024-xx AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REVISING CHAPTER 2 “ANIMAL CONTROL” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 2 “ANIMAL CONTROL,” ARTICLE 2.02 “IMPOUNDMENT,” SECTION 2.02.001 “GENERALLY,” SUBSECTION (C) “DISPOSITION OF UNCLAIMED ANIMALS” TO PROVIDE FOR FORFEITURE; AND BY AMENDING APPENDIX A “FEE SCHEDULE,” ARTICLE A1.000 “GENERAL PROVISIONS,” SECTION A1.006 “ANIMAL CONTROL,” SUBSECTION (A) “IMPOUND FEE,” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”) is a home rule municipality acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club (“the Town Council”), under Chapter 826 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, has the legal authority and power to adopt and amend ordinances that regulate animals and impoundment fees within the Town’s incorporated limits; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has previously adopted regulations governing the impoundment of animals and impoundment fees in the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club Animal Shelter Advisory Board (the “Board”) has recommended certain revisions to the Chapter 2 “Animal Control” regarding the disposition of unclaimed animals and to Appendix A, Fee Schedule, regarding Impound Fees of the Code of Ordinances, Town of Trophy Club, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Board’s recommendations were presented in an open and properly noticed meeting of the Town Council on June 10th, 2024; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds and determines that the Board’s recommended revisions to Chapter 2 and to Appendix A are reasonable and necessary for the protection of the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Page 236 of 281 ORDINANCE NO.2024-XX PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. The Code of Ordinances, Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Chapter 2 “Animal Control,” Article 2.02 “Impoundment,” Section 2.02.001 “Generally,” subsection (c) is hereby amended to read as follows: “(c) Disposition of unclaimed animals. At the end of such period, if the animal has not been claimed and the fees associated with the impoundment have not been paid to the Town, the animal is deemed the property of the Town and may be made available for adoption or placed with a 501(c)(3) animal rescue. Only in the cases of extreme illness, injury, or aggression, the Town may euthanize the animal as determined by the local rabies control authority.” SECTION 3. The Code of Ordinances, Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Appendix A, “Fee Schedule,” Article A1.000 “General Provisions,” Section A1.006 “Animal Control,” Subsection (a) is hereby amended to read as follows: “(a) The owner of an impounded domestic animal not under quarantine will pay the following fees in order to redeem such animal; provided, however, the fees shall be waived for the first impoundment of an animal fostered by a residential foster owner upon presentation of documentation that the animal has been placed in the foster care of the foster owner by a humane society: (1) First impoundment within one year $25.00 Second impoundment within one year $35.00 Third impoundment within one year $45.00 Fourth impoundment within one year $55.00 Each additional impoundment within one year of first impoundment $65.00 (2) The term “year” as used in this subsection shall refer to any consecutive twelve (12) month period. (3) A boarding charge of $8.00 per day will be added to the above amount before redemption of the animal. Page 237 of 281 ORDINANCE NO.2024-XX PAGE 3 (4) Any person claiming any animal that has not been vaccinated for rabies as required by the Texas Administrative Code, title 25, part 1, chapter 169 shall pay the appropriate impoundment fee, plus $10.00 per day for boarding. Upon release of the animal, the owner has ten (10) days to provide the animal control officer written proof signed by a licensed veterinarian that the animal has been vaccinated for rabies. If the animal control officer has not received written proof of the vaccination for rabies, the owner is in violation of Chapter 2 “Animal Control” and subject to the penalties prescribed in Section 2.01.002.” SECTION 4. CUMULATIVE This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other provisions of ordinances of the Town, except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event, the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council without the incorporatio n in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 7. SAVINGS All rights and remedies of the Town are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the ordinances of the Town that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this Ordinance, but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. Page 238 of 281 ORDINANCE NO.2024-XX PAGE 4 SECTION 8. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the caption and penalty clause of this Ordinance as required by Section 3.16 of the Town’s Charter. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 12th DAY OF AUGUST 2024. Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor ATTEST: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Page 239 of 281 Proposed Amendment to Chapter 2, Article 2.02, Impoundment. ARTICLE 2.02 IMPOUNDMENT § 2.02.001 Generally. (c) Disposition of unclaimed animals. At the end of such period, if the animal has not been claimed and the fees associated with the impoundment have not been paid to the town, the animal is deemed the property of the town and may be placed up for adoption by the town or euthanized as determined by the local rabies control authority made available for adoption or placed with a 501c3 rescue. Only in the cases of extreme illness, injury, or aggression, the town may euthanize the animal as determined by the local rabies control authority.. Page 240 of 281 Town Code of Ordinances Appendix A A1.006 Animal Control a) Impound fee: $10/day. a) The owner of an impounded domestic animal not under quarantine will pay the following fees in order to redeem such animal; provided, however, the fees shall be waived for the first impoundment of an animal fostered by a residential foster owner upon presentation of documentation that the animal has been placed in the foster care of the foster owner by a humane society: 1) First impoundment within one year$25.00 Second impoundment within one year35.00 Third impoundment within one year45.00 Fourth impoundment within one year55.00 Each additional impoundment within one year of first impoundment65.00 2) The term "year" as used in this subsection shall refer to any consecutive 12-month period. 3) A boarding charge of $8.00 per day will be added to the above amount before redemption of the animal. 4) Any person claiming any animal that has not been vaccinated for rabies as required by the Texas Administrative Code, title 25, part 1, chapter 169 shall pay the appropriate impoundment fee, plus $10.00 per day for boarding. Upon release of the animal, the owner has ten days to give the animal control officer written proof signed by a licensed veterinarian that the animal has been vaccinated for rabies. If the animal control officer has not received written proof of the vaccination for rabies, the owner is in violation of this section and subject to fines prescribed in this section. Page 241 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources AGENDA ITEM: Consider adding Veterans Day to the list of Town-recognized holidays for a total of 12 Town holidays. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town of Trophy Club currently observes 11 holidays during which Town operations are closed: Day Before Thanksgiving (½ Day) New Year’s Day Thanksgiving Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day Day After Thanksgiving Good Friday Day Before Christmas Eve (½ Day) Memorial Day Christmas Eve Independence Day Christmas Labor Day After reviewing the holiday policies of 107 other Metroplex agencies, including the Town’s 16 benchmark agencies, staff recommends adding Veterans Day to the Town's holiday calendar. Veterans Day is a nationally recognized holiday that honors the contributions of military veterans. Observing Veterans Day demonstrates the Town’s commitment to recognizing and valuing these significant national milestones. In addition, expanding the holiday schedule to include Veterans Day can enhance employee satisfaction and morale by offering additional time off for rest and personal reflection, contributing to a more balanced work-life environment. Regional Agencies TC Benchmark Agencies 107 Agencies 16 Agencies Average Number of Holidays 12.15 11.72 Percentage of Holidays Less than 11 19% 13% 11 24% 44% 12 21% 31% Page 242 of 281 13 13% 6% More than 14 22% 6% Lowest Number of Holidays 9 9 Highest Number of Holidays 21 19 BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for these two additional holidays has been accounted for in the FY 2025 Proposed Budget. The estimated cost to add the two holidays for public safety departments is $11,750, with Fire/EMS accounting for $6,700 and Police for $5,050. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: None ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve adding Veterans Day to the list of Town-recognized holidays for a total of 12 Town holidays. Page 243 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Brandon Wright, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM: Discuss potential membership changes to the Parks & Recreation Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment Board, Building Standards Commission, and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town Council is currently reviewing applications for new and returning members of several boards and commission. Boards and commissions are essential to provide good governance and public involvement into the Town's processes and programs. As membership of certain boards and commissions are reviewed, staff has three recommendations for the Town Council to consider. If desired, ordinances will be prepared and presented at future meetings to enact these changes. 1. Change the number of Parks & Recreation Board members from nine to seven. This change will reduce the number of Park & Recreation Board members from nine to seven, aligning its size with other Town board structures. This change intends to enhance the board's efficiency and effectiveness by ensuring a more manageable group size. A smaller board can facilitate better communication and decision-making processes, with each member having more opportunities to contribute. Due to the current number of vacancies on the board, this adjustment will not affect the membership of any existing members and will also reduce scheduling conflicts, making it easier to achieve a quorum and hold productive meetings. 2. Change the membership of the Building Standards Commission to be the same as those individuals appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Multiple members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment currently sit on the Building Standards Commission as these two bodies review requested changes from established zoning and/or building standards. With Trophy Club being largely built out, the number of cases considered by these two boards is very low and can be handled efficiently by the same individuals being appointed to both groups. 3. Change the membership of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Board to be the same membership as the Town Council. The TIRZ Board oversees the tax increment financing plan that was established in the area Page 244 of 281 around Trophy Wood Drive and SH 114. Council members are allowed by State law to act as the TIRZ Board, which is a practice that is commonly utilized in other cities and towns. This practice allows town councils to oversee the fiscal accountability of the TIRZ board more closely and ensure that the use of TIRZ is consistent with the short- and long-term goals of the community. The Trophy Club Town Charter has a provision that council members are prohibited from sitting on other boards and commissions. However, State law overrides the Town Charter when the two are in conflict, and State law specifically allows for council members to be the TIRZ board membership. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: None ACTIONS/OPTIONS: This agenda item is being presented for discussion purposes only. No official action will be taken by the Town Council during the meeting. Future agenda items may be prepared for Town Council consideration based on feedback collected during the Council Meeting. Page 245 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: April Duvall, Director of Finance AGENDA ITEM: Consider accepting the submission of the notice of a no-new-revenue tax rate of $0.395728 per $100 taxable valuation and a voter-approval tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 taxable valuation for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025, setting a not-to-exceed ad valorem tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 taxable valuation (equal to the voter-approval tax rate) for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025, and setting a tax rate public hearing for Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm. (April Duvall, Finance Director) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: State law mandates that municipalities must submit to their governing boards and publish in a local newspaper a notice outlining their no-new-revenue and voter-approval tax rates, along with the notice-and-hearing limit for the upcoming fiscal year. State law requires municipalities to submit to their governing boards and publish in a local newspaper a notice showing their no-new-revenue and voter-approval tax rates, as well as the notice-and-hearing limit for the upcoming fiscal year. • No-New-Revenue Tax Rate: This rate allows the public to evaluate the relationship between taxes for the current and upcoming fiscal years. It generates the same amount of tax revenue if applied to the same properties in both years. • Voter-Approval Tax Rate: This is the highest tax rate the Town can set without requiring an election. Municipalities that levied property taxes in 2023 and plan to levy them in 2024 must calculate both the no-new-revenue and voter-approval tax rates. • Calculation of No-New-Revenue Tax Rate: Generally, this rate equals the prior year’s taxes divided by the current taxable value of properties that were also on the tax roll in the prior year. • Calculation of Voter-Approval Tax Rate: This rate includes two components: an operating and maintenance rate (M&O) and a debt rate (I&S). It allows municipalities to raise 103.5 percent of the operating and maintenance money from the previous year, plus the necessary debt rate. State law also mandates the publication of these tax rates and a public hearing if the proposed Page 246 of 281 tax rate exceeds the no-new-revenue tax rate. Below are the no-new revenue (NNR) and voter-approval tax rates (VAR) for Trophy Club in the upcoming fiscal year (FY 2025). NNR $0.395728/$100 of taxable value VAR $0.415469/$100 of taxable value The VAR is calculated as follows: Voter-approval M&O rate $0.311044/$100 of taxable value Debt I&S rate $0.104425/$100 of taxable value Total VAR $0.415469/$100 of taxable value BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year's budget by an amount of $628,512, which is a 6.12 percent increase from last year's budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $134,787. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. FY 2025 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheets ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to accept the submission of the notice of a no- new-revenue tax rate of $0.395728 per $100 taxable valuation and a voter-approval tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 taxable valuation for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025, set a not-to-exceed ad valorem tax rate of $0.415469 per $100 taxable valuation (equal to the voter-approval tax rate) for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025, and set a tax rate public hearing for Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm. Page 247 of 281 Page 248 of 281 FY24-25 Proposed Tax Rate August 12, 2024 Page 249 of 281 Property taxes in Texas are divided into two main components: •Maintenance and Operations (M&O) and •Interest and Sinking (I&S) Each serves distinct purposes in the budgeting and financial management of local governments. Property Tax Rates - Explained Page 250 of 281 Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Rate Purpose: The M&O rate funds the day-to-day operations of local government entities, including municipalities, counties, and school districts. Uses: •Salaries and Wages: Paying employees, including administrative staff, police, firefighters, and teachers. •Utilities: Covering the costs of water, electricity, heating, and other essential services for government buildings and facilities. •Supplies and Materials: Procuring office supplies, maintenance materials, and other necessary items for daily operations. •General Maintenance: Routine upkeep of public buildings, parks, roads, and other infrastructure. •Services: Funding contracted services such as waste management, legal counsel, and other professional services. Maintenance and Operations Rate (M&O) Page 251 of 281 Interest and Sinking (I&S) Rate Purpose: The I&S rate, also known as the debt service rate, is used to repay debt incurred from issuing bonds and other long-term financial obligations. Uses: •Debt Repayment: Servicing the principal and interest payments on bonds issued for large capital projects. •Capital Improvements: Funding significant infrastructure projects such as building schools, roads, bridges, and public facilities. •Equipment Purchases: Acquiring major equipment and vehicles that require substantial upfront investment. Flexibility: The I&S rate provides flexibility for financing substantial investments over time, rather than requiring immediate full funding through the M&O budget. Interest & Sinking Rate (I&S) Page 252 of 281 Key Differences and Interrelationship Budget Scope: The M&O rate covers everyday operational costs, while the I&S rate is focused on long-term capital expenses and debt repayment. Funding Mechanism: M&O funds come directly from property tax revenues, whereas I&S funds are raised through debt issuance and repaid over time. Growth Limitation: M&O revenue growth is capped by law (3.5% without voter approval), whereas the I&S rate is more flexible, allowing local governments to finance large projects by issuing bonds. Voter Involvement: Voter approval is more commonly required, although not always for I&S-related expenditures (e.g., bond issuance) than for M&O expenses. Property Tax Rate Differences Page 253 of 281 Tax Rate Options Page 254 of 281 Questions? Page 255 of 281 44 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y Q U O T E C U R R E N T S T A T E p r o p o s e d b u d g e t FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year's budget by $628,512 or 6.1%, and of that amount, $134,787 is the tax revenue raised from new property added to the roll this year. Page 256 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calculation Notice Taxing Unit Name: TC>U.!t'.J rJi.. ¥y CJub Attached are the following documents: No New Revenue and Voter Approval Tax Rate Worksheets Notice of Tax Rates (required to be posted on taxing unit website) Approving Rates: Section 8 on worksheet shows the following rates No New Revenue Rate Voter Approval Rate Di Minimis Rate (if applicable) Please review these documents carefully and notify our office of any changes that need to be made . If any changes are made, our office will send out new documents including the revisions. Once you are satisfied that the calculation is correct, please sign this document stating that you approve the calculation worksheet that is attached to this document. Proposed M&O 0. ~\ \Q11 Proposed l&S L). ((;:}44d!°J (Maintenance & Operation Rate) (Interest & Sinking or Debt Rate) (proposed l&S rate must match line 48 on worksheet) Proposed Total Rate 0.41~ As a representative of TrCf('~ C \l tb , I approve the Tax Rate Calculation and have provided the proposed tax rate for the taxing entity listed above . Be rl I Du.ya.I I Prin d name ~DWI~ Signature Blt.ol~ Date Page 257 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet Form 50-856 Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water Districts TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ~-a~J-ci9CO Phone (area code and number/ u.b1X1 .......... ..._._. d GENERAL INFORMATION : Tax Co de Section 26.04(c) req uires an officer or em pl oyee designated by the governing body to calcu late the no-new-reven ue (NNR) tax rate and voter-approval tax rate for the taxing unit. These tax rates are expressed in do llars per $100 of taxab le value calculated. The calculation process starts after the chief appraiser delivers to the taxi ng un it the certified appraisa l roll and the estimated values of properties under protest. The designated officer or employee shall cert ify that the officer or employee has accu rately calculated the tax rates and used values shown for the certified app raisal roll or cert ified esti mate. Th e officer or em ployee su bmits the rates to the governing body by Aug. 7 or as soon thereafter as pract icable . School districts do not use this form, but instead use Comptrol ler Form 50-859 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet, School District without Chapter 313 Agreements or Comptroller Form 50-884 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet, School District with Chapter 313 Agreements. Water districts as defi ned under Water Code Section 49.001 (1) do no t use t his form , but instead use Comptroller Form 50-858 Water District Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet for Low Tax Rate and Developin g Districts or Comptroller Form 50-860 Developed Water District Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet. The Comptroller's office provides this worksheet to assist taxing units in determining tax rates . The information provided in this worksheet is offered as technical assistance and not legal advice . Taxing units should consult legal counsel for interpretations of law rega rding tax rate pre paration and adoption. SECTION 1: No-New-Revenue Tax Rate The NNR tax rate enables the public to evaluate the relatio nship between taxes for the prior year and for the current year based on a ta x rate that would produce the same amo unt of taxes (no new taxes) if applied to the same properties that are t axe d in bot h years. When appraisa l values increase, t he NNR tax rate should decrease . The NNR tax rate fo r a county is the sum of the NNR tax rates calculated for each type of tax the county levies. While uncommo n, it is possible for a taxing unit to provide an exem pt ion for onl y ma intenance and operations taxes . In th is case, the taxing unit will need to calculate the NNR tax rate separately for t he maintenance an d operations tax and the debt tax, then add the two components together. r,,.;.'-' .~ !!,:.;•,~---':>>. ,, ,-/··, -::-~•·_,:,_...,.75~~-enue Tax Rate Worksheet ., .. :.:_~ ;, ,. L 1. Pr ior year total taxable value . Enter the amount of the prior year taxable value on the prior year tax roll today. Include any adjustments since last year 's certificatio n; exclude Tax Code Section 2S .25(d) one-fourth and one-third over-appraisal corrections from these adj ustments . Exclude any property value subject to an appeal under Chapter 42 as of July 25 (will ad d undisputed value in Line 6). This tota l inc ludes t he ta xa ble value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in Line 2) and the captured value for tax increment financing (adjustment is made by deducting TIF taxes, as reflected in Li ne 17).' 2. Prior yea r tax ceilings. Counties, cities and junior college districts . Enter the prior year total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings . These incl ude the homestea ds of homeow ners age 65 or older or disabled . Other tax ing units enter 0. If your taxi ng unit adopted the tax ceiling provision last year or a prior year for homeowners age 65 or ol der or disab led , use this step.' 3. Preliminary prior yea r adjusted taxable value. Subtract Li ne 2 from Line 1. 4. Pr ior year total adopted tax rate . 5. Prior year taxab le va lue lost because court appeals of ARB de ci sions reduced the prior year's app raised value . A. Original prior year ARB values: ....................................................................... $ 57 ,274,410 B. Pr ior year values resulting from final court decisions : ................................................ _ $ 48,468,441 C. Pr ior year va lue los s. Subtract B from A.' 6. Prior year taxable value subject to an appeal under Chapter 42 , as of July 25. A. Prio r year ARB certified value : ....................................................................... $ 11 ,973 ,900 B. Pr ior year disputed value: ............................................................................ _ $ 2,394,780 C. Prior year und isputed value . Subtract B from A.• 7. Prior year Chapter 42 re lated adjusted values . Add Line SC and Line 6C. 'Tex. Tax Code §26.012(14) 'Tex. Ta x Code §26.012(14) 1 Tex. Ta x Code §26.012(13) •Tex.Ta x Code §26.012(13) • \';Ainount/Rate $ 3,000,243,027 $ 544,198 ,083 $ 2,456 ,044 ,944 $ 0.415469 /$100 $ 8,805 ,969 $ 9,579 ,120 $ 18,385 ,089 Form developed by : Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Property Tax Assistance Division For additional copies , visit : comptroller.texas .gov/taxes/property-tax 50-856 • 11 -23/11 Page 258 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calcula tion Wor ksheet-Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water District s wit ... aalliiir•~ .. , ,,_; ...... ,c-,•. ·' =iiii[~nue T,ax Rate Works'1eet '"'~~ ·,-:, .. 8. Pr ior year taxable value, adj usted fo r actual and potential court -ordered adjustments . Add Line 3 and Line 7. 9. Pri or yea r taxable va lue of property in terr ito ry the taxing unit deannexed after Jan . 1, 2024. Enter the prior year value of property in deannexed territory. 5 10. Pr ior year taxable va lue lost because prope rty firs t qual ifi ed fo r an exemp ti on in t he cur rent year. If the taxing unit increased an original exemption , use the difference between the original exempted amount and the increased exempted amount. Do not include value lost due to Freeport, goods -in-transit, temporary disaster exemptions . Note that lower ing the amount or percentage of an existing exemption in the current year does not create a new exemption or reduce taxable value . A. Absolute exempt ions . Use prior year market value: .................................................... $ 87 ,290 B. Pa rtial exempt ions . Current year exemption amount or current year percentage exemption + $ 3,850 ,874 times prior year value: ................................................................................. C. Value loss . Add A and 8. • 11. Pri or year ta xable val ue lo st because prope rty first qual ified for agr icultural appra is al (1-d or 1-d-1 ), timber appra isal , recreat iona l/ scenic appraisal or public access airport special appraisal in the current year. Use on ly properties that qualifie d for the first time in the cur- rent year; do not use proper-ties that qualified in the prior year. A. Pri or ye ar ma rket va lue : .............................................................................. s 0 B. Current yea r product ivity or spe ci al app raised va lue: ................................................ -$ 0 C. Value loss . Subtract B from A. 7 12. Total ad j ustment s fo r lost va lue . Add Lines 9, 1 0C and 11 C. 13 . Prior year cap t ured valu e of prope rt y in a TIF. Enter the total value of the prior year captured appraised value of property taxable by a tax- ing unit in a tax increment financing zone for which the prior year taxes were deposited into the ta x increment fund .' If the taxing unit has no captured appraised value in line 1 BD, enter 0. 14. Pr ior yea r total value . Subtract Line 12 and Line 13 from Line 8. 15. Adjusted pr ior year tota l levy. Multiply Line 4 by Line 14 and divide by $100. 16. Taxes refunded for ye ars preced ing the pri or tax yea r. Enter the amount of taxes refunded by the taxing unit for tax years preceding the prior tax year. Types of refunds include court decisions, Tax Code Sectio n 2S .2 S(b ) and (c) corrections and Tax Code Section 31 .11 payment errors . Do not include refunds for the prior tax year. This line app lies only to tax years preceding the prior tax year.' 17. Ad j usted pri or year le vy with refunds and TIF adjustment. Add Lines 15 and 16 . 10 18. Tota l current year taxable value on t he cur rent year ce rt ified appraisal ro ll today. This value includes only certified values or certified esti- mate of va lues and includes the tota l taxable value of homestea ds with tax ceilings (will deduct in Line 20). These homesteads include home - owners age 65 or older or disabled . 11 A. Certified valu es: ...................................................................................... s 3,234 ,388 ,391 8. Count ies : Include railroad rolling stock values certified by the Comptroller 's office: ....................... +$ C. Po ll ut ion con trol and en ergy storage sy stem exempt ion : Deduct the va lue of property exempted -s 0 for the current tax year for the first time as pollution control or energy storage system property : ........... D. Tax increment financing : Deduct the current year captured appraised value of property ta xable by a taxing unit in a tax increment financing zone for which the current year taxes will be deposited into the tax increment 24,089,033 fund . Do not include any new property value that will be included in Line 23 below. 12 ••••.••.•..••.....•. - $ E. Total current year value . Add A and B, then subtract C and D. 'Tex. Tax Code §26.012(1 S) 'Tex. Tax Code §26.012(15) 'Tex. Tax Code §26.012(15) •Tex.Ta x Code §26.03(c) •Tex.Tax Code §26.012(13) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .012(13) "Tex. Ta x Code §26 .012, 26.04(c-2) "Tex. Tax Code §26.0J(c) For additional copies , visit: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax Fo rmS0 -856 ~= =-mount/Rate S 2,474 ,430 ,033 s 0 $ 3,938 ,164 $ 0 S 3,938,164 $ 18 ,8 48 ,904 S 2,451 ,642 ,965 $ 10,185,816 S 39,509 $ 10,225 ,325 S 3,210,299,358 Pag e2 Page 259 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet-Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water Dist ricts FormS0-856 nue Tax Rate Worksheet 19 . Total value of properties under protest or not included on certified appraisal roll. " A. Current year taxable value of properties under protest. The ch ie f appraiser cert ifies a list of properties still unde r ARB protest. The list shows the appraisal district 's value and the ta xpayer 's claimed value, if any, or an estimate of the value if the taxpayer wins . For each of the properties und er protest, use the lowest of these values . Enter the total value under protest. "... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 5,049 ,255 B. Current year value of properties not under protest or included on certified appraisal roll . Th e chief appraiser gives ta xi ng un its a list of those ta xable properties that the chief app raiser knows about but are not included in the appraisal roll certification . These propertie s also are not on the list of properties that are still und er protest. On this list of properties, the chief appraiser includes the market value, appraised value and exemptions for the preceding year and a rea sonable estimate of the market value , appraised value and exemptions for the current year. Use the low er mar ket, appraised or ta xable value (as appropriate ). Enter the tota l value of property not on the certifi ed ro ll. 15 . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + s _4_1_•9_8_5 ____ _ C. Total value under protest or not certified . Add A and B. $ 5,091,240 20 . Current year tax ceilings . Counties, cities and junior colleges enter current year total taxable value of homesteads with ta x ceilings . Th ese include the home-steads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled . Oth er t axi ng unit s enter O. If your ta xi ng unit adopted the ta x ceiling pro- vision in the prior year or a previous year for homeowners age 65 or older or di sabled , use this st ep." $ 599,022 .4 15 te 21. Current year total taxable value. Add Line s 18E and 19C. Subtract Line 20. 17 $ 2,616 ,368 ,18 3 22. Total current year taxable value of propert ie s in territory annexed after Jan. 1, of the prior year. Include both real and personal pr operty. Enter the current year value of property in territory anne xed . 18 $ O ------- 23 . Total current year taxable value of new improvements and new personal property located in new improvements . New mean s the item was not on the appraisal roll in the prio r year. An improvement is a building, structure, fixture or fence erected on or affi xed to land . New additions to existing improvements may be included if the appraised value can be determined . New personal property in a new improvement must have been brought into the taxing unit after Jan . 1, of the prior year and be located in a new improvement. New improv ements do include property on which a tax abatement agreement has expired for the current year. " $ 32,441 ,992 24. Total adjustments to the current year taxable value. Add Lines 22 and 23 . $ 32 ,4 41 ,992 25. Adjusted current year taxable value. Subtract Line 24 from Line 21 . $ 2,583 ,926 ,191 26. Current year NNR tax rate. Divide Line 17 by Line 25 and multiply by $100. 20 $ 0.395728 /$100 27 . COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the NNR tax rates for each type of ta x the county lev ies . The total is the current year county NNR ta x rat e." _____ /$100 SECTION 2: Voter-Approval Tax Rate The voter-approval tax rate is the highest ta x rate that a ta xing unit may adopt wi thout holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate . Th e voter-approval tax ra te is spli t into two separate rates : 1. Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate: The M&O portion is the tax ra te that is needed to rai se the same amount of ta xes th at the taxing un it levied in th e pr ior year plus the app licable percentage allowed by law. This rate accounts for such thing s as salaries, utilities and day -to -day operations . 2. Debt Rate : The deb t rate includes the debt serv ice necessary to pay the ta xing unit's debt payments in the coming year. This rate ac counts for principal and interest on bonds and other debt secured by property tax revenue . The voter-approval tax rate for a county is the sum of the voter-approval ta x rates calculated for each typ e of ta x the county levies . In mos t cases the voter-approval ta x rate exceeds the no -new-revenue tax rate, but occasionally decreases in a taxing unit's debt service will cause the NNR tax rate to be higher than the voter-app roval tax rate . rov1l Ta11 Rate Worksheet 28 . Prior year M&O tax rate. Enter the prior year M&O ta x rate . $ 0.315670 29. Prior year taxable value, adjusted for actual and potential court -ordered adjustments. Enter the amount in Line 8 of the No -New-Revenue Ta x Rate Worksheet. $ 2.474 ,430 ,033 "Tex. Tax Code §26.01 (c) and (d) "Tex. Tax Code §26.0l(c) "Tex. Tax Code §26.0l(d) "Tex. Tax Code §26.012 (6)(8) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .012(6) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .012(1 n "Tex. Tax Code §26.01 2(1n "Tex. Tax Code §26 .04(c) "Tex. Tax Cod e §26 .04(d) For additiona l copies , v isit: comptroller.texas .gov/tax es/p roperty-tax /$100 Pa ge3 Page 260 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet-Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water Districts val Tax Rate Worksheet 30 . Total prior year M&O levy. Multiply Line 28 by Line 29 and divide by $100 31. Adjusted prior year levy for calculating NNR M&O rate . A. M&O taxes refunded for years preceding the prior tax year. Enter the amount of M&O ta xes refunded in the preceding year for ta xes before that year. Types of refunds include court decisions, Tax Code Section 25 .25(b) and (c) corrections and Tax Code Section 31.11 paym ent errors . Do not include refu nds for ta x year 2023 . This line applies only to ta x years pre ceding th e prior tax year ..... . . . . . . + S _30_,_3_99 ____ _ B. Prior year taxes in TIF. Enter the amount of ta xes paid into the ta x increment fund for a reinv estment zone as ag reed by the ta xing unit. If the taxing un it has no curren t year cap t ured appraised value in Line 18D, enter 0....................................................................................... -s _7_6_,0_4_2 ___ _ C. Prior year transferred function . If di scont in uing all of a department, function or activity and transferring it to another taxing unit by written contract, enter the amount sp ent by the ta xing unit discontinuing the function in th e 12 months preceding th e mon th of this calcula tion. If the taxing unit did not operate this function for this 12 -mon t h period , us e the amount spent in the last full fiscal year in which the ta xing unit op erated the function . The ta xing unit discontinuing the function will subtract this amount in D below . The taxing unit receiving the fun ct ion will add th is amount in D below . Other taxing units enter 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +/-S _o ______ _ D. Prior year M&O levy adjustments . Subtract B from A. For taxing unit with C, subtract if discontinuing function and add if receiving function .................................................... . E. Add Line 30 to 31 D. 32. Adjusted current year taxable value. Enter the amount in Line 25 of the No -Ne w-Revenue Ta x Ra te Worksheet. 33 . Current year NNR M&O rate (unadjusted). Divide Li ne 31 E by Lin e 32 and multiply by $100 . 34. Rate adjustment for state criminal justice mandate. 23 A. Current year state criminal justice mandate . Enter the amount sp ent by a county in the previous 12 months providing for the maintenance and operation cost of keeping inm ates in county-paid facilities after t hey S -45 ,643 have been sentenced. Do not include any state reimbursement received by the county for the same purpose. S _o ______ _ B. Prior year state criminal justice mandate. Enter the amount sp ent by a county in th e 12 months prior to the previous 12 months providing for th e maintenance and operation cost of keepi ng inmates in county-paid facilities after they have been sentenced . Do not includ e any state reimbursement received by the coun ty for the same purpose . Ent er zero if this is the first tim e th e mandat e app lies ................. -S _0 ______ _ C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by $100 ........................................... . D. Enter the ra te calculated in C. If not applicable , enter 0. 35 . Rate adjustment for indigent health care expenditures . 24 A. Current year indigent health care expenditures. Ent er the amount paid by a tax ing unit prov iding for the maintenance and operat ion cost of providing indige nt health care for the period beginning on S 0.00 00 00 July 1, of the prior ta x year and ending on June 30 , of the current ta x year, les s any state assi stance rece ived for the sam e purpo se . $ 0 B. Prior year indigent health care expenditures . Enter the amount pa id by a ta xi ng unit prov iding for the mai ntenance and operatio n cost of providing indig ent health care for the period beginning on July 1, 2022 and ending on June 30, 2023 , less any state assistance receiv ed /$100 for the same purpose ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -s _o ______ _ C. Subtract B from A and di vide by Line 32 and mult ipl y by $100 ........................................... . D. Enter the rate calculated in C. If not applicable, enter 0. n [Reserved fo r expansion} u Tex. Tax Code §26 .044 "Tex. Tax Code §26 .0441 For additional copi es , v isi t : comp t roller.tex as.gov/taxes/property-tax S 0.00 0000 /$100 Form 50-856 nt/Rllte S 7,811 ,033 S 7,765 ,390 $ 2,583 ,926 ,191 S 0.300526 /$100 S 0.00000 0 /$100 S 0.00 0000 /$100 Page4 Page 261 of 281 I Tax Rate Workshee 36 . Rate adjustment for county indigent defense compensation . 25 A. Current year indigent defense compensation expenditures . Enter the amount paid by a county to provide appointed counsel for indigent ind ividuals and fund the operations of a public defender 's office under Art icle 26 .044, Code of Criminal Procedure for the period beginning on July 1, of t he prior tax year and ending on June 30 ,of the current tax year, less any state grants received by the county for the same purpose .. . . . . . . . . S _o _____ _ B. Prior year indigent defense compensation expenditures. Enter the amount paid by a county to provide appointed counsel for indigent individuals and fund the operations of a public defender 's office under Article 26.044, Code of Criminal Procedure for the period beginning on July 1, 2022 and end ing on June 30, 2023, less any state grants received by the county for the same purpose .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S _o _____ _ C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by $100 ........................................... . D. Multiply B by 0.05 and divide by Line 32 and multiply by $100 ........................................... . E. Enter the lesser of C and D. If not applicable, enter 0. 37. Rate adjustment for county hospital expenditures." A. Current year eligible county hospital expenditures. Enter t he amount paid by the county or municipality to maintain and operate an eligi ble county hospital for the period beginning on July 1, of the prior tax year and $ 0 .000000 $ 0.000000 /$100 /$100 ending on June 30, of the current ta x year.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S _o _____ _ B. Prior year eligible county hospital expenditures. Enter the amount paid by the county or municipality to maintain and operate an eligible county hospital for the period beginning on July 1, 2022 and en ding on June 30, 2023. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s _o _____ _ C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and mul t iply by $100 ........................................... . D. Multiply B by 0.08 and divide by Line 32 and multiply by $100 ........................................... . E. Enter the lesser of C and D, if applicable . If not applicable, enter 0. S 0.00 0000 $ 0.000000 /$100 /$100 38. Rate adjustment for defunding municipality. This adjustment only applies to a municipality that is considered to be a defunding mun icipal - ity for the current tax year under Chapter 109, Local Government Code . Chapter 109, Local Government Code only applies to municipalities with a population of more than 250,000 and includes a written determination by the Office of the Governor. See Tax Code Section 26.0444 for more information . A. Amount appropriated for public safety in the prior year. Enter the amount of money appropriated for public safety in the budget adopted by the municipality for the preceding fiscal year ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S _o _____ _ B. Expenditures for public safety in the prior year. Enter the amount of money spent by the municipality for public safety during the preceding fiscal year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S _0 _____ _ C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by $100 .......................................... . $ 0.00000 0 /$100 D. Enter the rate calculated in C. If not applicable, enter 0. 39. Adjusted current year NNR M&O rate . Add Lines 33 , 34D, 35D, 36E, and 37E . Subtract Line 38D. 40 . Adjustment for prior year sales tax specifically to reduce property taxes . Cities, counties and hospital districts that collected and spent additional sales tax on M&O expenses in the prior year should complete this line . These entities will deduct the sales tax gain rat e for the current year in Section 3. Other taxing units, enter zero . A. Enter the amount of additional sales tax collected and spent on M&O expe ns es in the prior year, if any. Counties must exclude any amount that was spent for economic development grants from the amount of sales tax spent... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s _o _____ _ B. Divide Line 40A by Line 32 and multiply by $100 ....................................................... . C. Add Line 40B to Line 39 . 41. Current year voter-approval M&O rate. Enter the rate as calculated by the appropriate scenario below. Special Taxing Unit. If the taxing unit qualifies as a special taxing unit, multiply Line 40C by 1.08. -or - OtherTaxing Unit. If the ta xing unit does not qualify as a special ta xi ng unit, multiply Line 40C by 1 .035 . H Tex. Tax Code §26.0442 H Tex. Tax Code §26.0443 For additional copi es, visit : comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax $ 0.000000 /$100 Form 50-856 te S 0.000000 /$100 S 0.000000 /$100 S 0.000000 /$100 $ 0.300526 /$100 $ 0.300526 /$100 $ 0.311044 /$100 Page 5 Page 262 of 281 -;• ,;~ '~ Jl),'.·,•."; .. ,;t -~., .. -.-.:·.; valJ~ Rate Works heet ''J •• ,~ •• ,. '·- D41 . Disaster Line 41 (D41 ): Current year voter-approval M&O rate for tax ing unit affected by disaster declaration . If the taxing unit is locat- ed in an area declared a disaster area and at least one person is granted an exemption under Tax Code Section 11 .35 for property located in the taxing unit, the governing body may direct the person calculating the voter-approval tax rate to calculate in the manner provided for a special taxing unit. The taxi ng unit shall contin ue to calculate t he voter-ap proval tax rate in this manner unt il the earlier of 1) the first year in which total taxable value on the certified appraisa l roll exceeds the total taxable value of the tax year in which the disaster occurred, or 2) the third tax year after the tax year in which the disaster occurred If the taxing unit qualifies under this scenario, multiply Line 40C by 1 .08 . 27 If the taxing unit does not qualify, do not complete Disaster Li ne 41 (Line D41). 42 . To tal current year debt to be pa id with prope rty ta xes and add itiona l sale s ta x revenue . Debt means the interest and pr incipal that will be paid on debts that: (1) are paid by property taxes, (2) are secured by property taxes, (3 ) are sc heduled for payment over a period longer than one year, and (4) are not classified in the taxing unit's budget as M&O expenses . A. Debt also includes contractual payments to other taxing units that have incurred de bts on behalf of this taxi ng unit, if those debts meet the four conditions above . Include only amounts that will be paid from property tax revenue . Do not include appraisal district budget payments . If the governing body of a taxing unit authorized or agreed to authorize a bond , warrant, cert ificate of obligation , or ot her evi dence of indebte dness on or after Sept. 1, 2021 , verify if it meets the amended definition of debt before including it here. 2• Enter debt amount .................................................................................... $ 3,096,559 B. Subtract unencumbered fund amount used to reduce total debt. ...................................... -$ 0 C. Subtract cert ified amount spent from sales ta x to reduce deb t (enter zero if none) .................... -$ 0 D. Subtract amoun t pa id from other resources ............................................................ -$ 0 E. Adjusted debt . Subtract B, C and D from A. 43. Ce rt ified prior yea r exce ss debt collection s. Enter the amount certified by the collector. 29 44. Adj usted cur rent year debt . Subtract Line 43 from Line 42E . 45 . Current year ant icipated collect ion rate. A. Enter the current year anticipated collection rate certified by the collector. 30 ........•..•.........•..•..•.. 100.00 B. Enter the prior year actual collection rate ................................................. , .............. 99 .70 C. Enter the 2022 actual collection ra t e .................................................................... 100 .07 D. Enter the 2021 actual collection rate .................................................................... 99 .50 E. If the anticipated collection rate in A is lower than actua l collection rates in B, C and D, enter the lowest collection rate from B, C and D. If the anticipated rate in A is higher than at least one of the rates in the prior three years, enter the rate from A. Note that the rate can be greater than 100%. 31 46. Cur rent year debt adju sted for collect ions . Divide Line 44 by Line 45E . 47 , Current year total taxab le value. Enter the amount on Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. 48 . Current year debt rat e. Divide Line 46 by Line 47 and multiply by $100 . 49 . Cur rent year voter-app roval tax ra te. Add Lines 41 and 48 . D49 . Disaster Line 4 9 (D49): Cur rent year vote r-approva l tax rate for ta xi ng un it affected by disa ster declaratio n. Complete this line if the taxing unit calculated the voter-approval tax rate in the ma nner provided for a special taxing unit on Line D41 . Add Line D41 and 48 . "Tex. Tax Code §26.042(a) "Tex. Tax Code §26.012(7) "Tex. Tax Code §26.012(1 0) and 26.04{b) ~Tex.Tax Code §26.04(b) "Tex. Tax Code §§26.04(h), (h· 1) and (h ·2) For additional copies , visit: comptro ller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax % % % % FormS0 -856 '"' .,, •• -ate $ 0.000000 /$100 $ 3,096 ,559 $ 364,408 $ 2,732 ,151 100.00 % $ 2,732 ,151 $ 2,616 ,368 ,183 S 0.104425 /$100 S 0.415469 /$100 $ 0.000000 /$100 Page6 Page 263 of 281 Units Oth er Th an School Distr icts or Water Districts rova l Tax Rate Worksheet 50 . COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the voter-approval tax rates for each type of ta x th e county levies . The total is the current year county voter-approv- al tax rate . Fo rm 50 -856 untJRate 0.000000 $ _____ /$10 0 SECTION 3: NNR Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustments for Additional Sales Tax to Reduce Property Taxes Cities, counties and hos pital districts may levy a sales tax specifically to reduce property ta xes. Local voters by election must approve imposing or abolishing the additional sales tax . If approved, t he taxing unit must reduce its NNR and voter-approval tax rates to offset t he expected sales tax revenue . This section should only be completed by a county, city or hospital district that is required to adjust its NNR tax rate and /or voter-approva l tax rate because it adopted the additional sales tax . tin• C ••· ·" ,, '£·7f:._f; <:::i,f; • •• :'"""1iSa ltsand UseT~xWorksheet -~-· •. .,·, .-· ~Aini.untJRate . ,... .-,;; 51. Taxable Sales . For taxing units that adopted the sales tax in November of the prior ta x year or May of the current tax year, enter the Comptroller 's estimate of taxable sa les for the previous four quarters. 31 Estimates of taxable sales may be obtained through the Comptroller 's Allocation Historical Summary web page . Taxing units that adopted the sales tax before November of the prior year, enter 0. 0 $ 52 . Estimated sales tax revenue . Counties exclude any amount that is or will be spent for economic development grants from the amount of esti · mated sales tax revenue . 33 Tax ing units that adopted the sales ta x in November of the pr ior tax year or in May of the current tax year. Multiply the amount on Line 51 by the sales ta x rate (.01 , .005 or .0025 , as applicable) and multiply th e result by .95 . 34 -or - Taxing units that adopted the sales tax before November of the pr ior year. Enter the sales tax revenue for the pr evious four quarters . Do not multiply by .95 . 0 s 53 . Current year tota l taxab le value . Enter the amount from Li ne 21 of the No -New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. 2,616 ,368 ,183 s S4 . Sales tax adjustment rate . Divide Line 52 by Line 53 and multiply by $ 100. 0.0000 00 s /$100 ss. Current year NNR tax rate , unadjusted for sales tax.35 Enter the rate from Line 26 or 27, as applicable , on the No-New-Revenue Ta x Rate Worksheet. 0.395728 $ /$1 00 S6 . Current year NNR tax rate , adjusted for sales tax . Taxing units that adopted the sales ta x in November the prior tax year or in May of t he current tax yea r. Subtract Line 54 from Line 55 . Skip to Line 57 if you adopted the additional sales tax before November of the prior tax year. 0.395728 s /$10 0 S7 . Current year voter -approval tax rate , unadjusted for sales tax. 36 Enter the rate from Line 49, Line D49 (disaster) or Line 50 (counties ) as applicable , of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet. 0.415469 s /$100 S8. Cu rr ent year voter-approval tax rate , adjusted for sales tax . Subtract Line 54 from Line 57 . 0.415469 $ /$100 SECTION 4: Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustment for Pollution Control A taxi ng unit may raise its rate for M&O funds used to pa y for a faci lity, device or method for t he co ntro l of ai r, water or la nd pollution . This includes any land, structure, building, installation , exca vation, machinery, equipme nt or device that is used, constructed , acquired or installed wholly or partly to meet or exceed pollution control requirements. The taxing unit's expenses are those necessary to meet the requirements of a permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The taxing unit must provide the tax assessor wit h a copy of the TCEQ letter of determinat ion that states the portion of the cost of the installation for po ll ution control. This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that uses M&O funds to pay for a facility, de vice or method for the co ntro l of air, water or land pollution . S9 . Certified expenses from the Texas Commission on Env ironmental Quality (TCEQ). Enter the amount certified in the determinatio n letter from TCEQ. 37 Th e taxing unit shall provide its tax assessor-collector with a copy of the letter. 38 60. Cu rrent year total taxable value . Enter the amount from Line 21 of the No -New -Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. 61 . Add itional rate for pollut ion control . Divide Line 59 by Line 60 and multiply by $100 . "Tex. Ta x Code §2 6.04 1(d) "Tex. Ta x Code §2 6.04 1(i) M Tex. Ta x Code §26.04 1(d) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .04{c) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .04{c) "Tex. Ta x Code §26.04S (d) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .04S (i) For addit ional copies, vis it: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax te 0 $ ______ _ 2,616 ,368 ,18 3 $ ______ _ 0.000000 $ ____ ~/$100 Pa ge l Page 264 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calcu lation Worksheet-Taxing Units Other Than School Distr icts or Wate r Dis tr icts 62 . Current year voter-approval tax rate, adjusted for pollut ion control. Add Line 61 to one of the following lines (as applicable): Line 49, Line D49 (disaste r), Line 50 (counties) or Line 58 (taxing units with the additional sales tax). SECTION 5: Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustment for Unused Increment Rate FormS0 -856 ate S 0.415469 /$100 The unused increment rate is the rate equal to the sum of the prior 3 years Foregone Revenue Amounts divided by the cu rrent taxable value . 39 The Foregone Revenue Amount for each year is equal to that year 's adopted tax rate subtracted from that year's voter-approval tax rate adjuste d to remove the un used increment rate multiplied by that year 's current total value .'° In a year where a taxing unit adopts a rate by applying any portion of the unused increment rate , the portion of the unused increment rate that was used must be backed out of the calculation for that year. The difference between the adopted tax rate and adjusted voter-approval tax rate is considered zero in the following scenarios : a tax year in which a taxing unit affected by a disaster declaration calculates the tax rate under Tax Code Section 26 .042 ; 41 a tax year in which t he municipality is a defunding municipality, as defined by Ta x Code Section 26 .0501 (a);" or after Jan . 1, 2022, a tax year in which the comptroller determines that the county implemented a budget reduction or reallocation descr ibed by Local Government Code Section 120 .002(a) without the required voter approval." Individual components can be negative, but the overall rate will be the greater of zero or the calculated rate . This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that does not meet t he defin iti on of a special ta xing unit."' ncrement Rate Worksheet 63. Year 3 Foregone Revenue Amount . Subtract the 2023 unused increment rate and 2023 actual ta x rate from the 2023 vote r-approva l tax rate . Multiply t he re sult by the 2023 cur rent total value A. Voter-a pproval ta x rate (Line 67) .................................................................................................... . B. Unused increment rate (Line 66) .................................................................................................... . C. Subtract B from A .................................................................................................................. . D. Adopted Tax Rate .................................................................................................................. . E. Subtract D from C .................................................................................................................. . F. 2023 Total Taxable Value (Line 60) ................................................................................................... . G. Multiply Eby F and divide the results by $100 ....................................................................................... . 64 . Year 2 Fo regone Revenue Amount. Subtract the 2022 unused increment rate and 2022 actua l tax rate from the 2022 vo ter-app roval tax rate. Multiply the result by the 2022 current total value A. Voter-ap proval tax rate (Line 67) .................................................................................................... . B. Unused increment rate (Li ne 66) .................................................................................................... . C. Subtract B from A .................................................................................................................. . D. Adopted Tax Rate .................................................................................................................. . E. Subtract D from C ................................................................................................................. .. F. 2022 Total Taxable Value (Line 60) ................................................................................................... . G. Multip ly Eby F and divide the resu lts by $100 ....................................................................................... . 65 . Year 1 Foregone Revenue Amount. Subtract the 2021 unused increment rate and 2021 actual ta x rate from the 2021 vote r-app roval tax rate . Multiply the result by the 2021 current total value A. Voter-approval tax rate (Li ne 67) .................................................................................................... . B. Unused increment rate (Line 66) .................................................................................................... . C. Subtract B from A .................................................................................................................. . D. Adopted Tax Rate .................................................................................................................. . E. Subtract D from C .................................................................................................................. . F. 2021 Total Taxable Value (Line 60) ................................................................................................... . G. Multiply Eby F and divide the results by $100 ....................................................................................... . 66 . Total Foregone Revenue Amount. Add Lines 63G, 64G and 65G 67 . 2024 Unused Increment Rate. Divide Line 66 by Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Rate Worksheet. Multi ply the resu lt by 100 68. Total 2024 voter-approva l tax rate , includ ing the unused increment rate . Add Line 67 to on e of the following lines (as applicabl e): Line 49 , Line 50 (cou nties), Line 58 (taxing units with additio nal sales tax) or Line 62 (ta xing units with pollution) "Tex. Tax Code §26.0B(b) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .013 {a)(1 ·a), (1 ·b), and (2) " Tex. Ta x Code §§26.04 (c)(2)(A) and 26.042 (a) "Tex. Tax Code §§26 .0S0l (a) and (c) "Tex. Local Gov't Code §120.007(d) "Tex. Local Gov't Code §120.007(d) For additional copies , visit : comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax $ 0.415469 $ 0 .011878 S 0.403591 S 0.415469 S -0 .011878 $ 2 .501.446.099 $ -297 .122 $ 0.446677 $ 0.026763 S 0 .419914 $ 0.434799 S -0 .014885 $ 2.179.896.855 $ -324.478 $ 0 .471763 S 0 .020157 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 /$100 $ 0.451606 /$10 0 $ 0.445000 /$100 $ 0 .006606 /$100 $ 1,979.625.926 S 130 .774 s _o _____ .1 s100 S 0 .000000 /$100 S 0.415469 /$100 Page8 Page 265 of 281 2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet-Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water Districts FormS0 -856 SECTION 6: De Minim is Rate The de minim is rate is the rate equal to the sum of the no-new-reve nue maintenance and operations rate , the rate that will raise $500 ,000 , and the current debt rate for a taxing unit. 44 This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that is a municipality of less than 30,000 or a taxing unit that does not meet the defini tio n of a special taxing unit. 45 unt/Rate 69. Adjusted current year NNR M&O tax rate. Enter the rate from Line 39 of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet. 0.300526 70. Current year total taxable value. Enter the amount on Line 21 of the No-New -Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. 2,616,368 ,183 $ ______ _ 71. Rate necessary to impose $500,000 in taxes. Divide $500,000 by Line 70 and multiply by S 100. 0.0191 10 $ _____ /$100 72. Current year debt rate. Enter the rate from Line 48 of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet. 0.104425 $ _____ /$100 73 , De min imis rate . Add Lines 69, 71 an d 72 . 0.424061 S _____ /$100 SECTION 7: Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustment for Emergency Revenue Rate In the tax year after the end of the disaster calculat ion time period detailed in Ta x Code Section 26 .042(a), a taxing unit that calculated its voter-approval tax rate in the manner prov ided for a special taxing unit due to a disaster must calculate its emergency revenue rate and redu ce its voter-a pproval tax rate for that year.48 Similarly, if a taxing unit adopted a tax rate that exceeded its voter-a pprov al ta x rate, calculated normally, without holding an electi on to respond to a disaster, as allowed by Ta x Code Section 26 .042(d), in the prior year, it must also reduce its voter-approva l ta x rate for the current tax year. 49 This section will apply to a taxing unit other t han a special taxing unit that: directed the designated officer or employee to calculate the voter-approval tax rate of t he taxing unit in the manner provided for a specia l taxing unit in the prior year; and the current year is the first tax year in which the total taxable value of property taxable by the taxing unit as shown on the appraisal roll for the taxing unit submitted by the assessor for the taxing uni t to the governing body exceeds the total taxable value of property taxa ble by the taxing unit on January 1 of t he tax year in which the disaster occurred or the disa ste r occurred four years ago .This section will apply to a ta xing unit in a disast er area that adopted a tax rate greater than its voter-approval ta x rate without holding an election in the prior year. Note : This sectio n does not apply if a taxing unit is cont in uing to calculate its voter-approval tax rate in the manner provided for a special ta xing unit because it is still within the disaster calculation time pe ri od deta iled in Tax Code Section 26 .042(a ) because it has not met the conditions in Tax Code Section 26 .042(a )(l) or (2). even Rat Worksheet 74. 2023 adopted tax rate. Enter the rate in Line 4 of the No-New-Revenue Ta x Rate Worksheet. 75. Adjusted 2023 voter-approval tax rate . Use the ta xi ng unit's Tax Rate Calculation Worksheets from the pr ior year(s) to compl ete this line . If a disaster occurred in 2023 and the taxing unit calculated its 2023 voter -approval tax rate using a multiplier of 1 .08 on Disaster Line 41 (D41) of the 2023 worksheet due to a disaster, complete the applicable sections or lines of Form 50-856 -a, Adjusted Voter-Approval Ta x Rate for Taxing Units in Disaster Area Calculation Worksheet. -or - If a disa ste r occurred prior to 2023 for which the taxing unit continued to calculate its voter-approval tax rate using a multipli er of 1 .08 on Disaster Line 41 (D41) in 2023 , complete form 50-856-a , Adjusted Voter-Approval Tax Rate for Taxing Units in Disaster Area Calculation Worksheet to recalculate the voter-approva l tax rate t he taxing unit wou ld have calculated in 2023 if it had generated revenue based on an adopted tax rate using a multiplier of 1 .035 in the years following the disaste r. 50 Enter the final adjusted 2023 voter-approval tax rate fr om the works he et. -or- If the taxing uni t adopted a tax rate above the 2023 voter-approval tax rate without calcu lating a disaster tax rate or holding an election due to a disaster, no recalculation is necessary. Enter the voter -approval tax rate from the prior year's worksheet. 76. Increase in 2023 tax rate due to disaster. Subtract Line 75 from Line 74 . 77. Adjusted 2023 taxable value. Enter the amount in Line 14 of the No -New -Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. 78 . Emergency revenue. Multiply Line 76 by Line 77 and divide by S 100 . 79 . Adjusted 2023 taxable value. Enter the amount in Line 25 of the No -New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. 80. Emergency revenue rate . Divide Line 78 by Line 79 and multiply by S 100. 51 "Tex. Ta x Code §26.04(c)(2)(B) "Tex. Tax Code §26.01 2(6-a) "Tex. Tax Code §26.063(a)(1) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .042(b) "Tex. Tax Code §26 .042 (f) "Tex. Tax Code §§26.4 2(<) "Tex. Tax Code §§26.42(b) For additional copies , visit: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax 0.415469 $ _____ /$100 0.00000 0 $ _____ ./$100 0.000000 $ /$100 $ 2,451 ,642 ,965 0 $ 2,583 ,926 ,191 $ 0.000000 $ /$100 Page9 Page 266 of 281 81 . Current year voter -approval tax rate, adjusted for eme rgency revenue. Subtract Line 80 from one of the following lines (as applicable): Line 49 , Line D49 (disaster), Line SO (cou nties), Line 58 (taxing units with the additional sa les tax), Line 62 (taxing units with pollution control) or Line 68 (taxing units with the unused increment rate). SECTION 8: Total Tax Rate In dicate the applica ble tota l ta x rates as calcu lated above. No-new -revenue ta x rat e ................................................................................................................ . As app licable, enter the current year NNR tax rate from : Line 26 , Li ne 27 (counties), or Line 56 (adjusted for sales tax ). Indicate the line number used:~ Voter-approval tax rate .................................................................................................................. . As applicable, enter the current year voter-approval tax rate from : Li ne 49, Line D49 (disaster), Line SO (counties), Li ne 58 (adjusted for sales tax), Line 62 (adjusted for pollution control), Line 68 (adjusted for unused increment), or Line 81 (adju ste d for emergency revenue ). Indicate the line number used:~ De minimis rate .......................................................................................................................... . If applicable, enter the current year de min imis rate from Line 73 . SECTION 9: Taxing Unit Representative Name and Signature FormS0-856 tJRate $ 0.415469 /$100 $ 0.395728 /$100 $ 0.415469 /$100 $ 0.424061 /$100 Enter the name of t he person preparing the tax rate as authorize d by the governing body of t he taxing unit. By signi ng below, you certify that you are the designated officer or employee of the taxi ng unit and have accurately calculated the tax rates using va lues that are the same as the values show n in the taxing unit's certified appraisal roll or certified estimate of taxable va lue, in accordance with requirem ents in t he Tax Code." c::i:• .J!er},L~~2-\ \ ~~:!•,.~~ DmcaO D. ~Tex.Tax Code §§26.04(c-2) and (d-2) Date For additional copies , v is it: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax Reset Print Page 10 Page 267 of 281 Page 268 of 281 Notice About 2024 T ax Rates Property tax rates in TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB. This notice concerns the 2024 property tax rates for TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB. This notice provides information about two tax rates used in adopting the current tax year's tax rate . The no- new-revenue tax rate would Impose the same amount of taxes as last year if you co mpare properties taxed in both years . In most cases, the voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate a taxing unit can adopt wi th ou t holding an election. In each case, these rates are calculated by dividing the total amount of taxes by the current taxable value with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. This yea r's no-n ew-re ve nue tax rate This year 's voter-approval tax rate To see the full calculations, pl ease visit 1505 E. McKinney Street Denton, TX 76209 for a copy of the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet. Un encumbered Fund Ba lance $0 .395728/$100 $0.415469/$100 The following estimated balances will be left in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by corresponding debt obligation. Type of F und Bala n ce GENERAL FUND 4,483 ,640 DEBT SERVlCE FUND TIRZ #1 FUND Cur rent Yea r Debt Servic e 103,149 2,967 The following amounts are for long-term debts that are sec ured by property taxes . These amounts will be paid from upcoming property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Principal or Contract Int eres t to be Other Amounts Description of Debt Payment to be Paid Paid from to be Paid Total Payment from Property Taxes Property Tax es CO SERIES 2013 100,000 13,225 0 113,225 CO SERIES 2014 274,230 54,626 0 328,856 GO REFUNDING SERIES 245 ,000 5,341 0 250 ,341 2015 GO SERIES 2016 245,000 83,225 0 328 ,225 CO SERIES 2016 205,000 72,957 0 277 ,957 CO SERIES 2017 175,000 78,625 0 253,62 5 GO REFUNDING SERIES 250,000 17,980 0 26 7,980 2020 CO SER IES 2021 100,000 78,050 0 178,050 CO SERIES 2023 840,000 258 ,300 0 1,098,300 Total required for 2024 debt service $3,096,559 -Amount (if any) pai d fr om funds listed in unencumbered funds $0 -Amount (if any) paid from other resources $0 -Excess collections last year $364,408 = Total to be paid from taxes in 2024 $2,732,151 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will $0 collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2024 = Total debt levy $2,732,151 This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified by Michelle French, Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector on 08/01/2024. Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property . The 86th Texas Legislature mo di fied the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. Page 269 of 281 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: August 12, 2024 FROM: Brandon Wright, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM: Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute an amended interlocal agreement with the City of Roanoke, TX for the administration of municipal court services on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: On October 1, 2021, the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke entered into an interlocal agreement where Roanoke Municipal Court administers municipal court activities on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. This agreement reduces costs for both the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke as municipal court service costs are lower for each organization compared to both municipalities operating separate courts. Under the agreement, the Roanoke Municipal Judge operates court on behalf of Trophy Club, and the City of Roanoke is responsible for the necessary facilities, security, administrative oversight, financial management, general court staffing, and other employees to properly supervise and operate the combined municipal court facility. Under the agreement, the Town of Trophy Club will increase its percent share of revenue with Roanoke from 50% to 60% beginning October 1, 2024 to account for increased court usage. Trophy Club citations accounted for approximately 29% of the citations in FY 2023 with the Town's revenue providing approximately 24% of the revenue. By increasing Trophy Club's share of revenue to 60% of court revenue, Trophy Club will provide approximately 27% of Roanoke's total court revenue. The agreement stipulates that if Trophy Club's overall percent of revenue for the court is more than 10% different than the number of total citations handled by the court, that the two municipalities have the option to reopen the agreement to review appropriate revenue sharing details. The intent of both organizations is that consistency be maintained between Trophy Club's proportionate share of citations and its proportionate share of court revenues. The term of the interlocal agreement runs through September 30, 2026 and then renews for one-year terms unless notice of termination is provided no later than March 1 of the preceding calendar year. This termination notice would provide sufficient time for Trophy Club to appropriately budget and staff for municipal court services in the event that it is no longer carried out by the City of Roanoke. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: The amended interlocal agreement increases Trophy Club's share of court revenues from 50% to 60%. The overall increase is anticipated to cost an additional $17,000 to Page 270 of 281 $20,000 in court costs to the City of Roanoke. The Town has budgeted a total of $110,000 for interlocal agreement payments to Roanoke in FY 2025. The actual amount will depend on the number of citations handled by the Roanoke Municipal Court. LEGAL REVIEW: Town Attorney Roggia has reviewed the interlocal agreement as to form and legality. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Interlocal Agreement (redline) ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate and execute an amended interlocal agreement with the City of Roanoke, TX for the administration of municipal court services on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. Page 271 of 281 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MUNICIPAL COURT SERVICES FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS BY THE CITY OF ROANOKE, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON § This INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), is made and entered into by the CITY OF ROANOKE, TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality (hereinafter referred to as "Roanoke") and the TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality (hereinafter referred to as "Trophy Club"), collectfvely referred to as “the Partfes” and individually as “Party,” and each actfng by and through its duly appointed and authorized Mayors. WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted under Chapter 791 of the Texas Local Government Code (the “Act”); and WHEREAS, the municipalitfes of Roanoke and Trophy Club recognize the joint benefits of Roanoke administering the court systems for both municipalitfes; and WHEREAS, Trophy Club is desirous of Roanoke administering their municipal court actfvitfes to provide a more effectfve and efficient delivery of this key public service; and WHEREAS, Roanoke has the facilitfes available to perform the municipal court services for both citfes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Sectfon 791.011 (d)(3) of the Act, each Pparty is paying for the performance of the functfons herein all payments for municipal court services to be made hereunder shall be made from current revenues available to the paying Pparty; and WHEREAS, Roanoke and Trophy Club have concluded that this Agreement fairly compensates the performing Pparty for the municipal court services being provided hereunder; and WHEREAS, Roanoke and Trophy Club believe that this Agreement is in the best interests of Roanoke and Trophy Club; and WHEREAS, this Agreement was originally approved by the governing bodies of Roanoke and Trophy Club and commenced on October 1, 2021 and extended by the governing bodies on February 14, 2023; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of Roanoke and Trophy Club wish to extend and modifyamend in its entfrety this Aagreement; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of Roanoke and Trophy Club wish to extend this agreement; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by and in conformance with Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, the Interlocal Cooperatfon Act (the "Act").the Act. Page 272 of 281 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideratfon of the agreements contained herein, and other good and valuable consideratfon, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Roanoke and Trophy Club agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into the body of this Agreement and shall be considered part of the mutual covenants, consideratfon and promises that bind the Partfes. SECTION 2. TERM. A. This Agreement is effectfve October 1, 2021,41 as defined herein, and shall contfnue thereafter untfl January 30, 20246September 30, 2026, unless terminated sooner under the provisions hereof. A.B. This Agreement shall automatfcally renew for additfonal one-year terms under the provisions herein on October 1 of each year unless notfce is provided by either Pparty by March 1 of the preceding calendar year that the Agreement will terminate effectfve September 30. All payments by Trophy Club to Roanoke shall contfnue untfl the terminatfon date or as mutually agreed to by both partfes. B. This Agreement may be terminated by either party with ninety (90) days advance written notfce to the other party. SECTION 3. AFFIRMATIVE OBLIGATIONS AND SCOPE OF SERVICES. A. Roanoke hereby agrees to provide Trophy Club the following equipment, services, personnel and facilitfes: 1. Commencing October 1, 202411, at 12:01 a.m., Roanoke will provide municipal court administratfon services at the Roanoke Mmunicipal Ccourt facilitfes. The Municipal Judge, appointed by Roanoke, will also be appointed as tThe Municipal Court Judge or as an associate judge for the Town of Trophy Club (as described in Exhibit A), and the Municipal Judge will establish the policies and procedures for municipal court proceedings. Roanoke will provide the necessary facilitfes, security, administratfve oversight, financial management, general court staffing and other employees to properly supervise and operate the combined municipal court facility. Municipal court services shall include at a minimum, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: a. Filing and prosecutfon of Class C misdemeanor criminal laws and ordinance violatfons which occur in Trophy Club and which are subsequently filed with the Roanoke Court Cclerk including the interpretatfon, applicatfon and enforcement of Trophy Club ordinances and state law, as well as the adjudicatfon of all matters both civil and criminal that may be within the jurisdictfon of municipal courts of the State of Texas; b. Maintenance of all citatfons and other applicable records related to citatfons issued in Trophy Club and filed with the Roanoke Court Cclerk; c. Completfon of reports on convictfons and submission to the State of Texas or other reports as required or agreed upon; Page 273 of 281 Page 3 d. Informing all defendants of citatfons issued in Trophy Club of their legal optfons under the laws of the State of Texas; e. Providing mMunicipal cCourt judicial services including trials, property hearings, arraignments, warrant issuance, juror notfficatfon, setting of bonds, and other judicial proceedings and magistrate services as necessary; f. Providing financial reports to Trophy Club and other reports as required by external audit firms as required by Generally Accepted Accountfng Principles (GAAP) to be used by Trophy Club for compliance with GAAP; and g. Maintaining a service level to Trophy Club that complies with all applicable standards for the court functfons as required presently and in the future by applicable law. 2. All hHuman rResource services necessary for the recruitment, screening, employment, and training of all personnel required to provide municipal court services for Roanoke and Trophy Club, including providing all employee policies and procedures and the administratfon thereof shall be provided by Roanoke. 3. Roanoke shall prepare and administer reports as shown on Exhibit B. 4. Roanoke shall contract for and pay directly to the contractor all costs associated with prosecutfon services for Roanoke and Trophy Club related court actfons. 5. Roanoke will oversee all court personnel and handle all court accountfng. 6. Roanoke shall have sole discretfon to choose all platiorms, software, or vendors related to the processing and administratfon of Trophy Club citatfons. 7. In the event that the municipal court facilitfes located at Roanoke are damaged due to a natural or a manmade disaster and is unusable, Roanoke will have a contfngency plan to contfnue to provide the services under this Agreement at another facility within Denton County. B. Trophy Club shall provide, or cause to be provided to Roanoke Mmunicipal Ccourt staff, full access to Trophy Club's Mmunicipal Ccourt Incode software, or any other software utflized in the Trophy Club Mmunicipal Ccourt; C. Trophy Club shall comply with any notfficatfon requirements to be included with citatfons issued by the Trophy Club police department, fire department, code enforcement or other designated city official authorized to issue citatfons; D. Trophy Club shall, upon request, provide to the Roanoke Mmunicipal Ccourt staff, including the prosecutor and/or Judge, any backup documentatfon, including photographs, police reports, call sheets or officer notes, in order to assist in the filing, prosecutfon and resolutfon of Trophy Club citatfons filed with the Roanoke Mmunicipal Ccourt; Page 274 of 281 Page 4 E. Trophy Club shall provide, or cause to be provided to Roanoke Mmunicipal Ccourt staff, access to Trophy Club's utflity customers or other lists or databases of Trophy Club residents in order summons citfzens of Trophy Club to serve on jury trials for offenses occurring in the Trophy Club geographic area. SECTION 4. FUNDING OBLIGATIONS. A. Trophy Club agrees to pay or cause to be paid to Roanoke or allow Roanoke to retain fifty sixtyfifty percent (605050%) of all court revenues collected after state fines and fees are paid to the State of Texas, including any prior or outstanding warrants and court costs and fees collected from the combined municipal court services on cases originated in Trophy Club. Effectfve October 1, 2024, Trophy Club agrees that the court revenue percentage paid to or retained by Roanoke as described herein shall be increased to sixty percent (60%). Effectfve October 1, 2024, Trophy Club agrees that the court revenue percentage paid to or retained by Roanoke as described herein shall be increased to sixty percent (60%). Such funding constftutes consideratfon for this Agreement. If the percentage of Trophy Club’s share of court revenues compared to Roanoke court revenues is different by more than ten percent (10%) when compared to the percentage of Trophy Club citatfons compared to Roanoke citatfons in any year, the Ppartfes may agree to reopen this sectfon of the Agreement to determine an appropriate revenue sharing percentage to be paid by Trophy Club to cover court costs. It is the intent of the Ppartfes to maintain consistency between Trophy Club’s proportfonate share of citatfons and Trophy Club’s proportfonate share of court revenues. B. Roanoke shall contract for and pay directly to the contractor all costs associated with prosecutfon services for Trophy Club related court actfons, and will allocate a portfon of the cost of these services based on Trophy Club caseload, to be paid from Trophy Club's share of revenue as defined in Sectfon 4, A above. C. Trophy Club will pay, directly to Tyler Technology, all costs associated with the use of the INCODE 10 software by Roanoke personnel, including any training for new court personnel. D. Roanoke Municipal Court may request annually, during the budget process, the use of Trophy Club's court technology and building security funds for upgrades to the Roanoke Municipal Court. These requests must be presented, reviewed, and approved by both the governing bodies of Trophy Club and Roanoke. SECTION 5. CANCELLATION. A. Trophy Club and Roanoke shall have the right to terminate, based on the provisions of this Agreement, if the other Pparty breaches any of its terms or fails to perform any of the obligatfons it imposes, and then fails to cure the breach or failure within thirty sixty (3060) days following written notfce from the other Pparty. If the Agreement is terminated under this paragraph, Roanoke shall be entftled to retain money already received prorated to the period from the last payment untfl the date of terminatfon, and shall refund the remainder to Trophy Club. A.B. Trophy Club’s recourse for failure of Roanoke to furnish the described services under this Agreement will be the right to make a proportfonate reductfon in the fee to be paid or to terminate. Page 275 of 281 Page 5 B. After the initfal term of this Agreement, all partfes shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notfce at least six (6) months prior to October 1st of the year in which notfce is given. All payments by Trophy Club to Roanoke shall contfnue untfl the cancellatfon date or as mutually agreed to by both partfes. SECTION 6. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Agreement: A. Amendments. This Agreement constftutes the entfre understanding and agreement of the Partfes as to the matters set forth in this Agreement. No alteratfon of or amendment to this Agreement shall be effectfve unless given in writfng and signed by the Party or Partfes sought to be charged or bound by the alteratfon or amendment. B. Annual Review. Annually, at the tfme the cost for municipal court services is re- calculated, this Agreement will be reviewed by both Ppartfes for needed clarificatfon and or revisions. This Agreement may only be modified, changed or altered at any tfme, upon mutual agreement of the Ppartfes, provided that any such modificatfon, change and/or alteratfon be reduced to writfng, and approved by the governing bodies of Roanoke and Trophy Club. C. Applicable Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligatfons of the Partfes created hereunder are performable in Denton County, Texas. Venue for any actfon arising under this Agreement shall lie in the state district courts of Denton County, Texas. D. Approval; Effective Date. This Agreement has been approved by the governing bodies of Roanoke and Trophy Club, respectfvely. The executfon of this Agreement has been authorized by an act of the governing bodies of Roanoke and Trophy Club at a duly called and posted meetfng. This Agreement shall become effectfve at 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 202411 (the "Effectfve Date"). E. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned without the express written consent of the other Partfes. F. Binding Obligation. This Agreement shall become a binding obligatfon on the signatories upon executfon by all signatories hereto. Roanoke warrants and represents that the individual executfng this Agreement on behalf of Roanoke has full authority to execute this Agreement and bind Roanoke to the same. Trophy Club warrants and represents that the individual executfng this Agreement on Trophy Club's behalf has full authority to execute this Agreement and bind it to the same. G. Caption Headings. Captfon headings in this Agreement are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions of this Agreement. H. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constftute one and the same document. I. Roanoke Municipal Court Staff. At all tfmes during the term of this Agreement, all municipal court staff and employees shall be solely under the supervision and control of the City Manager of Roanoke or the City Manager’s duly authorized representatfves. Page 276 of 281 Page 6 H.J. Independent Contractor. All Ppartfes mutually agree that Roanoke is an independent contractor, and shall have exclusive control of performance hereunder, and that employees of Roanoke in no way are to be considered employees of Trophy Club. The employment rights of Roanoke personnel assigned under this Agreement will not be abridged. I.K. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The terms and provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of the Ppartfes hereto and not for the benefit of any third party. It is the express intentfon of Roanoke and Trophy Club that any entfty other than Roanoke or Trophy Club receiving services or benefits under this Agreement shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. This Agreement is intended only to set forth the contractual right and responsibilitfes of the partfes to this Agreement. J.L. No Waiver of Immunity. Nothing in this Agreement shall give any claim or cause of actfon to any person or party not a party to this Agreement, nor create any claim or cause of actfon against Trophy Club or Roanoke which would not exist in the absence of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall add to or change the liability limits or immunitfes otherwise available to each Party to this Agreement, and nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to waive any defense, privilege, or immunity of any of the Partfes to this Agreement nor of any of their elected officials, officers, or employees, as to any claim or cause of actfon brought by any person or entfty.It is expressly understood and agreed that, in the executfon of this Agreement, Trophy Club and Roanoke do not waive, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to or against claims arising in the exercise of governmental functfons relatfng hereto or otherwise. K.M. Notices. Any notfce or other communicatfon required or permitted by this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Notfce") is effectfve when in writfng and (i) personally delivered either by facsimile (with electronic informatfon and a mailed copy to follow) or by hand or (ii) three (3) days after notfce is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, postage prepaid, certffied with return receipt requested, and addressed as follows: If to Roanoke: If to Trophy Club: City of Roanoke, Texas 500 S. Oak Street Roanoke, TX 76262 Attn: Cody Petree, City Manager Phone Number: (817) 491-2411 Town of Trophy Club, Texas 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Attn: Brandon Wright, Town Manager Phone Number: (682) 237-2900 L.N. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable. If any paragraph, sectfon, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdictfon to be contrary Page 277 of 281 Page 7 to law or contrary to any rule or regulatfon have the force and effect of the law, the remaining portfons of this Agreement shall be enforced as if the invalid provision had never been included. O. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. M.P. Waiver of Breach. No waiver by either Party of any default or breach of a term or condition of this Agreement by the other Party may be treated as a waiver of any subsequent default or breach of the same or any other term or condition of this Agreement. [The Remainder of this Page Intentionally Left Blank] Page 278 of 281 Page 8 ROANOKE: CITY OF ROANOKE, TEXAS A Texas home-rule municipality By: _______________________________ Carl E. “Scooter” Gierisch, Jr., Mayor ________________________ Date Signed ATTEST: ___________________________ April S. Hill, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Jeffery L. Moore, City Attorney TROPHY CLUB: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS A Texas home-rule municipality By: _______________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor ________________________ Date Signed ATTEST: ___________________________ Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Page 279 of 281 Page 9 Exhibit A Roanoke and Trophy Club recognize that the administratfon of Trophy Club cases in the Roanoke Municipal Court will operate most efficiently with the appointment of a single Municipal Court Judge. The current Presiding Judge for Roanoke will serve as the presiding judge for the Roanoke Municipal Court and will be appointed as the Municipal Court Judge or as an associate judge to preside over Trophy Club cases. The Trophy Club presiding Judge shall not have any dutfes, obligatfons or responsibilitfes with regard to the cases filed in the Roanoke Municipal Court. Upon appointment, the Municipal Court Judge will be responsible for all judicial services for the cases filed in the Roanoke Municipal court, including but not limited to the following: establishment of all court policies and judicial orders relatfng to the filing, processing and resolutfon of all cases, adjudicatfon of all cases, plea dockets, trial dockets (both before the court and jury trials), property hearings, arraignments, emergency protectfve order hearings, dangerous dog hearings, Class C warrant issuance), juror notfficatfon, setting of bonds, other judicial proceedings and magistrate services. Trophy Club shall appoint the current presiding judge of the Roanoke Municipal Court as the presiding judge an associate judge for Trophy Club Municipal Court. In additfon, Trophy Club shall appoint the two (2) current associate judges of the Roanoke Municipal Court as associate judges for Trophy Club Municipal Court to serve in the event of a conflict of interest or unexpected unavailability of the Roanoke Presiding Judge. All judicial services pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided at the Roanoke facilitfes and by a Roanoke-appointed judge. Page 280 of 281 Page 10 Exhibit B [Reports] Reporting- Roanoke will prepare the following reports and submit for Trophy Club the following State of Texas Reports: Official Municipal Court Monthly Report (monthly) State Criminal Costs and Fees (quarterly) Child Safety Violatfon -for cases pending prior to 9-28-11 (annual when applicable) DR18 – Notfce of Final Convictfon (weekly) DIC15 – Notfce of Convictfon or Suspension/Disqualificatfon (weekly when applicable) DIC21 – Notfce of Suspension Violatfon of License (monthly when applicable) Nonresident Violator Compact (when necessary) Racial Profiling (as requested) And all other reports required by legislatfve changes at the mandated frequency level Other reports: Collectfon agency fee distributfon list (monthly) And all other reports requested by Trophy Club for outside service provider Financial reports for Trophy Club Financial reports necessary to facilitate appropriate recording of fine and forfeiture revenue, cash bonds posted, state tax liability And any other reports deemed necessary by Trophy Club to facilitate financial reportfng. Other reports for Trophy Club: Reports available through court and/or financial software to respond to Trophy Club open records requests. Page 281 of 281