02.12.2024 TC Agenda Packet TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB MEETING AGENDA TOWN COUNCIL 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 February 12, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers CALL WORK SESSION TO ORDER WORK SESSION ITEM 1. Presentation and discussion of findings from Town Council's Bobcat Boulevard traffic observations and recommendations for key objectives to be addressed through traffic improvement solutions. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) ADJOURN WORK SESSION CALL REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER (immediately following Work Session or 7:00 p.m., whichever is later) INVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quilé, Bara Church PLEDGES led by Council Member Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag PUBLIC COMMENT(S) This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or may email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT 2. Trophy Club Emergency Volunteer Association (TCEVA) Gene Popik 3. Working for You... Trophy Club a) Update from Town Council Members Page 1 of 192 b) Update from Town Manager (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) c) Quick Civic Tip (Dean Roggia, Town Attorney) CONSENT AGENDA 4. Consider approval of the January 8, 2024, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes; January 19, 2024, and January 20, 2024, Town Council Retreat Meeting Minutes. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) 5. Consider approval of the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2024. (April Duvall, Director of Finance) 6. Consider a resolution authorizing amendments to financial institution documents naming authorized Town representatives for Texas Local Government Investment Pools TexPool signature accounts. (April Duvall, Director of Finance) 7. Consider a resolution adopting the method for making written requests for public information. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) 8. Consider amendments to the Town of Trophy Club Compensation Pay Plan with an effective date of February 12, 2024. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) 9. Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a repair contract with Classic Chevrolet of Grapevine, TX in an amount not-to-exceed $150,000 to repair 25 Town vehicles affected by hail damage on June 11, 2023. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) 10. Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a master services agreement with Terralogic Solutions, Inc. for payment kiosk and software services for the Trophy Club Park entrance in the amount of $48,273. (Chase Ellis, Director of Parks & Recreation) ADJOURN The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 through 551.076 and Section 551.087. CERTIFICATION I do hereby certify that the Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Town Hall for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, in a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times on the following date and time: February 7, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., and said Notice of Meeting was also posted concurrently on the Town’s website in accordance with Texas Government Code Ch. 551 at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting. /s/Tammy Dixon Page 2 of 192 Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 6822372900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Page 3 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: Brandon Wright, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM: Presentation and discussion of findings from Town Council's Bobcat Boulevard traffic observations and recommendations for key objectives to be addressed through traffic improvement solutions. (Brandon Wright, Town Manager) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: In December 2023, the Town Manager proposed a comprehensive review of the concerns, objectives, and solutions related to Bobcat Boulevard traffic from the high school to Trophy Club Drive. The review aims to gather information, including resident input, to facilitate an informed decision-making process. This six-phase approach is expected to last eight months, resulting in a Town Council review of the proposed solutions. The outlined phases of the project are as follows: 1. TRAFFIC WATCH & REVIEW 2. IDENTIFY KEY OBJECTIVES 3. DEVELOP SOLUTIONS 4. TOWN COUNCIL DEBRIEF 5. COMMUNITY INPUT AND SURVEYS 6. FINAL PRESENTATION TO TOWN COUNCIL This approach ensures that the Town Council, residents, and staff are actively engaged throughout the process. Each phase is designed to provide essential data, enabling the Council to make a well-informed decision for effective traffic mitigation in the area. PHASE 1 | TRAFFIC WATCH & REVIEW On Thursday, January 25, and Friday, January 26, Trophy Club Town Council members were joined by Town Manager Wright, Police Chief Arata, and Community Development Director Cox in observing traffic on Bobcat Boulevard in the mornings and afternoons for school drop-off and pickup. In 90-minute segments, the Mayor and Town Council observed vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Bobcat providing context to major concerns that will be addressed through proposed traffic flow and safety solutions. The purpose of the February 12 Council Work Shop is to review key findings from the January 25 and January 26 observations and to develop key objectives moving forward. Staff anticipates that the next phase to develop solutions will run from February through June with a presentation to the Town Council in July. Page 4 of 192 BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: Resident feedback will occur during Phase 5 following the development of potential solutions. This phase is scheduled to begin the week of July 29 and will focus on community input. Staff plans to engage with residents living in the traffic-affected area and homeowners' associations. The Town will facilitate the creation of a survey and organize community input sessions to gather essential information regarding concerns, potential solutions, and suggestions from residents. FISCAL IMPACT: The third phase of this project, developing solutions, is anticipated to cost no more than $25,000. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bobcat Traffic Improvement Presentation ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff is seeking consensus from the Town Council on the key findings and the development of key objectives (Phase 2) resulting from those findings. No formal action will be taken by the Town Council during the Work Shop. Page 5 of 192 Bobcat Traffic Improvements Town Council Workshop February 12, 2024 Page 6 of 192 6-Phase Project 1. Traffic Watch & Review 2. Identify Key Objectives 3. Develop Solutions 4. Town Council Debrief 5. Community Input & Surveys 6. Final Presentation to Council 1. Page 7 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL OBSERVATION Thursday, January 25 7:15 am – 9:00 am 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Friday, January 26 7:15 am – 9:00 am 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm 6.5 Hours of Observation Time January Observation Sessions Page 8 of 192 Observation Notes Page 9 of 192 Campus Lakeview Elementary Beck Elementary Medlin Middle School Byron Nelson High School Start End 7:40 am 3:00 pm 7:40 am 3:00 pm 8:55 am 4:15 pm 8:30 am 3:50 pm Northwest ISD School Start/End Times Page 10 of 192 Heavier Traffic Time Starts 7:25 am 7:40 am 8:00 am 8:20 am Duration (Approximates) 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 8 minutes Thursday, January 25 | AM Session Page 11 of 192 Vehicle Travel Times 3 minutes 8 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes 8 minutes 6 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes 7 minutes General Observations Pedestrian crossings caused significant delays Left vehicle turns caused significant delays Thursday, January 25 | AM Session Page 12 of 192 Pedestrian Travel Pedestrian traffic was generally considered to be light General Observations No noteworthy incidents observed Thursday, January 25 | AM Session Page 13 of 192 Traffic Delay Areas South BNHS exit onto Bobcat (left turn) Trophy Club left turn onto Bobcat Parkview left onto Bobcat General Observations At Trophy Club & Parkview, cars would stack up to 10-15 or more vehicles (traffic guards then allowed all to go through) No assistance at south BNHS exit/entrance area Thursday, January 25 | AM Session Page 14 of 192 Concerns: Primary: Cut through traffic has the priority; Pedestrian cross walks Other: Speeding Vehicles & Pedestrians Traffic Level Rating (1-5): 4 Pedestrian Level Rating (1-5): 2.5 Thursday, January 25 | AM Session Page 15 of 192 Urgency Rating Traffic Relief Urgency (1-5): 3.5 Pedestrian Safety Urgency (1-5): 3 Thursday, January 25 | AM Session Page 16 of 192 Heavier Traffic Time Starts 3:15 pm 3:50 pm 4:00 pm 4:20 pm Duration (Approximates) 5 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 13 minutes Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 17 of 192 Vehicle Travel Times 2 minutes 5 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes 1 minute 2 minutes General Observations Traffic flowed easier than in AM No major incidents reported Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 18 of 192 Pedestrian Travel Pedestrian traffic started around 3:10 pm General Observations Students were hesitant to hit crosswalk button and walk out into street at South BNHS exit Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 19 of 192 Traffic Delay Areas Trophy Club left turn onto Bobcat South BNHS exit on Bobcat General Observations No assistance at south BNHS exit/entrance area Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 20 of 192 Pedestrian Concern Areas South BNHS exit on Bobcat General Observations Higher volume of pedestrian/vehicle conflicts Vehicles not consistently stopping at crosswalk flashers Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 21 of 192 Concerns: Primary: Unregulated BNHS exit on Bobcat for pedestrians and vehicles Other: Nothing else noted Vehicles & Pedestrians Traffic Level Rating (1-5): 3.5 Pedestrian Level Rating (1-5): 2 Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 22 of 192 Urgency Rating Traffic Relief Urgency (1-5): 3 Pedestrian Safety Urgency (1-5): 2 Thursday, January 25 | PM Session Page 23 of 192 Heavier Traffic Time Starts 7:25 am 8:20 am 8:45 am Duration (Approximates) Not noted Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 24 of 192 Heavier Pedestrian Time Starts 7:50 am 8:15 am Duration (Approximates) Athletes crossing street from BNHS to retail area Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 25 of 192 Vehicle Travel Times 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 3 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes 1 minute 3 minutes General Observations Heavier traffic on Marshall Creek entering Bobcat Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 26 of 192 Pedestrian Travel Higher volume of pedestrians using the crosswalk near Medlin General Observations Users are not regularly using crosswalk flasher buttons Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 27 of 192 Traffic Delay Areas Trophy Club left turn onto Bobcat Marshall Creek exit onto Bobcat South BNHS exit on Bobcat General Observations Longest waits observed at South BNHS exit on Bobcat Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 28 of 192 Pedestrian Concern Areas South BNHS exit on Bobcat General Observations Higher volume of pedestrian/vehicle conflicts Vehicles not consistently stopping at crosswalk flashers Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 29 of 192 Concerns: Primary: Unregulated south BNHS exit on Bobcat for pedestrians and vehicles Other: Driver education/visuals Vehicles & Pedestrians Traffic Level Rating (1-5): 3.5 Pedestrian Level Rating (1-5): 2.5 Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 30 of 192 Urgency Rating Traffic Relief Urgency (1-5): 4.5 Pedestrian Safety Urgency (1-5): 3.5 Friday, January 26 | AM Session Page 31 of 192 Heavier Traffic Time Starts 3:11 pm 3:35 pm 3:45 pm 3:55 pm 4:10 pm Duration (Approximates) 5 minutes 2 minutes Not noted Not noted Not noted Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 32 of 192 Heavier Pedestrian Time Starts 3:57 pm 4:08 pm Duration (Approximates) 10 minutes 7 minutes Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 33 of 192 Vehicle Travel Times 1 minute 2 minutes 2 minutes 4 minutes 1 minute 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 4 minutes General Observations Higher number of students walking using cell phones Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 34 of 192 Pedestrian Travel 1 minute 1 minute 2 minutes Steady flow of students General Observations Bike riding down road impeding traffic, unsafe crossings Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 35 of 192 Traffic Delay Areas Parkview left turn onto Bobcat South BNHS exit on Bobcat Trophy Club left turn onto Bobcat General Observations Longest waits observed at South BNHS exit on Bobcat Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 36 of 192 Pedestrian Concern Areas South BNHS exit on Bobcat Parkview and Bobcat General Observations Higher volume of pedestrian/vehicle conflicts Vehicles not consistently stopping at crosswalk flashers Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 37 of 192 Concerns: Primary: Unregulated BNHS exit on Bobcat for pedestrians and vehicles; Managing traffic flow for short periods two-times per day Other: Vehicles not stopping for crosswalk flashers Vehicles & Pedestrians Traffic Level Rating (1-5): 3.5 Pedestrian Level Rating (1-5): 2.5 Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 38 of 192 Urgency Rating Traffic Relief Urgency (1-5): 3.5 Pedestrian Safety Urgency (1-5): 3.5 Friday, January 26 | PM Session Page 39 of 192 6-Phase Project 1. Traffic Watch & Review 2. Identify Key Objectives 3. Develop Solutions 4. Town Council Debrief 5. Community Input & Surveys 6. Final Presentation to Council 1. Page 40 of 192 •Highest volume periods lasting between 5 and 15 minutes (waves) •The area of highest concern for pedestrian safety is the south BNHS exit onto Bobcat •Areas contributing to higher traffic delays are at Trophy Club Drive & Bobcat, south BNHS exit intersection, Parkview & Bobcat, and Marshall Creek & Bobcat •Traffic delays primarily caused by left-hand turn movements and pedestrian crossings •Vehicles not stopping for flashing lights at south BNHS exit onto Bobcat Observation Summary Page 41 of 192 •Morning pedestrians have higher use of crossing near Medlin •In most cases, vehicle traffic entering/exiting the study zone are moving through within a few minutes (heavy delays for those using left hand turns at south BNHS exit on Bobcat) •Traffic guards allowing all left-hand turns to empty a street is effective to move traffic •Traffic levels are impacted by school events/seasons/weather •Others? Observation Summary Page 42 of 192 What are the Key Objectives? Page 43 of 192 •Based on Observations….. •Identify solutions for improved traffic flow and pedestrian safety at south BNHS exit onto Bobcat •Identify solutions for left-hand movements at Trophy Club Drive & Bobcat, Parkview & Bobcat, and Marshall Creek & Bobcat •Identify solutions to minimize pedestrian crossing delays •Identify solutions for improved compliance with vehicles stopping for pedestrian crosswalks •Identify other traffic control solutions to determine if any options provide substantial improvement over traffic-guard-controlled movements •Others? Key Objective Considerations Page 44 of 192 6-Phase Project 1. Traffic Watch & Review 2. Identify Key Objectives 3. Develop Solutions 4. Town Council Debrief 5. Community Input & Surveys 6. Final Presentation to Council 1. Page 45 of 192 •Professional traffic control plan review (<$25,000) •Develop solutions for key objectives •Cost analyses for solutions •Implementation timelines •Traffic Control Plan Schedule: •February through June •Town Council Debrief Anticipated on July 15 Next Up: Developing Solutions Page 46 of 192 social media | email | website Page 47 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consider approval of the January 8, 2024, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes; January 19, 2024, and January 20, 2024, Town Council Retreat Meeting Minutes. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town Council held a regular meeting on January 8, 2024; and held a two day retreat on January 19 and 20, 2024. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. 01.08.2024 draft minutes 2. 01.19.2024 draft minutes 3. 01.20.2024 draft minutes ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve the January 8, 2024, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes; January 19, 2024, and January 20, 2024, Town Council Retreat Meeting Minutes. Page 48 of 192 Town of Trophy Club Town Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2024, 7:00 p.m., Regular Meeting 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 CALL REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Tiffany called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Dennis Sheridan, Mayor Pro Tem Stacey Bauer, Councilmember Place 1 Steve Flynn, Councilmember Place 6 LuAnne Oldham, Councilmember Place 5 Jeff Beach, Councilmember Place 2 Karl Monger, Councilmember Place 4 COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Brandon Wright, Town Manager Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Jason Wise, Fire Chief Patrick Arata, Police Chief Matt Cox, Community Development Director April Duvall, Finance Director Denise Deprato, Human Resources Director Jill Lind, Communications and Marketing Director Chase Ellis, Parks and Recreation Director Tamara Smith, Assistant to the Town Manager INVOCATION Pastor Barry Clingan, Church at Trophy Club Lakes, led the invocation. PLEDGES Councilmember Bauer led the Pledge of Allegiances to the American and Texas Flags. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Dixon stated no one signed up to speak and the Town Council received two written public comments from: Page 49 of 192 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes-January 08, 2024 Page 2 Patricia Jayne Keefer, 216 Fresh Meadow Drive, regarding Special Events. COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT Mayor Tiffany moved to item 2. 2. Young Men’s Service League – Jill Sida Ms. Sida gave a presentation on the Young Men’s Service League highlighting the history of the organization and its purpose. 1. Working for You . . . Trophy Club a) Update from Town Council Members Councilmember Bauer announced that Sergeant Barry Sullivan, in January 2022, provided agency assistance in a hostage situation in Colleyville where his skillset in negotiations and tactical procedures laid the groundwork for a successful operation that ended with the FBI Hostage Rescue Team responding. She stated Sergeant Sullivan was invited to attend and train alongside federal agents at the FBI National Crisis Negotiation Course. She stated the Town was proud of his accomplishments. Councilmember Flynn thanked everyone for the participation in the holiday lights event and noted his hopes the Town continues to “Light Up Trophy Club” not only during the holidays but year-round. Mayor Pro Tem Sheridan commended the police department for their assistance with a resident regarding a porch pirate incident; he commented on the need for a notification process when agendas are posted to the Town’s website; and stated for the record he was not in favor variances of the Zoning Board of Adjustment that circumvent current ordinances. Councilmember Monger announced the Rotary Club would begin organizing the First Responders Event scheduled for October 26, 2024; and reminded the audience of the 2nd Saturday Veteran’s breakfast. Councilmember Oldham thanked everyone that organized and participated in the Wreaths Across America event noting there are 72 veterans buried at Medlin Cemetery. Mayor Tiffany stated the Town’s General Election for councilmember places 3 and 4 would be held on May 4, 2024, noting that the filing period would begin on January 17th and end on February 16, 2024. Mayor Tiffany also stated she was diligently working on utilizing the space in the Trophy Club Neighbors magazine to highlight different events, groups and activities available in Trophy Club. b) Update from Town Manager Page 50 of 192 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes-January 08, 2024 Page 3 Town Manager Wright provided an update on Bobcat Traffic concerns noting that a dedicated page had been established on the Town’s website outlining the Town’s comprehensive review of evaluating concerns, objectives and solutions related to Bobcat Boulevard; he announced upcoming Boards and Commissions meetings, and highlighted the January 17th Meet and Greet Open House. Human Resources Director, Denise Deprato, provided an overview of the Meet and Greet Open House. Mr. Wright announced the Town Council would be participating in a two-day retreat on January 19th and 20th which would include governance training, discussions on a strategic plan, the comprehensive plan and the parks master plan. He explained the retreat would also include discussions for budget preparations for the next fiscal year. Mr. Wright introduced Chase Ellis, the new Parks and Recreation Director who brings a wealth of experience and passion for enhancing the community’s recreational spaces and activities. c) Quick Civic Tip from Town Attorney Town Attorney Roggia gave a presentation on the Public Information Act and Open Meetings Act relating to electronic devices due to the Town Council receiving Town issued laptops. He noted that public information applies to and includes electronic communication created, transmitted, received, or maintained on any device if the communication is in connection with the transaction of official business. He reviewed the definitions of what constitutes a Closed Meeting and the definition of “Deliberation.” CONSENT AGENDA 3. Consider approval of the December 11, 2023, Town Council Work Session and Regular Meeting Minutes. 4. Consider approval of an ordinance authorizing and calling for a general election to be held on May 4, 2024, and if required, a runoff election on June 15, 2024, for the purpose of electing council members to Town Council Place 3 and Town Council Place 4 and establishing procedures for the election; and providing an effective date. The caption of the ordinance reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2024-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND CALLING FOR A GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 4, 2024 AND, IF REQUIRED, A RUNOFF ELECTION ON JUNE 15, 2024, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING COUNCIL MEMBERS TO TOWN COUNCIL PLACE 3 AND TOWN COUNCIL PLACE 4; PRESCRIBING THE TIME AND Page 51 of 192 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes-January 08, 2024 Page 4 DESIGNATING THE LOCATIONS AND MANNER OF CONDUCTING THE ELECTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENTS FOR ELECTION SERVICES WITH DENTON AND TARRANT COUNTIES; AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 5.Case FP-24-001 Triple Crown Estates Consider approval of a Final Plat for Lots 1-6 and 7X, Block A, Triple Crown Estates, consisting of 2.992 acres of land out of the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832, located south of Trophy Park Drive, east of Nottingham Court, west of Churchill Downs Lane, Trophy Club, Texas (Matt Cox, Director of Community Development) 6. 4th Quarter Investment Report. (April Duvall, Director of Finance) Councilmember Beach moved to approve consent agenda items 3 - 6. Councilmember Flynn seconded the motion. VOTE ON THE MOTION AYES: Bauer, Flynn, Sheridan, Tiffany, Beach, Monger, Oldham NAYES:None VOTE:7-0 INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 7. Discuss and consider approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 1 "General Provisions," Article 1.09, "Special Events." Town Manager Wright reviewed the proposed changes to the Special Events regulations and answered questions from the Town Council. Mayor Pro Tem Sheridan moved to approve Ordinance 2024-02 amending Chapter 1 "General Provisions," Article 1.09, "Special Events." Councilmember Monger seconded the motion. The caption of the ordinance reads as follows: ORDINANCE 2024-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; AMENDING ARTICLE 1.09 “SPECIAL EVENTS” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, TO: (1) REDEFINE “SPECIAL EVENT OR EVENT”; (2) PROVIDE GENERAL AUTHORITY TO THE TOWN MANAGER; (3) AMEND THE EXEMPTIONS FROM PERMIT; (4) PROVIDE ADDITIONAL GROUNDS FOR DENIAL RELATED TO NUISANCE AND OTHER COMPLAINTS; (5) AMEND THE PROCESS FOR APPEAL; (6) INCREASE THE NUMBER OF EVENTS PER CALENDAR YEAR FOR PROPERTIES ZONED FOR COMMERCIAL Page 52 of 192 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes-January 08, 2024 Page 5 BUSINESS PURPOSES; (7) ESTABLISH THE DUTIES AND AUTHORITY OF THE SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR; AND (8) PROVIDE FOR OTHER GENERAL CHANGES, INCLUDING THE RENUMBERING OF PROVISIONS; PROVIDING THIS ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. VOTE ON THE MOTION AYES: Bauer, Flynn, Sheridan, Tiffany, Beach, Monger, Oldham NAYES:None VOTE:7-0 Mayor Tiffany filed a Conflict-of-Interest form with the Town Secretary’s Office pertaining to item 8 and left the Council Chambers at 7:49 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Sheridan presided over this item. 8. Discuss and consider approval of a public drainage easement agreement with the Homeowners Association of Hogan’s Glen, Inc. Town Attorney Roggia provided a summary of this item and advised the Town Council that the homeowners association has signed the agreement. Councilmember Flynn moved to approve the public drainage easement agreement. Councilmember Oldham seconded the motion. VOTE ON THE MOTION AYES: Bauer, Flynn, Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham NAYES:None ABSENT:Tiffany VOTE:6-0-1 Mayor Tiffany returned at 7:54 p.m. Mayor Tiffany adjourned the Town Council meeting at 7:55 p.m. ____________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Page 53 of 192 Town of Trophy Club Town Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Town Council Retreat EOC Training Room, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tiffany called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Dennis Sheridan, Mayor Pro Tem Stacey Bauer, Councilmember Place 1 Steve Flynn, Councilmember Place 6 LuAnne Oldham, Councilmember Place 5 Jeff Beach, Councilmember Place 2 Karl Monger, Councilmember Place 4 COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Brandon Wright, Town Manager Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Jason Wise, Fire Chief Patrick Arata, Police Chief Matt Cox, Community Development Director April Duvall, Finance Director Denise Deprato, Human Resources Director Jill Lind, Communications and Marketing Director OTHERS PRESENT Hilary Shine, Sr. Vice President of Leadership, Strategic Government Resources (SGR) PUBLIC COMMENTS There were none. GOVERNANCE TRAINING Ms. Shine outlined the agenda for the Governance Training. She provided the following bullet points which were a result of her individual conversations with each Town Councilmember: •New beginning – New Town Manager, Town Attorney, Town Secretary Page 54 of 192 Town Council Retreat, January 19, 2025 Meeting Minutes Page 2 •Want what’s best for the Town •Some personality conflicts •Finding a way to work together through lack of trust and camaraderie •Strength in diversity of backgrounds, experience, opinions •Need to define future and goals The training included Top 10 Governance Challenges, Successful Leadership Strategies, Trust Based Leadership, Effective Communication, Creating Robust Dialogue, What does this Council want to be known for, and Strategic Visioning. Mayor Tiffany adjourned the retreat at 8:07 p.m. ____________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Page 55 of 192 Town of Trophy Club Town Council Meeting Minutes January 20, 2024, 9:00 a.m., Town Council Retreat EOC Training Room, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tiffany called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Dennis Sheridan, Mayor Pro Tem Stacey Bauer, Councilmember Place 1 Steve Flynn, Councilmember Place 6 LuAnne Oldham, Councilmember Place 5 Jeff Beach, Councilmember Place 2 Karl Monger, Councilmember Place 4 COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Brandon Wright, Town Manager Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Jason Wise, Fire Chief Patrick Arata, Police Chief Matt Cox, Community Development Director April Duvall, Finance Director Denise Deprato, Human Resources Director Jill Lind, Communications and Marketing Director OTHERS PRESENT Hilary Shine, Sr. Vice President of Leadership, Strategic Government Resources (SGR) PUBLIC COMMENTS There were none. ITEMS 1. Discussion on Strategic Planning Overview. Ms. Shine led the discussion. The Council shared key items from Town’s current Strategy Map (Vision, Mission, Focus Areas, and Objectives) and the Vision 2030 Strategic document they would like to continue to use. Town Manager Wright will use the elements of those documents to assist staff in updating the Town’s Strategic Plan. Page 56 of 192 Town Council Retreat Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2025 Page 2 2. Lunch Break. The council took a recess for lunch at 11:20 p.m. and resumed discussions at 12:06 p.m. 3. Discussion on Comprehensive Plan Overview. Ms. Shine and Town Manager Wright discussed the elements of updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Following discussion, the consensus of the Town Council was to hold off on an update at this time. 4. Discussion on Parks Master Plan Overview. Ms. Shine and Town Manager Wright discussed the importance of a Parks Master Plan (Plan) and explained the Plan would assess the Town’s current assets, provide the wants of the community, and establish expectations, timelines and funding needs. The following key items were discussed: •The Plan should include more detail for Trophy Club Park; •Revenue recapture targets should be included in the Plan; •Trophy Club Park Flooding needs to be addressed in the Plan; •Begin the process, such as the RFPs for the Plan, sooner rather than later; and; •Discussions for Pickleball to be held prior to the Parks Master Plan process. 5. Discussion on FY 2025 Budget Preparation Town Manager Wright reviewed the preliminary budget calendar, and the following items were discussed: •Finance Sub-Committee Meetings scheduled for July 11, 16, and 25; •Town Council budget review meetings scheduled for July 29th and August 5th; •Maintain current tax rate; •Council to review current CIP list and provide their top three priorities to Town Manager Wright. Mayor Tiffany thanked the Town Council and staff for their support and input into the retreat. Mayor Tiffany adjourned the retreat at 2:47 p.m. ____________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Page 57 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: April Duvall, Director of Finance AGENDA ITEM: Consider approval of the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2024. (April Duvall, Director of Finance) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Town’s current interest-bearing accounts have an ending market value of $36,934,399 as of December 31, 2023, which is an increase of $4,946,171 since September 30, 2023. Property tax revenue is collected primarily in the first and second quarters of the fiscal year. The portfolio is liquid with a weighted average life of 1 day. The total average yield for this quarter was 5.35% which is slightly lower than the average rolling 6-month Treasury-Bill yield of 5.49% for the same period. A substantial portion of the Town’s investments remain placed in the InterBank Insured Cash Sweep account to take advantage of the fund’s liquidity and the 5.80% yield. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: Interest earnings for this quarter total $435,125. This amount is a significant increase over the interest earnings of $174,893 for the same period in FY 2023. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1st Qtr FY24 Investment Report ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2024. Page 58 of 192 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2023 Prepared by Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Investment Officer/Finance Manager Chief Financial Analyst Disclaimer:These reports were compiled using information provided by the Town.No procedures were performed to test the accuracy or completeness of this information.The market values included in these reports were obtained by Valley View Consulting,L.L.C.from sources believed to be accurate and represent proprietary valuation.Due to market fluctuations these levels are not necessarily reflective of current liquidation values.Yield calculations are not determined using standard performance formulas,are not representative of total return yields, and do not account for investment advisor fees. The investment portfolio of the Town of Trophy Club is in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act and the Investment Policy and Strategies. Page 59 of 192 Strategy Summary Quarter End Results by Investment Category: Asset Type Ave. Yield Book Value Market Value Ave. Yield Book Value Market Value Demand Accounts 1.52%1,274,925$ 1,274,925$ 1.29%1,383,302$ 1,383,302$ Money Markets/Local Gov't Investment Pools 5.44%30,713,303 30,713,303 5.52%30,539,335 30,539,335 CDs/Securities 0.00%– – 5.47%5,011,762 5,011,762 Totals 4.93%31,988,228$ 31,988,228$ 5.35%36,934,399$ 36,934,399$ Current Quarter Average Yield (1) Fiscal Year-to-Date Average Yield (2) Total Portfolio 5.35%Total Portfolio 5.35% Rolling Three Month Treasury 5.53%Rolling Three Month Treasury 5.53% Rolling Six Month Treasury 5.49%Rolling Six Month Treasury 5.49% TexPool 5.37%TexPool 5.37% Interest Revenue (Approximate) Quarterly Interest Income 435,125$ Year-to-date Interest Income 435,125$ (1) Current Quarter Average Yield - based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses and investment advisory fees are not considered. The yield for the reporting month is used for bank, pool, and money market balances. (2) Fiscal Year-to-Date Average Yields - calculated using quarter end report yields and adjusted book values and does not reflect a total return analysis or account for advisory fees. September 30, 2023 December 31, 2023 Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.1 Page 60 of 192 Economic Overview12/31/2023The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) maintained the Fed Funds target range 5.25% - 5.50% (Effective Fed Funds are trading +/-5.33%). Any additional actions, up or down, will be data-dependent. Final Third Quarter 2023 GDP revised downward to 4.9%, but still robust growth. December Non-Farm Payroll posted 216k new jobs (above the estimated 170k). The Three Month Rolling Average declined to 165k. The S&P 500 Stock Index reached a new peak trading over 4,770 (exceeding 4,766 in Dec 2021). The yield curve shifted lower anticipating future FOMC target reductions. Crude Oil stabilized at +/-$73 per barrel. Inflation continued to decline but still remained above the FOMC 2% target (Core PCE +/-3.2% and Core CPI +/-4.0%). Reduced global economic outlooks and ongoing/expanding military conflicts increase uncertainty. 02505007501,0001,2501,5001,7502,0002,2502,5002,7503,0003,2503,5003,7504,0004,2504,5004,7505,0005,250S&P 5000.000.501.001.502.002.503.003.504.004.505.005.506.00US Treasury Historical Yields - Since Nov 2016Six Month T-BillTwo Year T-NoteTen Year T-Note0. Yield CurvesDecember 31, 2023September 30, 2023December 31, 20220.000.501.001.502.002.503.003.504.004.505.005.506.00US Treasury Historical Yields - Since 2006Six Month T-BillTwo Year T-NoteTen Year T-NoteValley View Consulting, L.L.C.2Page 61 of 192 Investment Holdings Coupon/Maturity Settlement Book Market Market Life Description Ratings Discount Date Date Par Value Value Price Value (days)Yield PlainsCapital Bank - Cash 0.60%01/01/24 12/31/23 1,117,378 1,117,378 1.00 1,117,378 1 0.60% PlainsCapital Bank - ICS Sweep 4.20%01/01/24 12/31/23 265,924 265,924 1.00 265,924 1 4.20% InterBank Money Market Account 5.80%01/01/24 12/31/23 250,195 250,195 1.00 250,195 1 5.80% InterBank IntraFi MMA 5.65%01/01/24 12/31/23 17,174,115 17,174,115 1.00 17,174,115 1 5.65% TexPool LGIP AAAm 5.37%01/01/24 12/31/23 10,057,113 10,057,113 1.00 10,057,113 1 5.37% TexasCLASS LGIP-Non-Gov't AAAm 5.57%01/01/24 12/31/23 5,815 5,815 1.00 5,815 1 5.57% TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't AAAm 5.24%01/01/24 12/31/23 3,052,098 3,052,098 1.00 3,052,098 1 5.24% East West Bank CD 5.37%09/09/24 12/08/23 3,010,611 3,010,611 100.00 3,010,611 253 5.52% American Nat'l Bank& Trust CD 5.25%03/20/25 12/28/23 2,001,151 2,001,151 100.00 2,001,151 445 5.39% 36,934,399$ 36,934,399$ 36,934,399$ 46 5.35% (1)(2) December 31, 2023 (1) Weighted average life - For purposes of calculating weighted average life, bank accounts, pools and money market funds are assumed to have an one day maturity. (2) Weighted average yield to maturity - The weighted average yield to maturity is based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses and investment advisory fees are not considered. The yield for the reporting month is used for bank accounts, pools and money market funds. (3) Effective Blended Rate - Stated Earnings Credit Rate (0.70%) and GAIC Interest Rate (0.40%) adjusted for Balance Assessment fee and then calculated as a Weighted Average Yield. Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.3 Page 62 of 192 Demand Accounts 4% MMA/MMF/LGIP 96% Portfolio Composition $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 Total Portfolio (Millions) Quarter End Book Value 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Total Portfolio Performance TexPool Weighted Average Yield Rolling 6 Month T-Bill $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 Distribution by Maturity (Millions) Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.4 Page 63 of 192 Book & Market Value Comparison Issuer/Description Yield Maturity Date Book Value 09/30/23 Increases Decreases Book Value 12/31/23 Market Value 09/30/23 Change in Market Value Market Value 12/31/23 PlainsCapital Bank - Cash 0.60%01/01/24 1,060,625 56,753 – 1,117,378 1,060,625 56,753 1,117,378 PlainsCapital Bank - ICS Sweep 4.20%01/01/24 214,300 51,624 – 265,924 214,300 51,624 265,924 InterBank Money Market Account 5.80%01/01/24 250,126 69 – 250,195 250,126 69 250,195 InterBank IntraFi MMA 5.65%01/01/24 22,180,577 – (5,006,462) 17,174,115 22,180,577 (5,006,462) 17,174,115 TexPool LGIP 5.37%01/01/24 5,242,982 4,814,130 – 10,057,113 5,242,982 4,814,130 10,057,113 TexasCLASS LGIP-Non-Gov't 5.57%01/01/24 5,734 81 – 5,815 5,734 81 5,815 TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't 5.24%01/01/24 3,033,885 18,214 – 3,052,098 3,033,885 18,214 3,052,098 East West Bank CD 5.52%09/09/24 – 3,010,611 – 3,010,611 – 3,010,611 3,010,611 American Nat'l Bank& Trust CD 5.39%03/20/25 – 2,001,151 – 2,001,151 – 2,001,151 2,001,151 TOTAL / AVERAGE 5.35%31,988,228$ 9,952,633$ (5,006,462)$ 36,934,399$ 31,988,228$ 4,946,171$ 36,934,399$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.5 Page 64 of 192 Allocation December 31, 2023 Book & Market Value Total General Fund Debt Service Storm Drainage Utility EDC Hotel Occupancy Tax Parkland Dedication PlainsCapital Bank - Cash 1,117,378$ 888,122$ –$ –$ –$ 229,256$ –$ PlainsCapital Bank - ICS Sweep 265,924 265,924 – – – – – InterBank Money Market 250,195 125,097 – – – – – InterBank IntraFi MMA 17,174,115 11,429,625 – – – – – TexPool LGIP 10,057,113 5,210,218 1,665,833 1,657,492 1,523,569 – – TexasCLASS LGIP-Non-Gov't 5,815 – – – – – 5,815 TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't 3,052,098 – – – – 2,644,502 407,596 East West Bank CD 3,010,611 3,010,611 – – – – – American Nat'l Bank& Trust CD 2,001,151 2,001,151 – – – – – Total 36,934,399$ 22,930,748$ 1,665,833$ 1,657,492$ 1,523,569$ 2,873,758$ 413,411$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.6 Page 65 of 192 Allocation December 31, 2023 Book & Market Value PlainsCapital Bank - Cash PlainsCapital Bank - ICS Sweep InterBank Money Market InterBank IntraFi MMA TexPool LGIP TexasCLASS LGIP-Non-Gov't TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't East West Bank CD American Nat'l Bank& Trust CD Total (Continued) 2017 CO Bond Funds 2021 CO Bond Funds CIP Funds –$ –$ –$ – – – 125,097 – – 643,383 4,234,429 866,678 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 768,480$ 4,234,429$ 866,678$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.7 Page 66 of 192 Allocation September 30, 2023 Book & Market Value Total General Fund Debt Service Storm Drainage Utility EDC Hotel Occupancy Tax Parkland Dedication PlainsCapital Bank - Cash 1,060,625$ 1,021,837$ –$ –$ –$ 38,788$ –$ PlainsCapital Bank - ICS Sweep 214,300 214,300 – – – – – InterBank Money Market 250,126 125,063 – – – – – InterBank IntraFi MMA 22,180,577 11,266,479 – – – – – TexPool LGIP 5,242,982 2,027,133 407,442 1,628,568 1,179,839 – – TexasCLASS LGIP-Non-Gov't 5,734 – – – – – 5,734 TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't 3,033,885 – – – – 2,609,938 423,947 Total 31,988,228$ 14,654,811$ 407,442$ 1,628,568$ 1,179,839$ 2,648,726$ 429,681$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.8 Page 67 of 192 Allocation September 30, 2023 Book & Market Value PlainsCapital Bank - Cash PlainsCapital Bank - ICS Sweep InterBank Money Market InterBank IntraFi MMA TexPool LGIP TexasCLASS LGIP-Non-Gov't TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't Total (Continued) 2017 CO Bond Funds 2021 CO Bond Funds CIP Funds –$ –$ –$ – – – 125,063 – – 1,222,379 8,045,096 1,646,623 – – – – – – – – – 1,347,442$ 8,045,096$ 1,646,623$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.9 Page 68 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: April Duvall, Director of Finance AGENDA ITEM: Consider a resolution authorizing amendments to financial institution documents naming authorized Town representatives for Texas Local Government Investment Pools TexPool signature accounts. (April Duvall, Director of Finance) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: This resolution authorizes the inclusion of the following updates to the list of authorized representatives: Brandon Wright, serving as the Town Manager, and Ernest Gillespie, assuming the role of Chief Financial Analyst, are now officially recognized as Authorized Representatives. Additionally, Brandy Rider, Accountant, has been granted view- only access to the Town's banking information, enhancing transparency and efficiency in financial oversight. Established in 1989, TexPool stands as the preeminent and longest-standing local government investment pool in the State of Texas. With a robust portfolio boasting a total combined value of $44.9 billion, TexPool is dedicated to delivering unparalleled investment services to more than 2,750 communities across Texas. The financial strength and stability of TexPool are underscored by its prestigious AAA rating from Standard and Poor's, representing the highest attainable rating in the industry. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. RES 2024-XX - TexPool Signature Changes ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve the resolution authorizing amendments to financial institution documents naming authorized Town representatives for Texas Local Government Investment Pools TexPool signature accounts. Page 69 of 192 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTION DOCUMENTS NAMING AUTHORIZED TOWN REPRESENTATIVES ON TEXPOOL SIGNATURE ACCOUNTS; APPOINTING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES, AND DESIGNATING INVESTMENT OFFICERS. WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, as amended (the “Interlocal Act”), permits any “local government” to contract with one or more other “local governments” to perform “governmental functions and services,” including investment of public funds (as such phrases are defined in the Interlocal Act); and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Act authorizes the contracting parties to any interlocal agreement to contract with agencies of the State of Texas, within the meaning of Chapter 771 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code, as amended (the “PFIA”), authorizes the entities described in Subsection (a) of the PFIA to invest their funds in an eligible public funds investment pool; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of this governmental unit (“Applicant”) to invest its funds jointly in the Texas Local Government Investment Pools (TexPool) in order better to preserve and safeguard the principal and liquidity of such funds and to earn an acceptable yield; and WHEREAS, Applicant is authorized to invest its public funds and funds under its control in TexPool and to enter into the participation agreement authorized herein; and WHEREAS, the Government Entity is a Government Entity as defined in the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. The form of application for participation in TexPool attached to this resolution is approved. The officers of Applicant specified in the application are authorized to execute and submit the application, to open accounts, to deposit and withdraw funds, to agree to the terms for use of the website for online transactions, to designate other authorized representatives, and to take all other action required or permitted by Applicant under the Agreement created by the application, all in the name and on behalf of Applicant. Page 70 of 192 RES 2024-XX Page 2 of 3 Section 2. This resolution will continue in full force and effect until amended or revoked by Applicant and written notice of the amendment or revocation is delivered to the TexPool Board. Section 3. Terms used in this resolution have the meanings given to them by the application. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, on this 12th day of February 2024. Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Page 71 of 192 RES 2024-XX Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A TexPool Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives Form Page 72 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consider a resolution adopting the method for making written requests for public information. (Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: SB 944, Government Code, Section 552.234 became law effective September 1, 2019 and allows governmental bodies to adopt methods by which requests for public information can be made. Having an adopted method will ensure the Town is complying with the rules of the Public Information Act (the "Act") and that the process for submitting a request is clearly defined. Prior to this new law, the Act was triggered simply when a requestor submitted a written request to any staff member. This process is not efficient and can have legal consequences involving deadlines. The most prominent changes in the proposed method are that requestors will be directed to one email created for this purpose (records@trophyclub.com) and the removal of facsimile transmission as an option. Requestors will continue to have the following additional options for submitting Public Information Requests (PIRs): 1. Website 2. In person 3. By mail Another component of SB 944 is the introduction of a Texas Attorney General (AG) form that provides a requestor the option of excluding from a request information that the governing body determines is: (1) confidential; or (2) subject to an exception to disclosure that the governmental body would assert if the information were subject to the request. The language from the AG form has been incorporated in the Town’s PIR form administratively and requires no Council action. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A LEGAL REVIEW: Town Attorney, Dean Roggia, has reviewed the draft resolution as to form and legality. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolultion Adop Method Making Written Request for PIR final Page 73 of 192 ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve the resolution adopting the method for making written requests for public information. Page 74 of 192 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2024-xx A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE METHOD FOR MAKING WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club is a home rule municipality acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5, of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, the 86th Texas Legislature met and passed Senate Bill 944, adding Section 552.234 to the Texas Government Code effective September 1, 2019, allowing governmental bodies to adopt a method(s) by which request(s) for public information shall be made; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club desires to establish a method for submitting public information request; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The facts and recitals set forth in the preamble of this resolution are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated into this Resolution as if written herein. SECTION 2. The following methods under Texas Government Code Section 552.234 are hereby designated as the approved means of submitting a written request for public records for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas: (1) By mail or in person to: Town of Trophy Club Town Secretary’s Office 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 (2) By electronic mail to: openrecords@trophyclub.org (3) By Internet via the links provided on the Town Secretary’s page on the Town’s website: www.trophyclub.org. SECTION 3. The Town Secretary is named as the Officer of Public Information. SECTION 4. The Town website and the Open Records Poster displayed in the Trophy Club Town Hall will be updated to reflect these approved methods in accordance with Government Code Section 552.205. Page 75 of 192 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XX PAGE 2 SECTION 5. This Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 12th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2024. ____________________________ Jeannette Tiffany, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Tammy Dixon, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Dean Roggia, Town Attorney Page 76 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources AGENDA ITEM: Consider amendments to the Town of Trophy Club Compensation Pay Plan with an effective date of February 12, 2024. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: On October 23, 2023, Town Council approved the current Compensation Pay Plan. As Town staff prepare for the 2024 Summer Season, the Parks & Recreation Department identified the need to modify several seasonal classifications to better optimize the utilization of seasonal staff. Staff recommends the creation of a new classification, Recreation Aide, designed to accommodate the positions to perform a variety of recreational programs, projects, and tasks, including facility attendance, cashier responsibilities, event support, and more. This adjustment will result in the elimination of the following classifications: Camp Counselor, Pool Cashier, and TC Gate Attendant. The pay range for the newly proposed Recreation Aide classification is outlined in the revised Compensation Pay Plan (Exhibit A). In addition, while retaining the Assistant Pool Manager and Pool Manager classifications, staff has determined that the Pool Manager II classification is no longer necessary and will be eliminated. Lastly, the Camp Director classification title will undergo a title change to Recreation Lead with no alterations to the pay range. These changes aim to enhance efficiency and align classifications with the evolving needs of the Parks & Recreation Department. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: The funds required for the Compensation Pay Plan changes are accessible within the Fiscal Year 2023/24 Approved Budget and will not result in a budget increase. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A - Compensation Pay Plan - DRAFT 2.12.2024 ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to approve amendments to the Town of Trophy Club Compensation Pay Plan with an effective date of February 12, 2024. Page 77 of 192 Compensation Pay Plan Page 1 of 4 February 12, 2024 Compensation Pay Plan DRAFT As of 2/12/2024 Fire Classification FLSA FT/PT/S Minimum Midpoint Maximum PT Firefighter / EMT NE PT Hourly $ 19.97 $ 23.42 $ 26.87 PT Firefighter/Paramedic NE PT Hourly $ 21.02 $ 24.65 $ 28.29 Firefighter - EMT NE FT Annual $ 68,383.08 $ 80,224.44 $ 92,065.79 Hourly $ 23.48 $ 27.55 $ 31.62 Firefighter-Paramedic NE FT Annual $ 71,986.97 $ 84,464.31 $ 96,911.36 Hourly $ 24.72 $ 29.01 $ 33.28 Driver/Engineer NE FT Annual $ 91,187.53 $ 106,965.91 $ 122,714.01 Hourly $ 31.31 $ 36.73 $ 42.14 Fire Captain NE FT Annual $ 110,660.66 $ 129,800.65 $ 148,940.65 Hourly $ 38.00 $ 44.57 $ 51.15 Police Classification FLSA FT/PT/S Minimum Midpoint Maximum Police Cadet NE FT Annual $ 66,280.45 Hourly $ 31.87 Police Officer NE FT Annual $ 73,635.33 $ 86,376.58 $ 99,117.82 Hourly $ 35.40 $ 41.53 $ 47.65 Detective NE FT Annual $ 73,635.33 $ 86,376.58 $ 99,117.82 Hourly $ 35.40 $ 41.53 $ 47.65 Juvenile Detective NE FT Annual $ 73,635.33 $ 86,376.58 $ 99,117.82 Hourly $ 35.40 $ 41.53 $ 47.65 Police Sergeant NE FT Annual $ 102,232.83 $ 119,906.18 $ 137,579.52 Hourly $ 49.15 $ 57.65 $ 66.14 Police Lieutenant E FT Annual $ 116,812.80 $ 137,017.09 $ 157,199.74 Hourly $ 56.16 $ 65.87 $ 75.58 Police Captain E FT Annual $ 127,845.12 $ 149,953.02 $ 172,039.30 Hourly $ 61.46 $ 72.09 $ 82.71 Page 78 of 192 Compensation Pay Plan Page 2 of 4 February 12, 2024 Non-Exempt Classification FLSA FT/PT/S Minimum Midpoint Maximum Accounting Specialist NE FT Annual $ 45,232.51 $ 53,149.82 $ 61,067.14 Hourly $ 21.75 $ 25.55 $ 29.36 Administrative Assistant NE FT Annual $ 39,608.19 $ 46,465.54 $ 53,301.25 Hourly $ 19.04 $ 22.34 $ 25.63 Animal Control Officer NE FT Annual $ 40,884.48 $ 47,958.14 $ 55,031.81 Hourly $ 19.66 $ 23.06 $ 26.46 Athletics Crew Leader NE FT Annual $ 46,270.85 $ 54,274.69 $ 62,278.53 Hourly $ 22.25 $ 26.09 $ 29.94 Athletics Field Technician NE FT Annual $ 35,779.33 $ 41,966.08 $ 48,152.83 Hourly $ 17.20 $ 20.18 $ 23.15 Communications & Marketing Specialist NE FT Annual $ 53,517.57 $ 62,776.06 $ 72,034.56 Hourly $ 25.73 $ 30.18 $ 34.63 Building & Code Specialist NE FT Annual $ 48,152.00 $ 56,479.13 $ 64,806.25 Hourly $ 23.15 $ 27.15 $ 31.16 Police Support Technician NE FT Annual $ 48,339.20 $ 56,698.70 $ 65,058.20 Hourly $ 23.24 $ 27.26 $ 31.28 Evidence Custodian/Patrol Assistant NE FT Annual $ 41,598.34 $ 48,801.79 $ 55,983.62 Hourly $ 20.00 $ 23.46 $ 26.92 Human Resources Assistant NE FT Annual $ 43,118.40 $ 50,575.04 $ 58,031.69 Hourly $ 20.73 $ 24.31 $ 27.90 Parks Maintenance Worker NE FT/PT Annual $ 35,779.33 $ 41,966.08 $ 48,152.83 Hourly $ 17.20 $ 20.18 $ 23.15 Parks Crew Leader NE FT Annual $ 46,270.85 $ 54,274.69 $ 62,278.53 Hourly $ 22.25 $ 26.09 $ 29.94 Parks Irrigator NE FT Annual $ 39,629.82 $ 46,487.17 $ 53,322.88 Hourly $ 19.05 $ 22.35 $ 25.64 Community Development Coordinator NE FT Annual $ 47,736.00 $ 55,991.19 $ 64,246.37 Hourly $ 22.95 $ 26.92 $ 30.89 Records Analyst NE FT Annual $ 45,037.82 $ 52,825.34 $ 60,612.86 Hourly $ 21.65 $ 25.40 $ 29.14 Recreation Coordinator NE FT Annual $ 48,239.36 $ 56,589.31 $ 64,917.63 Hourly $ 23.19 $ 27.21 $ 31.21 Senior Administrative Assistant NE FT Annual $ 43,912.96 $ 51,505.79 $ 59,098.62 Hourly $ 21.11 $ 24.76 $ 28.41 Street Maintenance Worker NE FT Annual $ 37,401.73 $ 43,891.33 $ 50,359.30 Hourly $ 17.98 $ 21.10 $ 24.21 Streets Crew Leader NE FT Annual $ 46,270.85 $ 54,274.69 $ 62,278.53 Hourly $ 22.25 $ 26.09 $ 29.94 Page 79 of 192 Compensation Pay Plan Page 3 of 4 February 12, 2024 Exempt Classification FLSA FT/PT/S Minimum Midpoint Maximum Accountant E FT Annual $ 57,368.06 $ 67,405.31 $ 77,442.56 Hourly $ 27.58 $ 32.41 $ 37.23 Assistant to the Town Manager E FT Annual $ 74,067.97 $ 86,895.74 $ 99,701.89 Hourly $ 35.61 $ 41.78 $ 47.93 Chief Financial Analyst E FT Annual $ 69,568.51 $ 81,617.54 $ 93,644.93 Hourly $ 33.45 $ 39.24 $ 45.02 Communications & Marketing Director E FT Annual $ 110,193.41 $ 129,251.20 $ 148,308.99 Hourly $ 52.98 $ 62.14 $ 71.30 Community Development Director E FT Annual $ 116,812.80 $ 137,017.09 $ 157,221.38 Hourly $ 56.16 $ 65.87 $ 75.59 Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal E FT Annual $ 128,147.97 $ 150,320.77 $ 172,471.94 Hourly $ 61.61 $ 72.27 $ 82.92 Director of Finance E FT Annual $ 122,653.44 $ 143,874.43 $ 165,073.79 Hourly $ 58.97 $ 69.17 $ 79.36 Fire Chief E FT Annual $ 131,479.30 $ 162,369.79 $ 193,281.92 Hourly $ 63.21 $ 78.06 $ 92.92 Human Resources Director E FT Annual $ 120,663.30 $ 141,538.18 $ 162,391.42 Hourly $ 58.01 $ 68.05 $ 78.07 Parks and Recreation Director E FT Annual $ 122,653.44 $ 143,874.43 $ 165,073.79 Hourly $ 58.97 $ 69.17 $ 79.36 Parks Superintendent E FT Annual $ 71,796.61 $ 84,213.38 $ 96,630.14 Hourly $ 34.52 $ 40.49 $ 46.46 Police Chief E FT Annual $ 131,479.30 $ 162,369.79 $ 193,281.92 Hourly $ 63.21 $ 78.06 $ 92.92 Recreation Superintendent E FT Annual $ 58,968.83 $ 69,157.50 $ 79,346.18 Hourly $ 28.35 $ 33.25 $ 38.15 Streets Superintendent E FT Annual $ 62,365.06 $ 73,159.42 $ 83,932.16 Hourly $ 29.98 $ 35.17 $ 40.35 Page 80 of 192 Compensation Pay Plan Page 4 of 4 February 12, 2024 Part-Time/Seasonal Classification FLSA FT/PT/S Minimum Midpoint Maximum Assistant Camp Director E S Hourly $ 13.79 $ 16.17 $ 18.56 Assistant Pool Manager E S Hourly $ 14.32 $ 16.80 $ 19.27 Assistant Swim Coach E S Hourly $ 13.19 $ 15.46 $ 17.74 Camp Counselor E S Hourly $ 12.48 $ 14.64 $ 16.80 Camp Director Recreation Lead E S Hourly $ 14.30 $ 16.78 $ 19.25 Fitness Instructor NE PT Hourly $ 18.72 $ 21.53 $ 24.34 Head Swim Coach E S Hourly $ 15.30 $ 17.95 $ 20.59 Lifeguard E S Hourly $ 12.48 $ 14.64 $ 16.80 Pool Cashier E S Hourly $ 10.66 $ 12.50 $ 14.35 Pool Manager E S Hourly $ 16.07 $ 18.84 $ 21.62 Pool Manager II E S Hourly $ 16.87 $ 19.79 $ 22.70 Seasonal School Crossing Guard NE S Hourly $ 15.60 $ 17.94 $ 20.28 TC Park Gate Attendant NE PT Hourly $ 11.50 $ 13.49 $ 15.48 Recreation Aide E/NE S Hourly $ 12.32 $ 14.48 $ 16.63 Page 81 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources AGENDA ITEM: Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a repair contract with Classic Chevrolet of Grapevine, TX in an amount not-to-exceed $150,000 to repair 25 Town vehicles affected by hail damage on June 11, 2023. (Denise Deprato, Director of Human Resources) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: On June 11, 2023, a severe weather storm affected the Town resulting in hail damage to 25 Town vehicles. In response, an insurance claim was filed with the Town's insurance provider, Texas Municipal League (TML). A comprehensive inspection was conducted by the TML’s insurance adjuster resulting in an estimate for all repairs to the 25 damaged vehicles in the amount of $131,887.98. The Town carries a $500 deductible per vehicle, resulting in a total deductible expense of $12,500. The Town is responsible for settling payment for the entire cost of repairs to the vendor, and TML will subsequently reimburse the Town for expenses that surpass the deductible amount. To proceed with the necessary repairs, staff is seeking authorization from Town Council for the Town Manager to initiate the repair process. Classic Chevrolet is identified as the repair service provider. The vendor will collaborate directly with TML for any repairs exceeding the initial estimate. The anticipated timeline for the comprehensive repair process for all 25 affected vehicles is estimated to be four months. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: The funds required for the deductible of $12,500 is available within the Fiscal Year 2023/24 Approved Budget and will not result in a budget increase. LEGAL REVIEW: Reviewed and approved as to legal form by the Town Attorney. Pursuant to Texas Local Gov't Code Sec. 252.022, this procurement is necessary to: (1) preserve the property of the Town; (2) preserve or protect the public health or safety of the Town’s residents; and (3) because of unforeseen damage to public machinery, equipment, or other property. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Hail Damage Repair Estimates ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate Page 82 of 192 and execute a repair contract with Classic Chevrolet of Grapevine, TX in an amount not-to- exceed $150,000 to repair 25 Town vehicles affected by hail damage on June 11, 2023. Page 83 of 192 Page 84 of 192 Page 85 of 192 Page 86 of 192 Page 87 of 192 Page 88 of 192 Page 89 of 192 Page 90 of 192 Page 91 of 192 Page 92 of 192 Page 93 of 192 Page 94 of 192 Page 95 of 192 Page 96 of 192 Page 97 of 192 Page 98 of 192 Page 99 of 192 Page 100 of 192 Page 101 of 192 Page 102 of 192 Page 103 of 192 Page 104 of 192 Page 105 of 192 Page 106 of 192 Page 107 of 192 Page 108 of 192 Page 109 of 192 Page 110 of 192 Page 111 of 192 Page 112 of 192 Page 113 of 192 Page 114 of 192 Page 115 of 192 Page 116 of 192 Page 117 of 192 Page 118 of 192 Page 119 of 192 Page 120 of 192 Page 121 of 192 Page 122 of 192 Page 123 of 192 Page 124 of 192 Page 125 of 192 Page 126 of 192 Page 127 of 192 Page 128 of 192 Page 129 of 192 Page 130 of 192 Page 131 of 192 Page 132 of 192 Page 133 of 192 Page 134 of 192 Page 135 of 192 Page 136 of 192 Page 137 of 192 Page 138 of 192 Page 139 of 192 Page 140 of 192 Page 141 of 192 Page 142 of 192 Page 143 of 192 Page 144 of 192 Page 145 of 192 Page 146 of 192 Page 147 of 192 Page 148 of 192 Page 149 of 192 Page 150 of 192 Page 151 of 192 Page 152 of 192 Page 153 of 192 Page 154 of 192 Page 155 of 192 Page 156 of 192 Page 157 of 192 Page 158 of 192 Page 159 of 192 Page 160 of 192 Page 161 of 192 Page 162 of 192 Page 163 of 192 Page 164 of 192 Page 165 of 192 Page 166 of 192 Page 167 of 192 Page 168 of 192 Page 169 of 192 Page 170 of 192 Page 171 of 192 Page 172 of 192 Page 173 of 192 Page 174 of 192 Page 175 of 192 Page 176 of 192 Page 177 of 192 Page 178 of 192 Page 179 of 192 Page 180 of 192 Page 181 of 192 Page 182 of 192 TOWN COUNCIL COMMUNICATION MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 FROM: Chase Ellis, Director of Parks & Recreation AGENDA ITEM: Consider authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a master services agreement with Terralogic Solutions, Inc. for payment kiosk and software services for the Trophy Club Park entrance in the amount of $48,273. (Chase Ellis, Director of Parks & Recreation) BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The current payment kiosk located at Trophy Club Park was installed in 2014 and is need of replacement to incorporate improved payment solutions and aesthetics for the entrance to this park area. The existing unit has required numerous mechanical and technical repairs over its lifetime. Under the current system, staff manually processes all online purchases for park admittance requiring additional staff time and reducing customer experience as they await receipt of the purchase. Terralogic Solutions will create a link between the online payment system and the gate system to omit staff’s involvement and automate the park admission process. Terralogic Solutions will also oversee the replacement of the existing payment kiosk with new Trophy Club-branded equipment to allow for a more cohesive and friendly customer experience. BOARD REVIEW/CITIZEN FEEDBACK: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: This item is budgeted as part of the Recreation Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. The project has been quoted at $48,273. LEGAL REVIEW: Town Attorney, Dean Roggia, has reviewed the contract as to form and legality. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Terralogic Solutions, Inc. Statement of Work ACTIONS/OPTIONS: Staff recommends that the Town Council move to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a master services agreement with Terralogic Solutions, Inc. for payment kiosk and software services for the Trophy Club Park entrance in the amount of $48,273. Page 183 of 192 -Page 1 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 Terralogic Solutions, Inc. Statement of Work This statement of work is made pursuant to the Master Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) effective as of Click or tap to enter a date., by and between The Town of Trophy Club, a Texas municipality (“Customer”) and Terralogic Solutions, Inc, a Delaware Corporation or its Affiliate (“Terralogic”, “Tridius” or “Company”). The terms of the Agreement are incorporated herein by this reference. Any terms not otherwise defined herein will assume the meanings set forth in the Agreement. This Statement of Work is comprised of this cover page and the terms attached hereto. Customer Invoice Information Name of Customer Town of Trophy Club Contact Name Daniel Wilson Name of Customer or Affiliate that executed the Services Agreement if different than the undersigned Billing Address 1 Trophy Wood Dr. Contact E-mail Address dwilson@trophyclub.org City Trophy Club State/Province Texas Phone 682-237-2919 Country USA Postal Code 76262 Fax Invoicing Company will invoice Customer for services performed and expenses incurred as detailed in this Statement of Work. Company’s invoices for payment will be directed to Customer’s representative for payment at the address shown above. Please indicate a Purchase Order No. (if any): Commencement Date This Statement of Work will commence after the Kickoff on the date we begin providing the services. This Statement of Work will expire 15 weeks from the Kickoff, after we conclude the services, and all the Deliverables are accepted. By signing below, each party acknowledges and agrees to be bound to the terms of this Statement of Work and represents that the person signing on its behalf has full authority to sign this Statement of Work. Customer Terralogic Name of Customer (Please Print) The Town of Trophy Club Name Terralogic Solutions, Inc. Customer signature Company signature Name of Customer person signing (Please Print) Name of Company person signing (Please Print) Kevin Wheat Title of Customer person signing (Please Print) Title of Company person signing (Please Print) EVP Customer signature date Company signature date TC-01012 Page 184 of 192 -Page 2 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 1. Services The Town of Trophy Club allows citizens to prepurchase entries at a discount to Trophy Club Park through their online recreation management system, CivicRec. Once purchased, a visitor is given a physical magnetic stripe card by a booth attendant or a City Hall employee. Issuing and updating a card is currently a manual process that is inconvenient for park visitors. In addition, the magnetic stripe cards incur a cost to the Town. Trophy Club has asked Terralogic to integrate the parking and recreation management systems to eliminate the need for manual intervention, as well as the requirement for a physical card. Company will specifically perform the “In-Scope” list of activities outlined below (“Services”) on a fixed fee basis. Any dates and hours provided in this Statement of Work are best estimates only. Activities and Services defined below may be performed simultaneously or in varied order. In-Scope Activities Terralogic will build an integration service that identifies transactions associated with the prepurchase of park entries. When a new transaction is identified, it will update the balance on an existing 7-digit pass number or issue the user a new one. Whenever a user purchases additional entries, they will be sent a reminder of their entry code and confirmation when the transaction is complete. 1. Assess a. Project Kickoff b. Joint call with parking vendor to finalize API requirements 2. Plan a. Create projects, repos, and populate backlog b. Design the solution architecture and technical approach for key feature areas 3. Implement a. Environment Setup i. Azure environment setup ii. Write infrastructure as code for repeatable deployments iii. Create deployment pipelines in Azure DevOps b. Sync Rec Management Reservations i. Implement query to read new transactions regularly 1. Obtain credentials and complete initial transaction search call with CivicRec API 2. Handle API Errors 3. Test transaction reads ii. Create queue for membership card resolution 1. Setup queue 2. Implement read of membership card associated with citizen record 3. Test membership ID resolution queue c. Ventek Integration i. Store unused membership codes from Ventek 1. Implement import of unused membership codes 2. Implement assignment of unused code to new member ii. Implement queue for card balance top-up 1. Setup Queue 2. Call Ventek API to apply funds d. Notifications i. Implement notification queue 1. Create branded notification email 2. Setup notification service 3. Test notification queue e. Deployment/Test Activities Page 185 of 192 -Page 3 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 i. Deployment to Dev/Test environment ii. Testing iii. Deployment to Production environment 4. Engagement Resources include a. Solution Architect b. Developer c. Project Manager d. Tester Out-of-Scope Activities a. Help desk assistance for end-user support b. Ongoing support and administration c. End-user training d. The following roles are out-of-scope for Company: Product Owner and User Acceptance Testers e. Any work outside of 15 weeks caused by customer delay f. Support beyond 15 weeks g. Development of any web, desktop, or mobile user interface (Note: System will make use of existing CivicRec platform UI) h. Implementation of any additional integrations beyond CivicRec and Ventek. i. Any write operations to the CivicRec API j. Upgrades or modification to any physical devices, including but not limited to parking gates, parking fee boxes, servers, networking equipment, cameras Out-of-scope items are not limited to the above list, but the list is representative of the boundaries of services within this proposal. 2. Place of Performance The Services may be performed remotely or on-site from Company’s facilities, at Customer’s facilities, or at Company’s Affiliate’s and Representative’s facilities. 3. Deliverables and Acceptance Criteria The following is a list of Deliverables to be provided to Customer pursuant to this Statement of Work and the work will be deemed accepted once the criteria below have been met and the Customer has been notified the service activity is complete: a. Production Environment – The deployed and configured production environment. Includes services and supporting resources for the developed application. Deliverable may be delivered via online environment demonstration and accepted via email. Customer and Company shall have three business days to review and agree on the deliverable once it has been delivered. This deliverable will be deemed accepted after three (3) business days. b. Parking Code Update Documentation – A step-by-step guide on how to add additional unused parking codes to the system. Printed document length not to exceed 5 pages. Document may be delivered and accepted via email. Customer and Company shall have three business days to review and agree on the deliverable once it has been delivered. This deliverable will be deemed accepted after three (3) business days. c. Solution Code - Deliverable may be delivered via Azure DevOps repo or archive ZIP file and accepted via email. Customer and Company shall have three business days to review and agree on the deliverable once it has been delivered. This deliverable will be deemed accepted after three (3) business days. Page 186 of 192 -Page 4 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 4. Schedule/Milestones The following outlines the estimated schedule (and any date) for the Deliverables and milestones detailed in this Statement of Work (“Schedule”). Estimated milestones a. Kickoff for vendor software b. Vendor period (4 – 6 weeks) c. Development with demo (3 weeks) d. Deployment to Production (1 week) 5. Customer Responsibilities This Statement of Work is based on the Customer Responsibilities listed below. Any variances from these line items may impact the cost and/or schedule of the Services. a. Identify a point of contact with decision-making authority for all communication. b. Provide timely decisions for Customer configuration details based on Company recommendations. c. Set aside dedicated time and space to participate in the process. d. Purchase reasonably necessary and mutually agreeable hardware, software, storage, and networking as required to support the project or environment. e. Provide credentials for each application, data source, device, server, and the system as needed. f. Provide sample data from each application, data source, and system as needed. g. Provide local, domain, and service administrator credentials as needed. h. Attend and participate in scheduled workshops and meetings as needed. i. Provide product owner and subject matter experts as needed. j. Provide tester for testing and user acceptance as needed. k. Assign Tridius as deployment partner of record, claiming partner of record, partner administrative access and/or purchase Office 365 and Azure licensing with Tridius as Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP). 6. Assumptions and Limitations This Statement of Work is based on the assumptions and limitations outlined below including, out-of- scope activities, assumptions, and customer responsibilities. Any variances from these line items may impact the cost and schedule of the project services. a. All changes, additions, or subtractions to the Services or Deliverables to be performed pursuant to this Statement of Work, will be communicated in writing (via email or Change Order) prior to such services being performed or accepted. b. Customer will provide feedback in a timely manner before completion of services. c. Any necessary hardware or software will be legally procured or licensed. d. Any ongoing operational support that occurs after the expiration of this Statement of Work will be billed hourly based on the Agreement or at a fixed monthly rate based on a separate statement of work. Page 187 of 192 -Page 5 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 e. Remote access to applications, desktops, servers, storage, and networking environment will be provided by Customer to Company as needed. f. Physical access to the building, desktops, servers, storage, and networking equipment will be provided to Company as needed. g. Service administrator, domain administrator, global administrator, and local administrator credentials will be provided to Company as needed. h. Customer data and configuration information will be provided to Company as needed. i. Customer will provide credentials for each application, data source, device, server, and the system as needed. j. Customer will assign IT leaders, IT administrators, resource owners, and resource managers to the project to work with Company in scheduled workshops, meetings, and activities as needed. k. Company resources will be able to work independently in Customer environment. l. This engagement will require a maximum of 15 weeks from the Kickoff date and any work outside of 15 weeks caused by Customer delay will require additional hours via a Change Order. m. The target recreation management platform for integration is CivicRec. n. The parking entrance vendor for integration is Ventek. If a different parking vendor is chosen, a scope change may be required. Prices for all necessary Ventek equipment are set out below 7. Fees Customer will pay for the In-Scope activities using the fees schedule on a fixed fee basis. Out-of- Scope activities will be referred to Customer’s designated point of contact to be approved in writing and will be billed at an hourly rate of $250 per hour during the term of this Statement of Work. The fees do not include fees for hardware, software, online services, or products, which will be billed separately, if any. The fees below do not include any sales tax, value added tax, surcharges or fees that may be required by law to be collected at the time of invoice. Any approved expenses for lodging, transportation, and meals will be billed separately, if required. For In-Scope activities, Company shall submit invoices for each milestone. For Out-of-Scope activities, Company shall submit monthly invoices detailing additional hours worked, Customer shall review the monthly Out-of-Scope invoice and pay undisputed portions thereof within 30 calendar days from receipt. Milestone Description Price 1 Project Initiation $20,000.00 2 Project Completion $12,000.00 Total: $32,000.00 Page 188 of 192 -Page 6 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 Please note, the following services and equipment are to be provided by VenTek International. Part I – Ventek Capital Costs - Hardware, Installation, Setup & Services VENTEK AUTOMATED FEE MACHINE ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE E1 M600 Pay and Display or Pay in Lane Includes 1 year Warranty Power Configuration: Solar Connectivity: LAN- Connection via Lan via Hotspot Payment Mode: Credit Card Acceptance 1 $8,995 $8,995 OPT 1 EMV All in One Payment Device- Provides Contactless Credit Card Read (Tap and Pay) Chip Read and Swipe Future Mobile Payments like Apple and Samsung 1 $1,500 $1,500 Bill Acceptance w/Spare Bill Locking Revenue Collection Unit 1 $1,533 $1,533 Gate Relay 1 $350 $350 Custom Wrap- Door Only 1 $520 Included Heater for AC Systems Only 1 $350 Included Pedestal- 12", 18”, 24”, 30”, 35” options Reuse Existing Shipping* 1 $600 $600 Ventek AFM Revenue Collection Equipment $12,978 VENTEK INSTALLATION & TRAINING ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE INST1 Ventek Installation & Training - Base Fee for 1st day Installation & training - based on a standard installation Ventek Training Conducted on site and unlimited while technician is available onsite 1 $1900 Ventek Installation & Training $1900 Page 189 of 192 -Page 7 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 Part II- Ventek Operating Costs- Software Subscription Fees VENTEK ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION FEES ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE SW Cloud Based System Management- User credential for venVUE, Ventek’s web based management system, Secure PCI Level 1 Certified Server on Amazon Cloud for Data Storage & Payment Gateway, and VenTek Value Card 1 $1,395 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION FEES $1,395 *** Subsequent, annual subscription fees to be paid directly to Ventek, not Terralogic. Automated Fee Machine- Revenue Collection Equipment: $12,978.00 Installation and Training: $1,900.00 Annual Recurring Software Subscription: $1,395.00 Ventek Total: $16,273.00 Ventek Notes: 1 Shipping is an Estimate Only - Actual Costs will be billed upon shipment 2 Payment Gateway - As a Level 1 PCI Service Provider VenTek offers a Secure Electronic Gateway. This allows VenTek's customers to establish a direct connection between the VenTek System and their Payment Card Processor. VenTek warrants that our Payment Gateway will remain PCI-compliant for the duration of service delivery and that our pricing will be lower than comparable products. Includes Cyber Insurance. 3 VenVUE System Management, venSTATION Data Hosting and CDMA Cellular Connectivity are billed Annually 4 (1) year factory warranty included 5 Installation Includes securing the unit to a surface prepared per installation drawing, connecting existing electrical inside the unit, installing software, network programming and configuration, and installation of all parts and peripherals necessary for unit operation. 5a Installation Quote does not include Site Prep: Concrete or Conduit Work, Pulling Electrical or Communication Cables or Removal of Existing Equipment 5b Installation Quote is an estimate based on standard installation. Additional fees billed at time and Material +10% 6 Onsite Training is conducted during and/or after installation. If VenTek must come back onsite, time will be billed at $150/hr Including travel and expenses. 6a venVUE System Management training conducted remotely via WebEx 7 ADA Compliant for height, control and reach 8 All funds due are in U.S. dollars. Terms Net 30 from date of delivery. 1.25% finance charge (15% per annum) applied to balances over 30 days past VENTEK WARRANTY ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE STDW Standard Warranty: Free Unlimited Tech Support for 3 Months/Warranty Issues for 12 months Incl. Incl. Incl. EXTW Extended 1 Year Factory Warranty (Recommended for years 2+) 1 $900 $900 OL1 Onsite Service Calls billed at $150/hour. Including time and material Per hour $150 AH1 After Hours Telephone Support Hourly Labor Rate $150/hour (billed in 15-minute increments) Per hour $150 VENMOBILE Page 190 of 192 -Page 8 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE VM VenMOBILE- Samsung Galaxy Tab 8 w/Zebra Printer- 3 year warranty on Zebra 1 $2,500 $2,500 ARS6 VenMOBILE Software Subscription- Per Year 1 $700 $700 ARS7 VenMOBILE Cellular Subscription (if required)- per year 1 $600 $600 ARS8 Payment Gateway 1 $240 $600 CR Credit for Customer Provided Android Tablet or Phone 1 ~$600 Optional (not included in “total” above): venMOBILE Revenue Collection Equipment $2,500.00 Optional (not included in “total” above): Annual Recurring Software Subscription $1,540.00 SPARES ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE SP1 Spare 40A Battery Per unit $216 SP2 Spare 17A Battery Per unit $118 SP3 Spare 70A Battery Per unit Quote SP4 Spare Credit Card Reader Per unit $450 SP5 Spare All in One Per unit $1,125 SP6 Spare Bill Acceptor Per unit $956 SP8 Spare Controller Per unit $1,775 SP9 Spare Display Per unit $755 SP10 Spare Printers, Including Cable Per unit $1,470 SP11 Spare keypads 1x4 Per unit $134 SP12 Spare keypads 3x4 Per unit $180 SP13 Spare keypad- Alpha Numeric Per unit $483 SP14 Spare Modem Per unit $595 SP21 Recommended Spares- Configuration dependent 1 per 10 Quote CONSUMABLES ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE C1 Custom VenTek Annual Pass/Value Cards- Lot of 1000 Per card $1.50 C2 Standard Ticket Paper Rolls (order quantity 10+ rolls) 1” core Per roll $55 C3 Custom Ticket Paper Rolls (order quantity 55+ rolls)- Estimate only Per roll Quote C5 Cleaner- Thermal Printer, box of 25 Per cleaner $1 C6 Cleaner- Credit Card Reader, box of 50 Per cleaner $1 Total Price (Terralogic and Ventek for One Year): $48,273.00 Page 191 of 192 -Page 9 of 9- Terralogic PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer Initials _________ Trophy Club VentekRL (002) Company Initials _________ 2/7/2024 Page 192 of 192