P&Z Minutes 09/02/21C Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Ddve Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TOWN OF Meeting Minutes TROPHY CLUB Planning & Zoning Commission September 2, 2021 7:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairperson Rowe called the September 2, 2021 Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 PM and announced aquorum. Commissioners Present Chairperson Rhylan Rowe Commissioner Jake Gibson Commissioner Michael Biggs Commissioner Brandon Blake Commissioner Reginal Brabrin running late Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Branum Commissioner Stevens Staff Present: Wade Carroll Town Manager Matt Cox Director of Community Development David Jones Interim Town Planner CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy oroversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairperson Rowe open the meeting at 7:00 PM Chairperson Rowe asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests to speak were submitted. ITASHA — 52 HALAFAX, ROANOKE spoke regarding the Trails PD project with concerns regarding safety, privacy, and impact on value of home if built behind his property and his neighbors. REGULAR SESSION 1. Case PD-21-001 (Trails PD) A. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone approximately 8.88 acres from R-15, Single-family Residential District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 27 detached single-family residential lots located at 2304 and 2344 Trophy Park Drive. B. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to rezone approximately 8.88 acres from R-15, Single-family Residential District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 27 detached single-family residential lots located at 2304 and 2344 Trophy Park Drive. Chairperson Rowe opened the public hearing at 7:08 PM. There were no public comments. Chairperson Rowe closed the public hearing at 7:08 PM Town Interim Planner David Jones presented the staff report and was available for questions Chairperson Rowe requested a better description regarding the lot sizes. Mr. Jones state there is a maximum building coverage is 65% regarding the PD. Chairperson Rowe asked for discussion. Commissioner Biggs inquired the density and Mr. Jones stated last proposed was lack of open space. Chairperson Rowe asked regarding this proposal had to wait 12mns, Mr. Jones stated the applicant chose to wait. Commissioner Gibson inquired about the setbacks; Mr. Jones the density is the number of units divided by the acreage. Mr. Jones also stated they will be going to the 20 feet building line to be in line with the surrounding neighborhoods. Applicant — ADAM BUCHEK 8214 MANCHESTER DRIVE, DALLAS — presented and stated there were a lot of change during Covid and adjustments. Decided to reapply and believe the new plan will be better and hope the Commissioners will be pleased with the new proposal. Commissioner Rowe asked there is an access easement to current cell tower, why the landowner is hanging on to ownership. Why not allow you to purchase the strip of property. Landowner — JOHN COLMAN —196 CR 4655 RHOME — holding on to land because does not want to let go of it, wants to hold on to because has a lease agreement with the tower owners. - Applicant — Buchek continued with his presentation and was available for questions. Chairperson Rowe asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Gibson mentioned there was a history of rezone adjacent developments might be nice to have something to compare too. Chairperson Rowe what is the percentage in the last few years on infield compared to full scale developments. Mr. Buchek stated they average 10 projects a year in 5 years 2/3 on infields. Commission Rowe what percentage have been Windsor 1/3 but this project will be Drees. Chairperson Rowe asked if there were any more discussions, there were none. There won't be any voting tonight, that will be on 09/14/2021 Applicant asked if this was in the general area of what they wanted. Chairperson Rowe stated they have made changes. 2. Case PD-21-002 (Beck Townhomes PD) A. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School from MH, HUD- Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 36 Townhomes. B. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to rezone approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School from MH, HUD -Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 36 Townhomes. Chairperson Rowe opened the public hearing at 7.47 PM. Public comments presented by the following individuals with concerns of the PD: Rene Poli, 420 Chestnut Lane, Roanoke, TX Denise Tennison, 1736 Halifax St, Roanoke, TX Christian Duboe, 1740 Halifax St., Roanoke, TX Wes 1424 Riverside Rd., Roanoke, TX Phil 438 Middleton, Roanoke, TX Michael 1760 Halifax St., Roanoke, TX Keith Spencer, 1733 Halifax St., Roanoke, TX Chairperson Rowe closed the public hearing at 8:03PM Town Interim Planner David Jones presented the staff report and was available for questions. Chairperson Rowe asked to explanation when the details for platting, development, etc:.. Mr. Jones stated for it to be approved it would have to take the site plan submitted then addition engineering standards for drainage, water/sewer would make sure to have what is necessary to serve these townhomes and if they wouldn't be able to move forward with the development to start construction. ROWE is any portion in the FEMA flood plain. Mr. Jones would have to look if its in the flood plain. Commissioner Gibson stated was there a flood or drainage study completed? Commissioner Biggs stated its green space because its flood plains. - Commissioner Gibson regarding the trail is it own by applicant, how they will build a road? Mr. Jones it is not owned by applicant would have to work out with the property owner and the easement. RENE — the land where the trail goes across is owned by NISD and the access easement is in place and a request has been made for utilities. YOSHUA — 6623 CRESTLAND AVE, DALLAS — is with Beck Ventures has been developing TC for over 30 years, those two lots are MH housing. This project has been designed to be high -end product. The civil engineer will be working with the town to comply. Commissioner Gibson stated regarding ISD easement how can it impact the trail, will there be a trail over the road or a crosswalk. Yoshua have not spoken about bringing sewer line to the property, best option was to speak with ISD and they are on board with the plans. Chairperson Rowe stated that the density will always be a concern, doesn't make sense to put that amount of rooftop. Addressed the homeowners apologized about being told that it was going to stay green space. Something specific needs to be done with the trail design and taking care of pedestrians. FEMA shows flood plain on map, requested applicant and staff to make sure before the next meeting. Commissioner Blake stated people will be curious with the finish floor plans and the road between the two sections will it be a bridge situation. Mr. Duboe gave clarification on the next meeting so other people can come with their concerns. RENE stated the $600k none will be sad but if the land is not in the flood plain, they could allow more space that will increase the value of the townhomes. ITA stated that is a private land what was told cannot blame the landowner, can't build a home right behind our homes. Don't see how the value of the townhomes is going to help ours. DENISE stated main concern is the safety of the kids, trail was built on the school property. ISD is not aware that it could be an issue. YOSHUA stated that the ISD is will aware of the plans. Chairperson Rowe asked for discussion. There were no further discussions. 3. Receive Community Development Updates on previous cases heard by the Commission and active development in Town. (M. Cox) Director Cox provided a staff update and was available for questions. There were no public comments. Commissioner Gibson inquired about new tenants moving into the town center, Blue 22 finished out. Grant Gould — 4514 HOPKINS AVE, DALLAS is the leasing agent at Trophy Club town center and updated the Commissioners with current tenants and proposed tenants. ADJOURN Chairperson Rowe motion to adjourn, second by Commissioners Gibson. The meeting adj rued at 8:34 PM Chaitpe>on Rhylan Rowe Planning & Zoning Commission Matt Cox, Director of Community Development