10-13-09 tree board min MINUTES OF TREE BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Tuesday October 13, 6:30 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Tree Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. MEMBERS PRESENT Deandra Pugh Chairwoman Steven Kohs Tree Board Member Sheila Lacher Tree Board Member Teri Nickells Tree Board Member Melissa Boclair Tree Board Member Bob Downey Tree Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Tony Jaramillo Parks Supervisor A.1 Welcome new members and introduction. Chairwoman Pugh called the Tree Board to order, noting a quorum at 6:38 pm. The Tree Board Members made an introduction of each other and told a little about themselves. A.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding staff update concerning PD-27 and Neighborhoods 10 and 11 development. Park Supervisor Jaramillo informed the Tree Board that Neighborhood 8 is going to be changed from a gated community to single family homes. Park Supervisor Jaramillo called Director Adams as he was at a conference in Utah. Director Adams explained that there would be tree mitigation next to a Hogan’s Glenn in about 2 months, and staff will update Tree Board when the developer makes the request to clear any green space necessary. A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Tree Board funds and Ordinance review. Chairwoman Pugh informed the Tree Board that if the Tree Ordinance needed any changes that it had to be presented to Town Council in February. Chairwoman Pugh told the Tree Board that new trees can be planted in various common areas that are irrigated in Town such as, Shasta and Trophy Lake Drive, Eagles Ridge, and various medians on Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. Park Supervisor Jaramillo advised that we no longer plant Bradford Pears due to their short life span and not being strong enough to survive high winds. Chairwoman Pugh advised the Tree Board saves $500.00 of Tree City funds to buy brochures and informational handouts for the public. A.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding past and future special events. Park Supervisor Jaramillo told the Tree Board that we could work on Nature programs for the community, that involves an instructor to have activities with the kids such as hiking, taking water samples etc. Board Member Nickells suggested that the Tree Board have a scavenger hunt in on Arbor Day at TCP as well as Geo-Caching. A.5 Discuss and take appropriate action concerning a Post Oak Tree Preservation Ordiance. Director Adams stated that if a resident wanted to remove a Post Oak Tree, they would have to apply for a permit at no charge at which point staff could make recommendations or provide input to the resident on how important Post Oak Trees are and that the final decision to remove the tree or trees would be up to the owner of the property owner. Board Member Boclair asked what was the one tree that was being protected at Northeast Park. Director Adams said that there is a Speciman Pecan Tree and we were going to build something around it to save it. A.6 Take appropriate action on the nomination and appointment of the following Officer postions. a. Chairwmoman b. Vice-Chairwoman Board Member Downey made a motion to nominate Chairwoman Pugh for Chair, seconded by Board Member Boclair. Motion carried unanimously. Board Member Boclair volunteered to the Vice-Chair position. Board Member Downey made a motion to nominate Board Member Boclair for the Vice-Chair position seconded by Board Member Kohs. Motion carried unanimously. Board Member Downey made a motion to adjourn at 8:39 pm seconded by Board Member Lacher. Motion carried unanimously.