Agenda Packet 10/11/2022Town of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda Packet Town Council 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 October 11, 2022 7:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor Fleury INVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church  PLEDGES led by Council Member Flynn Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT(S) This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or may email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1.Business Spotlight – YogaSix, Mark Hrubant (Mayor Fleury). 2.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­20 proclaiming October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month in Trophy Club (Mayor Fleury). 3.Issuance of proclamation 2022­21 proclaiming National Bullying Prevention Month (Mayor Fleury). 4.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­22 proclaiming National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Mayor Fleury). 5.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­23 proclaiming Fire Prevention Month (Mayor Fleury). 6.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­24 proclaiming First Responders’ Day (Mayor Fleury). 7.Rotary Club First Responders event (J. Wise) 8.TCWC Garage Sale Oct 15 (W. Carroll). 9.Community Clean Up October 29, 2022 (M. Cox). 10.Update on early voting and election day (A. Otterson). 11.Announcement of Fright Lights Contest (T. Jaramillo). CONSENT AGENDA 12.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes for September 27, 2022 (A. Otterson). 13.Consider and take appropriate action approving seventeen purchase orders for FY23 (W. Carroll). INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 14.Future Agenda Items List (W. Carroll). EXECUTIVE SESSION 15.Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Governmental Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will recess into executive session to discuss the following:      a)  Section 551.087 Economic Development – Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding prospective commercial projects within the Town of trophy Club.      b)  Section 551.071 Attorney­Client Privilege – Deliberate a possible Interlocal Agreement with multiple governmental entities to provide services to Trophy Club citizens. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 16.Consider and take appropriate action regarding executive session items (Mayor Fleury). ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, October 7, 2022 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Anita Otterson, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 1 Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketTown Council 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas76262October 11, 2022 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church PLEDGES led by Council Member FlynnPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENT(S)This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentationsare limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four(4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker musthave submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or mayemail mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS1.Business Spotlight – YogaSix, Mark Hrubant (Mayor Fleury).2.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­20 proclaiming October as Pregnancy and Infant LossAwareness Month in Trophy Club (Mayor Fleury).3.Issuance of proclamation 2022­21 proclaiming National Bullying Prevention Month (Mayor Fleury). 4.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­22 proclaiming National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Mayor Fleury). 5.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­23 proclaiming Fire Prevention Month (Mayor Fleury). 6.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­24 proclaiming First Responders’ Day (Mayor Fleury). 7.Rotary Club First Responders event (J. Wise) 8.TCWC Garage Sale Oct 15 (W. Carroll). 9.Community Clean Up October 29, 2022 (M. Cox). 10.Update on early voting and election day (A. Otterson). 11.Announcement of Fright Lights Contest (T. Jaramillo). CONSENT AGENDA 12.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes for September 27, 2022 (A. Otterson). 13.Consider and take appropriate action approving seventeen purchase orders for FY23 (W. Carroll). INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 14.Future Agenda Items List (W. Carroll). EXECUTIVE SESSION 15.Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Governmental Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will recess into executive session to discuss the following:      a)  Section 551.087 Economic Development – Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding prospective commercial projects within the Town of trophy Club.      b)  Section 551.071 Attorney­Client Privilege – Deliberate a possible Interlocal Agreement with multiple governmental entities to provide services to Trophy Club citizens. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 16.Consider and take appropriate action regarding executive session items (Mayor Fleury). ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, October 7, 2022 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Anita Otterson, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 2 Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketTown Council 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas76262October 11, 2022 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church PLEDGES led by Council Member FlynnPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENT(S)This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentationsare limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four(4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker musthave submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or mayemail mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS1.Business Spotlight – YogaSix, Mark Hrubant (Mayor Fleury).2.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­20 proclaiming October as Pregnancy and Infant LossAwareness Month in Trophy Club (Mayor Fleury).3.Issuance of proclamation 2022­21 proclaiming National Bullying Prevention Month(Mayor Fleury).4.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­22 proclaiming National Domestic ViolenceAwareness Month (Mayor Fleury).5.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­23 proclaiming Fire Prevention Month (Mayor Fleury).6.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­24 proclaiming First Responders’ Day (Mayor Fleury).7.Rotary Club First Responders event (J. Wise)8.TCWC Garage Sale Oct 15 (W. Carroll).9.Community Clean Up October 29, 2022 (M. Cox).10.Update on early voting and election day (A. Otterson).11.Announcement of Fright Lights Contest (T. Jaramillo).CONSENT AGENDA12.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes forSeptember 27, 2022 (A. Otterson).13.Consider and take appropriate action approving seventeen purchase orders for FY23(W. Carroll).INDIVIDUAL ITEMS14.Future Agenda Items List (W. Carroll).EXECUTIVE SESSION15.Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Governmental Code,Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will recessinto executive session to discuss the following:     a)  Section 551.087 Economic Development – Deliberate Economic DevelopmentNegotiations regarding prospective commercial projects within the Town of trophyClub.     b)  Section 551.071 Attorney­Client Privilege – Deliberate a possible InterlocalAgreement with multiple governmental entities to provide services to Trophy Clubcitizens. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 16.Consider and take appropriate action regarding executive session items (Mayor Fleury). ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, October 7, 2022 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Anita Otterson, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 3 1 Town of Trophy Club Town Council Regular Session Minutes Tuesday, September 27, 2022; 7PM The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 Jeff Beach Council Member, Place 2 Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 LuAnne Oldham Council Member, Place 5 TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Flynn Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Town Manager David Dodd Town Attorney Jason Wise Fire Chief Patrick Arata Police Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Jill Lind Marketing and Communications Director Anita Otterson Town Secretary Matt Cox Community Development Director Jon Ciarletta Police Lieutenant CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM and noted a quorum with all Council Members present except for Council Member Flynn who was traveling and unable to attend. INVOCATION led by Town Manager Wade Carroll PLEDGES led by Council Member Beach Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no speakers. PROCLAMATIONS 5. Issuance of Proclamation 2022-16 proclaiming October 2022 as National Chiropractic Health Month in Trophy Club. (Mayor Fleury). Mayor Fleury motioned to approve the proclamation as read. The motion was seconded by Council Member Monger. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. 4 2 1. Business Spotlight – FreeForm Chiropractic, Dr. Jesse Jacobs and Dr. Robert Deevers TCR Chiropractic and Wellness. (Mayor Fleury). 6. Issuance of Proclamation 2022-17 proclaiming October 5, 2022 as World Teacher’s Day in Trophy Club (Mayor Fleury). Mayor Fleury motioned to approve the proclamation as read. The motion was seconded by Council Member Oldham. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. 7. Issuance of Proclamation 2022-18 proclaiming October 4, 2022 as National Night Out in Trophy Club (Mayor Fleury). Mayor Fleury motioned to approve the proclamation as read. The motion was seconded by Council Member Monger. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. 8. Issuance of Proclamation 2022-19 proclaiming October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Mayor Fleury). Mayor Fleury motioned to approve the proclamation as read. The motion was seconded by Council Member Beach. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION 19. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will recess into executive session to discuss the following: c. Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, evaluation, and duties of a public officer or employee: 1.Discussion and possible action on Interviews conducted for Boards and Commissions Annual Appointments Mayor Fleury announced that Council was going into executive session at 7:29 PM. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Fleury announced Council was reconvening into Regular Session at 7:42 PM 21. Approve Resolution 2022-15 appointing Board members to the following Boards and Commissions: a. Animal Shelter Advisory Board b. Building Standards Commission c. Crime Control and Prevention District d. Economic Development Corporation 4B e. Ethics Commission f. Parks and Recreation Board g. Planning and Zoning Commission h. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone no. 1 i. Zoning Board of Adjustment Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to approve a Resolution of the Trophy Club Town Council repealing Resolution 2021-12 and approving a new resolution appointing/reappointing members to the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Building Standards Commission, Crime Control and Prevention District, Economic Development Corporation 4B, Ethics Review Commission, Parks, and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone no. 1, and Zoning Board of Adjustments; reaffirming existing appointments; providing for the appointment of a chairperson when delegated; designating terms of service and providing an effective date of October 1, 2022. 5 3 Animal Shelter Advisory Board 1. Brian Hall, Animal Control Officer (2024) 2. Chuck Hall (2023) 3. Brooke Bemis, Veterinarian (2023) 4. Pamela Swan, (2023) 5. Deanna Polner (2024) 6. Susan Edstrom (2024) Building Standards Commission 1. Nick Sanders (2023) 2. Jonathan Poole (2023) 3. Robert Stevens (2023) 4. Michael Biggs (2024) 5. Terry Kesterson (2024) 6. Steven Boedeker, Alternate (2024) 7. Stephen Bowman, Alternate (2024) Crime Control and Prevention District 1. Christine Udvar-Hazy (2023) 2. Leo Daniels (2023) 3. Heath Williams (2024) 4. Christopher McAllister (2023) 5. Joe Tellez (2023) 6. Frederick Lohmann (2024) 7. Marc Bartels (2024) Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC-4B) 1. Travis Inge (2023) 2. John Mann (2024) 3. Scott Haro (2023) 4. Michael Clarke (2023) 5. Andrew Borgan (2024) 6. Teri Addington (2024) 7. Joe Longo (2023) Ethics Review Commission 1. Kyle Black (2024) 2. Lorrie Branson (2023) 3. Dana Kizer (2023) 4. Marc Carlozzi (2023) 5. James Isherwood (2023) 6. , Alternate (2024) 7. , Alternate (2023) Parks and Recreation Board 1. Robert Ferguson (2024) 2. Tracey Hunter (2023) 3. Patrick Schrein (2023) 4. Stacey Bauer (2024) 5. Stephanie Presley (2024) 6. Wendie Bailey (2023) 7. Dean Murray (2024) 6 4 Planning and Zoning Commission 1. Terry Kesterson (2024) 2. Paul Jablonski (2023) 3. Rhylan Rowe (2023) 4. Mike Branum (2023) 5. Jonathan Poole (2023) 6. Michael Biggs (2024) 7. Robert Stevens (2024) Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) 1. Scott Haro (2024) 2. Teri Addington (2024) 3. Michael Clarke (2023) 4. Rebecca Barksdale, TCO (2023) Zoning Board of Adjustment 1. Doug Harper (2023) 2. Steven Boedeker (2024) 3. Steve Bowman (2024) 4. Nick Sanders (2023) 5. Edgar Jorge-Ortiz (2023), This position is being filled for the remaining 1 year term and will expire September 30, 2023. 6. , Alternate (2024) 7. Mary Margaret Burnham, Alternate (2023) 8. , Alternate (2024) 9. James Calaway, Alternate (2023) The motion was seconded by Council Member Beach. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 2. Indian Creek Update (M. Cox) 3. Update on PetFest (T. Jaramillo). 4. Update on BNHS Home Coming Parade, October 5th (P. Arata). CONSENT AGENDA 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the replacement of the Police vehicles for the Police Department (P. Arata). 10. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the contract renewal with Five Stone Creative for audio/visual meeting management services in the amount of $27,000 (J. Lind). 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (FY22) Budget of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas Budget Amendment No. 2; providing for an amendment to appropriate funds related to changes in various departments; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). 12. Take appropriate action adopting Ordinance 2022-30 regarding the Municipal Utility District’s new fee for water service and water meter fees for customers within the boundaries of the Public Improvement District No. 1 (PID) (W. Carroll). 13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Meeting Minutes dated September 13, 2022 (A. Otterson). 7 5 14. Take appropriate action to approve an increase to Purchase Order 22-00125 from $25,000 to $30,000 with HE Planning+Design LLC for on-call planning services for the Town (M. Cox). Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9 through 14. The motion was seconded by Council Member Beach. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 15. Conduct a Public Hearing relative to the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), the proposed Assessment Roll, and the levy of Special Assessments against the property in PID no. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance (W. Carroll). Mayor Fleury opened the Public Hearing at 8:00 pm. There were no speakers. The Mayor closed the Public hearing at 8:00:25 pm. INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to approve an Ordinance to accept and approve a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date of October 1, 2022. The motion was seconded by Council Member Beach. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. 17. Receive a report regarding a rate increase from Allied Waste. (W. Carroll). 18. Review Future Agenda Items List (W. Carroll). EXECUTIVE SESSION 19. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will recess into executive session to discuss the following: a. Section 551.087 Economic Development 1. Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding prospective commercial projects within the Town of Trophy Club. b. Section 551.071 Attorney-Client Privilege 1. Norwood vs. Trophy Club 2. Deliberate a possible Interlocal Agreement with multiple governmental entities to provide services to Trophy Club Citizens. Mayor Fleury announced that Council was going into executive session at 8:11 PM. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Fleury announced Council was reconvening into Regular Session at 9:04 PM 15.Consider and take appropriate action regarding Executive Session items (Mayor Fleury). 8 6 Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to approve the Norwood lawsuit resolution. The motion was seconded by Council Member Monger. The motion passed 6-0. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to appoint the following chair persons to the following Boards and Commissions and a vice chairperson to the Planning and Zoning Commission: Building Standards Commission – Robert Stevens, Chair Parks & Rec Board – Dean Murray, Chair Planning and Zoning – Michael Biggs, Chair Planning and Zoning – Mike Branum, Vice Chair Zoning Board of Adjustments – Nick Sanders, Chair The motion was seconded by Council Member Beach. The motion passed 6-0. ADJOURN Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 9:05 pm. Attest: __________________________ __________________________ Anita Otterson, Town Secretary Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor 9 Page 1 of 3 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Wade L. Carroll, Town Manager CC: Anita Otterson, Town Secretary Re: Approval of FY23 Purchase Orders (18) Town Council Meeting, October 11, 2022 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding approving seventeen (17) purchase orders for FY23 (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: Administrative & Financial Services – Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: Staff has gathered initial FY23 purchase orders over $25,000 for Council approval. The thought is to bring forward all purchase orders over $25,000 that staff is aware of at the first of the year for approval. Two reasons for handling this way, one to let Council see the purchases as a group and two to streamline operations. The individual purchase orders are attached on a spreadsheet. Administration JD Dodd Law, PC - Annual legal services provided by David Dodd – $ 102,000.00 Community Development Teague Nall & Perkins - Purchase order for engineering services in FY23. This purchase order allows staff to use the Engineering Firm going forward on drainage and public works projects. As expected, any plans arising from the services will be brought forward to Council prior to moving forward - $ 42,000.00. This amount is based on average amounts billed from previous years. HE Planning & Design, LLC - Purchase order for engineering services in FY23. This purchase order allows staff to use the Engineering Firms going forward on drainage and public works projects. As expected, any plans arising from the services will be brought forward to Council prior to moving forward - $ 42,000.00.10 Page 2 of 3 Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. – Purchase order for various 3rd party building and health inspections throughout the year - $ 32,000.00. LaTour Tree Service – Purchase Order for monthly inspections at $1,000 each ($12,000) and debris removal from creeks and tree removal. Debris removal is estimated at $28,000 based on previous years’ costs, for a total PO amount of $ 40,000.00. Caldwell Chevrolet – 2023 Chevrolet 1500 4WD Crew Cab BuyBoard# 601-19- $ 40,000.00 Kanelee Landscapes (TLC Landscapes) – Mowing Byron Nelson Creek and Lakeview Creek - $33,000.00 Finance American Integration – 3rd party IT services provided by VersaTrust - $ 174,000.00. Tyler Technologies - Financial, Court and Permitting software - $51,790.00. Tyler’s contracted amount is $48,602 and $3188 added for warrant software package. BKD, LLP – Annual Auditing Services $ 50,000.00 Fire Motorola Solutions - Purchase Order for 3 APX8000 All Band Portable Radios & Remote Speaker Microphones - $ 26,076.90. Parks North Texas Trailers LLC - A total of four (4) trailers for the Parks Department BuyBoard# 599- 19 - $ 30,352.00. o 2022 MAXXD 83”x18’ Tandem Axle 10K utility trailer - $ 5863.75 o 2022 MAXXD 7’x18’ 10K utility trailer - $ 5,688.00 o 2022 MAXXD 83”x20’ 10K dovetail trailer - $ 5868.50 o 2023 Pace 8.5’x20’ Enclosed Trailer - $ 12,931.75 Cunningham Recreation – Replacement fabric for large shade structure at Harmony Park BuyBoard# 592-19 – $ 25,810.49. Silsbee Ford – Purchase Order for the purchase of a 2023 Ford F250 Crew Cab 4x4 BuyBoard# 22-228F000- $ 59,272.75. Bobcat of North Texas – Lewisville - T76 T4 Bobcat Compact Track Loader BuyBoard# 597-19 - $ 50,392.00. 11 Page 3 of 3 Police Denton County Auditor – Denton County ILA for Dispatch Services related to Police and Fire - $ 50,606.00 Stolz Telecom – Purchase order for the purchase and installation of emergency equipment for a new Ford police vehicle. The services are provided as part of BuyBoard Contract# 603-20. This request is part of the council-approved CCPD 2022-2023 budget $ 53,511.83. Financial Considerations: Funding is available for these purchase orders in the FY23 Approved Budget and proper purchasing protocols were followed. Legal Review: Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: None applicable. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the seventeen (17) purchase orders as presented. Attachments: Listing of purchase orders. Town Council Approval: Mayor Alicia L. Fleury or designee 12 13 14Agenda Item 13-1Dodd Law 15 Item 13-1 Dodd Law 16 17 18 19 20 PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM PO Number Date : 10/3/2022 Department Comm. Dev Vendor (Name & Address) Teague Nall & Perkins 5237 N Riverside Dr., Ste #100 Fort Worth, TX 76137 Delivery Address Project# 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Account Number Description Quantity Unit Amount Total Amount 01-522-60500 Professional Services - Town Engineers 1 $42,000.00 $ 42,000.00 Co-op info: Total $ 42,000.00 Vendor Packet Updated Professional Services - Town Engineers Comments Matt Cox Requested by: Approved by: Finance Approved by: 21Agenda Item 13 - 2TNP - Engineer Services PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM PO Number Date : 10/3/2022 Department Comm. Deve Vendor (Name & Address) HE Planning + Design 8458 Howell Drive Friso, TX 75034 Delivery Address Project# 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Account Number Description Quantity Unit Amount Total Amount 01-522-6500 Professional Services - Town Planner 1 $42,000.00 $ 42,000.00 Co-op info: Total $ 42,000.00 Vendor Packet Updated Professional Services - Town Planner. Previous contract approved on December 17, 2021. Renewing contract for FY22-23. Comments Matt Cox Requested by: Approved by: Finance Approved by: 22Agenda Item 13 - 3HE Planning +Design HE Planning+Design, LLC December 6, 2021 Mr.Matthew Cox Director of Community Development Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 RE: Professional Services Agreement for Planning Services for the Town of Trophy Club, Denton and Tarrant County, Texas. Dear Matthew: Thank you for considering HE Planning+Design,LLC(HE P+D)for professional on-call planning services for the Town of Trophy Club. I have outlined the services I propose to complete below. SCOPE OF SERVICES Planning Tasks HE P+D will provide technical review of the following applications: 1. Zoning Applications, including Straight Zoning, Specific Use Permits, Conditional Use Permits, and Planned Development Districts; 2. Board of Adjustment Applications; 3. Site Plan Applications; 4. Plat Applications; 5. Landscape and Screening Applications; 6. Sign Applications; 7. Variance and Waiver Applications; 8. Draft Agendas and Case Reports for posting; 9. Drafting PD, SUP, and CUP ordinances for city attorney review; 10. Minor ordinance and Comprehensive Plan amendments necessary to process a zoning application; and 11. Respond to zoning and development inquiries from city staff and others (as authorized by staff) and provide direction based on ordinance regulations in effect at the time of the inquiry. Method HE P+D will: 1. Review the applications and identify compliance with the adopted zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, comprehensive plan, and other adopted plans; 2. Provide the reviews in written and graphic format (PDF review) for clear understanding of the comments; 8458 HOWELL DRIVE • FRISCO,TEXAS 75034 PHONE: (469)360-6618• heleneve@HEPlanningDesign.com 23 Item 13-3 HE Planning + Design HE Planning+Design, LLC 3. Coordinate review comments for consensus with staff, city engineer, city attorney, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, TXDOT, and other required entities as authorized by you; 4. Will prepare the yearly submission application calendar and provide updates as indicated and directed by you and the Town Secretary throughout the year; and 5. Will update application forms as requested/needed. Review Turnaround HE P+D will provide the review comments within seven (7) business days of receipt of the application. Agendas, publications in the official newspaper, and public hearing notices will be sent to you and the Town Secretary for posting in the Town's official agenda location and on the Town of Trophy Club website. Notifications that are required to be mailed will be provided to you and the Town Secretary for mailing from the Town. HE P+D will provide the ownership database for mailing label production. Agendas will be sent no later than 96 hours prior to a posting deadline.Publications required to appear in Trophy Club's official newspaper will be sent via email to the publication office 24 hours prior to the publication's deadlines unless directed to submit notifications to the Town Secretary for submission. Please note, applicants that do not resubmit according to the deadline date on the adopted development calendar will be processed on an amended schedule and will not be placed on the originally anticipated agenda date for consideration. Meetings HE P+D, Helen-Eve L. Beadle, AICP will attend meetings with applicants, consultants, and town staff in person or via internet session, as directed by you. FEE AND BILLING HE P+D will accomplish the services described above based on an hourly rate of$150.00, in effect at the time the services are provided. Direct expenses such as blueprinting, copying (full size and reductions included), scanning, color copies, mileage, deliveries, will be invoiced at 1.15 times cost. On-call Planning Services Hourly, not to exceed$25,000.00* The fee quoted above is based on review of past agendas available and general understanding of the number of cases per year. Should the scope of services change from the contents in this agreement, I will notify you of the need to reconsider the scope. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on services performed. Billing will be due and payable to HE Planning+Design, LLC, 8458 Howell Drive,Frisco,Texas 75034 within 25 days of receipt. 8458 HOWELL DRIVE • FRISCO,TEXAS 75034 PHONE: (469)360-6618• heleneve@HEPlanningDesign.com 24 HE Planning+Design, LLC ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any items requested by you that are not outlined in the above scope would be considered additional services and would be provided as requested and authorized by you. In the event you need these services for such items I can provide you with a letter agreement for them. This scope does not include: I. Preconstruction meeting attendance, Public Improvement Developer's Agreements, Financial Assurance,Bonds,Construction Contracts, Inspections, Impact Fee updates, and Right-of-Way Permits as those tasks are under the responsibility of an engineer. 2. Comprehensive Plan updates,zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and ordinance rewrites/updates. 3. GIS Geographic Information System services including mapping updates. CLOSURE Your signature and return of one copy of this professional services agreement shall serve as direction to proceed. I appreciate the opportunity to submit this agreement for on-call professional planning services. Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you and the Town of Trophy Club. Sincerely, Helen-Eve L. Beadle,AICP AGREED and accepted this_ // day of eZ44-4 ,2021. pireetm-of lll t exr {J,e C ld rd/ Tp ./V i haycr Town f rophy Club ay r Alicia L. Fl u o n of Trophy Club 8458 HOWELL DRIVE FRISCO,TEXAS 75034 PHONE: (469)360-6618 • heleneve@HEPlanningDesign.com 25 TOWN OF C,'TC*TROPHY CLUB 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262 682.237.2900 1 info@trophyclub.org trophyclub.org To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll,Town Manager Leticia Vacek,Town Secretary Re: Professional Services Agreement Date: Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action to approve a Professional Service Agreement with HE Planning+Design LLC for on-call planning services for the Town,for a fee not to exceed $25,000.00. Background and Explanation: In September,Town Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols for on-call planning services, not to exceed $40,000. On November 19, 2021,the Community Development Department received the attached Notice of Contract Closeout from FNI effective November 30,2021. The Community Development Department is requesting to enter a Professional Service Agreement with HE Planning+Design, LLC to provide professional planning services on an as-needed basis in lieu of full-time Town planning staff. Under the proposed contract, HE Planning+Design will provide at least one staff person in an on-call basis to review and make comments on development applications, attend meetings in person or online, write reports and memos, and advise Town staff on development-related matters. The contract is expected to provide for one year of development-related services to the Town. Additional charges would not accrue unless the contract is subsequently renewed by the Town for an additional specified amount. Because the contract is for as-needed services,the Town can terminate services at any time in writing and would only be liable for charges related to work that has already been done by HE Plan ning+Design. Page 1 of 2 26 Agenda item 13-3 HE Planning + Design Financial Considerations: Staff is recommending opening a PO for$25,000 for HE Planning+Design to provide for professional planning services on an as-needed basis. Funding will come from closing the Freese and Nichols services PO for$45,000 which has a remaining balance of$32,821.93 for FY2022. This will leave an unencumbered balance of$7,821.93. Leeal Review: This contract has been reviewed by the Town Manager and Town Attorney. Attachments: Professional Services Agreement FNI Notice of Contract Closeout Page 2 of 2 27 PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM PO Number Date : 10/3/2022 Department Community Dev Vendor (Name & Address) Bureau Veritas North America, Inc 1000 Jupiter Rd., Ste #900 Plano, TX 75074 Delivery Address Project# 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Account Number Description Quantity Unit Amount Total Amount Professional Services 01-522-62350 Building Inspections - Commercial & Residential 1 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 01-522-62300 Health Inspections 1 $14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 Co-op info: Total $ 32,000.00 Vendor Packet Updated Contract with BV was approved by Town Council on September 13, 2022. Comments Matt Cox Requested by: Approved by: Finance Approved by: 28Agenda Item 13-4Bureau Veritas 29 Agenda Item 13-4 Bureau Veritas BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 2 of 32 in performing services under these Terms and Conditions, and the Companion Documents (“Agreement”). Companion Documents shall mean any documents accompanying BVNA’s Proposal, including but not limited to the Scope of Work, Fee Schedules or any other Exhibits specific to the project. BVNA shall not be responsible for failure to perform its services if i) there is a failure or delay by Client or its contractors in providing BVNA with the necessary access to properties, documentation, information, or materials; ii) Client or its contractors fail to approve or disapprove BVNA’s work; or iii) if Client causes delays in any way whatsoever. In any of these events, BVNA’s time for completion of its service shall be extended accordingly. BVNA shall not be responsible for failure to perform if such failure is due to any act of God, labor trouble, fire, inclement weather, act of governmental authority, failure of transportation, accident, power failure or interruption, or any other cause reasonably beyond BVNA’s control. In any of these events, BVNA’s time for completion of its services shall be extended accordingly. 5.Compensation: Compensation to be paid to BVNA shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Fees set forth in accordance with the agreed upon fee schedule per project. 6.Method of Payment: BVNA shall submit monthly billings to Client describing the work performed during the preceding month. Client shall pay BVNA no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the monthly invoice by Client’s staff. If the invoice is not paid within such period, Client shall be liable to BVNA for a late charge accruing from the date of such invoice to the date of payment at the lower of eighteen (18) percent per annum or the maximum rate allowed by law. Further, if the invoice is not paid within such period, BVNA may, at any time, and without waiving any other rights or claims against Client and without thereby incurring any liability to Client, elect to terminate performance of services immediately following written notice from BVNA to Client. Notwithstanding any such termination of services, Client shall pay BVNA for all services rendered by BVNA up to the date of termination of services plus all interest, termination costs and expenses incurred by BVNA. Client shall reimburse BVNA for all costs and expenses of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees. For work requiring a construction permit to be issued, the total fee will be billed when the permit is issued by the Jurisdiction. 7.Construction Monitoring: If BVNA is engaged by Client to provide a site representative for the purpose of monitoring specific portions of any construction work, as set forth in the proposal, then this Section 7 shall apply. If BVNA’s engagement does not include such construction monitoring, then this Section shall be null and void. In connection with construction monitoring, BVNA will report observations and professional opinions to Client. BVNA shall report to Client any observed work which, in BVNA’s opinion, does not conform to plans and specifications. BVNA shall have no authority to reject or terminate the work of any agent or contractor of Client. No action, statements, or communications of BVNA, or BVNA’s site representative, can be construed as modifying any agreement between Client and others. BVNA’s presence on the Project site in no way guarantees the completion or quality of the performance of the work of any party retained by Client to provide construction related services. Neither the professional activities of BVNA, nor the presence of BVNA or its employees, representatives, or subcontractors on the Project Site, shall be construed to impose upon BVNA any responsibility for methods of work performance, superintendence, sequencing of construction, or safety conditions at the Project site. Client acknowledges that Client or its general contractor is solely responsible for job site safety, and warrants and agrees that such responsibility shall be made evident in any Project owner’s agreement with the general contractor. Client also agrees to make BVNA an additional insured under any general contractor’s General Liability insurance policy. Prior to the commencement of the Work, Client shall provide BVNA with a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance. Such certificates shall be issued by an insurance carrier(s) acceptable to BVNA and shall be endorsed to include: (1) BVNA as additional insured; (2) thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation or material change in any of the coverages; and (3) a waiver of subrogation as to BVNA. Each policy of insurance required shall be written by an insurance company with a minimum rating by A.M. Bests & Company of A-VI. This insurance shall be primary to any insurance available to BVNA. In the event BVNA expressly assumes any health and safety responsibilities for hazardous materials or other items specified in this Agreement, the acceptance of such responsibility does not and shall not be deemed an acceptance of responsibility for any other 30 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 3 of 32 health and safety requirements, such as, but not limited to, those relating to excavation, trenching, drilling or backfilling. 8.Ownership of Documents: All plans, studies, documents and other writings prepared by BVNA, its officers, employees and agents and subcontractors in the course of implementing this Agreement shall remain the property of BVNA. The Client acknowledges that all intellectual property rights related to the performance of the Agreement, including but not limited to the names, service marks, trademarks, inventions, logos and copyrights of BVNA and its affiliates, (collectively, the “Rights”) are and shall remain the sole property of BVNA or its affiliates and shall not be used by the Client, except solely to the extent that the Client obtains the prior written approval of BVNA and then only in the manner prescribed by BVNA. If BVNA terminates the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 below, any such license granted by BVNA to the Client shall automatically terminate. 9.Use of Data or Services: BVNA shall not be responsible for any loss, liability, damage, expense or cost arising from any use of BVNA’s analyses, reports, certifications, advice or reliance upon BVNA’s services, which is contrary to, or inconsistent with, or beyond the provisions and purposes set forth therein or included in these Terms and Conditions, or in the Companion Documents. Client understands and agrees that BVNA’s analyses, reports, certifications and services shall be used solely by the Client, and only Client is allowed to rely on such work product. If a third party relies on the services, analyses, reports or certifications without BVNA’s written permission, then Client agrees to defend and indemnify BVNA from any claims or actions that are brought as a result of such reliance. 10.Independent Contractor: It is understood that BVNA, in the performance of the work and services agreed to be performed, shall act as and be an independent contractor and shall not act as an agent or employee of the Client. BVNA shall obtain no rights to retirement benefits or other benefits which accrue to Client’s employees, and BVNA hereby expressly waives any claim it may have to any such rights. 11.Standard of Care: BVNA REPRESENTS THAT THE SERVICES, FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND/OR ADVICE PROVIDED TO CLIENT WILL BE PREPARED, PERFORMED, AND RENDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES, PROTOCOLS AND PRACTICES ORDINARILY EXERCISED BY PROFESSIONALS IN BVNA’S PROFESSION FOR USE IN SIMILAR ASSIGNMENTS AND PREPARED UNDER SIMILAR CONDITIONS AT THE SAME TIME AND LOCALITY. CLIENT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT BVNA HAS MADE NO OTHER IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR CONDITION WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES, FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR ADVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY BVNA PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. 12.Indemnity: Subject to the Limitation of Liability included in this Agreement, BVNA shall indemnify and hold harmless Client from and against losses, liabilities, and reasonable costs and expenses (for property damage and bodily injury, including reasonable attorney’s fees), to the extent directly and proximately caused by BVNA’s negligent performance of services or breach of warranty under this Agreement. BVNA shall not be obligated to defend the Client until there is an actual finding of negligence or if the parties agree otherwise. Client shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless BVNA, its employees, directors, officers, and agents, from and against claims, losses, liabilities, and reasonable costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) that are: i) related to, or caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Client, its employees, or agents; ii) related to this Agreement or the work to be performed by BVNA for which BVNA is not expressly responsible; or iii) the expressed responsibility of the Client under this Agreement. 13.Limitation of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law and notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement to the contrary, the total aggregate liability of BVNA, its affiliates, employees, officers, directors and agents (Collectively referred to in this paragraph as “BVNA”) for all claims for negligent 31 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 4 of 32 professional acts, errors or omissions arising out of this Agreement is limited to $50,000 or the amount of the total fees hereunder, whichever is greater. 14.Insurance: BVNA, at BVNA’s own cost and expense, shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the contract, the following insurance policies with insurers possessing a Best’s rating of no less than A:VII: a.Workers’ Compensation Coverage: BVNA shall maintain Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance for its employees in accordance with the laws of the state where the services are being performed. Any notice of cancellation or non-renewal of all Workers’ Compensation policies will be sent to the Client in accordance with the policy provisions. b.General Liability Coverage: BVNA shall maintain Commercial General Liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. c.Automobile Liability Coverage: BVNA shall maintain Automobile Liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage for activities of BVNA employee arising out of or in connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for owned, hired and non-owned vehicles, in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for each occurrence. d.Professional Liability Coverage: BVNA shall maintain Professional Errors and Omissions Liability for protection against claims alleging negligent acts, errors or omissions which may arise from BVNA’s services under this Agreement. The amount of this insurance shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) on a claims-made annual aggregate basis. BVNA shall name Client as additional insured and other parties that it deems appropriate to be additionally insured under BVNA’s Commercial General Liability policy and Automobile Liability policy, if requested to do so by Client. The Client, on its own behalf and on the behalf of any others that are named as additionally insured at Client’s request, agrees that providing such insurance or the additional insured endorsement shall in no way be construed as an assumption by BVNA of any liability for the negligence or willful misconduct or any wrongful behavior on the part of Client or others that are named additionally insured. 15.Consequential and Punitive Damages: Neither BVNA nor Client shall be liable under any circumstances for loss of profits, loss of product, consequential damages of any kind, indirect damages of any kind or special damages of any kind to the other party, or to any third party. No punitive or exemplary damages of any kind shall be recoverable against either party under any circumstances. 16.Cause of Action: If Client makes a claim against BVNA, for any alleged error, omission, or other act arising out of the performance of its professional services and to the extent the Client fails to prove such claim, then the Client shall pay all costs including attorney’s fees incurred by BVNA in defending the claim. Any cause of action brought against BVNA shall be brought within one (1) year of the work or services performed under this Agreement. 17.Compliance with Laws: BVNA shall use the standard of care in its profession to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinance and regulations in effect as of the date services are provided. 18.Resolution of Disputes: All claims, disputes, controversies or matters in question arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement or any breach thereof, including but not limited to disputes arising out of alleged design defects, breaches of contract, errors, omissions, or acts of professional negligence, except 32 33 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 6 of 32 24.Confidential Information: Neither party shall disclose information identified as confidential to anyone except those individuals who need such information to perform the Services; nor should either party use such confidential information, except in connection with the Work, the performance of the Services or as authorized by the other party in writing. Regardless of the term of this Agreement, each party shall be bound by this obligation until such time as the confidential information shall become part of the public domain. Confidential information shall not include information which is either: (i) known to the public; (ii) was known to the receiving party prior to its disclosure; or (iii) received in good faith from a third party. If either party is required to produce information by valid subpoena or Court order, parties agree to first provide prompt notice to other party in order to allow the party to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy. This shall not prevent either party from disclosing information to the extent reasonably necessary to substantiate a claim or defense in any adjudicatory proceeding. Client agrees that BVNA shall be permitted to use Client's name and logos in BVNA’s marketing materials unless advised or prohibited against it by the Client in writing. The technical and pricing information contained in any proposal or other documents submitted to the Client by BVNA shall be considered confidential and proprietary and shall not be released or disclosed to a third party without BVNA’s written consent. 25.Assignment: Neither party may assign this Agreement or any right or obligation hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided, however, that no consent shall be necessary in the event of an assignment to a successor entity resulting from a merger, acquisition or consolidation by either party or an assignment to an Affiliate of either party if such successor or Affiliate assumes all obligations under this Agreement. Any attempted assignment, which requires consent hereunder, shall be void and shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement if such consent is not obtained. 26.Non-Solicitation/Hiring of Employees: (a)To promote an optimum working relationship, the Client agrees in good faith that for the term of this Agreement and one year after the completion or termination of the Agreement not to directly or indirectly employ or otherwise engage any current employee of BVNA or any former employee of BVNA who left the employ of BVNA within the six (6) months prior to and including the date of the execution of the Agreement. The loss of any such employee would involve considerable financial loss of an amount that could not be readily established by BVNA. Therefore, in the event that Client should breach this provision and without limiting any other remedy that may be available to BVNA, the Client shall pay to BVNA a sum equal to the employee’s current annual salary plus twelve (12) additional months of the employee’s current annual salary for training of a new employee as liquidated damages. (b)BVNA’s employees shall not be retained as expert witnesses except by separate written agreement. Client agrees to pay BVNA’s legal expenses, administrative costs and fees pursuant to BVNA’s then current fee schedule for BVNA to respond to any subpoena. 27.Prevailing Wage: This Agreement and any proposals hereunder specifically exclude compliance with any project labor agreement or other union or apprenticeship requirements. In addition, unless explicitly agreed to in the body of the proposal, this Agreement and any proposals hereunder specifically exclude compliance with any State or Federal prevailing wage law or associated requirements, including the Davis Bacon Act. Due to the professional nature of its services BVNA is generally exempt from the Davis Bacon Act and other prevailing wage schemes. It is agreed that no applicable prevailing wage classification or wage rate has been provided to BVNA, and that all wages and cost estimates contained herein are based solely upon standard, no-prevailing wage rates. Should it later be determined by the Client or any applicable agency that in fact prevailing wage applies, then it is agreed that the contract value of this agreement shall be equitably adjusted to account for such changed circumstance. These exclusions shall survive the completion of the project and shall be merged into any subsequently executed documents between the parties, regardless of the terms of such agreement. Client will reimburse, defend, indemnify and hold 34 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 7 of 32 harmless BVNA from any liability resulting from a subsequent determination that prevailing wage regulations cover the Projects, including all costs, fines and reasonable attorney’s fees. 28.Waiver: No failure on the part of either party to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or remedy that party may have hereunder. 29.Amendments: This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both BVNA and Client. 30.Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of Agreement between the Client and BVNA. All prior written and oral communications, including correspondence, drafts, memoranda, and representations, are superseded in total by this Agreement. 31.Termination: This Agreement may be terminated immediately for cause or by either party without cause upon fifteen (15) days written notice of termination. Upon termination, BVNA shall be entitled to compensation for services performed up to the effective date of termination. (a)Termination by Client: If the Client terminates this agreement without cause, the Client shall have two options concerning work and assignments that are in-progress. The Client shall select from: (1) Allowing BVNA the opportunity to complete all work and assignments in-progress that may be completed by another provider after the effective date of BVNA’s termination; or (2) Providing BVNA with a complete and unconditional release from any and all liability and indemnification requirements regarding all work and assignments that remain in-progress upon BVNA’s termination effective date. In the event that Client is silent on termination or does not make an affirmative selection, option (2) providing BVNA with a complete and unconditional release from any and all liability and indemnification requirements will be the default and active selection. (b)Termination by BVNA: If BVNA terminates without cause, BVNA will provide client with a thirty (30) day transition period from the notice of termination to allow Client sufficient time to secure a new Service Provider. During this transition period, BVNA and Client’s responsibilities under this agreement will remain in full force and effect. At the end of the thirty (30) day transition period BVNA will cease all activities. In the event Client shall request BVNA to continue to provide any Services beyond the expiration of the transition period, including any extensions, then BVNA and Client may negotiate in good faith terms of any such extension, including the pricing of Services. 32.Interpretation of Agreement: This Agreement shall be interpreted as though prepared by all parties and shall not be construed unfavorably against either party. 33.Severability of Agreement: If any provision or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the laws of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be effected and shall remain in full force and effect. [signatures on following page] 35 36 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 9 of 32 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CONSTRUCTION CODE SERVICES BVNA and the representatives of BVNA are charged with the enforcement of the provisions of the Jurisdiction’s Building Code, Residential Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Fuel Gas Code and Energy Code, acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the duties required by these codes or other pertinent law or ordinance shall not thereby be rendered personally liable for damages that may accrue to persons or property as a result of an act or by reason of an act or omission in the discharge of such duties. Plan Review Non-Structural Plan Review services shall be conducted as required by the Jurisdiction’s Building Code, Residential Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Fuel Gas Code and Energy Code, and other provided code related documents, as approved by the Jurisdiction. Applicants will be notified of Plan Review Comments and are responsible for addressing comments to the satisfaction of the Jurisdiction. The Jurisdiction has final interpretive authority over all plans and specifications. Permits are issued by the Jurisdiction. Inspections Inspection services shall be conducted as required by the Jurisdiction’s Building Code, Residential Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Fuel Gas Code and Energy Code. Special inspections as specified in chapter 17 and non-prescriptive structural inspections of the adopted International Building Code are not included and may be required as specified in the International Building Code. Any violations of the Jurisdiction’s codes or concealment of any work prior to approval by BVNA will be reported to the Building Official of the Jurisdiction. The Building Official of the Jurisdiction is the final interpretive authority and the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued at the discretion of the Jurisdiction. FIRE SERVICES Fire Services Plan Review Commercial, Multi-Family and Single Family Fire Sprinkler System Plan Review, Commercial Fire Alarm Plan Review, Commercial Underground Fire Sprinkler System Plan Review, Commercial Alternative Fire Extinguishing Systems (includes Kitchen Fire Suppression System, Clean Agent Systems, and CO2 Systems) Plan Review and Commercial Above and Below Ground Fuel Storage Tank Plan Review shall be conducted as required by the Jurisdiction’s Fire Code, and other provided code related documents, as approved by the Jurisdiction. Applicants will be notified of Plan Review Comments and are responsible for addressing comments to the satisfaction of the Jurisdiction. The Jurisdiction has final interpretive authority over all plans and specifications. Permits are issued by the Jurisdiction. (The State of Texas requires the design and installation of Underground Fire Sprinkler Supply Line plans to be performed by a Licensed Underground Fire Sprinkler Contractor.) Fire Services Inspections Commercial, Multi-Family and Single Family Fire Sprinkler System Inspection, Commercial Fire Alarm Inspection, Commercial Underground Fire Sprinkler System Inspection, Commercial Alternative Fire Extinguishing Systems (includes Kitchen Fire Suppression System, Clean Agent Systems, and CO2 Systems) Inspection, Commercial Above and Below Ground Fuel Storage Tank Inspection and Commercial Fire Certificate of Occupancy Inspection services shall be conducted as required by the Jurisdiction’s Fire Code. Any violations of the Jurisdiction’s codes or concealment of any work prior to approval by BVNA will be reported to the Building Official of the Jurisdiction. The Building Official of the 37 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 10 of 32 Jurisdiction is the final interpretive authority. (The State of Texas requires the design and installation of Underground Fire Sprinkler Supply Line plans to be performed by a Licensed Underground Fire Sprinkler Contractor.) Annual Fire Safety Inspections Annual Fire Safety Inspections will be conducted in accordance with the Jurisdiction’s Fire Code for commercial establishments and public buildings subject to an annual operation permit. Fire Code Plan Review Services and Inspection Services Site and building Plan Review and Inspection services shall be conducted as required by the Jurisdiction’s Fire Code. Any violations of the Jurisdiction’s codes or concealment of any work prior to approval by BVNA will be reported to the Building Official of the Jurisdiction. The Building Official of the Jurisdiction is the final interpretive authority. HEALTH SERVICES BVNA will have an exclusive agreement with Client to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Jurisdiction’s Adopted Food Establishment Ordinance. In absence of said ordinance, the provisions of Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 228, regarding the regulation of food establishments, known as the Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER), will be enforced. The Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Standards for Public Pools and Spas, Section 265.181 - 265.200 will be enforced for public swimming pools and spas. BVNA services include the following per permitted installation: •Review plans for compliance with the applicable laws and rules required. •Perform inspections to determine compliance with the applicable laws and rules required. •Inspections will be performed by a Texas Registered Sanitarian •Update or create the required Health forms. •Web-based project tracking of Health permits. •Provide written report of any deficiencies. •Investigation of complaints on permitted facilities. The Client will have final interpretive authority over all plans, specifications and inspections and is charged with the issuance of all permits and certificates of occupancy. PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES Upon receipt of written Notice to Proceed from Client, BVNA will provide Inspection services relative to Public Works Services as outlined below to verify conformance with approved plans, specifications and local ordinances provided by Client. Inspections Inspection services include, but are not limited to: making site observations, writing correction notices and field reports, attending meetings and answering inquiries in person or by telephone. Plan Review Plan Review services include, but are not limited to: verification of plan compliance with adopted public works standards, attendance at pre-plan design meetings and follow up on design issues. 38 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 11 of 32 Technical Support BVNA will be available for pre-construction or field site meetings and will provide field staff for observation purposes as needed. PLANNING AND MAPPING SERVICES Comprehensive Planning and Mapping services shall be provided as outlined below. Base Mapping •BV shall prepare a corporate area base map, which shall show at least the features (a) through (k) below: a)Highway and street rights-of-way; b)Highway designations and street names; c)All major drainage ways; d)Major bodies of water; e)Block and lot lines for all platted subdivisions as available; f)Property lines within unplatted subdivisions as available; g)The width of all major utility easements; h)Railroad rights-of-way; i)All subdivisions and their names; j)Corporate limits; k)Other major facilities or features to include but not necessarily limited to: 1.Major park and recreation areas and facilities; 2.Water Treatment plants; 3.Sewage Treatment plants; 4.Extraterritorial jurisdiction line, as appropriate; and 5.Other significant features. Housing Inventory, Analysis and Plan •BV shall prepare a housing conditions inventory, analysis and plan. •BV shall develop criteria to be used in the classification of building conditions and formulate definitions for each classification. As a minimum, the four following classifications shall be utilized within the study: a) Standard, b)Minor Deteriorating, c)Major Deteriorating, and d) Dilapidated. •BV shall perform an assessment of the exterior of all residential buildings within the city to determine the physical condition of each building or structure. BV will record vacant and abandoned residential units as the assessment is being made. •BV shall use the base map to create a Housing Conditions Map depicting all housing conditions as inventoried and showing all housing and its classification as defined by the developed criteria. •BV shall conduct an analysis of housing data to determine problems and housing needs of the current and prospective population. •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and annual housing related objectives. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. •BV shall identify future implementation actions and probable costs, both public and private, to be taken annually over the next three to five years. These activities shall result in the preparation of an overall program design for housing related activities. 39 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 12 of 32 Population •BV shall compare census data of the locality from 1960 to present. BV will provide number of persons in each of the sex, race and Hispanic origin categories. •BV shall determine existing population estimates of the locality by occupied dwelling units. A realistic assessment of the locality's existing population shall be made by reliable methods. •BV shall estimate the locality's future population by five-year increments for the next fifteen to twenty years based on existing trends. •BV will use the base map for illustrative purposes a Population Distribution Map showing the existing and projected population distribution for the planning period. Land Use Inventory, Analysis and Plan •BV shall assess and inspect each plot, tract and parcel of land within the project area to determine its use. The project area should include the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). •BV shall use categories in classifying land uses shall include, as a minimum, the following: a)Vacant (vacant developed or vacant undeveloped); b)Agriculture (cultivated and range land - five or more acres); c)Residential (single family, two family, multi-family, manufactured and mobile homes); d)Commercial; (retail and services); e)Industrial; (light and heavy); f)Public and Semi-Public (schools, parks and public buildings); and g)Other such additional or subcategories as may be deemed necessary to accurately reflect the existing pattern of land areas. •BV shall prepare a color-coded Existing Land Use Map of the corporate and ETJ area using the base map. Colors should conform to standard code. •BV shall make a tabulation of the existing land uses to show: a)Total acreage by use; b)Percentage of acreage in each land use; c)Acres per 100 persons, or other standard for comparison purposes; and d)Developed and undeveloped land as a percent of the total land. •BV will make an analysis of the community regarding past and potential developments and will report on factors affecting the development of land, such as those below: a)Occupied dwelling units; b)Existing land use; c)Thoroughfares d)Existing and anticipated population; e)Soil characteristics as related to developments; f)Adequacy of public utilities; g)Adequacy of public facilities; h)Storm drainage problem areas; i)Natural and man-made constraints. •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and annual land use related objectives and, using the base map at, BV shall prepare a color-coded Future Land Use Map to illustrate the future physical development of the locality during the planning period. B.Economic Development 1.Historic Development And General Characteristics •Studies and plans being prepared under this contract should be coordinated with previously developed studies and plans, including any available with the appropriate state office, the regional planning council, etc. •BV shall make a review and analysis of the factors which have contributed to the present development of the planning area to include the following: •Development of the economy; •Physical growth of the community; •The relationship of the community to the region. 40 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 13 of 32 2.Economic Base, “Barrier Analysis" •BV will prepare an inventory of the social, economic, governmental, and industrial elements of the area's development and potential. The inventory shall, to the extent possible, examine the number of people employed in the retail trade, manufacturing, construction and government, the dollar volume of various local employers, and employee income levels. The inventory shall, as a minimum, include, but need not be limited to, the following, as available and appropriate: a)Retail facilities; b)Wholesale facilities; c)Service facilities; d)Financial facilities; e)Manufacturing facilities; f)The physical facilities and rates for the following utilities and communication services: 1.Electric; 2.Water; 3.Natural gas; 4.Sewage and garbage disposal; g)Transportation; h)Quantity, quality and availability of raw materials; i)Labor supply by sex, industry, and skills; j)Available industrial sites and buildings to include: 1. Location; 2.Utility connections; 3. Transportation; 4.Availability. •BV will determine to the extent possible the relationship of the elements inventoried to economic development potential. •A "barrier analysis" shall be prepared which rates the following cost factors and operating condition factors, as appropriate. The ratings shall be assigned based on a comparison with regional, state, and/or national standards. a)Cost Factors: 1.Wage levels (g) Land/site costs 2.Electricity costs (h) Local property taxes 3.Fuel costs (i) Financing costs 4.Water costs (j) State costs 5.Sewer costs (k) Other(s), as appropriate 6.Building costs b)Operating Condition Factors: 1.Unskilled labor supply (k) Availability of air service 2.Skilled labor (l) Vocational education facilities 3.Productivity (m) Site availability 4.Unionization (n) School facilities 5. Labor-management relations (o) Medical services 6.Electric power availability (p) Natural features, resources, geography, etc. 7.Water and sewer availability (q) Others, such as, telecommunications, 8.Gas availability aesthetics, community receptivity, laws, 9.Common motor carrier service community organizations, debt, etc. 10.Rail/freight service c)BV shall determine whether the city should use other standards and analysis tools in addition to those above to derive an alternative comparison. 41 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 14 of 32 d)BV shall coordinate with community leaders and draw some conclusions as a result of the inventory and analysis required above; and, e)Determine whether the pattern of economic growth should be altered. f)BV shall suggest what type of policies and/or codes should be implemented to improve conditions for the encouragement of economic opportunities and local business expansion and attraction. 3.P LAN •BV shall develop an economic development plan with goals and objectives. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. •The implementation strategy should focus on private and public investment and resources. •The plan shall include graphics, if appropriate, and shall suggest a response to the inventory and analysis above and provide appropriate or possible: a)Public/private sector projects and their costs; b)Financing sources and incentives; and c)Changes to policies, codes and ordinances that could improve the economic climate. C.Central Business District 1.Commercial Area Inventory •BV shall make an assessment of the Central Business District (CBD) that should include its area of immediately adjacent influence to include but not necessarily limited to the following: a)The existing land use of the Central Business District; b)Street rights-of-way and pavement widths, where applicable; c)Locations and condition of sidewalks, curbs and gutters; d)On and off-street parking; e)Condition of buildings; f)Location of traffic controls by types; and g)Traffic volumes and turning movements for major streets, where available; h)Physical geographic features of the community that could have a positive or negative effect on the integrity of the CBD. •BV shall show the above inventory on a symbol-coded map. •BV shall prepare a drawing to show the relationship of the CBD to other supportive and competitive development within the community. 2.Analysis •BV shall analyze the findings above and should determine: a)The Central Business District and its relationship to community development to determine if improvements or rearrangement of commercial facilities are needed; b)A ratio of existing and projected commercial acreage; c)A ratio of used and vacant commercial floor area in the central business district; and d)Other significant details and their impact on the vitality of the central business district as they become evident during the course of the study. 3.Central Business District Plan •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and annual Central Business District related objectives. •To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. •In relation to recognized problems, goals and objectives, BV shall prepare recommendations that could improve the aesthetic values and physical integrity of the Central Business District considering possible: a)Improvement to facades and alleyways; b)Pedestrian walkways; c)Landscape treatment of street medians, pedestrian ways and rest areas; and/or d)Removal of obsolete buildings and overhead utility lines. 42 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 15 of 32 •BV shall prepare a Central Business District Plan to graphically illustrate the redevelopment of the area in relation to the formulated goals and objectives. The Central Business District •Plan map(s) shall, as a minimum include but not necessarily be limited to: a)Any necessary rearrangement of land uses to improve compatibility; b)Any necessary building relocation or reorientation in order to improve their usefulness; and c)On and off-street parking areas. •BV shall present phased improvements, estimated costs and sources of funding. D.Street System 1.Street Study •BV shall make an inventory of the physical characteristics of the street system to record, but not necessarily be limited to the following: a)Rights-of-way widths, as available; b)Paving widths, types and condition of pavement; c)Curb and gutter and/or borrow (roadside) ditches; d)Other information concerning configuration, traffic flow, and street conditions, including possible impediments to traffic flow, particularly in an emergency situation, as appropriate and/or available. •Data and information from the Texas Department of Transportation shall be used to the maximum extent feasible. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Street Conditions Map showing the existing street system inventory. 2.Street System Analysis •BV shall make an analysis of the street system and list and rank problems and should present possible alternative actions and costs in providing solutions. •BV shall determine the adequacy of the system to meet existing and forecasted needs, including during emergency situations, and make recommendations for any needed improvements concerning configuration, traffic flow, and street conditions. Recommendation should prepare for contingencies, including planning evacuation routes. 3.Street Plan •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and street-related objectives for the planning period and should include construction-related and policy–related recommendations regarding streets’ improvements. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. General improvements to meet standards and disaster resiliency needs for at least the first five to ten years shall be stated and include: a)Priorities; b)Estimated costs; and c)Sources of possible funding. •Using the base map BV shall prepare a Future Street Conditions Map. •The plan shall provide for the elimination of deficiencies and recommended improvements to meet forecasted needs. Improvements shall be in accordance with accepted municipal standards and shall be shown by phases. E. Thoroughfare System 1. Inventory Of Major And Collector Streets •BV shall prepare standards or criteria to determine the definition for major and collector streets and shall include the information in the narrative section of the study. •BV shall conduct a study of major and collector streets to determine the present condition of these streets within the planning area. The study should include but not necessarily be limited to: a)Peak hour and average daily traffic counts, where available; b)Right-of-way widths; c)Paving widths, types and condition of pavement; 43 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 16 of 32 d)Traffic control data; e)Parking restrictions; f)Curb and gutter; g)Origin and destination information, where available; h)Land use and traffic generator information; i)Truck routes; and, j)Emergency routes. •Information from prior studies, the county, Texas Department of Transportation and other available sources shall be used to the maximum extent feasible. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Thoroughfare Conditions Map to show b. (1) through (9), above, as applicable. 2.Thoroughfare Analysis •BV shall list and rank problems related to the thoroughfares system. •To determine the size and quality of streets needed in the project area, an analysis shall be made for all major and collector streets, their locations, adequacy or inadequacy for existing and forecasted population, land uses, etc. As a minimum, the following should be considered, where appropriate: a)Texas Department of Transportation traffic counts, local traffic habits, and other factors; b)Circulation studies prepared previously; and c)Street standards approved by the locality and State. 3.Thoroughfare Plan •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and thoroughfare system-related objectives for the planning period and should include construction-related and policy–related recommendations regarding thoroughfare system improvements. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. General improvements to meet standards and disaster resiliency needs for at least the first five to ten years shall be stated and include: a)Priorities; b)Estimated costs; and c)Sources of possible funding. •In relation to the analysis of existing and anticipated land use, school and park locations, travel habits, employment centers, traffic generators, traffic volumes; and in coordination with plans of the Texas Department of Transportation, and other available studies, BV shall prepare a plan for a system of thoroughfares, major and collector streets to meet the future circulation needs of the planning area. •Using the base map at its contracted scale for illustrative purposes, BV shall show phased improvements on a Future Thoroughfares Map. •BV will prepare sketch plans for improved channeling of traffic at intersections where problems exist or are anticipated during if needed. F.Water System 1.Water System Inventory •BV shall make a review of all prior studies and other available data on the existing water system. •BV shall make an inventory of the physical characteristics of the system to include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: a)Location of lines, valves, fire hydrants, and line sizes; b)location and capacity of ground and elevated storage facilities; c)Location and capacity of wells and pumps; d)Location and capacity of water treatment facilities, as appropriate; e)Location and capacity of generators; f)Condition of system elements and other system data, as available. 44 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 17 of 32 •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Water System Map showing existing facilities as specified in the inventory required above. Mapping shall show all facilities and illustrate the entire area that the facilities serve. •BV shall report appropriate standards and criteria used to determine the water system needs and include them in the narrative section of the report, including the name of publications where standards can be found. Reference shall be made to the existing and required Drought Contingency and Water Conservation Plan. 2.Water System Analysis •BV shall make an analysis of the water system and list and rank problems and should present possible alternative actions and costs in providing solutions, while particularly considering the water system’s ability to provide reliable service, including fire protection within state standards during drought conditions. As a minimum, the following should be considered in determining problems connected with the water system: a)Water quality; b)Storage facilities; c)Availability of water; future needs; d)Water pressure; e)Water costs to city; f)Water cost to customers and review of current and g)Operation procedures. •Distribution lines; •Ability to function under disaster situations, such as, flood, fire, tornado, power outages, etc. •BV shall determine the adequacy of the system to meet existing and forecasted needs. •BV shall evaluate the local system’s capability to provide water under drought and other disaster-related conditions and in regard to its drought contingency and water conservation plan and accepted conservation practices. •BV shall evaluate the local system’s capability to provide water, including during drought and other disaster-related conditions, and coordinate with the Regional Water Plan and the State W ater Plan, where applicable. 3. Water System Plan •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and water system-related objectives for the planning period and should include construction-related and policy–related recommendations regarding water system improvements. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. General improvements to meet standards and disaster resiliency needs for at least the first five to ten years shall be stated and include: a)Priorities; b)Estimated costs; and c)Sources of possible funding. •The studies and plans developed shall be in strict accord with criteria established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), and the Texas Department of Insurance. •As much as is applicable, appropriate and possible during the contract period and in coordination with TCEQ, which requires drought management plans, BV shall include drought and conservation plans in its overall water system plan. The plans should also include consideration of water provision during other disaster situations, such as flood, fire, tornado, power outages, etc. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall illustrate the existing and proposed water system and findings on a Future Water System Map. Recommended improvements shall be shown by phases. 45 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 18 of 32 G.Wastewater System 1. Wastewater System Inventory •BV shall make a review of all information regarding the existing wastewater system. •BV shall make an inventory of the physical characteristics of the system to include, but not necessarily limited to the following: a)Location, condition, and size of lines as available; b)Location of manholes and cleanouts; c)Location and capacities of lift stations; d)Location and capacity of generators; e)Treatment facility and operation arrangement. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Wastewater System Map showing the existing facilities in relation to topographic features. •BV shall report standards or criteria used to determine wastewater system needs and include the criteria in the narrative section of the report with the name of the publication(s) where standards can be found. 2.Wastewater System Analysis •BV shall list and rank problems related to the wastewater system and should present possible alternative actions and costs in providing solutions. As a minimum, the following should be considered in determining problems of the wastewater system: a)Infiltration; b)Industrial waste and special treatment facilities; c)Operational procedures; d)Unserved areas; e)Characteristics of the soil and terrain affecting collection treatment; f)Ability to function under disaster situations, (flood, fire, tornado, power outages, etc.). 3.Wastewater System Plan •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and wastewater system-related objectives for the planning period and should include construction-related and policy–related recommendations regarding wastewater system improvements. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. General improvements to meet standards and disaster resiliency needs for at least the first five to ten years shall be stated and include: a)Priorities; b)Estimated costs; and c)Sources of possible funding. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Future Wastewater System Map illustrating phased improvements to the wastewater system in relation to the existing system and topographic features. •Such prepared plan shall be done in accordance with criteria and standards established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). H.Storm Drainage System 1.Storm Drainage Inventory •BV shall conduct an assessment of the project area for any existing storm drainage facilities and all natural drainage courses to include as a minimum: a)Location and condition of drainage ways; b)Location and condition of curb and gutter, borrow (roadside) ditches, culverts, and storm sewers; c)Location of 100 years flood hazard areas; and d)Identification of areas within the community where local flooding has occurred. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Storm Drainage Map showing the existing facilities in relation to topographic features. 46 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 19 of 32 2.Storm Drainage Analysis •BV shall list and rank problems related to storm drainage and should present possible alternative actions and costs in providing solutions. •BV shall prepare an analysis of the existing drainage system for both natural and man-made facilities. Major and minor drainage areas and areas that have experienced flooding shall be delineated. •Drainage characteristics of the areas shall be briefly described and analysis shall be made to determine methods of eliminating local flooding and eroding of local streets. Data, as available through the National Flood Insurance Program of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall be utilized to the fullest extent possible. 3.Storm Drainage Plan •BV shall prepare a goal(s) statement and storm drainage-related objectives for the planning period and should include construction-related and policy–related recommendations regarding storm drainage improvements. To the extent possible, objectives shall be stated in quantifiable terms and target dates set for their achievement. General improvements to meet standards and disaster resiliency needs for at least the first five to ten years shall be stated and include: a)Priorities; b)Estimated costs; and c)Sources of possible funding. •Using the base map for illustrative purposes, BV shall prepare a Future Storm Drainage Map illustrating phased improvements related to storm drainage in relation to the existing conditions and topographic features. I.Recreation And Open Space 1.Recreation And Open Space Inventory •BV shall take an inventory of the community's existing parks, recreation facilities and open spaces to include but not necessarily be limited to the following: a) Location, type and use of public parks; b)Location and type of public recreation facilities, including public school facilities; c)Open spaces of all types including boulevards, parkways, floodplains, conservation areas, etc. •BV shall identify the service area of the parks and recreational opportunities it provides. •Review and report on recreational facilities and open spaces serving the community's population, but outside the municipality's jurisdiction. •Review and report on major recreational facilities serving the community's population that are privately or semi-publicly owned and operated. 2.Recreation And Open Space Analysis •In coordination with city officials, BV shall establish level of service standards and criteria for determining adequacy of existing parks, recreational facilities and open space and future requirements. •BV shall utilize workshops, hearings and/or canvasses to maximize opportunities to solicit public input on needs and document the dates of the methods used. •BV shall describe the legitimate method for assessing needs. Explain how public input was used to assess needs. •In consonance with the recommended standards, BV shall make a study and analysis to determine the adequacy of the existing parks and recreational facilities to meet the needs of the present and forecasted population, considering population growth, and change in composition. •BV shall prepare a listing and priority ranking of problems relating to recreation facilities and open spaces. Explain how priorities were determined. 47 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 20 of 32 3.Recreation Facilities And Open Space Plan •In cooperation with municipal agencies, BV shall determine specific goals relating to recreation and open space requirements and prepare short and long-range (five and ten years’) objectives to accomplish the stated goals. •In relation of existing facilities, recognized problems, and in consonance with goals and objectives, BV shall prepare a parks and open space plan. The plan shall contain appropriate text and mapping and shall, as a minimum, include: a) Recommendations for improvements and expansion to existing facilities; b)Recommendations for the general location of new facilities; c)Recommendations for the development and protection of open space areas to include conservation areas and other areas endorsed with natural beauty; and d)Recommendations toward coordinating municipal programs and facilities with other overlapping services within the community, such as school facilities, etc. e)Population projections for the period of the plan and demographics on ethnicity, age, and income. f)The existing and proposed parks (and facilities, as appropriate), greenbelts and open spaces illustrated on the base map at its contracted scale. •Recommended community improvements for the first five years shall be programmed and shall, as a minimum, include the following: a)Phasing of clear and measurable priorities; b)Timeline for completion; c)Estimated cost by project; and d)Possible sources of funding. J.Capital Improvements Program 1.Financial Analysis •BV shall make a financial analysis of the municipality to the extent possible to determine the municipality's approximate ability to finance present and future capital improvements. The study should include, but not be limited to the following: a)Past, present, and anticipated sources and amounts of income; b)Annual budgets; c)Operating costs; d)Direct and overlapping public debt; e)Outstanding municipal bonds and their schedule of retirement; f)Public improvements financing practices; and g)Recommended standards concerning debt limitations. 2.Capital Needs List •Based on the previous studies, and all capital needs, BV shall prepare a capital needs list of projects by category with general priorities for improvements to be accomplished during the planning period through workshop meetings with local officials. BV shall classify the type of capital improvements according to guidelines, such as: a)Mandatory: Those which protect life or health. b)Necessary: Those which are important public services. c)Desirable: Those which replace obsolete facilities. d)Acceptable: Those which reduce operating costs. 3.Capital Improvements Program •In consonance with the capital needs list and in coordination with the city’s budget, BV shall prepare a schedule of projects recommended for the municipality for the first five (5) to six (6) years of the planning period. The schedule shall list projects by category together with estimated cost, sources of funds and year of construction. •A map shall be prepared to show the projects by type and year of construction. 48 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 21 of 32 K. Subdivision Ordinance 1.Ordinance Development •BV shall prepare technical material necessary for the drafting and/or updating of a subdivision ordinance that will best be adapted to direct the platting of land consistent with proposals of the previously prepared Land Use Plan. •The technical material prepared shall be based on sound platting and planning principles and not be inconsistent with all applicable laws. 2.Ordinance Review •Following development of the technical material and prior to adoption, BV shall seek counsel and advice from the city's attorney regarding the legal aspects and implications of subdivision controls. •BV shall prepare the technical material for the subdivision ordinance in a form suitable for its adoption and submit it in report form to the Department as provided herein. L. Zoning Ordinance 1.Ordinance Development •BV shall prepare technical material necessary for the drafting of zoning ordinance that will best be adapted to direct the use of land consistent with proposals of the city's previously prepared Land Use Plan. •Technical material on zoning shall be based on sound zoning principles and not be inconsistent with all applicable laws, •Based on the Land Use Plan and other plans related to physical development of the municipality, BV shall have prepared a Zoning District Map using the base map. 2.Ordinance Review •Following development of the technical material and prior to adoption, BV shall seek counsel and advice from the city's attorney regarding the legal aspects and implications of zoning. •The technical material on zoning and the recommended zoning district map shall be prepared in report form suitable for adoption. Current Planning Activities Zoning Application and request reviews and analysis •Property owner information within 200 feet of site application can be mapped and mailing labels provided. •Public notice can be submitted to the newspaper of record for publication and necessary documentation for agenda item posting can be provided. •Letters of notification with map can be mailed and site signage (By City) can be placed on the property 15 days prior to the Commission meeting date. •Zoning Ordinance based upon owner request will be prepared. (Recommended ordinance wording can be provided). •An analysis/staff report can be prepared for city from a planning perspective. •Presentations for the Planning and Zoning Commission can be prepared and presented. •Presentations for the City Council can be prepared and presented. •Adjustments to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning map can be made if approved. Site Plan Applications and request reviews and analysis* •Review of application for general completeness for accepting site plan for review.* •Review for compliance with appropriate general zoning district or planned development. A copy of the document to be reviewed will be red lined and a written report provided itemizing each deficiency noted and returned to city. If the city desires a direct line of communication with applicant can be facilitated. •Review for compliance with landscape requirements. •Review of circulation/fire lanes. •An analysis/staff report can be prepared for city from a planning design perspective. 49 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 22 of 32 •Presentations for the Planning and Zoning Commission can be prepared and presented. •Presentations for the City Council can be prepared and presented. Preliminary Plat Applications and reviews •Review of application for general completeness for accepting for review. ** Rejection letter if necessary to stop 30-day clock for automatic approval. •Review for compliance with appropriate general zoning district or planned development guidelines. A copy of the document to be reviewed will be red lined and a written report provided itemizing each deficiency noted and returned to city. If the city desires a direct line of communication with applicant can be facilitated. •An analysis/staff report can be prepared for city approval/denial recommendation. •Presentations for the Planning and Zoning Commission can be prepared and presented. •Presentations for the City Council can be prepared and presented. Final Plat Applications and reviews •Review of application for general completeness for accepting for review. ** Rejection letter if necessary to stop 30-day clock for automatic approval. •Review of conformance to preliminary plat. •Review for compliance with appropriate general zoning district or planned development guidelines. A copy of the document to be reviewed will be red lined and a written report provided itemizing each deficiency noted and returned to city. If the city desires a direct line of communication between applicant and BV can be facilitated. •An analysis/staff report can be prepared for city approval/denial recommendation. •Presentations for the Planning and Zoning Commission can be prepared and presented. •Presentations for the City Council can be prepared and presented. Base Map/Zoning Map Updating: •Preparation of new digital base map. •Updating existing base map. •Updating or preparing zoning maps. 911 Addressing •Development of a 911 addressing system (Digital base map to be provided by city or prepared by BV). •Address all new developments *Preliminary consultations can be provided to an applicant upon request to assist and guide them in the plan preparation process. **If not available BV will develop checklists for each type of development to be used to check for minimum submittal requirements of an application. ADA SERVICES PHASE 1 ADA Services Phase 1A: ADA Coordinator and Department Liaison Selection and Training •Scope: Assist City with identifying an ADA Coordinator if not already done so. Work with appointed ADA Coordinator to identify ADA Liaisons, at a minimum, for all public facing departments (i.e. Permitting, Water Utility, Library, Parks & Rec., Police, Fire, etc…). Help ADA Coordinator develop training material for distribution to all ADA Liaisons. Also assist ADA Coordinator to develop a master schedule for quarterly, bi-annual or annual meetings between ADA Coordinator and ADA Liaisons (ADA Task Force). 50 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 23 of 32 Phase 1B: ADA Notice Development and Distribution •Scope: Assist appointed ADA Coordinator with development of ADA Notice specific to the City represented. Ensure that all ADA notices are displayed at public facing and internal facing areas. Ensure that ADA notice is also placed on city website. Phase 1C: ADA Grievance Procedure Development and Distribution •Scope: Assist appointed ADA Coordinator with development of ADA Grievance Procedure. Develop complaint form and make complaint form accessible. Ensure that procedure includes ability for complainants to access and file complaints easily. Ensure that grievance procedure is available on city website and accessible. Phase 1D: ADA Training at Staff Level Public Facing Departments •Scope: Once ADA Coordinator and ADA Liaisons are identified, develop a training schedule to allow public facing department staff to attend ADA training. Assist ADA Coordinator with one training session. Assist with development of training materials. PHASE 2 ADA Services IMPORTANT: Sample of Tasks & Costs Only – Client Specific Tasks & Costs TBD Phase 2A: ADA Self-Evaluation •Scope: o Task 1 – Project Management: Bureau Veritas (BV) will maintain project records, budgets, and communication during the project duration. BV will provide weekly project update calls to assigned City staff (ADA Coordinator) to keep schedule current. o Task 2 – Project Kickoff: Meet with City staff to introduce the proposed project tasks, schedule, and method of prioritizing barrier removals. Coordinate with City staff to identify and collect necessary documents to support Self-evaluation process and facilities survey. o Task 3 – Initiate Self-evaluation: 3 A: Meet with major public facing departments ADA Liaisons (Parks & Rec., Police, Fire, Codes & Permitting, Public Works, Library, Health) to begin review ordinances, policies, and procedures of programs, services, and activities. 3B: Provide instructions and handouts to ADA Liaisons and describe how they can perform reviews of item 3A and by what scheduled date the reviews are due back to BV for compiling. 3C: Work with ADA Liaisons to ensure they understand their responsibilities to update the final ADA Transition Plan in future years. o Task 4 – Facilities Survey: 4A: Public buildings – Survey three (3) City buildings (City Hall, Court House, and Library) to determine compliance and non-compliance with ADA regulations. 4B: Public parking lots – Survey three (3) public parking lots (City Hall, Court House, and Library) to determine compliance and non-compliance with ADA regulations. 4C: City parks – Survey up to three (3) city parks to review shelters, restrooms, sport courts, fields, pools, concession stands, playground equipment, pedestrian and bicycle trails. 4D: Signalized intersections – Survey up to fifteen (15) city owned and maintained signalized intersections. BV will evaluate curb ramps and sidewalks leading to each 51 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 24 of 32 intersection. Signage at each intersection will also be reviewed. Which intersections to survey depends on City staff input, traffic volumes, and adjacent land uses. 4E: Sidewalks – Survey up to four (4) miles of City sidewalks, curb ramps, and path of travel along arterial roadways. Which City sidewalks, curb ramps, and path of travel to survey depends on City staff input, traffic volumes, pedestrian use, and adjacent land uses. o Task 5 – Survey Data Reporting: 5A: BV will create a survey and cost reporting for each facility noted in Task 4. Each survey report will note compliance status with ADA and State standards and include the following: •Listing of facilities in compliance. •Listing of facilities not in compliance. •Recommended actions to resolve non-compliance elements. •Prioritize list of recommended actions based on agreed upon methodologies between BV and City staff. •Assign conceptual costs and budget based on prioritized list of recommended actions. •Provide photo log of each facility surveyed. •Provide listing of sidewalks, curb ramps, and signalized intersections data for compiling into City GIS system. 5B: Review City Boards and Commissions policies and procedures for compliance with ADA regulations. Phase 2B: ADA Transition Plan •Scope: o Task 1 – Coordinate with ADA Coordinator on strategy for developing Transition Plan including review of City ordinances, design standards relating to sidewalks, curb ramps, Identify policies and procedures for compliance with ADA regulations. o Task 2 – Develop survey process to assist ADA Coordinator with evaluating accessibility improvements identified in Phase 2A: ADA Self-evaluation. Utilize prioritization methodology developed within Phase 2A for recommended improvements. o Task 3 – Assist ADA Coordinator in creating an implementation schedule for accessibility improvements. Prioritize improvements by facility type, severity, and cost estimates. o Task 4 – Review and recommend exceptions and exemptions that may apply under ADA regulations such as historic significance, alteration affecting fundamental nature of programs, services, and activities, structural feasibility, and programs affected by financial and administrative burden. o Task 5 – Assist ADA Coordinator with defining on-going budget needed to implement the Transition Plan and bring non-compliance elements into compliance. Help identify possible external funding sources if applicable. Phase 2C: Public Participation, Outreach, and City Staff Training •Scope: The Department of Justice requires public entities to engage with the public during the ADA Transition Plan development including appropriate consultation with individuals with disabilities. 52 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 25 of 32 o Task 1 – BV will facilitate one (1) public workshop for the City to review draft ADA Self- evaluation and ADA Transition Plan. o Task 2 – BV will prepare outreach materials and prepare brief summary of the workshop and highlight actions items. o Task 3 – Conduct ADA Coordinator and Liaisons training relating to disabilities etiquette, technologies, and procedures that can assist City staff in providing services to people with disabilities. Phase 2D: Meetings, Presentation to Council, and Documentation •Scope: o Task 1 – Progress Meetings: BV will conduct up to three (3) on-site meetings during the project period. Other meetings can be conducted by conference calls with ADA Coordinator and Liaisons. o Task 2 – City Council Meeting: BV will conduct one (1) meeting to introduce the project to Council and present the final ADA Self-evaluation and ADA Transition Plan. o Task 3 – Summary Documents: Provide meeting minutes after on-site meetings or conference calls to help guide ADA Coordinator and Liaisons. o Task 4 – Draft ADA Self-evaluation and ADA Transition Plan: Based on the ADA Self- evaluation process as detailed on Phase 2A, the documents will include the following: 4A: Executive summary describing the project purpose, process, and significant findings. 4B: Review of policies, procedures, and recommendations for improvement as noted in Phase 2A. 4C: A schedule that is developed in phases with cost estimates for the removal of accessibility barriers that cannot be resolved through changes to program or services by relocating, using auxiliary aides, or providing equivalent facilitation. 4D: BV will provide reproducible hard copies of the ADA Self-evaluation and ADA Transition Plan and electronic PDF format to the City ADA Coordinator for use and distribution. o Task 5 – Final ADA Self-evaluation and ADA Transition Plan: Following the review of the draft plans as noted in Task 5, BV will incorporate comments and prepare final plans for ADA Coordinator use and distribution. o Task 6 – Final Deliverables: 6A: Two (2) paper copies each of Draft ADA Self-evaluation and ADA Transition Plan. 6B: Two (2) paper copies of Final ADA Transition Plan and one (1) PDF copy including any appendices. 6C: One (1) electronic GIS copy of all field data compatible with City GIS system. HYGIENE SAFETY EXCELLENCE BVNA has launched a certification label based on health measures to accompany the resumption of activity in various industries, both private and public. The Hygiene Safety Excellence Certification program assists with reopening facilities and services. Our partnership with the Cleveland Clinic provides clear guidance and ensures confidence for both internal employees and the public as programs and services resume. This certification program includes the following five phases. All phases may be selected or individual phases may be selected to match the needs requiring assistance and BVNA will assist accordingly. 53 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 26 of 32 I.CONSULTING: Build a detailed Hygiene Safety Excellence (Guide) for prevention and safety. II.TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION: Create and administer communication/training kits for good hygiene practices for all employees (optional collaboration initiatives between Client marketing and BV marketing to promote hygiene safety). III.INITIAL AUDIT: Complete initial audit and reporting of hygiene protocols and operational requirements (optional surface testing if requested). IV.HYGIENE SAFETY EXCELLENCE LABEL: Apply for Hygiene Safety Excellence Certification (and install Certification label). V.SURVEILLANCE: Continue ongoing auditing and testing in order to comply with the Hygiene Safety Excellence (Guide). 54 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 27 of 32 ATTACHMENT B FEE SCHEDULE CONSTRUCTION CODE SERVICES Fee Table 1 - Commercial and Multi-Family construction plan review Valuation Fee $1.00 to $10,000.00 $50.00 $10,001.00 to $25,000.00 $70.69 for the first $10,000.00 plus $5.46 for each additional $1000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $152.59 for the first $25,000.00 plus $3.94 for each additional $1000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $251.09 for the first $50,000.00 plus $2.73 for each additional $1000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $387.59 for the first $100,000.00 plus $2.19 for each additional $1000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $1,263.59 for the first $500,000.00 plus $1.85 for each additional $1000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up $2,188.59 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $1.23 for each additional $1000.00 Fee Table 2 - Commercial and Multi-Family construction inspection Valuation Fee $1.00 to $10,000.00 $76.92 $10,001.00 to $25,000.00 $108.75 for the first $10,000.00 plus $8.40 for each additional $1000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $234.75 for the first $25,000.00 plus $6.06 for each additional $1000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $386.25 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4.20 for each additional $1000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $596.25 for the first $100,000.00 plus $3.36 for each additional $1000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $1,940.25 for the first $500,000.00 plus $2.85 for each additional $1000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up $3,365.25 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $1.89 for each additional $1000.00 Fee Table 3 - Construction or Improvement of a Residential Dwelling New Residential Construction Plan Review and Inspection Fee Square Footage (S.F.) Fee 0 - 1,500 S.F. $785.00 1,501 - 10,000 S.F. $785.00 for the first 1,500 S.F. plus $0.35 for each additional S.F. to and including 10,000 S.F. Over 10,000 S.F. $3,760.00 for the first 10,000 S.F. plus $0.15 for each additional S.F. over 10,000 S.F. 55 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 28 of 32 Plan Review Only Plan Review Fee Only Per Dwelling Unit, a new plan for previously reviewed plan or Master Plan $200.00 per Plan or per Address Plan review fee when a permit has been issued for the dwelling and the construction plans are altered such that an additional plan review is required (excludes new plan) $150.00 per Plan or per Address Alterations / Additions / Improvements for Residential Construction Trade Permits Fee Building, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fuel Gas and similar $100.00 per trade Other project types not listed above $160.00 per trade Miscellaneous residential projects such as, but not limited to, Accessory Structures, Fences, Pools, etc. See Fee Table 2  All fees billed upon issuance of the permit by the jurisdiction Back-up inspections  Backup inspections will be performed during times of inspector absence due to illness, vacation or training at the listed rates. All other project activity will utilize the tables above. Single Family Residential Commercial and non-Single Family Residential $76.92 per address/building $125.00 per address/building/unit FIRE SERVICES Single Family Residential Fire Services Fire Code Plan Review Services $175.00 Fire Code Inspection Services $400.00 Fire Code Plan Review Services - Commercial and Multi-Family construction (Fire Alarm System & Fire Sprinkler System) Valuation Fee, Each System Less than $6,250 $200.00 $6,250 to $250,000 $300.00 $251,000 to $500,000 $425.00 $501,000 to $1,000,000 $550.00 $1,001,000 to $3,000,000 $800.00 $3,001,000 to $6,000,000 $1,200.00 $6,000,000 and up $1,200.00 plus $0.38 for each additional $1,000.00 Fire Code Inspection Services - Commercial and Multi-Family construction (Fire Alarm System & Fire Sprinkler System) Valuation Fee, Each System Less than $6,250 $300.00 $6,250 to $250,000 $425.00 56 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 29 of 32 $251,000 to $500,000 $525.00 $501,000 to $1,000,000 $675.00 $1,001,000 to $3,000,000 $950.00 $3,001,000 to $6,000,000 $1,425.00 $6,000,000 and up $1,425.00 plus $0.38 for each additional $1,000.00 Valuation is based on construction valuation for project Fire Underground Fire Code Plan Review (1 hour minimum) $100.00 per hour Fire Code Plan Inspection (1 hour minimum) $250.00 per hour Fire Extinguisher Suppression System Per permit, one Inspection $450.00 Each re-inspection $100.00 Fire Certificate of Occupancy Inspections Fire Certificate of Occupancy inspections  Minimum one hour per inspection $150.00 per hour Annual Fire Safety Inspections Day Care, Foster Home, Commercial Business (each inspection and re-inspection per location) $100.00 Nursing Home / Assisted Living / School (each inspection and re-inspection per location) $250.00 Underground / Aboveground Fuel Storage Tanks Fire Code Plan Review $350.00 Fire Code Inspection $450.00 Site Plan Fire Code Plan Review (2 hour minimum) $250.00 per hour Fire Code Plan Inspection (2 hour minimum) $250.00 per hour The construction valuation is determined by the greater of the declared valuation of the project or the valuation calculated using the International Code Council Building Valuation Data table, first update of each calendar year. Example: Square Foot Construction Costs Group (2018 International Building Code) IA IB IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IV VA VB B Business 200.26 192.96 186.54 177.38 161.90 155.84 170.40 142.43 136.08 The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Construction Cost takes into account everything from foundation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. New Building 57 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 30 of 32 Group B occupancy Type VB construction 10,000 square feet total building area Declared construction valuation $1,200,000. Calculated construction valuation - 10,000 square feet X $136.08 per square foot = $1,360,800. The calculated construction valuation is greater than the declared construction valuation so $1,360,800 is used to calculate the Bureau Veritas fee for the project. * Note: BVNA fees do not include any taxes, licensing or other fees imposed by governmental or outside agencies. HEALTH SERVICES PER INSPECTION ONLY: Food Service Inspections - Per each inspection •Permanent Food Establishment Inspection •Mobile Food Vendor (Hot and Cold Truck) Inspection •Seasonal Vendor Inspection •Public Swimming Pool Inspection 1 - 150 per year - $150.00 Each after 150 - $125.00 Temporary Event Inspection - Per each vendor permit (up to 5 permits per event) $100.00 (6 or more permits per event) $150.00 per hour  Minimum two hours Complaint Investigation - Per each complaint $150.00 Consultation outside of the aforementioned scope of services: Health Plan review, Health Final and CO inspections and/or for each re-inspection.  Minimum one hour $150.00 per hour PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES Public Works Inspection Only 2.5% of the cost of construction Public Works Plan Review & Inspection 3.0% of the cost of construction Temporary Back Up Inspection $150/hour, minimum 4 hours. PLANNING AND MAPPING SERVICES Fixed Fees (Based on estimated population in $/1,000 people, minimum 5,000 people) Comprehensive Planning and Mapping Item Elements Cost / 100 people Min. Hours 1 Base Planning a.Base Map* b.Land Use c.Population d.Housing+D45 $2,000 67 2 Parks & Recreation $750 25 3 Thoroughfare Plan $750 25 4 Central Business District Planning $1,250 42 5 Zoning Ordinance (fixed fee) $6,500 43 58 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 31 of 32 6 Subdivision Ordinance (fixed fee) $6,500 43 7 Streets Condition Study $700 23 8 Water Study Distribution and Supply $1,000 33 9 Wastewater Collection and Treatment $1,000 33 10 Capital Improvement Plan $300 10 11 Digital Map preparation* $1,000 33 12 Citizen Participation $1,250 42 As a minimum Item 1 and 12 must be included in any study except Item 11 which is a standalone element *Assume easy access to documents - additional research listed under additional services Hourly Fees Available Planning Services Element Cost Site Plan Review $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Site Plan Preparation $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Zoning Application Review $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) SUP Application Review $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Zoning Board of Adjustment Application Review $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Sign Application Review $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Zoning Case Ordinance Preparation $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Plat Review - Planning Perspective $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Public Hearing Notice map and ownership list (City Mails) $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Zoning Map Updates $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) 911 Address mapping (First Time) $1,000 per person Min. 33 hours 911 Address mapping updates $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) City Council/Planning and Zoning Meeting $225 per hour (1 hour minimum) Contract Planning Director $175 per hour (1 hour minimum) Contract Planner $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Contract work for Developer interests $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Easement Acquisition Negotiator $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) Additional Services $150 per hour (1 hour minimum) *Assume easy access to documents - additional research listed under additional services Reimbursable Expenses ($150 per hour) Reimbursable expenses shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Mileage (Per current IRS rate) Domestic Travel Per Diem (Per current GSA rate plus lodging) Other Direct Project Expenses (at cost plus 15%) including: • Printing, graphics, photography and reproduction • Special shipping 59 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Standard Professional Services Agreement (Facilities) - Rev. (3) 04-14-2021 Page 32 of 32 ADA SERVICES Grand Total for Phase 1 Scope of Work Phase 2 Details Number of Hours Rate per Hour Sub-total 1A – ADA Coordinator & Liaisons Selection & Training 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 1B – ADA Notice Development & Distribution 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 1C – ADA Grievance Procedure Development & Distribution 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 1D – ADA Training of City Staff of Public Facing Depts. 56 $150.00 $8,400.00 Grand Total: 176 (1.5 wks) $26,400.00 Grand Total for Phase 2 Scope of Work Phase 2 Details Number of Hours Rate per Hour Sub-total 2A – ADA Self-evaluation 576 $150.00 $86,400.00 2B – ADA Transition Plan 96 $150.00 $14,400.00 2C – Public Participation, Outreach, and City Staff Training 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 2D – Meetings, Presentation to Council, and Documentation 168 $150.00 $25,200.00 Grand Total: 880 (5.5 mos.) $132,000.00 Note that any additional services above and beyond the scope of work noted above will incur additional fees which BV can review and provide cost estimates to accommodate the City. HYGIENE SAFETY EXCELLENCE Service(s) Related Protocol(s) Fee(s) Consulting – Hygiene Safety Excellence Protocol (Guide) Client Specific (One-time fee) $1,250 per man day eLearning platform and sector specific modules Client Specific $15 per user, plus •One-time setup cost $500 •Optional custom portal per unique module / department function ($2,000) Physical Audit Client Specific $1,450 estimate per Facility* Surface Testing (optional)** Client Specific Pricing available for review Certification Client Specific $195 estimate per Facility *The fee for a larger-sized building may be a higher fee than the estimated Fee shown in the Table. BVNA will propose a fee per facility. **BVNA recommends 10 surface tests per property of random surfaces of service counters, etc. 60 Quote from BVNA:  A quote from Bureau Veritas North America was requested for their professional services. BVNA quoted  the following:   Commercial/Residential Inspections $125/commercial and $76.92/residential – per stop  Health (Food/Pool) Inspections $150/per year and $125/per year commercial pools   Company Building Inspections Health Inspections  Bureau Veritas North America  $76.92/residential  $125/commercial   per stop  $125/commercial pools  $150/food inspection   per year  SAFEbuilt Texas, LLC  Currently used for FY22  $85.00/per stop Not Offered  American Food Safety &  Inspections.  Currently used for FY22  Not offered  $150/per year  $150/per year commercial  pools  North Texas Inspections $250.00/per stop Not Offered  Master Code, Inc. No individual inspections Not offered  Metro Code, Inc. $75/residential ‐  $85/commercial ‐per stop  Not offered   Texas Public Health Solutions Not offered $155 per insp.   $155 per insp. for commercial  pools  61 PO NumberDate :10/3/2022DepartmentStreetsDelivery Address Project#1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, TX 76262Account NumberQuantity Unit Amount Total Amount11-365-670001 28,000.00 28,000.00$ -$ 11-365-67000121,000.00 12,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Co-op info:-$ Total 40,000.00$ CommentsRequested by:Approved by:Finance Approved by:The Town of Trophy Club must have a completed Vendor Packet on file before a requisition can be accepted by the Finance Department.No Response From Other VendorsDescriptionCreek Maintenance, Sediment and Tree RemovalMonthly Inspections and Debris RemovalKevin O'DellRoutine inspections of all creek beds, banks, beneath bridges and culverts for anything that could hinder flow of water and warn of impending issues that will need regularly scheduled maintenance, such as erosion and pre/post storm concerns. Clean out, maintain all creek beds banks, beneath bridges and culverts inclusive of sediment as needed, and trash pick-up. All on 2 miles of creeks, once a month. No increase from FY22.PURCHASE REQUISITION FORMVendor (Name & Address)LaTour Tree Service IncPO Box 14135Arlington, TX 7609462Agenda Item 13-5Creek Manitenance Honorific City Of Trophy Club Kevin O'Dell 100 Municipal Dr Trophy Club, Tx 76262 817-714-3306 Salesperson Jeff LaTour Work Site Jeff@latourtree.com 100 Municipal Dr Trophy Club, Tx 76262 P .O Box 14135, Arlington,TX 76094 817-228-1012 Proposal Friday, September 30, 2022 Billing Address: Proposed Scheduled Work Date: CostQtyDescriptionItem#Unit Cost 1 Service Creek Maintenance Plan $1,000.000 This proposal is a monthly cost for Trophy Club creek Inspections with a 3 year term.(September 2022-September 2025) The proposal will cover all creeks previously inspected by LaTour Tree Service, which trophy club is responsible for. All monthly inspections will include a report, pictures of findings, and proposed solutions upon request. $1,000.00 Signature Date Total:$1,000.00 Subtotal:$1,000.00 Tax:$0.00 We are not responsible for damage to any underground installations such as pipes, cables, wires, and irrigation systems that are not clearly marked. (Additional fee will be applied if we have to make a repair.) Please allow up to 24 hours for brush pickup. Referrals are greatly appreciated! 63 Agenda Item 13-5 Creek maintenance 1 April Duvall From:Kevin O'Dell Sent:Tuesday, September 20, 2022 10:09 AM To:aaffordable1treeservice@gmail.com Cc:Alicia Santos Subject:Trophy Club Creek Maintenance Quote Hello,  I got your information of the HUB vendor list for Tree Management Services. I am needing a price for the following work  to be done on a monthly basis for the fiscal year of 2022/23:  Scope of work to include:  1.Routine inspection of all creek beds, banks, beneath bridges and culverts for anything that could hinder the flow of water and warn of impending issues that will need regularly scheduled maintenance, such as erosion. 2.Clean out, maintain all creek beds, banks, beneath bridges and culverts, inclusive of sediment as needed, picking up trash, and mowing the banks. 3.Determine need for pre or post storm water inspections. 4.Two (2) miles of creek maintenance. 5.Frequency – Once per month, plus as needed I am looking to get all quotes in by 5pm on Friday September 23, 2022.  Thank you,  Kevin O’Dell Kevin O’Dell, Streets Superintendent Town of Trophy Club, Community Development 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262 682.237.2936 office| kodell@trophyclub.org www.trophyclub.org | www.facebook.com/trophyclubgov 64 1 April Duvall From:Kevin O'Dell Sent:Tuesday, September 20, 2022 10:11 AM To:projects@excavationworx.com Cc:Alicia Santos Subject:Trophy Club Creek Maintenance Quote Hello,  I got your information of the HUB vendor list for Tree Management Services. I am needing a price for the following work  to be done on a monthly basis for the fiscal year of 2022/23:  Scope of work to include:  1.Routine inspection of all creek beds, banks, beneath bridges and culverts for anything that could hinder the flow of water and warn of impending issues that will need regularly scheduled maintenance, such as erosion. 2.Clean out, maintain all creek beds, banks, beneath bridges and culverts, inclusive of sediment as needed, picking up trash, and mowing the banks. 3.Determine need for pre or post storm water inspections. 4.Two (2) miles of creek maintenance. 5.Frequency – Once per month, plus as needed I am looking to get all quotes in by 5pm on Friday September 23, 2022.  Thank you,  Kevin O’Dell Kevin O’Dell, Streets Superintendent Town of Trophy Club, Community Development 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262 682.237.2936 office| kodell@trophyclub.org www.trophyclub.org | www.facebook.com/trophyclubgov 65 PO NumberDate :10.01.2022Department522Delivery Address Project#1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, TX 76262Account NumberQuantity Unit Amount Total Amount07-522-837001 40,000.00 40,000.00$ 1,625.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ -$ Co-op info:-$ Total 40,000.00$ Vendor Packet Updated______________________________________________________________________________________________________CommentsRequested by:Approved by:Finance Approved by:The Town of Trophy Club must have a completed Vendor Packet on file before a requisition can be accepted by the Finance Department.Caldwell, TX 77836PURCHASE REQUISITION FORMVendor (Name & Address)Caldwell Country Chevrolet800 Hwy 21EBuyboard Bid 601-19Description2023 1500 4WD Crew CabCaldwell Rep - Billy HughesQuote #BH220491Matt CoxThe PO request is to replace vehicle unit #117, 2011 Ford F15066Agenda Item 13-6Community Development Truck End User:Caldwell Rep: Contact:Phone: Phone/email:Date: Product Description: email:billy@caldwellcountry.com A. Bid Series:31 39,682.00$ B. Published Options [Itemize each below] Code Bid Price Code Bid Price CK10543 INCL INCL INCL INCL INCL INCL 1WT INCL INCL AMF INCL INCL VK3 INCL INCL INCL -$ C. Bid Price Bid Price COLOR COLOR -$ D. Registration, Inspection, Paperwork, Postage cost, Courthouse time, & Runner time:150.00$ E. UPFITTERS:-$ F. Manufacturer Destination/Delivery: G. Floor Plan Interest (for in-stock and/or equipped vehicles):-$ H Lot Insurance (for in-stock and/or equipped vehicles):-$ I. Contract Price Adjustment:-$ J. Additional Delivery Charge:0 miles INCLUDED -$ K. Subtotal:39,832.00$ L. Quantity Ordered 1 x K =39,832.00$ M. Trade in: N.400.00$ O. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE WITH BUYBOARD FEE 40,232.00$ Total of C. Unpublished Options: BUYBOARD FEE PER PURCHASE ORDER after a PO is issued.** *due to semiconductor supply shortages, feature availability will change throughout the model year. **Prices/Quotes are valid for 30 days due to GAZ- SUMMITE WHITE supply chain constraints. Reverify pricing prior to H2G - JET BLACK issuing a PO. Commodity surcharges may apply Total of B. Published Options: Options Options LED LIGHTS CARGO AREA WORK TRUCK PREFERRED GROUP AC & HEAT REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY BLUETOOTH/APPLE CAR PLAY FRONT LICENSE PLATE KIT THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM 1500 CREW 4WD HD REAR VISION CAMERA 5.3L ECOTEC3 V8 POWER WINDOWS & LOCKS 10 SPEED AUTO TRANS CRUISE CONTROL MCOX@TROPHYCLUB.ORG Tuesday, May 24, 2022 2023 1500 CREW CAB 4WD A. Base Price: Options Options CALDWELL COUNTRY CHEVROLET 800 HWY. 21 E. CALDWELL, TEXAS 77836 BUYBOARD BID 601-19 TROPHY CLUB BILLY HUGHES QUOTE #BH220491 MATT COX 682-237-2915 67 Agenda Item 13-6 Community Development Truck PO NumberDate :10/3/2022DepartmentStreetsDelivery Address Project#1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, TX 76262Account NumberQuantity Unit Amount Total Amount11-365-6700010 3,300.00 33,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Co-op info:-$ Total 33,000.00$ CommentsRequested by:Approved by:Finance Approved by:The Town of Trophy Club must have a completed Vendor Packet on file before a requisition can be accepted by the Finance Department.DescriptionMowing Byron Nelson Creek and Lakeview CreekKevin O'DellMowing of the creek by Byron Nelson High School, and the creek between Lakeview Dr and Village Trl., for the fiscal year of 2023 during the following months: October and November (1x monthly), April and May (2x Monthly), June through September (1x Monthly)PURCHASE REQUISITION FORMVendor (Name & Address)Kanelee Landscapes LLCPO Box 443Roanoke, TX 7626268Agenda Item # 13-7Mowing creeks Overview and results from 3 bids for mowing Bobcat Creek and Village Trail Creek.  TLC (highlighted) has been awarded the bid.  TLC‐  Byron Nelson HS ditch (Bobcat Creek)‐ $1950/cut  Lakeshore ditch (Village Trail Creek)‐ $1350/cut  Total for both‐ $3,300  El Gato’s‐ Bobcat Creek‐  $3,000/cut   Village Trail Creek‐ $3,800/cut  Total for both‐ $6,800  La Tour‐ Bobcat Creek‐ $2600/cut  Village Trail Creek‐ $2,600/cut  Total for both‐ $5,200  69 Agenda Item 13-7 Mowing Creeks Estimate Date 9/23/2022 Estimate # 4210 Name / Address Town of Trophy Club Attn: Kevin Odell 1 Trophy Wood Dr Trophy Club, TX 76262 TLC Landscapes PO Box 443 Roanoke, TX 76262 Project Phone # 8175657650 tlclandscapestx@gmail.com Total Subtotal Sales Tax (8.25%) Description Qty Rate Total Byron Nelson HS - Ditch:0.00 0.00 October and November 2022 - Mow/Weedeat 1x Monthly 2 1,950.00 3,900.00 April and May 2023 - Mow/Weedeat 2x Monthly 4 1,950.00 7,800.00 June - September 2023 - Mow/Weedeat 1x Monthly 4 1,950.00 7,800.00 Lakeshore - Ditch:0.00 0.00 October and November 2022 - Mow/Weedeat 1x Monthly 2 1,350.00 2,700.00 April and May 2023 - Mow/Weedeat 2x Monthly 4 1,350.00 5,400.00 June - September 2023 - Mow/Weedeat 1x Monthly 4 1,350.00 5,400.00 $33,000.00 $33,000.00 $0.00 70 Agenda Item 13-7 Mowing Creeks 71 Agenda Item 13-7 Mowing Creeks Honorific City Of Trophy Club Kevin O'Dell 100 Municipal Dr Trophy Club, Tx 76262 817-714-3306 Salesperson Jeff LaTour Work Site Jeff@latourtree.com 100 Municipal Dr Trophy Club, Tx 76262 P .O Box 14135, Arlington,TX 76094 817-228-1012 Proposal Friday, September 30, 2022 Billing Address: Proposed Scheduled Work Date: CostQtyDescriptionItem#Unit Cost 1 Service Creek Maintenance Plan $2,600.000 This proposal is for the Mowing/Weed Eating of the Bobcat Creek and Village Trail Creek, not to include the cat tails in the center of the creek bed. The proposal will be pricing for both creek areas at the same time and a "Not to Exceed" pricing structure This is a per visit pricing, so , the $2600 is for each time we will show up to do both creeks at one time. This Proposal is for the 2022-2023 Trophy Club fiscal year to include the following months- October 2022 November 2022 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 $2,600.00 Signature Date Total:$2,600.00 Subtotal:$2,600.00 Tax:$0.00 We are not responsible for damage to any underground installations such as pipes, cables, wires, and irrigation systems that are not clearly marked. (Additional fee will be applied if we have to make a repair.) Please allow up to 24 hours for brush pickup. Referrals are greatly appreciated! 72 Agenda Item 13-7 Mowing Creeks 73 74 75Item # 13-8American Integration - IT Services 76 Agenda Item 13-8 American Integration - IT services 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Requisition NumberDate :10/1/2022DepartmentDelivery Address Project#1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, TX 76262Account NumberQuantity Unit Amount Total Amount01-640-6080051,790.00 51,790.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Co-op info:-$ Total 51,790.00$ Yes or NoDepartment Requestor:Department Approval:Finance:Town Manager:The Town of Trophy Club must have a completed Vendor Packet on file before a requisition can be accepted by the Finance Department.DescriptionAnnual Software License - Finance, Court, PermittingBudgeted? (Must Circle One) Explanation (if not budgeted:) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________PURCHASE REQUISITION FORMVendor (Name & Address)Tyler TechnologiesComments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10/5/202287Item # 13-9Tyler technologies Finance SoftwareContract is further down in packet 88Agenda Item 13-10 BKDAudit Services August 1, 2022 Honorable Alicia Fleury, Mayor Members of Town Council Wade Carroll, Town Manager Town of Trophy Club, Texas 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 We appreciate your selection of FORVIS, LLP as your service provider and are pleased to confirm the arrangements of our engagement in this contract. Within the requirements of our professional standards and any duties owed to the public, regulatory, or other authorities, our goal is to provide you an Unmatched Client Experience. In addition to the terms set forth in this contract, including the detailed Scope of Services, our engagement is governed by the following, incorporated fully by this reference: x HIPAA Business Associate Agreement x Terms and Conditions Addendum Summary Scope of Services As described in the attached Scope of Services, our services will include the following: Town of Trophy Club, Texas x Audit Services for the year ended September 30, 2022 You agree to assume full responsibility for the substantive outcomes of the contracted services and for any other services we may provide, including any findings that may result. You also acknowledge these services are adequate for your purposes, and you will establish and monitor the performance of these services to ensure they meet management’s objectives. All decisions involving management responsibilities related to these services will be made by you, and you accept full responsibility for such decisions. We understand you have designated a management-level individual(s) to be responsible and accountable for overseeing the performance of nonattest services, and you have determined this individual is qualified to conduct such oversight. 89 Agenda Item 13-10 BKD Audit Services Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 2 As required by Chapter 2271, Texas Government Code, we represent that we do not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel through the term of this engagement. For purposes of this representation, “boycott Israel” means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. Engagement Fees The fee for our services will be $47,200, which includes an administrative fee of five (5) percent to cover certain technology and administrative costs associated with our services. In addition, we have estimated the time, skill and resources required for assistance with the new standard discussed below to range between $6,000 and $12,000. Our pricing for this engagement and our fee structure are based upon the expectation that our invoices will be paid promptly. Payment of our invoices is due upon receipt. Our timely completion of services and the fees thereon depends on the assistance you provide us in accumulating information and responding to our inquiries. Inaccuracies or delays in providing this information or the responses may result in additional billings, untimely filings or inability to meet other deadlines. Our fees do not contemplate the following transactions or activities during the period of this engagement: x Change in accounting principles other than GASB 87, Leases x Violation of covenants in debt arrangements x Indications of fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets x Quantitative impairment analysis of long-lived assets x More than 1 major federal awards programs If there are changes in circumstances where these or other conditions become known and significant additional time is necessary or additional services are requested, we reserve the right to revise our fees. Assistance with New Standards Assistance and additional time as a result of the adoption of the following new standards are not included within our standard engagement fees. These fees will be based on time expended and will vary based on the level of assistance and procedures required. Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 87, Leases, is effective for the Town’s fiscal year 2022. Statement No. 87 establishes a single model for lease accounting based on the foundational principle that leases are financings of the right to use an underlying asset. Under this Statement, a lessee is required to recognize a lease liability and an intangible right-to-use lease asset, and a lessor is required to recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources. We can assist you with the adoption by providing services which may include, but are not limited to: x Assessing your readiness by assisting with the evaluation of your: o Current controls and policies o Current internal resources and system capabilities 90 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 3 x Assisting with changes required to adopt Statement No. 87, including: o Assisting with information gathering to develop an inventory of all lease agreements, service contracts, and other arrangements that may contain right-to-use lease assets o Recommending enhancements to existing controls and policies or suggesting new controls and policies to address Statement No. 87 o Documenting any changes from your previous lease recognition and reporting methods o Drafting the required disclosures The time it will take to perform the above assistance and our additional audit procedures relating to the adoption of the Statement, and any time to assist you with the adoption, may be minimized to the extent your personnel will be available to provide timely and accurate documentation and information as requested by us. Contract Agreement Please sign and return this contract to indicate your acknowledgment of, and agreement with, the arrangements for our services including our respective responsibilities. FORVIS, LLP Acknowledged and agreed to as it relates to the entire contract, including the Scope of Services, HIPAA Business Associate Agreement, and Terms and Conditions Addendum, on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas. BY Wade Carroll, Town Manager DATE 9/22/2022 91 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 4 Scope of Services – Audit Services We will audit the governmental activities, the business-type activities, the discretely presented component unit, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information and related disclosures, which collectively comprise the basic financial statements for the following entity: Town of Trophy Club, Texas as of and for the year ended September 30, 2022 The audit has the following broad objectives: x Obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error x Expressing an opinion on the financial statements x Issuing a report on your internal control over financial reporting and compliance and other matters based on the audit of your financial statements in accordance with Government Auditing Standards x Expressing an opinion on your compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect to each of your major federal award programs in accordance with the audit requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) x Issuing a report on your internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance x Issuing a report on your schedule of expenditures of federal awards You have informed us that the audited financial statements are expected to be presented along with management’s annual comprehensive financial report. Management is responsible for the other information included in the annual comprehensive financial report. The other information comprises the annual comprehensive financial report but does not include the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements will not cover the other information, and we will not express an opinion or any form of assurance thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and consider whether a material inconsistency exists between the other information and the financial statements, or whether the other information otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work performed, we conclude that an uncorrected material misstatement of the other information exists, we are required to describe it in our report. We will also express an opinion on whether the combining and individual fund financial statements, budget and actual schedules, financial statements of the discretely presented component units, and, if applicable, the schedule of expenditures of federal awards (“supplementary information”) is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements as a whole. If necessary, we will complete the auditee portion of the Form SF-SAC (Data Collection Form) through the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. We will not make the submission on your behalf. You will review a draft(s) of the submission prior to transmission and agree that you are solely responsible for approving the final draft for transmission as well as for the auditee submission and certification. 92 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 5 We will also provide you with the following nonattest services: x Preparing a draft of the financial statements and related notes x Proposing for your review and approval the adjusting entries to convert your modified accrual statements to full accrual-basis statements. Management is responsible for the propriety of the accrual adjustments x Proposing for your review and approval the year-end entries related to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statements 68, 75, and 87. Management is responsible for the propriety of the entries x Preparing a draft of the supplementary information, including the schedule of expenditures of federal awards You agree to assume all management responsibilities and to oversee the non-attest services we will provide by designating an individual possessing suitable skill, knowledge and/or experience. You acknowledge that non-attest services are not covered under Government Auditing Standards. You are responsible for: x Making all management decisions and performing all management functions; x Evaluating the adequacy and results of the services performed; x Accepting responsibility for the results of such services; and x Designing, implementing, and maintaining internal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities. Kevin Kemp, Partner, is responsible for supervising the engagement and authorizing the signing of the report or reports. We will issue written reports upon completion of our audits, addressed to the following parties: Entity Name Party Name Town of Trophy Club, Texas The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council You are responsible to distribute our reports to other officials who have legal oversight authority or those responsible for acting on audit findings and recommendations, and to others authorized to receive such reports. The following apply for the audit services described above: Our Responsibilities We will conduct our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAS), the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and the Uniform Guidance. Those standards require that we plan and perform: x The audit of the financial statements to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error x The audit of compliance to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the entity complied with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each major federal award program 93 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 6 We will exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We will identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. We will obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. We will evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall presentation of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. We will also conclude, based on audit evidence obtained, whether there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. We will identify and assess the risks of material noncompliance, whether due to fraud or error, and design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks. Such procedures include examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the entity's compliance with compliance requirements subject to audit and performing such other procedures as the auditor considers necessary in the circumstances. We will obtain an understanding of the entity's internal control over compliance relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control over compliance. Accordingly, no such opinion is expressed. We are required to communicate with those charged with governance, regarding, among other matters, the planed scope and timing of the audit and any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in internal control over compliance that the auditor identified during the audit. Limitations & Fraud Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not absolute assurance and therefore is not a guarantee that an audit that is planned and conducted in accordance with GAAS will always detect a material misstatement or material noncompliance with federal award programs when it exists. Misstatements, including omissions, can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, there is a substantial likelihood that, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users made on the basis of these financial statements. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. 94 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 7 The risk of not detecting a material misstatement or material noncompliance resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Noncompliance with compliance requirements is considered material if there is a substantial likelihood that, individually or in the aggregate, it would influence the judgment made by a reasonable user of the report on compliance about the entity's compliance with the requirements of the federal programs as a whole. Our understanding of internal control is not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of your internal control. However, we will communicate to you in writing any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in internal control relevant to the audit of the financial statements that we identify during the audit. We are available to perform additional procedures with regard to fraud detection and prevention at your request, subject to completion of our normal engagement acceptance procedures. The actual terms and fees of such an engagement would be documented in a separate contract to be signed by you and FORVIS, LLP. Opinion Circumstances may arise in which our report may differ from its expected form and content based on the results of our audit. Depending on the nature of these circumstances, it may be necessary for us to modify our opinion, add an emphasis-of-matter paragraph or other-matter paragraph(s) to our auditor’s report, or if necessary, decline to express an opinion or withdraw from the engagement. If we discover conditions that may prohibit us from issuing a standard report, we will notify you. In such circumstances, further arrangements may be necessary to continue our engagement. Your Responsibilities Management and, if applicable, those charged with governance acknowledge and understand their responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of all information provided and for the following: x Audit Support - to provide us with: o Unrestricted access to persons within the entity or within components of the entity (including management, those charged with governance and component auditors) from whom we determine it necessary to obtain audit evidence o Information of which you are aware that is relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, including access to information relevant to disclosures o Information about events occurring or facts discovered subsequent to the date of the financial statements, of which management may become aware, that may affect the financial statements o Information about any known or suspected fraud affecting the entity involving management, employees with significant role in internal control and others where fraud could have a material effect on the financials o Identification and provision of report copies of previous audits, attestation engagements, or other studies that directly relate to the objectives of the 95 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 8 audit, including whether related recommendations have been implemented o Additional information that we may request for the purpose of the audit x Internal Control and Compliance – for the: o Design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to compliance with laws and regulations and the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, o Alignment of internal control to ensure that appropriate goals and objectives are met, that management and financial information is reliable and properly reported and that compliance with and identification of the laws, regulations, contracts, grants or agreements (including any federal award programs) applicable to the entity’s activities is achieved o Remedy, through timely and appropriate steps, of fraud and noncompliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts or other agreements reported by the auditor o Establishment and maintenance of processes to track the status and address findings and recommendations of auditors x Accounting and Reporting – for the: o Maintenance of adequate records, selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguard of assets o Adjustment of the financial statements to correct material misstatements and confirmation to us in the representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole o Preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America o Inclusion of the auditors' report in any document containing financial statements that indicates that such financial statements have been audited by us o Distribution of audit reports to any necessary parties The results of our tests of compliance and internal control over financial reporting performed in connection with our audit of the financial statements may not fully meet the reasonable needs of report users. Management is responsible for obtaining audits, examinations, agreed-upon procedures, or other engagements that satisfy relevant legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements or fully meet other reasonable user needs. Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America provide for certain required supplementary information ("RSI") to accompany the basic financial statements. We understand the following RSI will accompany the basic financial statements: 1.Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") 2.Budgetary comparison 3.Pension and Other Postemployment Benefit information Such information is the responsibility of management and, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting 96 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 9 Standards Board who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. Management is responsible for the fair presentation of the RSI. As part of our engagement, we will apply certain limited procedures to the RSI in GAAS. These limited procedures will consist of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We will not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Supplementary Information With regard to any supplementary information that we are engaged to report on: x Management is responsible for its preparation in accordance with applicable criteria x Management will provide certain written representations regarding the supplementary information at the conclusion of our engagement x Management will include our report on this supplementary information in any document that contains this supplementary information and indicates we have reported on the supplementary information x Management will make the supplementary information readily available to intended users if it is not presented with the audited financial statements Such information is: x Presented for the purpose of additional analysis of the financial statements x Not a required part of the financial statements x The responsibility of management x Subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with GAAS Written Confirmations Required As part of our audit process, we will request from management and, if applicable, those charged with governance written confirmation acknowledging certain responsibilities outlined in this contract and confirming: x The availability of this information x Certain representations made during the audit for all periods presented x The effects of any uncorrected misstatements, if any, resulting from errors or fraud aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole 97 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 10 Peer Review Report Government Auditing Standards require that we provide you with a copy of our most recent external peer review report and any letter of comment, and any subsequent peer review reports and letters of comment received during the period of the contract, upon request. If you would like a copy, please request from your engagement executive. 98 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 11 HIPAA Business Associate Agreement This Business Associate Agreement (“BAA”) is entered into by and between FORVIS, LLP (hereinafter referred to as “Business Associate”) and the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (hereinafter referred to as “Covered Entity”). RECITALS Business Associate provides services to Covered Entity under this contract (the “Contract”), and Covered Entity wishes to disclose certain information to Business Associate pursuant to the terms of such Contract, some of which may constitute Protected Health Information (“PHI”). The purpose of this BAA is to comply with all applicable federal and state laws governing the privacy of PHI. As used herein, the Privacy Rule and the Security Rule are each deemed to include the amendments thereto, collectively referred to as “HIPAA/HITECH Final Omnibus Rule,” that are included in the: x Modifications to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) Privacy, Security, Enforcement, and Breach Notification Rules Under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (the “HITECH Act”) and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act x Other Modifications to the HIPAA Rules x Final Rule (the “Omnibus Rule”), 78 Fed. Reg. 5565 Notwithstanding the terms of this or any other agreement between Covered Entity and Business Associate, Business Associate shall comply with all of its statutory and regulatory obligations stated under the HIPAA/HITECH Final Omnibus Rule. The terms stated herein shall have the same definitions as provided in HIPAA. In consideration of the mutual promises below and the exchange of information pursuant to this BAA, the parties agree as follows: 1.Permitted Uses and Disclosures. Except as described in the enumerated subparagraphs below, Business Associate shall not use or disclose PHI received from Covered Entity or created on behalf of Covered Entity. Exceptions: 1.1. As reasonably necessary to provide the services in the Contract; 1.2. As otherwise permitted or required by this BAA; 1.3. As required by law; and 1.4. For the proper management and administration of Business Associate’s business and to disclose PHI in connection with such management and administration, and to carry out the legal responsibilities of the Business Associate, provided Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances from the recipient that the PHI shall be held confidentially and used or further disclosed only as required by law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the recipient, and Business Associate requires the recipient to notify it of any instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the PHI has been breached. 2.Safeguards. Business Associate shall not use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by the BAA or as required by law. 2.1. Business Associate shall establish and maintain appropriate safeguards and shall comply with the Security Rule with respect to electronic PHI (“ePHI”) to prevent the use or disclosure of such ePHI other than as provided for by the Contract including this BAA. 2.2. To the extent the Business Associate is to carry out one or more of Covered Entity’s obligation(s) under Subpart E of 45 CFR Part 164, comply with the requirements of Subpart E that apply to the Covered Entity in the performance of such obligation(s). 3.Subcontracts. In accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Rule and the Security Rule, Business Associate shall ensure any subcontractors that create, receive, maintain, or transmit PHI on behalf of Business Associate agree to the same restrictions, conditions, and requirements that apply to the Business Associate with respect to such information. 4.Obligations of Covered Entity. Covered Entity shall obtain any consent or authorization that may be required by HIPAA, or applicable state law, prior to furnishing Business Associate with PHI, including ePHI. Covered Entity shall notify Business Associate of: 4.1. Any limitation(s) in the Covered Entity’s notice of privacy practices under 45 CFR 164.520, to the extent that such limitation may affect Business Associate’s use or disclosure of PHI; 4.2. Any changes in, or revocation of, the permission by an individual to use or disclose his or her PHI, to the extent that such changes may affect Business Associate’s use or disclosure of PHI; and 4.3. Any restriction on the use or disclosure of PHI that Covered Entity has agreed to or is required to abide by under 45 CFR 164.522, to the extent that such restriction may affect Business Associate’s use or disclosure of PHI. Covered Entity shall not request Business Associate to use or disclose PHI in any manner that would not be permissible under Subpart E of 45 CFR Part 164 if done by Covered Entity. Covered Entity shall provide to Business Associate only the minimum PHI necessary to perform the services set forth in a Contract. 5. Reporting, Notification, and Mitigation. 5.1. Reporting. Business Associate shall notify Covered Entity of any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by the BAA of which it becomes aware, including breaches of unsecured PHI as required at 45 CFR 164.410, and any security incident of which it becomes aware, provided that with respect to Unsuccessful Security Incidents (as defined below), Business Associate shall report to Covered Entity any such Unsuccessful Security Incidents that are material to the protection of Covered Entity’s PHI. For purposes of this Business Associate Agreement, the term “Unsuccessful Security Incident” shall mean any 99 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 12 security incident that does not result in any unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of ePHI or any interference with system operations in Business Associate’s information system. 5.2. Notification. To assist Covered Entity in fulfilling its responsibility to notify individuals and others of a breach involving Unsecured PHI as required by HIPAA and applicable state law, the notification shall include, to the greatest extent reasonably possible: i. Each individual whose unsecured PHI was subject to the breach; and ii. Any other available information Covered Entity is required to include in its legally required notification to individual(s) or others. 5.3. Mitigation. Business Associate shall mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to Business Associate of a use or disclosure of PHI by Business Associate in violation of the requirements of this BAA. 6. Term and Termination. 6.1. Term. The Term of this BAA shall be effective as of the last date signed and shall terminate without any further action of the parties upon the expiration or termination of the Contract or on the date Covered Entity terminates for cause as authorized in paragraph 6.2 of this section, whichever is sooner. 6.2. Termination for Cause. Covered Entity may terminate this BAA if Business Associate has violated a material term of the BAA and Business Associate has not cured the breach or ended the violation within the time specified by Covered Entity. 6.3. Obligations of Business Associate Upon Termination. Upon termination of this BAA for any reason, Business Associate, with respect to PHI received from Covered Entity, or created, maintained, or received by Business Associate on behalf of Covered Entity, shall: i. Retain only that PHI which is necessary for Business Associate to continue its proper management and administration or to carry out its legal responsibilities; ii. Return to Covered Entity or destroy the remaining PHI that the Business Associate still maintains in any form; iii. Continue to use appropriate safeguards and comply with Subpart C of 45 CFR Part 164 with respect to ePHI to prevent use or disclosure of the PHI, other than as provided for in this section, for as long as Business Associate retains the PHI; iv. Not use or disclose the PHI retained by Business Associate other than for the purposes for which such PHI was retained and subject to the same conditions set forth in this BAA which applied prior to termination; and v. Return to Covered Entity or destroy the PHI retained by Business Associate when it is no longer needed by Business Associate for its proper management and administration or to carry out its legal responsibilities. 6.4. Survival. The obligations of Business Associate under this section shall survive the termination of this BAA. 7.Designated Record Set. To the extent Business Associate maintains PHI in a Designated Record Set, Business Associate shall: 7.1. Make available PHI in a Designated Record Set to the Covered Entity as necessary to satisfy Covered Entity’s obligations under 45 CFR 164.524; and 7.2. Incorporate any amendments or corrections to PHI at the request of Covered Entity in accordance with 45 CFR 164.526, or take other measures as necessary to satisfy Covered Entity’s obligations under 45 CFR 164.526. 8.Accounting of Disclosures. Business Associate shall maintain and make available the information required to provide an accounting of disclosures to the Covered Entity as necessary to satisfy Covered Entity’s obligations under 45 CFR 164.528. 9.Access to Records. Business Associate shall make its internal practices, books, and records available to the Secretary of Health and Human Services for purposes of determining compliance with the HIPAA Rules. 10.Insurance. Business Associate shall maintain insurance coverage in form and amount necessary to cover data loss and/or damage or the unauthorized disclosure and/or fraudulent use of data. Upon request, Business Associate shall provide Covered Entity with a certificate of insurance evidencing the coverage. 11.Privilege. No statutory or common law privilege, including privileges established or recognized by the attorney-client, accountant-client, or other legal privilege, shall be deemed to have been waived by virtue of this BAA. 12.No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit, or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this BAA. 13.Integration. Any reference in this Agreement to a section of the HIPAA/HITECH Final Omnibus Rule, and applicable regulations, means the section as in effect as amended and for which compliance is required. 14.General. This BAA is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Texas. If any part of a provision of this BAA is found illegal or unenforceable, it shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the legality and enforceability of the remainder of that provision and all other provisions of this BAA shall not be affected. This BAA may be modified, or any rights under it waived, only by a written document executed by the authorized representatives of both parties. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 100 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 13 GENERAL FORVIS, LLP Terms and Conditions Addendum 4. Termination. Either party may terminate these services in good faith at any time for any reason, including Your failure to 1.Overview. This addendum describes FORVIS LLP’s standard terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) applicable to Our provision of services to the Client (“You”). The Terms and Conditions are a part of the contract between You and FORVIS, LLP. For the purposes of the Terms and Conditions, any reference to “Firm,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our” is a reference to FORVIS, LLP (“FORVIS”), and any reference to “You” or “Your” is a reference to the party or parties that have engaged Us to provide services and the party or parties ultimately responsible for payment of Our fees and costs. BILLING, PAYMENT, & TERMINATION 2.Billing and Payment Terms. We will bill You for Our professional fees and costs as outlined in Our contract. Unless otherwise provided in Our contract, payment is due upon receipt of Our billing statement. Interest will be charged on any unpaid balance after 30 days at the rate of 10 percent per annum, or as allowed by law at the earliest date thereafter, and highest applicable rate if less than 10 percent. All fees, charges, and other amounts payable to FORVIS hereunder do not include any sales, use, excise, value-added, or other applicable taxes, tariffs, or duties, payment of which shall be Your sole responsibility, and do not include any applicable taxes based on FORVIS’ net income or taxes arising from the employment or independent contractor relationship between FORVIS and FORVIS’ personnel. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate Our work for this engagement or any other engagement for nonpayment of fees. If Our work is suspended or terminated, You agree that We will not be responsible for Your failure to meet governmental and other deadlines, for any penalties or interest that may be assessed against You resulting from Your failure to meet such deadlines, and for any other damages (including but not limited to consequential, indirect, lost profits, or punitive damages) incurred as a result of the suspension or termination of Our services. Our fees may increase if Our duties or responsibilities are increased by rulemaking of any regulatory body or any additional new accounting or auditing standards. Our engagement fees do not include any time for post-engagement consultation with Your personnel or third parties, consent letters and related procedures for the use of Our reports in offering documents, inquiries from regulators, or testimony or deposition regarding any subpoena. Charges for such services will be billed separately. 3.Billing Records. If these services are determined to be within the scope and authority of Section 1861(v)(1)(I) of the Social Security Act, We agree to make available to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or to the U.S. Comptroller General, or any of their duly authorized representatives, such of Our books, documents, and records that are necessary to certify the nature and extent of Our services, until the expiration of four (4) years after the furnishing of these services. This contract allows access to contracts of a similar nature between subcontractors and related organizations of the subcontractor, and to their books, documents, and records. comply with the terms of Our contract or as We determine professional standards require. Both parties must agree, in writing, to any future modifications or extensions. If services are terminated, You agree to pay FORVIS for time expended to date. In addition, You will be billed costs and fees for services from other professionals, if any, as well as an administrative fee of five (5) percent to cover certain technology and administrative costs associated with Our services. Unless terminated sooner in accordance with its terms, this engagement shall terminate upon the completion of FORVIS’ services hereunder. DISPUTES & DISCLAIMERS 5.Mediation. Any dispute arising out of or related to this engagement will, prior to resorting to litigation, be submitted for nonbinding mediation upon written request by either party. Both parties agree to try in good faith to settle the dispute in mediation. The mediator will be selected by agreement of the parties. The mediation proceeding shall be confidential. Each party will bear its own costs in the mediation, but the fees and expenses of the mediator will be shared equally. 6.Indemnification. Unless disallowed by law or applicable professional standards, You agree to hold FORVIS harmless from any and all claims which arise from knowing misrepresentations to FORVIS, or the intentional withholding or concealment of information from FORVIS by Your management or any partner, principal, shareholder, officer, director, member, employee, agent, or assign of Yours. You also agree to indemnify FORVIS for any claims made against FORVIS by third parties, which arise from any wrongful actions of Your management or any partner, principal, shareholder, officer, director, member, employee, agent, or assign of Yours. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply regardless of the nature of the claim. 7.Statute of Limitations. You agree that any claim or legal action arising out of or related to this contract and the services provided hereunder shall be commenced no more than one (1) year from the date of delivery of the work product to You or the termination of the services described herein (whichever is earlier), regardless of any statute of limitations prescribing a longer period of time for commencing such a claim under law. This time limitation shall apply regardless of whether FORVIS performs other or subsequent services for You. A claim is understood to be a demand for money or services, demand for mediation, or the service of suit based on a breach of this contract or the acts or omissions of FORVIS in performing the services provided herein. This provision shall not apply if enforcement is disallowed by applicable law or professional standards. 8.Limitation of Liability. You agree that FORVIS’ liability, if any, arising out of or related to this contract and the services provided hereunder, shall be limited to the amount of the fees paid by You for services rendered under this contract. This limitation shall not apply to the extent it is finally, judicially determined that the liability resulted from the intentional or 101 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 14 willful misconduct of FORVIS or if enforcement of this provision is disallowed by applicable law or professional standards. 9.Waiver of Certain Damages. In no event shall FORVIS be liable to You or a third party for any indirect, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to lost profits, loss of revenue, interruption, loss of use, damage to goodwill or reputation, regardless of whether You were advised of the possibility of such damages, regardless of whether such damages were reasonably foreseeable, and regardless of whether such damages arise under a theory of contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. 10.Choice of Law. You acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of or related to this contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. 11.WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE NOT TO ELECT A TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY ISSUE TRIABLE OF RIGHT BY JURY, AND WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY FULLY TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY SUCH RIGHT SHALL NOW OR HEREAFTER EXIST WITH REGARD TO THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY CLAIM, COUNTERCLAIM, OR OTHER ACTION ARISING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. THIS WAIVER OF RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IS GIVEN KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY BY THE PARTIES, AND IS INTENDED TO ENCOMPASS INDIVIDUALLY EACH INSTANCE AND EACH ISSUE AS TO WHICH THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY WOULD OTHERWISE ACCRUE. 12.Severability. In the event that any term or provision of this agreement shall be held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, then the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected, and each such term and provision of this agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 13.Assignment. You acknowledge and agree that the terms and conditions of this contract shall be binding upon and inure to the parties’ successors and assigns, subject to applicable laws and regulations. 14.Disclaimer of Legal or Investment Advice. Our services do not constitute legal or investment advice. RECORDS, WORKPAPERS, DELIVERABLES, & PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 15.Maintenance of Records. You agree to assume full responsibility for maintaining Your original data and records and that FORVIS has no responsibility to maintain this information. You agree You will not rely on FORVIS to provide hosting, electronic security, or backup services, e.g., business continuity or disaster recovery services, to You unless separately engaged to do so. You understand that Your access to data, records, and information from FORVIS’ servers, i.e., FORVIS portals used to exchange information, can be terminated at any time and You will not rely on using this to host Your data and records. 16.FORVIS Workpapers. Our workpapers and documentation retained in any form of media for this engagement are the property of FORVIS. We can be compelled to provide information under legal process. In addition, We may be requested by regulatory or enforcement bodies (including any State Board) to make certain workpapers available to them pursuant to authority granted by law or regulation. Unless We are prohibited from doing so by law or regulation, FORVIS will inform You of any such legal process or request. You agree We have no legal responsibility to You in the event We determine We are obligated to provide such documents or information. 17.Subpoenas or Other Legal Process. In the event FORVIS is required to respond to any such subpoena, court order, or any government regulatory inquiry or other legal process relating to You or Your management for the production of documents and/or testimony relative to information We obtained or prepared incident to this or any other engagement in a matter in which FORVIS is not a party, You shall compensate FORVIS for all time We expend in connection with such response at normal and customary hourly rates and to reimburse Us for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in regard to such response. 18.Use of Deliverables and Drafts. You agree You will not modify any deliverables or drafts prepared by Us for internal use or for distribution to third parties. You also understand that We may on occasion send You documents marked as draft and understand that those are for Your review purpose only, should not be distributed in any way, and should be destroyed as soon as possible. Our report on any financial statements must be associated only with the financial statements that were the subject of Our engagement. You may make copies of Our report, but only if the entire financial statements (exactly as attached to Our report, including related footnotes) and any supplementary information, as appropriate, are reproduced and distributed with Our report. You agree not to reproduce or associate Our report with any other financial statements, or portions thereof, that are not the subject of Our engagement. 19.Proprietary Information. You acknowledge that proprietary information, documents, materials, management techniques, and other intellectual property are a material source of the services We perform and were developed prior to Our association with You. Any new forms, software, documents, or intellectual property We develop during this engagement for Your use shall belong to Us, and You shall have the limited right to use them solely within Your business. All reports, templates, manuals, forms, checklists, questionnaires, letters, agreements, and other documents which We make available to You are confidential and proprietary to Us. Neither You, nor any of Your agents, will copy, electronically store, reproduce, or make any such documents available to anyone other than Your personnel. This provision will apply to all materials whether in digital, “hard copy” format, or other medium. REGULATORY 20.U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and other Regulatory Bodies. Where We are providing services either for (a) an entity that is registered with the SEC, (b) an affiliate of such registrant, or (c) an entity or affiliate that is subject to rules, regulations, or standards beyond those of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”), any term of this contract that would be prohibited by or impair Our independence under applicable law or regulation shall not apply to the extent necessary only to avoid such prohibition or impairment.102 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 15 21.Offering Document. You may wish to include Our report(s) on financial statements in an exempt offering document. You agree that any report, including any auditor’s report, or reference to Our firm, will not be included in any such offering document without notifying Us. Any agreement to perform work in connection with an exempt offering document, including providing agreement for the use of the auditor’s report in the exempt offering document, will be a separate engagement. Any exempt offering document issued by You with which We are not involved will clearly indicate that We are not involved by including a disclosure such as, “FORVIS, LLP, our independent auditor, has not been engaged to perform and has not performed, since the date of its report included herein, any procedures on the financial statements addressed in that report. FORVIS, LLP also has not performed any procedures relating to this offering document.” 22.FORVIS Not a Municipal Advisor. FORVIS is not acting as Your municipal advisor under Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. As such, FORVIS is not recommending any action to You and does not owe You a fiduciary duty with respect to any information or communications regarding municipal financial products or the issuance of municipal securities. You should discuss such matters with internal or external advisors and experts You deem appropriate before acting on any such information or material provided by FORVIS. 23.FORVIS Not a Fiduciary. In providing Our attest services, We are required by law and our professional standards to maintain our independence from You. We take this mandate very seriously and thus guard against impermissible relationships which may impair the very independence which You and the users of Our report require. As such, You should not place upon Us special confidence that in the performance of Our attest services We will act solely in Your interest. Therefore, You acknowledge and agree We are not in a fiduciary relationship with You and We have no fiduciary responsibilities to You in the performance of Our services described herein. TECHNOLOGY 24.Electronic Sites. You agree to notify Us if You desire to place Our report(s), including any reports on Your financial statements, along with other information, such as a report by management or those charged with governance on operations, financial summaries or highlights, financial ratios, etc., on an electronic site. You recognize that We have no responsibility to review information contained in electronic sites. 25.Electronic Signatures and Counterparts. This contract and other documents to be delivered pursuant to this contract may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement or document, and will be effective when counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other parties. Each party agrees that the electronic signatures, whether digital or encrypted, of the parties included in this contract are intended to authenticate this writing and to have the same force and effect as manual signatures. Delivery of a copy of this contract or any other document contemplated hereby, bearing an original manual or electronic signature by facsimile transmission (including a facsimile delivered via the internet), by electronic mail in “portable document format” (“.pdf”) or similar format intended to preserve the original graphic and pictorial appearance of a document, or through the use of electronic signature software, will have the same effect as physical delivery of the paper document bearing an original signature. 26.Electronic Data Communication and Storage. In the interest of facilitating Our services to You, We may send data over the internet, temporarily store electronic data via computer software applications hosted remotely on the internet, or utilize cloud-based storage. Your confidential electronic data may be transmitted or stored using these methods. In using these data communication and storage methods, We employ measures designed to maintain data security. We use reasonable efforts to keep such communications and electronic data secure in accordance with Our obligations under applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards. You recognize and accept that We have no control over the unauthorized interception or breach of any communications or electronic data once it has been transmitted or if it has been subject to unauthorized access while stored, notwithstanding all reasonable security measures employed by Us. You consent to Our use of these electronic devices and applications during this engagement. OTHER MATTERS 27.Cooperation. You agree to cooperate with FORVIS in the performance of FORVIS’ services to You, including the provision to FORVIS of reasonable facilities and timely access to Your data, information, and personnel. You shall be responsible for the performance of Your employees and agents. 28.Third-Party Service Providers. FORVIS may from time to time utilize third-party service providers, including but not limited to domestic software processors or legal counsel, or disclose confidential information about You to third-party service providers in serving Your account. FORVIS maintains, however, internal policies, procedures, and safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of Your information. In addition, FORVIS will secure confidentiality agreements with all service providers to maintain the confidentiality of Your information. If We are unable to secure an appropriate confidentiality agreement, You will be asked to consent prior to FORVIS sharing Your confidential information with the third- party service provider. 29.Independent Contractor. When providing services to You, We will be functioning as an independent contractor; and in no event will We or any of Our employees be an officer of You, nor will Our relationship be that of joint venturers, partners, employer and employee, principal and agent, or any similar relationship giving rise to a fiduciary duty to You. Decisions regarding management of Your business remain the responsibility of Your personnel at all times. Neither You nor FORVIS shall act or represent itself, directly or by implication, as an agent of the other or in any manner assume or create any obligation on behalf of, or in the name of, the other. 103 Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 1, 2022 Page 16 30.Use of FORVIS Name. Any time You intend to reference FORVIS’ firm name in any manner in any published materials, including on an electronic site, You agree to provide Us with draft materials for review and approval before publishing or posting such information. 31.Praxity. FORVIS is an independent accounting firm allowed to use the name “Praxity” in relation to its practice. FORVIS is not connected, however, by ownership with any other firm using the name “Praxity.” FORVIS will be solely responsible for all work carried out on Your behalf. In deciding to engage FORVIS, You acknowledge that We have not represented to You that any other firm using the name “Praxity” will in any way be responsible for Our work. 32.Entire Agreement. The contract, including this Terms and Conditions Addendum and any other attachments or addenda, encompasses the entire agreement between You and FORVIS and supersedes all previous understandings and agreements between the parties, whether oral or written. Any modification to the terms of this contract must be made in writing and signed by both You and FORVIS. 33.Force Majeure. We shall not be held responsible for any failure to fulfill Our obligations if such failure was caused by circumstances beyond Our control, including, without limitation, fire or other casualty, act of God, act of terrorism, strike or labor dispute, war or other violence, explosion, flood or other natural catastrophe, epidemic or pandemic, or any law, order, or requirement of any governmental agency or authority affecting either party, including without limitation orders incident to any such epidemic or pandemic, lockdown orders, stay-at-home orders, and curfews. 104 8550 United Plaza Blvd., Ste. 1001 – Baton Rouge, LA 70809 225-922-4600 Phone – 225-922-4611 Fax – pncpa.com Postlethwaite & Netterville and Associates, L.L.C. Report on the Firm’s System of Quality Control To the Partners of BKD, LLP and the National Peer Review Committee We have reviewed the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of BKD, LLP (the firm) applicable to engagements not subject to PCAOB permanent inspection in effect for the year ended May 31, 2020. Our peer review was conducted in accordance with the Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews established by the Peer Review Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Standards). A summary of the nature, objectives, scope, limitations of, and the procedures performed in a System Review as described in the Standards may be found at www.aicpa.org/prsummary. The summary also includes an explanation of how engagements identified as not performed or reported in conformity with applicable professional standards, if any, are evaluated by a peer reviewer to determine a peer review rating. Firm’s Responsibility The firm is responsible for designing a system of quality control and complying with it to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects. The firm is also responsible for evaluating actions to promptly remediate engagements deemed as not performed or reported in conformity with professional standards, when appropriate, and for remediating weaknesses in its system of quality control, if any. Peer Reviewer’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the design of the system of quality control and the firm’s compliance therewith based on our review. Required Selections and Considerations Engagements selected for review included engagements performed under Government Auditing Standards, including compliance audits under the Single Audit Act; audits of employee benefit plans, audits performed under FDICIA, an audit of a broker-dealer, and examinations of service organizations [SOC 1 and SOC 2 engagements]. As part of our peer review, we considered reviews by regulatory entities as communicated to the firm, if applicable, in determining the nature and extent of our procedures. Opinion In our opinion, the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of BKD, LLP applicable to engagements not subject to PCAOB permanent inspection in effect for the year ended May 31, 2020, has been suitably designed and complied with to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects. Firms can receive a rating of pass, pass with deficiency(ies) or fail. BKD, LLP has received a peer review rating of pass. Baton Rouge, Louisiana November 2, 2020 105 106Agenda Item 13-11Motorola - Fire Department Radios 107 108 Agenda Item # 13-11 Motorola Fire Dept Radios 109 110 111 112 113Agenda Item #13-12North Texas trailersParks and Rec Trailers 114 115 116 117Agenda Item #13-13Cunningham RecreationHarmony Park Shade StructurePlease see seperate attachment for contract that didn't print on next 3 pages Town of Trophy Club Attn: Tony Jaramillo 500 Parkview Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Phone: 817-538-1489 Fax:817-490-0705 tjaramillo@trophyclub.org Ship to Zip 75126 Quantity Part #Description Unit Price Amount 1 SS HIP FABRIC REPL USA Shade - Replacement Fabric with Cables and Clamps for 50' x 65' Shade Structure $21,536.14 $21,536.14 1 INSTALL MISC - Installation of Above Shade Fabric and Cables Only- No other site work, demolion or concrete work included. Acquision of any and all permits is the sole responsibility of the customer. $3,641.98 $3,641.98 Contract: Buy Board Contract #592-19 Sub Total $25,178.12 Freight $632.37 Total $25,810.49 Comments Freight Calculated to Installer Address DUE TO FLUCTUATING FUEL COSTS, FREIGHT SHOWN IS ESTIMATED FREIGHT. ACTUAL FREIGHT WILL BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF YOUR ORDER. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US TO VERIFY CURRENT FREIGHT CHARGES PRIOR TO PLACING YOUR ORDER. TERMS & CONDITIONS: PRICING: Due to volitile economic demand, pricing is valid for 30 days. Pricing is subject to change. Request updated pricing when purchasing from quotes more than 30 days old. PAYMENT TERMS: Net 30 days subject to approval by Credit Manager. A signed P.O. made out to Cunningham Recreation or this signed quotation is required for all orders unless otherwise noted. Equipment shall be invoiced separately from other services and shall be payable in advance of those services and project completion. Checks should be made payable to Cunningham Recreation unless otherwise directed. FINANCE CHARGE: A 1.5% monthly finance charge (or as permitted by law) will be added to invoices over 30 days past due. TAXES: Taxes will be be shown as a separate line item when included. Any applicable taxes not shown will be added to final invoice. A copy of your tax exemption certificate must be submitted at time of order or taxes will be added to your invoice. SHIPMENT: Multiple shipments may be required based on point of origin. Above costs assume one shipment for each vendor quoted. LEAD TIME: Standard orders ship 12-14 weeks after receipt of order and acceptance of your purchase order, color selections, approved submittals (if required) unless otherwise noted. Custom equipment and shades may require a longer lead times. Surfacing lead time is approximately 2 weeks after scheduling request. DELIVERY: It is the responsibility of the owner to offload and inventory equipment, unless other arrangements have been made. Missing or damaged equipment must be reported within 60 days of acceptance of delivery. Cunningham Recreation PO Box 240981 Charlotte, NC 28224 800.438.2780 704.525.7356 FAX www.cunninghamrec.com 10/05/2022 Quote # 62255-02-02 Harmony Park - Shade Fabric Replacement - Rev 1 Page 1 of 3 118 INSTALLATION CONDITIONS: ACCESS: Site should be clear, level and allow for unrestricted access of trucks and machinery. STORAGE: Customer is responsible for providing a secure location to off-load and store the equipment during the installation process. Once equipment has delivered to the site, the owner is responsible should theft or vandalism occur unless other arrangements are made and noted on the quotation. FOOTER EXCAVATION: Installation pricing is based on footer excavation through earth/soil only. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as buried utilities (public & private), tree stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or materials cost. UTILITIES: Installer will contact 811 to locate all public utilities prior to layout and excavation of any footer holes. Owner is responsible for locating any private utilities. ADDITIONAL COSTS: Pricing is based on a single mobilization for installation unless otherwise noted. Price includes ONLY what is stated in this quotation. If additional site work or specialized equipment is required, pricing is subject to change. ACCEPTANCE OF QUOTATION: Acceptance of this proposal indicates your agreement to the terms and conditions stated herein. Accepted By (printed): _________________________________ Title: ________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________ P.O. Number:_________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Purchase Amount: $25,810.49 SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE #:___________________________ (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Salesperson's Signature Customer Signature Cunningham Recreation PO Box 240981 Charlotte, NC 28224 800.438.2780 704.525.7356 FAX www.cunninghamrec.com 10/05/2022 Quote # 62255-02-02 Harmony Park - Shade Fabric Replacement - Rev 1 Page 2 of 3 119 BILLING INFORMATION: Bill to: ______________________________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City, State: __________________________________ Zip: _____________ Tel: __________________________ Fax: __________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________ SHIPPING INFORMATION: Ship to: _____________________________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City, State: __________________________________ Zip: _____________ Tel: __________________________ Fax: __________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________ Cunningham Recreation PO Box 240981 Charlotte, NC 28224 800.438.2780 704.525.7356 FAX www.cunninghamrec.com 10/05/2022 Quote # 62255-02-02 Harmony Park - Shade Fabric Replacement - Rev 1 Page 3 of 3 120 121Agenda Item 13-14 Silsbee FordParks and Rec Truck 122 Agenda Item 13-14 Parks and Rec Truck 123Agenda Item #13-15 Bobcats of North AmericaParks and Rec Bobcat 124 Agenda Item # 13-15 Bobcats of North America Parks and Rec Bobcat PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM PO Number Date : 10/1/2022 Department PD/FD Vendor (Name & Address) Denton County - Vendor# 174298 Denton County Auditor 1 Courthouse Dr, Ste 2000 Denton, TX 76208 Delivery Address Project# 1Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Comments Patrick ArataRequested by: Approved by: Finance Approved by: Account Number Description Quantity Unit Amount Total Amount 01-251-66500 Police and Fire Dispatch, Denton County Communication Agreement for FY 2022-2023. Police Dispatch Fund Code: 01-251-66500 1 40,484.00 $ 40,484.00 Fire Dispatch Fund Code: 01-255-66500/ 01-256-66500 1 10,122.00 $ 10,122.00 Approved Communication Agreement by Council on June 14, 2022 Total $ 50,606.00 125Agenda Item # 13-16 Denton CountyPolice and Fire Department Dispatch 126 Agenda Item #13-16 Denton County Police and Fire Dispatch 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135Agenda Item #13-17 Stolz TelecomEquipment for police Department new vehicles 136 Agenda Item # 13-17 Stolz Telecom Equipment for Police Department new vehicles 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Future Agenda Items October 11, 2022 Future Agenda Items will be divided into 3 Categories: 1) Current listing of all future agenda items requested by Council that have not been addressed. 2) Items that have been researched and are scheduled for a report to Council (first 2-4 weeks). 3) Items that Council has requested additional research/staff time on and will be brought back for public discussion at a Council Meeting. Council will be provided updates on items that require significant time. The Future Agenda Items list will be placed on the Council Meeting agenda to provide a status on all items. The current list will be reviewed and as items are completed; said items will be removed. The Council may add items as needed to the list. 1) Receive an update regarding Entryway Monumentation/Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. Halff has completed 3 conceptual drawings for the entryway monuments. The drawings have been distributed to the Art Subcommittee and once we receive comments and determine if Halff is moving in the right direction, we will schedule another meeting. 2) Develop a Strategic Plan for the Town addressing future goals with budgetary needs for each department. Due to decreased staffing, the strategic plan document has been put on hold due to other pressing items during the budget process. Work will begin again in September. 3) Modifying the Existing Veteran’s Memorial to include “Space Force”. Ft. Worth Monument is estimating that the POW-MIA obelisk should be received in the next 4-6 weeks. The Veteran’s Memorial Committee has confirmed the inscriptions that will be engraved on the monument. 4) Promote local businesses through the use of EDC and HOT Emails have been sent to local restaurants to set up a meeting to discuss ideas related to increasing business particularly during the lunch time period. Staff is also setting up meetings with our local hotel ownership to discuss ideas to increase hotel occupancy and how best to reach their customers. Lastly, I have met with Jeff Ackerson at Charles Swab and TD Ameritrade and discussed a plan to move forward. After I meet with the local businesses a plan will be developed and brought before Council for approval. 5)MUD confirmation of property vs services David Dodd has prepared a letter to be sent to the MUD and awaiting councils’ direction. 6)Traffic Mitigation Plan – TNP has been given permission to begin updating and expanding the 2018 Traffic study to study the traffic volume and possible resolutions for the increased traffic around Byron Nelson High School and Medlin Middle School. 7)Hogans Glen 155