Proclamation 2022-20 Infant Loss Month Oct 2022Proclamation 2022 -20 ToWn of Tropbp Club, Sew A PROCLAMATION OF THE TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL SUPPORTING OCTOBER 2022 AS PREGNANCY AND INFANT LOSS MONTH IN TROPHY CLUB. WHEREAS, In 1988, Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution, designated the month of October as "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month" and President Ronald Regan issued a proclamation; and WHEREAS, In 2002, the October 15th Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day Campaign began as an American movement, recognizing October 15, 2002, as the first observance of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day and is now recognized in the United States and around the world, as a day of remembrance and awareness; and WHEREAS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 5.6 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births; stillbirth affects 1 in 160 births; and recent studies report 1 out of 4 pregnancies result in a miscarriage; and, WHEREAS, this devastating tragedy often occurs suddenly, without warning, as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), accident, or other causes or complications; and WHEREAS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss is such a common occurrence, one that is usually not recognized; and Trophy Club parents and families have suffered a miscarriage, a stillbirth or the death of an infant during delivery or shortly after birth; and WHEREAS, Trophy Club wishes to acknowledge the profound grief experienced by families who suffer the death of a baby; acknowledge the existence of the babies and infants that died far too early; and even the shortest lives are still valuable, and the grief of those who mourn the loss of these lives should not be trivialized; and WHEREAS, the tragedy of pregnancy and infant loss, which exacts a terrible emotional toll, may be preventable in some instances and increased awareness of the causes and impacts surrounding pregnancy and infant loss may lead to greater understanding, support, and resources in communities across the globe; and WHEREAS, a month of remembrance honors the lives of children taken far too soon and supports grieving parents, grandparents, siblings, and other family members whose lives are forever altered by the heartbreak of losing a child; and WHEREAS, those parents and families require support and understanding during their time of grief, and promoting awareness of the challenges faced by those parents and families is a positive means of establishing support and understanding; and WHEREAS, recognizing Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month would enable the people of Trophy Club to consider how, as individuals and communities, they can meet the needs of bereaved mothers, fathers, and family members, and work to prevent the causes of these deaths; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR ALICIA L. FLEURY, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: OCTOBER 2022 AS PREGNANCY AND INFANT LOSS MONTH PASSED AND APPROVED by the Trophy Club Town Council the 11th day of October 2022. ate-*Z6A' Anita Otterson, Town Secretary