Agenda Packet TC 11/05/2012 - AmendedTown Council
Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Agenda
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom6:00 PMMonday, November 5, 2012
1.2012-541-T Recognition of Employee of the Quarter; discussion of same.
2.2012-543-T Recognition of Town Secretary Shannon DePrater for completing the Texas Municipal
Clerks Certification Program.
3.2012-545-T Overview and discussion regarding Town of Trophy Club adoption of 2009 Building
4.2012-544-T Discussion and direction regarding Town of Trophy Club signage regulations.
5.2012-546-T Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council
Agenda for November 5, 2012.
6.2012-547-T Discussion of proposed agenda items for the December 10, 2012 Regular Session
December 10 2012 Proposed Agenda Items.pdfAttachments:
Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag.
Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag.
Town Council Page 1 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012Town Council Meeting Agenda
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it
is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any
presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the
agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the
Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit
determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must
complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of
presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority.
All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council
and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these
items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and
will be considered separately.
7.2012-548-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated October 15, 2012.
October 15 2012 Minutes.pdfAttachments:
8.2012-550-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving an Investment
Policy for the Town of Trophy Club, and approving an effective date.
RES 2012-28 Revised Investment Policy.pdfAttachments:
9.2012-558-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a requested waiver for Jim Hase to be
appointed to serve on two boards as required for compliance with the Board and
Commission Handbook.
10.2012-560-T *Consider and take appropriate action regarding an amendment to the contract
between the Town of Trophy Club and Southwest Securities; and authorizing the Mayor
or her designee to execute all necessary documents.
Current SW Securities Contract.pdf
Amendment Letter to SW Securities Contract.pdf
11.2012-542-T Recognition of Sgt. James Norcross completing his Bachelors Degree through
American Military University.
12.2012-551-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the traffic study findings at the Bobcat
Boulevard and Durango intersections with Trophy Club Drive.
crossing guard counts for october.pdf
TRO-Stop Study.pdf.pdf
Town Council Page 2 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012Town Council Meeting Agenda
13.2012-559-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the painting of the three bridges and
sound wall in the SH114/170 project in coordination with the City of Roanoke and the
Town of Westlake; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary
Lois Bridge Painting.pdf
14.2012-552-T Council to receive an update by Town Staff concerning the current and future Trophy
Club Park Master Concept Plan; discussion of same.
TCP presentation.pdfAttachments:
15.2012-549-T Consider and take appropriate action to call a Special Session for Wednesday,
November 14, 2012 to discuss the following items:
- Canvass the November 6, 2012 Special Election
- Calling/Action regarding the 2002 Obligation Bonds
- Action regarding the creation of a Crime Control and Prevention District
16.2012-553-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated
September 2012 (Preliminary).
September 2012 Financials (Preliminary).pdfAttachments:
17.2012-554-T Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same:
- October 16, 2012 Charter Review Commission; Council member Tiffany
- October 22, 2012 EDC 4B; Mayor Pro Tem Strother
- October 23, 2012 TCMUD No. 1; Council member Rose
18.2012-555-T *Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of same.
- CAFR Award
- Road Construction - Roundabout Dedication
- Fire Department Open House/30th Anniversary
- Christmas/Clock Tower Lighting Event
- *PID Presentation to area Realtors
19.2012-556-T Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational sessions, and
regional meetings; discussion of same:
- October 17, 2012 Joint Northwest Communities Partnership/Metroport Cities
Partnership Meeting
- October 18, 2012 Emergency Preparedness Planning Council Meeting
- October 23, 2012 Vision Trophy Club Committee Meeting
- October 26, 2012 Northwest Communities Partnership Task Force Meeting
- October 29, 2012 Joint Chamber Meeting
- October 31, 2012 Denton County Mayors' Meeting
- November 2, 2012 Heart of North Texas Business Seminar
Town Council Page 3 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012Town Council Meeting Agenda
20.2012-557-T Items for Future Agendas.
Future Agenda Items List.pdfAttachments:
This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when
the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the
time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may
request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first
placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must
comply with Charter requirements.
** The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as
allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071
I certify that the above notice was posted on the front window of the Svore Municipal
Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, November 2, 2012 by
6:00 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Shannon DePrater, TRMC
Town Secretary
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special
needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-831-4600, 48 hours in
advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board
was removed by me from the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100
Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of
______________________, 2012.
________________________________, Title: ___________________________
Town Council Page 4 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-541-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Recognition of Employee of the Quarter; discussion of same.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Recognition of Employee of the Quarter; discussion of same.
Town Council Page 5 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-543-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Recognition of Town Secretary Shannon DePrater for completing the Texas Municipal Clerks
Certification Program.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Recognition of Town Secretary Shannon DePrater for completing the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program.
Town Council Page 6 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-545-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Overview and discussion regarding Town of Trophy Club adoption of 2009 Building Codes.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Overview and discussion regarding Town of Trophy Club adoption of 2009 Building Codes.
The Town of Trophy Club currently operates under the 2003 International Building Codes which regulates the
construction standards for residential structures, plumbing, mechanical, energy efficiency, and property maintenance, as
well as fire codes. In addition, the Town currently builds to the 2002 National Electrical Code. This review is an overview
of the ordinances staff will be bringing to Council in December to adopt the 2009 International Codes and the 2011
National Electrical Code.
The State Energy Commission Office (SECO) mandated that all municipalities in Texas adopt the 2009 International
Residential and Energy Efficiency Codes by January 2012. Trophy Club had only one Inspector/Building Official during
most of this year and was unable to prepare the paperwork to adopt new codes by January 2012. An additional inspector
was hired in August 2012, freeing up some of the Building Official’s time so that he could bring an update of the codes to
Sound building codes help achieve all Council goals.
Goal #1: Safe and secure community.
Maintain low crime rate
Increase citizen awareness and involvement in crime prevention
Provide superior Emergency Services
Improve data security
Goal #2: Business-Friendly Economic Development
Create effective working relationships with businesses and developers
Retain / Develop existing businesses
Promote new commercial opportunities
Goal # 3: Strong Partnerships and Community Involvement
Create a positive regional identity
Foster a well informed community
Forge collaborative relationships with other governmental and public entities
Support citizen volunteer opportunities
Promote recreational / active lifestyle opportunities for all ages
Goal #4: Healthy, Picturesque, and Environmentally Sound
Promote recreational / active lifestyle opportunities for all ages
Maintain neat and tidy appearance
Improve property maintenance standards and code enforcement
Town Council Page 7 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
File #: 2012-545-T, Version: 1
Develop / Enhance environmental and sustainability standards and programs
Goal #5: Financial and Operational Stewardship
Develop, recognize, and retain quality staff
Implement strong financial management standards
Improve effectiveness and efficiency of operational processes
Maintain / Improve infrastructure and assets
Provide cost-effective services
Deliver responsible customer service
This item is for the workshop session only for informational purposes, direction and discussion with the Council.
Town Council Page 8 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-544-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Discussion and direction regarding Town of Trophy Club signage regulations.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discussion and direction regarding Town of Trophy Club signage regulations.
In May 2011, Councilwoman Cantrell and Mayor White requested an update to the sign ordinance in regard to retail
windows and political signs. Staff will present an overview of suggested changes to the overall sign ordinance in order to
get feedback and direction from Council before presenting an ordinance change to the Planning and Zoning Commission
for their recommendation to Council.
Goal #2: Business-Friendly Economic Development
Create effective working relationships with businesses and developers
Retain / Develop existing businesses
Promote new commercial opportunities
Goal # 3: Strong Partnerships and Community Involvement
Create a positive regional identity
Foster a well informed community
Forge collaborative relationships with other governmental and public entities
Support citizen volunteer opportunities
Promote recreational / active lifestyle opportunities for all ages
Goal #4: Healthy, Picturesque, and Environmentally Sound
Promote recreational / active lifestyle opportunities for all ages
Maintain neat and tidy appearance
Improve property maintenance standards and code enforcement
Develop / Enhance environmental and sustainability standards and programs
Goal #5: Financial and Operational Stewardship
Develop, recognize, and retain quality staff
Implement strong financial management standards
Improve effectiveness and efficiency of operational processes
Maintain / Improve infrastructure and assets
Provide cost-effective services
Deliver responsible customer service
This item is for the workshop session only for informational purposes, direction and discussion with the Council.
Town Council Page 9 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-546-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council Agenda for
November 5, 2012.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council Agenda for November 5, 2012.
Town Council Page 10 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-547-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Discussion of proposed agenda items for the December 10, 2012 Regular Session Agenda.
Attachments:December 10 2012 Proposed Agenda Items.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discussion of proposed agenda items for the December 10, 2012 Regular Session Agenda.
Town Council Page 11 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Meeting Date
12/10/2012 Item File ID Dept Have
Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular
Session Council Agenda for December 10, 2012.
Town Sec
Discussion of proposed agenda items for the January 7, 2013 Regular
Session Agenda.
Town Sec
Consent Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated
November 5, 2012.
Town Sec
Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated
November 14, 2012 (Special Session).
Town Sec
Public Hearing
Regular Session Singage Ordinance Adoption CD
2009 Building Code Adoption CD
Calling Bonds ILA with EDC B 2012-340-T Finance
Appoint members to CCPD, ASA and CFAB Town Sec
NH5 Ph 2E Final Plat Approval and Subdividers Agmt CD
Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same:
Scheduled by meetings
Town Sec
Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of
Town Sec
Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities,
educational sessions, and regional meetings; discussion of same.
Town Sec
Items for Future Agendas.Town Sec
Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session.Town Sec
Town Council Page 12 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-548-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated October 15, 2012.
Attachments:October 15 2012 Minutes.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated October 15, 2012.
Town Council Page 13 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, October 15,
2012. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Connie White Mayor
Glenn Strother Mayor Pro Tem
Bill Rose Council Member
Jeannette Tiffany Council Member
Danny Mayer Council Member
Clint Schroeder Council Member
Mike Slye Town Manager
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Shannon DePrater Town Secretary
Patricia Adams Town Attorney
Scott Kniffen Police Chief
Danny Thomas Fire Chief
Carolyn Huggins Community Development Director
Michael Aguilera Finance Director
Mayor White announced the date of October 15, 2012, called the meeting to order and announced a
quorum at 6:10 p.m. Mayor White noted that Council Member Schroeder will be absent.
1. Consider and provide direction regarding draft ordinances permitting the operation of golf
carts on streets in Trophy Club.
Chief Kniffen introduced Chief Smith from the City of Melissa to the Town Council. The City of Melissa
recently passed a golf cart Ordinance and Chief Smith provided an overview of their ordinance and the
process the City of Melissa went through as they considered their ordinance. Kniffen presented an
updated draft of the golf cart Ordinance which included items addressed at the September 24, 2012
workshop. The Town Council and Staff reviewed and discussed the draft ordinance. Kniffen will review
proposed changes and bring back another draft at a future Town Council workshop.
Council discussed scheduling a couple of Town Hall meetings with a panel discussion.
2. Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council Agenda
for October 15, 2012.
3. Discussion of proposed agenda items for the November 5, 2012 Regular Session Agenda.
Town Council Page 14 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Mayor White called a short break.
The Invocation was offered by Police Chief Scott Kniffen.
The Pledges were led by Fire Chief Danny Thomas.
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the
agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council
at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific
agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the
time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the
Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to
matters over which the Council has authority.
Dena Boudreau, 2622 Argyle Lane addressed the Town Council and offered her expertise and knowledge
of working in the both the insurance industry and Public Safety to help the Town Council with the golf cart
Kathy Trotter, 310 Skyline, addressed the Town Council and thanked members of Staff and the Town
Council who listened to her concerns and help come to a favorable resolution of the access road to the
existing Lift Station behind her house.
All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired,
that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated September 24, 2012.
5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of a joint election agreement and
contract for election services with Tarrant County; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee
to execute all necessary documents.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Mayer, to approve the Consent
Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor White moved Agenda Item 9 forward:
9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of a Resolution of the Town
Council repealing Resolution No. 2011-25, Resolution No. 2011-26, and Resolution No. 2012-01
and adopting a new Resolution making annual appointments of citizens and Council liaisons
to serve Town Boards and Commissions; and providing an effective date.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Mayer, to allow a waiver of the six
month residency requirement for Marshall Engelbeck. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Council member Mayer, seconded by Council member Rose, to approve Resolution
2012-26 of the Town Council repealing Resolution No. 2011-25, Resolution No. 2011-26, and Resolution
No. 2012-01, adopting a new Resolution appointing all citizens listed and to include Council liaisons to
serve Town Boards and Commissions; and providing an effective date. Motion carried unanimously.
Town Council Page 15 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Mayor White moved to Agenda Item 15 forward:
15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of an interlocal agreement
between the Town and the City of Roanoke providing for full Library Services to Town
residents; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Mayer, to approve an interlocal
agreement between the Town and the City of Roanoke providing for full Library Services to Town
residents; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents. Motion carried
Mayor White opened Agenda Items 6, 7 and 8 to be discussed simultaneously.
Mayor Pro Tem Strother excused himself from the Council Chambers in order to avoid the appearance of
impropriety or conflict of interest because agenda items 6, 7, and 8 were being discussed together.
Mayor Pro Tem Strother consulted with the Town Attorney, and based upon some prior and potential
future discussions with the property owner regarding a portion of the property, he has a potential conflict
of interest in regards to Agenda Item 8. Given that Mayor Pro Tem Strother's involvement in the
discussion could give the appearance of a conflict, he decided to abstain and the Town Attorney
concurred that it was appropriate. Since the conflict of interest does not fall into one of the categories
outlined by state law, per the Charter, Mayor Pro Tem Strother's abstention will be considered a no vote
for agenda items 6, 7 and 8.
6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat for
Canterbury Hills, Phase 1B (22.090 acres) located out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No.
832 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas.
A. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Subdivider's Agreement between the
Town and BDMR Development for Canterbury Hills, Phase 1B; and authorizing the Mayor
or her designee to execute necessary documents.
Motion made by Council member Mayer, seconded by Council member Tiffany, to approve a Final Plat,
as amended, for Canterbury Hills, Phase 1B (22.090 acres) located out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract
No. 832 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas and the Subdivider's Agreement between the
Town and BDMR Development for Canterbury Hills, Phase 1B; and authorizing the Mayor or her
designee to execute necessary documents. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Strother
7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the proposed access road to the Municipal
Utility District No. 1 Lift Station No. 4.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Tiffany, to approve the proposed
concept for the access road to the Municipal Utility District No. 1 Lift Station. Motion carried 4-0-1 with
Mayor Pro Tem Strother abstaining.
8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat for
Canterbury Hills, Phase 2 (21.552 acres) located out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832
in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas.
A. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Subdividers Agreement between the
Town and BDMR Development LLC for Canterbury Hills, Phase 2; and authorizing the
Mayor or her designee to execute necessary documents.
Motion made by Council member Tiffany, seconded by Council member Mayer, to approve a Final Plat for
Canterbury Hills, Phase 2 (21.552 acres) located out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832 in the
Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and the Subdividers Agreement between the Town and
Town Council Page 16 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
BDMR Development LLC for Canterbury Hills, Phase 2; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to
execute necessary documents. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Strother abstaining.
10. Council to receive a bi-annual update from the Parks and Recreation Board; discussion of
The Parks and Recreation Board presented a bi-annual update to the Town Council.
Presentation included in the minutes.
11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond
funds towards the completion of the pedestrian and equestrian trails located within Trophy
Club Park in an amount not to exceed $25,000.
Parks and Recreation Board member Tom Mills presented the Town Council with a PowerPoint of the
Trophy Club pedestrian and equestrian trails and addressed questions from the Council.
The following addressed the Town Council and expressed being in favor of the completion of the
pedestrian and equestrian trails.
• Kathy Trotter – 310 Skyline
• Renee Esses – 501 Magnolia Trail, Grapevine
• Shandra Doran, 2228 Galloway Blvd
• Angela Walling, 3924 Sunnygate Drive, Roanoke
• Yoon Lora Choi, 8043 MacArthur Blvd, #2178
• Richard Senelly, 35 Meadowbrook Lane
• Theresa Kindred, 4601 TW King Road
Town Manager Slye asked the Town Council to table this agenda item to the November 5, 2012, so that
Council can hear the Trophy Club Master Plan Overview prior to voting on this item.
Motion made by Council member Mayer, seconded by Council member Strother, to move this item until
the November 5, 2012 Town Council meeting.
Mayor White read the following emails into the record:
1. Shirlee Geer, 2710 Broadway
Please let the Parks & Recreation group know that I fully support the $25,000 needed to improve the low
water crossings and signage (kiosks) for our valuable nature trails. As a newcomer to this city, one of our
important "must haves" was a natural environment in which to walk our dogs and get away from the
hustle and bustle of city life. More and more newcomers are finding the trials now that there is a map on
town website, but my neighbors are still commenting that there needs to be better signage. The low
water crossings also stop others from exploring the entire system.
2. Todd DiPilla, 2218 Veranda Avenue:
It has been brought to my attention that the Town Council is meeting to discuss the possibility of
disbursing funds to Trophy Club Park for the benefit of the hiking trails. I would like to take this opportunity
to show my support for Trophy Club Park and the trail committee’s desire to improve upon the already
well planned trail system. My family and I use the Park and the trails frequently and I am happy to say it
was one of the reasons we decided to relocate to Trophy Club.
In our search for a new home in Texas we toured many towns; Southlake, Keller, Grapevine, Colleyville,
Flower Mound and of course Trophy Club. When our realtor drove us through Trophy Club Park, we knew
instantly that this was the place we wanted to be. With such close proximity to our home, access to the
lake and the fabulous trail system; we knew we would be able to use the park on a regular basis.
Town Council Page 17 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Currently, we visit the park at a minimum 3-4 times a week and utilize the biking and hiking trails.
Although the trails are well planned and maintained, they need constant care and attention in order to
keep a safe, informed, relaxed hiking experience. The use of trail markers, kiosks and even some
informative stations about the wildlife and plant life can be beneficial. Please consider this when making
your decision to allocate funds to the Trophy Club Park trail system.
Motion to table this item until November 5, 2012 failed 1-4-0 with Council member Mayer voting for and
Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Strother and Council members Rose and Tiffany voting against.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Tiffany, to approve the
expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond funds towards the completion of the pedestrian and equestrian
trails located within Trophy Club Park in an amount not to exceed $25,000. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentation included in the minutes.
Mayor White moved Agenda Item 13 forward:
13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond
funds towards improvements to the basketball courts located within Harmony Park and
Independence Park West in an amount not to exceed $8,707.13.
Thomas Pulling, 213 Inverness Drive addressed the Town Council expressing his support of the
proposed improvements to the basketball courts located within Harmony Park and Independence Park
West. Mr. Pulling also requested some sort of memorial of Josh Hernandez with the booster club funding
the memorial.
Mayor White stated that the Council can only vote on the improvements at this time; she requests Town
Manager Slye to work with Mr. Pulling and the booster club in regards to a memorial.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Mayer, to approve the expenditure
of remaining 2008 Park Bond funds towards improvements to the basketball courts located within
Harmony Park and Independence Park West in an amount not to exceed $8,707.13. Motion carried
Mayor White called a short break, resuming at 9:30 p.m.
12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond
funds towards the Independence East trail connection adjacent to the LDS property in an
amount not to exceed $10,000.
Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Tiffany, to approve the
expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond funds towards the Independence East trail connection adjacent
to the LDS property in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond
funds towards the installation of four tables to be located under the entry pavilions at
Independence Park East in an amount not to exceed $3,711.16.
Motion made by Council member Tiffany, seconded by Council member Rose, to approve the
expenditure of remaining 2008 Park Bond funds towards the installation of four tables to be located under
the entry pavilions at Independence Park East in an amount not to exceed $3,711.16. Motion carried
Town Council Page 18 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the painting of the three bridges in the
SH114/170 project in coordination with the City of Roanoke and the Town of Westlake; and
authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents.
Motion made by Council member Tiffany, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Strother, to approve the painting
of the three bridges in the SH114/170 project in coordination with the City of Roanoke and the Town of
Westlake; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents, not to exceed
Motion made by Council member Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Strother, to table this agenda item.
A motion to table is a superseding motion; therefore a vote for the previous motion to approve the
painting of the three bridges is not required.
The following residents addressed the Town Council:
• Chuck Hall, 4 Shady Oaks Court, asked the Council to consider past actions shared cooperation
with neighboring cities.
• Larry Hoover, 1118 Berkshire Court, supports the painting of the bridges and the expenditure of
funds to allow this region look unified.
Motion to table this agenda item carried unanimously.
17. Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same:
- Sept 25, 2012 & Oct 8, 2012 Charter Review Commission Meetings; Council member
- Oct 8, 2012 Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Meeting; Council member Rose
Council members Tiffany and Council member Rose provided brief updates of their respective Board
meetings and addressed questions; no action taken, update only.
18. Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of same.
- DENCO Precinct 4 Meeting
- Transportation – Roundabout
Town Manager Slye updated the Council and addressed questions; no action taken, update only.
19. Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational sessions, and
regional meetings; discussion of same.
- September 25, 2012 Education Meeting
- September 25, 2012 Northwest Communities Partnership Board Retreat
- September 27, 2012 Northeast Leadership Forum Mayor's Roundtable
- September 29, 2012 Wounded Warrior 5K and Fun Run
- October 2, 2012 Chamber Luncheon
- October 5, 2012 Empowering Seniors
- October 12, 2012 MOW Fashion Show
Mayor White and Council members updated the Council and addressed questions regarding meetings
attended; no action taken, update only.
20. Items for Future Agendas.
This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of
discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular
Town Council Page 19 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly
scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda
items must comply with Charter requirements.
1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding procurement policies and their alignment with State
statutes. (Rose, 2/1/10)
2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding noise regulations for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and
Production (Rose, 4/26/10)
3. Staff proposal regarding the amenity lakes, including associated costs to accept the amenity lakes
from the developer. (Stotts, 10/4/10)
4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the creation of a “Going Green” initiative throughout
the Town. (White, 2/24/2011)
5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding updates to the Sign Ordinance (retail windows and
political signs) (White and Cantrell, 5/2/2011)
6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding ball park signage. (Cantrell, 6/6/2011)
7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Golf Cart Community. (Tiffany, 6/6/2011)
8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding splash pad options at Harmony Park, including
input/direction from Council to Staff to start construction and have available next summer. (Strother,
9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the possibility of erecting a marquee at the North
entrance of the Town and asking the MUD and/or developers to help with the funding. (Cantrell,
10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding Food Prep Carts for sporting events and special
events and to review/update Park Policies (Cantrell, 5/7/2012)
11. Review of #10 of Chapter 8 “Nuisances”, Article I “Noise Nuisances”, Section 1.01 “Nuisances
Defined” (Schroeder, 6/21/2012)
12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding America Supporting Americans. (Mayer,
13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the creation of a Youth Council within Trophy Club
(White and Schroeder, 8/20/2012)
14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding input from Staff regarding the creation of a ‘PID
Board’ (Mayer, 9/24/2012)
No changes were made to the list.
Motion made by Council member Mayer, seconded by Council member Tiffany to adjourn. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:33 p.m.
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Shannon DePrater, Town Secretary Connie White, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Town Council Page 20 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12012-550-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:10/29/2012 Town Council
On agenda:Final action:11/5/2012
Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving an Investment Policy for the
Town of Trophy Club, and approving an effective date.
Attachments:RES 2012-28 Revised Investment Policy.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving an Investment Policy for the Town of Trophy
Club, and approving an effective date.
The Town’s current Investment Policy requires a minor revision due to the change in the status of the US Bond Rating.
The current policy requires investment to be made in funds that are rated AAA by at least one nationally recognized rating
service. The United States is now rated AA+. Staff has complied with these regulations and after reviewing the applying
the changes dictated in the Public Funds Investment Act, Town Staff recommends that Council approve the revised
Investment Policy.
The change is as follows:
Money Market Mutual funds that: 1) are registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, 2) have a
dollar weighted average stated maturity of 90 days or less, 3) seek to maintain a net asset value of $1.00 per share, and
4) are rated AAA AA+ by at least one nationally recognized rating service.
Goal #5: Financial and Operational Stewardship
Develop, recognize, and retain quality staff
Implement strong financial management standards
Improve effectiveness and efficiency of operational processes
Maintain / Improve infrastructure and assets
Provide cost-effective services
Deliver responsible customer service
Management recommends the adoption of the revised Investment Policy.
Town Council Page 21 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
WHEREAS, on January 3, 2011 by passage of Resolution 2011-01, the Town
Council adopted an Investment Policy; and
WHEREAS, by passage of this Resolution, the Town Council hereby repeals
Resolution No. 2011-01 in its entirety and adopts this Resolution adopting a new
Investment Policy; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council has reviewed the Investment Policy attached
hereto as Exhibit A, for compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act, Texas
Government Code Chapter 2256. et seq.; and
WHEREAS, upon consideration, the Town Council finds and determines it to be
in the best interests of the Town to adopt Exhibit “A” as the Town’s Investment Policy.
Section 1. That Resolution No. 2011-01 is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Section 2. That the Town Council has reviewed the attached Investment Policy,
which contains investment strategies and policies that the Council has determined to be
beneficial to the Town and hereby adopts the attached Investment Policy set forth in
Exhibit “A’, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein in its entirety.
Section 3. That the Director of Finance is hereby designated as the Town’s
primary investment officer to perform the functions required by the attached policy, and
the investment officer is hereby authorized to perform the functions required under the
Investment Policy and Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code.
Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage
and approval.
Town Council Page 22 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of November, 2012.
Mayor, Connie White
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Interim Town Secretary, Shannon DePrater
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Town Attorney, Patricia A. Adams
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Town Council Page 23 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Town Council Page 24 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Annual Program of Services
It is the policy of the Town of Trophy Club that after allowing for the anticipated cash flow requirements of
the Town of Trophy Club and giving due consideration to the safety and risk of investment, all available
funds shall be invested in conformance with these legal and administrative guidelines, seeking to optimize
interest earnings to the maximum extent possible.
Effective cash management is recognized as essential to good fiscal management. Investment interest is
a source of revenue to Trophy Club funds. Trophy Club’s investment portfolio shall be designed and
managed in a manner designed to maximize this revenue source, to be responsive to public trust, and to
be in compliance with legal requirements and limitations.
Investments shall be made with the primary objectives of:
∗ Safety and preservation of principal
∗ Maintenance of sufficient liquidity to meet operating needs
∗ Public trust from prudent investment activities
∗ Optimization of interest earnings on the portfolio
The purpose of this investment policy is to comply with Chapter 2256 of the Government Code (“Public
Funds Investment Act”), which requires the Town of Trophy Club to adopt a written investment policy
regarding the investment of its funds and funds under its control. The Investment Policy addresses the
methods, procedures and practices that must be exercised to ensure effective and judicious fiscal
management of Trophy Club’s funds.
This Investment Policy shall govern the investment of all financial assets of the Town of Trophy Club.
These funds are accounted for in the Town of Trophy Club’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR) and include:
• General Fund
• Special Revenue Funds
• Capital Projects Funds
• Debt Service Funds, including reserves and sinking funds, to the extent not required by law or existing
contract to be kept segregated and managed separately
• Any new fund created by the Town of Trophy Club, unless specifically exempted from this Policy by
the Town Council or by law.
The Town of Trophy Club consolidates fund cash balances to maximize investment earnings. Investment
income will be allocated to the various funds based on their respective participation and in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles.
This Investment Policy shall apply to all transactions involving the financial assets and related activity for
all the foregoing funds. However, this policy does not apply to the assets administered for the benefit of
the Town of Trophy Club by outside agencies under deferred compensation programs.
Town Council Page 25 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Annual Program of Services
The Town of Trophy Club shall manage and invest its cash with four primary objectives, listed in order of
priority: safety, liquidity, public trust, and yield, expressed as optimization of interest earnings. The safety
of the principal invested always remains the primary objective. All investments shall be designed and
managed in a manner responsive to the public trust and consistent with state and local law.
The Town of Trophy Club shall maintain a comprehensive cash management program, which includes
collection of accounts receivable, vendor payments in accordance with invoice terms, and prudent
investment of available cash. Cash management is defined as the process of managing monies in order
to insure maximum cash availability and maximum earnings on short-term investment of idle cash.
Safety [PFIA 2256.005(b)(2)]
Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments shall be undertaken
in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The objective will be to
mitigate credit and interest rate risk.
Credit Risk and Concentration of Credit Risk – The Town of Trophy Club will minimize credit risk, the
risk of loss due to the failure of the issuer or backer of the investment, and concentration of credit risk,
the risk of loss attributed to the magnitude of investment in a single issuer, by:
• Limiting investments to the safest types of investments
• Pre-qualifying the financial institutions and broker/dealers with which the Town of Trophy Club will
do business
• Diversifying the investment portfolio so that potential losses on individual issuers will be
Interest Rate Risk – the Town of Trophy Club will manage the risk that the interest earnings and the
market value of investments in the portfolio will fall due to changes in general interest rates by limiting
the maximum weighted average maturity of the investment portfolio to 365 days. The Town of Trophy
Club will, in addition,:
• Structure the investment portfolio so that investments mature to meet cash requirements for
ongoing operations, thereby avoiding the need to liquidate investments prior to maturity.
• Invest operating funds primarily in certificates of deposit, shorter-term securities, money market
mutual funds, or local government investment pools functioning as money market mutual funds.
• Diversify maturities and staggering purchase dates to minimize the impact of market movements
over time.
Liquidity [PFIA 2256.005(b)(2)]
The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be
reasonably anticipated. This is accomplished by structuring the portfolio so that investments mature
concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands. Because all possible cash demands cannot be
anticipated, a portion of the portfolio will be invested in shares of money market mutual funds or local
government investment pools that offer same-day liquidity. In addition, a portion of the portfolio will
consist of securities with active secondary or resale markets.
Public Trust
All participants in the Town of Trophy Club’s investment process shall seek to act responsibly as
custodians of the public trust. The investment officer shall avoid any transaction that might impair public
confidence in the Town of Trophy Club’s ability to govern effectively.
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Annual Program of Services
Yield (Optimization of Interest Earnings) [PFIA 2256.005(b)(3)]
The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return
throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints and
liquidity needs. Return on investment is of secondary importance compared to the safety and liquidity
objectives described above.
The Town of Trophy Club portfolio will be structured to benefit from anticipated market conditions and to
achieve a reasonable return. Relative value among asset groups shall be analyzed and pursued as part
of the investment program within the restrictions set forth by the investment policy.
The Town of Trophy Club maintains portfolios which utilize four specific investment strategy
considerations designed to address the unique characteristics of the fund groups represented in the
Operating Funds
Suitability - All investments authorized in the Investment Policy are suitable for Operating Funds.
Preservation and Safety of Principal - All investments shall be high quality securities with no perceived
default risk.
Liquidity - Investment strategies for the pooled operating funds have as their primary objective to assure
that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. The dollar-weighted average
maturity of operating funds, based on the stated final maturity date of each security, will be calculated and
limited to one year or less. Constant $1 net asset value investment pools and money market mutual funds
shall be an integral component in maintaining daily liquidity. Investments for these funds shall not exceed
an 18-month period from date of purchase.
Marketability - Securities with active and efficient secondary markets will be purchased in the event of an
unanticipated cash requirement.
Diversification - Maturities shall be staggered throughout the budget cycle to provide cash flows based on
anticipated needs. Investment risks will be reduced through diversification among authorized investments.
Yield - The Town’s objective is to attain a competitive market yield for comparable securities and portfolio
constraints. The benchmark for Operating Funds shall be the 91 day Treasury bill.
Reserve and Deposit Funds
Suitability - All investments authorized in the Investment Policy are suitable for Reserve and Deposit
Preservation and Safety of Principal - All investments shall be high quality securities with no perceived
default risk.
Liquidity - Investment strategies for reserve and deposit funds shall have as the primary objective the
ability to generate a dependable revenue stream to the appropriate reserve fund from investments with a
low degree of volatility. Except as may be required by the bond ordinance specific to an individual issue,
investments should be of high quality, with short-to-intermediate-term maturities. The dollar-weighted
Town Council Page 27 of 121 Meeting Date: November 5, 2012
Annual Program of Services
average maturity of reserve and deposit funds, based on the stated final maturity date of each security, will
be calculated and limited to two years or less.
Marketability - Securities with active and efficient secondary markets will be purchased in the event of an
unanticipated cash requirement.
Diversification - Maturities shall be staggered throughout the budget cycle to provide cash flows based on
anticipated needs. Investment risks will be reduced through diversification among authorized investments.
Yield - The Town’s objective is to attain a competitive market yield for comparable securities and portfolio
constraints. The benchmark for Reserve and Deposit Funds shall be the 91 day Treasury bill.
Bond and Certificate Capital Project Funds and Special Purpose Funds
Suitability - All investments authorized in the Investment Policy are suitable for Bond and Certificate
Capital Project Funds and Special Purpose Funds.
Preservation and Safety of Principal - All investments shall be high quality securities with no perceived
default risk.
Liquidity - Investment strategies for bond and certificate capital project funds, special projects and special
purpose funds portfolios will have as their primary objective to assure that anticipated cash flows are
matched with adequate investment liquidity. The stated final maturity dates of investments held should
not exceed the estimated project completion date or a maturity of no greater than three years. The dollar-
weighted average maturity of bond and certificate capital project funds and special purpose funds, based
on the stated final maturity date of each security, will be calculated and limited to two years or less.
Marketability - Securities with active and efficient secondary markets will be purchased in the event of an
unanticipated cash requirement.
Diversification - Maturities shall be staggered throughout the budget cycle to provide cash flows based on
anticipated needs. Investment risks will be reduced through diversification among authorized investments.
Yield - The Town’s objective is to attain a competitive market yield for comparable securities and portfolio
constraints. The benchmark for Bond and Certificate Capital Project Funds and Special Purpose Funds
shall be the 91 day Treasury bill. A secondary objective of these funds is to achieve a yield equal to or
greater than the arbitrage yield of the applicable bond or certificate.
Debt Service Funds
Suitability - All investments authorized in the Investment Policy are suitable for Debt Service Funds.
Preservation and Safety of Principal - All investments shall be high quality securities with no perceived
default risk.
Liquidity - Investment strategies for debt service funds shall have as the primary objective the assurance
of investment liquidity adequate to cover the debt service obligation on the required payment date.
Securities purchased shall not have a stated final maturity date which exceeds the debt service payment
date. The dollar-weighted average maturity of debt service funds, based on the stated final maturity date
of each security, will be calculated and limited to one year or less.
Marketability - Securities with active and efficient secondary markets will be purchased in the event of an
unanticipated cash requirement.
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