Town Council Minutes 02/08/22TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2022. The meeting was held at 7 pm at
Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers.
Alicia L. Fleury
Greg Lamont
Mayor Pro Tern, Place 1
Jeff Beach
Council Member, Place 2
Dennis Sheridan
Council Member, Place 3
Karl Monger
Council Member, Place 4
LuAnne Oldham
Council Member, Place S
Philip Shoff ner Council Member, Place 6
Wade Carroll
Town Manager
Leticia Vacek
Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO
David Dodd
Town Attorney
Patrick Arata
Police Chief
Jack Taylor
Fire Chief
Tony Jaramillo
Director of Parks and Recreation
Matt Cox
Director of Community Development
Jill Lind
Communications & Marketing Manager
Mike Erwin
Finance Manager
Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7pm noting a quorum present with all Council Members except Council Member
Shoffner who was in Colorado.
Reverend Bill Eason of Fellowship United Methodist Church delivered the invocation. He prayed that we use our eyes and ears
for the less fortunate and provide us grace and vision for the common good of all. He reminded us that we are called to
righteousness, justice, compassion, wisdom, service, and action. He called for blessings upon the Town Council Meeting, those
who lead us, and our First Responders who protect and watch over us. He asked that our hearts be set in rhythm with God and
blend us with people of goodwill, both in this place and beyond.
Mayor Fleury led the pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag.
Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Mrs. Vacek confirmed nobody had registered.
1. Business Spotlight — Juice and Roots, Christy Swanson. (Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury introduced Christy Swanson of Juice and Roots to spotlight their rebranded business. Christy Swanson stated
their location is at the Wonderland Plaza and all their offerings are organic and plant based to tackle allergies. She added that
they hired a Nutritionist who assists with specific -requested juices, salads, and smoothies that provide the needed nutrients
and target inflammation. She added that they brought samples for the Council. Mrs. Swanson explained that they offer oats,
salads, chia pudding, and for the month of February, they are offering the Tiger's Blood, all organic smoothie for $S. They
also focus on non-gmo products to provide what is needed to enhance one's immune system. Mayor Fleury highlighted their
cleanses. Christy thanked Mayor Fleury for bringing up their tailor-made 3-day, 5-day, etc... cleanses. She mentioned their
grab and go salads, juices, pudding and hours of Monday through Fridays are 9am-6pm; Saturdays from 8am-5pm, and
Sundays from 9am-4pm. Lastly, she explained that if customers call and let them know they are on their way; they are happy
to stay open outside their hours, and if they have a special request that one needs to focus on, they can have their order ready
for pick-up.
2. Update by Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent of Northwest ISD. (Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury recognized Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent of Northwest ISD. Dr. Ryder Warren introduced the School Board
Members present; Anne Simpson, President, Trophy Club Resident Lillian Rauch, and Board Secretary, Judy Copp, Board
Member and Angela Scott, NISD Staff. He presented a powerpoint of his mid -winter annual report which has been filed with
the records of the Council Meeting. Lastly, he spoke of the search process for the next NISD Superintendent. Mayor Fleury
and the Council expressed their appreciation to Dr. Ryder Warren for the partnership between the Town and the City. Mayor
Fleury told Dr. Warren's that his heart has always been for the betterment of all the students. At this time, Mayor Fleury
presented Dr. Ryder Warren a small token of appreciation from the Trophy Club Town Council. Mayor Fleury thanked the
School Board Members attending tonight's meeting for all they do and their service.
3. Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes dated January 25, 2022. (L. Vacek)
4. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2022-01 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 amending and adding the new grant
control number for funding of the Drug Interdiction and Juvenile Resource Officer. (P. Arata)
S. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2022-02 for Fiscal Year 2022-02 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the grant
funding of the Drug Interdiction and Juvenile Resource Officer. (P. Arata)
6. Take appropriate action to approve increasing Purchase Order 22-00092 with Manning Concrete to $44,786. (M. Cox)
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Items 3, 4, 5, and 6. Council Member Monger
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by all members present and voting except for Council Member
7. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2022-02 Calling a Joint Special Election to be held May 7, 2022 for the
purpose of reauthorizing the Sales and Use Tax of One -Fourth of Once Percent for the Continuation of the Trophy Club
Crime Control and Prevention District for 20 years. (P. Arata/L.Vacek)
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-02 Calling a Joint Election to continue the Crime Control and
Prevention District and Tax for 20 years. Council Member Oldham seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by
all members present and voting except for Council Member Shoffner.
8. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2022-03 Calling a Joint Special Election to be held May 7, 2022 for the
purpose of reauthorizing the Sales and Use Tax of One -Fourth of One Percent for the Continuation of Street Maintenance
and Repair for 4 years. (M. Erwin/L.Vacek)
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-03 Calling a Joint Election to continue the Sales and Use Tax of One -
Fourth of One Percent for the Continuation of Street Maintenance and Repair for 4 Years. Council Member Sheridan seconded
the motion. The motion carried unanimously by all members present and voting except for Council Member Shoffner.
Mr. Carroll referenced the list and reported that on the Entryway Monumentation Item; staff narrowed the Landscape Architect
RFQs to two. The next step is that the two selected firms will come before the Council Public Arts Committee. Related to
Veteran's Memorial; the two plaques have been ordered and will be installed within the next 2-3 weeks. Council Member
Monger added that the Metroport Veterans Association will be identifying a Trophy Club Veteran of the Year. He added that
it would be meaningful to have the official unveiling of the new plaques on Veteran's Day in conjunction with the
announcement of the Veteran of the Year.
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont mentioned that in the past the adopted Ordinances were placed under the consent agenda to ensure
their accuracy. Council Member Oldham agreed with Mayor Pro Tern Lamont in that it was a good practice. Mr. Carroll stated
that he would make that happen.
10. Executive Session — Pursuant to the following designated section(s) of the Texas Government Code, Annotated,
Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will convene into executive session to discuss the
a) Section 551.071 — Attorney -Client Privilege; Deliberate possible Interlocal Agreement with multiple
governmental entities to provide services to Trophy Club Citizens.
b) Section 551.074 — Personnel Matters; Deliberate the appointment to the Connectivity Sub -Committee.
Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 7:35 pm pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071;
Section 551.071; attorney -client privilege and Section 551.074; personnel matters as denoted above.
11. Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session as necessary.
Mayor Fleury reconvened the Council Meeting into open session at 8:42 pm.
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to appoint Nick Abel to the Citizen led Connectivity Sub -Committee. Council Member Beach
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all Council Members present and voting except Council Member
Mayor Fleury reminded everyone of the March 111 Primary Election and the early voting that begins Monday, February 14, 2022
through Friday, February 25, 2022. She added that Primaries are run by the respective parties in each county. For more
information on the March V Primary Election; contact your respective County of Denton or Tarrant. She added that our town
web -site also provided a link to the Primary Elections.
Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:43 pm.
etici , TRMC/CMC/MMC
Town Governance Officer