Town Council Minutes 04/12/22TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB
Tuesday, April 12, 2022; 7 PM
The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1
Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers.
Alicia L. Fleury
Greg Lamont
Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1
Jeff Beach
Council Member, Place 2
Dennis Sheridan
Council Member, Place 3
Karl Monger
Council Member, Place 4
LuAnne Oldham
Council Member, Place 5
Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6
Wade Carroll
Town Manager
Anita Otterson
Acting Town Secretary
David Dodd
Town Attorney
Jon Ciarletta
Acting Police Chief
Gary Cochran
Acting Fire Chief
Tony Jaramillo
Director of Parks and Recreation
Matt Cox
Director of Community Development
Jill Lind
Communications & Marketing Manager
Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM and noted a quorum present with all Council Members present except
Council Member Shoffner.
Pastor Jeff Brooks of Lake Cities Church of Christ delivered the Invocation. He prayed for wisdom and strength for all those
that dedicate so much of their time to the Town of Trophy Club.
Council Member Beach led the pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag.
Mayor Fleury stated that Public Comment is an opportunity for citizens to address the council on any matter. The Council is
not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to Council. Presentations are limited to matters over which
the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time determined by the Presiding Officer. Each
speaker must have submitted their request to speak via the Public Portal or have completed the Speaker's Form ormay
email mayorandcouncil@trophvclub.ore
Jeanette Tiffany of 44 Cypress Court came to speak about the TCWC Mother's Day Art and Garden Festival. The festival will
be held May 6-8 and will include artists from Texas and around the country, kids activities, Flavors of the Festival anchored by
Blue 22 and food trucks, the garden center will have garden art, flower arrangements, and a BNHS student art exhibits.
1. Business Spotlight— Ryan Collier with Premier Martial Arts
Mr. Collier explained the programs offered at Premier Moial Arts and that they welcome students age 4— 74. Their goal
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is to become the Chik Fil-A of Martial Arts.
2. Recognition of BLAHS Wrestling Team and Coaches for advancing to the UIL State Tournament. (Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury recognized BNHS Wrestling team for advancing to the State tournament and having a record -breaking year.
Coach Ornelas commented that it was a record year for the school with a total of eight (5 boys and 3 girls) State qualifiers.
Previous high for State qualifiers was 5 students. This year they also had 3 placers. Coach Ornelas, Coach of the Year for our
District, was presented with a certificate for the outstanding season.
3. Update on Parks & Rec upcoming events. (T. Jaramillo)
Mr. Jaramillo gave a rundown of scheduled events. Eggstravaganza is April 161h and there will be 15,000 eggs for the kids to
pick up. Taste of Trophy Club on April 301h is the first event for Trophy Club to offer beer and wine sales. 8 restaurants
confirmed, live entertainment, kid activities. Mr. Jaramillo thanked all the sponsors for the Taste of Trophy Club event. The
final event he detailed was the 4th of July starting with the Patriot 5k race, followed by the Parade of Patriots, and evening
entertainment by Limelight and fireworks. Food trucks will be open after fireworks to hopefully disperse traffic at a better
4. Take appropriate action to approve the Town Council Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2022. A. Otterson)
S. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2022-03 accepting a partial grant from the US Department of Justice in
the amount of $21,525 for new Police Body Cameras. (P. Arata)
6. Take appropriate action to approve New Police Body Cameras in the amount of $42,000 of which $21,525 will be
reimbursed through a grant award from the US Department of Justice authorizing the Town Manager to execute all
necessary documents. (P. Arata)
7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2022-09 amending Appendix A, Fee Schedule, to establish
fees and rates for water and sewer services to customers within Trophy Club. (M. Erwin)
8. Consider and take appropriate action increasing PO Number 22-00063, BKD, LLC from $50,000 to $54,000. (M. Erwin)
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 4 through 8. Council Member Beach seconded the motion.
The motion carried with six members present and voting.
9. Review Future Agenda Items List. (W. Carroll)
Mr. Carroll noted that staff has selected Halff Associates for the design of the entryways. Staff is currently working on a
contract with Halff. We only received one reply to the sculptor RFQ. Halff Associates provided us with the names of a few
sculptors. Their pricing is in -line with prices we have previously received and since they are local we could go to their shops to
view the progress of the statues.
Mr. Carroll provided a new strategy map with the new Vision and Mission statements created at the January Council retreat,
and the new objectives that Directors worked on at their retreat in March. He explained that the new objectives are geared
toward the next 3-5 years and the objectives will be reassessed in about 3 years. Each department is now working on their
goals that correlate to these objectives. Teamwork will be very apparent as departmental goals can be linked to numerous
objectives and focus areas. Each department will submit between 3-5 major goals to Mr. Carroll by the end of April with 2-3
measures for each goal. We will monitor each measure to make sure they are pushing us toward the vision and mission set
The Veteran's Memorial is still progressing. The plaques have been ordered and installation is expected on April 2151. The
sidewalk has been finished and we are still waiting on the final monument to be complete in about 3-4 months.
Mr. Carroll also noted that Council was seeking an ordinance to amend the ordinance for beer and wine sales. Town Attorney
David Dodd explained that the current ordinance states th61ou can't sell alcohol in parks unless Council approves it or
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approves a policy for it. We could prepare a document that delegates approval to staff as part of the special events process
or would Council like to vote on it every time a permit is pulled for an event? Mayor Pro Tern Lamont agreed with option A.
Mr. Dodd said that he would draft an ordinance allowing the delegation to staff to approve alcohol sales at events.
15. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code Annotated, Chapter SS1(Texas Open
Meetings Act), the Town Council will recess into executive session:
a) Section 551.087 Economic Development — Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding prospective
commercial projects within the Town of Trophy Club.
b) Section 551.071 Attorney -Client Privilege — deliberate possible Interlocal Agreement with multiple governmental
entities to provide services to Trophy Club Citizens.
c) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters — Annual performance evaluation of Town Secretary/Town Governance Officer
per contract.
Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting into Regular Session at 8:09 pm.
16. Take appropriate action on the Executive Session Item.
There were no Executive Session items to take action on.
Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:09 PM.
Att st:
Anita Otterson
Acting Town Secretary
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