Agenda Packet TC 01/05/2009Town of Trophy Club Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Monday, January 5, 2009 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. A.2 Invocation. A.3 Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." A.4 Citizen Presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. B.1 Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to PD – Planned Development District No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z by amending Exhibit "B" - Development Standards, Section VI. Development and Design Standards, Subsection "C" Screening and Fencing. Applicant: High Trophy Development, LLC Represented by Steve Lenart, Lenart Development Company, LLC (PD AMD-08-029) C.1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending PD – Planned Development District No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z by amending Exhibit "B" - Development Standards, Section VI. Development and Design Standards, "C" Screening and Fencing. Applicant: High Trophy Development, LLC Represented by Steve Lenart, Lenart Development Company, LLC (PD AMD-08-029) C.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Temporary Use Permit for Off Street Parking for Model Homes in Planned Development No. 27, Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A, for a Period of time of not greater than One Year. Applicant: Centex Homes 1 C.3 Comments from Planning & Zoning Chairman Gene Hill regarding Planning & Zoning Commission discussion and comment on changes to the Town of Trophy Club Code Of Ordinances, Chapter 13-Zoning, including without limitation, amending regulations regarding permitted uses for "CG" Commercial General zoning and other miscellaneous provisions as needed of Chapter 13 (ADM-08- 029); Council discussion and appropriate action regarding same. C.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the 19 Proposed Charter Amendments submitted by the Charter Review Commission for the May 2009 ballot. 1. Add One Councilmember 2. Change from At-Large to At-Large-by-Place Elections 3. Add Three Year Terms 4. Resignation of Council Member Seat 5. Add Violates Any Express Prohibition of this Charter 6. Filling Vacancies 7. Add Council Compensation 8. Add Mayor Voting On All Matters 9. Agenda Request 10. Conflict of Interest and Abstention Town Council Procedure 11. Clarify Appointment Procedure 12. Comply with Texas Election Code 13. Clarify Grounds for Recall 14. Reduce Recall Signatures Required 15. Reduce Required Signatures for Initiative and Referendum 16. Budget Process Enhancement 17. Franchise Term 18. Code of Ethics and Conduct 19. Charter Review Commission 2 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. (lh) 3 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.2 Invocation. Lake Cities Church of Christ Pastor Joel Quile will offer the Invocation. 4 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.3 Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." Council member Edstrom will lead the Pledges. 5 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.4 Citizen Presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. (lh) 6 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to PD – Planned Development District No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z by amending Exhibit "B" - Development Standards, Section VI. Development and Design Standards, Subsection "C" Screening and Fencing. Applicant: High Trophy Development, LLC Represented by Steve Lenart, Lenart Development Company, LLC (PD AMD-08-029) REQUEST: To amend the screening and fencing requirements for PD-27, The Highlands at Trophy Club, to allow: (1) side yard fencing along a side street at a location other than the building line, and (2) homeowner fencing to connect to perimeter fencing. Side Yard Fencing The Town of Trophy Club fencing regulations require that side yard fences shall not extend beyond the building line of the side yard adjacent to a side street. The applicant is requesting a revision to allow fencing to be placed further away from the house which will create a larger enclosed side yard for homeowners. For Lot Types 1 and 2 (lots greater than 70-ft. in width), the applicant is asking permission to place the side yard fence along a side street at 10-ft. off the property line. Of the 610 platted lots in the Highlands, there are approximately 65 lots that would be affected by this regulation. For Lot Types 3 & 4 (lots less than 70-ft. wide), the applicant is asking permission to place the side yard fence at the property line. Of the 610 platted lots in the Highlands, there are approximately 10 lots with a width at or below 70-ft. that would be affected by this regulation. Example – Side Yard Along a Side Street – 10-ft. off the Property Line 2214 Stirling, Lot 1, and 2217 Prestwick, Block J, Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1B. The side yard fence must be placed at the 20-ft. side yard building line which leaves 31.5-ft. from the fence to the curb (20-ft. from the building line to the property line, plus 11.5-ft. of right-of-way from the property line to the curb). Placing the fence 10-ft. off the property line will give the homeowner an additional 10-ft. of side yard inside the fence, while still providing an attractive street scape with the fence 21.5-ft. off the curb. (Pictures not provided of these addresses.) 7 2240 Veranda, Lot 6, and 2201 Stirling, Lot 7, Block H, Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1B. The side yard fence must be placed at the 17.5 side yard building line which will create a straight across fence from the back-corner of 2200 Stirling to the back-corner of 2201 Prestwick. Placing the fence 10-ft. off the property line will give the homeowner an additional 7.5-ft. of side yard inside the fence, breaking up the straight across line house-to-house, and provide a street scape with fencing 21.5-ft. off the curb. (See pictures below.) 2240 Veranda Avenue – looking east at back of house located at 2201 Stirling Avenue 8 2240 Veranda Avenue – looking west toward Veranda Avenue The fence posts in the above picture are located on the building line as required by ordinance. The applicant is asking permission to place the fence 10-ft. off the property line (see picture below). 9 2201 Stirling looking west toward 2240 Veranda 10 Side Yard Fencing – Key Lot “Key Lot” – a lot whose side yard build lines will line up with front yard build lines of adjoining lots – must maintain the fence at the building line. Example – Key Lot 2208 Aberdeen, Lot 5, Block L, Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1B. The side yard fence to remain at the 25-ft. side yard building line to maintain an attractive street scape for adjoining lots located behind this house whose front build line (25-ft.) is the same as the side yard build line (25-ft.) of the key lot. There are approximately 7 key lots throughout the Highlands neighborhoods. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR SIDE YARD FENCING: At the December 18, 2008, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission discussed side yard fencing and determined that a change should be allowed to place fencing 10-ft. from the property line from the current regulation of placing the fence on the build line. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that all lot types (1 through 4) place the fence 10-ft. from the property line (designated by the middle sign in the above picture). The applicant’s request asked for fencing on a key lot to remain at the build line. The Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation does not make exception for key lots. 11 The applicant’s request asked for fencing for Lot Types 3 & 4 to be allowed on the property line. The Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation does not make exception for Lot Types 3 & 4. Although the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends no exception for Lot Types 3 & 4, the applicant is asking the Council to consider allowing fencing at the property line for Lot Types 3 & 4. The applicant has provided the following Exhibit to illustrate his request that Lot Types 1 and 2 side fencing along a side street be placed 10-ft. off the property line. The Lot Type 3 and 4 side street fencing would be placed at the property line. 12 13 PERIMETER FENCING Lots in the Highlands with side yards adjacent to perimeter fencing face a situation where a side yard fence cannot be erected without creating a parallel fence situation, which is not allowed by Town of Trophy Club fencing regulations. Chapter 13-Zoning, Section 7.01 Fencing, Retaining Walls & Screening, C. Location, 3.Parallel Fences states: “Fences shall not be constructed parallel to and within twenty feet (20’) from an existing fence”. The applicant requests that homeowners be allowed to connect to a perimeter fence along the side yard. The connecting fence from homeowner structure to fence must be located a minimum of ten feet (10-ft.) behind the front elevation of the primary structure. The HOA will maintain the perimeter fence; the homeowner will maintain his fence connecting to the perimeter fence. In the example pictured below, the perimeter fence is adjacent to open space and is located on a 5-ft. fence easement. The homeowner’s side yard property line runs parallel beside the 5-ft. fence easement; therefore, if the homeowner erected a side yard fence it would be within a few feet of the perimeter fence. The applicant is asking permission to use the perimeter fence as the homeowner’s side yard fence by enclosing the yard with a “connector” fence from the house to the perimeter fencing as shown below. 2205 Galloway Blvd. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR PERIMETER FENCING: At the December 18, 2008, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the 14 Commission discussed and determined that homeowner fencing connected to perimeter fencing should be allowed. PUBLIC HEARING: Town of Trophy Club regulations require placement of a notice of public hearing in the local newspaper 15 days prior to the hearing date. A notice was published on November 28, 2008 for the December 18, 2008, P&Z meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this request on December 18, 2008, and made the following recommendation: Commissioner Sheridan made a motion recommending approval to the Town Council with the following stipulations: (1) Define a “key lot” as “any lot which has a street adjacent to both its front and side building lines, and its rear property line is also the side property line of an adjacent lot”; (2) the side yard fence adjacent to a side street for Lot Types 1, 2, 3 and 4 may be placed 10-ft. off the property line, and must be 10-ft. behind the front façade; (3) homeowners may connect to perimeter fencing and the property owner fence must be located a minimum of ten feet (10-ft.) behind the front façade. The HOA will maintain the perimeter fencing; the homeowner will maintain his fence connecting to the perimeter fencing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stephens. The Planning and Zoning Commission does not recommend exception for key lots or Lot Types 3 & 4. Ayes: Hill, Reed, Davidson, Forest, Sheridan, Stephens Nays: None Action: 6-0, Approved Attachments: Application Public Hearing Notice Examples of Lots Affected by Fencing Change – NHs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 - Ordinance No. 2008-XX P&Z 15 16 Department of Planning & Zoning 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, December 18, 2008 TOWN COUNCIL Monday, January 5, 2009 A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, December 18, 2008, to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z, the same having amended Ordinance No. 2006-11, PD Planned Development District No. 27, The Highlands at Trophy Club, to amend Exhibit “B” Development Standards to allow homeowner fencing to connect to perimeter fencing; to allow side fencing along side streets to be placed closer than on the build line to the side street; to allow privacy fencing along the rear of lots in Neighborhood 1 that align along the ditch between the homes and the high school; and other miscellaneous requested changes as deemed necessary. The Town Council will hear the above item on January 5, 2008, in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m. 17 Highlighting indicates lots with side yards along side streets and/or adjacency to perimeter fencing. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2008-XX P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2007-15 P&Z, KNOWN AS PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27, THE SAME HAVING AMENDED 2000-06 P&Z OF THE TOWN, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND HAVING AMENDED THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN, BY ADOPTING THIS ORDINANCE TO REFLECT A CHANGE TO EXHIBIT “B” ENTITLED “DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS”, SECTION III. “DEFINITIONS”, AND SECTION VI. “DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS”, “C. SCREENING AND FENCES” AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED HEREIN BELOW; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING APPLICABLE REGULATIONS; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PD AMD-08-029) WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club (hereinafter referred to as “Town”) is a Home Rule Municipality acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Town previously approved Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z amending Ordinance No. 2006-11 P&Z, creating PD Planned Development No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club (hereinafter “PD No. 27”); and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to add a definition for “Key Lot”; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to add Items 3 and 4 to Section C. “Screening and Fences”; and WHEREAS, all legal notices, requirements and conditions having been complied with, the case to amend PD No. 27 came before the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public hearings were conducted, and after considering the information submitted at 29 those public hearings and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of the amendments to Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after complying with all legal notices, requirements, and conditions, a public hearing was held before Town Council at which the Town Council considered the proposed amendments and considered, among other things, the impact of the proposed amendments on density, the character of the land and its suitability for particular uses, with a view of encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the Town, and does hereby find that the adoption of the amendments hereby accomplishes such objectives; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that there is a necessity for the amendments to Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z, and the Town Council has determined that this Ordinance should be adopted, that the proposed change is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and that the terms of this Ordinance shall replace those terms contained in Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z in their entirety except as may be specifically set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENTS 2.01 Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, the same being the Town's PD No. 27, Section III. DEFINITIONS of Exhibit “B” entitled “Development Standards,” is hereby amended as follows to add a definition for “Key Lot” to be placed in alphabetical order as part of the existing list of definitions with all other definitions remaining the same and all other articles, chapters, sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words are not amended but are hereby ratified and affirmed: “III. DEFINITIONS Key Lot: Any lot which has a street adjacent to both its front and side building lines, and its rear property line is also the side property line of an adjacent lot.” 30 2.02 Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, the same being the Town's PD No. 27, Section VI. DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS, C. Screening and Fences is hereby amended to add subsections 3 and 4 so that Section VI, C shall be and read in its entirety as follows, and all other articles, chapters, sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words are not amended but are hereby ratified and affirmed: “C. Screening and Fences: All development within The Highlands at Trophy Club Planned Development District shall comply with Section 45 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of Town Council approval of this ordinance, with the following modifications: 1. Fencing on corner lots facing side streets shall be enhanced wooden fences (board-on-board or other design, with a top cap). All enhanced fencing within any neighborhood shall be consistent, and shall be approved with the Detailed Site Plan. 2. Fencing facing open space, parks, floodplain, or flowage easement shall be wrought iron (or tubular steel) as required by Town Ordinance, with the exceptions of the following that may be solid wood fencing: a) Facing gas well sites. b) Facing active use park areas (ball fields, swim center, neighborhood center, etc.) c) Facing other areas specifically approved at the time of Detailed Site Plan. 3. Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street: Side yard fences adjacent to a side street for Lot Types 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be located 10-ft. from the property line, and must be 10-ft. behind the front façade; no differential for key lots. 4. Side yards adjacent to perimeter fencing may connect to the perimeter fencing and the side yard fence must be located a minimum of ten feet (10-ft.) behind the front façade. The HOA will maintain the perimeter fencing; the homeowner will maintain his fence connecting to the perimeter fencing.” 31 SECTION 3. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS In all respects the Land shall be subject to the applicable regulations contained in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances and regulations of the Town. SECTION 4. CUMULATIVE REPEALER That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances of the Town affecting the PD No. 27 and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such Ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY The sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not less than One Dollar ($1.00) and not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. 32 SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish, the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 8. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 5th day of January, 2009. _____________________________________ Mayor, Nick Sanders Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: _____________________________________ Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________________ Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 33 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending PD – Planned Development District No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z by amending Exhibit "B" - Development Standards, Section VI. Development and Design Standards, "C" Screening and Fencing. Applicant: High Trophy Development, LLC Represented by Steve Lenart, Lenart Development Company, LLC (PD AMD-08-029) (ch) 34 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Temporary Use Permit for Off Street Parking for Model Homes in Planned Development No. 27, Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A, for a Period of time of not greater than One Year. Applicant: Centex Homes Centex Homes requests permission to build a model home parking lot at 2406 Trophy Club Drive, Lot 4, Block BB, Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A. The parking lot will provide parking for the model home that will be built at 2408 Trophy Club Drive. This type of request must be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation to the Town Council. The builder must eventually remove the parking lot, restoring the lot to a buildable single family home lot as originally shown on the Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A plat. This type of use is regulated under Chapter 13 – Zoning Ordinance, Article V Supplementary District Regulations, Section 5.01 Temporary Uses: A. Permitted Uses: The following uses, which are classified as temporary uses, may be permitted for a period of time by the Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Said period of time shall be determined at the time of approval but shall not exceed the time limit for selected uses as provided herein. … 14. Off street parking for Model Homes in residential districts, provided on one lot which complies with all setback requirements of the district in which it is located for a time period of not greater than one year. However, such temporary use may be renewed annually. … Annual Extensions of the temporary use permit may be issued by the Zoning Administrator upon written request by the applicant. 35 Setbacks: Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A of The Highlands of Trophy Club Planned Development No. 27 (PD-27) consists of Lot Types 1 and 2. The parking lot is proposed on Lot 4, Block BB, which is a Lot Type 2, with the following setback requirements: Front Yard: 25 feet minimum Rear Yard: 25 feet minimum Side Yard: 7.5 feet minimum The applicant has complied with all required setbacks. Parking Requirements: Town regulations require each parking space to be nine feet (9’) by eighteen feet (18’) for each angular head-in parking space. The applicant has met this requirement. Town parking regulations also specify the following: “The number of spaces required shall serve residents, customers, patrons, visitors and employees.” The applicant is providing 8 spaces and two handicap-accessible spaces. Staff believes this is an adequate number of parking spaces for this use. Parking Facilities Construction: Town regulations require that parking facilities be constructed of reinforced concrete on prepared subgrade. Minimum thickness shall be 5” for general parking. The applicant must obtain a building permit and comply with materials and inspection requirements. Landscaping: Town of Trophy Club Landscaping Regulations require the following: D. General Standards: The following criteria and standards shall apply to landscape materials and installation: 1. Quality: Plant materials used in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance shall conform to the standard of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, or equal thereto. Grass seed, sod and other material shall be clean and reasonable free of weeds and noxious pests and insects. 2. Trees: Trees referred to in this Section shall comply with all applicable regulations and requirements of Article VIII of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Trophy Club, as amended. If any of the requirements of Article VIII regulating trees conflict with the requirements contained herein regulating trees, the requirements of Article VIII of the Subdivision Regulations shall control. 3. Shrubs and Hedges: Shrubs shall be a minimum of two feet in height when measured immediately after planting. Hedges, where installed, shall be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous, unbroken, solid, visual screen which will be three (3) feet high within one year after time of planting. 4. Vines: Vines shall be a minimum of two feet immediately after planting and may be used in conjunction with fences, screens or walls to meet screening requirements as specified. 36 5. Ground Cover: Ground covers used in lieu of grass in whole and in part shall be of live material and shall be planted in such a manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within one year of planting. 6. Lawn Grass: Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded except that solid sod shall be used in swales, berms or other areas subject to erosion. 7. Credit for Existing Trees: Any trees preserved on a site meeting the specifications herein shall be credited toward meeting the tree requirement of any landscaping provision of this Section. Trees of exceptional quality due to size, large canopy cover, trunk diameter, rareness, age or species may, at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, be credited as two trees for the herein minimum requirements. 8. Railroad Ties: The use of railroad ties for use as landscaping material shall be prohibited. The applicant is proposing Dwarf Buford, Indian Hawthorn, and flats of seasonal color on both sides of the concrete drive, three wax myrtles on the site, and Dwarf Buford along the rear of the parking lot. All will be irrigated. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this request on December 18, 2008, and made the following motion: Commissioner Reed made a motion recommending approval to the Town Council. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Stephens. Ayes: Hill, Reed, Davidson, Forest, Sheridan, Stephens Nays: None Action: 6-0, Approved (ch) Attachments: Application and Memo from Applicant Plot Plan 37 38 39 40 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.3 Comments from Planning & Zoning Chairman Gene Hill regarding Planning & Zoning Commission discussion and comment on changes to the Town of Trophy Club Code Of Ordinances, Chapter 13-Zoning, including without limitation, amending regulations regarding permitted uses for "CG" Commercial General zoning and other miscellaneous provisions as needed of Chapter 13 (ADM-08-029); Council discussion and appropriate action regarding same. PURPOSE: To review uses of Commercial General (“CG”) zoning regulations and provide comment to Town Council. STAFF SUMMARY: At the September 22, 2008, Town Council meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Sterling requested that the Town Manager initiate a review of the appropriate uses of CG Zoning regulations. Brandon Emmons, Town Manager, directed staff to take a review of the CG zoning regulations to the Planning and Zoning Commission for discussion and comment. The Planning and Zoning Commission were informed that Mayor Pro Tem Sterling and other Council members would like the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss and consider whether or not a pawn shop is an appropriate use in CG zoning in the Town of Trophy Club. The Commission is asked to consider whether or not a pawn shop should be a “conditional” use rather than a “permitted” use. The Council asked that the discussion include “excluding” as well as “conditional”. The Council also directs the Planning and Zoning Commission to review all of the uses for Commercial General and provide comment. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SUMMARY: Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Gene Hill will provide comment to the Council including the Commission’s recommendation that the “P” permitted use be removed from “Pawn Shop”. The Commission recommends having a workshop session to discuss and review all “CG” uses. A public hearing can then be held to consider make the recommendations a permanent part of the Town Code of Ordinances. Attachments: Commercial General Regulations Permitted Use Tables 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the 19 Proposed Charter Amendments submitted by the Charter Review Commission for the May 2009 ballot. 1. Add One Councilmember 2. Change from At-Large to At-Large-by-Place Elections 3. Add Three Year Terms 4. Resignation of Council Member Seat 5. Add Violates Any Express Prohibition of this Charter 6. Filling Vacancies 7. Add Council Compensation 8. Add Mayor Voting On All Matters 9. Agenda Request 10. Conflict of Interest and Abstention Town Council Procedure 11. Clarify Appointment Procedure 12. Comply with Texas Election Code 13. Clarify Grounds for Recall 14. Reduce Recall Signatures Required 15. Reduce Required Signatures for Initiative and Referendum 16. Budget Process Enhancement 17. Franchise Term 18. Code of Ethics and Conduct 19. Charter Review Commission EXPLANATION: RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: Attachments: 1. (19) Proposed Charter Amendments from CRC 52 19 Proposed Charter Amendments from CRC ** Items for which there was a Council consensus to move forward for placement on the November 2008 ballot 1) Add One Councilmember • Rationale: Increases Council’s combined intelligence quotient, and enhances the quality of Council’s output while diluting the influence of a single voice. Decatur, Roanoke, Southlake, Colleyville, Grapevine, Flower Mound and Denton (cumulative population 222,464) all have six Councilmembers and a Mayor. Places Council composition in the center of the membership range recommended by NCL. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **2) Change from At-Large to At-Large-by-Place Elections • Rationale: Place gives a candidate the ability to run directly against an incumbent, increasing direct accountability from those elected. Place increases the number of races per election, and potentially reduces campaign costs. Place eliminates unused votes: i.e., the necessity to prioritize votes and only vote for one person when three votes are available with three open seats. Place utilizes plurality voting in this two year application. Place is used by Decatur, Roanoke, Keller, Southlake, Colleyville, Grapevine, Flower Mound and Denton (249,809). 87% of Texas Home Rule cities utilize a place system (TML THRC). • Commission Vote: _6_ in favor _2_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **3) Add Three Year Terms • Rationale: Three year terms afford more efficiency in the election process, learning and service as a Council member. Roanoke, Southlake, Colleyville, Grapevine, Euless and Bedford have three year terms (179,181). Three year terms are a step toward the NCL standard of four years. 53 • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **4) Resignation of Council Member Seat • Rationale: Eliminates cost of follow-on election if candidate is successful in election to new position. Similar to the requirement set forth in the Texas Constitution for terms greater than two years. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 5) Add Violates Any Express Prohibition of this Charter • Rationale: Improves probability of Charter adherence by moving the action point for enforcement of an expressly prohibited Charter violation from a citizen driven recall to Council action. Immediate access to investigative powers is enhanced at Council level. Found in Decatur, Southlake and Flower Mound charters. Follows NCL MCC guidance. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **6) Filling Vacancies • Rationale: Updates the filling of vacancies procedure to align with the Texas Constitution and Texas Election Code. The Mayor Pro-Tem office is an important backup to the Mayor and should be promptly filled if vacated. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 54 **7) Add Council Compensation • Rationale: Significantly increased workload with budget and Town development. Municipal Utility Directors have been compensated for several years. Roanoke compensates its Council in its new charter. Council members are compensated throughout Texas. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 8) Add Mayor Voting On All Matters • Rationale: The Mayor votes on all issues in Fort Worth, Dallas, Decatur, Southlake, Colleyville, Grapevine, Euless, Bedford and Denton (1,985,383). National survey figures show 70% of Mayors vote on all matters. Follows NCL MCC guidance and may enhance the Mayor’s ability to lead. TML’s THRC states, council-manager cities generally give their mayors the unrestricted right to vote. • Commission Vote: _6_ in favor _2_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 9) Agenda Request • Rationale: Allows better utilization of Council time. Prevents a single member from monopolizing the Council agenda with a personal issue or issues without the known potential of a second on a motion. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 10) Conflict of Interest and Abstention Town Council Procedure • Rationale: Aligns with most recent Texas charters. Encourages preparation and engagement in the decision making process. Removes the availability of the “politically safe” abstention vote. 55 • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **11) Clarify Appointment Procedure • Rationale: Removes a potential conflict within the Charter and aligns appointments with voting requirements found in Section 3.12. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **12) Comply with Texas Election Code • Rationale: Aligns Charter with Texas Election Code and eliminates updating the Charter when Texas Election Code is revised. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **13) Clarify Grounds for Recall • Rationale: Removes limitations and duplicates the power given to citizens of Dallas, Fort Worth, Denton, Colleyville, Euless, Decatur and Southlake (1,896,172). Follows NCL MCC guidance. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 14) Reduce Recall Signatures Required 56 • Rationale: Increases availability of option to hold elected representatives responsible and accountable by reducing the barrier for initiation, while remaining within NCL standards. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 15) Reduce Required Signatures for Initiative and Referendum • Rationale: More closely aligns Council with comprehensive citizen positions. Increases availability of Initiative and Referendum by the citizens while maintaining the threshold at a level that will discourage capricious citizen-initiated actions. NCL recommends 5-10% of the registered voters in the last election. Using “registered voters” rather than “voters in the last election” provides a more stable number and standard for action. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 16) Budget Process Enhancement • Rationale: Firm milestones require the establishment of Council’s goals early in the budget process and costs of service are compared with a representative sample of North Texas cities. Program and performance budgeting was adopted by the Texas Legislature for all departments within the State government. Fully adopts the NCL’s MCC guidelines for the program/performance budgeting concept initiated in Trophy Club’s Charter. • Commission Vote: _7_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: **17) Franchise Term 57 • Rationale: Enhances Council’s latitude to respond in a manner most beneficial to the Town. • Commission Vote: _7_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 18) Code of Ethics and Conduct • Rationale: Ethics provisions are included in the most recent Texas charters and in current charter revisions. Follows NCL MCC guidance; “Ethics provisions foster public trust in the integrity of city government and serve as a check on improper or abusive behavior by city officials and employees”. • Commission Vote: _8_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 19) Charter Review Commission • Rationale: Requiring the establishment of a citizen Commission at intervals no greater than every four years ensures Charter currency and perspective, while reinforcing citizen ownership of the Charter. Charter amendments processed through a citizen commission are more thoroughly vetted than individual petitions, thereby ensuring Charter continuity and a professional product. The Charter may be amended at two year intervals by State law. Follows TML’S THRC Commission example. • Commission Vote: _7_ in favor _0_ opposed _0_ abstentions Council Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.5 Discuss and take appropriate action to place an item on the May 2009 ballot for voter consideration of a land swap of a 0.11 acre tract of land owned by the Town and part of Harmony Park for a 0.18 acre tract of land owned by Centurion American and adjacent to Harmony Park. EXPLANATION: RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: Attachments: 1. Exhibits 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.6 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the disposition of "Child Safety Funds" for various programs. EXPLANATION: The Texas Transportation Code authorizes the assessment of a fee as part of the motor vehicle registration process to be used for child safety. The Town has a balance in excess of $31,000 in our Child Safety Fund. We are proposing to use these funds for five projects that will help enhance the safety of our children. These programs are: Bike Training Program, Bicycle Rodeos, Crossing Guard Program, School Zone Enforcement, and TLETS for SRO. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval ACTION BY COUNCIL: (bse) Attachments: 1. Memorandum from Chief Kniffen 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.7 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement between the Town and Tarrant County Emergency Services District No. One to provide fire protection and related services. EXPLANATION: RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: Attachments: 1. Town of Trophy Club Resolution 2. Tarrant County Emergency Services Contract 142 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2008-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (MUTUAL AID) FOR FIRE PROTECTION, FIRE RESCUE AND FIRST RESPONSE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WITH THE TARRANT COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. ONE; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, authorizes governmental entities to contract with each other to perform government functions and services, such as those that serve the public health and welfare; and WHEREAS, Tarrant County Emergency Services District No. One (“The District”), is a special district within the meaning of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and is therefore an entity with which the Town may contract; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has been presented a proposed Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and the District providing terms and conditions for certain mutual aid fire services to be provided by the Town to the District, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference (hereinafter called “Agreement”); and WHEREAS, upon full review and consideration of the Agreement and of this Resolution, and all matters attendant and related thereto, the Town Council is of the opinion that the execution of the Agreement serves a valid public purpose, that all funds necessary to pay for the services shall be paid out of current revenue legally available to the parties to the Agreement and shall not exceed the amount budgeted therefore in the current fiscal year budget, that the terms and conditions of the Agreement should be approved, and that the Mayor or his designee should be authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”) does hereby approve and agree to enter into an agreement with the Tarrant County Emergency Services District No. One. A true and correct copy of the Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”. 143 Section 2. The Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 5th day of January, 2008. ______________________________ Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: _____________________________________ Lisa Hennek, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________________ Patricia Adams, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 144 145 146 147 148 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.8 Receive a progress report on the Highlands of Trophy Club Public Improvement District #1, Council discussion and appropriate action regarding same. EXPLANATION: A substantial portion of the public improvements for the Highlands at Trophy Club PID #1 is nearing completion. The purpose of this item is to provide a progress report for all of the funded items, whether completed, under construction, or proposed. RECOMMENDATION: No action is recommended. ACTION BY COUNCIL: (bse) Attachments: 1. Comprehensive Total with breakdown 149 150 151 152 153 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.9 Consolidation Task Force Committee Report A.) Progress to date from prior two meetings. EXPLANATION: RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: Attachments: 1. None 154 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.10 Town Manager Report A.) Update on Land Acquisition for Fire Station EXPLANATION: RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: Attachments: 1. None 155 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.11 Items for Future Agenda. EXPLANATION: RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: 1. Discussion of drainage ditch that runs between Village Trail and Lakeshore Drive and consideration of improvements for area to create a linear park. (Mayor Sanders - Cates) 2. Town Manager Emmons to report on the sound barrier issues on the east side and conversations with TXDOT, and discussion of same. (Wilson) 3. Establish and implement a process for Hotel inspections. (Edstrom added on 1/21/08) 4. Discuss and consider options to approve the upkeep of rental property, with or without creating a Building Standard Commission. (Edstrom – 4/21/08) 5. Discuss and take appropriate action real estate signs and their placement on Town right of ways. (Chapter 5, “General Land Use,” Article IV, “Sign Regulations,” Section 4.05, “Temporary Signs,” D, “Real Estate Signs”)(added at 8/18/08 Council Meeting) 6. Discuss and receive an update on the Comprehensive Land Plan. (Edstrom – 10/20/08) 156 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 1-5-2009 Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1 Adjourn. (lh) 157