Agenda Packet 01/15/2022 RetreatTown of Trophy Club Special Meeting – Retreat Town Council Agenda Aloft Hotel 96 Trophy Club Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 January 15, 2022 9:00 AM Aloft Hotel (Tactic A) CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor Fleury INVOCATION led by Tony Jaramillo, Director of Parks & Recreation  PLEDGES led by Council Member Beach Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or may email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org CONSENT ITEMS  1.Take appropriate action to ratify purchase order 22­00083 for the replacement of the Community Development truck in the amount of $28,050. (M.Cox) 2.Take appropriate action to approve purchase order 22­00041 for the replacement of the Facilities Maintenance truck in the amount of $36,979. (M.Cox) COUNCIL RETREAT/GOAL SETTING SESSION 3.Discussion of the Town of Trophy Club’s strategic direction for next 3­5 years. (W. Carroll) a) Development of the Town’s Vision and Mission Statements and to define strategic focus areas b) Budgetary Update and discussion of future budgetary strategy c) Discussion of American Rescue Plan Act funding strategy d) Discussion of Citizen Survey driven projects EXECUTIVE SESSION 4.Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act). Section 551.074 Personnel Matters a) Discussion and possible action on the creation of a Community Development Council Subcommittee and subsequent appointment of Council Members as appropriate. b) Discussion of the Mayor’s candidates for open positions on the citizens’ Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee for possible approval by full Council. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.  * The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 by 9:00 am in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 1 Town of Trophy ClubSpecial Meeting – RetreatTown Council Agenda Aloft Hotel96 Trophy Club DriveTrophy Club, Texas 76262January 15, 2022 9:00 AM Aloft Hotel (Tactic A)CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Tony Jaramillo, Director of Parks & Recreation PLEDGES led by Council Member BeachPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENTSThis is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentationsare limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four(4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker musthave submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or mayemail mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgCONSENT ITEMS 1.Take appropriate action to ratify purchase order 22­00083 for the replacement of theCommunity Development truck in the amount of $28,050. (M.Cox)2.Take appropriate action to approve purchase order 22­00041 for the replacement ofthe Facilities Maintenance truck in the amount of $36,979. (M.Cox) COUNCIL RETREAT/GOAL SETTING SESSION 3.Discussion of the Town of Trophy Club’s strategic direction for next 3­5 years. (W. Carroll) a) Development of the Town’s Vision and Mission Statements and to define strategic focus areas b) Budgetary Update and discussion of future budgetary strategy c) Discussion of American Rescue Plan Act funding strategy d) Discussion of Citizen Survey driven projects EXECUTIVE SESSION 4.Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act). Section 551.074 Personnel Matters a) Discussion and possible action on the creation of a Community Development Council Subcommittee and subsequent appointment of Council Members as appropriate. b) Discussion of the Mayor’s candidates for open positions on the citizens’ Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee for possible approval by full Council. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.  * The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 by 9:00 am in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 2 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Approval of Purchase Orders Date: Special Town Council Meeting, January 8, 2022 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action to ratify purchase order 22-00083. (M. Cox) Background and Explanation: Staff is requesting Council to ratify the approval of PO 22-00083 for the replacement of a vehicle for Community Development. In May 2021, a budgeted purchase order was issued to Caldwell Chevrolet for $28,050 from the Community Development Department to replace unit 119, 2011 Ford F150. Due to the delays in automotive manufacturing, the truck did not arrive by October 1, 2021, and due to the vehicle not purchased and delivered in FY 21 budget year the purchase order was closed at the end of the fiscal year. A new purchase order was created and although the purchase was not budgeted in the expenditures of FY22 the funding was still available in the Capital Replacement Funds from the previous year and because the purchase was approved by Council and pricing did not change, the PO was created and approved administratively. Delivery of the vehicle was December 29, 2021. Financial Considerations: Fund balance in the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund is available to use for this purchase. Funds in the amount of $134,690.05 are available. Attachments: Purchase order and supporting documents 3 Page 2 of 2 Town Council Approval: ___________________________ Mayor Alicia L. Fleury or designee 4 PURCHASE ORDER 05/21/2021 ISSUED TO: Date: Vendor #:VEN02364 Caldwell Automotive Partners, LLC 800 E. Hwy 21 Caldwell, TX 77836- SHIP TO:Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 21-00191PO Number: Request #:REQ00820 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 UNITS DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNTGL ACCOUNT NUMBERITEMPROJ 1 1 2021 Chevy Colorado 2WD Crew Cab 28,050.00 07-710-83700 28,050.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Original invoice plus one copy must be sent to: Town of Trophy Club, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262. Payment may be expected within 30 days of receipt of goods, unless otherwise stated. C.O.D. shipment will not be accepted. Purchase Order numbers must appear on all shipping containers, packing slips and invoices. Failure to comply with the above request may delay payment. All goods are to be shipped F.O.B. Destination unless otherwise stated. All materials and services are subject to approval based on the description on the face of the purchase order or appendages thereof. Substitutions are not permitted without approval of the Requesting Department. Material not approved will be returned at no cost to the Town. All goods and equipment must meet or exceed all necessary city, state and federal standards and regulations. Vendor or manufacturer bears risk of loss or damage until property received and/or installed. Seller acknowledges that the buyer is an equal opportunity employer. Seller will comply with all equal opportunity laws and regulations that are applicable to it as a supplier of the buyer. The Town is exempt from all federal excise and state tax – ID# 75-2047474. 28,050.00TOTAL Finance Dept. (682) 237-2900 FAX (682) 237-2996 Approved By:Date: 5 6 7 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Approval of Purchase Orders Date: Special Town Council Meeting, January 8, 2022 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action to approve purchase order 22-00041. (M. Cox) Background and Explanation: Staff is requesting Council approval of changing the vendor for Purchase Order 22-00041, lowering the price, and expediting delivery. In October, Town Council approved purchase order 22-00041 with vendor Silsbee Ford to replace unit 115, 2008 Ford F150. Recently, Silsbee informed staff that delivery would be a minimum of six (6) months. Staff is requesting to cancel the Purchase Order with Silsbee Ford for $37,561.75 and replace with vendor Caldwell Chevrolet. Caldwell, an approved vendor through Buy Board, currently has a truck that was ordered by another municipality and then cancelled. This truck is ready for delivery and can be purchased for less than the approved PO October 25, 2021. Financial Considerations: Funding in the amount of $36,979.00 is available for Purchase Order 22-00041 in the FY2022 Approved Budget in the Capital Equipment Replacement Budget. Attachments: Purchase order and supporting documents 8 Page 2 of 2 Town Council Approval: ___________________________ Mayor Alicia L. Fleury or designee 9 PURCHASE ORDER 10/28/2021 ISSUED TO: Date: Vendor #:VEN01469 Silsbee Ford Inc. PO Box 815 Silsbee, TX 77656- SHIP TO:Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 22-00041PO Number: Request #:REQ00895 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 UNITS DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNTGL ACCOUNT NUMBERITEMPROJ 1 1 2022 Ford F150 4WD 37,561.75 07-710-83700 37,561.75 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Original invoice plus one copy must be sent to: Town of Trophy Club, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262. Payment may be expected within 30 days of receipt of goods, unless otherwise stated. C.O.D. shipment will not be accepted. Purchase Order numbers must appear on all shipping containers, packing slips and invoices. Failure to comply with the above request may delay payment. All goods are to be shipped F.O.B. Destination unless otherwise stated. All materials and services are subject to approval based on the description on the face of the purchase order or appendages thereof. Substitutions are not permitted without approval of the Requesting Department. Material not approved will be returned at no cost to the Town. All goods and equipment must meet or exceed all necessary city, state and federal standards and regulations. Vendor or manufacturer bears risk of loss or damage until property received and/or installed. Seller acknowledges that the buyer is an equal opportunity employer. Seller will comply with all equal opportunity laws and regulations that are applicable to it as a supplier of the buyer. The Town is exempt from all federal excise and state tax – ID# 75-2047474. 37,561.75TOTAL Finance Dept. (682) 237-2900 FAX (682) 237-2996 Approved By:Date: 10 PO Number Date :12.17.2021 Department 710 Delivery Address Project# 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Account Number Quantity Unit Amount Total Amount 07-710-83700 1 36,979.00 36,979.00$ 1,625.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ -$ Co-op info:-$ Total 36,979.00$ Vendor Packet Updated______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments Requested by:Approved by: Finance Approved by: The Town of Trophy Club must have a completed Vendor Packet on file before a requisition can be accepted by the Finance Department. Caldwell, TX 77836 PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM Vendor (Name & Address) Caldwell Country Chevrolet 800 Hwy 21E Buyboard Bid 601-19 Description 2022 2500 4WD Crew Cab Caldwell Rep - Billy Hughes Quote #BH200279 Cancelling original PO#22-00041 for $37,561.75. Vendor for PO#22-00041 has 6 month delay for delivery. New vendor has inventory for immediate delivery. The PO request is to replace vehicle unit #115, 2008 Ford F150 11 End User: Caldwell Rep: Contact: Phone: Phone/email: Date: Product Description: email:billy@caldwellcountry.com A. Bid Series:31 36,429.00$ B. Published Options [Itemize each below] Code Bid Price Code Bid Price CK20743 INCL INCL INCL INCL INCL INCL ZLQ INCL INCL NZZ INCL INCL PYN INCL INCL INCL INCL -$ C. Unpublished Options [Itemize each below, not to exceed 25%] $=0.0 % Bid Price Bid Price COLOR COLOR -$ D. Registration, Inspection, Paperwork, Postage cost, Courthouse time, & Runner time: 150.00$ E. UPFITTERS: -$ F. Manufacturer Destination/Delivery: G. Floor Plan Interest (for in-stock and/or equipped vehicles): -$ H. Contract Price Adjustment: -$ I. Additional Delivery Charge:0 miles INCLUDED -$ J. Subtotal: 36,579.00$ K. Quantity Ordered 1 x K = 36,579.00$ L. Trade in: M. 400.00$ N. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE WITH BUYBOARD FEE 36,979.00$ Total of C. Unpublished Options: BUYBOARD FEE PER PURCHASE ORDER GAZ - SUMMIT WHITE HIT - JET BLACK INTERIOR Total of B. Published Options: Options Options TRAILER MIRRORS REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY WORK TRUCK CONV PKG AC & HEAT; AM/FM RADIO SKID PLATES CRUISE CONTROL 17" WHEELS POWER WINDOWS & LOCKS 22 2500 4WD CREW CAB TRAILER HITCH 6.6L V8 TRI-ZONE AIR CONDITIONING 40/20/40 FRONT SEAT HD REAR VISION CAMERA MCOX@TROPHYCLUB.ORG Friday, December 17, 2021 22 SILVERADO 2500 CREW 4WD A. Base Price: Options Options CALDWELL COUNTRY CHEVROLET 800 HWY. 21 E. CALDWELL, TEXAS 77836 BUYBOARD BID 601-19 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB BILLY HUGHES QUOTE #CC200279 MATT COX 12 PURCHASE ORDER 10/28/2021 ISSUED TO: Date: Vendor #:VEN02364 Caldwell AutomoƟve Partners, LLC 800 E. Hwy 21 Caldwell, TX 77836- SHIP TO:Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 22-00041PO Number: Request #:REQ00895 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 UNITS DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNTGL ACCOUNT NUMBERITEMPROJ 1 1 2022 Chevrolet 2500 36,979.00 07-710-83700 36,979.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Original invoice plus one copy must be sent to: Town of Trophy Club, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262. Payment may be expected within 30 days of receipt of goods, unless otherwise stated. C.O.D. shipment will not be accepted. Purchase Order numbers must appear on all shipping containers, packing slips and invoices. Failure to comply with the above request may delay payment. All goods are to be shipped F.O.B. DesƟnaƟon unless otherwise stated. All materials and services are subject to approval based on the descripƟon on the face of the purchase order or appendages thereof. SubsƟtuƟons are not permiƩed without approval of the RequesƟng Department. Material not approved will be returned at no cost to the Town. All goods and equipment must meet or exceed all necessary city, state and federal standards and regulaƟons. Vendor or manufacturer bears risk of loss or damage unƟl property received and/or installed. Seller acknowledges that the buyer is an equal opportunity employer. Seller will comply with all equal opportunity laws and regulaƟons that are applicable to it as a supplier of the buyer. The Town is exempt from all federal excise and state tax – ID# 75-2047474. 36,979.00TOTAL Finance Dept. (682) 237-2900 FAX (682) 237-2996 Approved By: Date: 13