Agenda Packet 02/22/2022Town of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda Packet Town Council 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 February 22, 2022 7:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor Fleury INVOCATION led by Pastor Barry Clingan, The Church @ Trophy Lakes  PLEDGES led by Council Member Shoffner Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT(S) This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not permitted to take discuss or take action on any presentations made. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or may email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1.Business Spotlight – Big Chill Ice Cream, Christy Swanson. (Mayor Fleury) 2.Town General/Special Elections Update. (L. Vacek) 3.Introduction of the Trophy Club Parks & Recreation Volunteer Association (TCPRVA) –  Stacey Bauer. (T.Jaramillo) PROCLAMATIONS 4.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­03 proclaiming March 8, 2022 as Trophy Club Rotary Day. (Mayor Fleury) CONSENT AGENDA 5.Approval of the Town Council Regular Meeting of February 8, 2022 and Town Council Joint Meeting with EDC­4B of February 9, 2022. (L. Vacek) 6.Acceptance of the First Quarterly Investment Report for FY22. (M. Erwin) INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 7.Take appropriate action regarding authority to sell beer and wine by Shannon Brewery and Two Brothers Winery during the Taste of Trophy Club Event scheduled April 30, 2022 at Independence Park East pursuant to the Town’s Code of Ordinances Section 14.02.252 (J) (1). (T. Jaramillo) 8.Future Agenda Items List.  (W. Carroll)  ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on February 18, 2022 by 6:00 pm in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Secretary/RMO If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact Town Hall at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance and reasonable accommodations will be made.   1 Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketTown Council 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas76262February 22, 2022 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Pastor Barry Clingan, The Church @ Trophy Lakes PLEDGES led by Council Member ShoffnerPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENT(S)This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to take discuss or take action on any presentations made.Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakershave up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer.Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing theSpeaker’s Form or may email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS1.Business Spotlight – Big Chill Ice Cream, Christy Swanson. (Mayor Fleury)2.Town General/Special Elections Update. (L. Vacek)3.Introduction of the Trophy Club Parks & Recreation Volunteer Association (TCPRVA) – Stacey Bauer. (T.Jaramillo) PROCLAMATIONS 4.Issuance of Proclamation 2022­03 proclaiming March 8, 2022 as Trophy Club Rotary Day. (Mayor Fleury) CONSENT AGENDA 5.Approval of the Town Council Regular Meeting of February 8, 2022 and Town Council Joint Meeting with EDC­4B of February 9, 2022. (L. Vacek) 6.Acceptance of the First Quarterly Investment Report for FY22. (M. Erwin) INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 7.Take appropriate action regarding authority to sell beer and wine by Shannon Brewery and Two Brothers Winery during the Taste of Trophy Club Event scheduled April 30, 2022 at Independence Park East pursuant to the Town’s Code of Ordinances Section 14.02.252 (J) (1). (T. Jaramillo) 8.Future Agenda Items List.  (W. Carroll)  ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on February 18, 2022 by 6:00 pm in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. __________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Secretary/RMO If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact Town Hall at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance and reasonable accommodations will be made.   2 Town of Trophy Club Special Joint Meeting Minutes Town Council & Economic Development Corporation-4B 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 February 09, 2022 6:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER BY MAYOR FLEURY AND EDC-4B DIRECTOR HARO Town Council: EDC-4B Board: Alicia Fleury Mayor Scott Haro President Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem Travis Inge Vice-President Karl Monger Council Member Michael Clarke Director Jeff Beach Council Member Joseph Longo Director LuAnne Oldham Council Member Teri Addington Director Dennis Sheridan Council Member John Mann Director Absent: Absent: Philip Shoffner Council Member Michael Thomas Director Mayor Fleury called the Joint Council and EDC Meeting to order at 6:01pm with a quorum of the Town Council present with all Council Members except Council Member Shoffner who was in Colorado and would not be able to join the meeting. Director Scott Haro called the EDC-4B Board of Directors Meeting jointly with the Town Council to order at 6:01pm noting a quorum of the EDC-4B present with all Directors except Director Michael Thomas. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Boards on any matter. The Boards are not permitted to discuss or take action on presentations made. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Boards have authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form to include the topic(s) to be presented or you may also email:mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org 3 Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Governance Officer Vacek indicated no one had registered. EDC-4B BOARD ONLY 1.Take appropriate action to Elect Officers (President and Vice-President) to the EDC-4B Board. (W. Carroll) Director Haro called for nominations from the floor for the position of President of the EDC-4B. Director Clarke nominated Travis Inge as President. Mr. Inge declined due to a possible conflict as he currently serves as Chairman of the TIRZ Board. Director Haro called for another nomination. Director Clarke nominated Scott Haro as President. Mr. Haro accepted the nomination. Director Clarke moved to appoint Scott Haro as President of the EDC-4B. Director Inge seconded the motion. The motion carried by all members of the EDC voting with the exception of Director Michael Thomas. President Haro called for nominations from the floor for the position of Vice-President of the EDC-4B. Director Clarke nominated Travis Inge as Vice-President. Mr. Inge accepted the nomination. Director Clark moved to appoint Travis Inge as Vice-President of the EDC-4B. President Haro seconded the motion. The motion carried by all members of the EDC voting with the exception of Director Michael Thomas. At this time, Mayor Fleury addressed Executive Session. the 2.Take appropriate action to approve the EDC-4B Board Meeting Minutes of November 29, 2021. (L. Vacek) Said item was addressed after Executive Session. President Haro asked if there were any revisions to the minutes. There being none, President Haro moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Director Longo seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by the EDC Board with the exception of Director Mann. JOINT MEETING WITH TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL AND EDC-4B BOARD: RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 3. Pursuant to following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council and the Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation-4B will convene into Executive Session to discuss the following: Section 551.087 – Deliberate the Economic Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect within the Trophy Wood District for Potential Projects and Incentives. (W. Carroll) Mayor Fleury announced that the time was 6:05pm and stated that pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council and the Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation would convened into Executive Session to discuss Section 551.087 to deliberate the Economic 4 Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect within the Trophy Wood District for Wood District for Potential Projects and Incentives. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION 4. Take appropriate action to commission a Market Study Review and Assessment of Commercial Use Potential by Community Development Strategies not to exceed $32,000 for 5.4 acres EDC-owned property west and adjacent to HG SPLY. (W. Carroll) EDC-4B Board – Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session as necessary. Town Council – Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session as necessary. No action was taken. ADJOURN Mayor Fleury and President Haro jointly adjourned the meeting at 7:51pm. _________________________ Mayor Alicia Fleury Attest: ____________________________ __________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Scott Haro, EDC President Town Governance Officer 5 1 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES Tuesday, February 8, 2022 The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2022. The meeting was held at 7 pm at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 Jeff Beach Council Member, Place 2 Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 LuAnne Oldham Council Member, Place 5 Absent: Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Cox Director of Community Development Jill Lind Communications & Marketing Manager Mike Erwin Finance Manager CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7pm noting a quorum present with all Council Members except Council Member Shoffner who was in Colorado. INVOCATION Reverend Bill Eason of Fellowship United Methodist Church delivered the invocation. He prayed that we use our eyes and ears for the less fortunate and provide us grace and vision for the common good of all. He reminded us that we are called to righteousness, justice, compassion, wisdom, service, and action. He called for blessings upon the Town Council Meeting, those who lead us, and our First Responders who protect and watch over us. He asked that our hearts be set in rhythm with God and blend us with people of goodwill, both in this place and beyond. PLEDGES Mayor Fleury led the pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Mrs. Vacek confirmed nobody had registered. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Business Spotlight – Juice and Roots, Christy Swanson. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury introduced Christy Swanson of Juice and Roots to spotlight their rebranded business. Christy Swanson stated their location is at the Wonderland Plaza and all their offerings are organic and plant based to tackle allergies. She added that they hired a Nutritionist who assists with specific-requested juices, salads, and smoothies that provide the needed nutrients and target inflammation. She added that they brought samples for the Council. Mrs. Swanson explained that they offer oats, salads, chia pudding, and for the month of February, they are offering the Tiger’s Blood, all organic smoothie for $5. They also focus on non-gmo products to provide what is needed to enhance one’s immune system. Mayor Fleury highlighted their 6 2 cleanses. Christy thanked Mayor Fleury for bringing up their tailor-made 3-day, 5-day, etc…cleanses. She mentioned their grab and go salads, juices, pudding and hours of Monday through Fridays are 9am-6pm; Saturdays from 8am-5pm, and Sundays from 9am-4pm. Lastly, she explained that if customers call and let them know they are on their way; they are happy to stay open outside their hours, and if they have a special request that one needs to focus on, they can have their order ready for pick-up. 2.Update by Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent of Northwest ISD. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury recognized Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent of Northwest ISD. Dr. Ryder Warren introduced the School Board Members present; Anne Simpson, President, Trophy Club Resident Lillian Rauch, and Board Secretary, Judy Copp, Board Member and Angela Scott, NISD Staff. He presented a powerpoint of his mid-winter annual report which has been filed with the records of the Council Meeting. Lastly, he spoke of the search process for the next NISD Superintendent. Mayor Fleury and the Council expressed their appreciation to Dr. Ryder Warren for the partnership between the Town and the City. Mayor Fleury told Dr. Warren’s that his heart has always been for the betterment of all the students. At this time, Mayor Fleury presented Dr. Ryder Warren a small token of appreciation from the Trophy Club Town Council. Mayor Fleury thanked the School Board Members attending tonight’s meeting for all they do and their service. CONSENT AGENDA 3. Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes dated January 25, 2022. (L. Vacek) 4. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2022-01 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 amending and adding the new grant control number for funding of the Drug Interdiction and Juvenile Resource Officer. (P. Arata) 5. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2022-02 for Fiscal Year 2022-02 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the grant funding of the Drug Interdiction and Juvenile Resource Officer. (P. Arata) 6.Take appropriate action to approve increasing Purchase Order 22-00092 with Manning Concrete to $44,786. (M. Cox) Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Items 3, 4, 5, and 6. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by all members present and voting except for Council Member Shoffner. INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 7. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2022-02 Calling a Joint Special Election to be held May 7, 2022 for the purpose of reauthorizing the Sales and Use Tax of One-Fourth of Once Percent for the Continuation of the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District for 20 years. (P. Arata/L.Vacek) Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-02 Calling a Joint Election to continue the Crime Control and Prevention District and Tax for 20 years. Council Member Oldham seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by all members present and voting except for Council Member Shoffner. 8. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2022-03 Calling a Joint Special Election to be held May 7, 2022 for the purpose of reauthorizing the Sales and Use Tax of One-Fourth of One Percent for the Continuation of Street Maintenance and Repair for 4 years. (M. Erwin/L.Vacek) Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-02 Calling a Joint Election to continue the Crime Control and Prevention District and Tax for 20 years. Council Member Oldham seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by all members present and voting except for Council Member Shoffner. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS LIST Mr. Carroll referenced the list and reported that on the Entryway Monumentation Item; staff narrowed the Landscape Architect RFQs to two. The next step is that the two selected firms will come before the Council Public Arts Committee. Related to Veteran’s Memorial; the two plaques have been ordered and will be installed within the next 2-3 weeks. Council Member Monger added that the Metroport Veterans Association will be identifying a Trophy Club Veteran of the Year. He added that 7 3 it would be meaningful to have the official unveiling of the new plaques on Veteran’s Day in conjunction with the announcement of the Veteran of the Year. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont mentioned that in the past the adopted Ordinances were placed under the consent agenda to ensure their accuracy. Council Member Oldham agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Lamont in that it was a good practice. Mr. Carroll stated that he would make that happen. EXECUTIVE SESSION 10. Executive Session – Pursuant to the following designated section(s) of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: a) Section 551.071 – Attorney-Client Privilege; Deliberate possible Interlocal Agreement with multiple governmental entities to provide services to Trophy Club Citizens. b) Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters; Deliberate the appointment to the Connectivity Sub-Committee. Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 7:35 pm pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071; Section 551.071; attorney-client privilege and Section 551.074; personnel matters as denoted above. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 11. Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session as necessary. Mayor Fleury reconvened the Council Meeting into open session at 8:42 pm. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to appoint Nick Abel to the Citizen led Connectivity Sub-Committee. Council Member Beach seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all Council Members present and voting except Council Member Shoffner. Mayor Fleury reminded everyone of the March 1st Primary Election and the early voting that begins Monday, February 14, 2022 through Friday, February 25, 2022. She added that Primaries are run by the respective parties in each county. For more information on the March 1st Primary Election; contact your respective County of Denton or Tarrant. She added that our town web-site also provided a link to the Primary Elections. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:43 pm. _ Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor Attest: _ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Governance Officer 8 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Wade L. Carroll, Town Manager CC: Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Mike Erwin, Finance Manager April Duvall, Chief Financial Analyst Re: Fiscal Year 2022 – First Quarter Investment Report Town Council Meeting, February 22, 2022 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2022 (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: Administrative & Financial Services – Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: The Town’s current interest-bearing accounts have an ending market value of $23,629,203 as of December 31, 2021, which is an increase of $3,404,690 since September 30, 2021. Property tax revenue is collected primarily in the first and second quarters of the year. The portfolio is liquid with a weighted average life of 1 days. The total average yield for this quarter was .27% which is higher than the average rolling 6-month Treasury-Bill yield of .08% for the same period. A substantial portion of the Town’s investments remain placed in the InterBank Insured Cash Sweep account to take advantage of the fund’s liquidity and the 0.45% yield. Financial Considerations: Interest earnings for this quarter total $13,821, this gives the Town a year to date interest earning of $13,821 for Fiscal Year 2022. Legal Review: Not applicable 9 Page 2 of 2 Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends acceptance of the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2022. Attachments: First Quarter Investment Report FY 2022 Town Council Approval: Mayor Alicia L. Fleury or designee 10 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2021 Prepared by Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. Investment Officer/Finance Manager Chief Financial Analyst Disclaimer:These reports were compiled using information provided by the Town.No procedures were performed to test the accuracy or completeness of this information.The market values included in these reports were obtained by Valley View Consulting,L.L.C.from sources believed to be accurate and represent proprietary valuation.Due to market fluctuations these levels are not necessarily reflective of current liquidation values.Yield calculations are not determined using standard performance formulas,are not representative of total return yields, and do not account for investment advisor fees. The investment portfolio of the Town of Trophy Club is in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act and the Investment Policy and Strategies. 11 Strategy Summary Quarter End Results by Investment Category: Asset Type Ave. Yield Book Value Market Value Ave. Yield Book Value Market Value Demand Accounts 0.61%3,384,294$ 3,384,294$ 0.21%4,917,204$ 4,917,204$ Money Markets/Local Gov't Investment Pools 0.33%16,840,219 16,840,219 0.28%18,711,999 18,711,999 Totals 0.38%20,224,513$ 20,224,513$ 0.27%23,629,203$ 23,629,203$ Current Quarter Average Yield (1) Fiscal Year-to-Date Average Yield (2) Total Portfolio 0.27%Total Portfolio 0.27% Rolling Three Month Treasury 0.06%Rolling Three Month Treasury 0.06% Rolling Six Month Treasury 0.08%Rolling Six Month Treasury 0.08% TexPool 0.04%TexPool 0.04% Interest Revenue (Approximate) Quarterly Interest Income 13,821$ Year-to-date Interest Income 13,821$ (1)Current Quarter Average Yield - based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses and investment advisory fees are not considered. The yield for the reporting month is used for bank, pool, and money market balances. (2)Fiscal Year-to-Date Average Yields - calculated using quarter end report yields and adjusted book values and does not reflect a total return analysis or account for advisory fees. September 30, 2021 December 31, 2021 Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.1 12 Economic Overview12/31/2021The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) maintained the Fed Funds target range at 0.00% to 0.25% (Effective Fed Funds are trading <0.10%). The FOMC began reducing monthly security purchases during Nov 2021 and then increased the paced at the December meeting. Projections for target range increases shortened to late spring or early summer 2022. Third Quarter GDP posted +2.3% (Final). December employment reflected U-2 dropping to 3.9% and Non-Farm Payroll adding 199k net new jobs (Three Month Average NFP = 365). Crude oil reversed recent declines and bounced back to +/-$75 per barrel. The Stock Markets reached new highs. Many domestic economic indicators remain positive. The Build Back Better legislation stalled in the Senate. The Debt Ceiling was increased to $31+ trillion, easing any near-term funding pressures. Inflation remained well over the FOMC 2% target and does not appear positioned to decline in the near term. The Yield Curve shifted higher primarily six months and longer.02505007501,0001,2501,5001,7502,0002,2502,5002,7503,0003,2503,5003,7504,0004,2504,5004,7505,0005,250S&P 5000.000.501.001.502.002.503.003.50US Treasury Historical Yields - Since Nov 2015Six Month T-BillTwo Year T-NoteTen Year T-Note0.000.200.400.600.801.001.201.401.60Treasury Yield CurvesDecember 31, 2020September 30, 2021December 31, 20210.000.501.001.502.002.503.003.504.004.505.005.506.00US Treasury Historical Yields - Since 2006Six Month T-BillTwo Year T-NoteTen Year T-NoteValley View Consulting, L.L.C.213 Investment Holdings Coupon/Maturity Settlement Book Market Market Life Description Ratings Discount Date Date Par Value Value Price Value (days)Yield Wells Fargo - Cash (3)0.21%01/01/22 12/31/21 4,917,204$ 4,917,204$ 1.00 4,917,204$ 1 0.21% InterBank Money Market Account 0.45%01/01/22 12/31/21 249,095 249,095 1.00 249,095 1 0.45% InterBank IntraFi MMA 0.45%01/01/22 12/31/21 10,796,636 10,796,636 1.00 10,796,636 1 0.45% TexPool LGIP AAAm 0.04%01/01/22 12/31/21 5,433,250 5,433,250 1.00 5,433,250 1 0.04% TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't AAAm 0.03%01/01/22 12/31/21 2,233,018 2,233,018 1.00 2,233,018 1 0.03% 23,629,203$ 23,629,203$ 23,629,203$ 1 0.27% (1)(2) December 31, 2021 (1) Weighted average life - For purposes of calculating weighted average life, bank accounts, pools and money market funds are assumed to have an one day maturity. (2) Weighted average yield to maturity - The weighted average yield to maturity is based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses and investment advisory fees are not considered. The yield for the reporting month is used for bank accounts, pools and money market funds. (3) Effective Blended Rate - Stated Earnings Credit Rate (0.70%) and GAIC Interest Rate (0.40%) adjusted for Balance Assessment fee and then calculated as a Weighted Average Yield. Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.3 14 Demand Accounts 21% MMA/MMF/LGIP 79% Portfolio Composition $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 Total Portfolio (Millions) Quarter End Book Value 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Total Portfolio Performance TexPool Weighted Average Yield Rolling 6 Month T-Bill $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 Distribution by Maturity (Millions) Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.4 15 Book & Market Value Comparison Issuer/Description Yield Maturity Date Book Value 09/30/21 Increases Decreases Book Value 12/31/21 Market Value 09/30/21 Change in Market Value Market Value 12/31/21 Wells Fargo - Cash (3)0.21%01/01/22 3,384,294$ 1,532,910$ –$ 4,917,204$ 3,384,294$ 1,532,910$ 4,917,204$ InterBank Money Market Account 0.45%01/01/22 249,092 3 – 249,095 249,092 3 249,095 InterBank IntraFi MMA 0.45%01/01/22 12,014,725 – (1,218,090) 10,796,636 12,014,725 (1,218,090) 10,796,636 TexPool LGIP 0.04%01/01/22 2,395,654 3,037,596 – 5,433,250 2,395,654 3,037,596 5,433,250 TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't 0.03%01/01/22 2,180,748 52,270 – 2,233,018 2,180,748 52,270 2,233,018 TOTAL / AVERAGE 0.27%20,224,513$ 4,622,780$ (1,218,090)$ 23,629,203$ 20,224,513$ 3,404,690$ 23,629,203$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.5 16 Allocation December 31, 2021 Book & Market Value Total General Fund CARES Funds Debt Service Storm Drainage Utility Hotel Occupancy Tax Parkland Dedication 2017 CO Bond Funds 2021 CO Bond Funds CIP Funds Wells Fargo - Cash 4,917,204$ 3,306,430$ 1,568,000$ –$ –$ 42,775$ –$ –$ –$ –$ InterBank Money Market 249,095 124,548 – – – – – 124,548 – InterBank IntraFi MMA 10,796,636 4,882,259 – – – – – 914,376 4,500,000 500,000 TexPool LGIP 5,433,250 2,149,542 – 1,782,485 1,021,712 – – – – – TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't 2,233,018 – – – – 1,757,116 475,902 – – – Total 23,629,203$ 10,462,779$ 1,568,000$ 1,782,485$ 1,021,712$ 1,799,890$ 475,902$ 1,038,924$ 4,500,000$ 500,000$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.6 17 Allocation September 30, 2021 Book & Market Value Total General Fund CARES Funds Debt Service Storm Drainage Utility Hotel Occupancy Tax Parkland Dedication 2017 CO Bond Funds Wells Fargo - Cash 3,384,294$ 1,666,261$ 1,673,792$ –$ –$ 44,241$ –$ –$ InterBank Money Market 249,092 124,546 – – – – – 124,546 InterBank IntraFi MMA 12,014,725 6,076,006 – – – – – 5,938,720 TexPool LGIP 2,395,654 762,942 – 419,523 903,360 – – – TexasCLASS LGIP-Gov't 2,180,748 – – – – 1,644,746 536,001 – Total 20,224,513$ 8,629,755$ 1,673,792$ 419,523$ 903,360$ 1,688,987$ 536,001$ 6,063,266$ Town of Trophy Club Valley View Consulting, L.L.C.7 18 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Tony Jaramillo, Director of Parks and Recreation CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Beer and Wine sales at the first annual Taste of Trophy Club Event Town Council Meeting, February 22, 2022 Agenda Item: Discuss and take action regarding authority to sell beer and wine by Shannon Brewery and Two Brothers Winery during the Taste of Trophy Club event scheduled April 30, 2022, at Independence Park East pursuant to town ordinance section 14.02.252 (J) (1) (T. Jaramillo) Strategic Link: Nature & Beautification – Maintain Town assets, services and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. Background and Explanation: Requesting authorization for the sale of beer and wine at the first annual Taste of Trophy Club event at Independence Park East located at 500 Parkview Drive in Trophy Club. The beer and wine sales will be through a third party, the beer will be sold by Shannon Brewery, Mr. Shannon Carter is a Trophy Club resident and graciously accepted being our beer vendor for our event. Two Brothers Winery will be our wine vendor. The beer and wine sales will be in an area depicted in exhibit A from 6PM to 10PM on April 30, 2022. The beer and wine point of sales will be at the Independence Park East concessions facility. Temporary fencing will be installed in various areas of the park and will be considered a controlled area. 19 Page 2 of 2 Financial Considerations: N/A Legal Review: The Town Attorney reviewed the town ordinance section 14.02.252 (J) (1). To approve the sale of alcohol in the area depicted in Exhibit A, the motion would need to be “I move to approve the sale of beer by Shannon Brewery and the sale of wine by Two Brothers Winery in the area depicted in exhibit A from 6PM to 10PM on April 30, 2022, located at Independence Park East. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Staff met with the Parks and Recreation Board on November 8, 2021, and proposed implementing a new Town event, Taste of Trophy Club. Staff received recommendation from the board to seek the opportunity for food, beer, and wine sales at the Taste of Trophy Club. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of beer and wine sales by Shannon Brewery and Two Brothers Winery at Independence Park East on April 30, 2022, from 6PM – 10PM. Attachments:  Exhibit A 20 Staff/Vendor Parking 21 Future Agenda Items February 22, 2022 Future Agenda Items will be divided into 3 Categories: 1) Current listing of all future agenda items requested by Council that have not been addressed. 2) Items that have been researched and are scheduled for a report to Council (first 2-4 weeks). 3) Items that Council has requested additional research/staff time on and will be brought back for public discussion at a Council Meeting. Council will be provided updates on items that require significant time. The Future Agenda Items list will be placed on the Council Meeting agenda to provide a status on all items. The current list will be reviewed and as items are completed; said items will be removed. The Council may add items as needed to the list. 1) Receive an update regarding Entryway Monumentation/Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. Two Landscape Architects have been selected from the RFQs received. The Art Subcommittee received presentations from both firms earlier today (2/22) and will decide which firm to negotiate a contract. An RFQ for Statues was posted with a deadline of March 11, 2022. We are working on an Agreement with the Byron Nelson Foundation to secure permission to display a statue of Byron Nelson. Staff has contacted all sculptors that have created statues of the 3 golfers – Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan and Kathy Whitworth – and we do have participation from at least two of them so far. 2) Develop a Strategic Plan for the Town addressing future goals with budgetary needs for each department. Staff participated in Strategic Management Training in September. A Council Retreat in January identified the Mission, Vision, Focus Areas and Objectives for the next 2-3 years. A Director’s Retreat is scheduled for March 23-24. Staff will develop departmental goals based on key areas identified at the Council Retreat and skills learned in the Strategic Management Training. 3) Modifying the Existing Veteran’s Memorial to include “Space Force”. Staff has approved the new Space Force plaque and is working with Ft. Worth Monuments to update the Veteran’s Park Towers. The new POW/MIA monument is expected to take 6-10 months for completion. Parks Staff is in planning process to add a disabled ramp at the Park. 4) Discuss item related to “Adopted Ordinances” to be on Next Meeting’s Consent Section. Adopted Ordinances can be attached to the Future Agenda Items List or placed under the Consent Agenda. Revised by: L. Vacek February 17, 2022 22