Town Council Minutes 01/15/22TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING RETREAT MINUTES Saturday, January 15, 2022 The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Special Session Meeting on January 15, 2022, at 9 AM. The meeting was held at Aloft Hotel, Tactic A, 96 Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 Jeff Beach Council Member, Place 2 Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 LuAnne Oldham Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Cox Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Debra Edmonson Senior Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 9:08 am with a quorum present. INVOCATION Director of Parks & Recreation delivered the Invocation. PLEDGES Council Member Beach led the pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Governance Vacek confirmed nobody had registered. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Take appropriate action to ratify purchase order 22-00083 for the replacement of the Community Development truck in the amount of $28,050. (M. Cox) 2. Take appropriate action to approve purchase order 22-00041 or the replacement of the Facilities Maintenance truck in the amount of $36,979. (M. Cox) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve consent Items 1 and 2. Council Member Beach seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None 1 COUNCIL RETREAT/GOAL SETTING SESSION 3. Discussion of the Town of Trophy Club's strategic direction for next 3-5 years. (W. Carroll a) Development of the Town's Vision and Mission Statements and to define strategic focus areas. b) Budgetary Update and discussion of future budgetary strategy c) Discussion of American Rescue Plan Act funding strategy d) Discussion of Citizen Survey driven projects Town Manager Carroll noted the items to be discussed under Item 3 and began with the Town's Vision and Mission Statements Discussion ensued on the Town's current Mission Statement concerning attracting more visitors. Council Member Oldham recommended installing digital entrances at Trophy Club Parks make the entrances more attractive and bring in day residents. Mayor Fleury recommended attracting Motocross Races and mentioned the great individual videos created for each Park. Council Member Shoffner recommended adding in the designation of Golfing. A discussion was held relating to a residential and recreational community. Council Member Beach recommended removing the word "vision" and replacing it with "enhance". Council Member Monger recommended the statement begin with the word "Ensuring". A recommendation was made to remove the words "property owners" and add "Community Based Organizations". Also discussed was; "Serving the Community" by collaborating, supporting, and productively promoting interest and prioritizing. Mr. Carroll stated that he would provide the Council updated Vision and Mission Statements based on Council input. The retreat was recessed at 10:15 am for a break. The retreat reconvened at 10:35 am. At this time, Mr. Carroll reviewed the following focus areas of: Safety & Security; Infrastructure & Development; Nature & Beautification, Administrative & Financial Services and Employee Development. He asked the Mayor and Council to participate in an exercise providing by placing what each would like to see under each focus area. SAFETY & SECURITY Maintain Safest City & ISO 1 Designations Community Outreach Continuing High Levels of Training State of the Art Plan for Maximum Staffing Maintain Current Levels and Plan for Maximum Staffing Systematically Reduce Response Time (EMT) Mayor Fleury and Council Member Shoffner spoke of the importance of continued Police Officer Training. INFTRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT Traffic Planning not just Intersections Emphasize the permitting process and work towards a friendly process Ease the remodeling permit process while ensuring safety Continue addressing aging infrastructure of drainage and streets, etc... Maintain roads; focus on panel replacements instead of full replacement Drainage Improvements/Pedestrian Pathways Flood Engineering Review Fencing requirements Maintain TC Roads, trails, and pathways Plan for Redevelopment Encourage Wireless Mayor Fleury and Mayor Pro Tern Lamont recommended videos on Pedestrian Safety. Council Member Shoffner recommended continuing to maintain streets with panel replacement. Council Member Monger asked that Trophy Club Trails located off Durango be maintained and to provide a replacement plan for the trails. Mayor Fleury mentioned the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee's purpose and forthcoming recommendation would help to fulfil same. Council Member Oldham commented on 2 the 7,000 people that Schwab Headquarters will hire and to begin looking at ways to mitigate traffic congestion on Bobcat Blvd. Mr. Carroll mentioned his meeting with Denton County Commissioner Dianne Edmondson to assist with Bond Funds for a roundabout at Bobcat. A discussion was held on altering school hours to help alleviate traffic congestion. With regards to drainage, Council Member Shoffner stated he is not a fan of drainage studies as they are expensive and very little is done to rectify the situation after the study has been performed. Council Member Sheridan recommended reviewing all Zoning for areas that are 5 to 15 years old and asked of other technology other than fiber. Mayor Fleury thanked the Development Services Department Staff for changing the culture to date. She mentioned she has had two different developers compliment the great service provided. ADMINISTRATIVE & FINANCIAL SERVICES Work the Budget not the Tax Rate Reduce the Tax Rate Streamline the Budget Find new Revenue Sources not a reduction in service Develop a Plan to attract more businesses Consider long term; cannot keeping reducing taxes without a reduction in service. Give more detailed financial reporting to Council — Monthly Keep service levels the same but continue to improve Plan on Absorbing the MUD Continue seeking grant opportunities Mayor Pro Tern Lamont discussed cutting taxes as valuations and assessments keep increasing. Mayor Fleury stressed the importance of projecting long-term for the Town. Council Member Oldham recommended reviewing projections 3-5 years out before deciding to reduce. Council Member Monger stated the tax rate should be the lowest possible in order to run the Town. Council Member Shoffner stated the importance of reviewing each department to see what can be removed, implemented for efficiencies. He commented on Town Governance Officer Vacek for bringing in the innovative agenda software program that is costing less than the previous legacy system. Mayor Fleury recommended grant funding be a priority for the Town. Mr. Carroll stated that Ms. Otterson is reviewing all available grants for the Town. Council Member Shoffner complimented the Town's departments working collaboratively with the Town Manager and exclaimed how refreshing it was that staff are listening. Finance Manager Erwin noted the budget is being streamlined for Council. NATURE & BEAUTIFICATION/RECREATION Maintain Streets & Medians Trophy Club Park Improvements Create/Promote more Park activities Disc Golf Tournaments (National Association to endorse our Course) Promote and Enhance Trophy Club Parks Promote Town Assets; promote more use by Residents/None-residents Brand Plan and promote events to increase hotel stays Utilize volunteer and high school students looking to fulfill service hours Track usage by residents and non-residents The Council discussed hosting fishing and kayaking tournaments. Mayor Fleury recommended renegotiating the lease with the Corp of Engineers/Federal Government. The road was discussed and Mr. Carroll stated that there are 2 years left on the Park Lease and the Government is ready for the negotiation phase as they do not want this area. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont recommended making it a Regional Park in conjunction with Southlake and Roanoke. Council Member Shoffner mentioned the importance of staying in control by not giving that up. Council Member Oldham stated if the Town releases control and allows the Government to drive the negotiations, the Town would lose as the Government has professionals in this arena. Mayor Fleury suggested a specialized professional for this project. Mr. Carroll discussed the Youth Sports Contracts within the Town Parks. Council Member Shoffner asked how much involvement in the Community the Town has with the Soccer, Baseball, etc... and what is the cost for the Town to maintain the medians versus the Park areas. Council Member Shoffner recommended outsourcing as much as possible and utilize volunteers to mow, etc... Parks & Recreation Director Jaramillo stated the staff do a great job at the Parks and that a Volunteer Group is being created that would become a non-profit like TCEVA to help with events and seek grants. Mayor Fleury and the Council praised Mr. Jaramillo and his team. Mayor Fleury added that the Parks Team is the Backbone to Trophy Club. 3 The meeting was recessed for lunch at 12 noon. The meeting was reconvened at 1:10 pm. EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT Flexibility Mindset to look forward and be prepared Training focus to develop potential and increase longevity Set up opportunities for employees and residents to interact Training Toastmasters Build Leaders Feature employees to the Residents Set employees up for future success A discussion was held on training staff for the unexpected as well as setting up all employees for success. Council Member Shoffner recommended bridging staff with the Community. It was stated that at this time, staff is lean but do not want to become too lean to where staff begins to leave. A recommendation was made to have Town Staff give a short presentation at Rotary on "What I Do for the Town". A discussion followed regarding increasing longevity, staying flexible, providing training as well as having a two-way respectful relationship when supporting each other as a Team. A discussion was held on the Capital Replacement Fund, Big Picture Budgeting, Fire and Police Departments. Finance Manager Erwin presented various scenarios regarding the financial aspect of the Town. A discussion was held on adding two Police Officers within the next 2 years and adding three firefighters with the assistance of a grant. A discussion was held on the American Rescue Plan Act Funds and Mr. Carroll covered the projected build -out to 2025. Staff received direction on a grant application for the Fire Department, which will be placed on the next agenda. Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting to go into Executive Session at 4:19 pm. 4. Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act). Section 551.074 Personnel Matters a) Discussion and possible action on the creation of a Community Development Council Subcommittee and subsequent appointment of Council Members as appropriate. b) Discussion of the Mayor's candidate for open position son the citizens Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee for possible approval by full Council. The Council reconvened into open session at 4:53 pm. No action was taken on Item 4a. With regards to Item 4b, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to appoint Connie White to the Citizen's Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 4:54 pm. A del eti ' VVaacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Governance Officer 4