12.13.2021- Complete Agenda PacketTown of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda Packet Town Council 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 December 13, 2021 7:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ NOTE: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL RETURN TO TUESDAYS FOR 2022 ­ Mayor Fleury INVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church   PLEDGES led by Council Member Monger Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT(S) This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to the Council. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing the Speaker’s Form or you may also email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1.Update on Veteran’s Memorial Park. (W. Carroll) 2.Update on Blood Drive to be held December 15, 2021 at Town Hall. (W. Carroll)  3.Update on Wreaths Across America Mission to be held December 18, 2021. (W. Carroll)  CONSENT AGENDA 4.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2021. (L. Vacek)  5.Take appropriate action on authorizing an agreement for creek inspections and creek maintenance between the Town of Trophy Club and Latour Tree Service for a fee not to exceed $40,000. (M. Cox) 6.Take appropriate action to approve a Professional Services Agreement with HE Planning+Design, LLC for on­call planning services for the Town, for a fee not to exceed $25,000.00. (M. Cox) 7.Case TUP 21­001 (PD­30 Lot 2) Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2021­18 for a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer on Trophy Town Center Addition Block A Lot 2, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 100 feet north of SH 114, currently zoned PD­30, Planned Development.  (M. Cox) INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 8.Presentation by OneSource for Fiber Project. (W. Carroll) 9.Take appropriate action on the Contract Renewal for Audio­Visual Services with Five Stone Creative for Creative Media Management and Video Production Services. (J. Lind)  10.Case SUP 21­006 (Pet Bar – located at PD­30/Town Center) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request by Pet Bar for a Specific Use Permit at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located at the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and SH 114 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, currently zoned PD­30, Planned Development. (M. Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­27 to approve a Specific Use Permit for Pet Bar at Trophy Club Town Center. (M. Cox) 11.Case PD 21­003 (The Trophy Townhomes – 401 Trophy Wood Drive) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, Planned Development. (M. Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­25 to approve the rezoning for a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots.  (M. Cox) 12.Case PP 21­2007 (The Trophy Townhomes Preliminary Plat) Take appropriate action to approve the request for a Preliminary Plat consisting of seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, Planned Development.  (M. Cox) 13.Case PD­21­004 (Beck Townhomes East of Bobcat Blvd & North of BNHS) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to 35 townhome lots along with open space lots on two tracts totaling approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas currently zoned MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District. (M.Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­28 for the request to rezone approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School from MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 35 townhomes. (M. Cox)  14.Approve date for Trophy Club Retreat on January 8, 2022 and the 2022 Trophy Club Town Council Regular Meeting Calendar every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays with exceptions denoted. (L. Vacek)  15.Take appropriate action to create a Joint Municipal Project Subcommittee of Two Council Members and an Alternate appointed by the Mayor for the purpose of collaborating on joint projects related to the Municipal Utility District. (Mayor Fleury) 16.Take appropriate action to Appoint Two members to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee to replace newly­elected Council Members Jeff Beach and LuAnne Oldham. (Mayor Fleury).  17.Future Agenda Items List. (W. Carroll) EXECUTIVE SESSION 18.Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act).  Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney – Litigation filed by Steve Norwood. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 19.Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, December 10, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC, CMC, MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 1 Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketTown Council 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas76262December 13, 2021 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ NOTE: REGULAR COUNCILMEETINGS WILL RETURN TO TUESDAYS FOR 2022 ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church  PLEDGES led by Council Member MongerPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENT(S)This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to the Council.Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakershave up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer.Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing theSpeaker’s Form or you may also email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS1.Update on Veteran’s Memorial Park. (W. Carroll)2.Update on Blood Drive to be held December 15, 2021 at Town Hall. (W. Carroll) 3.Update on Wreaths Across America Mission to be held December 18, 2021. (W. Carroll)  CONSENT AGENDA 4.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2021. (L. Vacek)  5.Take appropriate action on authorizing an agreement for creek inspections and creek maintenance between the Town of Trophy Club and Latour Tree Service for a fee not to exceed $40,000. (M. Cox) 6.Take appropriate action to approve a Professional Services Agreement with HE Planning+Design, LLC for on­call planning services for the Town, for a fee not to exceed $25,000.00. (M. Cox) 7.Case TUP 21­001 (PD­30 Lot 2) Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2021­18 for a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer on Trophy Town Center Addition Block A Lot 2, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 100 feet north of SH 114, currently zoned PD­30, Planned Development.  (M. Cox) INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 8.Presentation by OneSource for Fiber Project. (W. Carroll) 9.Take appropriate action on the Contract Renewal for Audio­Visual Services with Five Stone Creative for Creative Media Management and Video Production Services. (J. Lind)  10.Case SUP 21­006 (Pet Bar – located at PD­30/Town Center) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request by Pet Bar for a Specific Use Permit at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located at the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and SH 114 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, currently zoned PD­30, Planned Development. (M. Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­27 to approve a Specific Use Permit for Pet Bar at Trophy Club Town Center. (M. Cox) 11.Case PD 21­003 (The Trophy Townhomes – 401 Trophy Wood Drive) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, Planned Development. (M. Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­25 to approve the rezoning for a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots.  (M. Cox) 12.Case PP 21­2007 (The Trophy Townhomes Preliminary Plat) Take appropriate action to approve the request for a Preliminary Plat consisting of seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, Planned Development.  (M. Cox) 13.Case PD­21­004 (Beck Townhomes East of Bobcat Blvd & North of BNHS) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to 35 townhome lots along with open space lots on two tracts totaling approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas currently zoned MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District. (M.Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­28 for the request to rezone approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School from MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 35 townhomes. (M. Cox)  14.Approve date for Trophy Club Retreat on January 8, 2022 and the 2022 Trophy Club Town Council Regular Meeting Calendar every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays with exceptions denoted. (L. Vacek)  15.Take appropriate action to create a Joint Municipal Project Subcommittee of Two Council Members and an Alternate appointed by the Mayor for the purpose of collaborating on joint projects related to the Municipal Utility District. (Mayor Fleury) 16.Take appropriate action to Appoint Two members to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee to replace newly­elected Council Members Jeff Beach and LuAnne Oldham. (Mayor Fleury).  17.Future Agenda Items List. (W. Carroll) EXECUTIVE SESSION 18.Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act).  Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney – Litigation filed by Steve Norwood. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 19.Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, December 10, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC, CMC, MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 2 Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketTown Council 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas76262December 13, 2021 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ NOTE: REGULAR COUNCILMEETINGS WILL RETURN TO TUESDAYS FOR 2022 ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church  PLEDGES led by Council Member MongerPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENT(S)This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to the Council.Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakershave up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer.Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing theSpeaker’s Form or you may also email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS1.Update on Veteran’s Memorial Park. (W. Carroll)2.Update on Blood Drive to be held December 15, 2021 at Town Hall. (W. Carroll) 3.Update on Wreaths Across America Mission to be held December 18, 2021. (W.Carroll) CONSENT AGENDA4.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes ofNovember 11, 2021. (L. Vacek) 5.Take appropriate action on authorizing an agreement for creek inspections and creekmaintenance between the Town of Trophy Club and Latour Tree Service for a fee notto exceed $40,000. (M. Cox)6.Take appropriate action to approve a Professional Services Agreement with HEPlanning+Design, LLC for on­call planning services for the Town, for a fee not toexceed $25,000.00. (M. Cox)7.Case TUP 21­001 (PD­30 Lot 2)Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2021­18 for a request for a TemporaryUse Permit to allow a construction trailer on Trophy Town Center Addition Block A Lot2, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive andapproximately 100 feet north of SH 114, currently zoned PD­30, PlannedDevelopment.  (M. Cox)INDIVIDUAL ITEMS8.Presentation by OneSource for Fiber Project. (W. Carroll)9.Take appropriate action on the Contract Renewal for Audio­Visual Services with FiveStone Creative for Creative Media Management and Video Production Services. (J.Lind) 10.Case SUP 21­006 (Pet Bar – located at PD­30/Town Center)a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request by Pet Bar for a Specific UsePermit at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located at the northeast corner ofTrophy Club Drive and SH 114 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas,currently zoned PD­30, Planned Development. (M. Cox)b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­27 to approve a Specific UsePermit for Pet Bar at Trophy Club Town Center. (M. Cox)11.Case PD 21­003 (The Trophy Townhomes – 401 Trophy Wood Drive)a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a PlannedDevelopment for up to seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot andone common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, TrophyWood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, Planned Development. (M. Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­25 to approve the rezoning for a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots.  (M. Cox) 12.Case PP 21­2007 (The Trophy Townhomes Preliminary Plat) Take appropriate action to approve the request for a Preliminary Plat consisting of seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, Planned Development.  (M. Cox) 13.Case PD­21­004 (Beck Townhomes East of Bobcat Blvd & North of BNHS) a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to 35 townhome lots along with open space lots on two tracts totaling approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas currently zoned MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District. (M.Cox) b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­28 for the request to rezone approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School from MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 35 townhomes. (M. Cox)  14.Approve date for Trophy Club Retreat on January 8, 2022 and the 2022 Trophy Club Town Council Regular Meeting Calendar every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays with exceptions denoted. (L. Vacek)  15.Take appropriate action to create a Joint Municipal Project Subcommittee of Two Council Members and an Alternate appointed by the Mayor for the purpose of collaborating on joint projects related to the Municipal Utility District. (Mayor Fleury) 16.Take appropriate action to Appoint Two members to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee to replace newly­elected Council Members Jeff Beach and LuAnne Oldham. (Mayor Fleury).  17.Future Agenda Items List. (W. Carroll) EXECUTIVE SESSION 18.Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act).  Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney – Litigation filed by Steve Norwood. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 19.Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, December 10, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC, CMC, MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 3 Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketTown Council 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas76262December 13, 2021 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM ­ NOTE: REGULAR COUNCILMEETINGS WILL RETURN TO TUESDAYS FOR 2022 ­ Mayor FleuryINVOCATION led by Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church  PLEDGES led by Council Member MongerPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENT(S)This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Councilis not permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to the Council.Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakershave up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer.Each speaker must have submitted their request to speak by completing theSpeaker’s Form or you may also email mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS1.Update on Veteran’s Memorial Park. (W. Carroll)2.Update on Blood Drive to be held December 15, 2021 at Town Hall. (W. Carroll) 3.Update on Wreaths Across America Mission to be held December 18, 2021. (W.Carroll) CONSENT AGENDA4.Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes ofNovember 11, 2021. (L. Vacek) 5.Take appropriate action on authorizing an agreement for creek inspections and creekmaintenance between the Town of Trophy Club and Latour Tree Service for a fee notto exceed $40,000. (M. Cox)6.Take appropriate action to approve a Professional Services Agreement with HEPlanning+Design, LLC for on­call planning services for the Town, for a fee not toexceed $25,000.00. (M. Cox)7.Case TUP 21­001 (PD­30 Lot 2)Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2021­18 for a request for a TemporaryUse Permit to allow a construction trailer on Trophy Town Center Addition Block A Lot2, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive andapproximately 100 feet north of SH 114, currently zoned PD­30, PlannedDevelopment.  (M. Cox)INDIVIDUAL ITEMS8.Presentation by OneSource for Fiber Project. (W. Carroll)9.Take appropriate action on the Contract Renewal for Audio­Visual Services with FiveStone Creative for Creative Media Management and Video Production Services. (J.Lind) 10.Case SUP 21­006 (Pet Bar – located at PD­30/Town Center)a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request by Pet Bar for a Specific UsePermit at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located at the northeast corner ofTrophy Club Drive and SH 114 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas,currently zoned PD­30, Planned Development. (M. Cox)b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­27 to approve a Specific UsePermit for Pet Bar at Trophy Club Town Center. (M. Cox)11.Case PD 21­003 (The Trophy Townhomes – 401 Trophy Wood Drive)a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a PlannedDevelopment for up to seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot andone common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, TrophyWood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currentlyzoned PD­25, Planned Development. (M. Cox)b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­25 to approve the rezoning for aPlanned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots.  (M. Cox)12.Case PP 21­2007 (The Trophy Townhomes Preliminary Plat)Take appropriate action to approve the request for a Preliminary Plat consisting ofseven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common privatestreet lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center,an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in theTown of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD­25, PlannedDevelopment.  (M. Cox)13.Case PD­21­004 (Beck Townhomes East of Bobcat Blvd & North of BNHS)a.  Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a PlannedDevelopment for up to 35 townhome lots along with open space lots on two tractstotaling approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of ByronNelson High School in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas currentlyzoned MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District.(M.Cox)b.  Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021­28 for the request to rezoneapproximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron NelsonHigh School from MH, HUD­Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized HousingDistrict to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 35 townhomes. (M. Cox) 14.Approve date for Trophy Club Retreat on January 8, 2022 and the 2022 Trophy ClubTown Council Regular Meeting Calendar every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays with exceptionsdenoted. (L. Vacek) 15.Take appropriate action to create a Joint Municipal Project Subcommittee of TwoCouncil Members and an Alternate appointed by the Mayor for the purpose ofcollaborating on joint projects related to the Municipal Utility District. (Mayor Fleury)16.Take appropriate action to Appoint Two members to the Connectivity Ad HocCommittee to replace newly­elected Council Members Jeff Beach and LuAnneOldham. (Mayor Fleury). 17.Future Agenda Items List. (W. Carroll)EXECUTIVE SESSION18.Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code,Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act). Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney – Litigation filed by Steve Norwood. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 19.Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. ADJOURN One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, December 10, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC, CMC, MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682­237­2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. 4 1 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES Thursday, November 11, 2021; 7 PM The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Meeting on Thursday, November 11, 2021. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 Jeff Beach Council Member, Place 2 Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 LuAnne Oldham Council Member, Place 5 TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Cox Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Jill Lind Communications & Marketing Manager CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm with a quorum present. It was noted that Council Member Shoffner would not be in attendance as he was on a business trip. Mayor Fleury stated a lovely ceremony was held this morning at the Veterans Memorial Park, honoring all Veterans. Mayor Fleury expressed how proud she is to live in a community where nearly 8% of the Town’s population are Veterans, and for the blessings of raising children in a community where they are surrounded by veterans and their families. She stated that our children are taught of the sacrifices made and that freedom does not come free. Mayor Fleury also shared that her oldest son checked-in this week with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines and believes with all her heart that Trophy Club is a shining example of how the military and veterans should be respected, honored, and remembered. Mayor Fleury recognized the veterans and their families in attendance and thanked everyone for their service and for our freedom. INVOCATION Pastor Barry Clingan, The Church at Trophy Lakes, delivered the Invocation, praying for all to acknowledge the good gifts from above, and that many blessings be bestowed upon Trophy Club, the Town Staff, and Mayor and Council, acknowledging the two new council members be given time and wisdom as they serve the Town. He asked everyone to be mindful and thankful for all the men and women who have served or serving in our Armed Forces. He asked that the business conducted tonight be done with excellence and to remember to love one another before all things. PLEDGES Council Member Sheridan led the pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag. Mayor Fleury announced Item #1 would be addressed to welcome the two new Council Members. CANVASS RESULTS OF THE NOVEMBER 2, 2021 SPECIAL ELECTION 1. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021-26 canvassing the results of the November 2, 2021 Special Election. (L. Vacek) 5 2 Town Governance Officer Vacek read the final results received from Denton County and Tarrant County for the November 2, 2021 Special Election. The total number of votes cast were 1,023 votes, with 992 Denton County Voters and 31 Tarrant County Voters. CUMULATIVE ELECTION TOTALS DENTON COUNTY BALLOTS CAST TARRANT COUNTY BALLOTS CAST TOTAL BALLOTS CAST Special Election 992 31 1,023 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB - COUNCILMEMBER PLACE 2 FOR AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING MAY 2023 NAME OF CANDIDATE: TOTAL # OF CAST VOTES (DENTON) TOTAL # OF CAST VOTES (TARRANT) TOTAL NUMBER OF CAST VOTES Jeff Beach 626 19 645 Mike Roberts 333 9 342 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB - COUNCILMEMBER PLACE 5 FOR AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING MAY 2022 NAME OF CANDIDATE: TOTAL # OF CAST VOTES (DENTON) TOTAL # OF CAST VOTES (TARRANT) TOTAL NUMBER OF CAST VOTES Ron Sheehan 423 13 436 LuAnne Oldham 569 18 587 She stated that the newly-elected Councilmember for Place 2 (Term ends May, 2023) is Jeff Beach with 645 votes and for Councilmember Place 5 (Terms ends May, 2022) is LuAnne Oldham with 587 votes. Ms. Vacek added that the detailed results of the Special Election were distributed and copies are provided at the registration table of the Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-26 canvassing the results of the November 2, 2021 Special Election as read by the Town Governance Officer. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Monger, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mrs. Vacek noted that she administered the Official Statement and Oath of Office to Jeff Beach and LuAnne Oldham. a) Administer Statement of Elected Officer and Oath of Office to Council Member-Elect Place 2 Jeff Beach, and Council Member-Elect Place 5 LuAnne Oldham. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury ceremonially administered the Oath to Jeff Beach and LuAnne Oldham individually. b) Present Certificate of Election to Council Member Jeff Beach and Council Member LuAnne Oldham. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury presented the Certificates of Election to Council Member Jeff Beach and Council Member LuAnne Oldham. At this time; Mayor Fleury addressed Item 14. 6 3 PROCLAMATION(S) 14. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-31 proclaiming Karl Monger as the 2021 Recipient of the Congressional Veteran Commendation Award. (Mayor Fleury) Council Member Sheridan read Proclamation 2021-31 into the record. Council Member Sheridan moved to approve Proclamation 2021-31. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Oldham, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner ABSTAIN: Monger Mr. Jim Parrow shared the history of Council Member Karl Monger’s achievements, which include Founder and Executive Director of GallantFew. With Council Member Monger’s leadership, GallantFew has helped transition over 1,000 warriors back into society to live productive, peaceful, and happy lives; a difficult task after being in a combat environment. Mr. Parrow stated that Council Member Monger produced an award winning film in 2015 entitled “Prisoner of War” that reveals what an interrogation looks like when an American POW is tortured by the enemy and taken prisoner. Council Member Monger also created a physical fitness program called “Run Ranger Run” to help raise funds to aid Veterans. He is also a published author of a book called “Common Sense Transition” that has helped bring transitioning troops back into the fold and address Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Traumatic Brain Injury, which can make lives very challenging as well as address the suicide rate. Council Member Monger is also a member of the Rotary Club and Metroport Chamber of Commerce, and served as the Executive Director of Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and serves on the US Army Rangers Board of Directors. Mr. Parrow shared that Council Member Monger is not just a Councilman, but also a man who puts others before himself and living for others to the best of his ability. He thanked and saluted Council Member Monger. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont said that it is an honor and privilege to know Council Member Monger. Council Member Monger recognized Council Member Sheridan as the 2020 Congressional Recipient and thanked him for his moving speech presented at the Veteran’s Day Ceremony earlier this morning. He thanked Council Member Sheridan and the Vietnam Veterans for their service and welcomed them home. Council Member Sheridan thanked everyone for their comments and reminded everyone it was time to give back to the Community and to remember the young men and women serving now. Mr. PK Kelly, 2617 Peachleaf Lane, Flower Mound, said he has known Council Member Monger for over 10 years, and could personally say that without him, he would not be where he was in life now and expressed his appreciation and love for him. Zachary Savalas, 2500 State Highway 121, stated he has known Council Member Monger for 7 years and he was privileged to have worked with Council Member Sheridan on submitting the nomination for Council Member Monger. He shared that with the help of Council Member Monger and the non-profit, GallantFew, he was brought out of a very dark place and now, has full custody of his daughter. He attributed his success to Council Member Monger as he has seen a tremendous amount of empathy and love exhibited to others by Council Member Monger. He added that he considers Council Member Monger a Father figure and will emulate him the rest of his life. He also shared that without Council Member Monger, he would be homeless and sleeping in his truck. Lastly, he expressed his gratitude and his love for him for all he has done. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary Vacek confirmed one speaker had signed up for Public Comment. Jennifer Olson, 340 Inverness Drive, Trophy Club, expressed her disappointment in the manner that the Town has handled some resident driven issues. She stated the Town-Wide Camera System has been approved in a manner designed to ensure there were no naysayers as well as no public input. She shared that she submitted an Open Records Request and after reading the emails, listening to audio recordings, observing last minute punitive changes to agendas and an in-person conversation, she did not think the Town believes the residents here really matter. She stated many believe the installation would be a violation of their Civil Liberties and felt the Town knows that but did not want to hear input. Ms. Olson also stated she is committed to encouraging residents to pay attention to what happens inside the Council Room. While Trophy Club Council Members receive no pay and volunteer to provide a public service, it appears that some Council Members have 7 4 partnered with Town Personnel to approve their pet projects. She questioned if Council were volunteering for all the right or wrong reasons. She reported that Trophy Club has a history of legal battles, with another that has landed at their doorstep, and hopes with the addition of the 2 new Council Members that Council would represent the people who live here, not the people who work here. CONSENT AGENDA 2. Take appropriate action to approve the Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2021. (L. Vacek) 3. Take appropriate action to accept the Fourth Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2021. (M. Erwin) 4. Take appropriate action to repeal Resolution 2020-20 and approve Resolution 2021-16 providing for a new Investment Policy for the Town of Trophy Club. (M. Erwin) 5. Take appropriate action regarding the waiving of penalties and interest on Account #726658DEN in the amount of $346.57 in penalties and $115.53 in interest. (M. Erwin) 6. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2021-17 amending Resolution 2020-09 by updating the Designated Grantee’s Name and Title of Wade Carroll as Town Manager and providing for a commitment of matching funds, if necessary, for the Drug Interdiction and Juvenile Resource Officer Program. (P. Arata) 7. Take appropriate action to approve the Baseball, Football, and Soccer Sports Agreements. (W. Carroll) 8. Take appropriate action to award a bid to Pyrotex for the 2022 Fourth of July Firework Show in the amount of $25,000 authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute related documents. (T. Jaramillo) 9. Take appropriate action to approve a bid for Irrigation Supplies with SiteOne Landscape Supply in the amount of $42,500 and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute related documents. (T. Jaramillo) Mayor Pro Tem Lamont requested Item 7 be removed. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. Council Member Beach requested Item 2 also be removed. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont amended his motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Council Member Beach pointed out a typo on page 4 of the October 25 minutes where the phrase reads, “Could Member Sheridan” which should be revised to, “Council Member Sheridan”. Council Member Beach moved to approve minutes with said revision. Council Member Sheridan seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to approve the Soccer and Football Sports Agreements as presented. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner 8 5 Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to approve the Baseball Sports Agreement with the following change: Section 4.8 A; to change the word “controlled” to “held”. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mayor Fleury addressed the Announcements and Reports at this time. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 10. Business Spotlight – Blue 22 Sports Grill; Mrs. Vee Graham. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury welcomed Blue 22 Owners McKenzie and Veronique Graham. They thanked Mayor Fleury and the Council for spotlighting their Mom and Pop establishment, noting they’re opening today and looked forward to providing a special event next year to honor Veteran’s Day. He shared his personal gratitude to the Town of Trophy Club, Fire Chief Taylor, Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Cochran, Mayor Fleury and many others who helped their restaurant become a reality. He stated they are 2-year Trophy Club Residents and take pride in providing great food, an awesome atmosphere, and exceptional hospitality. They serve excellent cheeseburgers, sandwiches, fresh salads, while showcasing their unique pizza crust, a homemade burger sauce, and an outstanding prime rib that equals that from a high-end steak house. Mayor Fleury commented on patrons able to view the kitchen when walking in, big screen TV’s for the sports fans ,as well as the large wrap around patio that backs up to the park for kids to play games. She mentioned having fresh bread brought in 3 times a week. Mr. Graham presented Mayor Fleury a bag with Blue 22 Swag. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont noted he attended the soft opening and wished them all the best. 11. Park Board Update (T. Jaramillo) Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo congratulated Council Members Beach and Oldham. He reported that the Parks Board held a meeting on November 8, 2021 where he reported the Parks Department had done a phenomenal job planting the seasonal plants in the medians and roundabout. He thanked Council for approving the ADA Compliance playground equipment that would be installed at Independence Park West. The Town Christmas Tree would be installed at the roundabout the week of November 15, 2021, being a 3-day project. The Trophy Club 2021 Clean-Up Day has been scheduled for Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 8 am – 12 pm at Trophy Club Park. Holiday events include Letters to Santa, with children dropping off their Santa letters at Town Hall from November 29, 2021 to December 16, 2021. The Holiday Contest begins November 22, 2021 to December 14, 2021; and the Gingerbread House Decorating Event is scheduled for December 3 and December 4, 2021 at the Trophy Club Fire Station. He added that Christmas in the Park is scheduled at Independence Park East on December 11, 2021 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. The Town and the Bobcat Youth/Cheer along with Mr. Bailey will hold a Toy Drive from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm. Mr. Jaramillo added that the Parks Board recommended a new adult-children event for 2022, and is in the planning stages. The Parks Department is also working on the logistics to collaborate with local restaurants, host 2-3 bands, and feature food vendors/trucks, games, balloon artists and the possibility of selling beer and wine. Mr. Jaramillo will present a full description of the entire event once details are final. Council Member Monger thanked Mr. Jaramillo and the Parks Staff for a wonderful job preparing for Veteran’s Day, and for helping select the POW MIA Memorial Obelisk. Mayor Fleury also thanked Mr. Jaramillo for the update on the Holiday Events. Town Manager Carroll recognized Mr. Jaramillo, the Parks Department and Anita Otterson for an outstanding job with the POW MIA Obelisk and hopes to unveil the monument in the next few months. He also thanked Mr. Jaramillo for the tree at Town Hall that will become a tradition as many residents took their Family Pictures by the Christmas tree last year. 12. Wreaths Across America Update. (W. Carroll) Mr. Carroll reported that Trophy Club and the Metroport Veterans Association would participate in the Wreaths Across America Mission on December 18, 2021, from 11 am – 12 pm at Medlin Cemetery. He stated that volunteers would place wreaths on the 75 graves to honor the Town Veterans, with a small ceremony included. He encouraged citizens to attend, as this would be a great opportunity to teach the children of the sacrifices Veterans gave to our Country. 9 6 Council Member Monger recognized Mr. Jim Parrow for helping create this event at Medlin Cemetery. He shared that when the Metroport Veterans Association discussed holding a Memorial Day Observance; Mr. Parrow suggested holding the event at Medlin Cemetery and then located almost 50 veteran graves. This then led to the Stars and Strips Board sprucing up the cemetery and the Medlin Board donating funds to build a pavilion. He thanked Mr. Parrow for this wonderful suggestion. 13. Texas Fire Marshal’s Association Achievement of Excellence (Gold Award) in Fire Prevention. (Fire Chief Taylor) Fire Chief Taylor congratulated Council Members Oldham and Beach and welcomed them to the Trophy Club Team. He reported that last week he and Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Cochran travelled to San Marcos to accept the 2020 and 2021 Texas Fire Marshal’s Achievement of Excellence Gold Award. He stated this award is given for fire prevention, fire investigation, as well as the community outreach programs that keep Trophy Club a safer community. He shared only two departments in Texas have ever received back-to-back Gold Awards, that being Trophy Club and Watauga. This year Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office received the first-ever Platinum Award in the State of Texas. He congratulated Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Cochran and his team for being creative with the outreach programs during Covid 2020 and acknowledged this year’s Fire Prevention Program presented to 1,200 students. Mayor Fleury congratulated Fire Chief Taylor and his team for a job well done as well as recognizing Fire Chief Taylor on earning his recent Master’s Degree and Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Cochran for earning his Bachelor’s Degree. INDVIDIUAL ITEMS 15. Annual Reports from Sports Associations. (T. Jaramillo) Mayor Fleury welcomed Savannah Harris, Bobcat Youth Football Association; Matt Tibbitts, Greater Northwest Soccer Association; and, Brandon Hennig, Trophy Club Roanoke Baseball Association. Ms. Harris, Bobcat Youth and Cheer Association President, reported in the past five years, the participants have doubled, with 2021 having registered 345 football players and 271 cheerleaders, ranging from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. All participants attend school within the Byron Nelson feeder zone, with the majority residing in Trophy Club. The current agreement with the Town of Trophy Club provides the Association with the multi-use fields at Independence Park East, which works out well, as NISD provides space at their facilities. Ms. Harris stated the biggest challenge is the time change with teams vying for lit space and currently have 10 teams in the playoffs. Ms. Harris added the Association is working closely with Chris Bailey on his Annual Toy Drive, and the teams are excited to participate in Christmas in the Park. Ms. Harris expressed her gratitude to the Town of Trophy Club, as well as recognized the Parks Department. Mr. Matt Tibbitts, Greater Northwest Soccer Association President, recognized the Town’s current and previous Parks Staff for their hard work to help create a better soccer program. He thanked the Council for providing support to ensure field preparation, paint, fertilizer, seed, dirt, weekly light schedule, facilities, care and concern are all in place. He shared the Boy Scouts run the concession stand to help raise camp funds and thanked Council for hosting the July 4th Parade, which provides a platform to connect the Community with the program. He reported there are over 1,300 children participating in the program, as well as over 1,600 children participating when the Association is host of games/tournaments. The Association works close with Roanoke, Justin and Liberty Christian for game hosting, rotating weekends between Trophy Club and Roanoke. There are over 80 teams for Ages 4 – 8 and 54 teams for ages 9 – 19, who travel to area cities. There are also over 70 adult men and Coeds participating in the league. The Association is proud to have had 5 winning teams with the Greater Northwest Tournament of Champions, which is more than Arlington, Frisco, McKinney and Plano. Mr. Tibbitts reported the Association has a successful feeder program to BNHS and thanked Council for helping provide a top-notch soccer program. Mayor Fleury acknowledged Mr. Tibbitts for dedication and work in his 16 years of service to the Association. Mr. Hennig, Trophy Club Roanoke Baseball Association President, congratulated Council Member Beach and Council Member Oldham. He reported that Spring, 2021 drew the highest registration rates, with over 750 players and Fall Ball 2021 registering over 370 players. He stated the select teams within the Association have won more championships than any other Metroplex City and thanked Town Staff for their support and commitment. He mentioned that rainouts can be frustrating and the Parks Department works extremely hard to make sure the fields are ready for the games. Mayor Fleury thanked Ms. Harris, Mr. Tibbitts and Mr. Hennig, for their hard work, dedication and countless hours given to these programs. 10 7 16. Take appropriate action by awarding the Bid to Canary Construction for the Indian Creek Drainage Project in an amount not to exceed $1,037,200. (W. Carroll) Mr. Carroll reported that in 2020 there was terrible flooding in a particular Trophy Club area with 6 houses experiencing water in their homes. He stated that Council made a decision to proceed with a drainage project in the area of Trophy Club Drive and Fairgreen Drive. He stated that the Engineering aspect has been completed and the project was sent out for bid. The Town received 5 bids for the $1,000,000 plus project and the 4 lowest bids were tabulated. Canary Construction came in at $1,037,159 as the winning bid, having an extremely good reputation, presenting a good timeline, as well as having experience with this type of project. Mr. Carroll stated if Council approves and awards the bid, the project would begin the first part of December. He announced that Philip Varughese of Teague, Nall & Perkins was available for questions. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to award the Bid to Canary Construction for the Indian Creek Drainage Project in an amount not to exceed $1,037,200. Council Member Oldham seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Beach, Monger, Oldham, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner 17. Future Agenda Items List (W. Carroll) Mr. Carroll presented the Future Agenda Items List. No additional items were placed on the list. Mayor Fleury officially presented Proclamation 2021-31 to Council Member Karl Monger. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:13 pm. _ Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor Attest: _ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Governance Officer 11 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Monthly Creek Inspections and Maintenance Service Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action on authorizing an agreement for creek inspections and creek maintenance between the Town of Trophy Club and Latour Tree Service for a fee not to exceed $40,000. Strategic Link: Nature & Beautification – Maintain Town assets, services and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. Background and Explanation: The Community Development Department would like to request the continuation of Latour Tree Service throughout the duration of fiscal year 2022, while remaining within the appropriated budget. Latour Tree Service will continue to conduct monthly inspections of the Town’s two (2) miles of creek beds and banks, under bridges and culverts. These monthly inspections along with reports are a fixed $1000/month, $12,000 annually. Latour will report any impending issues hindering flow needing immediate assistance. Additionally, their service includes mowing the banks, picking up trash/debris, removing dead or fallen trees as needed. Based on the previous year and the current conditions of the Town’s creeks, $28,000 has been budgeted for the maintenance of the creeks for the duration of the 2022 fiscal year. Financial Considerations: In the FY2022 approved budget there is $122,400 budgeted for independent labor. This action is for a $40,000 PO for creek inspections and maintenance with Latour through September 2022. Three (3) other vendors, including a HUB vendor, were contacted with no response. There will be an additional $82,400 for other storm water maintenance. 12 Page 2 of 2 Legal Review: The Town attorney has reviewed and agrees of all documents as presented. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the contract with Latour Tree Services of $40,000 for creek inspections and maintenance. Attachments: • Requisition Request • Quote documents 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Professional Services Agreement Date: Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action to approve a Professional Service Agreement with HE Planning+Design LLC for on-call planning services for the Town, for a fee not to exceed $25,000.00. Background and Explanation: In September, Town Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols for on-call planning services, not to exceed $40,000. On November 19, 2021, the Community Development Department received the attached Notice of Contract Closeout from FNI effective November 30,2021. The Community Development Department is requesting to enter a Professional Service Agreement with HE Planning+Design, LLC to provide professional planning services on an as-needed basis in lieu of full-time Town planning staff. Under the proposed contract, HE Planning+Design will provide at least one staff person in an on-call basis to review and make comments on development applications, attend meetings in person or online, write reports and memos, and advise Town staff on development-related matters. The contract is expected to provide for one year of development-related services to the Town. Additional charges would not accrue unless the contract is subsequently renewed by the Town for an additional specified amount. Because the contract is for as-needed services, the Town can terminate services at any time in writing and would only be liable for charges related to work that has already been done by HE Planning+Design. 24 Page 2 of 2 Financial Considerations: Staff is recommending opening a PO for $25,000 for HE Planning+Design to provide for professional planning services on an as-needed basis. Funding will come from closing the Freese and Nichols services PO for $45,000 which has a remaining balance of $32,821.93 for FY2022. This will leave an unencumbered balance of $7,821.93. Legal Review: This contract has been reviewed by the Town Manager and Town Attorney. Attachments: • Professional Services Agreement • FNI Notice of Contract Closeout 25 HE Planning+Design, LLC 8458 HOWELL DRIVE  FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 PHONE: (469)360-6618  heleneve@HEPlanningDesign.com December 6, 2021 Mr. Matthew Cox Director of Community Development Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 RE: Professional Services Agreement for Planning Services for the Town of Trophy Club, Denton and Tarrant County, Texas. Dear Matthew: Thank you for considering HE Planning+Design, LLC (HE P+D) for professional on-call planning services for the Town of Trophy Club. I have outlined the services I propose to complete below. SCOPE OF SERVICES Planning Tasks HE P+D will provide technical review of the following applications: 1. Zoning Applications, including Straight Zoning, Specific Use Permits, Conditional Use Permits, and Planned Development Districts; 2. Board of Adjustment Applications; 3. Site Plan Applications; 4. Plat Applications; 5. Landscape and Screening Applications; 6. Sign Applications; 7. Variance and Waiver Applications; 8. Draft Agendas and Case Reports for posting; 9. Drafting PD, SUP, and CUP ordinances for city attorney review; 10. Minor ordinance and Comprehensive Plan amendments necessary to process a zoning application; and 11. Respond to zoning and development inquiries from city staff and others (as authorized by staff) and provide direction based on ordinance regulations in effect at the time of the inquiry. Method HE P+D will: 1. Review the applications and identify compliance with the adopted zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, comprehensive plan, and other adopted plans; 2. Provide the reviews in written and graphic format (PDF review) for clear understanding of the comments; 26 HE Planning+Design, LLC 8458 HOWELL DRIVE  FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 PHONE: (469)360-6618  heleneve@HEPlanningDesign.com 3. Coordinate review comments for consensus with staff, city engineer, city attorney, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, TXDOT, and other required entities as authorized by you; 4. Will prepare the yearly submission application calendar and provide updates as indicated and directed by you and the Town Secretary throughout the year; and 5. Will update application forms as requested/needed. Review Turnaround HE P+D will provide the review comments within seven (7) business days of receipt of the application. Agendas, publications in the official newspaper, and public hearing notices will be sent to you and the Town Secretary for posting in the Town’s official agenda location and on the Town of Trophy Club website. Notifications that are required to be mailed will be provided to you and the Town Secretary for mailing from the Town. HE P+D will provide the ownership database for mailing label production. Agendas will be sent no later than 96 hours prior to a posting deadline. Publications required to appear in Trophy Club’s official newspaper will be sent via email to the publication office 24 hours prior to the publication’s deadlines unless directed to submit notifications to the Town Secretary for submission. Please note, applicants that do not resubmit according to the deadline date on the adopted development calendar will be processed on an amended schedule and will not be placed on the originally anticipated agenda date for consideration. Meetings HE P+D, Helen-Eve L. Beadle, AICP will attend meetings with applicants, consultants, and town staff in person or via internet session, as directed by you. FEE AND BILLING HE P+D will accomplish the services described above based on an hourly rate of $150.00, in effect at the time the services are provided. Direct expenses such as blueprinting, copying (full size and reductions included), scanning, color copies, mileage, deliveries, will be invoiced at 1.15 times cost. On-call Planning Services Hourly, not to exceed $25,000.00* *The fee quoted above is based on review of past agendas available and general understanding of the number of cases per year. Should the scope of services change from the contents in this agreement, I will notify you of the need to reconsider the scope. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on services performed. Billing will be due and payable to HE Planning+Design, LLC, 8458 Howell Drive, Frisco, Texas 75034 within 25 days of receipt. 27 HE Planning+Design, LLC 8458 HOWELL DRIVE  FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 PHONE: (469)360-6618  heleneve@HEPlanningDesign.com ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any items requested by you that are not outlined in the above scope would be considered additional services and would be provided as requested and authorized by you. In the event you need these services for such items I can provide you with a letter agreement for them. This scope does not include: 1. Preconstruction meeting attendance, Public Improvement Developer’s Agreements, Financial Assurance, Bonds, Construction Contracts, Inspections, Impact Fee updates, and Right-of-Way Permits as those tasks are under the responsibility of an engineer. 2. Comprehensive Plan updates, zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and ordinance rewrites/updates. 3. GIS Geographic Information System services including mapping updates. CLOSURE Your signature and return of one copy of this professional services agreement shall serve as direction to proceed. I appreciate the opportunity to submit this agreement for on-call professional planning services. Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you and the Town of Trophy Club. Sincerely, Helen-Eve L. Beadle, AICP AGREED and accepted this _________ day of ___________________, 2021. ____________________________________________ Matthew Cox Director of Community Development Town of Trophy Club 28 2711 N. Haskell Ave., Suite 3300 + Dallas, Texas 75204 + 214-217-2200 + FAX 817-735-7491 November 19, 2021 Matt Cox Director of Community Development Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Re: Notice of Early Project Closeout Dear Mr. Cox: This letter serves as our required notice of termination under line 3 of Contract Attachment TC. FNI’s project manager has accepted a position at another organization and FNI does not have the staffing resources to continue servicing this contract. The contract will be closed effective November 30, 2021. Should you have any future needs, please contact us. Sincerely, David P. Jones David P. Jones Urban Planner, Project Manager cc: Daniel E. Harrison [TRO21595] T:/1.01 CONTRACTS www.freese.com 29 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Case TUP-21-001 (PD-30 Lot 2 Construction Trailer) Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Case TUP 21-001 (PD-30 Lot 2 Construction Trailer) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer on the PD-30 Lot 2 property, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 100 feet north of SH 114, currently zoned PD-30, Planned Development. Strategic Link: Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment. Background and Explanation: According to Sec. 14.02.251 of the Code of Ordinances, construction offices that are used temporarily by contractors during the construction of buildings must obtain a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) through approval from Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. In addition, the allowed time period may tie into the schedule of construction, with annual renewal through this same process, if necessary. The applicant is requesting approval of a TUP to allow one construction trailer, one roll off dumpster and temporary fencing located on the property of the PD-30 Lot 2 while construction is ongoing. The construction trailer will be in an open area that will later be landscaped and the roll off dumpster will be set in parking spaces after they are poured. A temporary six (6) foot tall chain link fence will surround the entire lot for security. Refer to Exhibit A for layout details. 30 Page 2 of 2 Construction of the Trophy Club Town Center Lot 2 and all infrastructure on this lot is expected to be complete by July 31, 2022, so the applicant requests that the TUP is active until July 31, 2022, if approved. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: The Town Attorney has reviewed this item and concurs with the Staff recommendation. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The P&Z Commission considered this item on December 1, 2021. There was no discussion. The Commission unanimously recommended approval of the TUP through July 31, 2022. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Temporary Use Permit through July 31, 2022. Attachments: •Resolution No. 2021-18 •Exhibit A – Site Utilization Plan 31 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2021-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB APPROVING A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR McRIGHT CONSTRUCTION, TO PLACE A CONSTRUCTION TRAILER ON THE PD-30 LOT 2 PROPERTY, GENERALLY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 730 FEET EAST OF TROPHY CLUB DRIVE AND APPROXIMATELY 100 FEET NORTH OR SH 114, AND PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, McRight Smith Construction, has filed a temporary use permit application and formally requested the use of a construction trailer on the PD-30 Lot 2 property, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 100 feet north of SH 114; and WHEREAS, Section 14.02.251(b) – Temporary Uses in the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances requires a temporary use permit to be approved by the Town Council through a Resolution; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. That the request by McRight Construction, has filed for a temporary use permit for a construction trailer on the PD-30 Lot 2 property, generally located approximately 730 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 100 feet north of SH 114 is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: (A)The construction trailer, temporary fencing, and storage boxes shall be consistent with what is shown and described in Exhibit A; and (B)The construction trailer, temporary fencing, and storage boxes shall be removed from the property on or before July 31, 2022. Section 2. That the temporary use permit authorized by this Resolution shall comply with all Town of Trophy Club codes and ordinances, exempt where specifically exempted herein. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. 32 PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 13th day of December 2021. Alicia Fleury, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J.David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 33 34 35 Who We Are •While we are a 20 year old brand in the area, we have undergone major updates recently •Massive network investment, right down the road. That means best in class performance. •We not only know Texas, we know these neighborhoods –and that matters to us •OneSource is committed to bringing equal access, best-in-class Fiber Networks & the latest technologies to communities overlooked by other big telco providers 36 High Speed, Priced Right Heavy focus on best-in-class broadband, also offering Cable TV and Home Phone *Requires $10/mo OneSource provided WIFI6 router 37 38 Maximizing Fiber In Your Home 1GB and Multi Line Service Whole Home and Whole Business WIFI Single Fiber In 4 ports to offer multi-line service Single port offers up to 1GB down/up Or mix and match multiple lines in Optional TV / Phone + Traditional WIFIWIFI 6 Mesh ($7/node) Work / Parent Network Family Network Ideal for Work / Home Separation and Performance 39 Our Process –Getting Ready to Serve You Network Design and Planning -NOW Drive Interest Through Pre- signup Mailers December –January (Social, Web Portal, Email, Call) Network Build, Service Up ~March 40 Page 1 of 4 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Jill Lind, Communications & Marketing Manager CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Letty Vacek, Town Governance Officer / Town Secretary Re: Renew contract with Five Stone Creative for Creative Media Management & Video Production Services Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Approve contract renewal with Five Stone Creative for Creative Media Management & Video Production Services in an amount of $48,000. (J. Lind) Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. o Administrative & Financial Services: Provide strong internal and external marketing and communications. o Administrative & Financial Services: Provide high value technology and information services. Background and Explanation: Video marketing continues to change the way municipalities communicate, share, learn, and collaborate with its residents and visitors. More and more communities continue to leverage video content as a means to grow their communication messaging and increase their online reach. • Over 86% of businesses rely on video as a marketing tool (Wyzowl, 2021) of which 93% say it’s an essential part of their marketing strategy. • Users retain 95% of a message when conveyed over video (Insivia, 2016) with 80% of consumers saying they still remember a video ad they watched in the past month (HubSpot, 2020) • 84% of consumers say watching a brand’s video was what convinced them to make a purchase/subscribe to the service (Wyzowl, 2021). • 82% of consumers would rather watch a live mobile video than read social media posts (Vimeo, 2020). Research shows video marketing remains the best performing digital content type, driving more views, more engagement, and more response than any other social posting option. Continuing to incorporate video into Trophy Club’s communication strategy increases not only the Town’s engagement but it also increases the effectiveness of the messages staff produces for the community. 41 Page 2 of 4 This creative media management and video production services agreement renewal will be used to continue to produce videos that feature the Town’s employees, foster positive business initiatives, and support community programs. The videos serve as outreach vessels which tell the TC story while specifically highlighting time relevant happenings in the community. The videos are used on the Town’s social media channels and Town website. Staff relies on the consultant’s creativity and expertise while collaborating on content ideas, production logistics, and execution of the final product. These videos will continue to support the Trophy Club’s messaging goal to be “a great place to call home”. Working with Five Stone Creative has allowed Trophy Club to ensure budgeted marketing dollars and efforts are aligned and used responsibly. With their expertise and experience working in North Texas, Five Stone Creative delivered professional branded videos which successfully resonated with both residents and visitors of Trophy Club. Five Stone Creative furnished all camera/video equipment, sound and lighting, editing software applications, and other equipment required to produce a total of 85 minutes of video. By the completion of 2021, Trophy Club will have produced approximately 28 high-definition videos, each about 2-5 minutes in length with Five Stone Creative. According to analytics collected through Facebook and Sprout Social, the videos that have been published thus far (four remain to be published in December 2021) have garnered approximately 52,806 impressions, views of approximately 26,108, a total reach of approximately 47,236 and engagement from approximately 3,600 people. If Council approvals the contract renewal for 2022 with Five Stone Creative, the services outlined will be slightly modified to accommodate more autonomy which will allow for more work to be executed in the coming year. The initial contract was written in a way in which the creative concepting components relied heavily on the Communications & Marketing Department serving as the prime producer of content and ideation. With the many different communication needs that took place over the past year, it made it difficult for staff to allocate the necessary time to dedicate towards the various video projects and ideas outlined at the start of the year. The revised contract will better suit the Communication & Marketing Departments’ needs to accomplish more creative videos for the upcoming year. Staff would like to continue to partner with Five Stone Creative in order to continue to expand town’s video reach so Trophy Club can stay in-line and ahead of other municipalities by reaching our residents / visitors in the most effective, creative, and impactful way possible. Below is an outline of the contract renewal for 2022, please note the items in italics are additions from the previous services: • Video Production: o 15-25 finished “live action” videos for 2022 (2-3 minutes per video; 60 total finished minutes per 2022) o Finished videos include:  Creative brainstorming and consulting  Scriptwriting and shot lists as needed 42 Page 3 of 4  Pre-production elements including: scheduling, props, costuming, make- up, etc.  On-site production including all gear and personnel as needed. (Videography, drone, lighting, audio, teleprompter, etc. and 2-person crew minimum)  Post-production: royalty-free music, graphic text support, color grading, etc. (Does not include fully animated video) • Still Photography: o Photography for awards, special recognition, etc. during Town Council meetings o Event photography (and video as needed): up to 6 events per year, up to 4 hours on-location per event. o All photos will be color graded, uploaded, and emailed to communications director • Copywriting: o Up to 30 hours per year of copywriting as needed for various town communications • Creative Consultation: o Quarterly consultation (up to 16 hours per year) with the communications manager regarding social media strategy, video and photography usage, marketing initiatives, copyrighting, graphic design, etc. Financial Considerations: In 2020, staff sent an RFP to qualified vendors for quotes based on a price per total finished video minutes. Staff reviewed the RFP submittals and example work and selected Five Stone Creative due to their creative strategy, technical expertise, and overall experience. Currently, the Town of Trophy Club has two separate purchase orders in place with Josh Miller LLC (Five Stone Creative) for FY 2022. The first is designated for A/V Technical Services related to Council Meetings in the amount of $4,800. The second, which falls under a professional services category purchase, is for Creative Media Management & Video Production Services. This is the renewal for current agreement, in which $12,000 ($4,000 per month, 3 months) will be paid for out of the current fiscal year. If Town Council approves this renewal, the purchase order for the calendar year 2022 will be in the amount of $36,000 ($4,000 per month, 9 months) which will bring the total agreement cost for Creative Media Management & Video Services to $48,000 for FY 22. Funding for this item was included in the FY 22 Approved Budget under Professional Outside Services in the Communication & Marketing Department in the amount of $48,000 of the $50,000 total category amount. This is a renewal of the previous contract of which, two of the original vendors contacted included Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB’s), satisfying state and local bidding requirements. This contract renewal represents a retainer pricing model reflecting services offered by Five Stone Creative to meet the needs of the Town of Trophy Club for the 2022 calendar year. The model of compensation and deliverables is a projection as to the work required by Trophy Club and will expire on December 31st, 2022. Staff believes this retainer model is the best opportunity to serve the ongoing needs of the town and allow for easy and accurate budgeting. 43 Page 4 of 4 Legal Review: This item is ready for Council Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the contract renewal with Five Stone Creative for Creative Media Management & Video Production Services in an amount not to exceed $48,000. Attachments: • Video Production Services Scope of Service • Copies of solicitation for BIDS • Five Stone Creative 2021 Contract • Five Stone Creative 2022 Contract Renewal Proposal Town Council Approval: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mayor Alicia Fleury or designee 44 Agenda Item #9 Renew contract with Five Stone Creative for creative media management & video production services 45 46 Renew contract spending with Five Stone Creative Agenda Item No. 9 in an amount of $48,000 for video production services for creative media management and video production services.47 WHY - VIDEO MATTERS: •Video remains the BEST performing digital content type, driving more views, more engagement, and more responses than any other social posting option. •OVERALL TC VIDEOS Total Impressions = 52,806 Total Views =26,108 Total Reach = 47,236 Total Engagement = 3,600 (Oct 1, 20 – Dec 05, 21) Agenda Item No. 9 •TC FIREWORKS PSA Total Impressions = 5,682 Total Views =5,260 Total Reach = 4,972 Total Engagement = 764 (Oct 1, 20 – Dec 05, 21) 48 WHO - FIVE STONE CREATIVE: •Team made up of talented technicians who have produced film, events, and VR projects across the US and the world. •TC 2021: •2021 HIGHLIGHT REEL Agenda Item No. 9 28 videos @ approx. 2-5 mins = approx. 85 mins of content 49 WHAT - FY 2022: •Video Production - 15-25 finished short high-def videos, approx. 2-5 minutes in length, 60 completed minutes for the 2022 calendar year •Still Photography – Images/b-roll video that best represents town events, activities, guests, and elected officials for historical and future marketing purposes. Agenda Item No. 9 50 WHAT - FY 2022: •Copywriting – Up to 30 hours per year of copywriting as needed for various town communications. •Creative Consultation – Quarterly consultation with Comm Dept. to discuss needs and plans ahead Agenda Item No. 9 51 Staff recommends approval of the contract renewal with Five Stone Creative in an amount of $48,000 for creative media management and video production services. Agenda Item No. 9 52 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Case SUP 21-006 (Pet Bar) Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Case SUP 21-006 (Pet Bar) A. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request by Pet Bar for a Specific Use Permit at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located at the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and SH 114 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, currently zoned PD-30, Planned Development. B. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021-27 to approve a Specific Use Permit for Pet Bar at Trophy Club Town Center. Strategic Link: Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment. Background and Explanation: Previous Case In January, Town Council approved Case No. SUP 20-002 establishing Pet Bar at the location facing Beck Boulevard approximately 650 feet east of Trophy Club Drive. Since that time, Pet Bar has signed a lease for another suite facing the corner of Trophy Club Drive and SH 114. Because the previous SUP approval authorized Pet Bat to operate only within that suite, Town Council approval is required for the requested change to be authorized. 53 Page 2 of 2 Current Request Pet Bar is requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for pet grooming which falls under the Domestic Pet Services definition in the PD-30 Development Standards. This category requires approval of an SUP for specific pet uses so that the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council may consider whether individual uses are a good fit in the proposed location. Pet Bar would like to open their business in a 1,900 square foot corner suite in the building closest to the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and SH 115 in Trophy Club Town Center. Pet Bar Offers full service and self-service grooming options, as well as boutique retail selections and pet taxi services. Their hours of operation will be 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday – Saturday and closed on Sunday. There will be no outdoor usage of common areas, sidewalks, or parking spaces. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: The Town Attorney has reviewed this item and has no objection. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The P&Z Commission considered this item on December 1st. A motion to recommend approval passed unanimously. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Specific Use Permit as presented. Attachments: • Ordinance No. 2021-27 P&Z • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Building Layout • Exhibit C – Business Description • Exhibit D – Previous Building Layout 54 ORD 2021-03 P&Z Page 1 of 4 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2021-27 P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PET GROOMING UNDER THE DEFINITION OF DOMESTIC PET SERVICES, LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK A OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTER, WITHIN PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 30, AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2021-02 P&Z; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING A PUBLICATION CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section I.D. of the PD-30 Development Standards and listed in Ordinance No. 2021-02 P&Z includes pet grooming in the definition of Domestic Pet Services; and WHEREAS, Section II.A.6. of the PD-30 Development Standards and listed in Ordinance No. 2021-02 P&Z allows uses identified as Domestic Pet Services by Specific Use Permit only; and WHEREAS, Beck Ventures, the developer of the retail buildings on Lot 1, Block A of Trophy Club Town Center, filed an application with the Town requesting a Specific Use Permit for pet grooming which falls under the Domestic Pet Services definition in Ordinance No. 2021-02 P&Z; and WHEREAS, all legal requirements and conditions were complied with, and after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public hearings were conducted, and after considering the information submitted at those public hearings and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after due deliberations and consideration of the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission and the information and other materials received at the public hearing, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of this Ordinance approving a Specific Use Permit for a freestanding development identification sign is in the best interests of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas and of the public health, safety, and welfare. 55 ORD 2021-03 P&Z Page 2 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, DISCONTINUATION, & REVOCATION In all respects the Land shall be subject to the applicable regulations contained in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances and regulations of the Town, including without limitation regulations governing PD Planned Development No. 30 and all amendments thereto. The Specific Use Permit granted by this Ordinance shall control in cases of conflict between this Ordinance and/or PD Planned Development No. 30 and/or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The Specific Use Permit granted hereby shall discontinue if the use for which this Specific Use Permit is granted ceases to be operated at the permitted location for a minimum period of six (6) continuous months. Further, this Specific Use Permit shall be subject to revocation in accordance with the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances. SECTION 3. SAVINGS AND REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulation of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance whether such Ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY The sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares 56 ORD 2021-03 P&Z Page 3 of 4 that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The penalty provided by this section shall be cumulative of all other penalties allowed by law, including without limitation, civil remedies available for enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 7. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. 57 ORD 2021-03 P&Z Page 4 of 4 PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 13th day of December 2021. Alicia Fleury, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Secretary/RMO Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 58 59 EXHIBIT B 60 PetBar’s unique “Unlimited Bath & Brush” subscription model offers pet owners an affordable monthly, no contract membership, and the ability to always keep their pet clean and smelling fresh. This in turn, saves time, money, and eliminates the headache of cleaning their pet at home. PetBar Services •Full Service Wash – Bath, dry and gentle brush out from our experienced staff •Professional Grooming – From simple to extravagant styles with our expert grooming staff •Self Service – For the “do-it-yourselfers,” we offer a top of the line do it yourself bathing option •Retail – We sell only the best local and high quality food and treats available •Pet Taxi Service – For homebound or physically restricted, extremely busy or less active pet owners, we offer peace of mind through our pet taxi services. We will pick up their pet, bring them to one of our stores, groom and safely and promptly return their pets to them. Exhibit C 61 Exhibit D 62 Page 1 of 3 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Case PD 21-003 (The Trophy Townhomes) Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Case PD 21-003 (The Trophy Townhomes) A. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD-25, Planned Development. B. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021-25 to approve the rezoning for a Planned Development for up to seven (7) townhome lots. Strategic Link: Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment. Background and Explanation: Surrounding Area PD-14 sits to the north and west of the property and was developed as the Villas of Trophy Club between 1997 and 2006. The Hampton Inn and Suites sits to the south and was developed in 2008. To the east is Trophy Club Town Hall. Trophy Wood Drive provides the only public street access to the property. 63 Page 2 of 3 Request Overview The proposed PD would authorize the construction of 7 townhomes on a 0.946-acre lot with a density of approximately 8 dwelling units per acre. The property is currently zoned PD-25, which includes office, retail, and hotel uses. Tract 6, which includes Lot 3R2, is specifically shown as “Office Uses” on the approved Concept Plan but all uses included in the approved use list are allowed per the approved PD ordinance, including office, retail, and hotel. PD-25 was originally approved in December 2002 and has been subsequently modified as sites within the PD have developed. In 2008, the original 2.8-acre tract 6 was partially developed with tract 7 as the current Hampton Inn and Suites. The property was replated, leaving just under an acre as Lot 3R2. Per the PD ordinance, the maximum height of a retail or office structure in PD-25 shall not exceed forty feet (40’) or two (2) stories, but a hotel may be constructed up to sixty-five feet (65’) or four (4) stories. Retail and restaurant uses are allowed to operate between the hours of 6 am and 2 am. Total height of light fixtures on the site is not allowed to exceed twenty-five feet (25’). Fencing adjacent to residential zoning (PD-14) is required to be brick columns with eight-foot (8’) cedar or redwood panels. The proposed PD would remove Lot 3R2 from PD-25 and replace those PD regulations with the regulations shown below on Lot 3R2 only. The remainder of PD-25 would remain in effect across the area shown in the map on the previous page. Proposed Improvements and Development Standards The proposed Preliminary Plat functions as the Concept Plan for the site and depicts lots to be developed as townhomes and as common lots. The lots are accessed by a 31-foot wide private street and utility easement that also functions as a fire lane. The other common lot will function as open space to be maintained by a Property-owner’s Association. Neither common lot is proposed for dedication to the Town. The open space common lot is required to be planted with one tree per 500 square feet of area and provide a masonry wall facing Trophy Wood Drive. Other perimeter fencing is required to be board on board cedar with masonry columns that match the wall along Trophy Park Drive. Each individual lot must be planted with at least one tree in the front yard. Each unit is required to utilize a two-car garage which may face the private street (not Trophy Park Drive) and must be constructed of at least 90% masonry materials, which are defined as stucco, tile, porcelain, or artificial stone. Masonry under this definition does not include cementitious fiberboard (Hardiplank) or EIFS. 64 Page 3 of 3 Analysis: The current PD-25 zoning has existed since 2002. In that time, the original tract 9 was reduced from 2.8 acres to 0.9 acres. While the lot could still potentially support some commercial uses, the larger scale retail, office, and hotel uses originally envisioned in the PD have likely been rendered infeasible. The current proposal, while residential, would eliminate some potential impacts to adjacent residential properties. Commercial development currently allowed by-right on the site includes restaurant uses that are allowed to operate until 2 am and hotels that are allowed to operate 24 hours. These uses would include noise generating functions such as loading and unloading, vehicle traffic, trash dumpster, overhead lighting, and music. Given the site conditions that currently exist, development of townhomes would likely maximize the value of the property while minimizing impacts to adjacent neighbors. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: The Town Attorney has reviewed this item and has no objection. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The P&Z Commission considered this item on December 1, 2021. The Commission recommended approval with a 6-1 vote with the following conditions: 1. Remove “must utilize 3 Architectural Enhancements” replace with “must utilize the following Architectural Enhancements…” 2. Remove maximum pitch of 6:12 (all roofs will be flat) 3. Add language specifying an HOA will be created 4. Add language prohibiting accessory structures Conditions 1-4 have been added to the revised PD Development Standards. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of The Trophy Townhomes as presented. Attachments: • Ordinance No. 2021-25 P&Z • Exhibit A – PD Development Standards • Exhibit B – Preliminary Plat • Exhibit C – PD Concept Plan 65 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2021-25 P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2017-08 P&Z, KNOWN AS PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 25, TROPHY WOOD BUSINESS CENTER, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN BY REMOVING LOT 3R2 IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT “A” AND CREATING PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 35 THE TROPHY TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 7 TOWNHOMES AND ASSOCIATED OPEN SPACE LOTS; PROVIDING FOR EXHIBIT “A”, “PD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS”; EXHIBIT “B”, “PRELIMINARY PLAT”; EXHIBIT “C”, “PD CONCEPT PLAN”; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING A PUBLICATION CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), is authorized and empowered by law, in accordance with Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code, to regulate the subdivision of land and property development within the Town; and WHEREAS, on December 2, 2002, the Town adopted Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z to create PD Planned Development No. 25, known as Trophy Wood Business Center; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2021, the Town adopted Ordinance No. 2021-25 P&Z to accept the Development Standards for PD Planned Development No. 35 The Trophy on Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center; and WHEREAS, the developer of Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, filed an application with the Town requesting an amendment to PD Planned Development No. 25 to remove Lot 3R2 and create a PD Planned Development No. 35 The Trophy and provide such amendments which are set forth herein and in Exhibits “A” through “C”; and WHEREAS, all legal requirements and conditions were complied with, and after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public hearings were conducted, and after considering the information submitted at those public hearings and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the 66 Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of the amendments to Ordinance No. 2021-25 P&Z as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after due deliberations and consideration of the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission and the information and other materials received at the public hearing, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of this Ordinance establishing a PD Planned Development No. 35 The Trophy is in the best interests of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas and of the public health, safety, and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas amending Ordinance No. 2017-08 P&Z, known as PD Planned Development District No. 25, Trophy Wood Business Center is hereby amended to remove Lot 3R2 from Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center in Trophy Club, Texas. SECTION 3. ESTABLISHMENT Ordinance No. 2021-25 P&Z of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas the same being PD Planned Development No. 35 The Trophy, is hereby established in the following particulars and conditions, and all other articles, chapter, sections, paragraphs, sentence, phrases, and words are not established but are hereby ratified and affirmed. A.The PD Planned Development No. 35 The Trophy, Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, is attached hereto as Exhibits “A” through “C”,and is incorporated herein as if copied in its entirety. B.Any modifications to the final approved Development Standards in Exhibit “A” through “C” shall require an amendment to this ordinance. SECTION 4. 67 SAVINGS AND REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulation of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance whether such Ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY The sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The penalty provided by this section shall be cumulative of all other penalties allowed by law, including without limitation, civil remedies available for enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 8. 68 ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 13th day of December 2021. Alicia Fleury, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 69 A TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR 0.946 ACRE TRACT KNOWN AS THE TROPHY TROPHY CLUB, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Legal Description Development Standards Subdivision Layout Landscape Plan EXHIBIT A 70 LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § Being a 0.946 acre tract of land situated in the J. HENRY SURVEY, Abstract No . 742, Tarrant County, Texas, and being all of Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the City of Trophy Club, as recorded in Document No. D208439009, (Cabinet A, Hanger 13030), Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found 1/2 inch iron rod with a Winkelman Assoc. cap for corner, said point being the Northeast corner of said Lot 3R2, and being the southeast corner of Lot 22, Block 1, The Villas at Trophy Club, an addition to the City of Trophy Club, as recorded in Cabinet M, Page 212, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being in the existing west right-of-way line of Trophy Wood Drive (having a 80' R.O.W.); THENCE South 18°27'13" West, along said existing west right-of-way line a distance of 178.39 feet to a set x in concrete for corner, for the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 810.00 feet, a central angle of 1°06'10", and a long cord which bears South 19°00'18" West, 15.59 feet; THENCE continuing along said existing west right-of-way line, and along said tangent curb to the right, an arc distance of 15.59 feet to a set x in concrete for corner, said point being the southeast corner of said Lot 3R2, and being the northeast corner of Lot 3R1, Block A, of said Trophy Wood Business Center, being a common line; THENCE North 66°15'58" West leaving said existing west right-of-way line, and along said common line, a distance of 272.34 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with Graham Assoc. Inc. (GAI) cap for corner; THENCE South 86°18'05" West, along said common line, a distance of 52.13 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with GAI cap for corner, for the beginning of a non-tangent curb to the right having a radius of 586.27 feet and a central angle of 16°37'50" and a long chord which bears North 57°38'34" East, 169.57 feet; said point being the southwest corner of said Lot 3R2, and being in the south line of said The Villas at Trophy Club tract; THENCE along said south line, and along said non-tangent curb to the right an arc distance of 170.17 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with GAI cap for corner; THENCE North 65°57'30" East, continuing along said south line, a distance of 38.16 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with GAI cap for corner; THENCE South 81°12'12" East, continuing along said south line, a distance of 186.98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 41,261 square feet, 0.946 acres of land, more or less. 71 THE TROPHY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL THE TROPHY is a high-quality townhouse community located off Trophy Wood Drive just south of Inverness Drive. The intent of the PD Ordinance guidelines is to promote the natural features of the current landscape to create a beautiful and enduring community that upholds and enhances the quality of the surrounding environment. This neighborhood will feature high quality townhouse (singe family attached) residences that is desirable in growing, suburban areas. Enforcement of the design guidelines will ensure the protection of the design intent and will optimize property values. I.Purpose: This lot type is designed to allow seven (7) single-family attached dwellings on lots of not less than two thousand five hundred (2,550) square feet that will collectively have an average lot size of at least three thousand (3,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. A Home Owner's Association (HOA) shall be created for the purpose of maintaining all common areas and public right of ways. II.Permitted Uses: Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Chapter 14 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: A)Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 - Zoning, Division 6. Conditional and specific uses. B)Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. III.Development Regulations A)Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Records. B)Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: 1.Lot Size:2,550 square feet minimum* 2.Average Lot Size:3,000 square feet minimum 72 3.Lot Coverage:80% maximum a.Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in maximum building coverage. 4.Dwelling Square footage: 2,500 Sq. Ft. Minimum 5.Front Yard setback:17 feet minimum* *Front porches shall be allowed to encroach up to five feet into the front setback. 6.Rear Yard setback:10 feet minimum 7.Side Yard setback:0 feet minimum between units 5 feet at end of building 8.Side Yard Setback Adjacent to Street:15 feet minimum 9.Lot Width:30 feet minimum 10.Lot Depth:85 feet minimum 11.Garage Setback:22 feet minimum Development Regulations Summary Table Min. Lot Square Footage1 Typical Dimension Min. Width2 Min. Depth Setbacks Min. Dwelling Square Footage4 Front Side Garage Side Adjacent to Street Rear 2,550 30’x85’ min. 30' 85' 17’ 0' 22' 15' 10' 2,500 73 IV.Design Standards: A)Design Standards: 1.Architectural Enhancements: Each single-family attached dwelling in The Trophy must utilize the following architectural or design features: a.Salt Finish on full driveway from garage to property line b.Two carriage / sconce lights on the front of the home c.Garage doors with windows d.Cast stone or other masonry accents on at least 10% of the total exterior façade area e.One covered front porch per unit with minimum depth of five (5) feet f.Two types of masonry materials, including stucco, tile/porcelain/artificial stone, and natural stone g.One recessed entry per unit with minimum depth of five (5) feet h.Eight (8) foot or greater height front door 2.Height Regulations: a.No building shall exceed two (2) stories in height, the maximum height not to exceed forty-two (42) feet with rooftop patios. b.Parapet walls shall be a minimum height of 48”. c.Any covered structure on the rooftop patio cannot exceed 30% of the total rooftop area and shall not have a height greater than 10’ from the rooftop. 3.Elevations: a.The front entrance shall articulate by at least five (5) feet from the front face of the dwelling. 4.Fences/ Walls/ Retaining Walls: a.Retaining walls shall be veneered with masonry to match throughout the community b.Retaining walls shall be maintained by a Home Owner’s Association to be created as part of the planned development c.Perimeter fencing facing Trophy Wood Drive shall match the style and character of existing fencing along Trophy Wood Drive at The Villas. d.Perimeter fencing facing all other directions shall be clad with a combination of board on board cedar and masonry columns spaced at a maximum of 30’ on center. Material used for masonry columns shall also be used in the perimeter fence facing Trophy Wood Drive. e.HVAC Screening: All buildings shall be designed such that the mechanical equipment (HVAC), except venting & stacks, is not visible from Trophy Wood Drive. 5.Accessory Structures: Detached accessory structures shall be prohibited. 6.Garages: All residential lots shall provide a two-car garage. a.The minimum dimension of two-car garages shall be twenty-one (21) feet in width and twenty-two (22) feet in depth (inside to inside). 74 b.Garages may face the private street. B)Building Materials: 1.All residences in The Trophy shall be constructed of ninety percent (90%) masonry (excluding wall over roof areas) as set forth below: a.Masonry shall be defined as stucco, tile/porcelain/artificial stone, and natural stone b.Accent/secondary material shall be defined as any of the materials listed in paragraph B.1.a herein 2.All roofs shall comply with the following specifications: a.Standing seem metal covering; OR b.Flat and covered in a commercial waterproofing such as TPO. C)Landscape Standards: Tree preservation within The Trophy shall be in compliance with the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 – Subdivision Ordinance, Division 8. Tree Preservation and Removal, Section 10.02.248. 1.Perimeter Landscape: The common areas adjacent to Trophy Wood Drive will have one (1)tree with a minimum three (3) inch caliper per 500 square feet. 2.Tree Requirements: a.Each lot shall have a minimum of one (1) tree in the front yard. Trees shall be a minimum three (3) inch caliper. D)Type of Street Lights: 1.Standard Oncor approved street lights. 2.One (1) light at the southwest corner of the cul-de-sac of Street A and one (1) light at the southwest intersection of Street A and Trophy Wood. Any regulation not specifically addressed herein shall be in accordance with the current ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club. 75 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.5 76 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.6 77 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.7 78 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.8 79 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.9 80 LOCATION MAPEXHIBIT B81 LOCATION MAPS:\JDJRproj\2021\926 Elborai Group\926-3-21 401 Trophy Wood - Trophy Club, TX\Civil\926-3-21 PD.dwg,11/19/2021 12:27:48 PM EXHIBIT C82 A TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR 0.946 ACRE TRACT KNOWN AS THE TROPHY TROPHY CLUB, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Exhibit A – Legal Description Exhibit B – Development Standards Exhibit C – Subdivision Layout Exhibit D – Landscape Plan 83 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § Being a 0.946 acre tract of land situated in the J. HENRY SURVEY, Abstract No . 742, Tarrant County, Texas, and being all of Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the City of Trophy Club, as recorded in Document No. D208439009, (Cabinet A, Hanger 13030), Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found 1/2 inch iron rod with a Winkelman Assoc. cap for corner, said point being the Northeast corner of said Lot 3R2, and being the southeast corner of Lot 22, Block 1, The Villas at Trophy Club, an addition to the City of Trophy Club, as recorded in Cabinet M, Page 212, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being in the existing west right-of-way line of Trophy Wood Drive (having a 80' R.O.W.); THENCE South 18°27'13" West, along said existing west right-of-way line a distance of 178.39 feet to a set x in concrete for corner, for the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 810.00 feet, a central angle of 1°06'10", and a long cord which bears South 19°00'18" West, 15.59 feet; THENCE continuing along said existing west right-of-way line, and along said tangent curb to the right, an arc distance of 15.59 feet to a set x in concrete for corner, said point being the southeast corner of said Lot 3R2, and being the northeast corner of Lot 3R1, Block A, of said Trophy Wood Business Center, being a common line; THENCE North 66°15'58" West leaving said existing west right-of-way line, and along said common line, a distance of 272.34 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with Graham Assoc. Inc. (GAI) cap for corner; THENCE South 86°18'05" West, along said common line, a distance of 52.13 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with GAI cap for corner, for the beginning of a non-tangent curb to the right having a radius of 586.27 feet and a central angle of 16°37'50" and a long chord which bears North 57°38'34" East, 169.57 feet; said point being the southwest corner of said Lot 3R2, and being in the south line of said The Villas at Trophy Club tract; THENCE along said south line, and along said non-tangent curb to the right an arc distance of 170.17 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with GAI cap for corner; THENCE North 65°57'30" East, continuing along said south line, a distance of 38.16 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with GAI cap for corner; THENCE South 81°12'12" East, continuing along said south line, a distance of 186.98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 41,261 square feet, 0.946 acres of land, more or less. 84 EXHIBIT B THE TROPHY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL THE TROPHY is a high-quality townhouse community located off Trophy Wood Drive just south of Inverness Drive. The intent of the PD Ordinance guidelines is to promote the natural features of the current landscape to create a beautiful and enduring community that upholds and enhances the quality of the surrounding environment. This neighborhood will feature high quality townhouse (singe family attached) residences that is desirable in growing, suburban areas. Enforcement of the design guidelines will ensure the protection of the design intent and will optimize property values. I.Purpose: This lot type is designed to allow seven (7) single-family attached dwellings on lots of not less than two thousand five hundred (2,550) square feet that will collectively have an average lot size of at least three thousand (3,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. A Home Owner's Association (HOA) shall be created for the purpose of maintaining all common areas and public right of ways. II.Permitted Uses: Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Chapter 14 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: A)Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 - Zoning, Division 6. Conditional and specific uses. B)Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. III.Development Regulations A)Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Records. B)Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: 1.Lot Size:2,550 square feet minimum* 2.Average Lot Size:3,000 square feet minimum 85 3.Lot Coverage:80% maximum a.Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in maximum building coverage. 4.Dwelling Square footage: 2,500 Sq. Ft. Minimum 5.Front Yard setback:17 feet minimum* *Front porches shall be allowed to encroach up to five feet into the front setback. 6.Rear Yard setback:10 feet minimum 7.Side Yard setback:0 feet minimum between units 5 feet at end of building 8.Side Yard Setback Adjacent to Street:15 feet minimum 9.Lot Width:30 feet minimum 10.Lot Depth:85 feet minimum 11.Garage Setback:22 feet minimum Development Regulations Summary Table Min. Lot Square Footage1 Typical Dimension Min. Width2 Min. Depth Setbacks Min. Dwelling Square Footage4 Front Side Garage Side Adjacent to Street Rear 2,550 30’x85’ min. 30' 85' 17’ 0' 22' 15' 10' 2,500 86 IV.Design Standards: A)Design Standards: 1.Architectural Enhancements: Each single-family attached dwelling in The Trophy must utilize the following architectural or design features: a.Salt Finish on full driveway from garage to property line b.Two carriage / sconce lights on the front of the home c.Garage doors with windows d.Cast stone or other masonry accents on at least 10% of the total exterior façade area e.One covered front porch per unit with minimum depth of five (5) feet f.Two types of masonry materials, including stucco, tile/porcelain/artificial stone, and natural stone g.One recessed entry per unit with minimum depth of five (5) feet h.Eight (8) foot or greater height front door 2.Height Regulations: a.No building shall exceed two (2) stories in height, the maximum height not to exceed forty-two (42) feet with rooftop patios. b.Parapet walls shall be a minimum height of 48”. c.Any covered structure on the rooftop patio cannot exceed 30% of the total rooftop area and shall not have a height greater than 10’ from the rooftop. 3.Elevations: a.The front entrance shall articulate by at least five (5) feet from the front face of the dwelling. 4.Fences/ Walls/ Retaining Walls: a.Retaining walls shall be veneered with masonry to match throughout the community b.Retaining walls shall be maintained by a Home Owner’s Association to be created as part of the planned development c.Perimeter fencing facing Trophy Wood Drive shall match the style and character of existing fencing along Trophy Wood Drive at The Villas. d.Perimeter fencing facing all other directions shall be clad with a combination of board on board cedar and masonry columns spaced at a maximum of 30’ on center. Material used for masonry columns shall also be used in the perimeter fence facing Trophy Wood Drive. e.HVAC Screening: All buildings shall be designed such that the mechanical equipment (HVAC), except venting & stacks, is not visible from Trophy Wood Drive. 5.Accessory Structures: Detached accessory structures shall be prohibited. 6.Garages: All residential lots shall provide a two-car garage. a.The minimum dimension of two-car garages shall be twenty-one (21) feet in width and twenty-two (22) feet in depth (inside to inside). 87 b. Garages may face the private street. B)Building Materials: 1.All residences in The Trophy shall be constructed of ninety percent (90%) masonry (excluding wall over roof areas) as set forth below: a.Masonry shall be defined as stucco, tile/porcelain/artificial stone, and natural stone b.Accent/secondary material shall be defined as any of the materials listed in paragraph B.1.a herein 2.All roofs shall comply with the following specifications: a.Standing seem metal covering; OR b.Flat and covered in a commercial waterproofing such as TPO. C)Landscape Standards: Tree preservation within The Trophy shall be in compliance with the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 – Subdivision Ordinance, Division 8.Tree Preservation and Removal, Section 10.02.248. 1.Perimeter Landscape: The common areas adjacent to Trophy Wood Drive will have one (1)tree with a minimum three (3) inch caliper per 500 square feet. 2.Tree Requirements: a.Each lot shall have a minimum of one (1) tree in the front yard. Trees shall be a minimum three (3) inch caliper. D)Type of Street Lights: 1.Standard Oncor approved street lights. 2.One (1) light at the southwest corner of the cul-de-sac of Street A and one (1) light at the southwest intersection of Street A and Trophy Wood. Any regulation not specifically addressed herein shall be in accordance with the current ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club. 88 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.5 89 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.6 90 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.7 91 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.8 92 C:/Users/ADMIN/Dropbox (Elborai Group)/Elborai Group's shared workspace/Team Folder/Current Projects/401 Trophy Wood Townhomes/Plans/WIP 401 TROPHY WOOD DR720 S. Kimball Ave | Southlake, TX 760902 | elboraigroup.com401 Trophy Wood Drive Numbers Only, IncTrophy Club, Texas 76262 SQUARE FOOTAGES UNIT 1 3,800 UNIT 2 3,800 UNIT 3 3,800 UNIT 4 3,600 UNIT 5 2,500 UNIT 6 2,500 UNIT 7 2,700 Total AC's Area 22,700 Building Footprint 13,900 November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 November 4, 2021 Date Printed: Date Published: Last Revision: Revision Notes A0.9 93 LOCATION MAP94 LOCATION MAPS:\JDJRproj\2021\926 Elborai Group\926-3-21 401 Trophy Wood - Trophy Club, TX\Civil\926-3-21 PD.dwg, 11/19/2021 12:27:48 PM 95 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manage Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Case PP 21-007 (The Trophy Preliminary Plat) Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Case PP 21-007 (The Trophy Preliminary Plat) Take appropriate action to approve the request for a Preliminary Plat consisting of seven (7) townhome lots along with one open space lot and one common private street lot on property described as Lot 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, located at 401 Trophy Wood Drive in the Town of Trophy Club, Tarrant County, Texas, currently zoned PD-25, Planned Development. Strategic Link: Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment. Background and Explanation: Request Overview The proposed Plat is being considered concurrently with a PD request to authorize the construction of 7 townhomes on a 0.946 acre lot with a density of approximately 8 dwelling units per acre. PD-25 was originally created in 2002 with the subject property shown as tract 6 consisting of 2.8 acres. The property was originally platted as Lot 3, Trophy Wood Business Center. In 2008, the original 2.8-acre tract 6 was partially developed with tract 7 as the current Hampton Inn and Suites. Tract 6 was replatted as Lot 3R2, leaving just under an acre of land. 96 Page 2 of 2 Surrounding Area PD-14 sits to the north and west of the property and was developed as the Villas of Trophy Club between1997 and 2006. The Hampton Inn and Suites sits to the south and was developed in 2008. To the east is Trophy Club Town Hall. Trophy Wood Drive provides the only public street access to the property. Proposed Improvements The property currently has access to an improved public street (Trophy Park Drive) along with public water and sewer (12” water and 8” SS). The site generally drains north-to-south towards Trophy Wood Drive and a 26’ drainage easement at the property line with the Hampton Inn. Final engineering plans will be required with a Final Plat and must be approved by the Town before construction can begin. Analysis: The proposed plan conforms to the proposed PD zoning. A recommendation for approval of the plat should be made contingent upon approval of the PD zoning change as the plat would not comply with the existing PD-25 zoning. If the zoning change is denied, the plat must be denied as well. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: The Town Attorney has reviewed this item and has no objection. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The P&Z Commission considered this item on December 1, 2021. The Commission recommended approval with a 6-1 vote. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Preliminary Plat as presented. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Preliminary Plat 97 LOCATION MAP98 Page 1 of 3 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Case PD 21-004 (Beck Townhomes) Town Council Meeting, December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Case PD 21-004 (Beck Townhomes East of Bobcat Blvd & North of BNHS) A. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to 35 townhome lots along with open space lots on two tracts totaling approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas currently zoned MH, HUD-Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District. B. Take appropriate action to adopt Ordinance 2021-28 for the request to rezone approximately 4.9 acres located east of Bobcat Boulevard and north of Byron Nelson High School in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Denton County, Texas currently zoned MH, HUD-Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District to a PD, Planned Development District to construct 35 townhomes. Strategic Link: Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment. Background and Explanation: Previous Request The applicant previously requested a PD to allow the construction of 37 townhomes (see fig. 1). This request was recommended for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 14th and was tabled at Town Council on October 25th. The applicant withdrew the original application and has resubmitted new application with a revised layout consisting of 35 townhomes in an effort to address concerns stated by P&Z and Council. 99 Page 2 of 3 Current Request The proposed PD would authorize the construction of 35 staggered townhomes on two properties consisting of approximately 4.9 acres with density of 7.14 dwelling units per acer. The most significant revision from PD 21-002 occurs on the northern portion of the site (see fig. 2) where a townhome unit has been eliminated and the remaining units arranged in three banks around a loop drive. All the units are at least 30 feet from neighboring properties, up from 10 feet under the previous proposal. The applicant is proposing a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet, a minimum lot width of 30 feet, a minimum lot coverage of 60% and a maximum of lot coverage of 80%. Surrounding Area Byron Nelson High School sits immediately to the south along Bobcat Boulevard. The eastern portion of the property borders Army Corps of Engineers land, including an existing trail that runs between the northern and southern portions of the property. The City of Roanoke borders the site to the west and north and is developed as detached single-family residential and manufactured homes. Proposed Improvements and Development Standards The proposed concept plan depicts the two (2) sections of the property. Each section is proposed as a mixture of townhomes and centralized open space. The southern portion consists of 22 lots served by a private 26 feet loop drive that also functions as a fire lane. The loop drive also provides access to 22 guest parking spaces on the south portion of the property. A private trial runs between the center and eastern blocks and is connected to the guest parking areas. The applicant is proposing a flashing sign indicating a crosswalk identical to the one recently installed on Bobcat Boulevard to protect pedestrians utilizing the trail to Byron Nelson High School. The north portion of the project consists of 13 lots and 13 guest parking spaces. Because the internal drives are private, the individual lots are measured from the middle of the private drive, meaning the build able portion of the lot is roughly 2,175 square feet. A maximum of 8 attached units are allowed. The eighth unit must be separated by a pedestrian circulation area or vehicle access drive. A minimum of 85% of the front, rear, and side facades of the townhomes must be finished in masonry consisting of brick, stone, true stucco, cast stone, or glass block. To provide separation between the units on the southern end of the development and the High School, the applicant has included a 3-foot landscaped buffer between the private access drive and the High School property line. The buffer with include Photinia shrubs or comparable (see fig.3). 100 Page 3 of 3 Analysis: The proposed development presents a lot of configuration and housing product that is similar to townhomes that were approved with PD-30. Roadway access consists of one private drive from Bobcat Boulevard. Units will need to be fire sprinklered to meet fire code. Though Trophy Club does not have written base standards for townhomes in its Code of Ordinances the proposed PD language included standards similar to those established for townhomes in PD-30 and in other North Texas cities. These include language regarding ownership and maintenance of common areas and features, guest parking spaces, screening requirements for rooftop mechanical units, and garbage collection within the development. Staff finds that the level of detail shown within the PD regulations is sufficient to govern the operation and maintenance of the development and that all other requirements are adequately governed by existing applicable standards with the Code of Ordinances and will apply in the even they are not explicitly spelled out in the PD regulations. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: The Town Attorney has reviewed this item and has no objection. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The P&Z Commission considered this item on December 1, 2021. The Commission recommended approval with a 5-2 vote with the following conditions and recommendations: 1. Meet or exceed buffer to typical Trophy Club single-family/non single-family standard. 2. Include sidewalk standards. 3. Indicate landscaping along perimeter, screening of northern lots. 4. Shift northwest parking further west. 5. Realign private road turning north to tract 1HB to address sharp curve. 6. Consider removing lot 33. Revised PD Development Standards and Revised Concept Plan have met conditions 1-5. Staff Recommendation: Because the proposed development would change existing Manufacture Home zoning to a PD similar to PD-30, staff recommends approval of the request to rezone and establish a Planned Development for up to 35 townhome lots on two (2) tracts totaling 4.9 acres. Attachments: • Ordinance 2021-26 P&Z • Exhibit A – PD Development Standards • Exhibit B- Concept Plan 101 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2021-28 P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2000-06 P&Z OF THE TOWN, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN BY CHANGING THE ZONING ON A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS AN APPROXIMATE 4.900 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CURRENTLY ZONED “MH” – HUD-CODE MANUFACTURED HOME AND INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING DISTRICT TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 35 TOWNHOMES AND ASSOCIATED OPEN SPACE LOTS; PROVIDING FOR EXHIBIT “A”, PD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS”; AND PROVIDING FOR EXHIBIT “B”, “CONCEPT PLAN”; PROVIDING THAT SUCH TRACT OF LAND SHALL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN; PROVIDING THAT THE ZONING MAP SHALL REFLECT THE PD ZONING FOR SUCH 4.9 ACRE TRACT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), is authorized and empowered by law, in accordance with Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code, to regulate Land use, and property development within the Town for the public health, safety and general welfare; WHEREAS, the owner of the tract of land, collectively described as a 4.900 acre tract of land, zoned MH – HUD-Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District, and such land being further described in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein, (the “Land”), filed an application with the Town’s Planning and Zoning Commission requesting a change in zoning of the Land into PD, Planned Development. Such application further requested an amendment to the official Zoning District Map of the Town in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Town’s Code of Ordinances; and 102 WHEREAS, all legal notices, requirements and conditions having been complied with, the case to rezone the Land came before the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, after public notices were given in compliance with State law and a public hearing was conducted, and after considering the information submitted at that public hearing and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of the amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after complying with all legal notices, requirements, and conditions, a public hearing was held before Town Council at which the Town Council considered, among other things, the character of the land and its suitability for particular uses, with a view of encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the Town, and does hereby find that the rezoning approved hereby accomplishes such objectives; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission having given its recommendation for approval of the adoption of the amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and pursuant to Section 14.02.403(b)(3) of the Town’s Code of Ordinances, the Town Council has voted by at least a three-quarters (3/4th) majority of its members to approve the amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. FINDINGS After due deliberations and consideration of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the information and other materials received at the public hearing, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interests of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and of the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 3. REZONING The Zoning Ordinance for the Town, adopting the Zoning Map, codified in Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, is hereby amended in the following particulars: A.The zoning of the Land, being a 4.900 acre tract of land described in Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B”, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby changed to adopt provisions for a 103 Planned Development in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance, all applicable parts of Chapter 14, the Zoning Code, and all other applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of the Town. The Zoning Map is hereby amended to reflect the “PD” Planned Development designation for the tract of Land. 104 SECTION 4. SAVINGS AND REPEALER That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portion of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance as set forth in the home rule Charter of the Town and by filing this Ordinance in the Ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 7. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined, upon conviction, not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption, Penalty Clause and Effective Date Clause of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. 105 SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this the 13th day of December, 2021. _______________________________ Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: _________________________________________ Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________________ Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 106 Exhibit A PD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The purpose of this Planned Development is to establish a townhome residential district similar in nature and scope to the existing townhome development known as Trophy Club Town Center Addition, Lots 1-51, Block A. 1. Townhome Residential General: a.Townhome Residential shall be single family residential units on individually platted lots. b.The lots (and the dwelling unit primary pedestrian entry) must front on the 26’ private access roadway as depicted on the Concept Plan. c.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to the private access roadway. d. Accessory buildings shall not be allowed on private lots. e.Townhome Residential lots shall be clustered into a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 contiguous units per cluster separated by pedestrian circulation areas (minimum 10 feet in width) or the private access roadway. Clustering must meet all building/fire code requirements. f.Where Townhome Residential lots are clustered, individual dwelling units shall abut one another, but must contain code compliant fire separation walls as required by the Town building and fire codes, centered on the common lot lines. g.Each Townhome Residential lot shall be served individually by water, sewer, electric, gas, and other typical utilities. h.Areas for recreational and open space may be platted into one or more lots. i.A property owner’s association must be created during the final plat process and will be responsible for maintenance of all common elements. j.Wherever feasible within the common areas, a minimum 4’ wide concrete sidewalk shall be provided to facilitate pedestrian access to existing walking trail. 2.Townhome Residential maximum density: the maximum number of Townhome/Townhouse units is 35 units. 3.Townhome Residential minimum floor areas are as follows: a.Ground floor – 1,500 sf minimum inclusive of garage parking and covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit. b. Second floor -800 sf minimum. c.Townhome Residential shall not exceed 2 stories. 107 d.Townhome Residential minimum total floor area -2,300 sf. 4. Townhome Residential lot size and lot coverage: a.Minimum lot size per dwelling shall be 3,000 sf. b.Minimum lot width per dwelling shall be 30 feet. c.Minimum lot depth per dwelling shall be 100 feet. d. Minimum lot coverage per dwelling shall be 60%. e.Maximum lot coverage shall be 80%. 5. Townhome Residential Setbacks: a.Front setback i.Front setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet, as measured from the face of curb at the vehicle access drive, dedicated to landscaping, hardscaping, and/or driveways. ii.Decorative building elements, canopies, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project up to 6 feet into this setback. b. Side setback i.Where Townhome Residential units abut adjacent Townhome Residential units and a code compliant fire separation wall is provided, there shall be no required side setback. ii.Where Townhome Residential units abut the private access roadway, a 10 foot setback shall be required, which shall include landscaping and hardscaping, including trees and shrubs. Decorative building elements may project up to 5 feet into this setback except where limited by building/fire code requirements. iii.No off-street parking will be allowed within the side yard setback. c. Rear setback i. The minimum rear setback shall be 5 feet. ii.No decorative building elements, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project past the lot line. 6. Townhome Residential Design Guidelines: a.A minimum of 85% of the front, side and rear facade of Townhome Residential shall be finished in masonry (brick, stone, stucco using the 3 step process, cast stone, or glass block). 108 b. No façade shall include a wall section greater than 30 feet in width without incorporating a wall offset that changes the horizontal plane of the façade by at least two feet. The wall offsets may be in the form of projections or recesses. c.Backyard fences shall be either decorative metal or solid wood, not to exceed 8’ in height. 7.A 3’minimum landscape buffer zone to include Photinia or comparable is required along the southern boundary adjacent to High School to the South of Lots 8, 9, & 22 A retaining wall (if needed) can be located within the buffer zone. Townhome Residential Garage and Parking Requirements: a.Each town home shall have a two (2) car garage. b.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to vehicle access drives. c.Each Townhome Residential unit requires one (1) guest parking space. The total of guest parking required for clustered Townhome Residential may be accommodated in designated off-street parking areas dispersed throughout the Townhome Residential development. 8. Townhome Residential Trash: a.Each dwelling unit shall individually house trash in an area not visible from adjacent units or from the private access roadway and protected from weather and pests. b.Each dwelling unit shall be allowed to place trash containers in a designated area adjacent to the unit's garage on designated trash collection days. 9.Roof top equipment shall be screened from view from a person standing at the nearest edge of the private access roadway abutting the unit, and the top of the equipment shall not be higher than the top of the parapet. 10.A crosswalk and lights substantially similar to the one shown in Exhibit B as currently installed on Bobcat Boulevard with automatically or manually-activated flashing signage will be installed with construction of the access drive as it crosses the existing trail. 109 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 33 32 31 28 27 29 30 BOBCAT BLVD.HALIFA X S T . R28' R28' R28' 107'107' R28' 22'R28'R28'26'R28'18'10'59' 107'30'R28' 26'22'8'26'40'40'40'39'26'30'10'30'5' S.B. 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. PROPOSED 26' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT PROPOSED 26' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT 50' ROAD EASEMENT (INST.# 2004-52884) O.P.R.D.C.T. 50' ROAD EASEMENT (INST.# 2004-52884) O.P.R.D.C.T. PROPOSED OPEN SPACE 3' LANDSCAPE BUFFER PROP. FH PROP. FH 9'18'10.6'17.6' 17.9' R32' R32' PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURE 34 35 R28' R28' R28' PROP. FH PROP. FH 18'9'8'22'PROP O S E D 2 6' M U T U A L ACCE S S E A S E M E N T PROP O S E D 2 6' M U T U A L ACCE S S E A S E M E N T 40' 30'100'100'100' 40' 40' 30' 40' 40' 30' 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. 3.1'2.7'8'26' 26' R32' R32' PROPOSED BUILDING 9'18.9'18.7'PROPOSED BUILDING 10' 10' EX. HIGH SCHOOL PARKING57.8'40'R28' 19.9' FC TO RETAINING WALL 31.3' BLDG CORNER TO RET. WALL PROPOSED 4' SIDEWALK (TYP.) PROPOSED 4' SIDEWALK (TYP.) PROPOSED 4' SIDEWALK (TYP.) 11.3' FC TO RETAINING WALL 11.6' FC TO RETAINING WALL 33.3' FC TO RETAINING WALL 40.3' FC TO RETAINING WALL SHEET NO. 777 Main St., Suite 1900 BGE, Inc. Fort Worth, TX 76102 TBPE Registration No. F-1046 Tel: 972-887-6130 ●www.bgeinc.com Copyright 2021 Contact: David Greer Tel: 817-872-6005 TROPHY CLUB - 1H & 1HB4.89 ACRESTOWN OF TROPHY CLUBDENTON COUNTY, TEXASADDRESSSURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTIONDEVELOPER BGE, INC.13101 Preston Rd., Ste 510 BECK VENTURES Contact: Yochoua Arrouas Director of Operations & Development Tel: 214-556-4620 (Office) Tel: 979-574-5523 (Cell) Dallas, Texas 75240 0 50'100'25' SCALE: 1" = 50' SITE 1H & 1HB MACQ U A RI E ST TROPHYBOBCAT BLVDCLUB D R HIGHLANDS DRGALLOWAY BLVD PARKVIEW DRTROPHY PARK DR SHEFFIEL D DRMONAVALE RD VICINITY MAP N.T.S.PD CONCEPT PLANCP - 1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS NOTE: PROPOSED ROADWAYS WITHIN PROPERTY LINES WILL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES TYPICAL TOWN HOME OFFSET EXHIBIT B 110 PD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The purpose of this Planned Development is to establish a townhome residential district similar in nature and scope to the existing townhome development known as Trophy Club Town Center Addition, Lots 1-51, Block A. 1. Townhome Residential General: a. Townhome Residential shall be single family residential units on individually platted lots. b. The lots (and the dwelling unit primary pedestrian entry) must front on the 26’ private access roadway as depicted on the Concept Plan. c. Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to the private access roadway. d. Accessory buildings shall not be allowed on private lots. e. Townhome Residential lots shall be clustered into a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 contiguous units per cluster separated by pedestrian circulation areas (minimum 10 feet in width) or the private access roadway. Clustering must meet all building/fire code requirements. f. Where Townhome Residential lots are clustered, individual dwelling units shall abut one another, but must contain code compliant fire separation walls as required by the Town building and fire codes, centered on the common lot lines. g. Each Townhome Residential lot shall be served individually by water, sewer, electric, gas, and other typical utilities. h. Areas for recreational and open space may be platted into one or more lots. i. A property owner’s association must be created during the final plat process and will be responsible for maintenance of all common elements. j. Wherever feasible within the common areas, a minimum 4’ wide concrete sidewalk shall be provided to facilitate pedestrian access to existing walking trail. 2. Townhome Residential maximum density: the maximum number of Townhome/Townhouse units is 35 units. 3. Townhome Residential minimum floor areas are as follows: a. Ground floor – 1,500 sf minimum inclusive of garage parking and covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit. b. Second floor -800 sf minimum. c. Townhome Residential shall not exceed 2 stories. 111 d. Townhome Residential minimum total floor area -2,300 sf. 4. Townhome Residential lot size and lot coverage: a. Minimum lot size per dwelling shall be 3,000 sf. b. Minimum lot width per dwelling shall be 30 feet. c. Minimum lot depth per dwelling shall be 100 feet. d. Minimum lot coverage per dwelling shall be 60%. e. Maximum lot coverage shall be 80%. 5. Townhome Residential Setbacks: a. Front setback i. Front setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet, as measured from the face of curb at the vehicle access drive, dedicated to landscaping, hardscaping, and/or driveways. ii. Decorative building elements, canopies, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project up to 6 feet into this setback. b. Side setback i. Where Townhome Residential units abut adjacent Townhome Residential units and a code compliant fire separation wall is provided, there shall be no required side setback. ii. Where Townhome Residential units abut the private access roadway, a 10 foot setback shall be required, which shall include landscaping and hardscaping, including trees and shrubs. Decorative building elements may project up to 5 feet into this setback except where limited by building/fire code requirements. iii. No off-street parking will be allowed within the side yard setback. c. Rear setback i. The minimum rear setback shall be 5 feet. ii. No decorative building elements, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project past the lot line. 6. Townhome Residential Design Guidelines: a. A minimum of 85% of the front, side and rear facade of Townhome Residential shall be finished in masonry (brick, stone, stucco using the 3 step process, cast stone, or glass block). 112 b. No façade shall include a wall section greater than 30 feet in width without incorporating a wall offset that changes the horizontal plane of the façade by at least two feet. The wall offsets may be in the form of projections or recesses. c.Backyard fences shall be either decorative metal or solid wood, not to exceed 8’ in height. 7.A 3’minimum landscape buffer zone to include Photinia or comparable is required along the southern boundary adjacent to High School to the South of Lots 8, 9, & 22. A retaining wall (if needed) can be located within the buffer zone. Townhome Residential Garage and Parking Requirements: a.Each town home shall have a two (2) car garage. b.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to vehicle access drives. c.Each Townhome Residential unit requires one (1) guest parking space. The total of guest parking required for clustered Townhome Residential may be accommodated in designated off-street parking areas dispersed throughout the Townhome Residential development. 8.Townhome Residential Trash: a.Each dwelling unit shall individually house trash in an area not visible from adjacent units or from the private access roadway and protected from weather and pests. b.Each dwelling unit shall be allowed to place trash containers in a designated area adjacent to the unit's garage on designated trash collection days. 9.Roof top equipment shall be screened from view from a person standing at the nearest edge of the private access roadway abutting the unit, and the top of the equipment shall not be higher than the top of the parapet. 10.A crosswalk and lights substantially similar to the one shown in Exhibit E as currently installed on Bobcat Boulevard with automatically or manually-activated flashing signage will be installed with construction of the access drive as it crosses the existing trail. 113 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 33 32 31 28 27 29 30 BOBCAT BLVD.HALIFA X S T . R28' R28' R28' 107'107' R28' 22'R28'R28'26'R28'18'10'59' 107'30'R28' 26'22'8'26'40'40'40'39'26'30'10'30'5' S.B. 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. PROPOSED 26' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT PROPOSED 26' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT 50' ROAD EASEMENT (INST.# 2004-52884) O.P.R.D.C.T. 50' ROAD EASEMENT (INST.# 2004-52884) O.P.R.D.C.T. PROPOSED OPEN SPACE 3' LANDSCAPE BUFFER PROP. FH PROP. FH 9'18'10.6'17.6' 17.9' R32' R32' PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURE 34 35 R28' R28' R28' PROP. FH PROP. FH 18'9'8'22'PROP O S E D 2 6' M U T U A L ACCE S S E A S E M E N T PROP O S E D 2 6' M U T U A L ACCE S S E A S E M E N T 40' 30'100'100'100' 40' 40' 30' 40' 40' 30' 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. 5' S.B. 5' S.B. 10' S.B. 3.1'2.7'8'26' 26' R32' R32' PROPOSED BUILDING 9'18.9'18.7'PROPOSED BUILDING 10' 10' EX. HIGH SCHOOL PARKING57.8'40'R28' 19.9' FC TO RETAINING WALL 31.3' BLDG CORNER TO RET. WALL PROPOSED 4' SIDEWALK (TYP.) PROPOSED 4' SIDEWALK (TYP.) PROPOSED 4' SIDEWALK (TYP.) 11.3' FC TO RETAINING WALL 11.6' FC TO RETAINING WALL 33.3' FC TO RETAINING WALL 40.3' FC TO RETAINING WALL SHEET NO. 777 Main St., Suite 1900 BGE, Inc. Fort Worth, TX 76102 TBPE Registration No. F-1046 Tel: 972-887-6130 ●www.bgeinc.com Copyright 2021 Contact:David Greer Tel: 817-872-6005 TROPHY CLUB - 1H & 1HB4.89 ACRESTOWN OF TROPHY CLUBDENTON COUNTY, TEXASADDRESSSURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTIONDEVELOPER BGE, INC.13101 Preston Rd., Ste 510 BECK VENTURES Contact:Yochoua Arrouas Director of Operations & Development Tel: 214-556-4620 (Office) Tel: 979-574-5523 (Cell) Dallas, Texas 75240 0 50'100'25' SCALE: 1" = 50' SITE 1H & 1HB MACQ U A RI E ST TROPHYBOBCAT BLVDCLUB D R HIGHLANDS DRGALLOWAY BLVD PARKVIEW DRTROPHY PARK DR SHEFFIEL D DRMONAVALE RD VICINITY MAP N.T.S.PD CONCEPT PLANCP - 1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS NOTE: PROPOSED ROADWAYS WITHIN PROPERTY LINES WILL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES TYPICAL TOWN HOME OFFSET 114 Page 1 of 1 To: Mayor Fleury and Town Council From: Leticia Vacek, Town Governance Officer and Town Secretary/RMO CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Re: Approve Retreat Date and 2022 Trophy Club Council Regular Meetings Agenda Item: A Special Meeting for a Retreat of the Trophy Club Town Council has been set for January 8, 2022. Additionally, the 2022 Calendar of Trophy Club Council Regular Meetings is attached for approval. Strategic Link: Administrative Services to provide strong internal and external marketing and communications. Background and Explanation: For the months of March, Spring Break was taken into account as 4th of July, Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December. Staff Recommendation: Staff Recommends approval of the Special Meeting for the Retreat on Saturday, January 8, 2022 and the 2022 Calendar of Trophy Club Council Regular Meetings depicting the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month with exceptions as denoted. The May Canvass date will need to be selected as the timeframe is May 12 – May 18, 2022. Staff recommends Tuesday, May 17, 2022 as the Town Council Regular Meeting to canvass the results of the election. 115 Council Dates 2022 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 New Years 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Retreat 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MLK Day 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TC 26 27 28 29 30 31Jan Jan. 8: Town Council Retreat Jan. 25: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TC 23 24 25 26 27 28Feb Feb. 8: Town Council Feb. 22: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NISD 15 Spring 16 Break 17 18 19 20 21 22 TC 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Mar March 22: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TC 13 14 15 Good Friday 16 17 Easter 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TC 27 28 29 30Apr April 12: Town Council April 26: Town Council 116 Council Dates 2022 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Election Day 8 Mother’s Day 9 10 11 12 *Canvass Period 13 *Canvass Period 14 15 16 *Canvass Period 17 *Canvass Period 18 *Canvass Period 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Memorial Day 31May *Canvass Period 5/12 – 5/18 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TC 15 16 17 18 19 Father’s Day 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TC 29 30Jun June 14: Town Council June 28: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TC 27 28 29 30 31Jul July 26: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 TC 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Aug Aug. 9: Town Council Aug. 23: Town Council 117 Council Dates 2022 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Labor Day 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TC 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 TC 28 29 30Sep Sept. 13: Town Council Sept. 27: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TC 26 27 28 29 30 31Oct Oct. 11: Town Council Oct. 25: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30Nov Nov. 8: Town Council 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TC 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Dec Dec. 13: Town Council 118 Page 1 of 1 To: Mayor Fleury and Town Council From: Leticia Vacek, Town Governance Officer and Town Secretary/RMO CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Re: Creating and Appointing a Joint Municipal Project Subcommittee Agenda Item: Create and Appoint a Joint Municipal Project Subcommittee comprised of Two Council Members and 1 Alternate appointed by the Mayor for the purpose of meeting with Two Members of the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 on Joint Projects. Strategic Link: Infrastructure and Development – Feasibility of improving all Town Infrastructure. Background and Explanation: On December 8, 2020 Mayor Fleury created and appointed the Strategic Partnership Subcommittee of the Council to engage with Two Members of the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 related to the expiration, renewal, and/or amendment of the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services. That subcommittee completed its charge and has dissolved. Members included Mayor Fleury and Greg Wilson. The new joint subcommittee will serve to continue the dialogue with the Municipal Utility District as it relates to joint current and future projects, including joint elections. The alternate position will attend the meetings in the absence of one of the two primary Council Members. Financial Considerations: None at this time. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the appointments by the Mayor. 119 Page 1 of 1 To: Mayor Fleury and Town Council From: Leticia Vacek, Town Governance Officer, and Town Secretary/RMO CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager Re: Appoint Two Members to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee to fill Two Vacancies Date December 13, 2021 Agenda Item: Appointment of Two Members to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. Strategic Link: Infrastructure and Development – Feasibility of Improving all Town Infrastructure. Background and Explanation: On April 13, 2021, Mayor Fleury announced the formation of the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. The purpose of the committee is to focus on ways to create a more walkable, bikeable, cartable community. On May 11, 2021 Megan Keohen was appointed Chairwoman of the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. Jeff Beach and Dave Dickson were named Co-Chairs of the Loop Road Sub- Committee. LuAnne Oldham and Dr. Sarah Collins were also appointed to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. At the November 2, 2021 Special Election, LuAnne Oldham and Jeff Beach were elected to the Trophy Club Town Council creating two vacancies on the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. Mayor Fleury will bring forth the names of Two Residents that will replace LuAnne Oldham and Jeff Beach on the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee for approval. Financial Considerations: None at this time. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the two nominations by Mayor Fleury to the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee. 120 Future Agenda Items December 13, 2021 Future Agenda Items will be divided into 3 Categories: 1) Current listing of all future agenda items requested by Council that have not been addressed. 2) Items that have been researched and are scheduled for a report to Council (first 2-4 weeks). 3) Items that Council has requested additional research/staff time on and will be brought back for public discussion at a Council Meeting. Council will be provided updates on items that require significant time. The Future Agenda Items list will be placed on the Council Meeting agenda to provide a status on all items. The current list will be reviewed and as items are completed; said items will be removed. The Council may add items as needed to the list. 1) Receive an update regarding Entryway Monumentation/Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. Staff is finalizing the RFQ (Requests for Qualifications) for a Landscape Architect and Statues which will go out for response and estimates next week. After responses are received staff will narrow the vendors down to two choices and each will present their ideas to the Council Public Art Subcommittee. 2) Develop a Strategic Plan for the Town addressing future goals with budgetary needs for each department. Staff participated in Strategic Management Training in September. Town Mgr. Carroll will discuss at Council Retreat in January the Mission, Vision, Focus Areas and Objectives for the next 2-3 years. 3) Modifying the Existing Veteran’s Memorial to include “Space Force”. Final decisions on memorial dimensions and placements were made by the Veterans Committee and staff has received the cost estimates for veteran’s park changes. A purchase order has been created for $9,950. The estimated time for the memorial pieces to be created is 6-8 weeks. Internal staff will be making the necessary changes to the landscaping and creating the new handicap ramp and entrance to the park from the parking lot. 4) Street Maintenance Sale Tax Re-Authorization for May, 2022 Election. Staff will present to Council in Jan/Feb timeframe for the May Ballot. 5) Possible CCPD Sales Tax Re-Authorization for May, 2022 Election. Staff will present to Council in Jan/Feb timeframe for the May Ballot. Revised by: L. Vacek December 10, 2021 121