Agenda Packet TC 11/08/2004Town of Trophy Club Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Monday, November 8, 2004 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. A.2 Invocation. A.3 Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag_ Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. "Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one and indivisible." A.4 Citizen presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on an matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. A.5 Council/staff reports: this is an onnortunity for Council and staff to provide brief updates on projects and to provide public service announcements. It is not a time for the expression of opinions, questions and answers, or discussion among staff and Council. Discussion is limited to whether Council desires to have a topic placed on a future a _ eg nda for future consideration. A.6 Planning & Zoning Commission call to order and announce a quorum. B.1 Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council to conduct a Joint Public Hearin relative the following: An Application from Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc., for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "Alternate Pad 8H" located approximately 400 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and the intersection of Marshall Creek Road, approximately 2,860 feet east of the Town's west town limit line and approximately 1,555 feet south of the north Town limit line. B.2 Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council to close Joint Public Hearing_ C.1 Public Hearing: An application from Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc. for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "PAD 7H", located approximately 800 feet south of Marshall Creek Road, and approximately 500 feet west of the Town's east Town limit line. C.2 Town Council to close Public Hearing and conduct a Joint Session with Planning & Zoning Commission C.3 Planning & Zoning Commission to conduct a Joint Session with the Town Council. CA Planning & Zoning Commission to discuss and take annronriate action reLmrdina a recommendation to the Town Council relative to the following: An Application from Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc., for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "Alternate Pad 8H" located approximately 400 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and the intersection of Marshall Creek Road, approximately 2,860 feet east of the Town's west town limit line and approximately 1,555 feet south of the north Town limit line. D.1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2004-20, Section 14, entitled "Canvassing of Returns" changing the canvassing time on November 15, 2004 from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. D.2 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to an application from Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc., for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "Pad 7H" located annroximately 800 feet south of Marshall Creek Road, and approximately 500 feet west of the Town's east Town limit line. D.3 Discuss and take annronriate action regarding an Application from Star of Texas Ener Services, Inc., for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "Alternate Pad 8H" located approximately 400 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and the intersection of Marshall Creek Road, approximately 2,860 feet east of the Town's west town limit line and approximately 1,555 feet south of the north Town limit line_ DA Discuss and take appropriate action to direct staff regarding the proposal from Nextel to construct a 90' flagpole and related structures on Town property located at the northwest corner of Trophy Lake Drive and State Highway 114. D.5 Discuss and take annronriate action to authorize the Director of Finance to execute loan documents for the purchase of a police records management system. The Town has been approved for a loan not to exceed $40,000 for a term of three years at prime rate minus .25% (current rate would be 4.5%). This loan is through First Financial bank and will be taken down as needed with the total amount of draw down anticipated to be approximately $35,000. D.6 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Interlocal Agreement for participation in Fort Worth's Environmental Collection Center Household Hazardous Waste Program D.7 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated October 18, 2004. D.8 Additional information provided to the Council. F.1 Adjourn. COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item NO.A.I Call to order and announce a quorum. (dc) COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.2 Invocation. (dc) COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.3 Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. "Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one and indivisible." (dc) COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.4 Citizen presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. (dc) COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.5 Council/staff reports: this is an opportunity for Council and staff to provide brief updates on projects and to provide public service announcements. It is not a time for the expression of opinions, questions and answers, or discussion among staff and Council. Discussion is limited to whether Council desires to have a topic placed on a future agenda for future consideration. (dc) COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.I Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council to conduct a Joint Public Hearing relative the following: An Application from Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc., for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "Alternate Pad 8H" located approximately 400 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and the intersection of Marshall Creek Road, approximately 2,860 feet east of the Town's west town limit line and approximately 1,555 feet south of the north Town limit line. EXPLANATION: The following SUP application is Alternate 8H. This drill site location is in response to the denied SUP 8/91-1 location. The site is located well over 1,000 from developed properties, therefore no waiver is required. RECOMMENDATION: ACTION BY COUNCIL: (kcf) Attachments: 1. SUP Application 2. SUP Site Plan Checklist 3. Site Plan 4. Drainage Plan Town of n2phL+ Club, Texas AMENDED APPLICA rZON FOR OIL AND GAS WELL DEVELOPMENTS= PLAN REVIEW NAME OF GATE: June 10, 2004 PROPOSED Trophy Club Alternate 8-H DEVELOPMENT: Application must be submitted with a total of 7 copies of the Site Plan. Drawings by engineering firms are preferred. Legal description of property must be provided on an 8W x 11" sheet — two (2) typed copies on plain bond paper — no letterhead. GENERAL INFORMATION. Total 1.5 acres Current R-12 acreage: Zoning: SURFACE OWNER(S). NAME: Beck Properties Trophy Club, PHONE #; $1-430-8992 LP (please prrn ADDRESS: NAME: C ADDRESS: 100 Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Club, T SIGNATURE; 76262 PROPERTY O WNER(S) U 4V (} NAME: B Oil Investments, Ltd. PHONE #: (214) 745-5400 _76=0 P -,-n ADDRESS: 100 Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Awns ev�ertebility of SIGNATURE- NAME: IGNATURE NAME: Star of Texas Energy PHONE #: (612) 26Y-6005 Services, Inc. a --s9 awn ADDRESS- P.O. Box 4038, Lago Vista, Texas 7864;= Owns the minerals in fee SIGNATURE: 10/19/2004 09:43 0040000000 FACE 03 ErkvIr E Ih+G rA� ]0/i3` eea 09:01 s7G64d261' RAW 03 1911912004 ZSe101� 0000000D00 ■ guar Y p}(*E r ViBI� hex 7$ 5 p"ON5 0:64 .p -w 1 he:P In anv��s t (3 Y cite I Q 1 Ihtrd n S IS3T[A� U RE: — NAME: M�tuv� Jimon Tare 76MI — 3i�NATVfIE; �—yam—� Dv%�jptk>nOF ■tl p.,Ucvs"q .and attvVO mvWvw mpjh V*i gTopopw maybe �-- W IUK l�t;Y CSG C�HYC�fj ieLr, AO mlmthl Town of Trophy Club, Texas ,` Oil and Gas Well Development Special Use Site Plan Checklist PROJECT NAME: GAS WELL ALTERNATE 8H CASE NO: SUP -04-012 DATE: 27 OCTOBER 2004 REVIEWED BY: GH The Town of Trophy Club requires a Site Plan for review and approval of an Oil and Gas Well Special Use permit. The following information must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission in order for a request to be processed. This summary is provided for the benefit of the applicant. However, fulfilling the requirements of this summary checklist does not relieve the applicant or his/her agent from the responsibility of the regulations in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and other development related ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club. ® Provide typical well site schematics indicating layout during drilling, upon completion of drilling, and during fracture or refracture treatment processes. ® Indicate location of all proposed underground pipelines. As built drawings shall be filed with the Town. All proposed pipelines in pipeline easements shall require pipeline easement dedication. ® Identify if pipelines connect with gas distribution system, and if so, designate proposed location. General Requirements 1. Drawn to scale: 1" = 50' or 1" = 100" (smaller or larger scales may be accepted only if approved by the Planning & Zoning Coordinator). Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 2. Drawn on a sheet size of 18"x24" or 24"06" (smaller or larger sheet sizes may be accepted only if approved by the Planning & Zoning Coordinator). Legend of instruments required. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 3. The date, written and graphic scale, north arrow, proposed name of well site, and a key map indicating the location of the development in relation to existing streets and highways. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 4. Title Block containing: 1.) Proposed name of the subdivision or lot on record, 2.) Acres in platted and/or un -platted land and total of those acres, 3.) Survey and jurisdiction (i.e. Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas). Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 5. Date of the application, preparation and revision date(s). Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 6. Name and address of the property owner(s), planners and registered engineer, surveyor. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 7. Name and address of property owners of contiguous undeveloped land. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 8. Any Town lines traversing or on the boundary of the development. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: Boundaries, Acreage, Zoning &Uses 9. Indicate the proposed site boundary lines shown in contiguous dark lines, of sufficient width to be easily identified. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 10. Total acreage within the proposed site, identification of each existing and proposed type of land use, and the acreage of each use. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 11. All existing or proposed lots and blocks identified by letter or number within the proposed site and the names and lot patterns of contiguous developments, indicated by dotted or dashed lines. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 12. Location and identification of all existing buildings, parking lots, driveways and other significant structures within 500' of the SUP boundaries. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: Incomplete: 13. Existing and proposed zoning of the proposed site and the zoning of adjacent land. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 14. Indicate area details: Corps properties, schools, location and size of all greenbelts and open spaces and parks Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: Incomplete: 15. Location, height and type of all walls, fences and/or screening. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: NOT APPLICABLE, BUT REGULATED BY TOWN ORDINANCE 16. Proposed and existing landscaping, and screening buffers. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: NOT APPLICABLE, BUT REGULATED BY TOWN ORDINANCE Utilities 17. Identify and show the identification, location and size of all existing public facilities, including water and sanitary sewer lines and the associated easements that are located within or on the boundaries of the proposed site. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 18. Identify the location and size of all existing water and sanitary sewer lines and the associated elements that are proposed to serve the site, showing the location, size and distance of any existing lines to which the connections are proposed. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 19. Detailed information on the means by which any alternative water or sanitary sewer service is to be provided. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 20. The location and routing of all existing or proposed lines, easements and facilities for providing electrical services for the proposed site. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: Streets, Sidewalks & Driveways 21. Identification, location and size of all existing streets and Right -of - Ways located within the proposed site or adjacent developments. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 22. Indicate the location and dimension of all curb cuts, public and private streets, parking & loading areas and outside storage facilities. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 23. Location and width of any existing or proposed driveways that access or are proposed to access any existing or proposed arterial street located within or on the boundary of the proposed site. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: Drainage 24. Topographical information based on 2 -foot vertical contour intervals except where excessively steep grade prohibits graphical representation, in which case 5 -foot vertical intervals may be used. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 25. The identification, location and approximate dimensions of all existing and proposed water courses, ponds, detention ponds, ditches, channels, floodway and floodplain boundaries, storm water improvements, drainage easements, or similar natural or man-made drainage facilities or features located within or outside the boundaries of the development that do or will affect or impact storm water drainage on or across the site. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 26. Identify and show proposed method of erosion control if applicable (may be accomplished in notes). Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 27. Minimal drainage requirements: 1.) Label and indicate any FEMA 100 -year floodplain and floodway on the plan. Label and indicate centerline of any stream, creek, swale, etc., 2.) Proposed top pf drilling pad site elevation, 3.) Show location, size length and type of existing and proposed driveway culverts. All culverts shall be RCP or aluminized Type II pipe, and 4.)Provide drainage area map and supporting calculation per drainage criteria manual for all drainage areas contributing to the proposed driveway culverts and flood plain crossings. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: We//s 28 Identify the location of proposed lease lines and well locations, including: 1.) Label the distance between wells and property lines, 2.) Label the distance between wellheads and structures within 500' of wellheads, and 3.) Label the distance between temporary holding ponds and floodplains. Shown: Iq Incomplete: Not Applicable: ❑ 29 Diagram of the SUP gathering system center (pipeline to distribution system, flow back system separator tankage, compressors [if needed], etc.). Shown: Incomplete: Not Applicable: ❑ 30 Diagram indicating the proposed gathering system, including: 1.) Location of easements with width dimensions, 2.) Details of the production pipeline (line diameter, PSI rating, burial depth, signage, etc.), and 3.) Details of flow back piping (line diameter, PSI rating, burial depth, signage, etc.). Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: TO BE PROVIDED WITH THE PIPELINE PERMIT APPLICATION 31 Proposed location and dimensions of reserve pits. Shown: Incomplete: Not Applicable: ❑ 32 Proposed placement of fracture equipment during original completion process and subsequent re-fracs. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE PRIOR TO FRACTURING ACTIVITIES 33 Outline of proposed producing tract(s), indicating location of well head(s) and bottomhole location(s). Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: PRODUCING TRACTS AND BOTTOMHOLE LOCATIONS NOT PROVIDED WITH APPLICATION/SHOULD BE AVAILABLE ON RAILROAD COMMISSION PERMIT REVIEWED BY: GH DATE: 27 OCT 04 ADDITIONAL TOWN REQUESTS REQUIREMENTS ON ITEMS 1 & 2 TO BE COMMENTS: PROVIDED FOR PERMANENT FILE RECORDS ITEM 6.) - INFORMATION IS AVAILABE ON COPIES PROVIDED FOR ORIGINAL PAD 8/9H LOCATIONS EASEMENTS FOR PIPELINES INDICATED ON THE SITE PLAN HAS NOT BEED DEDICATED AS OF 27 OCT 04 /S - BECK PROPERTIES TROPHY CLUB, L.P. FILE #93—ROO87516 If POINT OF COMMENCING LAKES OF TROPHY CLUB PHASE 3 — CABINET R, SLIDE 169 NZON POINT OF BEGINNING BECK PROPERTIES TROPHY CLUB, L.P. FILE #93—R0087516 LOT 2, BLOCK THE FOURTH BACK AT TROPHY CLU CABINET M. SLIDE :C—K .=EC WGOWWN A 114 7 WOM 27 Nor= Or A GSAPIIC — T 11F ym. - TI -1 —E t� -.a r --r' M. rl E— IT" %\ijl� � wN —T� 4,1 2 ... 4611207ZIM 10 1W -04 WN-b.mm T�W..— U FL. 4 LT 4. A TIC— ..T,, 7i.I.PlIl rl.11 —.E.T T� P.— IPI TROPHY CLUB PADS AH 1.62 ACRES SITE PLAN INN111MABOWN0.529 INT HE TOWN OFIROPW CUUM OMM, TEN =CAjENGINEER ==OR Po APRIL, 2004 JOB#0130 ------- UNE LINE c Nr A. PROPOSED PAD TROPHY CLUB #8H ELEVATION: 595.60 BECK PROPERTIES TROPHY CLUB, L.P. FILE#93—R0087516 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE POINT OF BEGINNING BECK PROPERTIES TROPHY CLUB, L.P. FILE #93—R0087516 LOT 2, BLOCK THE FOURTH BACK AT TROPHY CLU CABINET M. SLIDE :C—K .=EC WGOWWN A 114 7 WOM 27 Nor= Or A GSAPIIC — T 11F ym. - TI -1 —E t� -.a r --r' M. rl E— IT" %\ijl� � wN —T� 4,1 2 ... 4611207ZIM 10 1W -04 WN-b.mm T�W..— U FL. 4 LT 4. A TIC— ..T,, 7i.I.PlIl rl.11 —.E.T T� P.— IPI TROPHY CLUB PADS AH 1.62 ACRES SITE PLAN INN111MABOWN0.529 INT HE TOWN OFIROPW CUUM OMM, TEN =CAjENGINEER ==OR Po APRIL, 2004 JOB#0130 e�icnnox xE14 xE,x F.I.R. FND PK Eouxo v.x. xu� ESA Exxxwx[xr,s gxsmun pxu 7 � a �re -i - asnrc s,xv=ro, WANI McCUL AH wi�i.°rciz nzv (xlx)1a41101 Style 1'430b ,III II11 �• xap Nawx N,P DRAINAGE PLAN TROPHY CLUB #8H 1.62 ACRES SITE PLAN J. HENRY—ABSTRACT NO. 529 CITY OF TROPHY CLUB, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS A — W. STAR OF TEXAS ENERGY SERVICES, INC C&P ENGINEERING, LTD. E.�vim xnc°0iews n�)wm«t {as.;�sneo F�y(513)3616W5 (9]3)6,a-38ao Rabert�0ukx,A �ry Rged No.OWII an°ea31,3W1 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Town Manager Date: 11-8-2004 Subject: Agenda Item No.C. l Public Hearing: An application from Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc. for a Specific Use Permit to allow gas well drilling on a 1.5 acre tract of land referred to as "PAD 711", located approximately 800 feet south of Marshall Creek Road, and approximately 500 feet west of the Town's east Town limit line. LOCATION: Approximately 800 feet south of Marshall Creek Road, and approximately 500 feet west of the Town's east Town limit line OWNER: Beck Properties of Trophy Club, L.P. APPLICANT: Star of Texas Energy Services, Inc. LAND PLANNER: N/A NO. NOTICES SENT: N/A RESPONSES: N/A STAFF COMMENTS: Gas Well 7H is the 8th gas well SUP application from Star of Texas. The location of this site is far removed from developed property. The application appears to be in compliance with the Town's drilling ordinances. The Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this application at their 21 October 2004 meeting. (kcf) ia Town of TMP—/? Club, Texas AMENDED APPLICATION FOR COIL AND GAS WELL PEC IRTVEr- DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW AUG 2 7 COQ NAME OF L DATE: June 10, 2004 PROPOSED Trophy Club 7-H DEVELOPMENT: Application must be submitted with a total of 7 copies of the Site Plan. Drawings by engineering firms are preferred. Legal Description of property must be provided on an 8'!:' x 11" sheet — two (2) typed copies on plain bond paper— no letterhead. GENERAL INFORMATION: Total 1.5 acres Current acreage: Zoning'. SURFACE OWNER(S). NAME: Beck Properties Trophy PHONE #: Club, LP A ase pion p ADDRESS: 100 TrODhv Club Drive. TrODhv Club. Tex NAME: C I 1pvubvplofekl ADDRESS: 100 Tror)hv Club Drive. Troph Agricultural 817-430-69912 v Club. Texas 76262 1 n SIGNATURE. PROPERTY OWNER(S): NAME B Oil Investments, Ltd.PHONE #: (214) 745-5400 p ase prrn ADDRESS: 100 Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Owns a possibility of SIGNATURE: reverter NAME: Star of Texas Energy PHONE # (592} 267-6 05 Services, Inc. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 4038 , Lago Vista, Texas 78645 Owns the minerals in fee SIGNATURE. DEVELOPER NAME: Star of Texas Energy PHONE #- (512) 267-6005 Services, Inc. ase pfin ADDRESS. P.0, Box 4038, Lago Vista, Texas 7884 ,-) SIGNATIJRE: EMGrR11fEER NAME: C -P Engineening PHONE* (972) 644-2800 rpmase pn"I ADDRESS: 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101, Richardson, � SIGNATURE: . 4"A4�� SURVEYOR NAME: McCullah Surveying, Inc. PHONE #: 12ZK 33.3-1064 - ease prmp ADDRESS: 16031 Addison Road, Addison, Texas 75001 SIGNATURE: Description of all processes and activities involved with the proposed use: This site will he used for the drilling for and producton of natural gas. There will be tanks on the site as well as a separator as depicted on the Qlaat for the temuoraru storage of formation water. Pipelines will run the gas and water from the tanks from the site in a pipeline system to a central operations facility outside the city limits of the Town of Trophy Club. Access to the Well remains necessary to remove water from the tanks if necessary and for msinte_nance and Stimulation of the well. Town of Trophy Club, Texas Oil and Gas Well Development Special Use Site Plan Checklist PROJECT NAME: CASE NO: DATE: REVIEWED BY: GAS WELL 7H SUP -04-010 17 SEPTEMBER 2004 GH The Town of Trophy Club requires a Site Plan for review and approval of an Oil and Gas Well Special Use permit. The following information must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission in order for a request to be processed. This summary is provided for the benefit of the applicant. However, fulfilling the requirements of this summary checklist does not relieve the applicant or his/her agent from the responsibility of the regulations in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and other development related ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club. ❑ Provide typical well site schematics indicating layout during drilling, upon completion of drilling, and during fracture or refracture treatment processes. ❑ Indicate location of all proposed underground pipelines. As built drawings shall be filed with the Town. All proposed pipelines in pipeline easements shall require pipeline easement dedication. ❑ Identify if pipelines connect with gas distribution system, and if so, designate proposed location. General Requirements 1. Drawn to scale: 1" = 50' or 1" = 100" (smaller or larger scales may be accepted only if approved by the Planning & Zoning Coordinator). Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 2. Drawn on a sheet size of 18"x24" or 24"x36" (smaller or larger sheet sizes may be accepted only if approved by the Planning & Zoning Coordinator). Legend of instruments required. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 3. The date, written and graphic scale, north arrow, proposed name of well site, and a key map indicating the location of the development in relation to existing streets and highways. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 4. Title Block containing: 1.) Proposed name of the subdivision or lot on record, 2.) Acres in platted and/or un -platted land and total of those acres, 3.) Survey and jurisdiction (i.e. Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas). Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 5. Date of the application, preparation and revision date(s). Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 6. Name and address of the property owner(s), planners and registered engineer, surveyor. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 7. Name and address of property owners of contiguous undeveloped land. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 8. Any Town lines traversing or on the boundary of the development. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: TOWN LIMIT/COE BOUNDARY NOT DESIGNATED (TOWN LIMIT LINE SHOWN ON DRAINAGE PLAN BUT NOT HEAVY LINE) Boundaries, Acreage, Zoning & Uses 9. Indicate the proposed site boundary lines shown in contiguous dark lines, of sufficient width to be easily identified. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 10. Total acreage within the proposed site, identification of each existing and proposed type of land use, and the acreage of each use. Shown: ® Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 11. All existing or proposed lots and blocks identified by letter or number within the proposed site and the names and lot patterns of contiguous developments, indicated by dotted or dashed lines. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: 12. Location and identification of all existing buildings, parking lots, driveways and other significant structures within 500' of the SUP boundaries. Shown: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ Incomplete: