Town Council Minutes - 08/24/2021 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES Tuesday,August 24,2021;7 PM The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday,August 24, 2021.The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 Greg Wilson Council Member,Place 2 Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Cox Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Jill Lind Communications&Marketing Manager CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7 PM and noted a quorum present noting that all Council Members were present while Council Member Monger would join the meeting shortly. INVOCATION Pastor Barry Clingan,The Church at Trophy Lakes, delivered the Invocation and prayed for the Mayor, Council, Police Chief, Fire Chief,Town Manager and all Trophy Club Staff. PLEDGES Council Member Wilson led the pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT(S) Mayor Fleury recognized Luann Wing of 1115 Wilshire Drive who spoke on the Political and Banner Signs Ordinance noting that Trophy Club was not adhering to the Ordinance. She indicated that the sign on Trophy Club Drive is disturbing and qualifies as a Political Sign. Council Member Shoffner called a point of order and noted that the Council does not have purview over the concern stated. Mayor Fleury recognized the point of order made by Council Member Shoffner and informed Ms. Wing that the Council cannot engage in discussion. Town Attorney Dodd explained that the Council does not have jurisdiction or purview over the concern she has raised. Mr. Carroll noted that the Town is enforcing the Sign Ordinance as written and noted that what she was asking;the Town cannot do. He invited Ms.Wing to another meeting to discuss her topic further. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Business Spotlight—Dan's Bagels Mayor Fleury welcomed Dan and Jennifer Hilbert,owners of Dan's Bagels. Dan Hilbert reported that Dan's Bagels is now open and introduced his wife,Jennifer. He added that they moved to Trophy Club 7 years ago and have made a lot of friends. He stated that initially he started making bad bagels and got into the science of it and perfected the New York Style Bagels. He added that their storefront is open by Tom Thumb and are open Wednesday thru Sunday from lam to 2pm but they do sell out. They make bagels, homemade cream cheeses,and breakfast sandwiches. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont noted that since he is originally from New York; Dan's Bagels are the real thing. Mayor Fleury added that they also have Bobcat Bagels, Rainbow Bagels and can customize any color bagel for the occasion. August 24, 2021 Page 1 of 6 2. Recognition of Trophy Club Triton Swim Team for Winning the 2021 Texas Amateur Athletic Federation State Championship.(T.laramillo) Mr.Jaramillo stated that the age range of the Trophy Club Triton Swim Team varies from ages 4 to 65 who make it to the pool everyday by 5:30am for practice. He added that several of their achievements this year include their Master Swimmers breaking 3 records while the Team received 97 ribbons and medals combined. Mayor Fleury recognized all of the swimmers that compose the Trophy Club Triton Swim Team for winning the 2021 Texas Amateur Athletic Federation State Championship. Council Member Monger entered the meeting at this time. Mayor Fleury presented Head Coach Isabel Minnis and Assistant Coaches Zephan Carmody and Jarrod Carmody with Certificates of Recognition. Lastly,she indicated that all swimmers would receive a small token of appreciation of a Popcorn Treat. 3. Recognition of Trophy Club Police Officer Kenneth "Trey" Richardson for receiving the "Enforcement Hero Award" - Denton Police Chief Frank Dixon and Trophy Club Police Chief Patrick Arata. Denton Police Chief Frank Dixon and Trophy Club's Police Chief, Patrick Arata presented Kenneth "Trey" Richardson with the "Enforcement Hero Award". Mayor Fleury noted that this award is presented to the Officer from each agency with the most DWI Arrests in 2020 preventing an unknown number of injuries and/or fatalities. She added that Officer Richardson does his job with compassion and heart and thanked him. Lastly, she recognized Officer Richardson for receiving certification of completion of the Drug Recognition Program. Chief Arata presented the award to Officer Richardson and also congratulated him. Chief Frank Dixon presented the Trophy Club Police Department with the voluntary Best Practices in Law Enforcement Accreditation Program Award in which there are only 177 departments that have received the award in the State of Texas. Mr. Dixon stated that the Trophy Club Police Department is a Leader in the State of Texas. Mayor Fleury thanked Police Chief Arata as Trophy Club Police Department is one of 177 recipients out of 2,700 Police Departments in Texas. She also recognized TCEVA and all Police Officers. Council Member Wilson stated that Trophy Club is incredibly blessed to have Chief Patrick Arata as our Police Chief. Council Member Shoff ner added that he has seen the amazing job that has been done with Police Chief Arata at the helm. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont mentioned that he comes from a law enforcement family dating back to 1940 and truly understands how difficult the job can be and thanked Chief Arata.Chief Arata thanked the Council for their support. 4. "Patriot Day Remembrance"Ceremony on September 11,2021.(W.Carroll) Mr.Carroll announced the ceremony honoring those that fell during the 9/11 tragedy. He stated that the ceremony will take place on Saturday at 8:45am at the Fire Department. He mentioned the Roanoke Honor Guard will be there as well as a Bag Piper. He noted that a piece of Steel from the World Trade Center is mounted in front of the Fire Station and looked forward to seeing everyone. Mayor Fleury addressed Item 7 at this time. PROCLAMATIONS S. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-20 recognizing September 6 through September 12,2021 as"National Payroll Week"in Trophy Club.(Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury read and presented Proclamation 2021-20 to Wendy Weaver, Board member of the Dallas American Payroll Association. Council Member Monger moved to approve Proclamation 2021-20. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-20 to Wendy Weaver, Board Member of the Dallas American Payroll Association for "National Payroll Week". 6. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-21 proclaiming September 2021 as"Live United Month"in Trophy Club.(Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury read and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-21. Council Member Lamont seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: August 24, 2021 Page 2 of 6 AYE: Wilson,Sheridan,Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-21 to Olivia Mata-Williams with the Denton County United Way for"Live United Month". 7. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-22 proclaiming September 11,2021 as"Patriot Day"in Trophy Club.(Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury read and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-22. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Sheridan,Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-22 to Fire Chief Jack Taylor and Police Chief Patrick Arata for"Patriot Day". CONSENT AGENDA 8. Take appropriate action approving the Regular Meeting Minutes of August 10,2021.(L.Vacek) 9. Take appropriate action to approve Resolution 2021-07 for a Negotiated Settlement between the ATMOS Cities Steering Committee and ATMOS Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company's 2021 Rate Review Mechanism Filing; Declaring existing rates to be unreasonable, and Adopting Tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement.(M. Erwin) 10. Take appropriate action regarding an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the Town and Northwest Independent School District for School Resource Officer Services for Fiscal Year 2021-2022; authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents.(P.Arata) 11. Take appropriate action approving Ordinance 2021-16 amending the Town of Trophy Club Sign Ordinance providing for election signs to be placed 90 days before an election and removed 10 days after an election as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.(M.Cox) 12. Take appropriate action to approve an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the Town of Trophy Club and the Municipal Utility District No.1 for Fire Protection Services.(W.Carroll) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 8 through 12. Council Member Geraci seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Sheridan,Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING(S) 13. Conduct a Public Hearing on the Town of Trophy Club's Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Budget.(W.Carroll) Mayor Fleury declared the public hearing open at 7:55 pm on the Town's Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Budget. Mayor Fleury asked if there was anyone present that would like to speak;there being none,Mayor Fleury declared the public hearing closed at 7:56 pm. INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 14. Take appropriate action to approve Ordinance 2021-13 adopting the Town of Trophy Club Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget.(W.Carroll) August 24, 2021 Page 3 of 6 Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Ordinance 2021-13 adopting the Town of Trophy Club Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoff ner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None 15. Take appropriate action to approve Ordinance 2021-14 authorizing the issuance of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2021; levying a t ax, and providing for the security for and payment of said certificates;awarding the sale of the certificates;authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent agreement; approving the official statement; enacting other provisions related to the subject. (M. Erwin) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Ordinance 2021-14 authorizing the issuance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2021; levying a tax, and providing for the security for and payment of said certificates, awarding the sale of the certificates; authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent agreement;approving the official statement;and enacting other provisions related to the subject. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: Sheridan ABSENT: None 16. Take appropriate action approving Ordinance 2021-15 accepting the Public Improvement District (PID Service and Assessment Plan for Infrastructure.(M. Erwin) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Ordinance 2021-15 accepting the Public Improvement District (PID)Service and Assessment Plan for Infrastructure. Council Member Shoff ner seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Sheridan,Monger,Geraci,Shoff ner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None 17. Take appropriate action approving the Annual Licensing and Support from Tyler Technologies(Incode).(M. Erwin) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve the Annual Licensing and Support from Tyler Technologies (Incode). Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Wilson,Sheridan,Monger,Geraci,Shoff ner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None 18. Future Agenda Items List.(W.Carroll) Mr.Carroll presented the Future Agenda Items List and noted that there were three items remaining on the list. He mentioned a meeting was held with the Public Arts Committee and staff will be working on getting some of the items from that meeting accomplished in the next couple of weeks. He stated that Item 2 on the list is the Strategic Plan for the Town that has a due date of December, 2021 and reported that staff is working on said plan. Mr. Carroll noted that Item 3 is the citizen's survey that has been completed;thus, will remove said item from the list. He asked if there were items that Council would like to add to the list. Council Member Sheridan stated that he would like to add an item: 2015 Fund of$200,000 Earmarked for Police and now the 2022 Budget capital expenditures for radios and an amount of$8,500. Council Member Monger seconded. Council Member Monger requested to add an item: Modifying the existing Veteran's Memorial to include and add "Space Force". Mayor Fleury seconded. The motions were approved to add the two items denoted. 19. Take appropriate action to accept the Resignations from Greg Wilson,Council Member,Place 2 and Michael Geraci, Council Member,Place S.(Mayor Fleury) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to accept the Resignations from Greg Wilson, Council Member, Place 2 and Michael Geraci, Council Member, Place 5. Council Member Sheridan seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont noted that Greg Wilson August 24, 2021 Page 4 of 6 is someone that he can truly call a best friend due to his honest and frank discussions. He also wished Michael and his family all the best. Council Member Monger stated that has gotten to know Michael Geraci a bit better than Greg Wilson but was honored to call them fellow residents and friends. He recognized them for stepping forward to serve our country in the past and now having stepped up to serve our Town as the election process can be an interesting experience. He told Michael that he hopes that in the future when his job calms down, he can come back to serving on Council. He also wished Greg the best of luck with his new job. Council Member Wilson stated that he is resigning due to accepting a position requiring him to relocate to Boston. He stated that it has been a real privilege and honor to work alongside everyone at Trophy Club. He stated that when he moved to Trophy Club 10 years ago,he was able to serve on EDC-4A which transitioned to EDC-4B then served on the MUD Board ending now with service on Council. He prayed that Trophy Club is better now than when he started and noted he will stay in contact with everyone. Council Member Shoffner thanked both Michael and Greg. He added that Greg was elected to the MUD during a time when the Town and the MUD did not have the best relationship. Today,the Town and the MUD have a good working relationship and didn't think that the Town could thank him enough and those that served with Greg on the MUD. He wished Greg and his family well in Boston. Council Member Geraci stated that Council Member Monger said it best with some of us having the call to serve our nation and our Town. He stated that he enjoyed serving the Town and looks forward to serve again but sometimes work and life gets in the way. He expressed his appreciation to everyone that is voluntarily serving and in his case,he looked at his children and decided to make the call that family is important as he gets one shot at being a Dad and just being there for them. He added that it was a joy and honor to serve in this capacity as you get to serve people but at the same time it is not easy having to put oneself out there where people will make comments. He noted there will be a time where he looks forward to coming back but now he will first serve his children and be a Dad Leader. He added that he has enjoyed serving on Council even with the difficult discussions that they have had. Mayor Fleury noted that she had not seen those comments on FB and stated that everyone is tired of the negativity,hate and assumptions and told Michael not to worry over them. She added that the Council knew what kind of Father he is and love him and his beautiful family. She noted that the Council understood and put the Town first by putting his family first and resigning which is admirable. She thanked him for his military service and Community service to the Town. She expressed her appreciation to Greg Wilson and all that he has done and accomplished as he has put our first responders first. She wished both the best of luck,presented each with a crystal award for their service and announced that there was cake and snacks for them. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Monger,Shoffner,Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None 20. Take appropriate action approving Order/Ordinance 2021-17 Calling a Special Election of the Town of Trophy Club to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, for the purpose of electing Two (2) Council Members. One Council Member for Place No.2 for an Unexpired Term of Office to expire May 2023 and one Council Member for Place No. 5 for an Unexpired Term of Office to expire May 2022.(L.Vacek) Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to approve Order/Ordinance 2021-17 Calling a Special Election of the Town of Trophy Club to be held on Tuesday,November 2,2021,for the purpose of electing Two(2)Council Members. One Council Member for Place No.2 for an Unexpired Term of Office to expire May 2023 and one Council Member for Place No.5 for an Unexpired Term of Office to expire May 2022. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan, Monger,Shoffner,Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None Mayor Pro Tem Lamont made a motion to approve Election Contracts with Denton County and Tarrant County for the November 2, 2021 Special Election. Council Member Sheridan seconded the motion. The motions carried as follows: August 24, 2021 Page 5 of 6 AYE: Sheridan, Monger,Shoff ner,Mayor Pro Tem Lamont,Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None Town Governance Officer Vacek summarized the key election dates such as the filing of an application for a place on the ballot, last day to register to vote in the November 21 Special Election,last day to receive an application for a mail in ballot among others. Mayor Fleury asked Mrs. Vacek to explain the Special Election and the cost. Mrs. Vacek stated that because the State is holding a Constitutional Amendment Election on November 2,2021;the Town of Trophy Club will be able to participate jointly in said election which will minimize the cost of our Special Election. Mayor Fleury thanked Mrs.Vacek and noted that all election information will be posted on the Town's Website under Elections. EXECUTIVE SESSION 21. Executive Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code,Annotated,Chapter 551(Texas Open Meetings Act). Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 8:22 pm pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code,Annotated,Chapter 551(Texas Open Meetings Act): 1) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney Discussion and possible action on an Interlocal agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and the Municipal Utility District. No. 1 2) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters a) Municipal Court Judge and Court Clerk Positions. b) Zoning Board of Adjustment Appointments. Reconvened into Open Session Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting into Regular Session at 9:03PM. 22. Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to approve Resolution 2021-09 appointing Benjamin Brewster and Steven Boedeker to regular positions and Steve Bowman to an alternate position for all terms to expire September 30, 2022. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Sheridan,Monger,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont,Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: None ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 9:04 PM. J JAlic* ury, Mayor Att s't� , l'� ) -VW�I 4 ro L ti acek,TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO August 24, 2021 Page 6 of 6