ORD. 2021-17 - Special ElectionAWI-6 Prescribed by Secretary of State Sections 3.004, 3.006, 4.008, 85.004, 85.007, Texas Election Code 9/2009 ORDER/ORDINANCE NO. 2021-17 ORDER OF SPECIAL ELECTION FOR MUNICIPALITIES (ORDEN DE ELECCION ESPECIAL PAR4 MUNICIPIOS) LENH TO CHU'C BAU CU' DAC BICT DANH CHO DO THI TU QUAN An election is hereby ordered to be held on November 2, 2021 for the purpose of: Council Member Place 2 and Council Member Place 5. Por la presente se ordena gue se llevara a cabo una eleccion el 2 de NoWembre con el proposito de: Meimbro de Concilio Lugar 2 y Meimbro de Concilio Lugar 5. tg 1��n ?02nh�bcira: UVin HoiTheo 1�nh nay, mot cuoc bau cicse duco-c to chiec vao 102 thcHong Thanh Pho, Vi Tri 2 va Uy Vien Hoi Dong Pho, Vi Trl 5. Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at: Southlake Town Hall @ 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas for Tarrant County Voters. (La votacion adelantada en persona se llevara a cabo en Southlake City hall @ 1400 Calle Main, Southlake, Texas para votantes del Condado de Tarrant. Cuoc bo phieu so'm theo hinh thirc tryc tiep co melt se chro-c lien hanh toi: T rya Thi Chinh Southlake, so 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas, danh cho cac Ci' Tri Qunn Tarrant. Issued this 24"' day of August, 2021. Emitida este dfa 24 de Agosto, 2021. Lenh nay dtrac ban h' h ngdy 24 tha 2021. Council Member (Concejal) Uy Vien a IROP ,, „ ""' -. -..,...-/ Char ]ry cua Thi Trtcong Council Member I.K. Vj C� Coi (Concejal)1 S� G� (Co Uy vien Hoi g 0O U1. l) (Conceja Uy Vien Hoi Dong Inci ember ttej(I!) Vien Hoi Dong Instruction Note: A copy of this election order must be delivered to the Elections Administrator immediately after ordering the election. (Kota de instruction: Se debera entregctr una copia de, esta orders cle eleccion al Adtninistrador(a) de Elecciones inmediatamente despues de ordenar la eleccion.) Ghi Chu Hucong Dan: Phai gfri mot ban sao ciia Lenh to chtic bdu c& nby cho Quern Tri Vien Batt Cur ngay sau khi phat hanh ldnh bdu cu'.