07.27.2021 - Complete Agenda Packet - Joint Mtg. with MUDTrophy Club Town Council
Special Joint Meeting Agenda
Trophy Club Municipal Utility
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
July 27, 2021 5:30 PM
Svore Municipal
PLEDGES led by Council Member Shoffner
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not
permitted to take discuss or take action on any presentations made to the Council.
Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up to
four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must
complete the Speakers Form that includes the topic(s) to be presented. You may also email
1.Take appropriate action regarding the approval of Trophy Club Fire Protection
Services Fiscal Year 2022 Budget. (W. Carroll)
One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video
conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by
the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071
I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1
Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, July 23, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance
with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC
Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs,
please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 6822372900, 48 hours in advance, and
reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
Trophy Club Town CouncilSpecial Joint Meeting AgendawithTrophy Club Municipal UtilityDistrict 100 Municipal DriveTrophy Club, Texas 76262July 27, 2021 5:30 PM Svore MunicipalBuildingBoardroomCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Mayor FleuryPLEDGES led by Council Member ShoffnerPledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.PUBLIC COMMENTSThis is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is notpermitted to take discuss or take action on any presentations made to the Council.Presentations are limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Speakers have up tofour (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each speaker must complete the Speakers Form that includes the topic(s) to be presented. You may also emailmayorandcouncil@trophyclub.orgINDIVIDUAL ITEMS1.Take appropriate action regarding the approval of Trophy Club Fire ProtectionServices Fiscal Year 2022 Budget. (W. Carroll)ADJOURN
One or more members of the Town Council may participate remotely using video
conferencing pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by
the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071
I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1
Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, July 23, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance
with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC
Town Governance Officer/Town Secretary/RMO
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs,
please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 6822372900, 48 hours in advance, and
reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
Annual Program of Services
Fire FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2024
Salaries $ 665,043 $ 685,229 $ 671,577 $ 711,424 $ 695,199 $ 709,025 $ 723,205 $ 737,669
Part-Time - - - 50,078 54,071 50,078 51,080 52,101
Merits - - - - - 13,550 - -
Overtime 91,609 72,896 75,008 93,476 118,359 84,405 86,093 87,815
Longevity 6,358 6,890 6,838 6,730 7,343 7,254 7,399 7,547
Annual Stipend - - - 1,875 1,875 - - -
Certification 7,564 9,750 9,063 9,750 9,700 11,438 11,667 11,900
Cell Phone Stipend - - - - - 1,800 1,800 1,800
Retirement 103,227 99,005 100,538 106,114 112,516 110,223 112,427 114,676
Medical Insurance 93,982 79,220 76,605 78,087 76,059 74,102 75,584 77,096
Dental Insurance 5,447 6,670 5,514 6,045 5,594 5,581 5,693 5,806
Vision Insurance 599 612 525 576 512 539 550 561
Life Insurance & Others 3,989 4,982 4,087 5,171 4,642 5,635 5,748 5,863
Social Security Taxes 46,593 46,795 44,880 51,123 52,558 52,084 53,126 54,188
Medicare Taxes 10,893 10,944 10,496 11,956 12,288 12,182 12,426 12,674
Unemployment Taxes 291 1,625 426 1,625 2,394 2,442 2,491 2,541
Workers' Compensation 9,638 16,762 15,004 20,177 17,842 17,816 18,172 18,536
Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 3,117 6,675 3,867 6,675 4,033 5,960 6,079 6,201
Tuition Reimbursement 3,289 8,290 1,497 8,290 5,637 8,290 8,456 8,625
Total Personnel $ 1,051,638 $ 1,056,344 $ 1,025,923 $ 1,169,172 $ 1,180,620 $ 1,172,403 $ 1,181,994 $ 1,205,598
Professional Outside Services $ 550 $ 5,500 $ - $ 1,750 $ 2,089 $ 1,750 $ 1,785 $ 1,821
Software & Support 12,123 16,749 12,495 17,164 16,854 17,164 17,507 17,857
Tax Adminstration 1,529 1,605 - 1,605 2,028 1,605 1,637 1,670
Advertising - 1,500 - 1,500 - 1,500 1,530 1,561
Legal Notices - - - - - - - -
Printing 219 300 141 500 373 500 510 520
Radios - - - - - - - -
Schools & Training 12,887 24,505 14,427 19,900 11,364 19,900 20,298 20,704
Electricity 4,790 8,400 4,970 8,400 4,818 8,400 8,568 8,739
Water 2,823 4,000 3,935 4,000 3,114 4,000 4,080 4,162
Telephone - - - - - - - -
Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 12,792 16,691 12,345 16,691 20,378 16,691 17,025 17,365
Building Maintenance 24,520 22,200 22,727 22,200 14,995 22,200 22,644 23,097
Vehicle Maintenance 46,433 41,800 31,865 40,800 12,590 40,800 41,616 42,448
Equipment Maintenance 11,202 18,000 5,719 18,000 7,984 18,715 19,089 19,471
Emergency Management 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,333 1,000 1,020 1,040
Dispatch - Denton County 3,706 3,986 3,986 3,946 5,261 4,020 4,100 4,182
Dues & Membership 19,616 20,337 19,782 20,337 21,854 20,337 20,744 21,159
Flags & Repairs 9,441 - - - - - - -
Travel & Per Diem 11,153 14,510 5,326 14,510 12,801 14,510 14,800 15,096
Meetings - - - - - - - -
Safety Programs - - - - - - - -
Inspection Fees - - - - - - - -
Office Supplies 317 300 390 500 319 500 510 520
Printer Supplies 1,020 1,400 - 1,400 1,175 1,400 1,428 1,457
Postage 82 100 31 100 89 100 102 104
Publications/Books/Subscriptions 344 350 334 350 - 350 357 364
Fuel 10,611 12,215 6,959 12,215 8,630 12,215 12,459 12,708
Uniforms 5,787 7,145 7,001 9,645 10,052 9,645 9,838 10,035
Medical Control - - - - - - - -
Pharmacy - - - - - - - -
Oxygen - - - - - - - -
Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing 31,343 27,700 24,353 27,700 361 27,700 28,254 28,819
Disposable Supplies - - - - - - - -
Annual Program of Services
Fire FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2024
Small Equipment 6,428 4,950 3,591 4,950 215 4,950 5,049 5,150
Hardware 3,268 4,458 2,592 4,458 1,272 4,458 4,547 4,638
Maintenance Supplies 444 1,500 1,113 1,500 - 1,500 1,530 1,561
Miscellaneous Expense 3,949 4,000 27,936 4,000 1,759 4,000 4,080 4,162
Programs & Special Projects 13,309 14,900 18,023 17,005 4,714 16,931 17,270 17,615
Total Services/Supplies $ 251,687 $ 280,101 $ 231,042 $ 276,126 $ 166,424 $ 276,841 $ 282,378 $ 288,025
Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Capital Replacement - - - - - - - -
Capital Expenses (Will come from - - - - - - - -
Total Capital $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Total Expenditures $ 1,303,324 $ 1,336,445 $ 1,256,964 $ 1,445,298 $ 1,347,045 $ 1,449,244 $ 1,464,372 $ 1,493,624
Trophy Club Fire Department
Annual Budget FY2021-22
Presented to TC-MUD 1 & TC Town Council
July 27, 2021
This budget presentation represents our
departmental budgetary vision for FY21-22:
Maintaining a relatively flat budget while
identifying ways to raise the bar of customer,
outreach and emergency services provided to
our community.
Budget Vision
•The goal was to maintain a flat budget where
possible, while using creative ideas to reduce
cost and increase service.
–The overall budget increase is 0.27% ($3,946)
•Includes 0.28% increase ($3,231) in Personnel.
•Includes 0.25% increase ($715) in Services/Supplies.
Budget Goals
ISO-1, effective March 1, 2021
Texas State Fire Marshal’s Assoc., Award of Excellence in
Fire Prevention-Gold
TCFD was 1 of only 3 in Texas to receive Gold Status (Hutto, Watauga)
Implementation of Squad 681 into fleet
Daily minimum staffing increased from 4 to 5 FFs (ISO)
Total Full-Time staffing remains at 5 personnel per shift (15)
2021 Road Rescue Ambulance in production-Due 1/22
AHA Mission:Lifeline Gold Award -Cardiac Care
TCFD members earned 2 Masters & 2 Bachelor Degrees
Rebranded TCFD to better reflect our community
Recent Department Accomplishments
Identified process to purchase PPE without Capital expenditure
PPE has 10-year shelf life.
“Smoothing” by purchasing ahead will avoid $30-40,000 capital requests in 2025 and 2026 for new PPE.
Revised training to focus on online, in-house and on-duty training. Hands-on monthly training w/ Roanoke FD.
Revised training, canceled peak PT staffing, and emphasis on PT first to fill vacancies, etc.; limited additional OT costs during FY20-21.
Purchased classes early and applied credits from FY 20 (due to COVID cancellations) to limit budget burden in FY21.
Changes implemented to uniform purchases
New duty uniforms sets are much less expensive and more durable than previous Nomex uniforms. ($85 vs. $240 per set)
FY 2020-21 Cost Saving Initiatives
Increase in Personnel budget by 0.28%.
No additional staffing is requested by TCFD
for FY 21-22.
Future-need to consider increasing full-time (FT)
staffing by 1 personnel per shift (3 total).
Having 6 FT will greatly reduce current demand for
OT/PT to cover vacancies.
(Daily Min. Staffing = 5 FF. Current full-time personnel =
Proposed Personnel Enhancements
Amended FY 2020-21 Proposed FY 2021-22 Percent Change
$1,445,298 $1,449,244 +0.27%
FY20-21 Budget vs. Proposed FY21-22
Order Replacement for Reserve Fire Engine (E681)
•End of Service for E681 will be 2022 (15yrs.)
•2007 Pierce has 55,000 miles and has cost an average $17,000.00/ year over the last three years for repairs.
•Replace E681 with a new Engine/Pumper (not to exceed $850,000.00 total cost). 5% due when ordered, Balance upon Delivery, unless a finance option is chosen.
–100% prepay discount at time of PO is $21,000 (Spartan/REV)
•Fire apparatus mfg. is currently on a 330-day build time.
Replace Reserve E681
•2007 Engine qualifies for Clean Vehicle/ Air Quality Funding Program (NCTCOG), if continued.
•TCFD can apply for new grant window in October 2021, if grant is continued, in hopes of qualifying for the full 25% grant award.
•Would plan to order new Pumper in 2022, expecting a 2023 delivery.
–GADSBE amount for FY22 will be $554,301 to apply to E681 purchase. Town stepped up to offer $250,000 additional funds if a grant is not available.
–New E681 would contain COVID/Virus reduction and FF cancer prevention components. Referred to as “Clean Cab Concept”.
–To qualify for grant, new apparatus cannot be financed.
Replace Reserve E681 (con’t.)
2022 E681 Order Date Helps Set an
Apparatus 10-Year Replacement Plan
Truck 681
2015-Received Current T681
Front-Line Status
(8 yrs.)
Reserve Status
(12 yrs.)
2035-Receive New T681
Front -Line Status
(10 yrs.)
Reserve Status
(10 yrs.)
Engine (Pumper) 681
2007-Received Current E681
Front -Line Status
(8 yrs.)
Reserve Status
(8 yrs.)
2023-Receive New E681
Front-Line Status
(12 yrs.)
Reserve Status
(10 yrs.)
2045-Receive New E681
Front-Line Status
(10 yrs.)
The overall budget increase is 0.27% ($3,946)
and includes
•A 0.28% ($3,231) increase in Personnel/Benefits budget.
•A 0.25% ($715) increase in Services and Supplies budget.
•Squad concept continues with 5 FF minimum staffing
Fill vacancies with part-time personnel first, then
additionally with overtime personnel, as needed to limit
OT costs. This is to limit the OT effect from unprecedented
vacancies. 47% of field staff (7 of 15) had long term surgery
Average total sick leave hours for FY19 and FY20 = 911 hours
FY21 has amassed 3,724 hours. (not including COVID vacancies)
Fire Budget Recap