Town Council Minutes - 05/25/2021 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB
Tuesday,May 25,2021;7 PM
The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, May 25,2021. The meeting was held at Town
Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers.
Alicia L. Fleury Mayor
Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1
Greg Wilson Council Member, Place 2
Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3
Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4
Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5(participated via Video Conference)
Philip Shaffner Council Member, Place 6
Wade Carroll Acting Town Manager
Leticia Vacek Town Secretary/RMO
David Dodd Town Attorney
Patrick Arata Police Chief
Jack Taylor Fire Chief
Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation
Matt Cox Director of Community Development
Mike Erwin Finance Manager
Jill Lind Communications&Marketing Manager
Haley Archer Human Resources Manager
Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Pastor Barry Clingan from The Church at Trophy Lakes delivered the invocation. He prayed for all to give reverence
to our Lord, as the giver of all good things and of life. He asked for the acknowledgment of every blessing from
above, as this is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. He asked that we remember the
privilege of praying for those who serve this Town, and for wisdom, discernment and the ability to lead be given to
Mayor Fleury and Council,and protecting and blessing each one. He prayed for Acting Town Manager and all Town
Staff who support and serve Trophy Club.
Council Member Sheridan led the pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag.
Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there were no speakers for
public comment.
1. Take appropriate action regarding Proclamation 2021-14 recognizing the patriotic meaning of Memorial Day.
(Council Member Monger)
Council Member Monger read and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-14. Council Member Sheridan seconded
the motion.The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shaffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
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Mayor Fleury invited all veterans and families to join her at the podium for a photo.
Council Member Monger invited everyone to attend the May 31, 2021 Memorial Day Remembrance at Medlin
Cemetery beginning at 10 AM,with a shuttle running from Trophy Club Country Club.
2. Report from Trophy Club Women's Club on the First Mother's Day Art and Garden Festival.(Mayor Fleury)
Ms.Jeannette Tiffany and Mrs. Kathy Baldwin presented a report on the First Mother's Day Art and Garden Festival
held May 8—May 9, 2021. Ms. Tiffany shared that Mrs. Baldwin's idea of an art festival started one fall morning
while discussing charitable fundraising ideas. She reported the Women's Club Home Tours had previously brought
in$35,000-$40,000 in the last four to five years that were distributed to charitable organizations. With this idea in
mind,a fearsome team of nine,exuding passion and dedication, began to create the vision to host the First Annual
Art and Garden Festival. She stated with Trophy Club being a "Great Place to call Home"and having many families,
mothers and sisters, hosting the event on Mother's Day Weekend at the Trophy Club Town Center would be the
perfect setting. She recognized Parks & Recreation Director Jaramillo for being their contact person at Town Hall,
Beck Ventures for jumping on board and Town Staff for embracing the idea.
Ms. Baldwin added that with encouragement from Mayor Fleury and Grant Gold,and the help of Mr.Jaramillo and
Ms.Lind in marketing the event;the vision became a reality. She also shared the Women's Club is working to obtain
additional sponsorships for the 2022 event, which would enable compensation to the Town for the services they
provided this year. She personally thanked and introduced each member of the Art Festival Committee for their
hard work and dedication: Jean Frazier, Marketing Communications Director; Marsha Piatt, Sponsorships; Lisa
Angelle, Artistic Director; Tiffany Nimphius, Logistics Director; Jill Carter, Food and Beverage Director; Carol
Tombury, Strategic Communications; and Maryann Hawker, Treasurer. Ms. Baldwin reported that there were 34
artists in attendance and 37 spaces taken. She also shared that the committee met every week with a goal of raising
$50,000. Amid all the hiccups, the Art Festival raised close to $30,000 charitable dollars and declared the event a
huge success. She once again thanked everyone involved from Town Staff, Beck Ventures,Bevan Apartments,Don
West and to all the Sponsors,Artists,as well as the patrons who attended.
Mayor Fleury praised the success of the Trophy Club Women's Club's Mother's Day Art and Garden Festival and
stated that she looked forward to collaborating with the Women's Club on next year's event.
3. Parks&Recreation Board Meeting Update.(T.Nimphius,Chair)
Mrs. Nimphius gave an update from their May 17, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. She reported the
board discussed potential water aerobics classes, and is looking for an instructor. All winter storm damages have
been repaired,and the pool will re-open on May 29,2021. Pool Memberships are available on the Town's Website
and a discussion was held on future agenda items,including a possible Trophy Club Park Clean-up Day.
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont mentioned that he attended the May 17, 2021 and March 8, 2021 Parks and Recreation
Meetings and felt that these meetings were unnecessary and unproductive and asked why they were called.
Mrs. Nimphius disagreed and stated the items discussed at the March 8, 2021 meeting included pool memberships
and fees for the various parks. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont corrected the date of March 8 to April 27,2021 as the correct
date the fees were discussed by the Parks and Recreation Board. A discussion between Mayor Pro Tern Lamont and
Mrs.Nimphius ensued regarding the previous Parks Board agenda items. Mrs.Nimphius stated that board members
provide updates regarding agenda items and if the Parks and Recreation Board only met twice a year, a lot of
information would go undiscussed. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont referenced that the rules call for four meetings per year
and the scheduled June Meeting will make four meetings in a row. Mrs.Nimphius stated that the sports agreements
were slated for the upcoming June Meeting. She added that a July Meeting will not be held. Mayor Fleury asked
Mrs. Nimphius to refrain from interrupting Mayor Pro Tern Lamont. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont referred to the rules
which dictate that there is to be a July Meeting.
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Mayor Pro Tern Lamont reported that at the February 21, 2017 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting it was ruled
that meetings would be held quarterly in January,April,July and October,with a caveat there could be special called
meetings to address specific topics. He also shared that Council Member Shoffner, Council Liaison at the time,
reported to Council that the Board recommended to meet on a quarterly basis due to lack of agenda items and only
call special meetings, if needed. He asked why the meetings were held when this was a violation of the Parks and
Recreation Board rules in addition to the Handbook. Mrs. Nimphius stated that the sports contracts were slated for
review but did not take place, as the subcommittee did not meet. Mayor Pro Lamont stated that the Board should
follow the rules, and added said meetings were not necessary but were taking staffs time to prepare for each
meeting within a 40-hour workweek. Mayor Fleury once again asked Mrs. Nimphius to refrain from interrupting.
Mrs. Nimphius stated that as much information Board Members are given is beneficial to share with the citizens.
She also mentioned that Mr. Jaramillo, Mrs. Bone, herself and various other Board Members discuss and decide
when to meet. She stated that staff has not shared that time is being wasted when holding Board Meetings. Mayor
Fleury asked for the Board Meeting schedule, and what meeting changes have taken place. Mayor Fleury also
reminded Mrs. Nimphius this was the third time she had asked her to refrain from interrupting, which was
disrespectful to the Council. Mrs. Nimphius responded to Mayor Fleury by saying "Seriously" and stating "Peace
Out"with a hand gesture,and left the meeting.
Mayor Fleury asked Mr.Jaramillo to address the meeting schedule. She also asked for clarification that the Board is
to meet four times a year,with the option to call special meetings. Mayor Fleury also questioned if there are items
that need addressing on a monthly basis. She noted the importance of respecting staff time,knowing the staff time
that is involved to prepare for each meeting. Mr.Jaramillo responded that there are pre-Board Meetings held at
least once a month before the actual Board Meeting,with a recommendation to meet more frequently,although at
times there are no agenda items. He added that meetings have been requested to occur nine times a year. He
reported that a June Meeting is scheduled, although there are no agenda items. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont reported
the Parks Board made a decision on how often they will meet. He asked why the Board or Chairperson would meet
when there are no agenda items;just updates. He also shared that page 7 of the Handbook states effective meetings
must have a purpose and the Board needs to vote on how often they meet and bring this to Council for review. He
shared the importance of following rules, not just meeting to rehash items. Council Member Shoffner recalled
attending the February 21, 2017 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting as the Council Liaison and did not remember
actual rules in place at the time that dictated how often they are to meet, or not meeting if there were no agenda
items to discuss. He also stated that staff reports would be shared with Board Members when important updates
were given and then in turn shared with the citizens. Mayor Fleury stated she is in favor of sending updates and
distributing information to the citizens,while at the same time, being respectful to staff with all the prep work that
goes into creating and preparing an agenda packet for a meeting. She did not feel any new information was provided
tonight since the last update on the May 11, 2021. She also shared the importance of supporting the Parks
Department;and being as efficient and productive as possible.
4. Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Meeting Minutes dated May 11,2021.(L.Vacek)
S. Take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2021-10 amending the Rules of Procedure by removing Section
1.03.035(d)which allows Council to submit edits up until the Agenda posting;amending Section 1.03.035(a)
as follows: "Draft Agendas are to be emailed to Council at a minimum of 1 week prior to the Regular Town
council Meeting" and removing Section 1.03.036(h) to match the Town Charter as accomplished by the
Charter Amendment Election related to abstentions(L.Vacek)
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Consent Agenda Items#4 and #5. Council Member Monger seconded
the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
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6. PUBLIC HEARING—Case SUP-21-004(Aloft Alcohol On-Premises)(L.Payne)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing for a request made by Aloft Hotel for a Specific Use Permit for Alcoholic Beverage
Sales for On-Premises consumption in conjunction with a restaurant use, located at 96 Trophy Club Drive.
Mayor Fleury declared the Public Hearing open at 7:34 pm for Case SUP-21-004(Aloft Alcohol On-Premises).
Mrs. Payne reported the Aloft Hotel will have a restaurant operating within the hotel and have requested a SUP for
Alcohol Beverage Sales for On-Premises to sell beer, wine, and liquor for on-premise consumption and applied to
the TABC for a late hours permit to sell and consume alcohol between 12 am—2 am. Aloft Hotel complies with the
300-foot rule for schools, churches, and hospitals, with the closest being Fellowship United Methodist Church at
almost 1,300 feet away. Parking needs have been addressed by the required on-site parking spaces and the Chief
of Police has been notified with no issues. Public notices have been distributed and staff has received one response
in support and none against the request. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered said item on May 6,2021
and unanimously recommended approval,as did Town Staff.
Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there were no speakers for
the Public Hearing. Mayor Fleury declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:36 pm.
b. Take appropriate action for a request made by the Aloft Hotel for a Specific Use Permit for Alcoholic Beverage
Sales for On-Premises consumption in conjunction with a restaurant use,located at 96 Trophy Club Drive.
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve SUP-21-004 for the Aloft Hotel for a Specific Use Permit for Alcoholic
Beverage Sales for On-Premises consumption in conjunction with a restaurant use, located at 96 Trophy Club
Drive. Council Member Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
7. PUBLIC HEARING—Case SUP-21-005(Aloft Alcohol Off-Premises)(L.Payne)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing for a request made by Aloft Hotel for a Specific Use Permit for Alcoholic Beverage
Sales for Off-Premises consumption to be sold from the Aloft Market,located at 96 Trophy Club Drive.
Mayor Fleury declared the Public Hearing open at 7:37 pm for Case SUP-21-005(Aloft Alcohol Off-Premises).
Mrs.Payne reported the Aloft Hotel will operate a small market offering toiletries and snacks for its guests and have
requested a SUP for Alcohol Beverage Sales for Off-Premises to sell beer, wine, and liquor for off-premise
consumption from the market in the hotel lobby. Aloft Market would be the only area in the hotel permitted under
the BQ Permit from TABC, (which forbids on premises consumption where alcohol is sold), and the consumption
remains legal throughout the rest of the hotel. Guests can continue to bring alcohol beverages of any kind in the
hotel whether it is purchased at the Market or elsewhere. The Aloft Hotel complies with the 300-foot rule for
schools, churches and hospitals, with the closest being Fellowship United Methodist Church, at almost 1,300 feet
away. Parking needs have been addressed by the required on-site parking spaces and the Chief of Police has been
notified with no issues. Public notices have been distributed and staff has received one response in support and
none against the request. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on May 6, 2021 and
unanimously recommended approval,as did Town Staff.
Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there were no speakers for
the Public Hearing. Mayor Fleury declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:38 pm.
b. Take appropriate action for a request made by Aloft Hotel for a Specific UsePermit for Alcoholic Beverage
Sales for Off-Premises consumption to be sold from the Aloft Market,located at 96 Trophy Club Drive.
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Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve SUP-21-005 from the Aloft Hotel for a Specific Use Permit for Alcoholic
Beverage Sales for Off-Premises consumption in conjunction with the Aloft Market, located at 96 Trophy Club
Drive. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
8. Case ME-21-001(Aloft Porte Cochere Sign)(L.Payne)
Take appropriate action regarding a request for a Meritorious Exception for a proposed porte cochere sign at
Aloft Hotel within Planned Development No.30, located at 96 Trophy Club Drive.
Mrs. Payne reported the Aloft Hotel is looking for permission to install a sign under the edge of the porte cochere to
welcome guests to their property. The Code of Ordinances allows an interested party to request a Meritorious
Exemption for a sign that is nonconforming to the sign regulations that may have obvious merit and make a positive
impact to the visual environment. The proposed porte cochere sign fits the description,as it does not belong to any
of the sign categories and the PD-30 Development Standards. Mrs. Payne displayed a photo from another Aloft
location showing that the overall 8-foot tall channel letters reading Aloft will be welded to the structural tubing at
the end of the porte cochere that faces the Bevan Apartment Homes and the interior of the overall development.
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on May 6,2021 and unanimously recommended approval,
as did Town Staff.
Council Member Sheridan asked if the applicant was present. Mrs. Payne confirmed the applicant was present.
Council Member Shoffner asked if this would be the last item that comes to Council before the final approval is given.
Mrs.Payne stated she did not foresee any additional items. Mr.Carroll stated that Aloft Hotels will go through final
inspections and in order to obtain their Certificate of Occupancy. Council Member Shoffner asked if screenings
covering the mechanical would be in place prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being granted. Mr.Carroll reported
that Mr. Cox has been in contact with the Aloft Hotel owner and this is scheduled to be done but not sure of the
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve ME-21-001 from the Aloft Hotel for a Meritorious Exception for a
proposed porte cochere sign at Aloft Hotel within Planned Development No.30,located at 96 Trophy Club Drive.
Council Member Shoffner seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
9. Case PP-21-001(The Aspen Estates at Trophy Club) (L.Payne)
Take appropriate action regarding a request for a preliminary plat containing 3.370 acres of land located
south of Trophy Club Drive,approximately 230 feet east of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 20 feet west
of Mossman Lane.
Mrs. Payne reported a preliminary plat was filed on a tract of land that will create seven residential lots and two
HOA lots on a vacant property on Trophy Club Drive,east of Bobcat Boulevard. The property is zoned single-family
R-12 and the proposed plat complies with the minimum 12,000 square foot lot requirement with the smallest
residential lot being slightly over the 12,000 square feet and the largest lot being almost 21,000 square feet. The
lots comply with the 25-foot front, rear, and side setbacks with the lot width and depth. Perimeter landscaping
signage and screening wall would be installed in the HOA lots. Due to the small size of the development, Parkland
dedication would be required to the payment of the Town Parks'Fund instead of land. This property is zoned as Gas
Well Site A-H and has three underground gas wells that were plugged in 2015. The wellheads are located under the
proposed streets right-of-way and there is no separation requirement between the non-producing wellhead and the
residence. A 10-foot utility easement is shown on the street side of all lots and a 20-foot drainage easement is
shown to be split by the common property line between Lot 6 and 7 to account for the natural flow of water. The
preliminary utility plans call for an 8-inch water line and 8-inch sanitary sewer line to extend the length of the street
and connecting to the existing lines and Trophy Club's right-of-way. Before a final plat is submitted,full civil plans
are required and must be determined if the Municipal Utility District(MUD)will annex this property for services or
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if a new Public Improvement District (PID) must be created. The plat conforms to the Town's Subdivision Zoning
Regulations and approval of the preliminary plat does not constitute acceptance of this subdivision as it only gives
authorization to prepare civil plans and a final plat. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on
May 6,2021 and unanimously approved this item,as did Town Staff. Mrs. Payne stated the applicant was unable to
attend the meeting due to a family emergency.
Council Member Sheridan moved to approve the request for a preliminary plat for Case PP-21-001 for the Aspen
Estates at Trophy Club subject to the final plat denoting the specific identification of each plug and the depth to
the top of the cap denoted by the Railroad Commission of Texas. Council Member Shoffner seconded the motion.
The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci,Shoffner, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
10. Take appropriate action approving Pool Fees associated with Non-Residents'use.(T.Jaramillo)
Mr.Jaramillo presented the Community Pool Revenue Report. He reported that there has been a slight decrease
since 2016 when only Trophy Club Residents were allowed to use the pool. He shared that Year 2020 was included
but various programs did not take place due to COVID-19 reflecting a significant difference in revenue and expenses.
He shared that there has been an increase in contractor rates as well as an increase in salaries for seasonal staff.
Mr.Jaramillo reached out to other municipalities and all are seeing a high demand for contractors and a shortage of
supplies and products. He presented two options for review: Option A-open the pool facility to non-residents or
Option B-a 25%increase to Trophy Club Residents. He stated that staff recommends Option A for non-residents to
have the option to purchase memberships at a different rate as compared to Trophy Club Residents.
Council Member Shoffner asked for clarification of the staff recommendation for non-residents to be allowed
admittance to Trophy Club Pools. Mr.Jaramillo stated that said option would allow non-residents to purchase a pass
for admittance, which would help with the cost recovery for the pool. Council Member Shoffner shared that he
attended the 2016 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting and recalled that a Board Member was unhappy with the
pool attendance due to overcrowding with day care centers, and camps. His wife shared with him that she would
not take their twins due to the danger of overcrowding. Thus, Council unanimously changed the rule and recalled
they were met with gratitude beyond belief with the residents thanking Council for making that decision. He added
that the pool would never be a revenue center for the Town and would rather have the user experience for residents.
He further shared that the City of Roanoke has a pool and that Trophy Club does allow residents to bring non-resident
friends to the pool as guests. He stated he was not in favor of allowing non-residents to purchase a pass. Mayor
Fleury expressed her appreciation on revisiting the different options. She added there are different ways to cover
the cost of the pool expenses and recommended additional discussion on this item. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont
commented on recent discussions between Trophy Club and Roanoke in regards to their Recreation Center.
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to direct the Acting Town Manager to propose an ILA with the City of Roanoke on a
Partnership for shared amenities. Council Member Geraci seconded the motion. Mayor Fleury clarified the motion
is to direct staff to obtain additional information about a possible agreement in regards to shared amenities with
the City of Roanoke. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY:Wilson,Sheridan,and Shoffner
11. Take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2021-11 amending various Fee Schedules for the Town of Trophy
Mr. Carroll reported that staff took direction from Council several months ago to review Park fees. He stated that
staff reviewed all Town Fee Schedules compared to neighboring cities and revised to address cost recovery. He
stated the average Park Fee increase is 30%,not the fee itself,but overall revenue would generate$81,000 annually.
He noted fee increases include the Re-Inspection from$85 to$100, Special Event PD rate from $45 to$50 an hour
and the Special Event Application deadline to assist staff for greater efficiency with special events.
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Mayor Pro Tem Lamont moved to approve Ordinance 2021-11 amending various Fee Schedules for the Town of
Trophy Club as recommended by staff. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
12. Executive Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code,Annotated,Chapter
551(Texas Open Meetings Act).
a) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney-Status of Issues about Steve Norwood.(Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 8:00 pm.
Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting into Regular Session at 8:29 PM.
13.Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session.
Mayor Fleury thanked Mr.Wade Carroll for stepping into the role of Acting Town Manager,as Council is very
pleased with his performance.
Mayor Fleury directed staff to place an item on the next agenda naming Wade Carroll as the Interim Town
Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:29 PM.
JA L. Fleury, Mayor '
Town ecretary/RMO
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