Town Council Minutes - 05/11/2021 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB
Tuesday,May 11,2021;7 PM
The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, May 11,2021. The meeting was held at Town
Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers.
Alicia L.Fleury Mayor
Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tern, Place 1
Greg Wilson Council Member, Place 2
Sean Bone Council Member,Place 3(Outgoing)
Dennis Sheridan Council Member,Place 3(Incoming)
Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4
Michael Geraci Council Member,Place 5
Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6
Steve Norwood Town Manager
Wade Carroll Assistant Town Manager
Leticia Vacek Town Secretary/RMO
David Dodd Town Attorney
Patrick Arata Police Chief
Jack Taylor Fire Chief
Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation
Matt Cox Director of Community Development
Mike Erwin Finance Manager
Jill Lind Communications&Marketing Manager
Haley Archer Human Resources Manager
Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church,delivered the Invocation. He thanked our Heavenly Father for the rain to replenish
our land. He prayed that we love and treat one another with acts of kindness that will renew all the weary and dry
hearts. He asked for blessings over the Council Members,Town Leaders, First Responders,and all those that live in
Trophy Club, for protection and peace to reign over the Community, to be good neighbors, loving friends, good
citizens and for the gift of Life.
Council Member Wilson led the Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag.
Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there were no speakers for
Public Comment.
1. Presentation of Service Award to Council Member Sean Bone,Place 3.(Mayor Fleury)
Council Member Bone thanked the Trophy Club Citizens for their support while he served on the Town Council. He
recognized and thanked his lovely wife,Mindi,for her support while he served in this position. He stated it had been
an honor and pleasure to serve Trophy Club,to give of his time and deliberate with the Council Members. He added
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that he was extremely grateful for that season. He shared that even though he is excited to have his term end, he
felt the Town has come together through some difficult times,like COVID-19. He added he looked forward to seeing
what this Town Council will provide to the Community.
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont thanked Council Member Bone for his service and wished him and Mindi all the best. Council
Members Geraci, Monger and Wilson echoed the same sentiments. Mayor Fleury thanked Council Member Bone
for his service to the Town and added she would miss Sean's wit and humor. Mayor Fleury presented Council
Member Bone with a Crystal Award.
2. Presentation of Certificate of Election and Ceremonial Oath of Office; Swearing-In of Council Member Karl
Monger,Place 4 and Council Member Dennis Sheridan,Place 3.(Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury read and ceremonially administered the Oath of Office to Council Member Sheridan, Place 3 and
Council Member Monger, Place 4.
Council Members Geraci, Wilson, and Mayor Pro Tern Lamont welcomed Council Member Monger back in serving
another term as well as welcomed Council Member Sheridan to the Town Council. Council Member Monger
welcomed Council Member Sheridan to the Council. Council Member Sheridan thanked everyone for their support.
Mayor Fleury added her congratulations to Council Members Monger and Sheridan.
Mayor Fleury addressed Items#S,#6 and#7 at this time.
7. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-11 proclaiming the month of May 2021 as Mental Health Awareness Month.
(Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury read and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-11. Council Member Monger seconded the motion.
The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
ABSENT:Shoff ner
5. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-09 proclaiming May 9 through May 15,2021 as Police Week and May 15,2021
as Peace Officers'Memorial Day.(Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury read and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-09. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont seconded the motion.The
motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
6. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-10 proclaiming the designation of"Trophy Club—The#1 Safest City in Texas"
by the Report from Safest Cities in Texas for 2021.(Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury read Proclamation 2021-10 and made her way to the podium where she presented each proclamation.
A vote of the Council approving said item was taken after the conclusion of Item 3 Update.
Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-11 to Dr.Lisa Pierce,Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team.
Dr. Pierce thanked the Town of Trophy Club in collaborating and raising mental health awareness within the
Community. She stated that mental health is very treatable and shared that one in five teenagers will experience a
severe health crisis. Mayor Fleury thanked Dr.Pierce for the work her Team is providing in raising awareness. After
the photo; Dr. Pierce thanked Mayor Fleury and the Council.
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Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-09 to Chief Arata and the Trophy Club Police Department for Police
Week. After the photo with the Trophy Club Police Officers; Mayor Fleury thanked Chief Arata and Police Officers
for their fine work.
Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-10 to Chief Arata,the Trophy Club Police Department, and the TCEVA
Volunteers. Mayor Fleury thanked Chief Arata for his leadership in keeping Trophy Club a safe community and
commented on Trophy Club's privilege to have him serve as the Chief of Police. She also thanked all the TCEVA
Volunteers for being present. A photo was taken with the Trophy Club Police Officers and the TCEVA Volunteers.
3. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Update.(T.Nimphius,Chairwoman)
Mrs. Nimphius gave a brief update regarding their April 29, 2021 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. The
Recreation Update included the Community Pool's diving board being replaced;the guard stands and starting blocks
have been ordered;and all winter storm issues have been repaired to date. The Swim Team Program will participate
in the Regional and State Meets.Swim lessons will be available, and the Community Pool is scheduled to open on
May 29, 2021. She reported that the planning stages have begun for the Town's Fourth of July Event, with staff
receiving$9,000 in pledges to date.She added that Goat Yoga is scheduled at Independence Park East on May 30,
2021 from 10— 11 AM. The Parks Department is working on removing and replacing the damaged shrubs in the
medians,which will take some time to complete. Sports Agreement discussions are in progress and would be placed
as a future agenda item. Pool fees were discussed with a unanimous recommendation to open the pool to non-
residents. Resident fees will remain while the non-resident pool fees will be determined. She mentioned an increase
for non-residents for the use of Trophy Club Park.
Mayor Fleury reminded everyone of the Town's Upcoming remembrance on May 31, 2021 Memorial Day
Commemoration at Medlin Cemetery at10 AM. She thanked Mrs. Nimphius for the update.
At this time,Town Secretary Vacek asked Mayor Fleury for a motion and second to be stated and read into the record
for Proclamation 2021-10. Mayor Fleury moved to approve Proclamation 2021-10. Council Member Geraci
seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
ABSENT:Shoff ner
4. Summary of Community Clean-Up held April 24,2021. (S.Norwood)
Mr. Norwood reported the event was reviewed thoroughly,with multiple issues noted,such as a Car Show on TW
King, last year's Clean-Up being cancelled, perfect weather which brought forth 340 cars, where as in the past,
participation was around 200 vehicles,and Voting ongoing at Town Hall. Staff has reached out to NISD for a possible
new location at Byron Nelson High School; Staff will mark the routes for the entrance and exit to help with traffic
flow prior to the morning of the Clean-Up. Additionally, hold this event twice a year increasing from two to four
hours each time. Staff will also reach out to neighboring cities to confirm if any large events are scheduled the same
day. As of now,the next Community Clean-Up Event will be scheduled in October 2021. Mayor Fleury commented
these recommended measures should help make the future event run much smoother.
Mayor Fleury highlighted the two vacancies on the Zoning Board of Adjustment(ZBoA),and shared that Nick Sanders
has graciously agreed to serve where needed and the Resolution will appoint Mr.Sanders to the ZBoA as Chair. On
Item 11,Mayor Fleury thanked Ad Hoc Committee Members Megan Keohen, Dave Dickson,Jeffrey Beach,Dr.Sarah
Collins and LuAnn Oldham, who have all accepted their appointments. She noted that Dr. Collins serves as an
Instructor for Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center and has vast knowledge in Grants and Funded
Research. Ms.LuAnn Oldham is a retired Real Estate Specialist from the City of Denton,with numerous acquisitions
and dispositions on municipal transactions, and previously served on the Trophy Club Planning and Zoning
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B. Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Meeting Minutes dated April 27,2021.(L.Vacek)
9. Take appropriate action regarding the acceptance of the Second Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year
10. Take appropriate action regarding Resolution 2021-02 appointing Nick Sanders to serve as Chairman of the
Zoning Board of Adjustment.(Mayor Fleury)
11. Take appropriate action to approve the nominees of the Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee.(Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Consent Agenda Items#8,#9,#10 and#11. Council Member Monger
seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
12. Executive Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code,Annotated,Chapter 551
(Texas Open Meetings Act).
a) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters—Annual Review of Town Manager and Consultation with Attorney.
(Mayor Fleury)
b) Section 551.087—Economic Development regarding a commercial prospect. (Mayor Fleury)
Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 7:30 PM. She announced that cake and refreshments
were in the back of the room for anyone to enjoy as Council said goodbye to Sean Bone and welcomed Council
Members Monger and Sheridan.
Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting into Regular Session at 9:27 PM.
a) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to suspend the Town Manager with pay,and continue working as discussed in
Executive Session. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows:
AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury
NAY: None
b) Mayor Fleury stated no action would be taken on Item b.
Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 9:27 PM.
Ali ' L.Fleury,Mayor
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