Minutes Parks 01/20/2020 Ict, MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS&RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN OF LOCATION: 1 Trophy Wood Drive,TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS TROPHY CLUB Monday, January 20,2020 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Parks&Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, January 20, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tiffany Nimphius Chairwoman_. Mindl Bone Moe Chair. Dean Murray Secretary_;;:.:_: Kxn Farrell Board Member Michael Gemd Council Liaison PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Joel Morace Resigned David Stout Board-Member Greg Fox Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S)PRESENT Tony Jaramilo Parks Req"tion Director Melinda Ciagiia Recreatiori-3pperintenderd Julie Smestad Administratie Assistant Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairwoman Nimphlus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present. Chairwoman Nimphlus named board members who were present and absent and noted that Board Member Joel Morace has resigned due to moving away from Trophy Club. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: Chairwoman Nimphiue asked If there were any public requests to speak. Karen Williams, 2516 Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Club spoke about Pickle Ball In Trophy Club and mentioned that Pickle Ball Is the fastest growing sport in the U.S. There is an active group of players In Trophy Club from the ages of 13 to 78 years aid. Currently play Is scheduled on Tuesday/Thumday/Saturday at the courts in Harmony Park. Trophy Club does not have any regulation Pickle Ball courts: tennis courts with Pickle Ball boundaries are used. However, the tennis court nets are not regulation height. Because of that,tournaments are not played in Trophy Club. Ms. Williams requests that Trophy Club consider building Pickle Ball courts for resident use including regulation courts with nets set at regulation height for Pickle Bell play. Tony Osbum, 601 Park View Dr., Trophy Club spoke. He Is an educator at Medlin Mddle school and also a Pickle Ball player. He has 36 Pidde Ball dub members at Medlin Middle school and there is another Pickle Bail dub at Byron Nelson High School with 60+ members. He mentioned that Pickle Bail Is the only sport where age is not a factor;70 year olds often play against 13 year olds. He also requests that the Town consider construction of new courts and/or equipment adjustment and expansion of existing courts to be used by residents. He mentioned that If courts were available, it could be of financial gain to the Town as tournaments could be held on regulation courts with entry fees and other financial opportunitles. REGULAR SESSION Consider and take appropriate action regarding:Ai approval of the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes dated November 4,.20 Board Member Farrell moved to approve the Novem ber 4,2019 minutes. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Bone. Chairwomen Nimphius called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously(4-0). Discuss and provide update regarding projects at town parks: Director Jaremillo congratulated new Recreation Superintendent Melinda Cleglia on her recent promotion. Director Jaremillo informed board members that a Parks and Recreation survey will be ensiled to each board member within 10 deys: SurveysVf,11 be reviewed and common items/concems wig be.implemented in.a ciften;survey in ft.future. Director Jaramillo presented Town parks project updates: • Median bed mulching has started. • Spring projects of Town Hall bed renovations and replacement of missing plants on Trophy Club Drive continue. • Winter rye has been applied at Harmony Park, Lakeview Park and Town Hall. Harmony Pail and Lakeview Park are dosed for their winter maintenance. • Winter maintenance to Independence Park Included adding day mix, tilling/smoothing/leveling, adjustment of T-Bell field base settings. New walking paths from dugouts to warmup drdes will be done on fields 5-7. • Road construction continues and Parks continues to monitor the trees and plantings ensuring proper Irrigation. • Installation and removal of all Christmas Dbcor is complete. • Bryon Nelson HS German Honor Society began their volunteer work at Freedom Dog Park each weekend. • A Lidtle Free Library has been installed at Trophy Club Park in the Women's Garden area. • Christmas tree disposal ended 01/13/2020 with 6 dumpsters utilized. • Parks staff will be attending the Recreations Training Institute in Hulbert,OK in February. Director Jaramillo was available for questions. Discuss and provide update regarding ongoing recreational programs/events. Recreation Superintendent Melinda Ciaglia provided updates. Items addressed included: • Updates on past events was provided including Fail Family Campout(135 registrations), Gingerbread House Activity(full at 50 registrations),Christmas in the Park(appro)dmately 600 attendees),and the Holiday Lights Contest(21 entries). • 2020 Activity&Special Event Dates calendar was presented showing scheduled dates for known 2020 activities. • Seasonal positions for the Community Pool.and Summer camp have been posted on the Town website. Interviewing will begin in February and a recruitment booth will be set up at Bryon.Nelson H.S. • Hiring for Aquatics&Recreation Specialist has begun, interviews will begin this week. • Community Pod off season maintenance continues. Staff"l be meeting with Coach Melboum to discuss 2020 Triton Swim Team season Items. • Trophy Club Park has a new and updat4d webeite. New disc golf signs have been installed;staff has ordered new street signs,posts and decals for Mountain Bike trails. Director Jaramillo and Recreation Superintendent Ciagiia were available for questions. Discuss and provide 0put concerning the Cornniission for'Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies(CAPRA). Without discussion;.Chairman Nimphkis.:requested that the board consider tabling this Rom for a future meeting when the full board is present. Chairman Nimphius moved to table tl*s agenda item. Vice Chair Bone seconded. Chairman Nimphius-called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously(4-0). 6 Future Agenda Items Chairwoman Nimphius asked for future agenda items. Secretary Dean Murray asked that Pickle Ball be placed as an agenda item for future consideration. Adjourn Chairwoman Nimphius called for a motion to adjourn. Secretary Dean Murray moved to adjourn,Vice Chair Bone seconded. Chairwoman Nimphius called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously(4-0). Chairwoman Nimphius adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Dean MU Julie Smesta ",Q— _1k Parks&Recreation Board Secretary Recording Secretary 'V s \. c,, .—T r�