ORD. 2021-06A - Order of Cancellation of Election 2021-VIETAW12-2
Prescribed by Secretary of State
Section 2.051 - 2.053, Texas Election Code 2/14
Do Ngoai tru'bng quy Binh
Muc 2.051 - 2.053, Bo luat Bau cix Texas)
The Town of Trophy Club Council hereby cancels the election scheduled to be held on May 1,
2021 in accordance with Section 2.053(a) of the Texas Election Code. The following candidates
have been certified as unopposed and are hereby elected as follows:
Dennis Sheridan, Council Member, Place 3
Karl Monger, Council Member, Place 4
EI Pueblo de Trophy Club por la presente cancela la eleccion que, de to contrario,
se hubiera celebrado el 1 de mayo, 2021 de conformidad, con la Seccion 2.053(a) def Codigo de
Elecciones de Texas. Los siguientes candidatos han sido certificados coma candidatos unicos y
par la presente quedan elegidos como se haya indicadoa continuacion:
Dennis Sheridan, membro de concilio, Lugar 3
Karl Monger, membro de concilio, Lugar 4
(Town of Trophy Club Council huy bo cu6c bau cir du' kiln dLr(.Yc to chUc vao ngay 1 thang 5 nam 2021 theo
Muc 2.053 (a) cua B6 luat Bau cir Texas. Cac Crng cir vien sau da dLrac chtYng nhan la tMg cir vien d6c nhat
va dLrac bau nhu' sau:
Dennis Sheridan, Thanh vien H6i d$ng, Vi tri 3
Karl Monger, Thanh vien H6i dung, Vi tri 4)
A copy of this order will be posted on Election Day at each polling place that would have been
used in the election.
Ei Dia de las Elecciones se exhibira una copia de esta orden en todas las mesas electorales que se
hubieran utilizado en la eleccion.
(Ban sao cua lenh nay se dLr(yc dan vao Ngay Bau c& tai moi dia diem bo phieu sir dung trong cuoc bau c&.)
Mayor (Alcalde) (Thi trLr&ng) _
Town Secretary Secretaria de ayuntamiento) (ThLr ky Thanh pho")