Minutes P&Z 11/01/2007 MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 1, 2007 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on November 1, 2007, at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Public Services Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill Present Vice Chairman Stephens Present Commissioner Reed Present Commissioner Ashby Present Commissioner Sheridan Present Commissioner Sanchez Present Commissioner Forest Present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator Tom Rutledge Town Engineer, Teague Nall & Perkins Russell Slovak Centurion American Krisha Brooks Carter & Burgess Jim Weigert Carter & Burgess Steve Lenart 831 Trophy LP A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. with all Board members present. B.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 18, 2007, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Chairman Hill called for comments, questions, or a motion for the minutes of the October 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. At a later point in the meeting Commissioner Reed asked that a correction be made to the October 18, 2007 P&Z meeting minutes. The correction is on page 7 of the minutes, correcting a typographical error of 45% that should correctly be stated as 40%. Commissioner Ashby made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Reed. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 November 1, 2007 Minutes Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Sheridan, Sanchez, Forest Nays: None Action: 7-0, Approved C.1 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO AMEND THE GAS WELL MANUAL ORDINANCE NO. 2003-12 P&Z TO ALLOW A MASONRY WALL TO SURROUND A PRODUCING SITE. Vice Chairman Stephens made a motion to open the public hearing, which was seconded by Mr. Sheridan. There was no one wishing to speak and the Chairman accepted a motion from Commissioner Sheridan to close the public hearing which was seconded by Commissioner Reed. D.1 DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO AMEND THE GAS WELL MANUAL ORDINANCE NO. 2003-12 P&Z TO ALLOW A MASONRY WALL TO SURROUND A PRODUCING SITE. This item was discussed and considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission at the October 18, 2007, meeting, but had to be brought back before the Commission because proper notice of Public Hearing was not done. Ms. Huggins, Planning & Zoning Coordinator, stated to the Commissioners that there is no change from the previous meeting’s staff report other than a sample of the wall is available for the Commissioners to view. The sample was passed to the Commissioners. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the wall would be the same color as the sample. Russell Slovak, Centurion American, stated that the material would be painted to match the natural stone product used in other parts of the community for continuity and blending. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the Gas Well Ordinance covers the maintenance for the paint. It does not. The owner of the gas well sites is working with the Town to try to create some sort of HOA to handle maintenance issues in the future. Commissioner Sheridan motioned to approve the request to amend the Gas Well Manual Ordinance No. 2003-12 P&Z as follows: “Allow upgrading of material to masonry product wall with a minimum 7-1/2 ft. height at the top of the wall, or higher than the permanent enclosed equipment, and a wrought iron gate that is a minimum 24-ft. wide clear opening, and the gate shall remain locked at all times when no one is present. The fence facing the thoroughfare is to be permanent masonry.” The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ashby. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 November 1, 2007 Minutes Ayes: Hill, Reed, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Ashby, Forest Nays: None Abstain: None Action: 7-0, Approved E.1 DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR TROPHY CLUB DRIVE, PHASE 2 AND TROPHY CLUB PARK DRIVE (MASTER IMPROVEMENTS) (21.344 ACRES). APPLICANT: 831 TROPHY, L.P. (FP-07-023) Krisha Brooks, Carter & Burgess, representing the applicant, 831 Trophy L.P., asked for approval of the final plats for Trophy Club Drive, Phase 2 and Trophy Club Park Drive. Ms. Huggins, Planning & Zoning Coordinator, stated that staff is asking that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval with the stipulation that the Landscape and Irrigation Plans be resubmitted and approved prior to this item going before the Town Council. Staff received revisions to the plans and plats earlier in the day, but has not had a chance to review the revisions. Staff asks that the Planning & Zoning Commission stipulate that Town Engineer and Staff approval must be obtained on the plans and plats prior to the item going before Town Council. Staff is also asking that the sewer aspects (aerial crossing vs. siphon) of this project be resolved prior to this item going before the Town Council. Staff is also requesting that the Planning & Zoning Commission stipulate that Trophy Club Park Drive name change be resolved prior to this item going before the Town Council. Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, stated that there are no substantial items outstanding. All comments should be able to be addressed by Carter & Burgess prior to this item going to Council. Commissioner Sheridan asked for an explanation of an inverted siphon. Krisha Brooks explained that a channel runs through the Corps property and in order to get a sewer line from one side to the other it was anticipated that an aerial would be used but instead the line must go underneath the channel. So, the sanitary sewer line will come toward the creek and then dip down underneath the creek and come back up to connect into the mainline. A siphon functions by utilizing a certain velocity and it pushes the flows through so you get everything at a certain angle and velocity and it cleanses and works within itself. It functions individually without any sort of pump. Commissioner Sheridan asked if this is satisfactory to the MUDs. Ms. Brooks stated that they have had the MUDs and Town review this item. Mr. Rutledge added that there was a siphon design when this plan was first reviewed but the preference was to do an aerial crossing. This week the Corps of Engineers denied that request. Mr. Rutledge added that a plat has to show the infrastructure that is going to support the plat. This is an offsite item, not within the boundaries of the platted property, but sewer isn’t available unless it crosses this creek so it needs to stay tied to the plat. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 November 1, 2007 Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 November 1, 2007 Minutes Commissioner Sheridan asked what types of revisions were received today. Ms. Brooks responded that they addressed the comments received from the Town Engineer. Commissioner Sheridan asked if they made any changes other than those requested by the Town Engineer. Ms. Brooks stated that they did not. Commissioner Sheridan stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission needs to include in the motion the ability for the road (Trophy Club Park Drive) name change to occur before this plat goes to Council so that Council is approving the name change with the approval of this plat. Ms. Huggins confirmed that is what staff is requesting of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Forest asked if there are commercial properties along Trophy Club Park Drive that will incur expenses (change letterhead, business cards, etc.) if the road name change occurs. Ms. Huggins stated that there are no businesses along that road. Vice Chairman Stephens made a motion to approve this plat with: 1) all “staff review comments” as stipulations, 2) the additional stipulation that Trophy Club Park Drive renaming will be settled prior to Council consideration, and 3) resolution of the use of inverted siphon vs. lift station and force main prior to Council consideration. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ashby. Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Sheridan, Sanchez, Forest Nays: None Action: 7-0, Approved F.1 ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.