Minutes P&Z 03/01/2007
MARCH 1, 2007
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Public Hearing and
a Regular Session on 1 March 2007, at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Public Services
Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262.
Chairman Hill Present
Vice Chairman Stephens Present
Commissioner Ashby Absent
Commissioner Moss Present
Commissioner Reed Present
Commissioner Sheridan Present
Commissioner Stamos Resigned – Effective March 1, 2007
Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator
Beth Ann Gregory Community Development Manager
Mehrdad Moayedi Developer, Centurion American
Jim Wiegert Applicant, Carter & Burgess
Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
B.1 Continue discussion and take appropriate action relative to a request for amendment
to Planned Development District No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, by
amending the following sections of PD-27: in Exhibit "B" - "Development Standards:
Section III, "Definitions"; Section IV, "Lot Type Regulations"; Table No. 4-1, "Summary of
Lot Type Regulations"; Section V, "Neighborhood Regulations"; Table No. 5-1,
"Neighborhood Lot and Density Summary"; Section VI, "Development and Design
Standards"; Table No. 6-1, "Roadway Standards"; Section VII, "Park and Open Space
Requirements"; Section VIII, "Development Schedule"; Exhibit "C", "Concept Plan";
Exhibit "D", "Street Type Exhibits"; Exhibit “E”, “Park Concept Plans”; and Exhibit "F",
"Pathway Plan". Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., Authorized Agent of Centurion
Acquisitions, L.P.; 831 Trophy, L.P.; Standards Pacific of Texas, L.P.; K. Hovnanian Homes -
DFW, L.L.C.; C Oil Investments LTD. (PDAMD-07-023)
Chairman Hill opened the meeting by explaining that this is a continuation of the February 15, 2007,
discussion of PD-27.
Chairman Hill asked Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams to report on the February 27, 2007,
action of the Parks and Recreation Board. The Chairman directed the audience to page 60 of the packet.
Mr. Adams stated that the Parks Board unanimously approved the trail plan and the parkland adoption as
presented. They would like the boundaries of the trail delineated and the 25-ft. buffer off the pathway to
the adjacent property noted in writing. They would like the width of the pathway leading into Northeast
Park to match the natural pathway width of 8-ft. They asked that the trail go into the high school site
and Carter Burgess said that if they could they would cross where the ditch washed out and the high
school would then have access to the main trail system. In areas 1 and 5 there was concern that the cul-
de-sacs ending in the parkland might create a maintenance problem in the future.
Chairman Hill stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission’s responsibility is to see that the land is
acquired -- which has been done. He explained that the Town Council will address the other items
mentioned by Mr. Adams.
The Commissioners and Staff proceeded through the Development Standards page by page discussing
corrections and revisions. At the conclusion of the discussion Chairman Hill stated that the Commission
would like to see this one final time. Mr. Moayedi responded that they are under time constraints to get
this to the Council in order to move forward with the Public Improvement District (PID). Ms. Fleck
stated that this must go to Council as a public hearing and notice has not yet been placed in the
newspaper for the public hearing. She stated that the earliest possible date would be the 26th and that
would require a special session by Council. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he would be willing to
trust staff to review the revisions. He also stated that he would attend the Council meeting and would be
speaking up if the documents were not correct as requested by the Planning & Zoning Commission.
After further discussion and consensus of the Commission, Chairman Hill announced that the Planning
& Zoning Commission will see this one final time at the next meeting, March 15, 2007, and then it will
move forward to Council. Ms. Fleck will follow up with the Town Secretary to determine the
scheduling of the Council meeting.
Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:44 pm.