The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on
Thursday, March 14, 1996 at 8:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District
Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town
boundaries and was open to the Public.
Mike Hamper
Vance Booker
Vice Chair
Don Cotton
Tom Mayfield
Bob Paige
David Schaaf
Roger Williams
Staff and Guest present were:
Pauline Shaw
P&Z Administrator
John Harbin
Beck Properties
David Miller
Chief of Police
Donna Welsh
Town Administrator
Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. noting a quorum was present.
Chairman Hamper asked the developer to please recalculate the park due to the early meeting
with the parks committee.
The Commissioners reviewed Mr. Boutwell's letter of review on the final plat for Eagles Ridge.
The following were the two comments:
1. This final plat is in agreement with the preliminary plat.
2. The plat does not provide for easements located along the rear of the lots. This should
be provided.
Page 2, P&Z Mtg. 3/14/96
Mr. Harbin stated he would either delete note 2 or change the plat.
Chairman Hamper also noted the engineers concerns or comments must be addressed prior to the
Council's approval of the final plat.
Mr. Harbin stated they had met all but two of the concerns had been met and the others will be
Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the final plat for Eagles Ridge with the condition
that all the engineers concerns must be met. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Hamper updated the everyone on the process for the police building. He stated under
the law, the police building is exempt from the Town's Zoning Ordinance.
Chief Miller and Mr. Ron Hobbs, architect, gave a brief overview of the site plan for the police
building. The current housing for the Police Department does not meet ADA requirements. Mr.
Hobbs determined the needs and staffing and compared them with other cities.
The building is simple wood frame with vinyl wall covering. Every effort is being made to get the
building built quickly. It will be built offsite then placed on site to finish. It is approximately 6,800
sq. Ft. Existing parking will be used with the addition of two handicap access spaces. Landscaping
will be done. The finished floor will be 8" to 10" above the sidewalk with a recessed pad. Two
options on building material have been discussed, one being stucco, the other a brick veneer to be
applied on site.
Chief Miller further state that every portion of the building will be occupied. Hallways are 5' wide,
State of Texas requirement, and Five feet for an evidence closet.
One question asked, where will you test your sirens? Chief Miller responded with "we try to be
selective on where we test them and it will be done by a just barely touching the air horn. They
are tested at the beginning of each shift change and tested on site between the police building and
the public works building." He also note security lighting will be necessary. There is a five foot
metal mansard around the entire building to hide the flat roof
Commissioner Booker made a motion to recommend as presented to the Town Council for
approval. Commissioner Paige seconded; motion passed unanimously.
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Chairman Hamper informed the Commissioners we would be starting to review the present sub-
division regulations at the next meeting.
There being no further business to conduct, Commissioner Williams made a motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:05 P.M. Commissioner Cotton seconded, motion passed unanimously.
(� Chairman
TO: Pauline Shaw -Town of Trophy Club
FROM: Dan C. Boutwell, AICP
SUBJECT: Revisions to Article 4 and Article 5 of the Zoning Ordinance
DATE: March 26, 1996
In accordance with the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission, we have made revisions
to the zoning ordinance.
Article V was revised to include the provision of an additional garage , in excess of the required
two car garage, which would be able to face the street if it is set back forty-five feet.
Article VI was revised to show extra width on all corner lots in each of the "straight zoned"
residential districts.
If you have any questions or comments regarding these changes, please contact me.
6900 Anderson Blvd., Suite 104A • Fort Worth, TX 76120-3024 • Tele: (817) 457-1107 o Fax (817) 457-7011
C. Prohibited Uses: The following uses and structures shall be prohibited:
I. Treehouses
2. Metal, vinyl or similar material buildings
3. Temporary buildings on skids
4. Elevation, free standing structures, or playhouses exceeding 8 feet in height.
D. Permit Requirement: An Accessory Building or Structure Permit shall be obtained from the
Town Planning and Zoning Administrator and the fee for said permit paid prior to the construction of
any accessory building or structure, if any of the following conditions are present:
An accessory building exceeds a total of eight feet in height including struts and support pools
2. An accessory building exceeds 100 square feet in area.
E. Location: An accessory building shall not be located in any front yard, as defined by this ordinance;
and shall be located at least ten (10) feet from any dwelling, building or structure existing or under
construction on the same lot or any adjacent lot, except swimming pools, which may be located
nearer than ten (10) feet from any dwelling existing as long as the excavation of the swimming pool
does not in any way harm or endanger the existing building or dwelling.
F. Yard Requirements: Unless otherwise permitted by this ordinance, accessory buildings shall be
subject to the same yard requirements as the principal structure. In the case of a corner lot, no
accessory building shall be located within any side yard required on the street side.
G. Garage Requirements:
1. A detached garage permitted as an accessory use in a residential district shall be a minimum
interior dimension of 21 feet by 22 feet, and be constructed so as to accommodate the enclosed
parking of at least two automobiles. In addition all detached garages shall be located at least
4*t forty-five (45) feet from the front property line of a residential lot.
2.Gara e structures attached and detached which are rovided in addition to the re uired two 2 car
garage. may face any street, if thhe garage sets batik at least forte-five_(45).feet_ from the property
line. Each ara e structure rovided in addition to the re uired two 2 car ara e shall have a
minimum interior dimension of_11 feet by_21 feet for eaoh v_ehicle_aaq.
H. Masonry Requirements: All accessory buildings shall conform to the masonry requirements as
recorded in each zoning district for main structures.
The exterior surfaces of all accessory buildings shall be consistent with the primary structure.
However, accessory structures that are normally constructed in such a manner that masonry
exterior surfaces are not practical nor appropriate are excluded from the masonry requirements.
Examples of excluded accessory structures may include, but not be limited to, the following:
gym sets, playhouses, greenhouses, garden shelters, gazebos, pavilions, etc.
2. If a question exists as to whether or not an accessory use is exempt, the Town Planning and
Zoning Administrator or the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine which structures
are exempted from the masonry requirement; however, the Zoning Board of Adjustments will
provide the final determination of exempted accessory structures if the decision of the Town
Planning and Zoning Administrator or Planning and Zoning Commission is appealed.
3. Maximum Building ............. The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-
five percent (35%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools
and spas shall not be included in determining maximum
building coverage.
4. Minimum Floor Area............ The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive
of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be 2,500 square
feet. Residences with more than one (1) story shall have a
minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet. (including
garage area)
5. Depth of front yard,feet**...... 30 feet minimum
6. Depth of rear yard, feet**....... 25 feet minimum
(No rear yard shall face any
street; provided, however, that
this requirement shall not
apply where the rear yard of a
lot abuts a street which is
contiguous to the perimeter of
the Town.)
Width of side yard.** ............. a minimum of twelve and one-half (12.5) feet; provided,
that the distance between buildings and structures on
contiguous lots remains a minimum of 25 feet, the width
of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less
than 7.5 feet.
Width of side yard ..............
20 feet minimum
adjacent to side street,
feet **
Width of lot, feet ................
90 feet minimum
(measured at front
building line)
Width of lot feet ................
110 feet minimum
adjacent to side street
Depth of lot, feet ................
120 feet minimum
(measured from front
property line)
Depth of lot, cul-de-sac........
100 feet minimum
or corner lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R 15 Single Family development is located adjacent
to an existing HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi -family
development or a non-residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park
or permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of twenty-
five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain landscape
improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer adjoining uses.
H. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed
as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, with the exception
being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be
temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles
3. Maximum Building ............. The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-
five (35) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools
and spas shall not be included in determining maximum
building coverage.
4. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive
of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance
with the following:
Tyne of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Golf Course Lots
All Other Lots
Residence on corner lot 2,500* 2,500*
*Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of
2,000 square feet. (including garage area)
5. Depth of front yard .................
6. Depth of rear yard, feet** ..............
(No rear yard shall face any street;
provided, however, that this
requirement shall not apply where
the rear yard of a lot abuts a street
which is contiguous to the
perimeter of the Town.)
7. Width of side yard*
8. Width of side yard adjacent..........
to side street, feet **
9. Width of lot, feet .......................
(measured at front
building line)
10. Width of lot feet...... ....................
adjacent to street
11. Depth of lot, feet.........
(measured from front
property line)
12. Depth of lot, cul-de-sac
or corner lot, feet
25 feet minimum
25 feet minimum
a minimum of ten (10) feet; provided than the
distance between buildings and structures on
contiguous lots remains a minimum of 20 feet.
The width of the side yard on one side may be
reduced to not less than 5 feet
20 feet minimum
90 feet minimum
110 feet minimum
110 feet minimum
100 feet minimum
**All required yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R 12 - Single Family development is located adjacent
to an existing HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi -family
five (35) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools
and spas shall not be included in determining maximum
building coverage.
4. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive
of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance
with the following:
Tyne of Structure Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
One story residence 2,500 2,000
One and one-half story 2,500* 2,000*
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot 2,500* 2,500*
*Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of
2,000 square feet. (including garage area)
5. Depth of front yard,..........
feet* *
25 feet minimum
6. Depth of rear yard, feet** ............... 25 feet minimum
(No rear yard shall face any street;
provided, however, that this
requirement shall not apply where
the rear yard of a lot abuts a street
which is contiguous to the
perimeter of the Town.)
7. Width of side yard*....... a minimum of ten (10) feet; provided than the distance
between buildings and structures on contiguous lots
remains a minimum of 20 feet. The width of the side
yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet
Width of side yard adjacent .............
15 feet minimum
to side street, feet **
Width of lot, feet .........................
85 feet minimum
(measured at front
building line)
Width of lot feet ........................
100 feet minimum
adiacent to sidestreet
Depth of lot, feet .........................
110 feet minimum
(measured from front
property line)
Depth of lot, cul-de-sac ..................
100 feet minimum
or corner lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R 11 - Single Family development is located
adjacent to an existing HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi-
family development or a non-residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public
street, park or permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a
minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain
landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer adjoining uses.
Maximum Building .............
The combined area covered by all main and
accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-
five (35) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools
and spas shall not be included in determining maximum
building coverage.
Minimum Floor Area...........
The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive
of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance
with the following:
Type of Structure
Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
One story residence
2,250 2,000
One and one-half story
2,250* 2,000*
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
2,250* 2,250*
*Those residences with more than one (])story shall have a minimum first floor area of 1,800
square feet. (including garage area)
Depth of front yard.......................
25 feet minimum
Depth of rear yard, feet**...............
20 feet minimum
(No rearyard shall face any street;
provided, however, that this
requirement shall not apply where
the rear yard of a lot abuts a street
which is contiguous to the
perimeter of the Town.)
Width of side yard*.......
a minimum of ten (10) feet; provided than the distance
between buildings and structures on contiguous lots
remains a minimum of 20 feet. The width of the side
yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet
Width of side yard adjacent.............
15 feet minimum
to side street, feet **
Width of lot, feet.........................
80 feet minimum
(measured from front
building line)
Width of lot, rfeet . �� ��
95 feet minimum
adjacent to side street
Depth of lot, feet.........................
110 feet minimum
(measured at front
property line)
Depth of lot, cul-de-sac..................
100 feet minimum
or corner lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply
with Section 37, Required Yards.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R 10 -Single Family development is located adjacent
to an existing HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi -family
development or a non-residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park
or permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of
3. Maximum Building..........
4. Minimum Floor Area.......
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
The combined area covered by all main and
accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-
five (35) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools
and spas shall not be included in determining maximum
building coverage.
The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive
of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance
with the following:
Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
**All required yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards.
Residence on corner lot
2,000* 2,000*
*Those residences with more than one
(1)story shall have a minimum first floor area of
1,200 square feet.
Depth of front yard .......................
25 feet minimum
Depth of rear yard, feet** .............
20 feet minimum
(No rear yard shall face any street;
provided, however, that this
requirement shall not apply where
the rear yard of a lot abuts a street
which is contiguous to the
perimeter of the Town.)
Width of side yards**.......
a minimum of seven and one-half (7.5) feet; provided
that the distance between buildings and structures on
contiguous lots remains a minimum of 15 feet. The
width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not
less than 5 feet.
Width of side yard adjacent .............
15 feet minimum
to side street, feet **
Width of lot feet...... .......... ..........
85 feet minimum
ad1acent to side street
Width of lot, feet .........................
70 feet minimum
(measured at front
building line)
Depth of lot, feet .........................
110 feet minimum
(measured from front
property line)
Depth of lot, cul-de-sac ..................
90 feet minimum
or corner lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards.
five (35) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools
and spas shall not be included in determining maximum
building coverage.
4. Minimum Floor Area...........
The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive
of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance
with the following:
Type of Structure
Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
One story residence
2,000 1,650
One and one-half story
2,000* 1,800*
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
2,000* 2,000*
*Those residences with more than one
(])story shall have a minimum first floor area of
1,100 square feet.
5. Depth of front yard .......................
25 feet
6. Depth of rear yard, feet** ...............
20 feet minimum
(No rear yard shall face any street;
provided, however, that this
requirement shall not apply where
the rear yard of a lot abuts a street
which is contiguous to the
perimeter of the Town.)
7. Width of side yard on each side........
a minimurn of five (5) feet
8. Width of side yard adjacent .............
15 feet minimum
to side street, feet **
9. Width of lot, feet .........................
60 feet minimum
(measured at front
building line)
9. Width of lots feet ...
75 feet minimum
adjacent to side street
10. Depth of lot, feet .........................
100 feet minimum
(measured from front
property line)
11. Depth of lot, cul-de-sac ..................
85 feet minimum
or corner lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply
with Section 37, Required Yards.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever
an R 8 - Single Family development is located adjacent
to an existing HUD Code Manufactured
Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi -family
development or a non-residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park
or permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of twenty
(20) feet from the adjoining property line.
The setback area shall contain landscape improvements,
fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer adjoining uses.
G. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required, measured from property
1. Lot Size ...........................................
Lots for permitted uses shall have a
minimum area of seven thousand
five hundred (7,500) square feet of
2. Width of Lot, feet ...............................
60 feet
(measured at front
building line)
3. Width of Lot feet ......................
60 feet
adiacent to side street
4. Depth of Lot, feet ...............................
(measured at mid-
point of the frontage)
5. Depth of front yard, feet ......................
6. Depth of side yard, feet ........................
Not less than fifteen (15) feet to any
one side and no building shall be
closer than fifteen (15) feet to any
adjacent dwelling.
7. Depth of rear yard, feet .........................
(No rear yard shall face any street; provided,
however, that this requirement shall not apply
where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which
is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.)
H. Landscaping Requirements: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 46,
Landscape Regulations.
L Underground Utilities:All utility lateral and service lines located within the MH District shall be
installed underground in accordance with the requirements as provided in the Subdivision Regulations
as adopted by the Town.
J. Open Space Area: Open Space designated for the use and enjoyment of all residents, shall be
provided within a HUD Code Manufactured Home or Industrialized Housing subdivision at the ratio of
five hundred (500) square feet for each of the first twenty (20) units, and two hundred (200) square feet
for each additional unit in excess of twenty (20). Designated Open Space shall be developed and
maintained for recreational and leisure activities and shall be located within the subdivision being
K. Development and Installation Standards:
1. HUD Code Manufactured Homes and Industrialized homes shall have the axles, wheels, and
tow bar or tongue removed and shall be secured to a permanent foundation or footing and
piers, all in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
2. HUD Code Manufactured Homes must have a minimum of an eighteen -inch crawl space
shall be left under all homes.
3. A concrete, or asphalt surface with good drainage shall cover the area where a home is to
be sited.
4. It is recommended that each HUD Code Manufactured home site have a slab or patio not
less than twenty feet in length and six feet in width, comprised of concrete, flagstone, or
similar substance installed adjacent to each site.