Minutes P&Z 09/02/1993MINUTES Of PLANNING AND TOWN OF REGULAR -car EETIMG ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB OTATE OF TEXAS COUNTY CP DENTON The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Ciun met in Regular Session an Thursday, September 2, 1993 at V:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utiiity District Building, !Coo Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, The meeting was neld witnin the Town boundaries and was open to tha Public. Mike Hampei-- Vance Booker janet Kardish Bob Paige David Schaaf Commissioners Absent: Roger Williams staff and Guest present were: Dan Boutweli. Pauline Shaw Mr. Don Kill CALL TO ORDER Chairman Cc-Cnairman Commissioner Commissioner commissionei commissioner Town Planner P & Z Administrator Architect Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners, staff and guests and stated he was glad to be back after his illness, CONSIDERATION4 OF MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING jULY 15, 1993; iULY 20,, 1993 jOINT MEETING; AUGUST 3, 1993 iCINT MEETING; AUGUST 5, 1993 REGULAR MEETING; AND AUGUST 17, 1993 jOINT MEETING. Commissioner Booker made a motion to approve the minutes frorn, tle Regular and joint Msetimgs on july 15, juiy 20, August 1, August 5, and August 17, 1993. Commissioner Schaaf seconded; motion passed unanimously. A clarification to toe August 1. 1993 miautes has been made at Chairman Hamper's request. 'PL71,'.� I ZONING COMMISSION TO CONSIDER APPLICATION FOR A FINAL PLAT REGARDING APPROXIMATELY 11 ACRES OUT OF THE C. MEDLIN SURVEY, AnSTRACT 023, LOCATED NORTH ANU WEST ALONG TROPHY CLUB DRIVE 21011TH OF MUNICIPAL DRIVE FOR FELLOWSHIP UNTTED 14ETHODIST AND '17AKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. CRairLc: an Hamper opened the Ci3cussion on tne final plat for the Fellowsaip United Methodist Church by noting the signatures lines for utilities were not present and the fence Page 2, P&7 Meeting 9/02/93 that was present on the preliminary plat. A discussion ensued witn regard to the fence requirement. A recommendation to the church was to request relief for the fence requirement at th-- present time until such time as the remainder of the property in question is platted from the Town Council. commissioner Kardisn noted the lack of a 25 foot set back on Sunset and Portland. for the items Mr. Hill, Architect church, stated all addressed would come into compliance before plat would be nresented for the Town's seal. After the discussion, Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to approve the Final Plat for the Fellowship United Methodist Church. Commissioner Booker seconded; motion passed unanimously. The final plat will be put on the Council's agenda for September 21, 1993. DISCUSS SIGN ORDINANCE WITH REGARD TO DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE F01 BUILDERS Ni discussion ensued and a consensus of the Commissioners was that the rence Ordinance was not broken therefore, it did not need fixing. it is the Council's prerogative to grant variancys to tne Ordinance. OTHER BUSINESS The Commission will meet again on September 16, 1993 to discuss the Site Plan for the Fellowship United Methodist Pauline Shaw noted Highway 114 will be complete in December. chairman Hamper asked the Commissioners if the minutes were sufficient they way they were written. The Commissioners were satisfied with the minutes. Chairman Hamper directM P-1s. Shaw to contact TU Electric to move the electrical box in frcnt of the Trinity Learning tThSCenerhe eiectricalbox violateteubdivision "amper stated that Mr. Kirby nad resigned tW, lommission and is now on the Public works committee. He feels his expertise lends itself to that Committee. Chaiinvan Hamper requested. all Commissioners continue co, contact Ms. Shaw when they were unable to attend a meeting. Page Z, F&Z Meeting 9/02/93 A D i OW1141 There being no further business, Commissioner Booker made a motion to ad]ourn the meeting at 9;13 P.M. Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman. Secretary