Minutes P&Z 04/06/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, April 6th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was held open to the public. Pete Reuss Chairman Mike Hamper Co -Chairman Janet Kardish Commissioner Vance Booker Commissioner Bob Paige Commissioner David Schaaf Ccmmissioner Absent: Commissioner Ralph Kemp Also present were: Dan Boutwell Town Planner Jill Fiasconaro P & Z Secretary CALL TO ORDER Chairman Reuss called the meeting to order at 7:12 P.M. noting that a quorum was present. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Commissioner Booker made a motion to approve the Minutes of the March 23rd, 1987 regular Meeting. Co -Chairman Hamper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. WELCOME OF NEW COMMISSIONERS Janet Kardish served on both the Residential and Commercial Committees in developing the Master Plan. Commissioner Kardish is very interested in having the Goals and Objectives met and complied with. David Schaaf served also on the Commercial Committee in developing the towns Master Plan. Commissioner Schaaf is interested in serving on P & Z because of his previous work on the Commercial Committee and -to make sure that the spect out items during that time will be carried through. Bob Paige served on the Planning and Zoning Commission for Marion County in Oregon with a community of 100 thousand people. Commissioner Paige had heard that there was an interest in volunteers for the Planning and Zoning Commission and he thought that he would try to serve his community. PRESENTATIONS By COMMISSIONERS Chairman Reuss requested a report on violations of the Sign Ordinance which was brought up at the last meeting by Commissioner Kemp. Planning and Zoning Secretary, Jill Fiasconaro, reported to the Commission that Pat McCombs sign in Village West was there prior to the passage of the Sign Ordinance. The Sign Ordinance states that all existing MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6th, 1987 PAGE 2 PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS (CONT.) signs permanently affixed to the ground which do not conform to the provisions of this ordinance shall be considered valid non -conforming signs and shall be authorized to remain in place. The City Staff is also in the process of sending letters and copies of the Sign Ordinance to Builders and Realtors. Chairman Reuss asked the Town Planner, Dan Boutwell, if the Sub -Division Regulations was going to cover the repair of broken curbs. Reuss also asked if the Sub -Division Regulations would cover application process. Mr. Boutwell stated that the Sub -Division Regulations would cover repair of curbs but that the application process should fall under building permit applications. Mr. Boutwell suggested that the Town require permits to be pulled by the contractor or homeowner for whatever reason they have for cutting the curb. Chairman Reuss reported to the Commission that the Methodist Church is stili seeking to have the road, Monterey Drive, remain open and threatened to file suit against the town for recourse. The council appointed a group of Councilmen to go to the City of Roanoke and talk to them about a possible solution to the problem of easement. The City of Roanoke is requiring a thirty foot easement through the property, so that they can have access to any property i,a the City for emergency access, on the final plat. PROCEDURES REPORT Dan Boutwell gave a presentation on a development process diagram that he had drawn up for the Town Staff to follow. The five basic process steps are as follows: Concept Review, Zoning, Preliminary Plat, Site Plan and Final Plat Application Process. Mr. Boutwell went through each of the process steps with the Commission and Staff that were present at the meeting. Mr. Boutwell did recommend to the Commission that the City Council review the Preliminary Plat instead of the Final Plat Plan. Co -Chairman Hamper spoke to the Commission about a proposal that Dan Boutwell had recommended for the Town. Co -Chairman Hamper feels that the time element is a very important factor. Hamper did recommend that the these time elements be followed by the Town Staff. Hamper also recommended that the Town Staff assign a case number to each Zoning or Platting item that comes before the Commission. Cross referencing will be done so that filing is kept in order. A case number should be assigned as soon as the application is submitted. A developer must submit his application 14 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission.Letters will be sent out to the developer to inform him of what has been done on the application and tc inform them of any fees that are due to the Town. The Town has now established a development process diagram. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF PARK FOR TOTS Beverly Foley gave a presentation to the Commission on a park for tots to be located near the swi:mning pool at the main entrance of Trophy Club Drive. At this time there will be 2 units which eventually can be expanded. The specifications for this Park do meet state requirements. Dan Boutwell explained to Mrs. Foley that a Special Use Permit would be required for zoning purposes. The property owner would have to file for the Special Use Permit or Mrs. Foley could with permission from the owner. In order to receive a Special Use Permit the Town would need a legal description of the land that will -be used for the MINUTES OF REGUALR MEETING APRIL 6TH, 1987 PAGE 3 PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF PARK FOR TOTS (CONT.) park. A general location of the play area will also be required. Mrs. Foley was going to gather the information and contact the Town Staff when she is ready,to be placed on the agenda. COMMISSION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT SUBMITTED ON MARCH 23RD, 1987 FOR B.L. NELSON - COUNTRY CLUB PLACE Co -Chairman Hamper made a motion to deny the final plat submitted by B.L. Nelson for Country Club Place on March 23, 1987. Commissioner Booker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN Co -Chairman Hamper made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. OO&Onayo- S-e•etary