Agenda Packet P&Z 11/01/2007Town of Trophy Club
Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Thursday, November 1, 2007
7:00 P.M.
A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum.
B.1 Review and approve minutes of the October 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting.
C.1 Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Amend the Gas Well Manual Ordinance
No. 2003-12 P&Z to Allow a Masonry Wall to Surround a Producing Site.
D.1 Discussion and Consideration of a Request to Amend the Gas Well Manual
Ordinance No. 2003-12 P&Z to Allow a Masonry Wall to Surround a Producing
E.1 Discussion and Consideration of a request for Final Plat approval for Trophy Club
Drive, Phase 2 and Trophy Club Park Drive (Master Improvements) (21.344
acres). Applicant: 831 Trophy, L.P. (FP-07-023)
F.1 Adjournment.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-1-2007
Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1
Call to order and announce a quorum.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-1-2007
Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1
Review and approve minutes of the October 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting.
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OCTOBER 18, 2007
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a
Regular Session on October 18, 2007, at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Public
Services Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262.
Chairman Hill Present
Vice Chairman Stephens Present
Commissioner Ashby Present
Commissioner Reed Present
Commissioner Sheridan Present
Commissioner Sanchez Present
Commissioner Forest Present
Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator
Chris King Building Inspector
David Vanderslice K. Hovnanian Homes
Mike Brady Standard Pacific Homes
William Conger Standard Pacific Homes
Russell Slovak Centurion American
Mehrdad Moayedi Centurion American
Doug Mitchell Encana Oil and Gas
Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and noted that a quorum of five
members was present. Mr. Ashby and Mr. Stephens had not yet arrived.
Chairman Hill called for comments, questions, or a motion for the minutes of the
September 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.
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Commissioner Reed made a motion to approve the meetings, seconded by
Commissioner Sheridan.
Mr. Ashby and Mr. Stephens arrived but as the motion has already been made and they
were not present for the motion, they will abstain from voting.
Ayes: Hill, Reed, Sanchez, Sheridan
Nays: None
Abstain: Stephens and Ashby abstain as they were not present for the motion, and
Forest abstained as he was not yet a member of this board on September 20,
having been appointed Commissioner effective October 1, 2007.
Action: 4-0-3, Approved
The Chairman welcomed and introduced Dale Forest as the newest member of
the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Forest has considerable experience in
community government and in the banking industry prior to his retirement and
move to the Town of Trophy Club.
The Chairman read the following statement regarding Public Hearings: “Our regular
meetings are public sessions scheduled the first and third Thursdays of every month
and the public is always welcome to attend. Any persons present desiring to be heard
concerning items listed on tonight’s agenda should sign up on the form available by the
door and present it to the Planning & Zoning Coordinator. Speakers are allocated three
(3) minutes for their statement. Tonight’s meeting is a combined public hearing and
regular meeting held to consider and develop the Planning and Zoning Commission’s
recommendation for amendments to Town ordinances concerning a developer’s request
to amend PD-27, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z to allow 45% coverage for Lot Type 2 in
Neighborhoods 3 & 4 of the Highlands of Trophy Club. The audience is assured that
during the public hearing the Commission will hear from all persons who sign up to
speak. However, a public hearing is not a town meeting. There are to be no
spontaneous questions addressed from the audience to the Commissioners or to other
speakers concerning their statements or positions on these issues. I request that
Commissioners take note of the names of tonight’s public hearing speakers and any
points they make which the Commissioners might desire to pursue further during the
public meeting as we will not interrupt or question speakers or conduct discussions
during the public hearing. Following this introduction, the Commission will open the
public hearing and I will then read into the record the item concerning the request to
amend Planned Development No. 27. We will discuss and take action only on the item
listed on the agenda. It is a matter of routine that items heard and recommended by the
Planning and Zoning Commission will appear on future Town Council agendas for final
action. When all speakers have been heard the public hearing will be closed and the
Commission will convene into regular session for our discussion and deliberation of the
agenda items. In regular session the item will be called up as listed on the agenda.
The Commission may discuss the item or ask questions of individuals concerning their
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public hearing statements. The Commissioners will finally determine and vote on a
recommendation to the Town Council concerning the item under discussion.”
Chairman Hill called for a motion to open the public hearing. Vice Chairman Stephens
made a motion to open the public hearing, which was seconded by Commissioner
David Vanderslice, K. Hovnanian Homes, introduced Todd Webb, who will be the local
on-site community manager for K. Hovananian Homes. Mr. Vanderslice also introduced
Mike Brady, the DFW Vice President for Standard Pacific Homes, and Bill Conger, Vice
President, Planned Acquisitions, Standard Pacific Homes. K. Hovnanian and Standard
Pacific are jointly asking for this amendment.
Mr. Vanderslice stated that Neighborhoods 3 & 4 are being developed in partnership
with Hillwood Development. The underground utilities, water and sewer lines are
currently being installed. They have received 60 calls to date inquiring about this
community and Trophy Club Information Center has gotten 28 calls interested in the
area. They are very excited about the interest being shown for these neighborhoods.
There will be 324 total lots in these two neighborhoods, and they are requesting an
increase from 35% to 45% in the lot coverage for Lot Type 2 lots which are 10,000-
12,000 sq. ft. lots. They are not asking for any changes on the setbacks.
Mr. Vanderslice moved through a PowerPoint presentation, outlining Neighborhoods 3
& 4, and gave demographic information, which is that they are targeting the mid-
$300,000s to upper $400,000s price range for buyers who desire a larger square
footage home. K. Hovnanian Homes will start at 2,900 sq. ft. for the smallest one story
and Standard Pacific is at 2,700 sq. ft. One story homes are very popular right now and
people are not interested in a 2,000 or 2,200 sq. ft. home in this price range. They
would rather step up and get a few more features in a 2,700 sq. ft. minimum home.
Three car garages are something that people expect in this price range so every plan
that both companies offer is going to be standard three-car garage. Outdoor living
areas have also become very popular. That area becomes part of the lot coverage so a
35% footprint is not something that would be easily doable in providing the above items
to home buyers.
Mr. Vanderslice showed pictures of a couple of homes they have designed. The
smallest square foot home is a 2,950 sq. ft. home with 3-car garage, 3 bedrooms, 3
baths, and an outdoor living area attached to the home. He showed a picture of the
elevation and stated that all of the homes will have a lot of stone and brick detail, some
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will have turrets, and most will have a minimum 12/12 roof pitch as they feel steep roof
pitches make for a very nice street scene. Trophy Club requires that a garage facing the
street must be 30-ft. back from the main façade of the house and K. Hovnanian has
placed a one-car garage set back from the two-car garage to meet this requirement; this
offset allows for a much more attractive elevation.
Mr. Vanderslice stated that K. Hovnanian Homes and Standard Pacific Homes are
excited to be in Trophy Club and they feel that they will have a beautiful neighborhood
with beautiful street appeal.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Vanderslice and called on any others wishing to speak.
Dave Glaser, 15 Overhill Dr., came forward and stated that he is opposed to this
because at the time that this development was approved many people thought that the
lot sizes should be larger. There were several meetings where a lot of people showed
up to complain about lot sizes. He stated that the concern was that Trophy Club would
turn into an area with mostly houses with very little green space between them. He
feels this is another way for the builder to try to accomplish the same thing as they want
to put approximately 30% more impervious surface on these areas. He feels this
means more drainage problems and he is already a victim of a drainage problem
because a developer put in a lot more impervious surface and just let the water run
away. He stated that it ran away right into his yard; he doesn’t like that and he doesn’t
feel that Trophy Club should allow things like this that will take away the aesthetic
appeal and create drainage problems. He is particularly bothered by the fact that when
residents fought for the larger lots two years ago and were told that these were
adequate and now the builders want to put more brick and stone on the lots.
As there were no others wishing to speak, the Chairman called for a motion to close the
public hearing. Vice Chairman Stephens motioned to close the public hearing. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed.
Chairman Hill asked Ms. Huggins for any additional comments from staff. Ms. Huggins
reported that she did not have anything in addition to the staff report in the packet, but
that just before the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting started this evening she
received an email from a resident opposed to this request. She gave a copy of the
email to each Commissioner.
Vice Chairman Stephens asked for a response to Mr. Glaser’s drainage concerns. Mr.
Vanderslice stated that a 10,000 sq. ft. lot is a very large lot and that it has been their
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experience in other communities that there are not drainage problems with a 45% lot
coverage on a large 10,000 sq. ft. lot. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that this is a soil
type that does not soak up water; it is clay and so it hits and runs off. Mr. Vanderslice
stated that everything east of 35-E (Frisco, Allen, McKinney) is heavy clay and they also
build in Las Colinas and further south where the soil is heavy, active clay and drainage
has not been an issue in any of their developments.
Mr. Sheridan reviewed the lots sizes and house sizes with Mr. Vanderslice and then
stated that it is not unusual for builders, as they get into design and marketing, to have
disagreements with what the developer is putting out. He stated that he understands
why these builders are coming before the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Reed asked what percent would be no more than 40% coverage. Mr. Vanderslice
stated that they have 10 plans and two are just under 40% and eight are between 40
and 43 percent. Both K. Hovnanian and Standard Pacific customize their homes and if
someone wants to add square footage to a master bedroom or enlarge a garage they
will do that for them so long as it fits and makes sense from a street and builder
standpoint. Some, based on customization, could go larger on a case-by-case basis.
Chairman Hill clarified that although Neighborhoods 3 & 4 have a total of 324 lots, there
are 82 Type 1 Lots which are 12,000+ square feet and the Type 2 Lots are 238. It is the
238 only that are under consideration for the increase in lot coverage.
Mr. Sanchez asked Mr. Vanderslice to point out the 238 lots on the phasing plan. Mr.
Vanderslice did so. Mr. Sanchez stated that the appearance and density of the
development could be a little overwhelming. Drainage could be a problem. He asked
how the builder measures the overall quality of the development. Will the quality be
preserved by this request? Mr. Vanderslice responded that he believes the quality will
be better because in this price point there will be 3-car garages which get the cars off
the street. By allowing a larger home and 3-car garages, it allows the builder to
upgrade the elevations and give the homes a better street appeal. There will be
generous landscaping at the entry of the subdivision and around the houses. Mr.
Sanchez responded that he believes the construction and elevations will be of good
quality, but he questions the density. He is not opposed to the request, but if all the
houses were going to be built to 45% it might be a little too much. Mr. Vanderslice
stated that the density of the lots would not change and that the distance between the
homes, the side building lines, would not change. The houses must be 15-ft. apart and
that will not change. He stated that they plan a good mixture of one-story and two-story
Mr. Ashby stated that most of the Commissioners have endured this process since its
infancy, spending 8 months or better getting standards established, revising them,
made concessions, and now here the Commission is again being asked for more
concessions. Mr. Ashby would like to see the builders replat the neighborhoods to
bigger lots if they want more lot coverage. Mr. Ashby is concerned about small yards
and the appeal of smaller yards.
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Mr. Forest asked how many feet difference there is between the side yard setbacks for
35% coverage vs. 45% coverage. Mr. Vanderslice stated that there would be about 5-ft.
difference. Mr. Forest asked if the driveway is any larger on the 45% coverage. Mr.
Vanderslice stated that the driveway is not any larger.
Vice Chairman Stephens asked if any of the driveways would be beside each other or if
they would be on opposite sides of the lots. Mr. Vanderslice stated that only in rare
instances would that occur, i.e., if there is an inlet or a lot configuration that makes it
necessary. Vice Chairman Stephens asked if there are any current developments with
this size footprint anywhere in the metroplex. Mr. Vanderslice stated that they have
some in Plano, McKinney and Allen. Vice Chairman Stephens asked for a list of
addresses. [In checking the Town of Trophy Club Ordinances, the following is in the
Subdivision Rules & Regulations: “Residential driveways shall not be constructed
closer than ten feet (10’) apart unless approved by the Planning and Zoning
Vice Chairman Stephens asked Chris King if the 15-ft. separation between houses
meets current code. Mr. King stated that it exceeds the minimum of 10-ft.
Vice Chairman Stephens asked if the roof material would be wood. Mr. Vanderslice
stated that it will not be wood.
Mr. Sheridan asked if the Town has an ordinance on the minimum depth of a J-drive
between the front of the garage door to the property line. Chris King, Building Inspector,
stated that in the Building Code and Residential Code there is no minimum requirement.
Mr. Sheridan stated that he would like some assurances that there is a depth of
driveway in the ordinance. He would like to see that no J-drives meld with the concrete
drives of an adjoining lot.
Mr. Sheridan asked how many of the 10 floor plans are single story and how many are
two story. Mr. Vanderslice stated that there are three single stories and a fourth with an
optional bonus room upstairs and six two-stories. Mr. Sheridan noted that none of
these floor plans would meet the current ordinance. He asked how many of the floor
plans are 3-car garage and Mr. Vanderslice responded that all are 3-car garages.
Standard Pacific Homes has four single stories and eight two-stories with 3-car
garages. Mr. Sheridan stated that he is also looking for a way to have diversity. He
reviewed the history of this PD from D. R. Horton to Centurion American. He stated that
he would like to see higher square footage, required 3-car garages, single stories only
vs. two-story, although he likes the mix proposed by the builders. He would like to have
17-ft. or 18-ft. between houses.
Mr. Reed stated that he likes Dennis’ comments with a variety of width between houses.
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Mr. Brady, Standard Pacific Homes, responded that it makes sense to look at the
square footage minimums. It would be a challenge to vary the setbacks because the
houses have already been designed within the existing setbacks.
Mr. Reed responded that sale ability of the houses is important and he appreciates that
the builder is presenting to the Planning & Zoning Commission what the buyers are
looking for these days. He stated that when he grew up a house of this size would be
on a 1-acre lot. Society has changed these days and everywhere you go there are
large houses on small lots. People don’t want a big yard to take care but they do want a
big house.
Mr. Sanchez asked if it was necessary to ask for 45% of all 238 Lot Type 2 lots.
Mr. Ashby restated that he would like a replat with bigger lots to accommodate the
bigger house size.
Mr. Forest stated that he is bothered by a request to ask the builders to change the
setbacks as they are abiding by the current ordinance.
Chairman Hill asked Mr. Brady to clarify Standard Pacific’s models. Mr. Brady
responded that they are planning on 4 to 5 one-stories and 6 to 7 two-stories all with 3-
car garages. The minimum square footage is 2,700 sq. ft.
Vice Chairman Stephens commented that today’s home buyer is looking for all of the
amenities that these gentlemen are proposing and the market is tough right now. He
likes the idea of having a little fluff built into the footprint so that the new homeowner
could add a gazebo or pergola around the pool.
Mr. Sheridan stated that he, like many of the commissioners, has been involved in this
process from the very beginning, and most of the issues were over the lots – small lots,
small houses, small prices. That was the relationship. It’s a little bit different to come
up with bigger houses. He likes the diversity. He stated that the builder has the ability
to maximize out the width of the lots and, typically, like most builders would, take
advantage of the front building line. Nothing that the commissioners do will be plus or
minus to the front yard, so the play area involves the backyard. What can be handled if
the Commission gets more diverse in their requirements or thinking? What can staff
handle if the commissioners say that covered patios are not part of the lot coverage?
Can that be managed? Ms. Huggins responded that the items included in lot coverage
consideration is set by the building code and cannot be changed by the commissioners.
[This in incorrect. The items included in lot coverage consideration is set by ordinance
and can be changed by the commissioners.] Mr. Sheridan stated that he is basically in
agreement if an agreement can be reached for higher standards although he wasn’t
sure if the Commission was prepared to do that tonight.
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Mr. Mehrdad Moayedi, Centurion American, asked to speak and gave the opinion that
this would be a good concession to grant the builders as they are stepping up and
asking for something that is good for the neighborhood.
The Chairman called for a motion after reading to the Commission their options for
approval or denial.
Vice Chairman Stephens made the following motion:
Recommend to the Town Council the approval of the applicant’s request
with consideration for the percentages of 45% lot coverage and 40% lot
coverage from the builders.
33% would be 45% lot coverage and the remaining percentage would be
45% lot coverage.
Vice Chairman Stephens changed it to 50/50 after discussion with the
builder: 50% of the lots would be at 40% lot coverage and 50% of
the lots would be at 45% lot coverage.
Mr. Reed suggested 50% of the houses between 3500 sq. ft. and 4,000 and 50%
would be between 4,000 and 4,500 (or larger), but Mr. Stephens asked that his
original motion be considered.
Mr. Sheridan seconded the motion.
Mr. Sheridan motioned to amend Vice Chairman Stephens motion:
Of the 238 Type 2 lots, not to exceed 119 lots can have up to 45%
lot coverage; of the remaining lots the combined area covered by
all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed forty
percent (40%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall
not be included in determining maximum building coverage.
“Minimum Floor Area” increases to 2,700 sq. ft. minimum for all
Type 2 lots. The asterisk stays: “Those residences with more than
one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square
feet. (Including garage area)
Add the following sentence to the “Garage” section of Lot Type 2:
“Any lot that exceeds coverage in excess of 40% must have a 3-car
Mr. Reed seconded the amendment. Vice Chairman Stephens accepted
the amendment to his motion.
The Chairman called for the vote.
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Ayes: Hill, Reed, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Ashby, Forest
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
Mr. Moayedi, Centurion American, made a request to put up masonry around the gas
Mr. Reed stated that there is only one entry into the well and he asked if the gate will be
wide enough to back trucks into the site. Mr. Moayedi responded that the gate is wide
enough to get all the equipment through, but also the panels are removable. He stated
that anything that faces the thoroughfares will be done with hand laid stone, which is not
removable, but that will only be one side of the site. The other sides will have
removable panels.
Mr. Reed asked Mr. Doug Mitchell, Encana Oil & Gas, if they need access from more
than one side to get their trucks and equipment into the site. Mr. Mitchell responded
that he needs a minimum 44-ft. They stage the equipment into the site so that all
equipment isn’t needed at the well site at one time. They stage it according to workable
Mr. Forest stated that he visited the site and believes it will look fine.
Mr. Sanchez asked if these efforts have been coordinated with the builders. Mr.
Moayedi stated that he owns all of the developments and will coordinate with the
builders. He stated that the house lots that share a property line with the well sites will
have permanent fencing that will not be removed.
Vice Chairman Stephens asked who would be responsible for maintenance of the
fences. Mr. Moayedi stated that they hope to have a “minimal” HOA in place for long
term maintenance. He stated that this issue will have to be addressed before the Town
Mr. Sheridan thought that the oil and gas ordinance addressed the issue of
maintenance of landscaping.
Chairman Hill pointed out that the ordinance calls for an 8-ft. fence and this request is
for a 7-1/2-ft. fence. Russell Slovak, Centurion American, stated that the 7-1/2-ft. would
be taller than the equipment within the fence. Mr. Moayedi stated that the fence is
actually 7-ft. because they cannot trap gas in that area so they are staying off the
ground about 6-inches. Mr. Moayedi stated that they are 7-ft. concrete panels. Vice
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Chairman Stephens stated that they could have a deeper pier in order to get the extra
height. Chairman Hill asked if there is any equipment on the pad site that exceeds 7-ft.
Mr. Mitchell responded that there isn’t any equipment higher than 7-ft.
Mayor Sanders stated that if homeowners don’t like the fence put up around the well
sites they can put up their own fence up against the concrete fence if they so desire.
As there was no further discussion, the Chairman called for a motion.
Mr. Sheridan motioned to approve upgrading to the stonework and allow a 7-1/2 ft.
height and keep “or higher than the enclosed equipment” so that if something changes
where that equipment is higher than the fence it has to be screened.
Mr. Reed seconded the motion.
Mr. Ashby asked for an addition to the motion for a “24-ft. clear minimum opening on the
gate”. Mr. Sheridan agreed to add that to his motion. Mr. Reed, as the second, agreed
to the addition.
Vice Chairman Stephens asked that an amendment be added to the motion stating that
a portion of the fence facing the thoroughfare is to be permanent masonry.
Mr. Reed seconded the amendment.
Mr. Sheridan agreed to add the amendment to his motion and Mr. Reed accepted the
amendment to the original motion.
The motion is:
“Allow upgrading of material to masonry product wall with a minimum 7-1/2
ft. height at the top of the wall or higher than the permanent enclosed
equipment and a wrought iron gate that is a minimum 24-ft. wide clear
opening, and the gate shall remain locked at all times when no one is
present. The fence facing the thoroughfare is to be permanent masonry.”
The Chairman called for the vote.
Ayes: Hill, Reed, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Ashby, Forest
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-1-2007
Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1
Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Amend the Gas Well Manual Ordinance
No. 2003-12 P&Z to Allow a Masonry Wall to Surround a Producing Site.
PURPOSE: The applicant, Centurion American Development Group, is requesting
approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 2003-12 P&Z to allow a masonry wall to
surround producing gas well sites.
CASE REVIEW: Ordinance No. 2003-12 P&Z is an ordinance adopting an oil and gas
well manual establishing regulations and criteria for the operation and maintenance of
oil and gas wells within the Town of Trophy Club. The regulations require:
“Permanent cedar fences with masonry columns spaced not less than sixteen feet (16’),
nor more than twenty-four feet (24’) surrounding producing sites, shall be a minimum of
eight feet (8’) in height or higher than the enclosed equipment, and shall remain locked
at all times when no one is present. For security purposes, all permanent fencing
structures shall have a wrought iron gate to allow visibility into the well site.”
The applicant is requesting that “permanent cedar fences with masonry columns” be
changed to “a masonry wall”.
As the gas well sites are within Planned Development No. 27, staff reviewed PD-27 for
relevance to this request. The only item in PD-27 pertaining to fencing around gas well
sites is that the fencing “may be wood” (vs. wrought iron) for those lots facing gas well
Staff also reviewed why cedar fencing was originally chosen. One reason was so that
the fencing could be easily removed when or if the well was refraced. This is the
reasoning for placing the masonry columns at least 16-ft. apart – so a truck could fit
between the columns. If masonry is going to be used, the wrought iron entrance gate
surrounding each well should be wide enough to allow trucks to get through when
The applicant has submitted fence permit applications to the Permitting Department that
indicate the wrought iron entrance gate at each well site will be “double”. The applicant
indicated that each gate would be 10-ft. wide for a total gate opening of 20-ft.
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PUBLIC HEARING: As this ordinance is not part of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance, a notice of public hearing is not required.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this request as staff
believes a masonry wall will enhance the appearance of the areas surrounding the gas
well sites more so than cedar fences with masonry columns.
Staff recommends approval of the request with the following stipulations:
• A stone or brick masonry wall,
• A minimum of eight feet (8’) in height or higher than the enclosed equipment,
• A wrought iron gate at least 16-ft. wide to allow visibility into the site,
• The gate shall remain locked at all times when no one is present.
PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: The Planning & Zoning Commission
may: 1) recommend approval of the applicant’s request, 2) recommend the request as
stipulated by staff, 3) add or delete stipulations, or 3) recommend denial of the request.
Attachments: Fence Permit Application
Public Hearing Notice
Gas Well Pad Sites
Exhibit A-2 to A-7
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Town of Trophy Club
Department of Planning & Zoning
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
TO: Alliance Regional Newspapers /
Classifieds Dept.
DATE: October 23, 2007
FROM: Carolyn Huggins PAGES: 1
RUN DATE: 1 Time/ October 26,
2003-12 P&Z
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of
Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal
Drive, at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 1, 2007, to consider a request for Amendment
to the Gas Well Manual Ordinance No. 2003-12 P&Z to allow a masonry wall to
surround a producing site.
A Public Hearing for this request will be held by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy
Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at
7:00 p.m., Monday, November 19, 2007.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-1-2007
Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1
Discussion and Consideration of a Request to Amend the Gas Well Manual
Ordinance No. 2003-12 P&Z to Allow a Masonry Wall to Surround a Producing
SUMMARY: The Commissioners may make a motion to have their recommendation
stand from the October 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting:
Mr. Sheridan motioned to approve upgrading to the stonework and allow a 7-1/2 ft.
height and keep “or higher than the enclosed equipment” so that if something changes
where that equipment is higher than the fence it has to be screened. Mr. Reed
seconded the motion.
Mr. Ashby asked for an addition to the motion for a “24-ft. clear minimum opening on the
gate”. Mr. Sheridan agreed to add that to his motion. Mr. Reed, as the second, agreed
to the addition.
Vice Chairman Stephens asked that an amendment be added to the motion stating that
a portion of the fence facing the thoroughfare is to be permanent masonry. Mr. Reed
seconded the amendment.
Mr. Sheridan agreed to add the amendment to his motion and Mr. Reed accepted the
amendment to the original motion.
“Allow upgrading of material to masonry product wall with a minimum 7.5-ft.
height at the top of the wall or higher than the permanent enclosed equipment
and a wrought iron gate that is a minimum 24-ft. wide clear opening, and the gate
shall remain locked at all times when no one is present. The fence facing the
thoroughfare is to be permanent masonry.”
The Chairman called for the vote.
Ayes: Hill, Reed, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Ashby, Forest
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-1-2007
Subject: Agenda Item No.E.1
Discussion and Consideration of a request for Final Plat approval for Trophy Club
Drive, Phase 2 and Trophy Club Park Drive (Master Improvements) (21.344 acres).
Applicant: 831 Trophy, L.P. (FP-07-023)
SUMMARY: These plats are for the master thoroughfare and master improvements for
Trophy Club Drive, and these improvements begin just north of Galloway Blvd.
(Galloway leads into the Highlands Neighborhoods 3 & 4), and continues in a north and
easterly loop around the Town, ending between the future Neighborhoods 6 and 8 of
the Highlands. Marshall Creek Drive will be reconfigured and renamed to Trophy Club
Park Drive which will intersect with Trophy Club Drive between Neighborhoods 7 and 8
and end at Trophy Club Park at Grapevine Lake.
TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: In a memo dated June 18, 2007, Innovative
Transportation Solutions, Inc. (ITS) reviewed and summarized the traffic impact analysis
report provided by Carter & Burgess. ITS concluded that signalization may be
necessary at the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive by the end of
Stage II Highlands development.
STAFF REVIEW: Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge, reviewed the plans for Trophy Club
Drive, Phase 2 and the following are needed:
General Comments
Plan notes call for separate Landscape and Irrigation Plans to be submitted for these
improvements. What is status of those plans and when they will be submitted for approval.
Page 1 - Final Plat
Show all proposed and existing street names.
Are there any plats that have been or will be recorded prior to the filing of this final plat?
If so, reference those plats on this plat.
Sheet 13
Section A-A – Verify that street stations are correct for this phase.
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Sheet 14
Sub-drain along edge of pavement is a Town Standard and may still be required in
some locations, even with the absence of ground water.
See Comments on Sheet 33 for traffic control/sequence of construction.
Sheet 15
Low Point at Station 19+15 – provide positive overflow or design the storm drainage
system for 100-year capacity.
Sheet 16
Low Point at Station 27+00 – provide positive overflow or design the storm drainage
system for 100-year capacity.
Sheet 17
Section A-A shows sidewalk on the west side. There is nothing shown in the plan view.
Verify which one is proposed.
Sheet 19
Low Point at Station 53+80 – provide positive overflow or design the storm drainage
system for 100-year capacity.
Sheet 22
Low Point at Station 75+69 – provide positive overflow or design the storm drainage
system for 100-year capacity.
Sheet 25
Low Point at Station 10+77 – provide positive overflow or design the storm drainage
system for 100-year capacity.
Sheet 33
Reference Sheet 14 – Between Station 13+00 and 15+00, how will the traffic be
managed during construction of the paving and drainage.
Sheet 63 thru 66
Provide the following note for the water services along the northerly side of Trophy Club
Drive: Wrap the end of the service with magnetic tape; backfill around the end of the
water services with 12” minimum sand; verify that the elevation to the top of the service
will anticipate the final grade for the parkway.
Sheet 68
Provide magnetic detector tape over the water line and post gas marker signs along the
gas pipeline.
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Sheet 73
For pipe cover less than 4-feet, provide SDR-26 PVC pipe (See Sta 38+14 to 46+00).
Provide letter agreement for sewer work through the golf course property.
Aerial crossing references a detail. One is not shown on the plans.
Pipe material along the crossing – Steel Casing, Ductile Iron? Call out with details.
Change the concrete “cap” to encasement.
Station 41+89.10, Sanitary Sewer Manhole – set rim elevation 1-foot above 100-year
flood elevation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of FP-07-023 with the
stipulation that all revisions must be submitted and approved by the Town Engineer
prior to placement on a Council agenda.
Traffic Impact Analysis Memo from Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-1-2007
Subject: Agenda Item No.F.1
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