Agenda Packet P&Z 01/04/2007Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, January 4, 2007 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. B.1 Discuss and take annronriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat annroval for an approximate 147.509 acre tract of land generally described as R. Allen Survey, Abstract No.5; R. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 17; J. Eads Survey, Abstract No. 392; J Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529; W Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 829, and J. Michael Survey, Abstract No. 820, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhoods 3&4. Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., authorized agent of 831 Trophy L.P. (PP-06-012) B.2 Discuss and take annronriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat annroval for an approximate 19.231 acre tract of land legally described as J. Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 9. Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., authorized agent of 831 Trophy L.P. (PP-06- 014) B.3 Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat approval for an approximate 12.23 acre tract of land legally described as A. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832, known as Churchill Downs. Applicant: Southwest T.O.O. Development L.L.C. C.1 Adjournment. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 40 4 January 2007 From (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No.A.I Call to order and announce a quorum. Date: 1-4-2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 40 4 January 2007 From (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No.B.I Date: 1-4-2007 Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat approval for an approximate 147.509 acre tract of land generally described as R. Allen Survey, Abstract No.5; R. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 17; J. Eads Survey, Abstract No. 392; J Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529; W Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 829, and J. Michael Survey, Abstract No. 820, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhoods 3&4. Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., authorized agent of 831 Trophy L.P. (PP-06-012) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 40 4 January 2007 TO: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 4 JANUARY 2007 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT -THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOODS 3&4 PURPOSE: PLATTING: To review and take action on the proposed Preliminary Plat for The Highlands at Trophy Club Preliminary Plat, Neighborhoods 3&4. OWNER/DEVELOPER: ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER: Mehrdad Moayedi 831 Trophy, L.P. 3901 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200 Bedford, Texas 76021 Carter & Burgess, Inc. 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247 EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: The subject land was rezoned to PD-27 in May, 2006. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES: North: Trophy Club Country Club (Golf Course) and Neighborhoods 2&6 of The Highlands South: Trophy Club Country Club (Golf Course) and Quorum Condominiums. East: Trophy Club Country Club (Golf Course) and Neighborhood 6 of The Highlands. West: Trophy Club Country Club (Golf Course) and The Lakes of Trophy Club, (PD-15). Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 40 4 January 2007 Staff Review Preliminary Plat Zoning Sq Ft Total Lots % of Lots Sq Ft Total Lots % of Lots 13,000 77 24.45 13,000 N/C N/C 12,000 3 .95 12,000 81 25 11,000 30 9.52 11,000 N/C N/C 10,000 205 65.08 10,000 243 75 The initial plat was submitted to staff 6 November 2006. Review comments were forwarded to Carter & Burgess 1 December 2006. Carter & Burgess addressed the comments and resubmitted the plat 11 December 2006. The second set of Town review comments were forwarded to Carter & Burgess 21 December 2006, with C&B responding 27 December 2006. Below are staff's comments for the second submission as well as C&B's response comments. Staff has reviewed the Preliminary Plat; see the attached checklist and the following comments: Sheet EX 1 - NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN EXHIBIT. 1. Show Dwelling Units per Acre in table. Sheet EX2 - TRAIL PLAN EXHIBIT: 1. General Comment (No action required) - Final Trail alignment to be coordinated with staff and determined during final plat. Sheet EX3 - MASTER WATER EXHIBIT: No Comments Sheet EX4- MASTER SANITARY SEWER EXHIBIT. 1. General Comment (No action required) - Include this development as part of overall sewer study required with final plat submittal. Sheet L 1 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION and TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS: No Comments Sheet P 1 - PRELIMINARY PLAT: No Comments Sheet DEX - DRAINAGE EXHIBIT: Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 40 4 January 2007 No Comments No Comments Sheet U 1 - PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER PLAN: 1. First hydrant on Street A - move 100-feet to the east. 2. Hydrant on corner of Trophy Club and Street A - locate on west side of intersection. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 6 of 40 4 January 2007 Carter Burgess December 27, 2006 Ms. Kerin Fleck Planning and Zoning Coordinator Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Re: The Highlands at Trophy Club Preliminary Plat Comments (2nd Review) for Neighborhoods 3 and 4 Dear Ms. Fleck: 7950 Elmbrook Drivo Delius, TX 75247-4451 Phone; 214.638 D145 Fax- 214.638.0447 wxrx.c-b.ca m Carter & Burgess, Inc. has reviewed the staff comments dated December 21, 2006 on the above referenced project and offers the following responses: Sheet K1 (formally EX3)— KEY MAP - SHEET INDEX EXHIBIT: 1. This sheet has been revised to Sheet K1. Response: Informational. 2. Show Proposed alignment of MUD 2 Boundary along lot lines, Response: The proposed alignment of the MUD 2 boundary is now shown along lot lines. Sheet P1 — PRELIMINARY PLAT: 1. Revise Street A to a Minor Collector per the approved PD-27 and Town Standards. Response: Acknowledged, we will consider revising the pavement section of Street A, or a portion of Street A, prior to Final Plat preparation as discussed with Town staff, 2. Show ROW corner clipper page 1-11, Figure 1-6. Response: Acknowledged, right-of-way corner clips will be added to the Final Plat as discussed with Town staff. Sheet P2 — PRELIMINARY PLAT: 1. Highlands Drive — Change to a Minor Collector up to Trophy Club Drive, The 10'-open space strip on each side of right-of-way can be incorporated into the ROW. Use the section per the PD-27 and Town Standards, Response: Acknowledged, we will consider revising the pavement section of Highlands Drive prior to Final Plat preparation as discussed with Town staff`. 2. Show ROW corner clip per page 1-11, Figure 1-6. Response: Acknowledged, right-of-way corner clips will be added to the Final Plat as discussed with Town staff. Carter & Burgess, Inc Larter & eurgess ArchileclsJEngureers, Inc. Curler& Burgess Consultants, Inc C&B Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, P.0 C&B Nevada, Inc Planning& Zoning Commission Page 7 of 40 4 January 2007 Ms. Kerin Fleck Planning and Zoning Coordinator Town of Trophy Club December 27, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Sheet U1 thru U6 - PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER PLAN: 1. Extend water main up Highlands to connect into 12" waterline in Trophy Club Drive. Response: The Water Model will determine whether a water main up Highlands Drive connecting to the 12" waterline is Trophy Club is required. The Water Model will be submitted with the Final Plat. Carter & Burgess appreciates this opportunity to respond to these comments. We look forward to the approval of this Preliminary Plat on January 4, 2007 and working with the Town of Trophy Club on the Final Plats and Construction Plans for this project. Should you have any question, please call. Sincerely, CARTE & BURG SS, INC, Jaison Stephen, P.E. Project' Manager JMSIshh 022529310102 cc: Mr. Tom Rutledge, Teague, Nall and Perkins Planning & Zoning Commission Page 8 of 40 4 January 2007 Town of Tr. _ ophy Club. Texas APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW DATE: 11101,106 NAME OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The Highlands at Trophy Club — Nei hborhoods 3 & 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Survey (s): R. Alien Survey A-5. R. Allen Survey A-17 J. Eadds awrygyA-392 J. Henry Survey A-529 W Medlin Survey A-829 & J. Michael Survey A-820 GENERAL INFORMATION: Number of Total acreage: 147.509 Current Zoning: PD-27 Lots/Units: 315 OWNER: Contact Person: Jeff Poole OWNER: ,__ xllkyell rPk1_ww1+e r COMPANY: K. Hovnanian Companies ADDRESS: 5808 West Piano Parkway TELEPHONE #: (469) 737-1,430 Plano, Texas 75093 FAX #: (9721 407-6298 DEVELOPER: Contact Person: Jeff Poole DEVELOPER: COMPANY: K. Hovnanian Companies ADDRESS: _ 5808 West Plano Parkway , TELEPHONE #: f4691 737-1430 _ Plano. Texas 75093 FAX #: (972) 407-6298 LAND PLANNER: Contact Person: Chris Patterson, A.l.C.P. LAND PLANN 4i. 69� PAV) COMPANY: Carter & Buraess. Inc. -- Urban Design ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive TELEPHONE #: f2141 638-0145 Dallas, Texas 75247 _ FAX #; (214) 638-0447 SURVEYOR: Contact Person: Mike_Baitup, R.P,L.S. SURVEYOR: hplea Pi^f7 COMPANY: Carter & Bumess. Inc. ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247 _ ENGINEER: TELEPHONE #: 214 638 014 FAX #: _(214) 638-0447 Contact Person: Jaison Stephen, P.E. ENGINEER: Ow—p-0 COMPANY: Carter & Buraess. Inc. ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive TELEPHONE #: 2141 638-0145 Dallas Texas 76247 FAX M (214) 638-0447 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 9 of 40 4 January 2007 Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW DATE: 11/01/06 NAME OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The Highlands at Trophy Club -- Neighborhoods 3 & 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Survey (s): R. Allen Survey A-5. R. Allen Survey A-17, J. Eads Survey A-392, J. Henry Survey A-529,W, Medlin Survey A-829, & J. Michael Survey A-820 GENERAL 1NFORMA TION. Number of Total acreage: 147.509 Current Zoning: PD-27 Lots/Units: 315 OWNER: Contact Person: Bill Conger Owf (pfaaseA�4 J f COMPANY: Standard Pacific Homes ADDRESS: 6333 North Highway 161, Suite 360 TELEPHONE M (972) 550-0430 Irvino, Texas 75038 FAX #: (9721 550-7891 DEVELOPER: Contact Person: Bill Conger DEVELOP fp+ease prm4 (sy.� rwe�� COMPANY: Standard Pacific Homes / ADDRESS: 6333 North Highway 161, Suite 350 TELEPHONE #: (9721 550-0430 Irving, Texas 75038 FAX #: (972) 550-7891 LAND PLANNER: -- Contact Person: Chris Patterson, A.I.C.P. LAND PLANNE --�, fprnase pool IsgnawreJ COMPANY: Carter & Burgess, Inc. -- Urban Design ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive TELEPHONE #: (214) 638-0145 Dallas. Texas 75247 FAX #: (214) 638-0447 SURVEYOR: Contact Person: Mike Baitup, R.P.L.S. _ SURVEYOR: (,w"emu COMPANY: Carter & Burgess. Inc. ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive TELEPHONE #: (214) 638-0145 Dallas, Texas 75247 _ FAX #: (214) 638-0447 ENGINEER: Contact Person: Jaison Stephen. P.E. _ ENGINEER: COMPANY: ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook drive TELEPHONE 4. (214) 63$-0145 Dallas. Texas 75247 FAX #: (214) 638-0447 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 10 of 40 4 January 2007 PREI ONONAVY PLAT 0 a FOR � THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB 11 1. E NEIGHBORHOODS 3 & 4 r i NOVEMBER 2006 ji DWNER/DEVELOPER: - RillµILI" 3iER�trax ` _ o, ..p.... e.o.v...M w.w.x airw aR 11 7 ` OWNER/DEVELOPER; 4_ ' S j �u eiEi inr±cFq ��� ENGINEER / SURVEYOR / PLANNER: mm x It GARR S BURGESS. ImC. wrveFeeu ii, 1 � _ T _ r N + ? . .; LEGEND El NEareonx000 —'I E>t G —H z - THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY LLIIB NSb n a� ....... a. F Ali - F95T ix E 1 Y_I2oLN tlRsr xeu eesr a Planning & Zoning Commission Page 11 of 40 4 January 2007 am LEGEND TRAIL RLIR —11 A, THE HIGHLANDS AT TR07Y CI -La AT Y. M M goff _V5 NU -Mpg T-1 LIXAL STK T A, Y CLIM 'T I-L —T all, CC Planning & Zoning Commission Page 12 of 40 4 January 2007 4 �,`.�.���+„-jam WP roil 71 � L� M r�V i 17 3 �k 4 •5 r u1f5 6 ® A. THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB Fia@e� v45 1 a [aO9 e89T •192gJrHEXR} aBST •929 -- 4 * W te1INiAY.SiEXaS� CarNr"�� 1 M 7 Oi �u LEGEND THE HIGHLdNUSHAi TROPHY CLUB S M174H'.tME SEE,SHEFT P3 - NH 9 MAifH LM€ S€E SHE€I Pa + NH 3 - FH. I.T .T Cartw Hum f v u Planning & Zoning Commission Page 13 of 40 4 January 2007 ' LEGEND THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB t`l 1.. raawseesr:esTexa y�i � � s',' yY •, ee�' IT wE SEE S tEi E4 - H 4 MmTC E SEE SHEET PS - m 9 w HI .E SEE SHEET PI NH 3 LEGEND Is IS 4 ! u•. xoeoae THE ELANDS AT TRNPNrY CLUB ryyy �: '�� -- �J� .0 n asL EN 65 Sexx L xesT e cwtwY. one Planning & Zoning Commission Page 14 of 40 4 January 2007 MIi'� e� wx 3 u cN L I. Ei M� NH 4 HE t`t99� �k'N T LEGEND xi- � � �. -�,e� � � uyb•�'��i--%b j F9ELN SPY R4T THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLR }} ex�.m .'. x. ueoixw a s!i M iJy E�M�MieSi;+ete fCir' '. a se oNExuo[Y,I[io[oixr a , Cmiar �r9°" I 'L •'SiY� - �E •��,VMAh"x 'y 1 LI SIIEE'i o ` I / 4 y i`> LEGEND , PFE-71 PLAY nna THE NiCHLANDS AT TROPNY CLUB ">P'- x. �m5ab5lT•eY98,.l midK BABSi A9BA0 ,He it fw.xr r:,F Carter:: Burgess Planning & Zoning Commission Page 15 of 40 4 January 2007 1. I t / I q � .tee,..—/ � - a °�su✓`tPo.;"'• . ..r mi'�£ ��` ss;eias 4 ,.'A74',ffiSi LEGEND P. pyA 9�� =wlSi'P1�''E �e PPELIMINAPT Pt4T THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB �yy ,,yy�am R. r4LUN 4BPT •54M .,p:J"1.ltre za f. Y —1 Al&e Hass ez0 LRau Nlr+NLE I cwrhw.3wg ft zM! �40m�te�[°°wia iiwro usruv tr I tri:K EO P Iq 04F5 ME ILO z .r`AvuXT}G'8�.23xr� ,,, "�( J' THE HIGILAND'S AT 4TROPHY CLUB 4 M. NE0.usse05 N!9 > .A IC 4Fi 9BT dr ......'ii Planning & Zoning Commission Page 16 of 40 4 January 2007 !2. i I / wv \ 4 GUWB CUT �LEGEND LEGEN6 i THE HIGHLAND5 AT TROPHY CLUB MAi H1LML SEE SHEET D3 - NH 3 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET Uw HH 3 �lltl y EL B5 829 6 EL B �96?0 i 1 Carter Burgess y � T iEET D--V 9 - M _jCtlt-E SEE SHEET 05 - NH 4 'c CWB - FUME -T. LEGEND THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB IT I w MEOL es ex A Twi u� Cosner=Burgess k� Planning & Zoning Commission Page 17 of 40 4 January 2007 I Q M rf- M�{ LAE SEE SHEET CH Nx 3 1 j + �'�✓ -•` ,�• , ! � .:. � � � CLflB CLLi Fi„A�E SE[TIOM LEGEND Nil .�•e+�.�.,� L—^';'� ' PaELMNAaY M4xM4E 4�R 4{P THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB " u r . x.�m:+s.es� •ers a �. M¢x.EL�AosT�'exo ! Carter Burgess W tCH LAE SEE'SHEE'r OI,- NH 3 MATCH LAE SEE SHEET Q2-- HH a +m "<++��+• �'I - - 4 Y le 3 4 k �, ';� cwe cuT r�wc scc,x LEGEND Planning & Zoning Commission Page 18 of 40 4 January 2007 1 MATCH Lu"E SHEET 02 t f C T - � ciAB C f E SECIidx \ "1 - (' u.•.�9Y• - ----aa-----nAm oaerieceAREA— THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB �� `� a •" a 4LEx e95ry •5! • n�3 w uFo N AusI NCxwE •aza MEN Ot EGENu ------------ THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB F-Ew .- •5�o-.t w..1Fp.lx bBs! S CaeFar. BwBess �w r Planning & Zoning Commission Page 19 of 40 4 January 2007 ----- n &� LEGEND ue J YfiJ w ,s �` i �'� �� -'_; -TER wren EZHa T ✓ THE HIGH ANDS AT TROPHY LLIB J w85T •0}p 9 x LECEwO J 5 11— YwEx Ey-IT 7/ THE H�OH NDS AT TROPHY LL116 1' A >: es/ L _ _ ,\� f-'\ ., eC.'E .a � �e f�^•-,�����.Exe.o Ln.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 20 of 40 4 January 2007 TH ��-/-,x ,• 1 rrvcAc Eacn+w R LEGS -� � iM€uulweRr We,€H 5 SEWEH PLex pd'• �_ n • � I a THE NIEA16dHp5 AT TROPHY CLUB 4 H E SEfi Hal M9 7 "WXH LAVE BEE 51EET UA ell -1 Q11•529� Cartel Burgess I i 3` m4, � ^ � � err^ • £ ,�p'`9/yj \. /� � THE HIGH�aNp�S At 1RUPNY GL49 W. ur L. Aes—T� E . J.wcXAEL e J.feo5 V §9 i wi19 ��l � yA• . �: l � ,o.X a Kwtn o.waAOEKuwEn r�y`rT a f�� ,6'A"JN9a3'P' kr, TV II TCH WE SEE SHEET W,•1,Y1 i'' MR C. E SEE SHEET H$ - NH A IIII JI y r .\ •\� � ,_,.. ��F^�w Planning & Zoning Commission Page 21 of 40 4 January 2007 ' M N LNE SEE SHEET ui NM j �I f ff1 f J v Egli u� •� I �--1�II TM�= J" � d ..m x ... LEGE�:cWTWw ,n. NNW i! a! o «. ...—.• wsa w —v:w'd•Y.'� ' PnELIMIxeR'r WATER k SEwEP PLew "•°°'�°� Tom'"e' THE HICHLANBS AT TROPHY CLUB �.SdeC �. i � 0.eLLEN e@£i ^Ssl�mirz E I4i. J. WENRT t S.5 w.. m4es •W2Wa J. wMneEl0SR �9@29 pL t 1�NH WITC- HATCH LINE SEE SHEET UI 3 LINE 9EE SHEET U2 - H IZF o c e K r ��_ � , / aW ••. � _ � �'_ -� y TVPIceL NTE�v Locatd - LEGEND _— PRELIMININO WATER k SEWER PUN n THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHM CLUB .� �v �— �` ,wLa. Antis n Iaeciawsi'reza J Cwter Bwg&" Planning & Zoning Commission Page 22 of 40 4 January 2007 MATGN LINE. F SHEET I -------------- -- LEGEID PROL—V WArE, THE HIGHLANDS AT TR5PHY CLUB ­T rl� -�, W-w-, fe III I—L 011 11 Q.— LEGE-D THE HIGHLANDS �AT TROPHY CLUB Planning & Zoning Commission Page 23 of 40 4 January 2007 From (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No.13.2 Date: 1-4-2007 Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat approval for an approximate 19.231 acre tract of land legally described as J. Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 9. Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., authorized agent of 831 Trophy L.P. (PP-06- 014) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 24 of 40 4 January 2007 STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 4 JANUARY 2007 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT -THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOODS 9 PURPOSE: PLATTING: To review and take action on the proposed Preliminary Plat for The Highlands at Trophy Club Preliminary Plat, Neighborhood 9. OWNER/DEVELOPER: ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER Mehrdad Moayedi 831 Trophy, L.P. 3901 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200 Bedford, Texas 76021 Carter & Burgess, Inc. 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247 EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: The subject land was rezoned to PD-27 in May, 2006. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES: North: Town Park (Community Pool), Highlands South: The Lakes of Trophy Club, (PD-15) East: Neighborhood 2 of The Highlands West: Town Park (Independence) 12,000 Scl Ft and Village Center of The Zoning vs. Preliminary Plat PD-27 44 Lots Preliminary Plat 44 Lots Planning & Zoning Commission Page 25 of 40 4 January 2007 Staff Review The initial plat was submitted to staff 20 November 2006. Review comments were forwarded to Carter & Burgess 15 December 2006. Carter & Burgess addressed the comments and resubmitted the plat 21 December 2006. Below are staff's comments for the second submission as well as C&B's responses. Staff has reviewed the Preliminary Plat; see the attached checklist and the following comments: Sheet EX 1 -NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN EXHIBIT. 1. Show Dwelling Units per Acre in table. Sheet EX2 - TRAIL PLAN EXHIBIT. 1. General Comment (No action required) - Final Trail alignment to be coordinated with staff and determined during final plat. Sheet EX3 - MASTER WATER EXHIBIT: No Comments Sheet EX4- MASTER SANITARY SEWER EXHIBIT. 1. General Comment (No action required) - Include this development as part of overall sewer study required with final plat submittal. Sheet L 1 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION and TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS: No Comments Sheet P 1 -PRELIMINARY PLAT: No Comments Sheet DEX - DRAINAGE EXHIBIT. 1. No Comments Sheet D 1 - PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE AREA MAP: No Comments Sheet U 1 - PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER PLAN: 1. First hydrant on Street A - move 100-feet to the east. 2. Hydrant on corner of Trophy Club and Street A - locate on west side of intersection. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 26 of 40 4 January 2007 Carter r Burgess December 27, 2006 Ms. Kevin Fleck Planning and Zoning Coordinator Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Re: The Highlands at Trophy Club Preliminary Plat Comments for Neighborhood 9 Dear Ms. Fleck: 7950 El -brook Dd— Da11-, TX 75247-4951 Phone: 2 i 4.638.01 d5 Fox: 2,14.638.0447 ,—..c•b.cbm Carter & Burgess, Inc. has reviewed the staff comments dated December 15, 2006 on the above referenced project and offers the following responses: Sheet EX1 — NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN EXHIBIT: 1. Show Dwelling Units per Acre in table. Response: Table includes dwelling units per net acreage and dwelling units per gross acreage. Sheet EX2 — TRAIL PLAN EXHIBIT: 1. General Comment (No action required) - Final Trail alignment to be coordinated with staff and determined during final plat, Response: Acknowledged, note added. Sheet EX3 — MASTER WATER EXHIBIT: No Comments Sheet EX4— MASTER SANITARY SEWER EXHIBIT: 1. General Comment (No action required) — Include this development as part of overall sewer study required with final plat submittal. Response: Acknowledged. Sheet L1 — LEGAL DESCRIPTION and TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS: 1. No Comments Sheet P1 — PRELIMINARY PLAT: 1, No Comments Sheet DEX — DRAINAGE EXHIBIT: 1. No Comments Crune, L, riurgess, Inc. Coder & Burgess Archilecls/Engineers, hu. Cwter & Burgess ConsuhGM5, Inc C&B ArchilodsYPnginaors, Inc. CE.B Archit-IVEngineers, P.C. C&B N*-de, Inc. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 27 of 40 4 January 2007 Ms. Kerin Fleck Planning and Zoning Coordinator Town of Trophy Club December 27, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Sheet D1 —PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE AREA MAP: 1, No Comments Sheet U1 - PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER PLAN: 1. First hydrant on Street A — move 100-feet to the east. Response: Fire hydrant moved 2. Hydrant on comer of Trophy Club and Street A — locate on west side of intersection. Response: Fire hydrant relocated to west side of Trophy Club Drive. Carter & Burgess appreciates this opportunity to respond to these comments. We look forward to the approval of this Preliminary Plat and working with the Town of Trophy Club on the Final Plat and Construction Plans for this project. Should you have any question, please call. Sincerely, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. L0-00 Vc -� ". Krisha Brooks, R.E. Project Manager KBlshb =529211.L91 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 28 of 40 4 January 2007 iwn of TroAh.Y Club, Texas APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW DATE: 11 /14/06 Survey (s): Total acreage: 19.231 NAME OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The Highlands at Trophy Club — Neighborhood 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: GENERAL INFORMATION: Current Zoning: PD-27 i Number of ---- -- -- Lots/Units: 44 OWNER' Contact Person: Mehrdad Moavedi OWNER: �y .cam W""p ) COMPANY: 831 Trophy, L.P. ADDRESS-- 3901 W. Airport Freeway Suite 200 TELEPHONE #: (817) 391-2500 BedfordTexas 76021 FAX #: 817 421-2385 DEVELOPER Contact Person: Mehrdad Moavedi DEVELOPER: fi (0-5.p" ! r COMPANY: 831 Trophy,, L.P. ADDRESS: 3901 W. Airport Freeway Suite 200 TELEPHONE #: (817) 391-2500 Bedford, Texas 76021 FAX #: (817) 421-2385 LAND PLANNER Contact Person: Chris Patterson, A.I.C.P. LAND PLANNER[ �« rWmamamr) sqv� ra] COMPANY: Carter & Burgess, Inc. -- Urban Design ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive TELEPHONE #: (214) 638-0145 Dallas. Texas 75247 FAX #: 214 638-0447 SURVEYOR: Contact Person: Mike Baitup, R.P.L.S. SURVEYOR: r rF�ase Fin7) f - COMPANY: Carter & Burgess, Inc. ADDRESS: 7950 Elmbrook Drive TELEPHONE #: (214) 638-0145 Dallas, Texas 75247 FAX #: (214) 638-0447 ENGINEER: Contact Person: Krisha F. Brooks ENGINEER: 71CLLt7{ ra�­ a kQ COMPANY: Carter & Burgess. Inc.. ADDRESS: 7950 Eimbrook Drive_ TELEPHONE #: (214) 638-0145 Dallas. Texas 75247 FAX #: (214) 638-0447 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 29 of 40 4 January 2007 pG3C L�GVilOaGlGi FLAT a 9 (DR i THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD 9 TOWN OF 7ROPMW CLM[39 DDEM70M COHK7'Y, TIEK S K NOVEMBER 2006 6 _ —71 6�' I UWNEP�bEV€LQPER: Y ,.' islol`wPOE`sr''e`I�awr eAEE.er - ' S' '75:oEe1-1 ENGINEER r SURVEYCR PLANNER; �5 CG r r �U �1 LEGEND H. e : z j � j — .. MIGxm N E�w011 THE HIGHLANDS AT TRGPHY CLUB row.'. ar mnrnr riva o[n,w cau,r. ttaas F 5 - v uva A w�„zax —, ,• �. Cnw�r Rueyw Planning & Zoning Commission Page 30 of 40 4 January 2007 eLLccEwo TR R PHB T E THE Hi NL NDS AT TROPHY CLUE caBaFr°$HM rtf :-.. ' Hs riwwr .......... Tom K TRePxY Ulwl1lEa62 { m 'gym I LEGEND —TER —ER E—T THE HIMANDS -AT TROPHY ELLS t _,1 Cm -owl"• Planning & Zoning Commission Page 31 of 40 4 January 2007 - \\ \ L JIM LEGEND 17 �.EA E-IME MH AN P SE.DE TROPHY CLUB THE HiGHL Np5 AT 7ROPNY GLOB 1 ' � iO.N fr iPpwi CWB. RHrpq CW'�lY, 2y65 !! A o tz- V ............ cH@ - a.i@R WLLECI@R rax@�irpiLxi s*MrsErncris '^ THE HICHL<NBS 6T TROPHY CLUB u tiwigsr Planning & Zoning Commission Page 32 of 40 4 January 2007 TRO � �� s prtA HeLa TxE HIGXLAN°5 AT TRdPXY CLUB 1yt 5 „� rm 6 � A .'��• Planning & Zoning Commission Page 33 of 40 4 January 2007 'O — r iLv LLEGEND PRfLuwwaAv pumarc awfa uaP ` TxE HIGHLANDS AT TR OPNY CLUB Jmx,r"u�i ., A. vu 71-1 �sw�1-i- a 'Y "�**'� 'rev � M1 � _. :1 � arrrwxeav wersn ewo scwen eLix THE xiGxLAxos AT TROPHY CLUB Carver „!w9m Planning & Zoning Commission Page 34 of 40 4 January 2007 From (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No.B.3 Date: 1-4-2007 Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat approval for an approximate 12.23 acre tract of land legally described as A. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832, known as Churchill Downs. Applicant: Southwest T.O.O. Development L.L.C. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 35 of 40 4 January 2007 STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 4 JANUARY 2007 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT - CHURCHILL DOWNS PURPOSE: PLATTING: To review and take action on the proposed Preliminary Plat for Churchill Downs. OWNER/DEVELOPER: Southwest T.O.O. Development, L.L.C. 204 Elliott Drive Roanoke, Texas 76262 ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER: Robert Schneeberg Gonzalez & Schneeberg 660 N. Central Expressway, No. 250 Plano, Texas 75074 EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: The subject land currently lies within the Town's ETJ. LOCATION: North: Marshall Creek Road and Future Parkland within The Highlands, P D-27 South: Outside City Limits (ETJ) / Vacant/undeveloped land (Army Corp of Engineers property) East: Outside City Limits (ETJ) / Vacant/undeveloped land (Army Corp of Engineers property) West: Neighborhood 8 of The Highlands, PD-27 Staff Review: The initial Preliminary Plat was submitted 26 October 2006. Staff review comments were given to the applicant 15 November 2006. Revised plans were submitted by the applicant 13 December 2006. Town review comments for the second submission were forwarded to the applicant 28 December 2006. Below are those comments: Staff has reviewed the second submission of the Preliminary Plat for Churchill Downs and offers the following comments: Planning & Zoning Commission Page 36 of 40 4 January 2007 Drainage Study 1. Verify that the "C" factor is acceptable using the soil antecedent for this area. Miscellaneous 1. Renumber sheets to include drainage study and the sewer alignment to reflect it is part of the Preliminary Plat. 2. Derby Way Section: Change the parkway from 9' to 9.5'. 3. Intersection of Derby Way and Marshall Creek Road: Curb radii must be 30' 4. Intersection of Derby Way and Churchill Downs Lane: Curb radii must be 25'. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 37 of 40 4 January 2007 a PLATTING APPLICATION P&Z 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Department of Planning & Zoning Town of Trophy Club 682.831.4681 Case No. p Q� r Cad Platting:: Prelimina Final ❑ Short Form ❑ Replat ❑ Amendin ❑ Present Zoning: Requested Zoning: Platted Property - Lot(s)1 Block: Property Development Information VV Present Use: IA • IntendedUse: Legal Description of Property Subdivision: Phase: `Un-platted Property - Survey Name: N. M e v>-„a A- S 3 Z Acres: I "lf property is not platted, alfach metes and bounds description. Owner Information Representative/Agent Information (t there Is more than one owner, please attach a separate Letter with OI--I wner's Information and Signahue) �c L_L Check here 9 the property owner Is represented by an Firm Name: f�Di.L91c x -� xtic A e r authorized agent Name: Name: 1S0,A w-ti+- Address: (PGc N. City: -Ft-A- Address: lf, el _ City: A,9Ab ke- State: ''"^f Zip Cade: -7 6'c>7 Phone No. tz 'Si 6 �°�S� State: Zip Code:~? Phone No. �00�CJ Fax No. 9'77- Fax No. Email: Special Note INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Email: SignatureRepresenfaWeFAgMt s Slonawre //Mmers awe 7-1 ji . ...... ryry_.rrr��iT.., ss,��L.I1�h�* ry.. J— '114.I G D C�Q�Universal Planning & Zoning Application fPage 1 of 1 Rev. Aug 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 38 of 40 4 January 2007 S In ......,. — I '4 �i s � - _ r - l c!•mr u...,e..r �. .(,� .,o..Le do, .tl i1a..�,� m..axa.. m.mc..rr �n ,r...� rw rW r m.'..n"' wapw'a`,.:.,: �.;:. ro ,..� ti,..... �.. '�'. `"•'•»••• e-e.. � .-t, .•+.+r .... a.......,- ,.+.. a.. a.rr. ... ,, ,..s w ..... !crls o,wAc,rti� •oDiVMe LAN! PRELIMINARY PLAT CHURCAnl DOWNS e _ ..... «.„ ...... ... - .». rw...,.....,.....,—« ......w... ,,... _ z,. LOTS 1-8 BLOCK A v�mvmes .....-..,,...,...,x .,... --= LOTS 1-27, BWCK $ l.w.«.f«..:.:"M. w ,r , r •"r• •'• ...,.«.,-.o:-..... ... `� Y. realer SUH46Y, ABSTB cr Kb. doe .. —w"r .... w —...r .. x.r m. ""` •'..+....,w." • • •• r ••• o,., w.r ...... ,--r. GPMlVx COUN'!'[, 'lElu5 ... rue . rw.•., ...... rvnar r•r,.n,r�.rr• sxsec I OF 1 GOR88,lez & EURe berg ••v+mars y , From (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No. C.I Adjournment. Date: 1-4-2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 40 of 40 4 January 2007