Minutes Parks 01/14/2004 MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, January 14th, 2014 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 at 7:04 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Hanna Chairman . Dave Abdulky Vice Chairman Glenn Hurst Secretary Louis Hocker Board Member Kathy Trotter Board Member Hayley Little Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member Arrived at 7:20 pm Tom Mills Board Member Dean Murray Board Member Patrick Arata Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Clint Schroeder Council Liaison Jay Basantkumar Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director Jacob Lohse Parks & Recreation Superintendent Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Hanna called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.noting a quorum was present. REGULAR SESSION Citizen Presentations: No presentations 1. Discuss and take appropriate action on approving the 9-10-13 minutes Board member Little made a motion to approve the 9-10-13 minutes,. Seconded by board member Hurst. The vote was unanimous. 2. Discuss and take appropriate action on approving the 10-8-2013 Board minutes Board member Abdulky made a motion to approve the 10-8-13 minutes. Seconded by board member Mills. The vote was unanimous. 3. Consider and take appropriate action in recommending an extension of the existing contract with the Trophy Club Roanoke Youth Baseball Association and their continued use of Town facilities to Town Council The parks and recreation board took action in recommending the following items to town council. 1. The contract amendment shall run from February 8th ending June 29th. There was a motion to approve by board member Little and seconded by board member Murray. The vote was unanimous. 2. TCRYBA shall charge each participant through the close of spring registration a $10.00 fee that will then be paid to the town. There was a motion made to approve by board member Murray and seconded by board member Arata.The vote was unanimous. 3. TCRYBA shall provide audited financials for review by the town on an agreed upon date as requested by the town. There was a motion to approve by board member Hurst and seconded by board member Mills. The vote was unanimous. 4. TCRYBA shall provide a report that identifies all players general residency by town/city by the third week of spring season play. There was a motion to approve by board member Hocker and seconded by board member Abdulky. The vote was unanimous. 5. TCRYBA shall provide a list of all board members and and their addresses to the town by the third week of spring season. There was a motion to approve by board member Abdulky and seconded by board member Arata. The vote was unanimous. 6. TCRYBA shall require background checks on head coaches, assistant coaches, board members, and adult umpires. There was a motion to approve by board member Hocker and seconded by Murray. The vote was unanimous. 7. No soft toss allowed against field fencing. There was a motion to approve by board member Arata and seconded by board member Hocker. The vote was unanimous. 8. TCRYBA shall be allowed to hold two tournaments without fees. There was a motion to approve by board member Hurst and seconded by board member Trotter. The vote was unanimous. 4. Consider and take appropriate action to create a Sports Association Sub- Committee; to include the appointment of a sub-committee chair Board member Murray nominated board member Abdulky for sub-committee chair. Board member Abdulky accepted the nomination. Board member Arata and McCollister joined the sub-committee. 5. Consider and take appropriate action in appointing a chair to the Keep Trophy Club Beautiful Sub-Committee Board member Hanna stepped down as chair. Board member Little volunteered and accepted the position as chair. 6. Staff/Board update on the following items; discussion of same a. Family Campout recap Director Adams plans to evolve a weather cancellation policy.The campouts will now be rain or shine. b. Christmas events Director Adams plans to evolve a cancellation policy for the event. The Christmas event was cancelled. The 5k run was re-scheduled and approximately 90 people participated. P&R also hosted a family gingerbread house building program. Approximately 25 people attended. c. Dino Playground Director Adams explained the project involved the developer. Originally, the developer had a ideal spot they planned on installing the playground. Also, the foreman of the original installation left. Director Adams then contacted La Terra Studios. La Terra pointed out that the property where the playground was originally planned was never surveyed. Director Adams then contacted the Corp of Engineers regarding the 572 controlling easement. Director Adams also stated there was a problem seeing the playground from the road. La Terra suggested alternative sites for installation. Director Adams plans to present a new timeline of installation and alternative sites at a future town council meeting. board member Abdulky suggested building the Dino park next to the dog park. Director Adams said he would discuss the suggestion at the upcoming town council meeting. d. TCP Superintendent Lohse updated the board on completed eagle scout projects at the park. He discussed potential upcoming events that include Irish bowling and an MX/ATV race. He Director Adams updated the board on the trail closure policy regarding Marshall Creek Ranch. e. Trail Sub-Committee The Elm Fork Texas Master Naturalist Chapter has accepted Trophy Club Park as an approved volunteer project. Board member Trotter spoke about upcoming outdoor programs at the park. Board member Trotter announced the formation of “Keep Trophy Club Wild.” Board member Mills updated the board on the completion of the trail improvements bond project. Board member Mills discussed the need for a trailhead at Sheffield Ct. f. Upcoming programs Superintendent discussed upcoming programs. 2/1 - Mutts and Mochas 2/22 -Bluebird Education Class 3/1 - Mutts and Mochas 3/16 - Irish Bowling 3/21- “Trophy Club Travelers” trip to the George Bush Library End of March - potential disc golf tournament Board member Trotter updated the board on the vendors for Back to Nature. Adjourn Board Member Abdulky made a motion to dismiss the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Board Member McCollister seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ____________________________________ Glenn Hurst Parks & Recreation Board Secretary