Minutes Parks 05/14/2013MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, May 14, 20137:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Larry Lentzner Chairman Jim Hanna Board Member Louis Hocker Board Member Tom Mills Board Member Dean Murray Board Member Kathy Trotter Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT David Abdulky Vice Chairman Glenn Hurst Secretary Stacey Everett Board Member Hayley Little Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director Bill Rose Council Member Jacob Lohse Parks & Recreation Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Lentzner called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. noting a quorum was present. REGULAR SESSION Citizen Presentations: 1. Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the April 09, 2013 Board minutes. Board Member Hanna made a motion to approve the April 9, 2013 Board minutes. Board Member Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning the allocation of 2008 Park Bond funds. The Board voted on the purchase and installation of eight security cameras at Independence Park East for $22,484. Officer Voigt was present to answer any questions regarding the camera system. The Parks Department will handle the • trenching preparation. Board Member Hanna made a motion to approve the purchase and installation of the 3rd Eye Surveillance for $22,484 (includes a 10% town contingency). Board Member Trotter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board voted on the purchase and assembly (not installation into concrete) of new bleachers. The small bleachers currently at Independence East will be moved to another park. Board Member Murray made a motion to approve the purchase and assembly (not installation into concrete) of six bleachers from Southern Bleacher Company in the amount of $23,310. Board Member Hanna seconded the motion. Four board members (Hanna, Mills, Trotter, Lentzner) voted in favor of the purchase. Board Member Hocker opposed. The Board voted on the purchase and installation of a bocce ball court. John Vitale is a resident who asked questions regarding the court. The court will be located at Harmony Park, measuring 10' x 60' with a 12-month warranty. Board Member Hanna made a motion to purchase and install the bocce ball court in the amount of $27,082.50 (includes 5% vendor contingence, 10% town contingency) from vendor name. Board Member Trotter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Member Hocker requested the "amount remaining" after these expenditures. Director Adams said he will bring this information to the next meeting. 3. Keep Trophy Club Beautiful Sub-Committee/staff update; discussion of same. Board Member Hanna updated the board about their monthly meeting which meets the first Thursday of every month. There is $8,000 remaining of the Christmas Decorations money. The wreaths at Trophy Wood and Trophy Club Drive will be re-done. The committee is working on ideas to decorate the roundabout for Christmas 2014. 4. Discuss and provide input concerning the possibility of the Parks and Recreation Board assuming the additional duties associated with the Keep Texas Beautiful Program. Director Adams let the board know that the KTB committee will have very specific criteria, must meet monthly and must have its own budget. The Town Council must approve the creation of this board. With several Board members absent, this item will be discussed at the next meeting. 5. Staff update on the following items; discussion of same: a. Trophy Club Park There are a few items that will need the Council to approve new fees. b. Trails Board Member Mills passed out a financial update on the $25000 for the trail crossings and purchases. Board Member Trotter gave an update on Back to Nature; a 2014 date is being researched. c. Special Events Parade Committee meeting at Fire Station tonight. d. New Playground Shade structure will now be placed to cover more playground. e. Independence East Trees are being planted. Trail quote is roughly $21000; connecting to LDS. New signage is in-progress for the park. f. Harmony Park ,.. .' . Adjourn Cedar trees planted along fence are dying. g. Freedom Dog Park A Facebook page is being worked on for the dog park. People may begin requesting lights at some point. h. Community Pool Open two weekends before the official opening for the season. A farmer's market in the pool parking lot is being considered. i. Linear Park North Continued complaints regarding drainage. Beavers are still an issue. No resolution regarding piers. Water from ponds is being used to water the Highlands. ade a motion to dismiss the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Board Member he tion passed unanimously.