Minutes Parks 09/11/2012MINUTES C)FAREGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN (]FTROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL OR|VE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, September 11.2O127:OUP.K8. STATE {)FTEXAS � COUNTY OF DENTON G The Parks & Recreation Board ofthe Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met inoRegular Session on Tuandev. September11.2O12e17:OOp.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries ofthe Town and was open to the public. Larn/Lentzner Chairman Glenn Hurst Secretary LmuimHooher Board Member Tom Mills Board Member Dean Murray Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member arrived m17:1O Kathy Trotter Board Member Clint8hmedem Council Member Liaison David/\bdu|kv Vice Chairman Stacey Everett Board Member Jim Hanna Board Member Robbie Thomas Board Member STAFF AND GPRESENT Adam Adams Parks 8^ Recreation Director Jeannette Tiffany Council Member Liaison Bill Rose Council Member Sherri Lewis Parks &Recreation Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Lentzner called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. noting a quorum was present. REGULAR SESSION Citizen Presentation: Mr. Chuck Hall of 19 Lakeview Drive. New President of Trophy Club Roanoke Baseball association. Regarding "lighting" policy for Indy East field. Expressed position ofTCRBA board. Any changes to lighting could result in reduction in revenue of tournaments. Trish Myers. Represented Trophy Club Boy Scouts. Ms. Meyers expressed the support ofthe scouts for the Parks and Recreation Department. Further, the scouts are available toassist the department, ifneeded. Dan Donegan of 2211 Prestwick. Parks & Recreation needs to be better stewards of Trophy Club Park; no more excuses about why things are not getting done at this park. Medlin Middle School volunteers have put in over 400 hours of trash pickup at Trophy Club Park. Hayley Little. New Parks & Recreation Board member. Ms. Little took amoment to introduce herself to the board. 1' Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the June 20 and August 21, 2012 Board minutes. Board Member Mills made mmotion b)approve the June 20.2012Board minutes. Board Member Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Member McCollister made a motion to approve the August 21, 2012 Board minutes. Board Member Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Discuss and provide input comoommimg the operational hours for field lights at Independence West Independence East and Harmony Park. Director Adams let the board know that this dnnn will be coming back to council on October 1°` Lights will continue to be turned off at 1OPM at Independence West and Harmony Park. A possible "light" schedule for Independence East will be Mon-Thuna until 10PK8 firm, and Fri -Sun until 11PyN firm. Curnard|y. lights at Independence West can be extended until 11PK8. Staff and TCF|BA cannot predict how game tournaments will start and finish. Director Adams provided e handout from NEMA 3 Electric. A couple of residents residing on LiUvfie|d have concerns about the light schedule at Independence East; angle of light is a concern, not lumens. ADJOURN TO ACKNOWLEDGE OUT -GOING AND IN -COMING BOARD MEMBERS RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION AT 8:20PM 3. Discuss and take appropriate action &msupport a request by the Town tmQVl0D-#1 imassuming the consumable costs associated with Harmony Park operations. Director Adams let the board know that the KUUO vvonto to take over Harmony Park consumable costs: electricity, bathrooms, & water. This cost is approximately $42P{ per year. Board Member Murray made e motion to accept the offer nfMUD #1 assuming the consumable costs associated with Harmony Park operations. Board Member Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Discuss and provide input concerning the remaining Park Bond funds. Director Adams let the board know that some retainage costs had been double booked, causing the remaining bond amount to appear lower than it should be. Director Adams confirmed the remaining bond amount to be $316.408.00. It was further added that ifthis number changes, itwill only increase. 6. Discuss and provide input regarding a presentation given bymembers mfthe Trail Sub -Committee addressing the additional $25,W00needed tocomplete the existing trail system by providing low-water connectivity within Trophy Club Park' Board Member Mills reviewed a slide presentation prepared by the Trails Subcommittee. The slide show provided information regarding the technical reasons to fund Trophy Club Park trail improvements. Money would innpnoma connectivity with Trophy Club and 8outh|ahe. improve four of our most critical low-water crossings, add three trail kiosks, provide six trail side benches and three engraved trail markers. Cross country runners, hikers, and horse riders have increased use of the trails. 6. Staff update on the following items; discussion of same: a. Independence Park Getting trail prices for proposed trail connecting to LDS trail. b. Linear Park North Developer is working on electricity. Pump is down again. c. Trophy Club Park Met with Corp of Engineers to determine what could be built in flood zones. Trophy Club Park Budget for 2013 will be shared at next meeting; will be tighter in 2013. d. The Community Pool Updates at next meeting. e. Harmony Park Seeding with rye grass. The small playground is coming down. f. Lakeview Park Seeding with rye grass. g. Freedom Dog Park/Pet Fest Reviewed Pet Fest flyer. There has been a request for more benches and tables. h. Medians No updates. Council Liaison Tiffany officially announced that Council Member Schroeder will be the new Park Board Liaison. N= Board Member Murray made the motion to adjourn at 9:20pm. Seconded by Board MWber Hoqker./ Motion pa§sed unanimously. Glenn HjArst I '--' v ParRecreation Board Secretary