Minutes Parks 05/08/2012MINUTES OFAREGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN [)FTROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 1OOMUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, May 8.2O127:OOP.M. STATE OFTEXAS 8 COUNTY C)FDE0TON � The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met inaRegular Session on Tueaday, May 0. 2012 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open tothe public. OovidAbdu|kv Vice Chairman Glenn Hurst Secretary Jim Hanna Board Member LouiaHochar Board Member Tom Mills Board Member Robbie Thomas Board Member Kathy Trotter Board Member LarmLentzner Chairman Stacey Everett Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member Dean Murray Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Perko& Recreation Director Jeannette Tiffany Council Member Liaison Bill Rose Council Member Sherri Lewis Recreation Supervisor Call 0morder and announce quorum. Vice Chairman Abdu|kycalled the meeting toorder at715p.m.noting aquorum was Citizen : Resident asked about the replacement of the "small playground" at Harmony RobbieThomas let the board know about a volunteer opportunity that Trophy Club might want to look into; contact Sabre to see if they would be interested in volunteering as a group in our park system. 1' Discuss and take appropriate action onthe approval mfthe April 11,2012minutes. Board Member Hanna abstained from voting because he was not present at the April meeting. Board Member Hurst motioned to approve the April 11.2012minutes. Board 2' Staff update on the following: o. Facility user agreement with beemboU Town Council passed the Facility User Agreement with TCRBAonMay 7.2D12. The agreement will enhance communication between Town and association, gives clear guidelines for field usage, and requires that the association President urVice President beoTrophy Club resident. b. Park Bond items Board members have requested that "further discussion ofremaining projects" ba an agenda item before moving forward with remaining projects. New project ideas may arise and beadded tnthe project |i*t. c. Trophy Club Park Director Adams is currently working on bids for rnovvinQ trails. Board Member Mills offered his time to go to the park and show the contractor exactly where the trails are located; Director Adams agreed to connect Board Member Mills with the contractor the next time the mowers are onsite. Director Adams confirmed that garbage iopicked upevery Friday, the "dunmp''will bgcleaned out and nolonger used, and a"maintenance map" iabeing created for the Parks crew. Board Member Trotter shared the progress that has been made at TCP over the past year. d. Linear Park North Trail has been mowed. There iaolot oftrash from the builders being dumped along the trail. Cat tails need tobeaddressed along portions ofthe trail. "Enforcement" signage may be necessary to help curtail the litter issue. Staff will consider adding trash cans along the trail. Erosion igstill anissue around the ponds. Staff ioholding off onthe pier until an^mquaticn''study iocompleted. e. Naming of remaining facilities and parks TheComnnounityPVo|needeananme—aothatnevvoiAnmgeoanbernmde. f. Freedom Dog Park Steady usage and well attended. Nonotable update. O. Community Pool m Porhvievvahou|dbeopanK8oy24 .intime for the pool opening for Memorial Day weekend. All guards have been hired and new guard stands have been purchased. Play features have been re -painted bvthe manufacturer atnocost to the Town because the original paint had problems. Staff iobudgeting toopen the pool two weekends prior to, aewell anafter the scheduled season. The additional weekends will likely have to be staffed with adults because most students will still be in school. Adjourn BoardHanna made the motion toadjourn at8:32pnl. Seconded bvBoard Pads &-RacreationBoard Secretary