Minutes Parks 03/13/2012MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Larry Lentzner Chairman Glenn Hurst Secretary Stacey Everett Board Member Jim Hanna Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member arrived at 8:07prn Tom Mills Board Member Dean Murray Board Member arrived at 7:11 pm Robbie Thomas Board Member Kathy Trotter Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT David Abdulky Vice Chairman Louis Hocker Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director Jeannette Tiffany Council Member Liaison Bill Rose Council Member Sherri Lewis Recreation Supervisor Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Lentzner called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. noting a quorum was present, Citizen Presentation 1. Discuss and take appropriate action on the Jan. 10, 2012 minutes. Approve meeting minutes with correction of 911 posts. Only/ or 75 out of 150 installed. Board Member Thomas motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Board Member Hanna seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Discuss and take appropriate action on a primary and an alternate member to participate in the Town Council's Vision process. Town Council's 20-30 Year Vision Meeting will be at 7pm on March 27tH The purpose of this committee is to help shape Trophy Club in the future; to reinvent ourselves to be competitive with other cities on Hwy 114. Each Town Board will have a representative. Board Member Lentzner motioned to nominate Board Member Everett as the primary representative, and Board Member Trotter as the alternate. Board member Hanna seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Discuss and provide input on a discussion by staff concerning the allocation of the remaining Park Bond funds. Director Adams reviewed the allocation of remaining Park Bond funds: $457,000 estimated remaining bond funds. Harmony Park, Independence East, Pool Splash Pad, TC Park, Independence West, and At -Large Rec Center. Adam Adams made a PowerPoint presentation with costs/pricing. The request was made of Director Adams to bring a more detailed, prioritized list of the remaining project ideas so that the Park Board may take one more look at the projects before they go to the Town Council meeting on April 16tH 4. Staff to give a presentation on upcoming special events and discussion of the same. Upcoming Programs and Special Events: Family Camp Out is this weekend, March 17tH, $4 per family, Texas Parks and Wildlife fishing programs for kids, Dickey's BBQ. Easter Eggstravaganza on March 31St at 10am at Independence Park East, pictures with Easter Bunny, putty and eggs, whistles, inflatable bunnies. Arbor Day April 28th at Trophy Club Park, 7:30am — 1:30Pam, trail trek fun -run (7:30am-11 am), adopt -a -park litter pick-up (10:30am-1:30pm). Special Events and all subcommittees will be active this year. 6. Staff update on the following: a. Trophy Club Park 18hole disc golf course itupandrunning! 4Ominutes [oget 18holes. T- boxmo and maps in next week. Holes one not set in concrete as some of the holes need tobetweaked up. Frisbees are about $2Ofor 3pack mt Academy Sports. Play itagain sports are $2.97 mpiece. November meeting Parks crew had lighter |oadmndknomkoutinsta|lationofkioohm. access, and 911 sign posts? Timeframe to complete? All kiosks are in, mud clearing and expansion offence line, and 75811posts have been purchased but not installed. Adam todiscuss with Jacob ontimeline to complete installs. Alot ofwork around kiosks, vandalism onkiosk signage at TW 0ng, camera up and active. Sign at Harmony Park pointing to Mud trail. Need for drainage easement. Homeland security grant? b. Independence Park Independence Park: Spring Baseball grand opening on24thMarch c' Harmony Park How can city let homes eoclose toHarmony Park? Tennis court lights need bobeinstalled ASAP. Pipe rail fence was set incorrectly aepark was built partially into private property /12feed. d' Linear Park North Linear Park North: erosion mnissue, bridge bvByJHSstill under discussion. e' Beautification &lFmme Subcommittee Trails Board Member Hanna chairs this subcommittee and gave mbrief update. Look sdkeep Texas and keep America beautiful programs. Look ot lighting TC Park for Christmas with Christmas lights and displays; seeking sponsorships for the displays. f. CFABrecommmmemdatimn CFAB (Citizen's Financial Advisory Board) recommendation: staff talked with EDC4Aonways toreduce debt ofcurrent bonds and spend funds that are allocated. EDC4A budget is intended to relieve town ofdebt to easy uppayment ofbond notes. EOC4Apaid for pool resurfacing, recently. g' Sports Agreement Director Adams met with TCRBA representatives and discussed aSports Agreement template for7CRBA tobeapproved by town council. The Town ionot looking totake over any ofthe sports associations. The ^aoamniabon^model helps toensure teams have funding and are viable. The Sports Agreement will include topics such as: concession stand use, maintenance windows, tournament season, insurance requirements, an well maother details pertaining tofield usage and guidelines. Adjourn Board Member Murray made the motion to adjourn at 9:00pm. Seconded by Board MemWer Hanna. Motion passed unanimously. 11 GlennkH st > / J Parks & ecreation Board Secretary