Minutes Parks 08/21/2012MINUTES OFAREGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN [)FTROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 1OOMUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUE8D/0'.August 21.2O12 7:00P.yW. STATE C)FTEXAS � COUNTY OF DENTON The Parks & Recreation Board ofthe Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met inmRegular Session on August 21. 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open tothe public. Larry Lentzner Chairman DavidAbdu|kv Vice Chairman Glenn Hurst Secretary Stacey Everett Board Member Jim Hanna Board Member LouiaHouher Board Member arrived ofM:5O Tom Mills Board Member Dean Murray Board Member Chris McCollister Board K8ernbar arrived ot7:O5 Robbie Thomas Board Member arrived at0:45 Kathy Trotter Board Member STAFF ANDBW PRESENT Adam Adams Parks 8Recreation Director CUntShmoeder Council Member Liaison Bill Rose Council Member Sherri Lewis Parks & Recreation Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Lentznmrcalled the meeting toorder sd8:38p.m.noting aquorum was 1. Discussion oftrail connectivity from the LDS property into Independence East. Director Adams presented m echmnooUc of the proposed trail connection. The Board and citizens discussed possible pros and cons ofthe project. |fthe trail io mppnoved, it was agreed by the Board and citizens that were present that safety measures would benecessary; back stops for the baseball fields. CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSIK}N7:22 p.m. Citizen Presentation: Mike Fitzgerald asked how Boards and Commission advertise 2' Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Board's recommendations for the appointment of persons tofill four expiring seats mmthe Park Board. Director Adams let the Board know that Deena Boudro withdrew her name. Shirley Geer and Kevin Callahan were present for their Park Board interview. The remaining candidates were unable to attend the meeting: Dan Donegan, Doyle Anderson, Hay|ee Little. Board Member Murray made amotion buvote the current Board members that applied for re -appointment anoslate vote toben+oppoin1ed: Board Members Abdu|kv.Trotter, and Everett. Board Member McCollister seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Chairman Lenbcnarexplained the interview process tothe two applicants who were present: Shirley Geer and Kevin Callahan. After the interviews took place the Board discussed the applicants who were absent by reviewing the applications. The Park Board voted inthree rounds, rounds 1-3. The applicant who received the most votes ineach round is the applicant that the Board will recommend Council appoints tothe Park Board. Haylee Little received the majority ofthe votes inthe first round, filling the vacant seat onthe Board. Dan Donegan received the majority ofthevotem inthe second round, filling the 1st alternate seat. Kevin Callahan received the majority ofthmthindroundofvotee.fiUinQthe 2'malternate seat. 3. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning a presentation by staff identifying additional bond projects with the possibility of moving forward on one ormore mf those items. After reviewing project idaao.theBoerdvptedonaevexo|iternm. Board Member Murray made a motion to repaint the basketball courts and install four backboards. Board yWennberAbdu|kv seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Member McCollister made a motion to install four tables at Independence Park East. Board Member Murray seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Member Trotter made a motion to move forward with the list of "trail items" —nnop information box, kiosk (white chape|, concrete, beach). 3 park bmnohea, sign croeoingo, sign hardware, Indian creek cnnsainA. Upper Boulder Creek crossing, Lower Boulder Creek crooa|nQ, horse chute, boulders — (minus disc golf, 8 benchea, picnic tables, and electronic sign) — not to exceed $25.000. Board Member Abdu|kyseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Member Murray made o motion to install disc golf pads at Trophy Club Park Board Member Hanna seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Board Member Murray made the motion to table item until the next meeting and adjourn at 10:25pm. Seconded by Board Member Abulky. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Staff update on the following items; discussion of same: a. Independence Park b' Linear Park North c. Trophy Club Park d. The Community Pmm| e' Harmony Park f. Day Camp • Budget h. Round-abotm Offromr, Board Member Murray made the motion to table item 4 until the next meeting and and Member Abulky. Motion passed unanimously. Parks & Recreation Board Secretary