TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2011 7:00 P.M.
The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular
Session on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 7:08 p.m. The meeting was held within the
boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Larry Lentzner
Barbie Kadow
Dave Glaser
Board Member
Steve Gregory
Board Member
Jim Hanna
Board Member
Chris McCollister
Board Member
Dean Murray
Board Member
Robbie Thomas
Board Member
Kathy Trotter
Board Member
David Abdulky
Steven Kohs
Vice Chairman
Board Member
Adam Adams
Parks & Recreation Director
Bill Rose
Council Member
Jacob Lohse
Recreation Supervisor
Sherri Lewis
Recreation Supervisor
Call to order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Lentzner called the Regular Session to order at 7:08 p.m. noting a
quorum was present.
Citizen Presentation
There were no citizen presentations
Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the May 10 and
June 14, 2011 minutes.
May 10 minutes amended to reflect that Board Member Gregory was in
attendance. Board Member Gregory motioned to approve the May 10, 2011
minutes as amended. Board Member Glaser seconded the motion. Motion
passed unanimously.
June 14 minutes amended to reflect that Board Member Murray was in
attendance, Board Member Hanna's name was would be spelled correctly, and
formatting issues would be corrected. Board Member Hanna motioned to
approve the June 14, 2011 minutes as amended. Board Member Glaser
seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Discuss and provide input on a staff update concerning bond and PID
amenities and objectives in the following areas.
a. Independence East
Director Adams let the board know that sod will be installed this week,
construction is within the time allotted for the project, and that there will
be a grand opening "event" in conjunction with a baseball tournament.
The target date for the grand opening is the last weekend in October.
Board Member Lentzner shared his vision about future baseball
tournaments; 5 day tournament, partner with Roanoke and baseball
organizations, one of the days would be a "fun" day for participants to
enjoy what Trophy Club and the metroplex have to offer. He also let the
board know that progress is coming along nicely.
b. Community Pool and Splash Park
Director Adams gave a brief update on revenue, comparing 2010
numbers "to date" with 2011 numbers "to date." Budgeting for the pool is
a little tricky sense it must be budgeted two years out. There is a zoning
change that will be going to Town Council to make the pool and splash
park "governmental." Staff may look at extending operating hours.
c. Harmony Park
Teague Nall and Perkins is moving ahead with soccer fields, as planned.
Chain link fence will be moved closer to the street in the first part of
The Harmony Park spray pad will be on the Town Council agenda at their
next meeting. A new discussion regarding the Spray Pad has come up; it
would be more cost effective for the MUD to run the operations due to the
cost of water. If the Splash Pad is approved, the target date to have it
completed is Labor Day Weekend.
Director Adams researched the cost of a "recirculatory" water system. It
was found that after the cost of supplies, it would take upwards of 15
years to recoup the cost of that system. A "holding tank" or "pond"
system was also researched; it was found to be cost prohibitive. The
quoted cost for the project will be held until May 2012.
It was noted that the Park and Recreation Board has voted twice to
approve the Splash Park.
d. The concrete trail system and amenity lake
Director Adams updated the board on the Median and Common Area
RFP (Request For Proposals). The RFP will go before Town Council on
Monday, July 18th, 2011. Adams stated that in his opinion the trail system
will benefit from the labor being in-house Also, the amenity lakes are off-
line while the transformer and cipher between the two lakes are being
Director Adams let the board know that there will likely be unallocated
money left from the bond. The Facilities Sub -Committee and the Board
will need to discuss possible uses for this money.
e. Trophy Club Park trail system
Director Adams let the board know that regardless of the outcome of the
RFP, maintenance of the motorized trails will be covered by the
contractor, or the Town will need to hire additional staff. If the Town
maintains the trails, 2 additional staff have been budgeted.
Discussion among board about trail signage. The trail sub -committee is
working on the nature trail signage. There is no firm date of when all
signs will be completed and installed. Also, it would be nice to add 'Yule'
signage (specifically regarding no bicycles on the trail) at parking trail
heads. It might also be good to start thinking about naming the trails.
Although, Town Council will need to be involved in that process.
A "trail" plan will begin before the "master" plan is complete. The Corps is
okay with this.
Recreation/community center survey
Director Adams let the board know that money is still available to do an
official survey. He noted that it would be best to do the survey after the
baseball field and dog park are complete. Since the survey process is a
long process, it may be a good idea to begin working on it fairly quickly
after the other projects are complete. A survey pertaining to the
Recreation/community center would be a portion of a larger "feasibility'
3. Discuss and provide input on a staff presentation concerning the Fourth of
July Celebration.
Director Adams and Recreation Supervisor Lewis reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation that gave a detailed recap of the Fourth of July Celebration.
4. Discuss and provide input concerning an update on Trophy Club Park.
Recreation Supervisor Lohse revealed the debut of the Trophy Club Park web
page. The new site will feature: an interactive site, a blog, a Facebook link, a
message board, and a list of amenities. The Trophy Club Park web page will link
to the Town's web page.
Recreation Supervisor Lohse also let the board know about an event coming to
the park in August — TORN Racing event for ATV and motorcross. The event
promoter will be building new trails, renting the park for 4 days and handling all
event logistics and using Trophy Club Drive as main entrance to the event site.
EDC4b will be providing "Trophy Club" coupon booklets to the promoter to
include the packets that are passed out to the participants when they check in.
5. Future agenda items:
Discussion of what can
park space in regards
be taken to Town Council based on our amenities and
to a 3-day event organized for the Wounded Warrior
Board Member Glaser made the motion to adjourn at 9:19 p.m. Seconded by
Board Member Hanna. Motion passed unanimously.